Your Daily Challenges Will Vanish And Turn Into Prosperity And Joy!
With The Most POWERFUL Energies On The Planet ...
Flower Essences!
The results of these flower essences will ASTOUND you!
Are you more concerned about money than ever before?
Does it feel like you never have enough money to pay the bills matter how hard you work?
Does the word ‘MONEY’...
- Strike fear in your heart?
- Leave you with pain in your gut?
- Give you a splitting headache?
Keep reading because there is hope!
If you said ‘YES’ to any of the questions above, you’re not alone. Even people with a bank full of money can suffer from financial fear.

Stop Worrying About Your Finances And Open The Doors To YOUR Prosperity With The Most POWERFUL Abundance Energies On The Planet ... Flower Essences!

It is time for you to finally break out of the scarcity cycle once and for all.
Financial freedom is more realistic than you may think...
In fact, you have the power to access more abundance and prosperity than you could ever imagine despite turbulent times with Open the Doors to Prosperity!
Financial worries and stress about the uncertainty of these changing times are at the top of the list for most everyone right now.
All of a sudden, it now seems that we are living in unprecedented and uncertain times.
What if there was a simple and easy solution to all of your money worries?
Today you have the choice to put your money worries aside by tapping into the energy of nature’s gift ….
Why The Energy Of Flower Essences For Prosperity Is So Powerful ...
When we’re under stress or experience trauma it causes breaks in the biofield.
Flower essences work by immediately filling in the gaps and strengthening the whole energetic field to support you and helps to attract EXACTLY what it is you desire ... even when sprayed remotely!
This supports you to attract what it is you are TRULY desiring. Supportive people, win-wins, and magical manifestations occur NATURALLY.
Here’s the amazing thing … Remote misting begins to work in the energy field immediately!
Within 30 seconds up to 7 minutes you will begin feeling supported by the frequencies as they self adjust to your individual needs.
These Powerful Flower Essences have ASTOUNDING Results …
Results of Dr Rick Colmer's Phd. study describes how Deborah’s spray works to open the meridians. Once the meridians are open, it allows the body to heal. Chinese medicine speaks of this, and acupuncturists understand it well.
“Within minutes the patient's energy improved by greater than 50% and in some cases, as high as 80%”
"We completed the process of testing one of Deborah’s essence spray.
Patients were required to take an energy examination via the AcuGraph. After completion of the test, the computer software established a pattern and notes were generated regarding the patient's actual condition.
The body was then sprayed with the Flower Essence.
After seven minutes, a retest was performed on the same acupuncture points. A comparison was drawn and reviewed via the AcuGraph software.
Results were astonishing!!
The patient's energy improved by greater than 50% and in some cases, as high as 80%."
~ Rick J. Colmer, Ph.D., L.Ac., Contemporary Acupuncture

This is after misting Deborah’s Spray. The testing was within 7 minutes. It was astounding, that the meridians were clear and in highest state for optimal health.

Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Package A: 30 Day refund or before Group call commences, whichever comes first.
On Bottles: Non-refundable after order is shipped.
Get Ready For Astounding Results To Your Energy Field, Just Like These Incredible Stories:
"I have found the flower essence by Deborah Werner, to be a wonderful uncloaking device. When a patient is blocked, guarded or switched, a spray over the patient will uncover the priorities that need to be worked on. A great non-invasive way to create clarity."
~ Dr. Pieter Van Huehl, Integrated Holistic Healthcare
“Within 1 day, I booked an acting job for a show I didn’t even audition for!”
“The joy of unexpected income! When I set the intention for New Doors opening through the remote misting, I had a job in mind. However, God got jokes! Within 1 day, I booked an acting job for a show I didn’t even audition for! Thank you, thank you for creating a powerful product!"
~ Doreen Hamilton
“We Sold A Home The Very Next Day For A Record-Breaking Price!”
"My husband and I recently bought your Earth Wind & Flowers Open Doors and sprayed all the rooms of our brand new listing. We were feeling confident that it would perform as it says it does by revitalizing the space and bringing in new energy to the home. Well, guess what? We sold the home the very next day for a record breaking price!!! AND $35,000.00 over asking price! We love the smell and are believers that it works in getting a home sold quickly!"
~ Izetta & Jay Carroll
“I increased my transactions to 23 up from 10 the year before and up to 4.5 million in sales!”
"I purchased Open Doors spray last year in the spring, and I increased my transactions to 23 up from 10 the year before and up to 4.5 million in sales! YES I do believe that with spraying myself and my homes energizes the environment for success. I won top award and a luxury vacation for my husband and I!"
~ Sandy Mueller

About Your Healer, Deborah Werner
Deborah Werner works as an alchemist in creating flower essence frequencies while utilizing earth and cosmic elements in a very organic form. This resonance works naturally within the subtle energetic system, strengthening the original blueprint and resetting the energy field to open to all possibilities by releasing stuck places in our emotions, thoughts and bodies.
With olfaction (the science of smell) having many purposes, such as the detection of hazards, pheromones and food, the healing powers of aromatherapy and flowers as natural remedy have long been employed. Deborah has harnessed this ancient method to create flower essences capable of shifting harmony and lending balance for optimal physical and emotional well-being.
Her ability to intuitively reset a person’s negative energy field with her use of flower essences result in powerful, non-invasive transformations. Her clients have reported quick, long-lasting results with insomnia, anxiety, depression, addiction, relationships and money struggles.
“I have been offered more work this month than ever before!”
"You sprayed me remotely with Open Doors to Prosperity and I am pleased to report that I have been offered more work this month than ever before - thank you 🙏"
~ Rani
“The energy bursts out as I spray! I love them!”
“I absolutely love your spray, the energy bursts out as I spray. Good things are happening, and I love to spray everyday!"
~ Golda
“A miracle happened! I can now take my bar exam this year!”
"After remotely misting me with Open Doors to Prosperity then Miracle spray, The California Supreme Court made a decision a few hours ago! Exam will postpone to October 5 and 6th 2020 and registration date expanded to July 24th 2020!!! Tomorrow is my payday and I will register to the Exam tomorrow!
And I am crying while I am writing this news to you! After not having the money to register before the deadline, I asked for your help to mist me remotely, and this miracle happened!! I would have had to wait until next year to take my bar exam! Wow!! Thank you for your support!!!"
~ Clara
“After you sprayed me remotely with Open Doors, money started to come in!”
"WOW, I meant to write this earlier but everything happened so fast.
After you sprayed me remotely with Open Doors, money started to come in with my husband playing my numbers instead of his, so I placed an order with you, got an email saying it was going to be today and it came yesterday afternoon and after waiting three months for unemployment they said I was approved and now I have someone to write my resume.
Thank you so much for getting the ball rolling for me so GRATEFUL .💞🥰😘"
~ Jaqueline
“When Deborah remotely sprays me, I can instantly feel the energy shifting!”
"Deborah’s flower essence sprays are wonderful for balancing my energy and for shifting the atmosphere in my home for me and my family.
I could feel the transmission of energy when she remotely sends the flower essences. It feels as powerful as using the sprays...What a wonderful gift! I can instantly feel the energy shifting in my body and the grounding, nourishing support!
Thank you, to Deborah, for sharing nature's bountiful gifts of flowers and their loving supporting energy! Her passion and gifts for attuning with nature are beautiful!"
~ Maureen M.
“These flower essence sprays are one of the most amazing products I have ever used!”
"I have used Deborah’s open door and rainbow chakra sprays for some of the most amazing miracles. Deborah has a special ability to make a very special product that brings forth the hearts desires in beautiful ways. I highly recommend you try not only her Open Doors to Prosperity, but her entire line of different sprays.
I can’t even describe the amount of peace and happiness she has brought into my life. I am so very thankful to find her. She is so generous in her mistings but just imagine having her actual sprays in your home it’s simply amazing. It's opened some new levels of confidence, it's lessened fears and has given a whole lot of happiness all around."
~ Lisa
Are you ready to shift out of your old, ineffective patterns of making money? With Open the Doors to Prosperity, for 30 days straight you experience the incredibly powerful properties of nature’s energetic gift to mankind - flower essences!


Available for a Limited Time Only
Additional 30 Days as a BONUS
When you buy now, you get an additional 30 Days as a BONUS! That’s 60 days of Magical Vibrational Remedies to support you while you welcome in wealth, success and radiant abundance like you never thought possible before.
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
Preorder Now Open (Shipping Occurs within 15 Days)
The Prosperity Bundle Spray (4oz Sprays x 2)
The Prosperity Bundle Spray
(4oz Sprays x 2)
- 1 x 4 fl oz - Open Doors Prosperity
- 1 x 4 fl oz - Miracle
*Preorder Now Available. Shipping Occurs within 15 Days*
(International Shipping only for Europe. Please don't place an order if you are outside US, Canada, or Europe.)

Package A
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A: 30 Day refund or before Group call commences, whichever comes first.
On Bottles: Non-refundable after order is shipped.
Package A
Open Doors To Prosperity 30-Day Remote Misting
When going through life’s challenges, Deborah creates the essence that will best support the emotion or challenge. Within a short period of time, the situation is solved or balanced. It is amazing how quickly the shifts occur and with ease! The disharmony shifts to harmony, and at the root, for deep and lasting results!
During the 30 days of remote misting, Deborah will send you the Open Doors to Prosperity and Miracle spray.
Open Doors to Prosperity spray is used to cleanse, balance your energy, and strengthen your attractor field.
This one of a kind formula will self adjust to your individual needs. As your vibration will be raised daily, challenges and issues can be solved faster. You may notice more clients, new opportunities, enhanced relationships and connections that are a win win for you.
Keep a journal and be open to new opportunities that can arise during the remote mistings!
Miracle Spray is a remarkable essence made from the Aurora Borealis!
Aurora Borealis will work in your energy field to support expansion in your life. It brings about Miraculous results in all areas of your life.
These 2 sprays when misted together, are powerful tools to increase prosperity in your life.
With or without an intention, these 2 sprays will work to bring what it is you desire to you.
Remote misting begins to work in the energy field immediately!
Within 30 seconds up to 7 minutes you will begin feeling supported by the frequencies as they self adjust to your individual needs.
The results that people have experienced are truly ASTOUNDING (see stories listed on this page).
Don't miss the early bird bonus of EXTRA 30 Days!
In The Garden of Prosperity Group Call
Date: Friday, September 18th at 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
On this group call, you will experience a safe space to grow and nourish your prosperity, so more wealth can be attracted into your life!
Within this garden, Deborah will perform remote mistings of Rainbow, Open Doors, Miracle and all her signature flower essences (selected intuitively for each group).
Deborah will also be giving callers personalized remote mistings, according to their priority flower essences - the other attendees of the group call will also, by default, receive these attunements. The support you will receive in this group is key to building a strong energetic field around all its participants, which brings joy and fulfillment to each.
5 Powerful Flower Attunements
5 MP4’s: Flower Essence Energies: Powerful Support for These Intense Times
These powerful, divinely guided videos transmit high-vibrational frequencies to lend support through these intense times.
The videos are created with the NEW photonic light alongside the highest flower frequencies to uplift you and clear any blocks and struggles. Once balanced, for 30 days you will feel more relaxed, lighter and at peace!
You will receive divinely-guided videos on:
Serenity Now- Red Clover flower essence
Red Clover essence supports to transmute fear, panic or anger to a more peaceful sense of well being. Disconnect your energy from group panic or thought; feel a more calm and steady presence. Clear old karmic patterns.
Grace- Dogwood tree flower essence
Invite compassion, forgiveness, miracle and mercy to open into Grace. Unconditional love and compassion for self and others. Photonic light and high vibrational essence to begin anew, releasing old unforgiveness energy.
Freedom- Trout Lily-(Fairy Flower)
Feel the freshness of the first flowers of spring! All spring flowers support our rejuvenation. Trout lily supports our grounded presence while feeling the lightness of a fairy dance. Feel heaven on earth, and awaken to your inner child playful-ness. Tenacious energy and empowerment; freedom to express who you are no matter what is going on in the world.
Protection- White Yarrow flower essence
Knit together your energy field and strengthen your energetic boundaries.
Powerful support for those who are sensitive, intuitive, and those who tend to pick up others energies. Effective for children or adults with ADD. Great for nurses, therapists, or anyone who works closely with others.
Creativity- Iris flower essence
Open the flow of creativity if feeling stuck, sluggish, or procrastinating. Purple Iris flower essence supports the second chakra, your creative center, by clearing stuck energy. It also brings your creativity to a higher illumination, by opening the crown chakra. Creativity is how we make money, so this essence can bring about more prosperity. Pink Japanese Iris supports connecting deeper with nature and mother earth; a wonderful support for those who work with animals or with the environment
Upon watching, the remote flower essence healing effects work in as little as 30 seconds!
“Wow, I just watched your yarrow video- Protection. I swear to God that I could smell the flower watching the video!” ~ Gretchen P.
“The energy of the flower immediately started to work the moment I opened the MP4. It worked on transmuting stuck energy which I experienced throughout my throat chakra and into my mouth and ears. The energy then flowed out and through my body during the invocation. Thank you! I feel more relaxed, lighter and at peace!” ~ Sally G.
“Just used your Money Spray yesterday morning as a face mist. A bit later I received a call from a friend asking me to come do a staycation and paint at a resort with her for two days!” ~ Dulcie W.
In the Garden of Prosperity Private Support Community
- Join the exclusive private Garden of Prosperity Private Support Community on Facebook to interact with Deborah every step of the way as well as others going through the program.
- Find answers to your questions and get additional support for whatever is coming up for you.
- Deborah will be in the group every day during the ENTIRE 30 Days to interact with you while on your journey and share special bonuses only available within the group.

Available for a Limited Time Only
Additional 30 Days as a BONUS
When you buy now, you get an additional 30 Days as a BONUS! That’s 60 days of Magical Vibrational Remedies to support you while you welcome in wealth, success and radiant abundance like you never thought possible before.
“I was able to take a course I wanted to for FREE!”
"My win from remotely misting me with Open Doors: One of my siblings contacted me and gave me access to online courses to learn whatever I wanted (music, filmmaking, fashion design, entrepreneurship, etc.). It’s great because I’d been eyeing these courses but didn’t have the money. Yay! Thank you!!"
~ Melissa
“I felt amazing and felt my energy vibrations high instantly”
“I did the sprays as per Deborah’s recommendation today before my call as I was feeling a little heavy due to what’s going on around us... after spraying the rainbow then open doors and miracle, I felt amazing and felt my energy vibrations high instantly... 😱"
~ Ning
“I had so many surprises happen while Deborah sprayed me remotely!”
"All these happened while waiting for my order to come, while Deborah sprayed me energetically...
- My husband received the brand new laptop with the bag and ergonomics mouse from work yesterday, he was told before that he wouldn’t get a new one due to lack of budget so he’s been using a very old one.
- I found sweet deals for new summer tops and shawls... one of the tops was made in Italy and the style I have been looking for and it was only $20, regular price of $70 and the other tops were like $10, $8 and they’re all signature brand tops even the shawls 😱😍
- Got my daughter a converse shoes for $24 and a wireless EarPods for $30 instead of $80... woohoo 🎉
- Oh wait... 2 of my new clients sent me surprise gifts of handmade crystal jewelries for my birthday
- Hubby got me MK sandals and a purse that I had been eyeing for some time for my birthday.
I look forward to what comes or happens now that I have them especially during my product launch next week…"
~ Anonymous
“Anxiety medication thrown out before I even received my Sprays!”
"When I came to my session with Deborah, I truly didn’t know what to expect….Flower Essences…what are they? More importantly, how can they help me? I was amazed and truly excited from my time with Deborah!
Deborah is highly intuitive and honed in on what it is I most needed. She intuitively selected for me 6 Sprays which she would send to me, telling me that she would remotely Spray me until I received my package from her.
A few days had passed and I felt amazing, the crippling anxiety that had been with me for the past 20 odd years seemed to have magically lifted! This was curious to me as we hadn’t spoken of anxiety in our session. So I reached out to Deborah asking her if what she was remotely spraying me with was focusing on anxiety at all…she said YES!
This was truly amazing to me, Deborah’s innate ability and her intuition knew exactly what it was I needed and she chose a Flower Essence that would help with my anxiety!
Well she was spot on! It not only “helped” my anxiety…my anxiety literally left! I stopped my medication cold turkey! I was on cipralex and if you’re not careful weening yourself of this medication the side effects can be huge…believe me, I’ve tried this once before and it was terrible! Somehow though, I knew my body would be ok and it was.
I can’t say enough about the Magical effects Deborah and her Flower Essences have had on me and my life. Not only am I now living free from anxiety that has crippled me for the past 20 odd years, amazing opportunities are coming my way!
If there’s something holding you back in life, anything! I strongly suggest you reach out to Deborah and allow both her and her Flower Essences to transform your life! Thank you Deborah from the bottom of my heart."
~ Lexie Rogers
“I received money continuously despite the pandemic and uncertain economy!”
"I already finished my Open Doors to Prosperity Spray and worked awesome! Everyday was smooth, joyful and I received money continuously.
Wow, the spray even works despite a pandemic and uncertain economy! Thank you so much 😘"
~ CL
“My friend's house was under contract within 3 weeks of receiving Open Doors!”
"I had purchased the Open Doors Balancing Spray toward the end of January, for my friend in Elk Grove Village, IL. She was in a rather desperate situation and needed to sell her home, which has been on the market since last October.
I believe I made the purchase of the spray on January 27, 2017 and it would have taken a few days to get to her. Yet, on Wednesday, February 22 (about 3 weeks later!) she called with the exciting news that she had a contract on the house, just a few thousand dollars short of what she was hoping to receive. She was ecstatic and will be closing on the house in another week! Another magical story of the tremendous power of flower essences!!!"
~ Ruth H.
“I immediately felt tingly, expanded, brighter and joyful while Deborah was misting someone else remotely!”
"The first time I experienced the Flower Essences was on a call where Debra was helping others. I intentionally accepted it too, and absolutely felt the energy right away. I immediately felt tingly, expanded, brighter and joyful. When she did the Wild Rose, I felt the grounding and energy in my feet immediately. Thank you Deborah!"
~ Robin Friedman
Package A
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A: 30 Day refund or before Group call commences, whichever comes first.
On Bottles: Non-refundable after order is shipped.
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
Preorder Now Open (Shipping Occurs within 15 Days)
The Prosperity Bundle Spray (4oz Sprays x 2)
Use these 2 sprays for powerful support to your wealth, success and prosperity!
Raise your vibration and strengthen your energy field to create MAGIC and MIRACLES you never thought possible! Use during times of change, transition, uncertainty, to ground and get in the flow of your intentions with ease. Spray your home, vision board or intention list.
Open Doors To Prosperity Spray 4oz
This spray works to strengthen all of your chakras - this extremely high vibrational essence works to harmonise your chakras, magnifying your natural energy to attract wealth and prosperity to your door!
Simply mist the spray over yourself 2 to 4 times a day and feel an abundant amount of support wash over you immediately! Use the Open Doors spray to:
- Buy or sell a home
- Bring in mutually beneficial connections with ease
- Increase a customer base in business, attract perfect clients
- Create more financial success and win-wins!
- Attract money expected or unexpected
- Attract a new best friend or partner
- Daily grounding for easy manifestation of goals
*As featured in Biz Journal & Revitalize TV

Miracle Spray 4oz

Containing Aurora Borealis, this Miracle Spray is capable of attracting miracles of the highest vibrations! Set your intentions before spraying and let this essence do its wonders to your being.
Use by itself after misting with flower essences to amplify and expand your energy field.
This Miracle Spray is a perfect complement with the Open Doors To Prosperity Spray.
Mist over your aura generously 2 to 4 times per day.
“My home sales went from 10 to 23 in one year! I had 4.5 million in sales!”
"I purchased Open Doors last year in the spring, and increased my transactions to 23 up from 10 the year before and up to 4.5 million in sales! YES, I do believe that with spraying myself and my homes energizes the environment for success. Now to get more and share it with my Realtor friends!"
~ Sandy Mueller, Baird and Warner Realty
“We always have a bottle of Deborah’s sprays right by the front of our office!”
“I love the Earth Wind and Flowers sprays! We always have a bottle of Bliss right by the front of our office to make sure we start the day out blissfully! I’ve loved sharing the sprays with my clients as a unique, thoughtful and energetically wonderful gift."
~ Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®
“Deborah Werner’s Flower Essence sprays support my personal growth and my ability to help clients transform.”
"As a holistic divorce lawyer, I help people transition from a marriage that is ending to a new beginning. For over 10 years, I provide clients with either “Letting Go”, “Open Heart in Protection”, “Open Doors” or “Peace”, and found that these sprays helped me get through my divorce and I’m happy to give them the same support!
During a divorce, many old patterns, old ways of being, and old relationships are being released which can create stress. Using the sprays reduces the stress and helps people flow into a new future.
On a personal level, I own about 16 different formulas. Each morning, as part of my daily routine, I choose a spray to give my soul what it needs for the day. Some of my favorites include “Mother Mary,” “Bliss”, “Playful” and “Rainbow”. There are days when I still need “Letting Go” and other times when I go back to the well and use several different sprays throughout the day.
I am so grateful to Deborah and the whole team at Earth Wind and Flowers for making these valuable gems available!"
~ Theresa Beran Kulat, author “Stress-Free Divorce” and CEO of Trinity Collaboration, Inc.
“I sold my house in ONE WEEK!”
"After using Open Doors, I sold my house in one week and walked away with the profit that I had hoped for!!! I am now happily spending that on my new house. Best thing that's happened to me since my divorce! I'm starting anew and planning my spring garden."
~ Dr. Gina C, NY, NY
“Deborah’s flower essences have been a wonderful asset to my practice!”
"It’s been a pleasure working with Deborah’s flower essences. My patients truly love them. The muscle testing confirms what each patient needs and it’s been a wonderful asset to add to my practice over the years. I’m very grateful for such powerful healing essences!”
~ Dr. Virginia M. Arnold, HealthQuest
“I always feel calm after spraying Debrah’s flower essences!”
"I have known Debbie since the beginning of her interest in flower essences. Debbie is deeply spiritual and intuitive. She prepares her essences with prayer and meticulous care. I have used her essences personally and in my clinical practice. I am always pleased with the calmness and nurturing I feel after taking them!"
~ Antoinette Saunders PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Spiritual Director
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are flower essences?
Flower essences are vibrational remedies that are safe, non-invasive and effective to rebalance and regenerate the energy field. These essences will self-adjust to suit the individual, and will fill in the gaps that disruptive energies such as stress and trauma creates within your energy system.
Q. How do I know which flower essence is for me?
Each flower has a specific healing quality to balance an emotion. For example, the Iris flower, being a spring flower, is used for cleansing and opening up any stuck energies - the Iris essence is then used to clear procrastination or blocks to the creative flow (e.g. ‘writer’s block’).
Q. Where can I spray the flower essence?
You can use these flower essences as a body mist to balance your emotions and cleanse your physical, auric, and energy field. You can also used these spray to cleanse your environment and create a sacred space at home, office or any place requiring an uplift in energy.
Q. How do these essences work when sprayed remotely?
Because these sprays are so vibrationally powerful, you can actually feel your energy fields can shift into harmony (as if you were there experiencing it in person). You will often feel a calm, gentle flow when a remote misting is done for you.
Attract Abundance & Wealth With Flower Essence Just Like Deborah’s Happy Clients:
“I sold my house in one week and walked away with the profit that I had hoped for!”
"After using Open Doors, I sold my house in one week and walked away with the profit that I had hoped for!!! I am now happily spending that on my new house. Best thing that's happened to me since my divorce! I'm starting anew, finally!"
~ Dr. Gina C
“After spraying, an additional 10 people signed up!”
"I was immediately drawn to the Open Doors Prosperity spray. It's so high vibrational! I'm teaching a class and my intuition gave me a number of people to expect and I reached that number of registrations. After spraying myself and my office, an additional 10 people signed up for the class so far. It works and it works fast! Open Doors is liquid gold!!"
~ Vera Mirna
“I’m thriving in turbulent times, without force or effort”
"Even though I’ve been working on my abundance for so many years, something fundamentally changed since Deborah remotely misted me with Open Doors to Prosperity Spray that has removed a block that has been persistent for years!!! I have a Peace around money and abundance again!!! I’m thriving in these turbulent times and it’s showing up without force and extreme effort!!"
~ Alison Wrigh
“Within 30 days of using Deborah’s spray, I was more confident and outgoing!”
"I was a very shy kid my freshman and sophomore years of high school, with only a friend or two.
Upon meeting Debbie, she immediately used her amazing intuition and told me what essence to use.
Within 30 days, I felt myself being more confident and outgoing.
I started talking to classmates and became involved in Science and Math club.
I made friends, who are still there as we are all turning 30!"
~ Alex G.
“In minutes after spraying Open Doors, we have customers pouring in our shop!”
"Deborah has a fine tuned ability to help the individual connect with the sprays that are perfect for what they need.
We recently have been using Open Doors Spray in our shop, when things feel like they are becoming unusually slow. It switches the energy around every time! We will have customers pouring in minutes after spraying!"
~ Don Wells, Owner of Evolve For Inner Peace, Inc.
“I’ve had dramatic and immediate results with Deborah’s flower essence sprays”
"Debbie Werner's flower essence sprays are powerful, beautiful and very high vibrational essences! I've used them many times to clear spaces before events, and shift energies for myself and others with dramatic and immediate results!"
~ Mariah M.
“Five weeks after spraying Open Doors we had an offer on our house!”
"Ten years ago, I was going through a divorce and needed to sell our house quickly. I heard about the "Open Door" essence in a rather serendipitous way and was intuitively prompted to purchase it.
Our house was put on the market mid-May of 2007. Each time we had a showing, I sprayed the scent throughout and set an intention for the sale of our house, regarding the highest good of all concerned.
Five weeks later, we had a contract on the house with an offer for exactly what we had hoped to receive. Since it was a corporate move, the company they worked for had already bought their home in CA. Thus, there was no wait time and they were paying cash, so we closed within 4 weeks!
What was even more notable was the comment of the new owner...She said "I love the way your house feels."
Over the years I have offered the spray to family and friends who were having trouble selling their properties. One friend had her house on the market over a year, but finally sold within a couple months, once she used "Open Doors."
This spray is miraculous! Thank you Deborah and all the angels who have inspired you to create such a wonderful product!"
~ Ruth Holt
“I cleared a lot of energy fast!”
"I wanted to say that I think your spray has helped me to get to some deep healing. I was able to clear a lot of energy fast! Thank you so much."
~ Lisa C Anderson
“I got a surprise refund on my home insurance!”
"I sprayed myself with Open Doors before making phone calls and getting new online quotes for my car insurance because my old one had gone up by over $400!
Both places I called were offering a higher rate for home insurance. So then I decided to call my insurance and asked why insurance had gone up so much and that I was planning on canceling. She ended up giving me a quote and ended up saving more than I was paying before. Then last week I got a $50 refund for home insurance. I couldn’t believe it!!! Thank you so much!!!"
~ Anonymous
“My son now has a reliable vehicle for the EXACT price that was in our budget!”
"I am very grateful for Deborah’s Open Doors flower essence. I had a few wonderful things happen. The most notable was, my son’s car for college went to the shop and we got the call that it wasn’t worth the money to fix it (I’ve been waiting for this call for awhile, so it was no surprise).
Typically, I would panic in this instant and go into worry mode, like what are we going to do, how can we afford another car etc. However, I had been using Deborah’s spray for a few days and I wasn’t really concerned. I knew something would work out.
A few hours after we got the call, my husband told me that a good friend of his was selling his car. So we made an offer, paid cash for it and had it at our house within a few days. It was the exact price we had in our budget for a car … and we knew exactly where it came from! Better yet … I no longer need to worry about my son every time that he travels to college. I know he has a safe and reliable vehicle now! Thank you Deborah!"
~ Gretchen
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
Preorder Now Open (Shipping Occurs within 15 Days)
The Prosperity Bundle Spray (4oz Sprays x 2)
Package A
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A: 30 Day refund or before Group call commences, whichever comes first.
On Bottles: Non-refundable after order is shipped.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.