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$2500 for a 5 Week One-On-One Permissioning Clearing Mentoring Program
Bring your biggest life challenge to the sessions. There are always emotional roots anchoring every single challenge in our lives, 100% of the time. And, our habituated thought patterns literally recreate the same outcomes again and again.
- Do you recreate the same unconscious patterns and outcomes again and again with partners/jobs/friendships/homes?
- Do you try to make changes yet find yourself repeating old habits?
- Are you scared of commitments and making decisions?
- Do you find yourself saying “how has this happened AGAIN?”
Over 5 sessions Karina will teach you a simple, yet extraordinarily powerful way to transform these emotional roots, hugely open your perspectives and create so much space in your thinking that it will change the quality of your life, daily.
You will walk away with the ability to literally free your mind from the emotional roots that are holding your life patterns in place - quickly.
Karina has helped so many people to learn these techniques with astounding results. This is the ultimate technique and a toolbox that is a must have.
Before a person can rewire their emotional roots and create new energy patterns they need to experience enough mental space to disrupt the story that the mind believes to be real. The mind needs to know that there is a clearer way.
This is easily created with Permissioning and happens effortlessly during the process.
The best part is that Permissioning is a skillset that you will have with you for the rest of your life and you will find yourself using it all the time. Why? Because once you have experienced your first transformation you will want to apply this level of clarity to every area of your life, just like so many others have.
“I've used Permissioning and Transformation™ to treat patients who are suffering from anxiety. I've seen it help alleviate overthinking and mental stress very, very rapidly. I don't know any other technique that's easier or more effective.”
~ Lisa Jennings, Former NHS Psychotherapist (now in private practice) & Nutritionist, London UK
“I have worked with many, many healers over the years, and Karina's Permissioning work stands out for many reasons. First of all, she has an exceptional presence, even if it is just a voice on the phone. Her methods are straightforward and yet extremely deep. She engages you so that you are participatory in the work, and that involvement is fundamental for incorporating her techniques and approaches. She taught me her technique a few weeks ago and I have done it every single day since. This work is having a significant impact on my general health and well being. Healing modalities are highly personal, but I recommend Karina to everyone. If it is a fit, you'll know right away. I knew immediately.”
~ Deborah Barlow, Artist, USA
“I'm a nurse who works in operating theatres. I started using these techniques to help deal with a stressful personal situation and noticed a positive difference right away... so did my manager at work! She was so impressed that she approved Karina’s Permissioning program to be included toward my Nursing and Midwifery training. I honestly don't know what I would have done without this program. It's powerful!”
~ Yasmin Z., National Health Service Nurse, London UK
“After 2 sessions of Permissioning
I am very encouraged to see a light at the end of my decades-long tunnel when it comes to my struggle with anxiety and depression.”
~ Annie Achenbach, Singer, USA
“I have been using the Permissioning everyday and I have noticed a completely different awareness. The fear around giving birth or being old just feels like it was a fleeting thought. I absolutely love this - it is wonderful!”
~ Peta, Linhurst
“I've waited for 4 weeks before writing a review in case it stopped working for me. It is STILL working and I feel like a new person. Please try this if you can't sleep, it has changed my life.”
~ AJ, London UK
“It is now almost 3 years since my very first Permissioning workshop. I had been in a very low place at the time and it has proven to be life-changing gift from the Universe when I needed it.
Since that day I have been committed to using Permissioning and it has seen me through periods of at first deep depression and now I use it on a regular basis – my go to tool kit – that calms, clears and carries me through my life experiences.
Not only did my life change remarkably in ways as I had wanted it to for so long yet had lacked the courage or motivation to do so, but it was like a black cloud shifted and I was no longer weighed down and free to move forward. In short, I moved home to the place I wanted to be, I was given work opportunities and financial aid came in unexpected ways when I needed it most.
Since then I have been on many of the workshops presented by Karina, and feel that this was meant for me. During the Covid period of social distancing these kept me connected and grounded at a very isolating time.
Each time I take a workshop I feel a sense of belonging and Permissioning becomes even more a part of me. I use it as and when I need it and love how the Permissions have evolved. I am so drawn to more recent ones such as the wordless ones, which are used by me numerous times throughout each day from the moment I wake up.
However, even more than myself I am so amazed at how permissioning is benefitting my children in school.
As a primary teacher I felt motivated to share my practice with my Year 2 class. With the agreement of my headteacher I started using them but in a more child friendly way. I have been ‘blown away’ by their receptivity to them! We start each day (only a minute or so) with Permissions and then usually after each break/lunchtime and also at moments in the day when we need to feel ‘calm’. Although I started off with the word permissions I felt the need to share the wordless once I’d learned them. These are now our favourite as they help us reset our body clock instantly. I say ‘us’ because I do them and feel them with the children. I explain that they help me to clear my head. And I am honest as I say, sometimes I just like the feel of it – that’s why I do them. I am in awe of their responses and their openness about how they use them at home. Some of the children ‘drop into their heartspace’ intuitively when they need to!!!
One of my little boys told me he had been arguing with his younger sister during a weekend and that he had gone in to his bedroom, practised his ‘calm technique’ which helped him because he no longer felt angry!!! What a wonderful thing to hear. The practice is so much a part of our day that I just have to say ‘Come on, let’s shake it off’ and instantly we do. We have even learned the 6 -word practice and they love it!
I also decided to share this with my Reception children and incredibly they too love it. It is the most amazing experience to be in the presence of 4 and 5 year olds who allow themselves to be ‘present’ without teaching so much, but sharing my joy in using the practice. Some of them the minute they get in for registration place a hand on their heart and get into ‘ their zone’. At times we choose favourite ones and go through them for each child and usually end up doing all of them.
Just as the Year 2’s my reception children are taking this practice home.
I could go on...but these examples of the feedback I have had, the joy of passing this on to children, makes my heart fill with immense pride!
In all of this I am teaching a normal, highly demanding school day thus I am amazed how seamlessly it fits into the day, running in the background, yet for me and my beautiful school children it has become an integral part of teaching and learning. My one teaching point is this “I am teaching you, so you can do it for yourself, it belongs to you. Use it if and when you need it.“
So even though I am practising Permissioning for me I am humbled by the openness as I feel urged somehow to share my practice with these powerful little ones. As I say to them “You are going to grow up to be in this wonderful world and I want you to have the tools for your well-being to help your journey. I wish I had had this practice a long time ago”!!!
Thank You Karina – I beyond blessed to have this in my life.”
~ V. Sorrel, Teacher, UK
Regular Price: $6500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $2500
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Refund Policy: No refund after first Group Session or Private Session is taken, whichever comes first.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.