Unlock 100% Personal Victory with Your Very Own Success Generator!

Are you tired of feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your life?

Are you ready to take control and start living the life you truly deserve?

Introducing the bagua...

Your personal mandala that holds the key to unlocking 100% success in EVERY area of your life!

That's right, EVERY area of your life.

With the bagua, you'll be able to co-create your Divine Destiny and align everything in your life to work in harmony and bring you peace, joy and abundance.

By tapping into the power of the bagua, you'll have the ability to achieve health and business goals that you never thought possible.

You'll be unstoppable, on fire and ready to take on the world.

The best part is, you only need this one secret tool to make it happen.

But here's the thing...

Life can be chaotic and uncertain, but that's where the bagua comes in.

With it, you'll be able to navigate the storms of life with ease and grace.

You'll be in control of your destiny, and nothing will ever stand in the way of your success again!

So, if you're ready to take control of your life, start living your best life, and achieve greatness, then discover how the bagua can help you today.

This is your chance to transform your entire life and embrace your Divine Destiny.

Get ready to elevate your life to new heights with the magic of the bagua.

The Missing Piece to Achieving Success, Joy and Fulfillment - Introducing the Bagua!

The possibilities are endless when you tap into the power of the bagua.

Unlock success, joy, purpose, health, relationships, money, creative flow, and even find the meaning in life.


  • Align the internal and external energy of the bagua to become unstoppable and in the flow like a river.
  • Clear intergenerational traumas and subconscious beliefs that hold you back to become unstoppable and live your best life.
  • Claim your own genius and feel an amazing sense of self-worth and know that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.
  • Access your inner resources to achieve health and business goals that will bring you peace and joy.
  • Experience profound changes in your life by clearing hidden set-points to money, wealth, joy, receiving support, health, fitness, and being able to access your own genius.

Are You Ready to Unlock the Key to Success in Health, Wealth, Relationships and More?

For thousands of years, successful people in Asia have been using a secret tool to achieve all of these things and more. And now, for the first time ever, Grace Hom is going to share that tool with you.

The bagua, your personal mandala, holds the key to unlocking success in ALL areas of your life.

The mandala has 8 sectors that circle around a center. Each sector represents a different area of your life and is associated with the energy of one of the five elements.

This allows you to work with the bagua both externally and internally.

You can play with your environment to align the external energy and work with the energy meridians to align the internal energy.

When both the internal and external are in alignment, you become unstoppable!

But here's the thing, the bagua is more than just a tool.

It's a game-changer.

It's the missing piece you've been looking for to finally achieve success, joy, purpose, health, relationships, money, creative flow and finding meaning in life.

Don't wait any longer, get started experiencing the power of this secret tool that has been used for thousands of years today.

Elevate your life to new heights with the bagua.

Grace's Clients LOVE Their Results! Check These Out...

“It’s the first time I receive this level of love, support and respect!”

"I am absolutely blown away by this. I have never even heard of a Bagua and when I listened to the one on self-love and acceptance, I instantly felt a shift in all areas of my life. I know there is no way to return to the way I was before. This is the final shift I have been looking for!

I am a healer and so much more but I was not able to step out and make money, nor was I able to receive love due to fears and insecurities.

After watching your video on the bagua and self-love and acceptance, I offered a free healing and the feedback was incredible! Someone reached out to gift me money and gifts! It’s the first time I receive this level of love, support and respect! Everything is falling into place as I feel comfortable and confident in creating a website and a fulfilling business in all ways.

Eternal gratitude and blessings to you, Grace, for your contribution. You have opened up a part in me I knew was there but couldn’t access!"

~ Jennifer Funt, Healer.

“More Joy, Better Health, Completely Different Person Now”

"Grace Hom is the most genuine, caring, heartfelt, humorous person I have met to date; and I feel that is a winning combo for her extraordinary gift as a Healer and facilitator. Grace is as real as it gets. I have had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in Her Energy Dentistry, Bagua, Spinal Energetics packages, Personal sessions and more and I come away always feeling changed, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am a completely different person now, than before working with Grace, when I was struggling physically, mentally and emotionally, I was attracting friendships in my life that were very painful and I was very Pissed off and my life now is peaceful, I experience more Joy, much better health after struggling with Lyme for over two decades, my teeth feel so much better. I could go on and on, Grace is that amazing! The expansion that keeps coming through Grace, by her new ability to do Light Language and Gazing, has taught me what is possible when you simply allow, and I believe everyone in her group walks away feeling empowered and supported by Graces loving care. You know she has your back and genuinely seeks to bring everyone into their own expression of Divinity. I guess to put in a nut shell Grace does "Gods" work and you need only participate in one of her programs and you'll automatically get what I mean."

~ Robin M. Serna of Danbury, CT

“I basically feel wonderful all around, thanks to you!”

"Dear Grace,

Thank you so much for the follow-up email checking on my well-being since our session. I am grateful for the extra time you provided going beyond the initial 15 minutes.

To answer your question, I feel lighter, less pain and hopeful about the future. I feel more joy, more grounded and emotionally secure. My sclerosis of the spine is not as pronounced as it used to be, the tightness I used to feel in my chest is actually no more. My gums feel better and a lot less inflamed. I also had upper back pain from an old accident which I don't feel at all. I basically feel wonderful all around, thanks to you.

Also thank you for sending some remote healing to my daughter, I am grateful for and in awe of your healing gift, thank you.

I am new to the world of energy healers, light workers, medical intuitives etc. I only found out about you last year and it is one of the best discoveries I ever made and you're the first medical intuitive I have ever had the pleasure to acquire services from.

My life is forever changed and I am grateful

I think that everyone on this planet needs to experience such wonderful healing, it is definitely worth it. "

~ Nusaibah

“I'm Healed from Pain and Flu”

"I was sick with the flu/cold. My body was in very much pain. The connective tissue & bones were very sore. I even had a hard time moving, sitting & laying down. After the session with Grace, I'm healed from pain and flu. These 2 new organs — the interstitium and mesentery, Grace worked on are now healed. I feel freed from my past traumas. I'll feel so much better. I thought I might have to go to the doctor. But after the session I am healed. Awesome."

~ IDA MCGERRIGLE, Crofton, BC, Canada

“Cough Disappeared!”

"In this session I was seeking healing for a bad cough and aches in my body from the coughing. I had stayed home for 3 days as it was uncomfortable to go out with other people's fears of the coronavirus. During the session I could feel a release of energy and often shivered and felt cold.

My cough disappeared! The next day I could go out again and return to my life. The past few days I have coughed a little, more like clearing my throat but the deep rasping cough has not returned. This was more than I could ever have expected.

I just love Grace's healing sessions and have participated in many. She is very generous with her free sessions too and gives so much of herself. I enjoy laughing along with her."

~ Susan, near Jerusalem

“Reduction in Pain and Hot Flushes and Improved Movement”

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 25 years ago. There’s a base amount of daily pain and limitation, and there are flare ups (5-8) that are substantially worse. During the session I felt a lot of sensations of chills, yawning, pressure in my chest and back, and warmth/relaxation. By the end of the session there was a reduction in both pain and restriction of movement (2-3), and that has remained the case since the session! Most improved is my ability to turn and move my neck from side to side.

I have participated in several of Grace’s sessions over the past few months, and I would definitely recommend her work. I always come away feeling better and lighter and happier... like I have released some major traumatic energy. These are deep and sometimes painful topics, but Grace helps us to traverse them with care and laughter! My favorite so far was her Power and Pleasure series. It was such a deep release of issues for me that I cried for a half an hour after. I have felt a real difference since, and I am very grateful. I have even seen a reduction in hot flashes, which as we ladies know is huge! I look forward to continuing working with her."

~ Laurie, Cincinnati

“Work with the Interstitium Was Exceptionally Effective”

"My physical challenges are severe cardiomyopathy, Type II diabetes and asthma. I am also extremely empathic - to a debilitating degree - where I experience not only the emotional energy of others, but also their physical vulnerabilities.

On a scale of 1-10 before session: 10 for empathy and related symptoms, 5 Type II, 5 Heart condition, 2 Asthma.

After the session: 3-4 Debilitating Empathy, 2 Type II, 2 Heart condition, 0 Asthma

This session for the Interstitium was extremely powerful and effective for me. Knowing the body is largely made up of fluids, and a large portion of that is lymphatic, this work with the interstitium was exceptionally effective at affecting changes. Being a heart patient that plays with the odds of CHF all the time, managing fluids and fluid retention have been a large part of my program - moving interstitial fluids is the aim of diuretics. I felt it all being moved around as cleared. I have just come through a long period of convalescence, so I know I had a lot of lymph buildup.

My activity after the session has increased immensely, and everything seems to be moving again like sap in a tree. Also, the amount of emotional energy that has shifted since the session has been profound for me. Fluids hold emotional energy and imprints and doing work with this was almost indescribable. I have felt the largest shift to be emotional. I had been having a particularly rough time with empathy specifically with one person in our family who is not well. This took place daily. All of a sudden that has shifted to such a huge degree that I have been able to sleep, get up and have a productive day without resting and drive for errands without concerns if not knowing when the next bout of debilitating empathy was going to hit. This has brought me a lot of joy. I sense that what we did shifted the imprints in the existing fluids and cleared a lot of the resonance I had with this individual - enough so that I have much more autonomy and sovereignty, and now appear to be more resilient to psychic attacks. I am so very grateful for Grace’s brilliant guidance and work!"

~ Kathleen S ~ Michigan, Teacher, Healer, Mentor


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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $147

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3



SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions

15 minute 1-on-1 session with Grace

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You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, 24 hours before the date of the first Group call, or 48 hours before the date of your personal session with Grace, whichever comes first.

Your personal session must be used within 9 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled. A 5 minute grace period will be held for the call but after that grace period it will be considered a no-show.

Grace will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues that can occur, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.

Meet Grace G. Hom

Grace Geokyin Hom, Medical Intuitive and Light Body Whisperer has over 22 years of combined experience in health care and alternative healing. She works with science, spirituality, and intuition to support her clients to enjoy greater health and vitality. Grace’s clients often speak of her profound intuition and rare ability to work with the minute details of a cell as well as see the bigger patterns across generations and cultures that impact a person’s health and well-being. Many credit her with helping them to overcome health challenges.

Grace is internationally respected for her medical intuitive and energy healing work with eyesight, energy dentistry, and chronic health challenges. She listens to the wisdom of bodies to facilitate her clients to remember health and wholeness. Her clients enjoy laughter and deep yawns that release lifetimes of traumas during their sessions. They also feel lighter and more joyous.

Available for a Limited Time Only

Super Ozone - MP3


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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $147

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3



SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions

15 minute 1-on-1 session with Grace

money back logo


You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, 24 hours before the date of the first Group call, or 48 hours before the date of your personal session with Grace, whichever comes first.

Your personal session must be used within 9 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled. A 5 minute grace period will be held for the call but after that grace period it will be considered a no-show.

Grace will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues that can occur, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.

Take your life to the next level and experience profound changes to transform your ENTIRE being!

Package A offers the comprehensive support system that covers EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your life.

With 9 mp3s, each covering a different sector of the bagua, the spatial and energetic map of your life, you'll be able to improve your health, wealth, relationships, career, creativity, family and so much more.

Imagine being able to change what's not working in your life and implement new habits that set you up for success.

With Package A, the results will be exponential.

But it's not just about the changes you'll see, it's about the confidence you'll gain.

The confidence to create exactly the life you choose.

And that's not all, with this package, you'll be able to clear hidden set-points to money, wealth, joy, receiving support, health, fitness, and access your own genius.

Just clearing one hidden set-point can open the gates to a better life, but eliminating the set-points associated with each bagua sector will support you to create limitless living.

So, if you're serious about creating a life beyond the past, beyond trauma and pain, and living in alignment with your Divine Destiny, then Package A is perfect for you.

Don't wait any longer, take action now and start experiencing the power of the bagua today!

Bagua Sector 1:

Career and Calling MP3

Value: $90

Discover your true purpose and clear hidden set-points to money and success with bagua sector 1!

With this healing MP3, you'll be able to tap into your inner wisdom and unlock the secrets to your true calling.

You'll be able to identify the career or service that would allow you to feel and do your best, and put you on the path to living your best life.

This MP3 session will also help you clear hidden set-points that have been holding you back from achieving financial success and abundance.

Imagine being able to access your full potential, and breakthrough any limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from reaching your goals.

Bagua Sector 2:

Love and Relationships MP3

Value: $90

Are you tired of feeling alone and struggling to create meaningful relationships? Do you want to experience love and connection on a deeper level? Then this healing MP3 is just what you need.

Bagua section 2 is designed to help you create the loving relationships you desire.

It addresses your relationship to yourself, significant others, and more.

It helps clear subconscious issues that have been holding you back from attracting and maintaining good relationships.

But that's not all, this mp3 also clears set-points around receiving love and support.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs and blocks that have been preventing you from truly experiencing love and connection. Imagine being able to fully open up to receiving love and support from others.

We all need love and relationships in our lives. It's an essential part of being human. So, if you're ready to experience love and connection on a deeper level, then this MP3 is a must-have!

Bagua Sector 3:

Family, Elders and Community MP3

Value: $90

Are you ready to create the family and community of your dreams? Are you tired of feeling unsupported and disconnected from the people around you? This healing MP3 will help you make that happen!

Bagua section 3 is designed to help you clear the energy of old family and communities, so you can create something new that is supportive and loving.

It helps you to identify what kind of family and community you would like to have in your life, and create it.

But that's not all, this session also clears hidden set-points around feeling seen, heard, and supported by others.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs and blocks that have been preventing you from feeling connected and supported by the people around you.

Imagine being able to fully open up to receiving love and support from others.

Family and community is what you choose for it to be, so why not create something that is truly supportive and loving.

Bagua Sector 4:

Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Value: $90

Claim your inner wealth and prosperity!

Are you tired of feeling stuck and struggling financially? Then this healing MP3 is for you.

Bagua section 4 is designed to help you clear set-points around financial and spiritual wealth, so you can claim your inner wealth and create the prosperity you desire.

It helps you identify what kind of wealth and prosperity you would like to have in your life and create it.

But that's not all, this session also clears limiting ideas and beliefs about wealth and prosperity, so you can fully open yourself up to receiving wealth in every way.

Imagine being able to let go of any blocks that have been preventing you from achieving financial success and abundance. Imagine being able to fully embrace prosperity and live a life of abundance.

We all deserve to claim our inner wealth and prosperity, so why not start today.

Bagua Sector 5:

Health and Well-being MP3

Value: $90

Are you ready to experience greater health and vitality?

Are you tired of struggling with your health, fitness and nutrition goals?

Then bagua section 5 is a good focus for you!

This healing MP3 is designed to help align the energy of the entire bagua with the energy of health, to support you in experiencing greater health and vitality.

It's specifically targeted at the center of the bagua, which represents you and your health.

But that's not all, this session also clears set-points around energy, health, vitality, and fitness.

Imagine being able to let go of any blocks that have been preventing you from achieving your health and fitness goals.

Imagine being able to trust yourself to make nutritious food choices, and having the body you desire.

We all deserve to experience optimal health and vitality, so why not start today. So, if you're ready to take control of your health and start living your best life, then this MP3 is a must-have.

Bagua Sector 6:

Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Value: $90

Align your life with your Divine Destiny with the right guidance and support on your journey!

Bagua section 6 is designed to help you identify the mentors and guides who can support you in living in alignment with your Divine Destiny.

It helps you understand that everything that is in your way is actually supporting you to be on your way.

It helps you see that anyone can support you to be on your way, whether it's inner or outer travels.

Imagine being able to identify and align yourself with the right mentors and guides, who will support you on your journey to fulfill your Divine Destiny.

Imagine being able to trust that everything that is in your way is actually helping you get to where you're meant to be.

Get ready to take control of your life and start living your best life starting NOW!

Bagua Sector 7:

Children and Creativity MP3

Value: $90

Become a conscious creator with bagua section 7!

If you are tired of feeling blocked and unable to tap into your creativity, then this healing MP3 is just what you need.

This session is designed to help you clear hidden blocks to creativity, so you can tap into the creative flow whenever you like.

It helps you access your own genius and unlock your full potential.

But that's not all, this session also clears any set-points around your access to your own genius.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs or blocks that have been preventing you from accessing your full creative potential.

Imagine being able to fully embody Divine Intelligence and Creativity.

As human beings, we are always creating, so why not become a conscious creator?

Bagua Sector 8:

Knowledge and Skills MP3

Value: $90

Unlock your full potential and claim your own genius with bagua section 8!

Do you want to acquire new skills and knowledge with ease and fun? Then this healing MP3 is just what you need.

This session is designed to help you understand that there are no limits to your ability to learn.

It helps you identify the skills and knowledge that you would like to have, and claim your own genius.

But that's not all, this session also helps you understand that learning can be easy and fun.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs or blocks that have been preventing you from learning and acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Imagine being able to fully embrace the idea that learning can be easy and fun, and claim your own genius.

Bagua Sector 9:

Fame and Reputation MP3

Value: $90

Are you ready to leave a lasting legacy and make a real impact on the world?

Do you want to expand into who you can truly be?

Then this healing MP3 session is just what you need.

Bagua section 9 is designed to help you understand the importance of your legacy and the impact you can make on the world.

It helps you identify the legacy you would like to leave and the contributions you want to make to the world.

But that's not all, this session also helps you understand that there are no limits to who you can be and what you can contribute to the world.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs or blocks that have been preventing you from fully embracing your potential and leaving a lasting legacy.

Imagine being able to see yourself as someone who is worthy of being seen, heard, and remembered, and expanding into who you can truly be.

Honoring your legacy requires you to see yourself as someone who is worthy of being seen, heard, and remembered, so why not start today.

Available for a Limited Time Only

Super Ozone - MP3

Are you looking for a way to feel deeply relaxed and improve your overall well-being?

Well, I've got just the thing for you.

As a bonus, Grace is offering this 13-minute MP3 that will help support your body to feel deeply relaxed.

This MP3 is designed to oxygenate your tissues and especially support lung health by using the ozone.

The ozone is a powerful naturally occurring substance that has been shown to help improve lung function, boost energy levels, and promote relaxation.

This healing MP3 is also a great tool for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being.

Imagine being able to feel deeply relaxed and refreshed in just 13 minutes, and at the same time support your lung health.

Package A


Exclusive FHTJ Price $147

Introductory Special Offer $97

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Focus on mesentery will helped me to heal my large endometriosis inside my belly”

"I was seeking healing for: emotional and physical healing - endometriosis, lyme disease, brain fog, gut problem, liver, immune system, kidneys, heart, anemia, short and light sleep etc. long term anger, anxiety, sadness, find boundaries/my space, relationship mother - mother , relationship child - mother, feeling safe in dealing with people.

Before the session, the issues were a 10 out of 10.

After the session, the same issues were at a 3 out 10.

During the session I felt tension around my spine, in whole belly, heavy legs (lymph).

Afterwards, I feel much calmer. I feel more aware of myself, of my needs. The focus on mesentery will helped me to heal my large endometriosis inside my belly. Feel lighter in my belly, less tension (PMS).

This was my second session with Grace. I am so amazed. Her healing is so gently, but deep and focused. I love her sense of humor which helps me to go deeper in the healing. I am crying and laughing at one moment. I also appreciate the focus on energetically Rolfing the fascia of my entire body, which is also my interest"

~ Jana of Prague

“Knee Pain Reduced, Fears Reduced to a 1.”

"I was dealing with knee soreness, digestive issues and lethargy.

During the session with Grace I feel lots of tingles, mostly in my head, but occasionally down my spine. I feel energy moving, causing me to yawn and sometimes get sleepy. I also feel some emotions come up as something us triggered.

After the session, my knee pain reduced. Often, I perceive more brightness. Emotional issues I’ve been struggling with like fear are reduced to 1.

Grace is really talented at finding the right question or key to get to the core of something. She always brings up and tackles an issue in a way I never thought of and I am great at asking the right question or finding the right word myself, so I value her abilities. Grace reads up on new research and fits that knowledge into her sessions to uncover hidden programs and traumas. Like adding a neurotransmitter or hormone she knows we often are lacking in our systems.

Grace is such a kind, joyous, and generous person. She makes me laugh more than anyone I've had a group session with. I look forward to hearing her calming voice."

~ Tina Moore of Alberta, Canada

“I have healed deep wounds from my mother, from my father, and even from the country I was born into!”

"­­­­­­­­­­­­­Dear Grace, I have had many issues in my body, mainly the spine and it's very interesting to learn about the connective tissue, or fascia beneath the skin, to understand better how pain can move from one part of the body to another.

During the session, I could feel the soft energy going around all my body, and I feel so much better after this. I feel that I can move better, which is huge! The problems were at a 8 and after the session they were at a 3!

Dearest Grace, the benefits I have gotten from you through your work have been amazing, from the group sessions like Spinal Energetics, your private sessions for my family and my dog, your magical one-hour free sessions every week, and your amazing YouTube videos. All of them have healed me in so many different ways, at different levels and all of them have been heartfelt. Besides the great value that you provide doing the energy work.

Your packages are great because you don’t stay just in one area, but allow people to let you know where they have a headache and you are working on their feet, because the next thing you do is work on the headache. It takes a noble and very humble heart to understand when a person is really hurting, and you do. Besides, there’s no limit for people asking questions, and that has a huge value for me.

During private sessions, I always feel open to ask you my deepest issues and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your understanding. Your depth is also superb, having gone through my most significant past lives, many family issues have been covered and cleared. The release of in-utero and development issues is also significant and is handled in a unique way, only by you. From this life only, the amount of issues that we bring from other lifetimes and that we carry forward would be huge if not released. Thanks to you, I have released a lot of karmic weight from my back, I have healed deep wounds from my mother, from my father, and even from the country I was born into. Thank you for releasing me from so many entities and from guides who were not guiding. I bow to you with all my gratitude, not only for what you have done for me, but also for the respect and understanding that you have given me. By the way, did you know that you sound very funny when you speak Light language? I love it! I love you. Thank you so, so, soooo much!"

~ Caroline of Toronto

“Anger Dissipated, Back Pain Improved, Life Improve Greatly”

"I took the spinal energetics classes and back pain went from varying 7 and 9 to about a 4 or 5.
Before the inflammation webinar, I was feeling a lot of resentment and anger with my sister, I felt the anger dissipate and after the webinar it was completely gone and has not returned. Now I feel peaceful and loving toward her. During every webinar, I feel many energetic releases and always feel lighter.

I am so grateful that I have been able to experience Grace Hom's energetic work. She is a beautiful soul that is super generous with her gifts. I love her webinars. They are always full of information, wonderful energy and surprises. Grace always addresses everyone's concerns and goes above and beyond to assist in releasing energetic blockages and helping with emotional, mental and physical issues. After taking Grace's Spinal energetics package, the chronic back pain I had been experiencing went from between a 7 and 9 to about a 4 or 5. This has improved my life greatly and I would highly recommend taking one or more of Grace's packages."

~ Linda of Chicago Heights

“Had Energy after Three Weeks with Flu”

"At the time of the live call on anti-oxidants, anti-inflammation and pain relief, I had the flu. During the session, I had lots of yawning and as well during the live session as the replay I laughed so much, it was such a funny conversation we had. Before the live session I was in my 3rd week of flu, the morning after the live session I felt so much space around my chest and had more energy than the other 3 weeks combined.

Grace, I love your integrity, your purity, your authenticity, your grace and your humor, you are a wonderful healer."

~ Monique of Europe

“Was Able to Cry and then Feel More Joy”

"I was dealing with unworthiness, inner child issues and ancestral trauma. During the session with Grace, I felt the movement of energy in my lower body more. Was able to cry and not hold it back. Felt a release of emotions. Able to heal myself from her group and sessions! Now I feel lighter and more joyous.

Grace is a great facilitator. I have taking many of her sessions and package. She held space for many of my issues in sessions and worked on problems from in-utero development, the unconscious, inner child work and ancestral traumas. Beautiful light language and gazing sessions. She has held space in so many ways to assist me in my personal growth along with many others. So much gratitude and love for her and her work"

~ Maria Yearwood of Los Angeles

“Neck Pain Down to a 1-2, Should Pain Went Away”

"My issues were: numbness in feet, pains in calf, neck and shoulder and they were at a 7 out of 10. Grace’s work really helps so much with the neck pain -- down to a 1-2, and the should pain went away. The numbness is so much better.

I have worked with Grace for about 2 years and her work has help me in so many ways, it is hard to pinpoint. But she is so much more informed than many I have listened to.

As time goes on, her sessions just keep on getting better. She is AWESOME."

~ Judy Huffman of Kinsley

“Shifts Occurring in Real-Time”

"I’ve been privileged to have been the beneficiary of Grace’s amazing skills for several years now, both in packages and in several one on one sessions. She is very powerful and often I can actually feel shifts occurring real-time in my energy. She is the real deal, and she continues to evolve and become more powerful as time goes on. More than that, she has experienced many of the things that I have with health, life issues and emotions, and she is able to bring that insight and experience with her as an additional component of understanding and ability to focus her healing where it’s really needed. She recently did a session for facia, connective tissue, the interstitial space and the mesentery. I’ve known for many years now that these connective tissues are a huge component in my own healing journey, but not many are addressing this specifically. Therefore, I am especially excited for a package that delves into these issues. Thank you, Grace!"

~ Kim P., Medical Legal Consultant

Includes everything in Package A Plus

Are you ready to create your best life and align with your Divine Destiny? Then Package B is just what you need.

Inside you'll find an 18-page ebook/workbook: "Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny with the Bagua 2023" - this may be the most important guide you'll ever use to support you in creating the life of your dreams.

It's like having a blueprint for your success, where you'll get to write down your goals for each sector of the Bagua, and in doing so, you'll see how everything aligns with your Divine Destiny.

You'll finally understand your "WHY" and making decisions will be a breeze.

Say goodbye to procrastination because when you know your Divine Destiny, you'll have a clear action plan for yourself.

But that's not all, you'll also have access to four group calls to support you in activating your own map of your life, your Bagua.

You'll first design it with the ebook/workbook, and then the group calls will give you even more support to create your best life.

So, if you're serious about creating the life of your dreams and aligning with your Divine Destiny, then Package B is a must-have.

Don't wait any longer, take action now and start experiencing the power of this incredible tool.

ITEM 10:

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

Value: $20

Are you ready to take control of your life and create your best life?

Then this 18-page pdf ebook/workbook is just what you need.

This guide is designed to help you focus on creating your best life.

Writing activates a different part of the brain than speech, so if you do both, you'll see real-life results.

You'll get to fill out your goals for all areas of your life, including figuring out your "WHY?".

It's like having a blueprint for your success, where you'll get to write down your goals and in doing so, you'll see how everything aligns with your Divine Destiny.

This guide will also help you understand the importance of your legacy and the impact you can make on the world. It helps you identify the legacy you would like to leave and the contributions you want to make to the world.

ITEM 11:

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions

Value: $150


Grace's first group healing session happened on March 10th and will focus on the bagua sectors of career calling, relationships, and family/community. You'll get to dive deep into these areas of your life and understand how they align with your Divine Destiny.

The second group healing session, on March 17th, will focus on the bagua sectors of wealth, health, and spirituality. You'll get to explore how these areas of your life align with your Divine Destiny and understand how to create a life of abundance and well-being.

The third group healing session, on March 24th, will focus on the bagua sectors of children/creativity, knowledge/skills, and fame/legacy. You'll get to understand how these areas of your life align with your Divine Destiny and how to create a life that is fulfilling and leaves a lasting impact.

These group healing calls are designed to help you align with your Divine Destiny and create your best life.

  • 1

    March 10: Bagua 1-3: Career calling, relationships and family/community.

  • 2

    March 17: Bagua 4-6: Wealth, health, spirituality.

  • 3

    March 24: Bagua 7-9: Children/creativity, knowledge/skills and fame/legacy.

Package B


Exclusive FHTJ Price: $197

Introductory Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Extreme Reduction of Pain and Swelling”

"I had inflamed, painful gum around back tooth on lower left jaw and inflamed gum in upper back teeth/left side of jaw that were a 10 out of 10 in severity. During the session with Grace, I experience an extreme reduction of pain and swelling. It went down to a 4 and continues to improve. I felt uplifted and joyful - more connected.

Grace has a unique and joyful approach to healing. Her work goes deep into the underlying causes of energetic imbalances or dis-ease. She is extremely versatile and continues to add varying techniques to her sessions such as gazing and light language. Grace's work is nothing short of awesome!"

~ Carolyn of Dublin, Ireland

“No blurry eyes or fatigue like I would normally experience!”

"I was attracted to Grace just for working on my eyes and experienced soooo much more! Grace worked on my C2, left eye pain and even a tooth that were all connected to the eyes. I have been putting in multiple hours in front of the computer and my eyes were getting fatigued. I took a nap after our session and was then up most of last night... no blurry eyes or fatigue like I would normally experience!

Grace mentioned my ancestral and womb experiences. She pinpointed an upset at approximately 6-8 weeks in utero... the result being that I felt like I was not seen, not heard and when I was born that I did not feel well received and loved. What Grace picked up on was when my father was suddenly drafted and was to be sent immediately to the Front in a war zone.

Grace released the childhood grief for the loss of the childhood that I could have had. My mother did not believe in holding babies... she felt like this would spoil us some how... Talk about not feeling seen, loved, received or respected! Wow…

Then Grace traced the feelings of not being well received and love to a core issue from my maternal genetic line... going back 8-9 generations. Not feeling loved and a pattern of the heart not being in the body... After she shifted the generational patterns, which she transformed by the Light... Grace said there were too many to name... I told her the story of my maternal grandmother being a burden on her parents... just one more mouth to feed... so at 6 years of age her father attempted to drown her in the pond with her mother standing on the shore... NOT attempting to stop him! My heart ached and felt completely closed down & restricted. Then suddenly the ache disappeared and I had an intense rush of energy throughout my entire body... waves upon waves of energy... In fact I am reliving that experience as I write this review 24 hours later!!! Healing is once again being transmitted! Thank you, Grace!"

~ Peg Rose, creator of "HomeWhispering" and "Universal Core Healings"

“Improvements in a Number of Areas, Able to Sleep Through the Night”

"­­­­­­­­­­­­­I felt relaxed, calm, loved, seen, and cared for during the session. Grace worked on my teeth and gums, which had been troubling me for many years. She scanned my entire body, energizing and helping to improve a number of areas I needed help with, including my prostate, the Ph balance of my digestive system, my anti inflammatory response, as well as a few other areas. 

I have been sleeping consistently through the night since our session 2 weeks ago instead of having to get up to urinate 2 or 3 times. Wow! Amazing work!"

~ Gary Pincus, M.A.

“Cleared the Inflammation (in one session)”

"My session with Grace was a great one. I was having an allergic reaction to something and Grace cleared the inflammation that made my face red. My hot skin cooled down and stopped itching. She found some deep-hidden issues related to my family. It's always good to get an outside eye to look in on family issues. 

Grace made connections I hadn't thought of before and cleared what was not in my favour. I felt light and peaceful by the end and this feeling has continued. Grace was excellent at tuning in quickly and finding - then clearing - the energetic blocks."

~ Sophia Zoe, Holistic Healer

“Healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues”

"I have said that as long as I have a penny to my name, I will continue healing sessions with Grace. I call her “The Healer of Healers.” I am 74 years old and have worked with many gifted lightworkers over the last 40 years. Since working with Grace, I have experienced profound and rapid changes in all aspects of my life. Most profound in this recent time has been the healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues. Emotional underpinnings were removed instantaneously.  

Currently, I also work closely with a licensed holistic chiropractor who checks my nutrition requirements monthly. I was taking eleven different supplements and after one session with Grace, I no longer needed six of them and the dosage was cut in half for the remaining five! Most issues with my thyroid have completely cleared. In relation to my pancreas, I no longer have any cravings for sugar or sweets of any kind. I also experienced an instantaneous clearing of candida from my body along with many insights about the origin of this condition. On the same day following the session with Grace, I had an appointment with my chiropractor who tested for candida and found no indications of candida remaining in my body. I am so grateful to Grace for her miraculous work. She is such a gentle, loving, and compassionate healer."

~ Renee E. of Denver

“The tightness immediately disappeared and the cough I had loosened up!”

"Grace, I truly loved my healing session with you, it’s amazing to me how much can be worked on in such a short amount of time. Less than 24hrs after my session I could feel real results.

I came to Grace with a litany of problems: chronic fatigue, skin and fungal issues, tightness in my chest, severe digestive issues due to incredible amounts of stress over that past four years and more.

I had lost both of my brothers at a young age to heart attacks, and had taken on the burden of my family and more.

One of the first things Grace worked on was the miasms related to heart issues, the tightness immediately disappeared and the cough I had loosened up, and as of today has disappeared. I’m breathing more freely now. I only had about 5 hrs of sleep overnight, worked a 10hr day, and I still have more energy left at the end of my day then after a full nights sleep. I feel there is more of a flow of energy coursing through my body.

Most of my issues were related back to 23 generations of abusive patterns that needed to be cleared. How can you quantify having that cleared? It’s priceless to be free of burdens and ties that were never mine to begin with.

Grace, I am deeply touched by your generous loving spirit, your insights are so spot on, you tuned into every problem within my physical body without my help. What I’m most impressed about is your Authenticity. That word is used a lot these days, but most people could take a lesson from you, because YOU ARE IT."

~ Maria G. of Florida

“Release of Old Patterns that were Contrary to Implementing my Vision”

"I was blessed to recently receive a 20 minute session with Grace to work on sight.

Grace is gentle, compassionate, has a beautiful laugh and sense of humour, is able to tap into multi-dimensions and knows when to articulate what she is working on and perceiving and also when defining multi-dimensions through words is ineffectual.

When Grace worked on my eyes, I felt a definite tightening of the muscles around the eye area. Grace also worked through all the meridians, as she did so I could feel the energy moving in the organ/meridian she was working with, and often at the same time, the next organ to be worked on. When Grace worked on the spine, the energy was gentle, yet profound.

Grace identified and set in motion the release of old patterns that were contrary to implementing my vision. She was also able to identify the importance of love and beauty in my life.

Since our session, I find myself making more choices that are self-nurturing and, after many years, again exploring how my vision can best be created and expressed.

If you have the opportunity to work with Grace, please take it, as Grace is a definite gift."

~ Karen B. Sydney

“Three-Week-Old injury to knee – pain gone 14 hours later.”

"My major mal-adjustment at this time was a 3-week-old injury to my knee. For the entire 3 weeks, my knee would pop and crack with almost every step. Often during the day, and during the night, I was awakened frequently when it felt like a hot poker was being shoved under my knee cap. It was excruciating pain.

Further investigation into my knee brought up the possibility of reoccurring injuries from past lives?

Grace also isolated several past injuries: my lower back and arm without my mentioning them to her! Miraculous!!!

What I found amazing was I found that my knees began to feel nicely warm, like I was putting a warm salve on it when Grace was doing energy healing on it. I rested for 30 mins and upon standing upright, I discovered that I no longer feel like I was going to fall down immediately. It felt better than it had in a week.

14 hours later - I am stacking firewood with little to no pain! Thank you, Grace"

~ Keith O., Colorado

Includes everything in Package A & Package B Plus

Are you ready to take your life to the next level and become unstoppable?

Then Package C is just what you need.

Inside this package, you'll get a 15-minute 1-on-1 personal session with Grace.

You'll be supported to clear intergenerational traumas and subconscious beliefs that are holding you back.

This will help you to enjoy better health, more vitality and success.

But that's not all, this one-on-one session will also provide an upleveling of energy that comes with lots of laughter and yawns.

Imagine being able to let go of any limiting beliefs or blocks that have been preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Imagine being able to take your life to the next level and become unstoppable.

So, if you're ready to take your life to the next level and become unstoppable, then Package C is a must-have!

ITEM 11:

15 minute 1-on-1 session with Grace

Are you looking to resolve ANY issues in your life and achieve optimal health and vitality?

Then these 1-on-1 sessions with Grace are just what you need.

During the session, Grace will tune into your energy and work on the issues your body requires to support health and vitality.

She'll address the root causes of your issues, such as intergenerational traumas, family system issues, and traumas from accidents.

Grace can tune into issues at the cellular level to the environmental level, and she'll address the bagua or energy map of your life so that you can function in the best environment, supporting you to stay healthy and succeed in life.

Grace can also support you in rewiring your subconscious beliefs so that you can feel an amazing sense of self and know that you're wired for health, joy, and success in all areas of your life.

Imagine being able to let go of limiting beliefs and blocks that have been preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Imagine feeling a sense of self-worth and knowing that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

So, if you're ready to take control of your life and achieve optimal health and vitality, then these 1-on-1 sessions with Grace are a must-have.

Don't wait any longer, take action now and start experiencing the power of this incredible healing...spaces are limited!

Package C

Save $100 NOW!

Exclusive FHTJ Price $347

Introductory Special Offer $247

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to listen to the mp3s in order?

No. Please follow your own intuition. There is no order you have to listen to them in.

Q. Will your mp3s interfere with other energy healing work I am receiving from others?

No. The energy has its own intelligence and will support you in alignment with your Divine blueprint. Nothing harmful can be done to you. It is safe to use along with other energy healing sessions.

Q. If I turn down the volume will it still work?

Yes. Please experiment and see what feels right for you. The energy is effective no matter the volume.

Q. Sometimes I yawn a lot and sometimes I don’t when listening to your mp3s. Why is that?

Yawning is a parasympathetic system response to support your body to feel more relaxed and release stagnant energy. Sometimes you may be too tired already and sometimes you may not be as centered to receive the energy. Regardless of your response, you’re still receiving the energy healing.

Q. How often should I use your mp3s?

I generally recommend listening to 2 to 3 a day at the most. Then come back to them a few days later, giving your body time to integrate the healing energy. Please listen to your own body. Some days you may choose to create a spa day for yourself and listen to the mp3s all day.

Q. Anything else I should know before using your mp3s?

Yes, please do not listen to my mp3s at any volume while you're driving, operating heavy machinery or doing anything that requires focus. The energy of the mp3s can help you feel more relaxed and even sleepy. Safety first please.

“HUGE and DEEP Energy Shifts”

"I am lucky to have had A-M-A-Z-I-N-G session with Grace. I feel stuckness in major areas of life that I shared with her to work on. I have my eyesight/vision issues, relationship issues and stuckness in career/finances.

When Grace worked on me I felt HUGE and DEEP energy shifts. The energy she brought in was so profound and powerful and it REACHED all those areas of my body where I feel blockages. Especially when she worked on my eyesight, the energy gushed into and out of my toes. I never felt such energy movement in my toes before. Grace's 21 days money, magic & miracle audios have deeply changed my perspectives toward money and the related concepts.
Thank you so much Grace. Love you"

~ Leenah Rahul of India

“A Week Later the Blanket of Energy Has Become Stronger”

"Grace is so wise, funny, real and humble. I get picked out on a tele summit call and received Grace's healing. (Also: even before the tele summit-call started I was already feeling subtle energies moving in and around me.) I told Grace about my problems like major depression, chronic fatigue and mental confusion. During the live healing session, I felt a warm ray of energy moving from my heart area to my throat, while she worked and talked about the Assemblage Point.

After that, I felt subtle, but very strong electrical waves of energy in and around my body, in my hands, my chest, my legs and feet. Now, a week later that blanket of energy has become stronger and has not left me! I do feel lighter and closer to myself. The energy feels pleasant and empowering for my physical body.

I always wondered what people were talking about when they say: ' Yes , I can feel the energy... ' Now I understand , because I felt it while Grace was working on me and even a week later I can still feel energy moving around my body.

I felt lighter after Grace infused me and my Assemblage Point with light. Lighter in spirit mind and body. What a miraculous thing this is! Grace's energy was very tangible even during a distant healing session. I can even feel my eyes changing in the inside.

I really recommend Graces' energy healing if you suffer from depression, pain or fatigue"

~ Bert W. of The Netherlands"

“No neck pain, no back pain and clearer vision

"­­­­­­­­­­­­­I woke up and felt amazing today. No neck pain, no back pain and my vision seems clearer. I ate a really healthy lunch and seemed to be generally more efficient and active today. Can't wait to see what else unfolds!

Thank you so much, Grace. Your work is powerful!"

~ Jill K.

“Shifts Blocks to Self-Love and Ancestral Patterns”

"Grace Hom is truly the most Gifted Healer, her energy and warmth puts you at ease immediately, and her compassion, wisdom and clairvoyance are astounding. From the very first Skype session I had with Grace, I knew I was in the presence of a very special Energy Healer & Gifted Intuitive.

Initially I was drawn to Grace’s 21 Days of Money, Magic & Miracles Program, to help transform my financial blocks. I soon learned that within this program Grace gives so much more than just clearing money blocks. Grace channels amazing multi-dimensional loving energy & she brings through such beautiful healing, emotional clearings and transformational energy shifts.

Grace’s healing work incorporates many generations, to get to the root of the issues. Within the 21 audios alone, Grace brings through Higher Energies that shift self love blocks, shift ancestral patterns, and connect us to our Higher Self. My words cannot do justice to how beautiful these audios really are.

I cannot speak highly enough of the Live Video Sessions called Zoom hangouts that Grace offers in her programs. These sessions were life changing for me, as Grace generously shared how to shift subconscious blocks using a profound yet very simple techniques. Every Divine Audio, every Group process and every 1 on 1 Session with Grace is a precious gift you will never forget.

Thank you Grace, you truly are a God Sent Gifted Healer. I appreciate you with all my Heart!"

~ Diana M.

“Overcome Depression, Resolved Hypertension and other Ailments”

"My experience with Grace Hom has been very transformational. As a Professional Engineer my inherent skepticism and analytical nature set a certain level of expectation for me. I can tell you that Grace has impressed me in every way. I find Grace to be extremely knowledgeable about energy medicine and healing. My experience has helped me to open my heart and through the process see healing occur in my family on many levels.

On a personal level, Grace has helped me overcome depression, resolved hypertension and other stress-related ailments. (all verified by MD). In addition to healing health issues, Grace’s skill with energy has helped not only my business to grow rapidly but has helped me nurture all my personal relationships. I am sure that Grace has the knowledge and skills to help anyone achieve their personal goals and a whole lot more as everything is energy."

~ Jim F.,Engineer

“Arm Pain Gone and Mobile Again”

"I had experienced a great healing session with Grace. She is an awesome Being and Healer and contributes to deep healing. My right upper arm was in tremendous pain, it was not mobile. After just a few minutes with Grace’s hand on my arm, I fell into a calm and peace and the healing began. The next day, my arm pain was gone and my arm was mobile again.

I will definitely be back and know she is in my life for a long time."

~ Sonia P. Spectrum Energy Healer, Spiritual Alchemy Intuitive Coaching, Teacher and Facilitator


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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $147

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3



SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Bagua Sector 1: Career and Calling MP3

Bagua Sector 2: Love and Relationships MP3

Bagua Sector 3: Family, Elders and Community MP3

Bagua Sector 4: Wealth and Prosperity MP3

Bagua Sector 5: Health and Well-being MP3

Bagua Sector 6: Helpful people, Travel and Spirituality MP3

Bagua Sector 7: Children and Creativity MP3

Bagua Sector 8: Knowledge and Skills MP3

Bagua Sector 9: Fame and Reputation MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Super Ozone - MP3

Your Personal Mandala: Health, Success and Divine Destiny 2023

3 Recorded Bagua Group Healing Sessions

15 minute 1-on-1 session with Grace

money back logo


You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, 24 hours before the date of the first Group call, or 48 hours before the date of your personal session with Grace, whichever comes first.

Your personal session must be used within 9 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled. A 5 minute grace period will be held for the call but after that grace period it will be considered a no-show.

Grace will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues that can occur, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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