Are you Amongst Millions of Empaths, HSPs, and Lightworkers who are dealing with unresolved pain for months or even years and doctor after doctor assures you that nothing is wrong making you feel like you’re imagining it?

These are an INDICATOR that your Liver and Kidneys have unresolved healing...

  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Too much urination especially at night
  • Sleepless and Restlessness Nights
  • Have a difficult time taking off weight
  • Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or indigestion
  • Stagnation and stiffness in your muscles/joints
  • Mood swings, irritability, anger, anxiety or depression

An ALL-NEW BREAKTHROUGH SOLUTION Is Available from Dipal Shah—to Quantum Supercharge for your Liver and Kidneys!

Learn Dipal’s One and Only Effortless Solution to Transmute the Root Causes of Health Problems Forever!

In this special opportunity with Dipal Shah, she invites you to take your Health to a whole new level:

  • Discover what subconscious programs, emotions, imprints and stories your Liver and Kidneys need to heal so that you can start to bring your body back into balance and harmonize every cell.
  • Switch off the master cells to trigger healing responses from the Liver and Kidneys throughout the body so you can feel calm, clearer, and a greater sense of connection to self.
  • Clear the pathways of detoxification, filtration and metabolism to allow better functioning and restoration of the body so that you can feel younger, vibrant, and exuberant.
  • Realign your Pranic Life Force Energy with a Powerful Modality, Quantum Body Awakening so you can feel energized, happier and healthier than ever before

Heal Faster Than Ever Before As Dipal Supports You To Achieve Your Overall Best Health!

“I’ve had longstanding issues with chronic GERD, mast cell activation, and other serious digestive issues.  I found Dipal Shah on FHTJ and have been amazed with the deep healing and relief I’m experiencing from her sessions.  She is very accurate with what she senses and is able to help you release core issues so that you can start healing and get your life back. I’ve struggled for a long time with these debilitating digestive issues and was almost giving up on finding anything that would help after consulting multiple doctors, dietitians, naturopaths, and more. I’ve had several healing sessions with Dipal and am also working with the mp3’s from the package that I purchased. I’m already seeing a definite change, improvement, and relief from my digestive problems and actually have hope again that I can heal. I’m very grateful that I found Dipal and her powerful healing work. I highly recommend her to anyone who is struggling with chronic conditions and about to give up.”  ~ Nancy

“I was able to finally sleep through the night. My night sweats weren't bad at all after the healing. Thanks again for all your support and work.” ~ Dawn

“I started to work with Dipal and my doctor told me that my liver was looking better and that normally people don’t reverse this quickly or ever!” ~ Mauri

“Dipal is like the human xray machine” ~ Maya

“When Dipal was clearing the liver I could see that the spider veins after 2 days got lighter in color!” ~ Manike

““I was in a wheelchair. Last few weeks after my session with Dipal, I walked with my walker for the first time!” ~ Rosanne

“My heart feels so much less pressure, stomach has no more cramps and is feeling like things are moving!” ~ Jane

“I have spent $1000's on healing. After working with Dipal, I've seen the biggest improvement in my brain fog, general fatigue, constipation (almost gone) and overall mood since I can remember!” ~ Pamela

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2000

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer 



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth

of Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access



Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2434

From Heartache to Joy



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth of

Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access


On Demand Silent Healing with Dipal’s Guides

20 Min Deep Dive Session with Dipal

money back logo


Package A & Package B: No refund after Remote Healingor first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Dipal’s unique Modality, Quantum Body Awakening has taken the world by storm. With quick and easy Quantum Pranic Frequencies she is able to help people heal from the most chronic diseases such as Cancer, Thyroid, Heart, Digestive, Osteoporosis, Weight loss and many others.

YOUR LIVER AND KIDNEYS are the body’s biggest Detoxification, filtration and Metabolizing systems and need to work in SYNCHRONICITY

First warning signs that your Liver and Kidneys need Dipal’s help RIGHT AWAY:

Dipal has found that the Liver and Kidneys are the first in the body to get congested and depleted creating Chronic Health Problems

You are not just dealing with a disease but with unprocessed toxins of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, traumas, karma, and subconscious programs.

Therefore, Dipal has created this NEW Quantum Healing Package full of energetic releases to address the functions of your Liver and Kidneys to optimize your body’s natural functioning.

Dipal’s gift is that she can SPEAK to your body and SUPERCHARGES the Prana which consist of 5 elements of life force energy, within specific areas of the body. She can see the cause of your body’s dis-ease and helps to reverse it with Quantum Body Awakening Modality. A simple clearing of blocks through the meridiens, nadi’s, chakras, hara line as well as the cells within the organs and systems will create better health and wellness. Her clients enjoy sessions and magical recoveries from chronic health problems with Dipal.

Dipal designed this program so that you can start feeling Whole and Healthier

No more detoxes, juicing, smoothies, supplements, cleanses, and fasts. 

Dipal’s Program focuses on your well-being and will help you in MAGICAL ways:

  • Improve Sleep
  • Reset Sugar Levels
  • Repair and restore Liver concerns
  • Fast Track Your Healing Ability
  • Increase Hair Growth
  • Decrease weight
  • Restore your Gums and Teeth
  • Reset your hormones
  • Realign Digestive System Microbiome
  • Improve circulation
  • Reduce Muscle Jerks
  • Stop excessive Urination
  • Enhance Immune Function
  • Heighten spiritual awareness
  • Eliminate aches and pains
  • Enhance decisions and mental clarity
  • Strengthen kidney and bladder function
  • Clear blocks you never knew were there
  • Experience more Energy in your everyday life
  • Clear Stressors on the Liver and Kidneys
  • Eliminate overall body inflammation
  • Clear old Ancestoral and Karmic Programs
  • Repair and Rejenerate the Liver
  • Eliminate Addictions
  • Release Unwanted Toxins and wastes
  • Strengthen and increase the life of your internal organs and systems

Join Dipal NOW and ACHIEVE YOUR OVERALL Best Health EVER!!!!

What you think is IMPOSSIBLE, Dipal is known to help you discover your new found possibilities when it comes to your health and Lifestyle.

Get ready to add more years to your life, heal quicker than ever before!!!

Why Dipal Shah is Unique?

Dipal Shah is a Medical Intuitive and Mindset expert who offers a transformative experience for empaths to gain control of both your body and mind through powerful tools and techniques.

With her knowledge of Eastern and Western Medicine, you can awaken your spiritual mastery and achieve physical healing for your body, mind, and spirit. Dipal's Quantum Body Awakening Modality teaches you how to communicate with your body, remove blocks, heal the hara and restore Prana to the organs, glands, and systems for healing at the core.

Dipal will guide you every step of the way to develop confidence, overcome fear, and live authentically. Her intuitive healing training equips you with the skills to heal yourself and others using your 8 clairs.

Dipal is an "Award Winning International Bestselling Author, who has spoken at events that included Bob Doyle, Marci Shimoff, Rickie Byars and Keith Leon S. She has been Featured in Authority Magazine, Cover of BRAINZ Magazine, Best Holistic Life Magazine, The List TV Show, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX.

Supercharge Your Vital Organs and Completely Transform Your Life!

“I am finally on the mend after years of not knowing what was affecting me!”

“Thanks so much… I feel like I am finally on the mend after years of not knowing what was affecting me. I am a nutrition and supplements guru and nothing was working. Thank you for being a kind healer that relates to her clients!”

~ Jodi

“When Dipal was clearing the liver I could see that the spider veins after 2 days got lighter in color!”

“I started getting spider veins and Dipal immediately went to my liver and saw that it was congested. When she was clearing the liver I could see that the spider veins after 2 days got lighter in color. I could feel warmth running through my legs as if the circulation came back. I also deal with hemorrhoids and not grounded in my body. Dipal helped me reconnectto my hara line and I haven’t had an issue with feeling ungrounded every since. She also recommended some mudras and yoga asanas that would help me. I practice those as much as I can. I have enjoyed working with Dipal and her Guides. She is my go to healer for anything. I have referred so many people to her. She has changed my life and I know she can change your’s too.”

~ Manike

“I don't know what you did but WOW. MANY THANKS!”

“One day later after being live with Dipal, I was full of life and ended up de-cluttered the main part of my home, did a ton of cleaning and I have still energy to burn. This is at a time where I have been basically left with a lot of pain and no energy from two surgeries and MS flares. I worked all day on cleaning and de-cluttering my home and I am left with tons of energy. I don't know what you did but WOW. MANY THANKS.”

~ Lynn

“Two weeks after my session, my husband got a job and we no longer needed to sell our house!”

“I had so much anxiety because I was going to have to sell my home because my husband wasn't working and not only needed help accepting this but the anxiety was so overwhelming giving me panic attacks.

Dipal did a clearing and I immediately felt better even though I knew this was a real possibility. This is a true testiment to your work-two weeks later my husband has signed a contract for a new job, making more than he thought, and we no longer have to move!

You said "stability is coming" and that is what I hung on to and helped me deal with the anxiety that built up. Thank you Dipal.”

~ Alysan

“I finally had a session with Dipal and my life changed!”

“I was so disconnected from JOY it was showing up in my digestive system. I have been having IBS, allergic to everything I eat and couldn’t remember anything. My body was toxic. I felt like everyday I was getting worse. I finally had a session with Dipal and mylife changed. She helped me tap into that joy and find relief. She gave me a few things to practice and it has been truly a beautiful journey. Thank you for the hope and the JOY.”

~ Kelly

“I was in a wheelchair. Last few weeks after my session with Dipal, I walked with my walker for the first time!”

“I was so desperate! I have been a caretaker for my mom for 5 months with a clinically unknown problem myself.

First of all, I am pretty healthy, I eat well. It has been a roller coaster of illnesses over the last 30 years that got me to where I am now. Out of nowhere, I have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, diabetes, and some kind of inflammatory issue that was horrible. I was in a wheelchair and unable to walk.

Working with Dipal has changed my life. She has helped me understand where all these problems have been rooted from. She has been right on point without me telling her. I can feel the energy as she works on me and everytime it is different and more powerful than before. Last few weeks I walked with my walker for the first time. I am so happy and hopeful thanks to Dipal and her Guide Team.”

~ Rosanne

“I have spent $1000's on healing. After working with Dipal, I've seen the biggest improvement in my brain fog, general fatigue, constipation (almost gone) and overall mood since I can remember!”

“I have spent thousands on multiple modalities and healers. Since my teen years I have had issues with my gut from SIBO, Candida, Leaky Gut to constipation. I am so tired of trying to heal. Doctors keep putting me on antibiotics and it makes me feel even worse. I've seen the biggest improvement in my brain fog, general fatigue, constipation (almost gone) and overall mood since I can remember.”

~ Pamela

“I am so excited because I finally feel that things are going to be back to the way they were before!”

“I have taken alot of medications over the last 20 years. Doctors have put me on antibiotics 3 months straight. This not only took a toll on my digestive system, but it didnt’ help the issue I was having. It also took a toll on my liver.

I reached out to Dipal for help and she not only got me in for an immediate session which I appreciate because she is the busiest healer I know. She cleared my liver of all the pharmaceuticals, found congestion in the kidneys too and cleared that. Once we finished I could feel by bowels moving again which means they still work. Yay. I am so excited because I finally feel that things are going to be back to the way they were before. Dipal’s programs are transforming in so many ways. She has an amazing gift.”

~ Tonya

“I started to work with Dipal and my doctor told me that my liver was looking better and that normally people don’t reverse this quickly or ever!”

“I was diagnosed with fatty liver, I have never in my life drank or eat processed foods. I was scared and uncertain of the consequences of this diagnosis. I started to work with Dipal and after 6 sessions my doctor told me that my liver was looking better and that normally people don’t reverse this quickly or ever. I was so happy to hear things were turning around for me and that there is hope afterall. I know I will continue this work with Dipal as I move through my journey to healing my body. I recommend Dipal to anyone who wants quick results. ”

~ Mauri

“My heart feels so much less pressure, stomach has no more cramps and is feeling like things are moving!”

“My Urine Albumin levels were alittle higher than normal until I met Dipal. My heart felt heavy, stomach was cramping, and my eyesight was getting bad. Dipal removed many cords and a familial curses while working on my body and all of a sudden I felt a huge sense of relief, freedom, and support.

My heart feels so much less pressure, stomach has no more cramps and is feeling like things are moving. I have more faith and self confidence than I ever thought possible.”

~ Jane

“I feel so much better...headache and pain completely gone!”

“It was a pleasure to talk to you and have a session with you. During the session, I felt the energy opening up and flow with tingling and warmth.
Later in the evening I had a headache and increased stiffness, increased pain in my back also contributed to detoxing and muscle movement.

Today I feel so much better headache and pain completely gone yaa!!!
I also feel like I am lighter, less bloated and have an appetite which is also good. Thank you again for the work you do.”

~ Susie

Quantum Body Awakening Tools to Maximize your
Overall Health and Wellbeing

Dipal Shah provides Powerful Tools and Techniques to Gain control of your body and mind. She will help you navigate and open up 8 intuitive senses and find your soul’s purpose. Her Certified Intuitive Program helps Empaths awaken to their Spiritual Mastery and Physical Healing of the body, mind and spirit.

It's called the Quantum Body Awakening Modality, designed to teach you how to talk to the body, clear blocks and reinstate Prana within organs, glands, and systems of the body to allow healing at it’s core.

Working alongside with Dipal Shah empowers you to be more confident, overcome fear, build integrity, and live in your truth. She will show you the roadmap every step of the way, training you to intuitively heal yourself and others.

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2000

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer 



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth

of Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access



Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2434

From Heartache to Joy



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth of

Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access


On Demand Silent Healing with Dipal’s Guides

20 Min Deep Dive Session with Dipal

money back logo


Package A & Package B: No refund after Remote Healing or first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Here's what you get in Package A

If you are ready to to heal your body to live an abundant life and increase your longevity Dipal’s program is for you.

Experience Quantum Body Awakening with the healing wisdom within your body

  • 12 Remote Remedies for 15 Days
  • 4 Bonus Mp3s
  • 2 Live Group Healing Sessions with Dipal
  • 21 Day Quantum Liver Health
  • 21 Day Quantum Kidney Health
  • 21 Day Quantum All Over Body Reboot
  • Private Facebook Access


12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies (3-6 minute MP3 infusions)

You will receive all the Infusion/Remedy downloads. Use one each day as listed in order per day. Once you are finished with the 12 days you can use them in any order or use one that you are guided towards on loop, no volume while you sleep or while being active.

Infusions and Remedies will be accessing and healing from the Master Cell. These are very potent and will provide you with instant relief and healing.

Infusions include

  • Liver Detox
  • Kidney Detox
  • Enzyme and bile reset
  • Reverse Kidney/ Liver Damage and infections
  • Digestive System Healing (IBS, Gerd, Leaky Gut, Ulcers, Hemorrhoids)
  • Heavy Metal/Chemical/Pharmaceutical/Environmental/ EMF Detox
  • Shortness of Breath and regulating heart beat
  • Hair Makeover for Growth and Greys
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • HPV and Epstein Barr
  • Fluid Retention/Swelling/Edema
  • Regulate Urination


4 Bonus MP3s

Cord Cutting through all Lifetimes and Dimensions (13 minutes)

Release the energetic attachments by the millions from all lifetimes that connect you to individuals, circumstances, situations, that are detrimental, depleting, or no longer beneficial to your growth. By severing these cords, you liberate yourself from negative emotions, dependencies, and repetitive cycles that may impede your progress and fulfillment.

Reconnecting the Mind, Body and 5 Energy Systems (4min 41 seconds)

Unleash the immense potential within as you rewire the intricate connection between your mind, body, and the five major energy systems using the resonating frequencies of the 5th dimension. Release the burdens of the past and embrace a profound sense of calm, happiness, and peace that flows effortlessly through every fiber of your being. Prepare to embark on a journey of renewal, where you emerge stronger, revitalized, and ready to embrace a life of limitless possibilities.

Switching off Diseases through the Mitochondria ( 1 hour healing)

Experience the profound transformation as you switch off the triggers that fuel dis-ease, illnesses, and persistent problems stemming from the inner child, genetic imprints, family dynamics, karmic influences, ancestral energies, mother wounds, father wounds, and familial curses. Prepare to witness the incredible reversal of all diseases, allowing your body and mind to heal and thrive like never before. Embrace this life-changing opportunity and unlock a future filled with boundless well-being and limitless potential.

Quantum Longevity Activation (1 Hour)

Embrace the transformative journey towards a new body that frees you from the shackles of pain and limitations. With each step, you reclaim your power and boldly stride towards a life that has been put on hold for far too long. Experience the liberation as pain becomes a distant memory, replaced by strength, resilience, and the unwavering belief in your own potential. It's time to unlock the doors that have held you back and step forward with confidence into a future where possibilities are limitless and your dreams become your reality.


2 Live Group Healing Sessions with Dipal

Collective Quanum Healings will include 15 minutes of Group Healing and 30 minutes of Q and A

Liver and Kidneys are connected to rest of the body. They help to restore balance within the body. These vital organs work very hard. All parts of the Liver and Kidneys will be worked on at the time of healing. We will improve the Liver and Kidneys ability to communication with the Master Cell of your Body.

  • The collective energy will amplify your healing.
  • You can expect to feel tingling, lighter and relief.
  • Rest may be necessary depending on your body.
  • The body will be in reset and realignment mode.
  • You may feel intense Pranic Frequency bursts while it's being worked on. This feeling is enlightening and healing.


3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth of Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Detox, Purification and Reset your mind, body, soul and spirit for 63 Days Total to give you the health you are looking for. Dipal and her Guide team will move through each specified area for a series of 21 days and clear any blocks including old programs, imprints, cords, genetic and karmic energies. They will then activate proper prana necessary for you. Start feeling present, grounded, clear and in control.

Your first set of 21 Days of Remote Healing will start as soon as you purchase the program.
NO need to do anything just start being open to receive as soon as you sign up!!!

21 Day Quantum Liver Rebirth
21 Day Quantum Kidney Rebirth
21 Day Quantum All Over Body Clearing and Reconnection

  • The collective energy will amplify your healing.
  • You can expect to feel tingling, lighter and relief.
  • Rest may be necessary depending on your body.
  • The body will be in reset and realignment mode.
  • You may feel intense Pranic Frequency bursts while it's being worked on. This feeling is enlightening and healing.

Package A

Total Package Price: $2000

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $167

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package B

  • All In Package A
  • One On Demand Silent Healing
  • One 20 Min Deep Dive Session with Dipal


On Demand Silent Healing with Dipal’s Guides

An On-Demand Silent Remote Healing work is through Dipal's Guide Team consisting of Ascended Masters, and Angels who are ready to serve you. They will work on any and all problem areas that are present for you.

Once you schedule the 30-minute on-demand silent remote healing session, you will receive a confirmation email. Set your intention at that time for what it is you would like to be worked on. If you forget to set your intention. It is O.K., the Guides will be scanning and clearing all energies.

You can sit in silence, meditation, work, or sleep. The Guides will be working on you for the time you signed up for. There is no written or verbal interaction during or after this remote healing.

If you are sensitive to energy healing you will feel different sensations as the Guides work on you for example tingling, heat, cold, pressure, lightness in your body, calmness, and support.

After a silent healing session, you should feel rejuvenated, warm, and uplifted with greater fortitude to continue on your life journey. Over time you will see your reactions to life's circumstances change, relationships change, opportunities flourish, and more joy in your life.

Note: This is a remote healing and does not include a recording.


20 Min Deep Dive Session with Dipal

A Deep Dive with Dipal is Unique to your Body.

Dipal will provide Clearing, Healing and Activating your 3D body. You will receive the Divine Guidance from Her Guides to Unleash your healing once and for all.

She will also include the following:

  • Reset old energy patterns and connect with your body to infinite health
  • Clear ancestral, karmic, and in-womb imprints that are blocking your body from repairing and regenerating
  • Supercharge your Prana to abundant health and well-being
  • Unplug from old algorithms and 34000 emotional entanglements over lifetimes
  • Release all limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and resistance to healing and step into your Sovereign Being

Package B

Total Package Price: $2434

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is the Liver and Kidney package work for and Will it work for me?

Dipal’s modality is called Quantum Body Awakening. Dipal uses Quantum Healing energies that are gentle yet powerful and directly channeled from Dipal’s Guide Team, Your Guide Team and Your Body. She then dives into your body to help clear energetic and physical blockages.

Liver and Kidney work is for everyone. Anyone will benefit from it.

Q. How many times a day do I need to listen to the 4 mp3s?

It is best to listen to one mp3 and see how it feels in your body and mind. If it feels good you can play another mp3. If your body feels tired at any point you can stop listening to any more mp3s. Wait for the next day until the energies that have surfaced have cleared.

If you are new to Quantum Body Awakening with Dipal Shah please check in with your intuition before listening to multiple mp3s all at once.

If you are familiar with Dipal’s work and have bought previous packages then please use the mp3s as your body allows you to. You can use this in addition to the Quantum Health Reboot Package if you have it.

Mp3s can be looped. You can listen to mp3s on no volume or out loud while you are asleep or awake.

Q. How could I get the most benefit from the Infusions mp3s?

It is important that you listen to the 12 infusion /remedies in order when you first receive your package. Then you can listen to them in any order, as much as you need to. 

Once you clear the majority of emotions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and symptoms, you can start to use the remedies and infusions less often. The energies will continue clearing out cellular memory as you continue to use them.

Q. What if I don't feel any energy once the Healing is Done in the remote infusion mp3s or 21 day series of remote healing?

Remember your body is holding onto layers of energies that are clearing quickly and some slower than others. Be sure to take time to take care of yourself during the time of this program to get the most.

You may notice sensations of heat, cold, shakes, tingles, calmness, lightness, ecstasy, bliss, happy and other energetic sensations. These sensations may be less noticeable for some than others.

You will be healing on a spiritual, mental, physical and emotional levels. There is always healing happening. Be sure to trust the process.

Q. What if I bought other packages and am working with other healers at the same time as your package?

It is absolutely safe to using this package with other packages that you have purchased. It will not break or disrupt any other energies. It will actually enhance the healing.

Q. How does 3 series of 21 days of remote healing work?

Detox, Purification and Reset your mind, body, soul and spirit for 63 Days Total to give you the health you are looking for. Dipal and her Guide team will move through each specified area for a series of 21 days and clear any blocks including old programs, imprints, cords, genetic and karmic energies. They will then activate proper prana necessary for you.

Start feeling present, grounded, clear and in control.

Your first set of 21 Days of Remote Healing will start as soon as you purchase the program. 

NO need to do anything just start being open to receive as soon as you sign up!!!

Q. When can I see the shifts with the Program?

Shift will happen all the time. We are shifting as the environment and our body shift. How you take in the environment and create a new environment within you will create the shift you want to see. Your body will learn to quickly entrain to the energies. Sometimes it takes the body time as it is deep work of old patterns, programs, and imprints.

You will see shifts energetically, physically, mentally and emotionally. Please be sure to check on levels as this is important for your growth and clearings.

Q. Can I share my MP3s/infusions with others?

These MP3s/infusions are yours only. It is recommended that you do not share them with others. If you share the MP3 via copying for others, just note that the healing energies will not come through with these copies. You can help others by including them in your healing as you play the MP3.

Q. Are the MP3s/infusions safe for everyone?

Yes the MP3s are safe for children, adults, and pets. The body will only take whatever energy it needs.

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2000

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer 



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth

of Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access



Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2434

From Heartache to Joy



12 Quantum Remote Infusions/Remedies

(3-6 minutes of infusions)

4 Bonus MP3s

2 Group Calls Live

3 Sets of 21 Days of Remote Quantum Rebirth of

Liver, Kidney and All over Body

Private Facebook Access


On Demand Silent Healing with Dipal’s Guides

20 Min Deep Dive Session with Dipal

money back logo


Package A & Package B: No refund after Remote Healing or first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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