Which One Do You Identify With?

We are living in the most incredibly challenging times where our normal way of life has been hijacked. The on-going Covid-19 social restrictions and confinement to our homes has been one of the most devastating for humanity. Our reduced freedom of movement has had a huge impact on our ability to exercise outdoors, move around safely and our overall mental health.

During the Pandemic:

  • Sixty-one percent of U.S. adults report undesired weight changes since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
  • Stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy changes in eating habits, and increased alcohol consumption are all contributing factors.
  • Experts say making small adjustments to your daily routine can help make big changes for a healthier lifestyle.

Aside from the serious health concerns associated with COVID-19, you may have heard people make light about gaining “the COVID 19” weight.

In fact, a new American Psychological Association (APA) survey of more than 3,000 people reveals that 61% of U.S. adults report undesired weight changes since the COVID-19 outbreak.

If you are one of those 61%, no matter which country you live in, then this program will be of immense help to shift those unwanted and unnecessary pounds which were really no fault of your own.

Hack your way to weight-loss!

This incredible ‘hack your subconscious’ package has helped 17 of my clients lose a combined total of 130lbs in just 6 weeks – that’s an average of 7.7lb per person!

I am so proud of their achievements.

The hack your subconscious package can help you finally lose weight

This is not a diet. This package is a series of special methods and techniques that speak directly to your subconscious to focus on all the underlying causes that have caused you to gain weight. This course helps you to address, release and clear all the underlying and unconscious programming that’s interwoven with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

This program has been designed to help you drop your emotional baggage and extra weight for you to enjoy your life to the full.

  • Stop comfort eating
  • Address emotional eating
  • Let go of Past Life issues
  • Release Ancestral problems
  • Free yourself of emotional issues developed since birth
  • Get rid of food cravings
  • Stop carrying shame or guilt of sexual connotations
  • Balance your hormones
  • Change the composition of fat and help release the bad fat
  • And so much more….

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297

Early Bird Price: 



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1x Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for  Ultimate Weight Loss Results


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447

Early Bird Price:



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1 Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for Ultimate Weight Loss Results

30 Minute 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your

individual weight loss journey.

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Virginia's Clients Are Changing Their Lives Because of This Program! Check These Stories Out!

“This went ‘weigh’ beyond the ‘weight’...lost 12 lbs and inches and really boosted alignment!”

“So I measured my waist, lower belly and upper belly under the bust. 3 inches off waist, 2 off the lower belly, one off the top. I expect I've lost inches elsewhere...also my core feels stronger and I am doing my yoga workout much more easily...these changes are so much than weight loss because they are lasting...a better relationship with my body and exercise!!!

4lbs this week so 12 pounds in total! Yeay! Thank you. I have really changed my eating habits so I plan to carry on with this for another two months!

It was an exceptional programme-thank you so much....this went 'weigh' beyond the 'weight' Really boosted alignment, released emotional weight and reconnected me! Amazing Thank you so much!"

~ Aisling ….UK

“Pants now fit well!”

“So in total I have lost 2.5 kilos (5.5 lbs). I went down most in the waist these weeks, so now the pants fit well.

It may not be that much I have lost, but because I did not lose weight on my own, the result feels fantastic. Now I know it is possible to release weight, and I have promised myself that the weight loss will take the time it needs.

So thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the knowledge you have shared with you during these weeks. And I hope it all culminates in a course one day so more people learn to think differently when it comes to weight loss."

~ L-Lotte, Norway

“This was life changing for me…release of 11.4lbs. HUGE shifts!”

“Released 2.6 lbs this week. Total release of 11.4 lbs!

I was surprised at amount of my latest release. I will make the changes and awareness of things a more permanent part of my life. It will contribute to my life in multiple ways.

Thank you again Virginia, this was life changing for me. I am so pleased. This feels like a HUGE shift for me!"

~ Pat H, USA

“I enjoyed the whole experience…losing weight, support and motivation via the group!”

I enjoyed the whole experience, all the exercises and losing some weight. I liked that it made me more mindful of eating.

The relief and motivation of having a group to share with, the understanding nature of the discussions, the amazing support from the MP3s , Virginia's warmth and humour-made it all really fun!!"

~ N.T, UK

“Such a blessing to have all of this healing energy, wisdom and magical MP3’s for life!”

“Oh my gosh, It was all amazing!

I loved our weekly zoom group meetings, especially Virginia's Ancestral/toxin chemical /clearing exercises, all of the exercises were powerful in so many different ways.

The group energy and healing energy, time, wisdom and creativity so generously shared from Virginia l loved actively doing water blessings and receiving those magical mp3s. Such a blessing to have these for life! Wow!!! so very thankful and grateful."

~ C.E, NZ

“I liked the concrete tools to work with and gradual development every week!”

“I liked having concrete tools to work with (exercises and mp3`s). I liked that there was a gradual development every week. This way, it did not become too overwhelming.

I enjoyed hearing other people's experiences, often I could recognize myself in them. I also felt very confident in you Virginia and the way you care about us. Thank you!!"

~ T.N, Sweden

The destruction of being overweight

People who are overweight, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including the following:

  • All-causes of death
  • High blood pressure
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol
  • High levels of triglycerides
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Breathing problems
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders4,5
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning6

Benefits of Losing Weight

You don’t have to lose hundreds of pounds to enjoy the physical health benefits of weight loss. If you are currently overweight or obese, losing just a small amount of weight may be all you need improve your overall health. 

In fact, some studies show that just a 5% to 10% decrease in your weight can change your health.

Losing weight can mean:

  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Lower risk of certain cancer
  • Less joint pain
  • Reduced risk of stroke
  • Improved symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • Less symptoms of sleep apnoea
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Improved mobility
  • Balanced blood sugar levels
  • Less back pain

Lifestyle Benefits

In addition to the medical benefits, you also experience an improved lifestyle. People who have successfully lost weight report:

  • More active social life
  • Better sleep
  • Improved sex life
  • Positive body image
  • Happier mood
  • Greater confidence
  • Improved energy
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Improved vitality
  • Enhanced quality of life

More Incredible Transformations From the Inside Out!

“I appreciated Virginia's expertise in identifying and clearing energies not in alignment with the goal of releasing weight!”

“I appreciated that the course contains a number of different tools/methods to address the subject of weight. Included were energetic tracks to help the body function more optimally and tracks that assist in weight and energy release.

The regular Zoom meetings included exercises to assist with the release of weight as well as addressing the effects of ancestral and parallel timelines as they contribute to our present life. The Zoom meetings also included Virginia's expertise in identifying and clearing energies not in alignment with the goal of releasing weight.

The Facebook group allowed additional support from the group who was participating. I wish to express much gratitude to Virginia for the opportunity to participate and believe I will continue to experience success as I continue to use the program."

~ Pat H, USA

“This program was amazing!”

“I know weight loss is not your thing… but you can help so many people struggling with this issue. If you sell this program in one of the summits, you will be busy for years to come. The program was amazing and I'm so thankful to have participated in it. Love you Virginia Mahalo"

~ Renata G, USA

“10+ Program!”

10+ Amazing as always! Thank you so much for your time, love, kindness and for helping me heal this part of me!"

~ Beronica, USA

“Exceptional and soooo much more than a weight reduction course.”

AMAZING, unique, powerful, supportive, motivating, holistic, magical, fun, effective and healing on all levels. Exceptional and soooo much more than a weight reduction course. Thank you!!!!"

~ Aisling H, UK

“Virginia never cease to amaze me…this program works on multiple levels…very effective.”

“Dear Virginia, you never cease to amaze me with the huge amount of energy you and your spiritual team have generously created to bring us back to alignment with our true selves. This releasing weight/toxins programme works on multiple levels. Not just on the physical level but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The mp3s are gently powerful, empowering, beautiful, soothing to listen to and deeply cleansing. (Sometimes I felt I could hear your comforting voice whispering prayers for the specific intention of the mp3 ) I especially love the chimes and rain sounds.

These are highly effective healing tools that do change belief patterns, shift subconscious unconscious patterns, ancestral conditioning/clearing, healing our stomach, liver & other organs to name a few.

I have felt a calming of fluctuating hormones and I experienced a deeper sleep( which is such a profound blessing.)

And...yes the water! How I loved drinking blessed water!! Tastes so much better, and I drink much more and consciously.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone who needs support in shifting their belief patterns. To support you to step into a powerful, sacred healing space, a journey to lose the weight that does not serve your greatest good, and to step into all that you can be, lighter healthy and happy. Absolutely amazing."

~ Christina E, NZ

“It really works!!!!!!!! ”

100 % Loved the course, it was well worth the 6 weeks commitment and more. Virginia was great and a lot of fun. Loved all the feedback from the other ladies. I Learned so much from this course, new techniques were amazing."

~ Anita, USA

Meet Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Light Energy Alchemist, Medical Intuitive, Past, Present & Future Life Practitioner & Trainer

Einstein told us everything is energy and we understand that the Zero Point Field has Infinite Possibilities - this is the field I work in.

Most people have no understanding of how energy plays a vital role in their lives; resulting in a life lived in the flow of infinite possibilities or in a life obstructed at every turn.

I transform and transmute those energies from negative to positive, in the environment, personal energy fields, physical bodies and any other areas needed, bringing balance and harmony where needed.

Through the magic of the internet, I touch the lives of thousands of people globally.

This Program Works! Check Out These Amazing Stories!

“Observing the others results is proof how well this can work!”

“I could feel Virginia's dedication and commitment to making this program tops! It is profound, creative and fun. Because I was behind I'd say you can go at your own pace and still have results, observing the others results is proof how well this can work, brilliant!"

~ Suzie O, USA

“This is a 10 out of 10 for me!”

One of the most powerful programs I have gone through! I loved the calls, the MP3's and the support inside of the FB group. Thank you Virginia!"

~ G. P, USA

“With these tools I know I can lose the weight I have set as a goal!”

“A common weight loss program has not worked for me in many years. Thus, I have been waiting for something else. I did not know what this was.....until now.

What emerged during these last weeks have felt right. And with all the information and amazing tools I now have I know I can lose the weight I have set as a goal. Feel slim and beautiful I already do. This is huge for me. Some kind of a turning point in my life.

I do hope this course will be brought to other people's doors too. I think they'll feel as blessed and grateful as I am right now."

~ L. L

“Hoping to continue to report more weight loss as I continue to work through this course!”

The course was wonderful but went way too fast. Will continue with the mp3's and listening to the calls moving forward so hoping to be able to report more weight releasing in the coming weeks. So grateful to have been a part of this."

~ Anna, Canada

“I have less cravings!”

“CRAVINGS…Yes, I have less sugar, salty, greasy cravings. I noticed that when I’ve had rough emotional days or stress K just wanted those foods to feel a void."

~ B.G, USA

“MUCH more motivated to exercise and MUCH happier when I'm doing it”

““I didn't really have cravings-more tendency towards comfort eating. This has definitely changed with some effort on my part. I am eating MUCH healthier food generally and automatically picking the healthiest options in the supermarket without even thinking about it (that red/green hypnosis was v powerful). I feel MUCH more motivated to exercise and MUCH happier when I'm doing it. I am fitter! Yay!"

~ A. H., UK

“Eating much less and less cravings!”

Eating much less. Not having chippy cravings like I used to. There is not a magnetic pull to lower vibrational foods. I feel my emotions have become way more detached to eating foods that do not serve my highest good. Way more conscious and I now have no doubt that I can lose this weight"

~ C.E, NZ

“Less cravings and picking cleaner foods now!”

“Definitely, I don’t crave crisps or chocolates anymore... if they are about and I feel like I’m missing out (a mindset thing) I have a tiny bite but even then it doesn’t feel/ taste good so I don’t really bother. I am craving more water and clean foods though so I have gained a craving."

~ Sonia S, UK

“I now long for the domestic early vegetables and fruits!”

“My cravings for dark chocolate and chips disappeared immediately when the trial began. During Easter I ate some chocolate. Too sweet. I also ate some chips. Realized the body was not happy about the junk food and I stopped eating. Now I long for the domestic early vegetables and fruits. It feels much better to yearn for something like that than junk food"

~ L- Norway

“I lost a total of 6 pounds and over 6 inches!”

“I was a participant in the weight loss sessions done by Virginia Rounds Griffiths, I lost a total of 6 pounds and over 6 inches.

The group sessions gave me many releases and taught me how to ground myself. The rest of the members of the group were super supportive and sometimes were able to articulate things I had not thought of.

Virginia is an amazing intuitive healer and guide. Her scans were always spot on and were able to help us to move through any plateaus. She gave us many tools to selfheal! Being able to go back and listen to the calls again was a huge support! I would do the program again!"

~ Edie L, USA

“Released 8lbs and 3 inches from my waist!”

“I released about 3 inches from my waist and up to eight pounds. My weight does fluctuate it seems due to retaining fluid in my legs and medications that cause weight gain and I do experience menopause symptoms. My physical body is more sedentary from physical disabilities.

Where it seems Virginia’s sessions made the most difference was the cravings diminished. Desire to eat as much as I did decreased. The stress and urgency I put on myself subsided. Beating myself up about my weight stopped.

Throughout her sessions. I felt every shift, change, blocks dissolving. I did several courses/sessions from spiritual healers and Virginia was the only one where it made any kind of difference at all. All the others made no change at all in any way.

I feel Virginia is the most trusted healer I have encountered and there were many over the years. Her and her team were able to zero in on the areas needing addressing.

I am so blessed to have encountered such a magnificent caring person who can get the job done and make changes in people’s lives. Much sincere thanks and gratitude."

~ ShRon Stroes, CA

“I have a completely different relationship with food!”

I don’t feel controlled by food or by cravings any longer, I eat when I’m hungry, I don’t crave sweets as much, I’m no longer overeating out of nervousness or boredom. I simply have a completely different relationship with food. Energetically I feel like I have shed a million pounds, so liberated from so much this life/past life/ancestral energy, I feel so much lighter from that, and that is profound."

~ Kim, CA

“I have not needed my daily dark chocolate!”

“I took Virginia's weight class and it was amazing!. She personized it by checking in on what was needed for our group, had MP3s to listen to, showed us steps on processes to use and we also delved deep into what might be holding us back either emotionally or in past lives. She even did a part on cravings, and I have not "needed" my daily dark chocolate. That is a miracle in itself!

I personally have been stuck in trying to lose weight for 15 years. While taking this class I lost 10 lbs which is wonderful! I am on my way to eating healthier, exercising more and now have the tools to continue on the right path.

Thank you Virginia for your caring, generous soul and knowledgeable insight in helping me be a better me. I would absolutely recommend this class to everyone."

~ Renee C, USA

“Released 12lbs…have more energy and less cravings!”

“I continue to become aware of the shifts I am experiencing physically, mentally and emotionally. With these sessions I released twelve pounds and noticed more energy.

This weight reduction was a roller coaster each week where I would lose some and gain it back. Thank goodness I broke that cycle.

I became comfortable with my overall weight for a while. I happened to see my reflection recently and was not happy. This was an awakening for me to keep going! I visualized my body trim and fit and continue to focus on this. Interestingly your last session included mirror work! After watching your last video, I became more peaceful and relaxed.

All of your sessions have been helpful, especially the ones with cortisone release, stress and liver healing.

I have been focusing on salt and sugar content in food and have increased my awareness of how much salt I added to my food. Yikes! Less dairy and sweets, along with smaller portions has helped. 

I thank you and will continue with your powerful program. As you mentioned, what we think our body will do! Magic happens! With love, light and gratitude."

~ Judy Kniss

“I can now wear dresses without shapewear and zip them up myself as I did when I was younger!”

“I saw my doctor last month and he asked, “what are you doing to lose weight?” So, I told him about working with a healer and planned to lose more weight. I have lost 11 pounds and two inches off my hips, waist and bust.

My clothes fit better, and I can now wear dresses without shapewear and zip them up myself as I did when I was younger. I look slimmer in my swimsuits as well and have had to shop for smaller size clothes. My face and neck are even thinner than before the program and I have more energy!

During my group sessions with Virginia, she balanced our hormones and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and thyroid glands. During another session, Virginia found imbalances in my thyroid, lymphatics and sacrum and healed those issues on the spot.

What sets Virginia apart from other healers is that she empowers us to heal ourselves with the tools, i.e., MP3, PDFs, given to us. She is genuine and sincere in her approach to her teachings and cares for the well-being for each and every one of us.

This program has been life changing experience for me and for the first time in my life, I can say I know what it means to love your body’s shape while you are in the process of losing weight! You can’t body shame your way to health and weight loss, you just must love and approve of yourself as you are. I highly recommend working with Virginia Rounds Griffiths."

~ Deborah H.

“I have lost inches and feel better in my clothes”

“I want to thank you for giving the time you gave for this program. I am very grateful. I don’t weigh myself as I gave it up years ago. I have experienced feeling much lighter most days and I don’t have the emotional eating that I use to have.

I am much more aware of what I eat and how I feel. I have lost inches and feel better in my clothes. The emotional eating in the evenings after coming home from work was out of control.

I definitely feel that is my biggest gain from this program as it use to control me and I always felt horrible almost drugged after binge eating. Thank you again. I have most of your programs and am grateful for them too! Love and Blessing!"

~ Robin

Available for a Limited Time Only

90 Days Remote Energy Support for Ultimate Weight Loss Results

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297

Early Bird Price: 



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1x Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for  Ultimate Weight Loss Results


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447

Early Bird Price:



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1 Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for Ultimate Weight Loss Results

30 Minute 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your

individual weight loss journey.

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A


13 x 45 Minute Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes


The Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes are the POWERHOUSE of this program!

The 12 master classes are carefully sequenced to take you through a COMPLETE weight loss journey. Beginning with block removal and ending with sculpting fat from your body, these master classes hit EVERY area that may be hindering your weight loss and clears them whether you attend live or listen to the recordings.

Other topics include exciting topics such as:

Virtual Gastric Band

Eliminate Your Cravings

Your Hormones and Weight Gain

Shame, Abuse and Issues with Your Body Image

And Many More!

Virginia's clients love to share their experiences as a group, which helps to support the process and gain inspiration from one another.

Each Group Call is on a weekly basis and follows a set sequence - they are LIFE TRANSFORMING and not to be missed!


We will find and release any issues where you are unconsciously holding on to excess fat. We will be looking at these areas:

  • Aligning to lose weight i.e., is my Soul congruent?
  • Present Life issues
  • Past Life Transference
  • Ancestral Lineage impact

I teach you also how to Alchemise water to help cleanse and enhance your drinking water for maximum benefit. We’ll also program this water for your use on this journey and for the future.

“This group call shook my world and helped me over a plateau and release 5lbs!”

“I’d already brought many WL packages only to continue gaining & lower my bank account, nope I’ll listen and I won’t buy! I didn’t right away and then I was lead to buy one more package. As you know, I was not an immediate success, played the up/down 2 pounds for months. Then sweet Virginia gifted us with 4 addition sessions.

I knew there was something deeply seeded that was holding the weight. I can’t remember if it was 2nd or 3rd session you asked the question, are you in alignment to lose weight, NO, why? Past lives, My Mother I had been lead there before, but I just couldn’t go there, until you and our teams lead us there. That shook my world again, then another layer and another layer and I broke the plateau to release 5 pounds. I’m feeling more peace, willing to get out a bit more, Virginia, You facilitated bringing me through some tough hurdles.

You brought back my faith and trust in “healers” (at least you), clients are more than $ to you. You actually care and want to help those who are willing to do the work.

Your laughs bring a smile to our faces, while raising our vibrations, you see/deeply in and your knowledge of the body, mind and spirit is amazing. Thank you for sharing your gifts and the blessing you are."


We will get straight into addressing your Emotional Eating patterns and facilitate clearing around the disastrous effects of over-eating, especially when we are feeling emotional, or we’ve had a bad or stressful day.

Emotional eating can make us feel out of control and is a huge part of our own self- sabotage, which is why this is one of the first issues we deal with on this program.

“I have lost inches and feel better in my clothes”

“I want to thank you for giving the time you gave for this program. I am very grateful. I don’t weigh myself as I gave it up years ago. I have experienced feeling much lighter most days and I don’t have the emotional eating that I use to have.

I am much more aware of what I eat and how I feel. I have lost inches and feel better in my clothes. The emotional eating in the evenings after coming home from work was out of control.

I definitely feel that is my biggest gain from this program as it use to control me and I always felt horrible almost drugged after binge eating. Thank you again. I have most of your programs and am grateful for them too! Love and Blessing!:"

~ Robin

A process to hack the subconscious to shrink the stomach

A relaxing journey to connect the nerves to the stomach to facilitate a shrinking of the stomach to take in less food. This process is powerful, and many people can really feel their stomach shrinking during the session.

You may find that you’ll naturally want to eat less food following this session.

“The shrinking of the stomach was great! I was actually feeling that my stomach was shrinking and getting tighter"

~ BG, CA


Cravings for all sorts of food can be the undoing of even the best of intentions. Many of us have bizarre cravings e.g., chocolate, all types of sugary foods, carbs, sour foods and many more. We tackle these cravings with the right tools to make these cravings a thing of the past.

“Eating much less and less cravings!”

Eating much less. Not having chippy cravings like I used to. There is not a magnetic pull to lower vibrational foods. I feel my emotions have become way more detached to eating foods that do not serve my highest good. Way more conscious and I now have no doubt that I can lose this weight"

~ C.E, NZ

“I now long for the domestic early vegetables and fruits!”

“My cravings for dark chocolate and chips disappeared immediately when the trial began. During Easter I ate some chocolate. Too sweet. I also ate some chips. Realized the body was not happy about the junk food and I stopped eating. Now I long for the domestic early vegetables and fruits. It feels much better to yearn for something like that than junk food"

~ L- Norway


Hormones are our body’s chemical messengers, and they affect many of our daily body functions. When they are out of balance, they can have a profound effect to our mental, physical, and emotional health. These chemical messengers control your appetite, weight, and mood. Try what we may, we have a hard job trying to get them back into balance.

In this group call we address that imbalance and start the journey to repair, realign & reinstate our hormones back to their original healthy blueprint.

“During my group sessions with Virginia, she balanced our hormones and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and thyroid glands. During another session, Virginia found imbalances in my thyroid, lymphatics and sacrum and healed those issues on the spot."

~ D.H, USA


Stress has the most devastating effect on our bodies impacting our digestive, immune, reproductive, growth and energy systems. A surplus of cortisol and adrenaline are released into the bloodstream and emits many destructive responses to our physical systems. One of these is to send fat to our stomach areas, leaving us with that annoying spare tyre around the middle which is hard to shift. 

This group call allows us to dive deep and works with tools to help address the release of stress therefore directly targeting belly fat.

“I can now wear dresses without shapewear and zip them up myself as I did when I was younger!”

“I saw my doctor last month and he asked, “what are you doing to lose weight?” So, I told him about working with a healer and planned to lose more weight. I have lost 11 pounds and two inches off my hips, waist and bust.

My clothes fit better, and I can now wear dresses without shapewear and zip them up myself as I did when I was younger. I look slimmer in my swimsuits as well and have had to shop for smaller size clothes. My face and neck are even thinner than before the program and I have more energy!

During my group sessions with Virginia, she balanced our hormones and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and thyroid glands. During another session, Virginia found imbalances in my thyroid, lymphatics and sacrum and healed those issues on the spot.

What sets Virginia apart from other healers is that she empowers us to heal ourselves with the tools, i.e., MP3, PDFs, given to us. She is genuine and sincere in her approach to her teachings and cares for the well-being for each and every one of us.

This program has been life changing experience for me and for the first time in my life, I can say I know what it means to love your body’s shape while you are in the process of losing weight! You can’t body shame your way to health and weight loss, you just must love and approve of yourself as you are. I highly recommend working with Virginia Rounds Griffiths."

~ Deborah H.


Halfway through the course, I’ll send a survey out to see how you’re progressing through the course. By participating, we can identify how the methods and tools have helped you progress. And if there are any additional areas where you’d like to focus/ work on/ or tweak for the second half of the course.


In this session we will address limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are a state of mind, conviction, or belief that you think is true, yet is holding you back in some way. Limiting beliefs can be about you or your interactions with other people or the world. They normally have a negative impact on your mental state such as ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘No one likes me’, ‘I feel safer carrying this extra weight’.

Limiting beliefs keep us back from being our best selves. In this powerful and dynamic session, we will clear many of deep limiting beliefs, using an exciting process which can be used on so many of our beliefs and experiences. A truly freeing session.

“We all joined this course with so many limiting beliefs that I have to pick limiting belief clearing as the most effective for me. The toxic chemical release also produced great benefits... I want to start incorporating it into my daily practice since we are recontaminating our bodies on a daily basis"

~ R.G, Florida


In this week’s call, we will draw upon our own body’s wisdom to help us connect to our inner divinity and beauty.

We use visuals and imagery from a time when we looked our best and we bring that into our reality now. There were special times in our lives when we knew we looked and felt at our best - when we stepped into our Goddess selves and felt confident in our own power. We draw upon our innate wisdom to recreate that reality and manifest in our lives once more.

You’ll feel a very intense connection after this session that your body and mind are shaping in the positive.

“Released 12lbs…have more energy and less cravings!”

“I continue to become aware of the shifts I am experiencing physically, mentally and emotionally. With these sessions I released twelve pounds and noticed more energy.

This weight reduction was a roller coaster each week where I would lose some and gain it back. Thank goodness I broke that cycle.

I became comfortable with my overall weight for a while. I happened to see my reflection recently and was not happy. This was an awakening for me to keep going! I visualized my body trim and fit and continue to focus on this. Interestingly your last session included mirror work! After watching your last video, I became more peaceful and relaxed.

All of your sessions have been helpful, especially the ones with cortisone release, stress and liver healing.

I have been focusing on salt and sugar content in food and have increased my awareness of how much salt I added to my food. Yikes! Less dairy and sweets, along with smaller portions has helped. 

I thank you and will continue with your powerful program. As you mentioned, what we think our body will do! Magic happens! With love, light and gratitude."

~ Judy Kiss


We are totally unaware of how many previous oaths, vows, agreements and decrees we’ve committed too in our past lives or how these may be shaping and impacting our soul’s journey. We might still be bound to or honouring these oaths today.

We could also be carrying our ancestors promises or sworn agreements, that’s causing our subconscious to hold on to weight for whatever lives, events, or circumstances they lived, sworn or shook hands with someone.
We address and release all these issues from the subconscious – whether ours or ancestral - particularly targeted to releasing weight, weighty issues, unbounding of promises, etc.


We know chemicals can be toxic to our bodies and organs which is not good for our overall health. In this session we will clearing our digestive and endocrine systems of any built-up and negative energies to help release fat and toxins for easier fat loss. This important process is hugely beneficial at clearing our system of blockages we don’t even know we have.

It also sets up for a healthier digestion, endocrine system, heart, lungs, and brain for clearing brain fog and better circulation.

“Loved the toxic chemical release. The toxic chemical release because I felt like my body was screaming for a detox and I felt so much better after that."

~ BG, CA


Many of us may have consciously or unconsciously carried around feelings of shame, guilt or harmful feelings throughout our childhood, teenage years and / or early adult years, which we might still be carrying around today. Or we may have felt unsafe in our bodies because of physical assault, mental abuse, or sexual issues and consequently we have built up a psychological barrier to looking good and being slim.

In this group call we will address and clear these issues around your body. This has proven to be a very effective and freeing release.

“Releasing of weight that was caused by being molested/ abused. It helped me because I experienced both and it clicked that I had been holding on to this weight because it had been so traumatic for me that I didn’t want to be seen by other men and go through that hurt again. The weight was protecting me and it was time to heal and release that. Thank you!"

~ B


In this call we facilitate a procedure to sculpt fat cells from the physical body using the etheric body to do so. We release energetic baggage and sculpt our way to feeling positive and free.

This is a powerful, fun and effective class. You’ll feel uplifted following this session.

Q & A

In this last session we conclude the time we have had together and bring all the data that we have collated through your 12 exciting weeks. We also take this time to celebrate all you have achieved individually and as a group which is where the power lies as you shared and supported each other through the journey of releasing not only excess pounds but also come to understand yourself more by addressing and clearing so much. You will feel so much lighter not only your body but your subconscious as well.


9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3s

The Energetic Embedded MP3's are designed to support you as you work through the program. Many of Virginia's clients play them daily or on loop and have powerful results.

Some of the topics include:


Appetite Inhibiting Hormones

Fast Track Metabolism

Blood Sugar Rebalancing

And So Much More!

Value: $87

There are numerous hormones which either increase appetite or decrease your appetite - This mp3 is targeted to DECREASE your appetite to help with this program

2. Emotional Eating
Value: $87

This mp3 helps with eradicating your emotional eating, it is an accompaniment to the group calls to help stop the incessant eating caused by runaway emotions

3. Movement Motivation
Value: $87

As it’s name implies we sometimes need to be motivated to move your body and exercise. We know the body needs to move to help burn calories, even if it’s just walking and this mp3 will help with getting you out and get your body moving which has numerous great health benefits.

4. Rebalance Hormones
Value: $87

This mp3 helps with eradicating your works to rebalance your hormones which play such a big part in weight gain. It benefits your health by keeping your hormones in balance.

5. Fast Track Metabolism
Value: $87

The chemical reaction which is your metabolism gives you energy to get out of bed and get on with life . If you lack energy and motivation you are just existing, not living. Hence this mp3, to raise your metabolism and get you active again

6. Gall Bladder & Liver Rebalancing
Value: $87

The liver and gallbladder has numerous functions that help with keeping your body balanced and working healthily for your benefit. It filters out toxins, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, get’s rid of excess glucose as well as secretes enzymes which break down carbs, protein & fats. A healthy liver is needed to keep your weight stable

7. Pancreas & Blood Sugar Rebalancing
Value: $87

Your pancreas is important for digesting food and managing your use of sugar for energy after digestion. Your pancreas makes pancreatic enzymes which breaks down foods in the small intestines and also pancreatic hormones which are used in every cell in your body to help balance the sugar levels in your body so you have adequate energy which equates to a body in balance and great health

8. Lipo-Melting
Value: $87

This mp3 is embedded with frequencies to help to break down the fat in your body i.e. a slow melting instead of a sucking action. Lipo-Melting does what it says and again is a great mp3 to help with all the group calls to melt fat from your body

9. Healthy Microbiome
Value: $87

We all now know that our microbiome/Microbiota plays a HUGE part in keeping our digestive system balanced and therefore our bodies healthy. Unfortunately there are many of us who do not have healthy micobiome in the gut and as a consequence our weight spirals out of control as does our digestion causing bloating, discomfort and other issues leading to many diseases. This mp3 will help to rebalance the microbiome for a healthier you.

“I love all the MP3’s…have them playing on loop!”

“I loved all the MP3’s actually, and they are playing 24hrs a day on my laptop and most days at work if I remember to set up my playlist in the morning, so I only really forgot a few days actually."

~ Anna, Canada

“The toxin clearing MP3 was so powerful! They all are definitely helping!”

“I have listened to the mp3s repetitively and all are definitely helping. Appetite inhibiting, hypnotic I loved this mp3. Emotional eating (hormone balance fat burning, microbiome stomach/gallbladder/liver pancreas clear..and all the others too amazing. The ancestral belief and toxin clearing was soo powerful!!! crying .. I could feel big pull with ancestral."

~ C.E…..NZ

“The first 2 MP3’s laid the foundation for the rest of the work!”

The first 2 MP3’s felt crucial to me. They laid the foundation for the rest of the work. I listened to the other mp3s too. When I should. Loop. Both during the day and at night. No cheating."

~ L. L

“The appetite MP3 was big for me!”

“I would say that the Appetite MP3 was big for me. Since playing that I have been doing one meal a day with ease...even pushing my eating window further and further each day."

~ G, USA


1x Weight & Inches Tracker

The best way to know your results is to track them! Virginia make tracking your results super EASY with this Weight & Inches Tracker. Know where you are EVERY step of the way.

And Virginia and the community will be there to support and cheer you on with every win and breakthrough!!


Private FB Group

The power of a group!

Virginia's private groups are one of the most powerful pieces of her work. This is where all the questions, sharing and understandings and breakthroughs take place.

Virginia and participants are VERY active in this group and there to support you every single step of the way.

Available for a Limited Time Only

90 Days Remote Energy Support for Ultimate Weight Loss Results


When you join now, you can tap into 90 days of additional remote energetic support from Virginia and her team. This energetic tuning in and additional help is designed to give your body, mind and soul the support you need for the best results possible.

During this part of the program Virginia and her team send you energy where you need it most. All you need to do is sit back and be open to receive!

Energy will be sent every Monday for 90 Days at 10am BST.

Package A

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $297

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

  • EVERYTHING in Package A
  • 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your individual weight loss journey.


30 Minute 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your individual weight loss journey.

All 1:1 Personal Sessions To start AFTER March 20th 2022. 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your individual weight loss journey.

Package B

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $447

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Please make sure before you come to the session which is on a Sunday every week at the same time 3pm EST -make sure you are hydrated and that you bring a container of water with you to alkalize and change it for your body’s benefit.

The bulk of our work is done on zoom and on FaceBook that is where the videos will be uploaded after our weekly sessions so you can access them when you want. Also the weekly pdf’s after each class.

Because this is a program where dropping of weight is the focus of our intention, please feel free to use weight scales if you have one and are used to using it.

Remember to use the scales at the same time (1) ONCE a week on the same day at the same time so you get regularity and a routine by doing so. 

If you do not have scales and would prefer to measure yourself then that is great also. Remember sometimes your weight can fluctuate but your clothes will start to loosen and feel more comfortable.

So using both methods is ideal but if no scales then measure, BUT at least (1) ONE -once a week as above. You have been provided with a Weight & Inches tracker to record your results and track your journey for 12 weeks.

Remember this is your homework please do not let yourself down by missing it-if you really want to shift that weight then YOU need to do your part
These mp3’s are music only and that music is infused with frequencies programmed to do the job that they are labeled with. Really intend when you are playing them to target the area that they have been labeled with.

It is advisable to play them through once and then to intuit the one you think pertains to your issue and sit with that for 1 day. Then intuit what other mp3 will help target your issue and play that one also for 1 day and so on.

We have 13 weekly Group Sessions because working with the subconscious mind needs a little time to show results. Remember just like diet & exercise takes approximately 12 weeks to show results so does this program so please be patient with yourself

I am so excited to help you through this invaluable process of Hacking your Subconscious to release excess weight and so much more

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297

Early Bird Price: 



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1x Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for  Ultimate Weight Loss Results


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447

Early Bird Price:



13 x 45 Minute Recorded Complete Energetic Weight Loss Support Master Classes

9 Energetically Embedded Music Only MP3's

1 Weight & Inches Tracker

Private FB Group

LIMITED TIME BONUS: 90 Day Remote Energy Support for Ultimate Weight Loss Results

30 Minute 1:1 Personal session with Virginia to help your

individual weight loss journey.

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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