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Here's The 13 Healing Tracks You'll Receive...
Devastating Neurotoxins Released
Format: MP3
The majority of us are walking around not realizing the devastating impact that neurotoxins are having on our brain.
In this healing we will clear heavy metals, viruses, solvents, formaldehyde, food additives, pesticides, herbicides and more. By removing these neurotoxins you’ll experience a clearer, healthier more cognitive brain.
Clear & Balance Your Endocrine Glands
Format: MP3
The endocrine glands in the brain are some of the most important because they are responsible for our growth, maturity (including the chemical balance) and they help with our wellbeing in amazing ways.
We’ll clear the dross in these glands so you can balance your hormones and ensure the proper release of chemicals into and throughout your body.
Balance Both Brain Hemispheres (Includes Corpus Callosum)
Format: MP3
Balancing the two hemispheres of the brain will result in more synchronistic thinking and harmonious results in the brain.
This includes the Corpus Callosum which divides both hemispheres and co-ordinates the flow of information between the two sides of the brain resulting in less confusion and brain fog.
Clear The Cerebellum For Better Motor Motion
Format: MP3
This part of our brain is responsible for all our motor activity i.e. leg and arm movements and more.
By clearing this you should increase your coordination and balance which often deteriorate as we age.
Cerebral Spinal Fluid, Hydration & The Ventricles
Format: MP3
The cerebral spinal fluid surrounds and interpenetrates the entire brain including the spinal cord and supplies the nutrients needed while protecting the brain. It also transports metabolic waste products, antibodies, chemicals, and pathological products of disease away from the brain.
We will heal this and ask for the correct levels for hydration so you can have the perfect cerebral spinal fluid levels and a balanced hydration system in your brain.
Traumatized Cranium And The Meninges
Format: MP3
The cranium houses the brain and the meninges is the inner lining of the cranium/skull. They protect your brain from trauma and accidents that can happen (or have happened) to you from childhood through to adulthood.
A lot of people have traumatized craniums so this healing will work to address that and to clear any negative energies i.e. latent bacteria or virus affecting the meninges.
Clear & Repair The Brain Stem
Format: MP3
Our brain stem consists of 4 important parts that are responsible for sensory, motor action, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and the spinal cord. It is also the place that the vagus nerve connects to from all our organs.
With a healthier brain stem you’ll find breathing easier, lower your Blood Pressure and bring any heart rate issues back to balance.
Cranial Nerves Recalibration
Format: MP3
Your cranial nerves are 12 pairs of nerves that connect your brain to different parts of your head, neck, and body. They facilitate important functions in the brain i.e. vision, hearing, smell, touch and includes the vagus nerve which connects to the many organs in the body.
This healing will facilitate a healing of these nerves, bringing balance and healing to those areas if they are affected.
Blood Flow, The Circle Of Willis And Decalcification
Format: MP3
The Circle of Willis is the structure of arteries and veins that carry blood and oxygen to the brain and is an intensive network running through and around the brain.
In this healing we will address any blockages (calcification) and clear them to allow perfect, unhindered blood flow and hence oxygen flow for a healthy brain.
ITEM 10:
Clear PTSD/Trauma And Your 3 Brains
Format: MP3
The limbic system is the main area responsible for the debilitating effects of anxiety and fear. This is where the Fright, Flight or Freeze syndrome lives and where you store a lot of past trauma.
Stressful events in your life are dealt with by this part of the brain but the effects aren’t only temporary. When trauma occurs, it stays with you and forever affects the health of your brain.
If you feel anxious or fearful in your life without good reason then this clearing will particularly help you.
You’ll feel calmer and more relaxed in your everyday life and it’ll enable you to function ‘normally’ when faced with stressful situations that might have affected you in the past.
ITEM 11:
Dead/Disused Cells Cleared
Format: MP3
As we journey through life - our brain cells can die off through numerous reasons i.e. accidents to the brain, or strokes or lack of oxygen etc. This POWERFUL healing can be used to address and clear these dead cells via the elimination/glymph system in the brain.
When you are able to clear these dead and disused cells, your brain will have less toxins, blockages and inflammation, which results in clearer thinking.
ITEM 12:
Addressing Parkinson's, Dementia & Alzheimer's Through Telomeres
Format: MP3
Telomeres are special sequences of DNA that are located at the end of chromosomes and preserve DNA integrity. Telomeres naturally shrink with age and cell division, eventually leading to cell death due to stress, illness and particularly oxidative stress.
This damage to brain cells is what causes dementia including Alzheimer’s disease and why it is so important to have a healthy brain.
In this healing, we also ask to stop the degeneration of the brain from stress, dementia and other devastating neurological diseases.
ITEM 13:
Download Gamma Waves & Light Quotient
Format: MP3
Our normal waking state is called Beta and this is where we experience states of alertness. We think logically when in this state and are able to plan, reason and are in the conscious moment... but this state also holds us in stress, confusion and disorganization if our lives are spiraling out of control.
The Gamma wave state is the complete opposite to Beta. In this Gamma state we experience bliss, peace, joy, love and a heightened consciousness like we do in meditation.
So this healing is music infused with the pure energies of the Gamma wave to bring you into a blissful state.
It’s also infused to download the gift of Light Quotient from Source through your crown chakras and into your Divine Energy Matrix so you can raise your vibration to the highest possible level for your own individual energy matrix.
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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