It's time to bust through your blocks once and for all so you can step into the most powerful version of you!

Tired of living life in a state of struggle, conflict, lack or limitation?

Ready to be free from old wounds that no longer serve you?

Ready to live confidently and fully express who you truly are?

Stop the hiding and the self-sabotage so you can step out of your own shadows and make the difference you came here to make!

There is one thing standing between where you are now and everything life has waiting for you - your inner blocks. And to clear these blocks on a Soul-level, you need to clear ALL of them...

From your own life...

Your lineage...

And other Soul experiences!

How would you like to ...

  • Learn what is REALLY keeping you from your Soul’s Purpose
  • Bust through the most hidden blocks you may not realize you have
  • Uncover more insights and possibilities in life
  • Manifest more of what you truly want with ease and joy
  • Achieve effortless flow in all areas of your life and watch your wealth and health increase to unimaginable levels

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion 

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $2800

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing

50-Minute 1-on-1 Private Call

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Business Success, Unexpected Money, Improved Relationships and Health...All of this is Possible When Working with Gertrud! Take a Look at the Stories Below!

I now feel shifted in my relationship with money and abundance as a result of working with Gertrud!

I’ve had health challenges for months that were bringing me down. I was skeptical to work with Gertrud, but IMMEDIATELY felt grounded and felt life force come into my body!

“I had just 1 session with Gertrud and the next day I was offered a new job!” ~ A.Germany

“I had €10,000 worth of unexpected money coming in from an investment!” ~ Maria

I now certainly feel more peace and experience better health. I had an issue with alcohol, which gladly has now disappeared, yay!” ~ Sean

After the first session with Gertrud I received a phone call for a possible collaboration and after the second call I had a job interview which went really well” ~ Irma

“I’m not making errors in my checkbook, saving money and setting boundaries since going through Gertrud’s program!” ~ Pam

“More Joy and Ease in my Business and my Income has Increased!” ~ Marieke

I am helping more people and I am living more of the life I deeply desire to live. As a bonus I’ve also had increased revenue and more clients too over the last 6 months.” ~ S

“The program has helped me peel off a layer inside myself. I am more aware when my old patterns arise and I’m now actually able to speak up for what I want and need. This has made things lighter in my work, finances and my family.” ~ Jelske - Netherlands

Get Ready to Bust through Your Limitations, Dissolve Your Fears and Finally End Your Struggle so You Can Awaken to Infinite Possibilities, Success, Prosperity, & Impact...

With Gertrud's Shatter Your Soul's Glass Ceiling Program!

Banish those pesky inner blocks from your life STARTING TODAY and experience more joy, freedom, independence, and find acceptance and peace within.

Put your heart and Soul back into balance and regain back power over your life to get clarity on where you need to go.

Once you remove blockages that are causing you to repeat the same patterns over and over again, you will find it easier to envision and shape your future and achieve your goals.

Let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and clear ANY AND ALL blocks that are stopping your from living the life you want, transform your life, and feel empowered and grounded again!

It’s time for you to stop staying under the radar and keeping yourself small!

Unlock your inner greatness and start living your Soul’s true purpose!

You KNOW profoundly that you are here for a BIGGER purpose. You are here to serve the world with your unique talents and gifts.

Clear, heal, and transform your self-criticism, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs at a Soul-level shift from surviving into thriving.

You have so much to offer – you owe it to yourself AND the world to live a life with purpose, feel joyful, successful, abundant, and balanced.

To do this, you have to clear old patterns and programming that no longer serves you, and this is EXACTLY what Gertrud de Witte loves doing!

“An Extraordinary Energy Healer Who Can Clear Even the Most Stubborn Blocks!”

Meet Gertrud de Witte

With Gertrud's 15 years of experience as transformation coach, therapist and energy healer, she has worked with 1000s of clients, she’s gained a deep and profound wisdom in self-sabotage, negative energetic processes, and subconscious sabotaging blocks, as well their connection to the mental/emotional bodies and the physical.

During her mid-thirties, when Gertrud was working in a demanding marketing job, she burned out and ended up on sick leave for 7 months. She realized that the rat race of targets, budgets, and impossible deadlines was no longer what was right for her.

It was then that Gertrud discovered her Divine nature, her Soul’s purpose: helping others to turn their often seen as debilitating traits into their POWER, so that they can feel confident and balanced in sharing their gifts and shine their lights brightly – and she can help YOU do the same!

Her extensive experience with her clients has enabled her to find and release the current issues and their root causes that can be found in old programming, limiting beliefs, emotional wounding, energetic blocks, and karmic imprints, and much more! She’s trained in Ancestral Clearing, Compassion Key, and Theta Healing and her mission is to help YOU reconnect with your Soul’s purpose and Highest potential! Having spent 15 years mastering healing techniques, no stone will remain unturned, no block left uncleared.

Here’s my promise to you… If she can do it, so can you! Gertrud has a gift that lets people feel safe with her so that issues can be solved at their deepest core. The sacred work Gertrud does has helped 1,000s of people just like you - are you next?

From the moment you say ‘YES’ to Gertrud’s package you will start to see results.

You will start noticing changes immediately, and the clearing of your energies will already begin. Your resistance to abundance will start to lower, blockages start to melt away, and your manifesting power will accelerate. The very act of saying ‘YES’ to this package is an invitation for Divine Source to start attracting more success, money, love, and wellness into your life.

Gertrud Has Conducted 1000s Of Sessions with People Just Like You!

Here Are Some Incredible Success Stories of People Whose Lives Changed Dramatically After Working with Gertrud

“I can now EASILY let go of anything no matter how huge it seems!”

“I joined the program because I was struggling with self-love and procrastination. I used to beat myself up for doing things I know are not good for me.

This has been affecting me all my life! I grew up in a very toxic household where every day was a battle, so there was never ending suffering and very little joy. I received little to no love at all.

I now certainly feel more peace and experience better health. I had an issue with alcohol, which gladly has now disappeared, yay! I was afraid to shine my light, but now it’s like I don’t care...I am who I am!

It has brought up other things, which I’m working through with a lot more ease and success. I can easily let go of anything, no matter how huge it seems.

I would definitely recommend working with Gertrud! She has certainly taught me a great deal on how to approach things in a different way, which I greatly appreciate"

~ Sean - France

“I stopped procrastinating and focused on what is important to me - growing my business!”

“I spent a lot of time on social media, distracting myself from taking action to grow my business. It prevented me from earning enough income in my business as an Ayurvedic Consultant, where my passion is, and reduce the number of hours in my corporate job.

I am now feeling so much more satisfied at the end of the day, also in my corporate job! And after just 2 group sessions I felt much more focused! I stopped procrastinating on the important things I wanted to get done and got much more productive, did loads of thing this weekend! I progressed in my Orthomolecular Nutrition study, writing a future 9 month program for overcoming osteo-arthritis plus a clear vision for an online program.

This program was perfect for me and I would recommend anyone to work with Gertrud!"

~ Antje - France

“After one session with Gertrud I had a job interview that went well, plus a possible collaboration!”

“I wasn’t happy in my last work as a freelancer and took some time off. After my break I had a lot of job interviews and got quite far, but in the last round they would always choose someone else.

I had the feeling that I’d been sabotaging my own success for years, because I was afraid to have that success.

I now feel more inner peace and I speak up more. After the first session with Gertrud I received a phone call for a possible collaboration and after the second call I had a job interview which went really well! I felt much more confident and I was able to give words to my wants and needs much better.

It’s great to work with Gertrud and I can highly recommend her and her work!"

~ Irma - Netherlands

“I’m not making errors in my checkbook, saving money and setting boundaries since going through Gertrud’s program!”

“I’ve had this history of self-sabotage when it comes to money. I couldn’t hang on to it when I’d receive something extra. I’d just flat spend more than I realized. Prior to the beginning of the first group session I had made a handful of addition and subtraction errors in my checkbook. Not little ones. They totaled several thousand dollars. I didn't have a surplus to cover them.

It has set the stage for me not trusting myself with money. I’m also endlessly running short and having to use my credit card for things. It’s been very frustrating and disheartening.

I feel more peaceful now around money. Actually, more peaceful overall after the first session. I haven’t sabotaged myself since we began the program and clearings!

I haven't made a single mistake in my checkbook. Not one. Which is really something because it seemed to be a constant happening. It was a big frustration. I've been able to save $1500 so far. That's partly due to no mistakes and just seeming to spend less overall.

I’ve also been better about holding my boundaries, which I definitely didn’t expect. I have historically had very fluid boundaries and an inability to hold a boundary if I set one. I have a friend that was always asking for favors. I'd say no and still end up giving in.

Since the program I've said no and actually stood my ground. And when they asked a second time I said look, I said no so don't ask again. And they didn't. They've actually quit stepping across the line. Which has been nice.

Yes, I recommend her work wholeheartedly!"

~ Pam - Kansas

“I have more confidence and less fear about expanding my healing business after working with Gertrud!”

I was finding it difficult to expand my healing business because I had a fear of public speaking, doing live videos and hosting group calls/facilitations. Being visible and public speaking has always been a problem for me!

During the group calls I could feel very intense energy and at times I could feel extreme fear about getting my work out to the world, that I knew was very old. The clearings were very powerful and were clearing these old wounds, especially in our 1:1 session.

I am so grateful for your powerful work - thank you so much!

I have been feeling so much better. I am back to my happy self and I feel far more connected again. I haven't been putting so much pressure on myself and have noticed that the frustration I was experiencing has lessened. I have also had greater confidence in trusting my own intuition and guidance. I feel excited about growing my business!

I absolutely loved working with Gertrud! Thank you so much for a wonderful, inspiring course!"

~ Rebecca – UK

“I am now more aware of what I want, what I AM doing right and that good is good enough”

“I’ve always been very critical towards myself and this shows up in different ways:

  • I compare myself to others and that usually isn’t to my advantage
  • I let others determine what I do because I’m assuming that’s what they want from me
  • My focus is on what I did wrong instead of what I did right
  • I don’t look at what I’ve accomplished, my focus is on what I haven’t accomplished
  • I don’t dare take any risks

So, since I was young, I don’t do what I want, but I do what I think others will consider as right, and I don’t take any risks.

I am now more aware of what I want, what I AM doing right and that good is good enough! The program has really helped me move forward with this. The effects are much greater than I expected!"

~ Gerda – Netherlands

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion 

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $2800

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing

50-Minute 1-on-1 Private Call

Invest in this incredible package and you’ll learn SO MUCH about your own hidden programming, blockages, and how to heal them to live the life you desire!

Don’t wait any longer!

Invest in yourself today and start noticing shifts in your life happening from the moment you say YES to this package!

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A

  • 3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions
  • Transform Self-Criticism into Courage, Compassion & Expansion MP3
  • Lifetime Access to Exclusive Private Facebook Group
  • Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity & Abundance Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Session
  • Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing


3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Register for Gertrud’s package today to be sure you don’t miss out on the powerful and life-changing group energies that are exchanged during her power-packed group clearing sessions.

Clearing 1: Heal Your Inner critic

Recorded: Thursday July 8th at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm London / 5pm Central Europe / 8:30pm India

In this first session we’ll identify the true message of your wounded inner critic and what it really needs to be healed. You’ll discover how you can move from super achiever to good enough, from procrastination to taking inspired action and from self-doubt to celebrating yourself and your successes.

What you’ll learn:

  • Forever remove negative self-talk and self-judgment
  • No longer feel the need to always overachieve, reach impossible goals and standards, and feel the need to be a Superwoman
  • Do away with procrastination, and stop letting yourself down
  • Never again feel anxiety and overwhelm
  • Remove any feelings of not being enough, self-doubt, and unworthiness
  • Stop self-rejection, blaming and shaming yourself, guilt, and regret
  • And anything else that holds you back from living your highest potential!

Clearing 2: Heal Your Outer Critic

Recorded: Thursday July 15th at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm London / 5pm Central Europe / 8:30pm India

During the second clearing call learn how fear of being judged and criticized by others affects your thoughts, your feelings, your actions and therefore your results.

By clearing old beliefs and programming you’ll take the first steps towards embracing all of you as well as your gifts and talents and tapping into the courage to show your unique self to the world.

What you’ll learn:

  • Overcome your fear of being judged and being criticized
  • Overcome the fear of visibility and being seen
  • No longer feel like you haveto live up to others’ expectations and not measure up
  • Dissolve any issues around not feeling safe or at ease
  • Remove FOMO, competition, and fear of not fitting in
  • Conquer the letdown by others and Source
  • And much, MUCH more!

Clearing 3: Transform Victimhood to Empowerment & Purpose

Date: Thursday July 22nd at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm London / 5pm Central Europe / 8:30pm India

Call 3 is about shifting from victims to powerful divine creators!

It’s all about shedding the feeling of victimhood and reclaiming your power and your purpose.

* Victimhood – blaming & shaming others, helplessness, poor me, nothing works for me, my life can’t change, I will never have what I want

* Powerlessness and hopelessness – cynicism, resignation, defeat

By clearing issues around victimization, you will create a sense of trust, relaxation, and ease, and be able to step into your power, by claiming your own sovereignty.

You’ll learn how you can stop living with the handbrake on and dimming your own light, and instead value your special gifts & talents and share your uniqueness with the world.

We’ll be celebrating the NEW YOU, the ‘perfectly imperfect’ person that you are, who knows how to live wholeheartedly with (self)compassion, courage, and confidence.

Your new sense of empowerment and leadership will be the catalyst to feeling unstoppable, ready to make the difference you came here to make!


Transform Self-Criticism into Courage, Compassion & Expansion (MP3)

Resolve and heal your inner judge. This free MP3 helps release the hidden blocks you carry in your energy field that keep you stuck in procrastination, being a victim.

The saboteurs that tell you you’re not good enough, taking action is not safe and that nothing works for you.

Let go of the old wounding that’s at the root and create the freedom, trust, and courage to step up and move forward in your business, career and life, enjoying success, ease and abundance!

Warning: If you like staying under the radar, procrastinating or being a victim, do not listen to this track, because it will clear all those patterns out and do so much more!

Get your package today and make sure you don’t miss out on this bonus!!!


1 Year Access to Private Facebook Group

Get exclusive access to our private community on Facebook to interact with me and others going through the program for the entire year. You will be able to find accountability partners and get support for whatever is coming up for you.

Gertrud will be in the group regularly to share inspiration, answer your questions and, cheer you on.


Ushering In Prosperity & Abundance
90 Minute Live Group Clearing Session

Date: Thursday July 29th at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm London / 5pm Central Europe / 8:30pm India

For a limited time join Gertrud in this unique limited time 90 minute live group session!

Once you have cleared the self-sabotaging blocks and the underlying fears, unworthiness, guilt and shame, you're now ready to open the doors to abundance.

When the obstacles of your inner critic, the fear of others’ criticism and your sense of victimhood are healed, you now are free to usher in the prosperity and abundance that is your birthright.

During this call we will clear any blocks to attracting, receiving, keeping and growing more money and prosperity in your life.

What’s YOUR money story?

What are the beliefs that are keeping you from having the prosperity that’s in your highest and best? What are the patterns and programming that keep repeating itself in your life when it comes to money?

A few common ones are:

  • It’s not for me, only for other people
  • It’ll never happen for me
  • I don’t deserve to have a lot of money

During this powerful Abundance and Prosperity call we will dive into and clear the most common money themes and it’s root causes:

  • Unworthiness, I don’t deserve it
  • Self-limiting beliefs
  • Money and power
  • Inequality and guilt
  • Shame and guilt around money
  • Jealousy, envy of others
  • Lack of gratitude, focus on lack
  • Grief and loss around money
  • Poverty vows, lack, scarcity
  • Vows, contracts, attachments and agreements on lack and poverty
  • Family patterns and stories, family loyalty
  • Violation, betrayal, victimization around money

You deserve to have the prosperity your Soul desires. To make a living in ways that are aligned with your values. To have access to the resources that you need to truly thrive AND to serve the world.

Step into a future of having financial prosperity and thriving in ways that are deeply aligned with your Soul’s and Heart’s desires!

Now Expired

1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing
Regular Price $497

These three attunements are sent remotely 24/7 for one whole year so that you can get out of your own way and make the most out of your Soul’s purpose:

  • I am always the most Powerful Version of Myself, in accordance with my Highest and Best
  • I am Free and Confident to Live my Highest Potential and Fulfill my Soul’s Deeper Calling
  • Money and Abundance Flow to me always, Easily and Effortlessly

These attunements are designed to get to your inner being and begin your healing journey as fast as possible. The energies are gentle and will not interfere with any other healing work you are doing.

You will begin to receive these attunements via Source no later than 48 hours after purchase.

EVERYONE has a purpose, a higher potential.

However, so many people are holding themselves back through self-sabotage.

If you are not living up to that potential, there is a reason.

If you keep trying through willpower to live that purpose and fail ...

It's important to know that it is NOT about willpower!

Instead it's about clearing the self-sabotage that keeps you stuck.

That's what these attunements are designed to do ...

These powerful attunements will not only support and enhance the clearings that you will receive during the live group calls, they will AMPLIFY them!

Here are some examples of what you may experience at the end of...

> 3 months:

More relaxed in your body, more compassionate towards yourself and your inner critic, more centered, confident and optimistic, and you may have taken your first small (or big!) steps towards more ease, fulfillment and prosperity.

> 6 months:

More positive thoughts about your future and your finances, living more by your inner compass, feeling more courage, you may have more money and other resources coming your way, people to support you on your journey, gaining more clarity.

> 9 months:

Even more relaxation, an overall sense of inner peace, feeling more balanced and grounded, having more clarity and confidence to take the next steps forward, more trust in yourself and life, more things manifesting.

> 12 months:

More at ease and peace in your own skin, feeling liberated, focused on your Soul’s purpose, joyful to be moving forward, feeling empowered, confident and fulfilled, more financial rewards

There is no audio to download as this is being sent completely remotely via distance healing, yet the clearings are very powerful.

Don’t wait any longer!

No more standing in the way of your own destiny!

Once you say YES to Gertrud’s package your life will start to change instantaneously! You will start noticing the shifts immediately. Step out of your own shadow into the light of your abundance!

Package A

Total Package Value $2500

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $297
Tier 2 Pricing: $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“I am now able to speak up for what I want which has made everything in my life lighter!”

“ I needed help healing my inner critic, look into my patterns of lack and scarcity and not asking enough space for myself and my wishes. I don’t believe enough in myself and I’m not thriving as I’d like to in my music business.

The program has helped me peel off a layer inside myself. I am more aware when my old patterns arise and I’m now actually able to speak up for what I want and need. This has made things lighter in my work, finances and my family."

~ Jelske - Netherlands

“Gertrud helped me bring an issue with my sister down from a 10 to a 1!”

“I was struggling with self-sabotage and issues in my body that hurt me since I was a kid. I also had an issue with my sister and you helped me to get it down from a 10 to a 1. It has caused a lot of pain and thanks to you I was able to release all of that anger and pain. I feel peace about the situation now and I’m not being triggered when I think about it.

I absolutely recommend Gertrud and her work! I felt the energy of things being cleared right away and it was very powerful!"

~ Beronica

“I am now more motivated and taking action!”

“I usually know what I have to do, but I never take any action and continue to remain stagnant in life. The past 8+ years I have been struggling with financial and career issues. I believe the main reason is my inability to get things done.

The program has helped me to feel more motivated and take action, which is exactly what I’m doing!"

~ Sandya

“I feel more flow, relationships are growing and I feel more relaxed.”

I haven’t felt fulfilled in my work and would love to start doing more meaningful work. I feel fear to fail and to become visible, to be criticized. My inner critic keeps telling me “Who are you to …?” I have struggled with this for a few years already and have felt depleated from working so hard to proof myself.

The program has helped my inner critic to be less dominant and when it’s there I’m now conscious about it and try not to listen to it. I feel more flow, relationships are growing and I feel more relaxed. And I dare to speak up more!

I really recommend working with Gertrud!"

~ Annelies

“I am more present and less afraid after working through this program!”

“I have a pattern of procrastinating and putting pressure on myself to do things and then completely shutting down; Like a small child with a mean or controlling parent that rebels and refuses to do anything. I also wanted to work on the strained relationship with my sister.

I feel your program is very unique. it's beautiful and powerful (and cool ;-)). I love your insights and how you pull all the necessary pieces for healing and a breakthrough together.

A lot of feelings have come to the surface at once, that I am used to keeping down. Although my habit is to run in the other direction, I really do feel I am capable of changing things, and that is not something I could say before.

My phone conversations with my sister have improved. I am more present and less afraid of her criticizing me. And it also feels like it is helping me to pull up and begin to confront some of the big knots.

I am grateful for your program, I very much like the work you do and the beautiful, gentle way you do it. It is so cool to see myself reflected in each person's issues, and to witness the help and light that you bring to everyone."

~ Hanna - Canada

“Gertrud gets to the root of things and creates a shift with ease!”

“I signed up for the program because I could clearly see the ways I sabotaged myself but didn't know how to get to the other side of it. I would say I’ve been struggling with this my whole life but didn't realize it.

There was an immediate inner shift after the energy clearings. I have been more relaxed and gentle with myself, my progress and the timing of things. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself because I felt behind in life.

I am starting a new business that feels good, aligned and full of ease. My old desire to have it all be perfect is gone, Progress over perfection is the new way!

In the world of personal growth, I have experienced doing "the work" to be really hard and very uncomfortable. Working with Gertrud is gentle but powerful and full of compassion. She gets to the root of things and creates a shift with ease. I absolutely recommend her!"

~ Glenda - USA

Package B

If you want to really SUPERCHARGE your experience, amplify your breakthroughs, and receive a TIDAL WAVE of life-changing goodness, then Package B is for you!

You’ll receive a 1-on-1 Deep Dive Clearing session with Gertrud on top of EVERYTHING in Package A!

  • EVERYTHING in Package A
  • 50-Minute 1-on-1 Private Call

Open the floodgates of health, wealth, and abundance by getting to the very root of your energetic blocks during a 1-on-1 session with Gertrud herself! Be warned, though: this session isn’t for the faint-hearted.

Gertrud is known for getting to the core of your blockages, unveil deeply rooted programming, and unearthing unresolved issues from past lives, youth, or your current life. If you really want to skyrocket your results, then this is the package for you!

Gertrud no longer offers single 1 on 1 sessions (only session packages), so grab this unique opportunity now!


50-Minute 1-on-1 Private Call

Opportunities like these don’t come by every day! Sit down 1-on-1 with Gertrud de Witte herself, and through her revolutionary combination of healing modalities, she’ll be able to achieve and manifest your Highest potential and help you fulfill your Soul’s purpose with easy, grace, and joy – even if you’ve not been able to achieve results elsewhere!

Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences, our ancestral lineage, and other Soul’s experiences, and now they are limiting and hindering us in our businesses, careers, relationships, health and abundance.

In this private 1-on-1 Deep Dive Clearing Session (50 minutes) we identify and clear the specific blocks you may have and clear any emotional intensity around it so that deeper healing and transformation can happen for you.

This individual session, in which Gertrud uses a unique combination of modalities which cannot be used in a group setting, will jump-start you into living your best life and your Soul’s purpose, enabling you to experience the Joy, Ease and Prosperity that is your birthright.

This Deep Dive session helps you transcend your core emotional wounding and self-sabotaging blocks at their root so you can shine your brightest light and make the impact that’s your deepest Soul’s calling. 

Make sure you don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to work with Gertrud de Witte and get private EXCLUSIVE access to the fully personalized knowledge that will set your Soul free forever!

“Gerturd helped me navigate a very challenging time in my life!”

“I loved my sessions with Gertrud and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her over a period of several months. I was skeptical about the healing modality at first, but discovered that Gertrud’s soothing, sensitive, nurturing, and highly intuitive gifts were exactly the support I needed to navigate a very challenging time in my life. Her inspiring and uplifting blend of complementary healing modalities and her gentle, warm disposition provided a safe and trustworthy container that I felt securely held by. 

I am very grateful for the healing processes Gertrud facilitated in me and for her guiding me to better connect with the bright light of my Highest Self "

~ N.P. – Los Angeles, CA

“She uncovered the blocks that prevented peace and joy in my life!”

“Gertrud is safe, wise and kind, and she uncovered the blocks that prevented me from finding peace and joy in my life. I highly recommend choosing her as your healer and coach!"

~ Eileen – USA

“More Joy and Ease in my Business and my Income has Increased!”

“Before I started working with Gertrud, I had years with a lot of anxiety due to an imminent shortage of income. The higher the pressure, the less productive I became. I so longed for inner peace and relaxation, and being able to do my work with joy and ease. Gertrud’s work brought experiences to the surface that had unconsciously caused a lot of tension, and I’m so grateful I was able to release it.

Since the sessions with Gertrud my business income has increased and I’ve regained my joy and sense of flow.

Gertrud’s guidance is professional, pleasant and feels safe and I can recommend her and her work to everyone!"

~ Marieke – Entrepreneur & Coach - Netherlands

“She uncovered my Money Blocks in a Few Minutes”

Gertrud creates a loving and safe space that has allowed me to be fully present during the session with her. The unknown blocks were uncovered in just minutes and it is only the beginning of a great shift I am feeling about my finances and business.

I would recommend anyone willing to expand and get liberated from false beliefs to connect and work with Gertrud and her beautiful gifts"

~ Maite - Belgium

“I Feel more Safe around Other People and more Relaxed Being Visible”

“I always tried to be more in the background than in the spotlight but at the same time I really wanted to be visible by other people. This caused stress within me. Working with Gertrud it became clear that I felt unsafe being visible to other people. I now feel more safe around other people and I’m more relaxed being visible.

I would really recommend her work, not only if you have issues you want to address but also to take the next step in your personal development. Gertrud has the skills and the personal involvement to help you make this next step in your process."

~ G.M. - Manager at Insurance Company - Netherlands

“I took a big step in my business!”

I was having a hard time moving forward in my business and had a fear of making myself visible. We worked through the layers under my fears and now I feel excited about growing my business, helping others and be in abundance doing so. It feels possible now! New inspiration has come as I feel connected to a new Source now. After the call I immediately scheduled a live event, and I did it! This was amazing and beautiful, goose bumps!!"

~ T.C. - Owner Spiritual Center - Austria

Package B

Total Package Value $2800

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $447
Tier 2 Pricing: $297

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“My self compassion is growing”

“I loved working with Gertrud. She is patiënt and listens well. She created awareness of my hidden emotional places. My self-compassion is growing."

~ Jurgen - Netherlands

“My family life has become more peaceful and harmonious”

“I was dealing with personal issues related to my past, which resulted in a disconnect from my body and myself. I was living my life from my mind, very mentally.

After working with Gertrud I feel more connected to myself and my body. My family life has become more peaceful and harmonious. Thank you Gertrud, this was amazing!"

~ I.R.

“Gertrud’s work catapulted me into flow and have a level of peace and awareness that I’ve never experienced!”

“Hey Gertrud,
I wanted to say a big thank you for the great work you did with me.

Each energy clearing call where we took a deep dive into healing our wounded parts, I've been able to witness and embody the essence of me, more and more. The breakthrough I had catapulted me out of a way of doing life that was stifling, into a way of being that is in flow with creativity, joy and abundance. I have a level of peace and awareness that I have not experienced before. I feel inspired and curious about how my life and business will unfold.

I am truly grateful for the amazing work that you do and for the love and attention that you put into the program."

~ Lily - Australia

“I felt so much more solid after my session with Gertrud!”

“Gertrud is a very gifted healing facilitator. The sessions I had with her were brilliant and I felt so much more solid afterwards. She is very intuitive and supportive throughout the whole process. I would highly recommend Gertrud!"

~ Martina, London, UK

“I’ve had increased revenue and more clients too over the last 6 months.”

“Before working with Gertrud I was experiencing resistance to standing more fully in my power. This showed up as perfectionism – I was not embracing all aspects of myself – the perfect and imperfect. Procrastination and not trusting myself and my body, not standing in my power more was keeping me from taking myself and my gifts to the next level of visibility and contribution in the world.

I wanted to be more on-point with my sense of contribution and being more of service going forward, without it affecting me negatively in any way including financially. I had been there and done that in the past, focusing on having more clients and revenue first, to the detriment of my own well-being.

Working with Gertrud allowed me to access my inherent goodness and that allowed me to more fully back myself in my own work as an illumination guide. It is now far more natural and easier for me to take up opportunities to improve my reach in the world. That means I am helping more people and I am living more of the life I deeply desire to live. As a bonus I’ve also had increased revenue and more clients too over the last 6 months.

The way I look at my business of meaningful in the world is now very different. That increased sense of well-being was the biggest shift and was first and foremost the most important for me."

~ S. – New Zealand

“The day after the last session my ex-partner agreed to go into therapy”

“I’ve been struggling with blockages to realizing my purpose my whole life. And I recently had a very difficult ending of my relationship.

Gertrud helped me realize how the painful circumstances in my life were a projection of my childhood traumas. During the sessions we unraveled deeper wounding, which I discovered were also in one of my past lives.

The day after the last session my ex-partner agreed to go into therapy, which I had been waiting for for a very long time"

~ L. - Netherlands

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $2500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion 

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing


Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $2800

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $447
Tier 2 Pricing:



3x Live 90 Minute Group Clearing Sessions

Transform Self-Criticism into

Courage, Compassion & Expansion

Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Bonus: Ushering In Prosperity &

Abundance Live Group Session

Limited Time Bonus: 1 Year of 24/7 Remote Healing

50-Minute 1-on-1 Private Call

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Package A: No refund after the first Group Session.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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