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Why it’s so important to balance your hormones

Hormones are your body’s chemical messenger system coordinating many different functions in your body to keep you healthy. Multiple glands create and release hormones into your blood stream and tissues which tells your body, what to do and when. They’re essential for your life and vitality.
With this package you can now energetically heal and balance your hormones to improve nearly every aspect of your life. You can experience: more energy, less stress and anxiety, elevated mood, sharper mind, and a deep, restful, rejuvenating sleep every night.
Hormonal balance means enjoying your life to the fullest!
After each session, I experienced noticeable results. For example, after Hypothalamus Balance I noticed deeper sleep, more energy, better hydration, better temperature regulation, clearer brain & emotional balance. I actually felt motivated to clean, garden, and catch up on a few projects.
I felt a significant shift over the 7 x weeks, shifting old energy and feeling more balanced. I noticed I lost 3.5 lbs in the first 3 x weeks. My stress levels reduced, I felt calmer and been much more productive and creative at work, finally pushing through some projects I had been resisting working on.
I feel absolutely great. Very balanced. I have lost weight and feel like I am aging backwards.
During and after the class I have so much more energy, clarity and have had no hot flashes. Also, I have no symptoms of overactive bladder.
My skin is normally crystal clear, but this last month and a half my skin had been breaking out like I was some high schooler going through puberty, and it was soooo much clearer when I woke up this morning. We are talking just 6 hours of looping while I was sleeping. That is AMAZING & MIRACULOUS Virigina.
My recent thyroid blood tests were all within the normal ranges without medication. And my energy level is better than it has been in years.
Your hormones control:
- Growth and development
- Your moods and happy chemicals
- Metabolism
- Homoeostasis (Internal balance such as blood pressure, blood sugar regulation, electrolyte balance)
- Sexual function
- Reproduction
- Circadian rhythm
What is the endocrine system?
The hormones created and released by the glands in your body’s endocrine system control nearly all the processes in your body. These chemicals help coordinate your body’s functions, from metabolism to growth and development, emotions, mood, sexual function and even sleep.
Your endocrine system continuously monitors the amount of hormones in your blood. Hormones deliver their messages by locking into the cells they target so they can relay the message.
Sometimes glands produce too much or not enough of a hormone. This imbalance can cause health problems, such as weight gain, high blood pressure and changes in sleep, mood and your emotions. Many adverse issues can affect how your body creates and releases hormones such as illness, stress, medications and trauma.
Your endocrine system consists of the following glands:

Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalances occur when a hormone in the bloodstream is either too high or too low. Because of their essential role in the body, even slight hormonal imbalances can cause adverse effects throughout the body.
Symptoms of hormonal imbalance
- Mood swings and anxiety
- Sudden or inexplicable weight gain or weight loss
- Difficulty sleeping
- Feeling very hot or very cold changes, or extreme sensitivity to heat or cold
- Excessive sweating
- Headaches
- Heart rate changes and palpitations
- Dry skin or sudden acne
- Low libido and sexual function
- Blurred vision
- Brittle hair and nails
- Excessive hair growth
- Breast tenderness
- Estrogen deficiency / excess
- Progesterone deficiency / excess
- Testosterone deficiency / excess
- Hot flashes / night sweats
- Memory lapses
- Water retention
- Nervousness/anxiety/irritability
- Reproductive and infertility issues

We’re often told that we need to eat less and exercise more to maintain our weight, yet that’s not always true. Unbalanced hormones can be the true culprits behind weight gain.
Most women are constantly fighting their hormones. And when your hormones are in constant stress, your metabolism becomes inefficient and we have no idea what to do. When you address hormonal imbalances with energetic healing, you can target the root cause, instigating healing at a deeper level and shifting weight naturally and with ease.

As women we are often subject to emotional swings; addressing our hormones can be profoundly life-changing to our overall health and wellbeing.
Balancing your hormones can lead to feeling calmer, less stressed / anxious, emotionally balanced and experience less menopausal symptoms. Another advantage to hormone balancing in women is the ability to sleep more soundly and even experience an improvement in libido.

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease. A reduction of testosterone can be attributed to a variety of medical conditions. However balancing testosterone offers an array of benefits for men. Testosterone is needed for men’s sexual development and reproductive function. It’s also essential for building muscle and ensuring proper bone density is at an appropriate level. Testosterone is also responsible for maintaining a healthy level of red blood cells in the body, increased libido, help reduce hair loss and thinning hair. Once balanced in men, they report an increase in energy, muscle-building, libido and stamina.

Your pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland in the middle of your brain that helps regulate your body's circadian rhythm by secreting the hormone melatonin.
The pineal gland produces several hormones. One of these is melatonin, which helps regulate the body clock, including sleep patterns. The pineal gland may also help regulate female hormone levels and contribute to cardiovascular health and mood stability.

The hypothalamus is a small and extremely important area in the center of the brain. The function of the hypothalamus is to keep the body in balance as much as possible. As different systems and parts of the body send signals to the brain, they alert the hypothalamus to any imbalanced factors that need addressing. The hypothalamus then responds by releasing the right hormones into the bloodstream to balance the body.
Examples of the hypothalamus at work include:
- The remarkable ability of a human being to maintain an internal temperature of 98.6 °Fahrenheit (ºF). If the hypothalamus receives a signal that the internal temperature is too high, it will tell the body to sweat. If it receives the signal that the temperature is too cold, the body will create its own heat by shivering.
- Feelings of hunger are the brain’s way of letting its owner know that they need more nutrients to achieve balance.
- The hypothalamus also directly influences growth hormones. It commands the pituitary gland to either increase or decrease their presence in the body, which is essential for both growing children and fully developed adults.
The hypothalamus acts as the connector between the endocrine and nervous systems to achieve this. It plays a part in many essential functions of the body such as:
- Releasing hormones
- Regulating emotional responses
- Controlling appetite, thirst and weight control
- Regulating body temperature
- Sleep cycles
- Managing sex drive
- Childbirth
- Blood pressure and heart rate
- Production of digestive juices
- Balancing bodily fluids
- Maintaining daily physiological cycles.

Your pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland at the base of your brain, its plays a major role in regulating vital body functions and general wellbeing. It is referred to as the body's 'master gland' because it controls the activity of most other hormone-secreting glands. Your pituitary gland releases several hormones — many of which control the functions of other endocrine glands.
Your pituitary gland makes the following hormones:
- ACTH: Stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete steroid hormones, principally cortisol
- FSH: Stimulates the testes to produce sperm and stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs and estrogen.
- LH: Stimulates ovulation in women and testosterone production in men.
- GH: In children, growth hormone stimulates growth. In adults, growth hormone helps maintain healthy muscles and bones and impacts fat distribution.
- Prolactin: Stimulates breast milk production after giving birth and can affect menstrual periods, fertility and sexual function
- TSH: Stimulates your thyroid to produce hormones that manage metabolism, energy and your nervous system.
The pituitary gland helps with:
- Growth
- Blood pressure
- Metabolism conversion (how your body transforms and manages the energy from the food you eat)
- Response to stress or trauma
- Sex organ functions in both sexes
- Thyroid gland
- Temperature regulation
- Pain relief
- Breast milk production
- Water and sodium (salt) balance
- Labor and childbirth

The thyroid gland makes three hormones that it releases into the bloodstream. Two of these T3 and T4 increase your body's metabolic rate. These hormones play an important role in regulation of your weight, energy levels, internal temperature, skin, hair, and nail growth.
The parathyroid hormone PTH controls calcium levels in the blood. These glands are the size of a grain of rice which lie behind the thyroid. The PTH hormone plays a role in regulating blood calcium levels, helping the body maintain adequate calcium stores in the bloodstream to protect bone health. It also controls phosphorus and vitamin D levels
Parathyroid hormone functions/effects in the body include:
- It causes the release of calcium from bones.
- It causes calcium to be taken up (absorbed) into the blood from the intestine.
- It stops the kidneys from getting rid of (excreting) calcium in the urine.
- It causes the kidneys to excrete phosphate in the urine.
- It increases blood levels of magnesium.

The adrenal glands are your body’s “stress” gland. They help your body deal with both acute and chronic stress. Your adrenal glands are located on top of your kidneys. They produce many important hormones, including cortisol, aldosterone, DHEA and adrenaline. The adrenal hormones help regulate several bodily functions including:
- Metabolism
- Immune System
- Blood pressure
- Your body's response to stress
- Development of sexual characteristics

The pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen that contains glands that release substances to help with digestion and control blood sugar. It plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells by releasing enzymes that break down sugars, fats, and starches. Pancreatic hormones help regulate your blood sugar levels and appetite, stimulate stomach acids, and tell your stomach when to empty.
The pancreas performs two main functions:
- Exocrine function: Produces enzymes that help with digestion.
- Endocrine function: Sends out hormones that control the amount of sugar in your bloodstream.

The ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands located on either side of a woman’s uterus. They produce and store eggs and make hormones that control a woman’s menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
The major hormones secreted by the ovaries are oestrogen and progesterone, both important hormones in the menstrual cycle. Estrogen production is highest in the first half of the menstrual cycle before ovulation.
Progesterone production dominates during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
The testes are two oval-shaped male reproductive glands that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
Testosterone is important in the first stages of developing the male reproductive organs in a foetus. It also causes the development of male characteristics such as growth of facial hair, deepening of the voice and the growth spurt that takes place during puberty. Testosterone is important in maintaining these secondary male characteristics throughout a man’s life. From puberty onwards, testosterone provides the main stimulus for sperm production.

Most people don't know that a healthy lymphatic system allows the free flow of progesterone in a woman's body. Our bodies need progesterone because it balances estrogen levels. When the lymphatic system malfunctions, or when progesterone's flow is impeded, excess estrogen builds up Your lymphatic system has many functions including:
- Maintains fluid levels in your body: the lymphatic system collects excess fluid that drains from cells and tissue throughout your body and returns it to your bloodstream, which is then recirculated through your body.
- Absorbs fats from the digestive tract: Lymph includes fluids from your intestines that contain fats and proteins and transports it back to your bloodstream.
- Protects your body against foreign invaders: The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It produces and releases lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other immune cells that monitor and then destroy the foreign invaders — such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi — that may enter your body.
- Transports and removes waste products and abnormal cells from the lymph.

Why is the harmonize your hormones package for you?
If you’ve not been feeling yourself whether it’s low energy, weight gain, irritability, decreased sex drive or you’ve been feeling stressed, the chances are your hormones are not working efficiently for you.
When your hormones work in harmony you have a natural ability to control your stress, better mental and physical resilience, more focus and energy, a decrease in your appetite, and you can maintain a healthy body weight, metabolism and enjoy your life to the full.
Balancing your hormones has a profound effect on your mental, physical, and emotional health. The benefits of this package include:
- Redressing any imbalance in your entire hormone matrix
- 12 x hormonal balancing MP3’s which you can play for daily maintenance
- Better wellbeing and sense of purpose
- Correct your circadian cycle for uninterrupted sleep
- Increase your energy and motivation
- Your metabolism may work more efficiently
- Handle stress much better
- Bring balance and inner calm
- You may feel better hydrated
- Help harmonize and balance the daily ravages of perimenopause and full menopause
- Adjust hot flashes making them more bearable
- Help you to handle your anxiety better
- Release brain fog
- Find emotional balance.
- And so much more…..
Balancing your hormones is an easy way to address your total health from head to toe.
Don’t just take our word for it, hear from Virginia's clients who have experienced beneficial changes to their physical health and mental wellbeing by taking part in this program.
Virginia's Clients ALWAYS Get Results! Check Out What Beta Testers of This Program Have to Say!!
“The Hormone program is the most powerful one you have presented!”
"I feel the Hormone program is the most powerful one you have presented. It has been such a gift to have our hormones scanned, assessed, and balanced. Your education about each hormone-producing organ was an additional bonus.
Hormones are SO important in regulating and running our physiology. I am grateful to have been part of this program. ….."
~ Peggy C
“Deeper sleep, more energy, better hydration, better temperature regulation, clearer brain & emotional balance!”
"In 30+ years as a healer. I've studied and worked with many healers and modalities. Virginia Rounds Griffiths and her Heart Team are among the most effective, providing comprehensive detection of root causes within complex interrelated systems that create symptoms. She works on all levels of body, mind and spirit, including ancestral, past & parallel lives, dimensions, etc. and goes beyond healing to provide tools to continue the self-healing process. She clearly cares about her clients and group sessions are exponentially powerful.
The complexity, integration and balance of the Endocrine System & Hormone levels is a difficult, ever-changing target to address, yet this program is the most powerful approach in my experience thus far to energetically manifest real resolution of myriad long-term symptoms and lasting results.
I began the series with many common symptoms, including sleep issues, night sweats, low energy, brain fog, stress, anxiety & emotional volatility, cellular dehydration, constipation, arrhythmia, low motivation, hot flushes and night sweats, etc.
After each session, I experienced noticeable results. For example, after Hypothalamus Balance I noticed deeper sleep, more energy, better hydration, better temperature regulation, clearer brain & emotional balance. I actually felt motivated to clean, garden, and catch up on a few projects. As the following sessions balanced hormones produced by the Pituitary, Pineal, Parathyroid & Thyroid, Adrenal, Ovaries & Pancreas, the entire Endocrine System was fine-tuned, each session reinforcing the previous ones. Replaying calls & mp3s effectively resolved any long-term symptoms that recurred over time or needed a little extra tweaking.
In addition, my husband experienced benefits as well - deeper sleep, more energy, less back & hip pain, increased muscle strength, miraculous resolution of digestive issues causing recurring chronic persistent diarrhoea. Our 18-year-old dog also benefited from the energy with deeper sleep and less frequent urination.
I highly recommend this program to all."
~ Catherine E.
“Sleeping 8 hours, lost 7.5lbs, feel stronger!”
"Over the course of the harmonize your hormones package with Virginia, I’ve experienced:
- 7.5lbs weight loss – the Pineal healing helped to motivate cleaning up my diet
- I’m now sleeping 8 hours - falling asleep right away and waking up feeling rested!!!
- Hypothalamus - less cold
- Less dehydrated (body water measured on fit track scale improved from 48 to 50% over 6 weeks)
- I stopped taking digestive enzymes
- Libido better
- Feel stronger physically
- Got my period and it was very regular, normal duration and flow
Thyroid at 95% - Adrenals lighter and happier
- Pancreas fine, no blood sugar issue
- Adrenals at 80% and I feel less inflamed.
- Ovaries fallopian tubes and uterus all cleared
- Getting “hot flashes’ during the day as well but they last about 5 sec –
Just a little update… everything is still the same, improvement in sleep, weight still going down and feeling overall happier and calmer! My period did not come this month, I believe I’m now going through menopause (about time, just turned 55!) But what I really want to mention is that I included the clearings of all endocrine glands in my daily practice and it’s interesting to notice that some days the pineal needs more clearing, some days the pituitary and so forth! Hormones play a huge part when achieving physical, emotional and spiritual balance!! Sooo grateful for all the learning. Thank you, Virginia."
~ Renata G
“Stress level down, lost weight, much happier!”
"Dear Virginia
Thank you so much for including me in the Hormones beta package, your series was outstanding from start to finish. I really looked forward to addressing a different hormone on each weekly call. Overall, the series helped me find more balance and clarity in my life, particularly as my mother-in-law came to stay for 5 x weeks while we were doing this series and your course helped me to stay calm and sane at a time which is normally hugely stressful for me.
I really enjoyed the live calls. Each week we gained a thorough education and grounding of each hormone and were fortunate to receive a deep energetic clearing, along with a hormonal balancing MP3 to maintain the healing. I felt a significant shift over the 7 x weeks, shifting old energy and feeling more balanced. I noticed I lost 3.5 lbs in the first 3 x weeks. My stress levels reduced, I felt calmer and been much more productive and creative at work, finally pushing through some projects I had been resisting working on. Generally, I also feel much happier and lighter in myself, and my sleeping has also improved – which is a blessing. I’ve always been a light sleeper and my Fitbit gave me a score of 90 following the hypothalamus session!
The healings on past, future, and ancestral lines were so deep and special – I’ve never experienced this with any other healer. I’m so grateful to have been part of this course and I feel empowered to take on new challenges. A big heartfelt thank you, as always to you and your heart team."
~ Imogen T
“Helped me clear out a great deal of stagnancy!”
"This hormone series helped me clear out a great deal of stagnancy, that has been the biggest shift for me. I received that trauma clearing with the parathyroid which led me to purging and deep cleaning my home.
And from that I started and completed a project that I had been sitting on for four months. I am now acting on several other projects and feeling motivation that I haven’t felt in more than seven months. I literally feel reborn in terms of motivation.
I didn’t realize how stuck I was, nor how much my past trauma was getting in the way of my present-day motivation.
Thank you, Virginia. I’m so grateful for the shift I am feeling and the progress I am making on projects for my business"
~ Kim Q…..
“Lost weight and feel like I am aging backwards!”
"I have truly enjoyed this program and feel so grateful I have been able to attend each one of the sessions. I feel absolutely great. Very balanced. I have lost weight and feel like I am aging backwards. I can’t thank you enough for spending this time with us. It is very obvious all the women in this group feel the same way! I will continue to use the MP3’s. God Bless You for your generous heart!
PS I feel like I got so much more from this program."
~ Robin C…….
“My mom's hormones were more balanced according to bloodwork!”
"Hi Virginia. I wanted to let you know my mom got her blood work back and her hormones were more balanced. The aldosterone wasn't showing high anymore. She was doing better"
~ Jen
“Thyroid blood tests were all within the normal ranges without medication!”
"I am so excited to report that after working with Virginia for several months that my recent thyroid blood tests were all within the normal ranges without medication. And my energy level is better than it has been in years.
These are the kinds of results I have been seeking since I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis in 1989 after gaining 50 pounds in 4 months a few years earlier. I took the standard thyroid medication, trying the brand names, the generics and Armour thyroid, but none of it seemed to make a difference in how I felt. I also pursued numerous other avenues of healing from diet and supplements to various kinds of alternative healing approaches and energy work. But I never found the solution until now.
I highly recommend Virginia Rounds Griffith. She was able to shift this longstanding issue for me as well as several other issues with her insight and powerful healing. The truly believe that there has been a Divine shift at this time that allows us to release and heal issues we have been dealing with for years, or decades, and having someone like Virginia to help you through those processes is truly a gift."
~ Barbara B…….
Regular Price: $197
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: No refund after Group Call takes place.
Here's what is inside the Harmonize Your Hormones Program
Balancing your hormones is an easy way to address your total health from head to toe and this program is the EASIEST way to make that happen!
If you’ve not been feeling yourself whether it’s low energy, weight gain, irritability, decreased sex drive or you’ve been feeling stressed, the chances are your hormones are not working efficiently for you.
When your hormones work in harmony you have a natural ability to control your stress, better mental and physical resilience, more focus and energy, a decrease in your appetite, and you can maintain a healthy body weight, metabolism and enjoy your life to the full.
Balancing your hormones has a profound effect on your mental, physical, and emotional health, which is EXACTLY what this program is designed to do!
Check out what is inside...
- Pineal Gland Rebalance MP3
- Hypothalamus Re-balance MP3
- Pituitary Gland Re-Balance MP3
- Lymphatic System Realigned & Balanced MP3
- Vitalizing Vitamins MP3
- Balance Estrogen MP3
- Balance Progesterone MP3
- Balance Testosterone MP3
- Balance Aldosterone MP3
- Melatonin for Better Sleep MP3
- Energy Booster MP3
- Infra-Red Rays Benefit MP3
Pineal Gland Rebalance MP3
In addition to its role in regulating seasonal physiology and influencing the circadian system and sleep patterns, melatonin is involved in cell protection, neuroprotection, and the reproductive system, among other possible functions.
This mp3 will repair and reset the pineal gland if out of balance.
Hypothalamus Re-balance MP3
The hypothalamus acts as the connector between the endocrine and nervous systems to achieve this. It plays a part in many essential functions of the body such as: body temperature, thirst, appetite and weight control, emotions, sleep cycles, sex drive, childbirth. blood pressure, heart rate, production of digestive juices, balancing bodily fluids
This mp3 will help to address hypothalamus issues for you.
Pituitary Gland Re-Balance MP3
Imagine the Pituitary gland as a hormone factory responsible for:
- Producing cortisol and other hormones
- Produce eggs and estrogen.
- Stimulates ovulation in women and testosterone in men.
- Stimulates growth in children and helps maintain healthy muscles and bones and impacts fat distribution in adults
- Stimulates breast milk production after giving birth and can affect menstrual periods, fertility and sexual function
- Stimulates your thyroid to produce hormones that manage metabolism, energy and your nervous system and much more
This mp3 will help to address the pituitary gland and bring it back to balance.
Lymphatic System Realigned & Balanced MP3
Your lymphatic system, part of your immune system, has many functions. They include protecting your body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract, fats and removing cellular waste. They also carry nutrients and hormones
This mp3 will help to unblock your lymphatic system for a healthier you.
Vitalizing Vitamins MP3
We understand that supplements are so necessary for our bodies because our food is not rich in nutrients alone and the list below is energetically enfused to help with hormone health:
B12, Magnesium – VIP, Probiotics, Liver help:Tudac & Milk thistle, D3, Omega Fatty Acids
All these supplements are included in this mp3.
Balance Estrogen MP3
In addition to regulating the menstrual cycle, estrogen affects the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain.
This mp3 will help with balancing the levels of Estrogen in your body.
Balance Progesterone MP3
What are the signs of Low Progesterone
- Low libido.
- Hot flashes.
- Migraines or headaches.
- Depression, anxiety or other mood changes.
- Menstrual cycle absence.
- Breasts that are often sore.
- Spotting between periods.
- Low blood sugar.
What are signs of high progesterone?
- Weight fluctuations.
- Fatigue.
- Bloating.
- Discomfort or pain in the legs.
- Water retention.
- Changes to sex drive/libido
The disastrous affects of either low or high levels of progesterone will on it’s own help us to understand why we need to bring it into balance which is what this mp3 will do.
Balance Testosterone MP3
In Women
Combined with estrogen, the female sex hormone, testosterone helps with the growth, maintenance, and repair of a woman's reproductive tissues, bone mass, and emotions
In Men
Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays important roles in the body. In men, it's thought to regulate sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm.
This mp3 is targeted to bring balance to the levels of testosterone in both sexes.
Balance Aldosterone MP3
Aldosterone regulates the salt and water balance of the and excretion of potassium by the kidneys It also has a limited effect on the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
This mp3’s function is to bring balance to the aldosterone levels in your body.
ITEM 10:
Melatonin for Better Sleep MP3
In addition to improving sleep, melatonin is also involved in managing immune function, blood pressure and cortisol levels. Plus, it acts as an antioxidant, with some research finding that it can significantly affect many health conditions.
This energy infused mp3 is targeted to repair and balance your melatonin levels.
ITEM 11:
Energy Booster MP3
When you focus on balancing and accelerating your energy levels, you'll lose unwanted weight. You'll boost your immune system and have fewer colds each year. You'll sleep like a baby at night. Your skin will glow. You'll ignite your relationships. You'll enhance your productivity and ability to get things done. You'll be able to manage stress better You'll experience greater happiness and well-being. And you'll automatically find the motivation to keep moving forward with optimism and fortitude.
This mp3 will put the vitality back into your life again to accomplish what you may not be doing now.
ITEM 12:
Infra-Red Rays Benefit MP3
Infrared therapy has many roles in the human body. These include detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, weight loss, skin purification, lowered side effects of diabetes, boosting of the immune system and lowering of blood pressure
This energetically infused mp3 will be targeted to download the infrared energies to your body for total well-being.
30 Days Remote Healing
30 days Remote Healing with Virginia and her heart team!
This remote healing works on the principles of Quantum Physics and intention. On a Monday morning 10am UK time Virginia's Healing Heart Team go into action and include all those who have bought the Remote Healing Package.
All issues that are NEEDED by each person is addressed whether you are aware of it or not.
Virginia's Healing Heart Team target your entire Energy Matrix whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
All you need to do is set the intention to receive.
Regular Price $197
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: No refund after Group Call takes place.
Meet Virginia Rounds Griffiths, Featured in the Ground Breaking Docu-Series, Exploring Energy the Ultimate Healer
Light Energy Alchemist, Medical Intuitive, Past, Present & Future Life Practitioner & Trainer
Einstein told us everything is energy and we understand that the Zero Point Field has Infinite Possibilities - this is the field I work in.
Most people have no understanding of how energy plays a vital role in their lives; resulting in a life lived in the flow of infinite possibilities or in a life obstructed at every turn.
I transform and transmute those energies from negative to positive, in the environment, personal energy fields, physical bodies and any other areas needed, bringing balance and harmony where needed.
Through the magic of the internet, I touch the lives of thousands of people globally.
“My glands and hormones started improving immediately!”
"This hormone beta test was important to me because I need to control my high blood pressure and keep my weight under control. I also have lymphedema in both legs, so the lymphatic system is especially important to me.
I really had no issue with most some of the first hormones we covered, such as the hypothalamus, pineal gland, and those affecting body temperature. However, my bodily fluids, kidney, ureters, parathyroid, pancreas and pituitary glands were not balanced, and my digestive enzymes were also out of whack. My salivary glands were not working properly as well.
After just a few sessions with Virginia, my glands and hormones started improving immediately. She opened my salivary glands, cleared and optimised my pituitary gland from 70% to 100% capacity, and cleared my kidneys and ureters. My parathyroid and thyroid are now functioning normally, and my digestive enzymes are now clear since I now have more stable energy and better digestion.
During the many sessions we had with Virginia, she worked to open our bile ducts and pancreatic ducts, our cortisol levels, calcium levels, and our triple heart warmer - the body’s switchboard. She even worked on our ovaries and fallopian tubes for those women who had issues with them as well as high blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances.
As a result of this work over the sessions, my health has definitely improved which I attribute to all my major hormones functioning well. I had recent lab work near our last session which showed hormone readings that were not only better than previous readings, but also revealed hormone and other major test readings all within normal ranges. For example my labs from 10.18.22 are:
- Body temperature: 95.8 F.
Oxygen: 97%
- Parathyroid (PTH): 53pg/ml; standard range 26-115 pg/mL
- Thyroid (TSH): 3.4 ulU/ML; standard range 0.4-5.0 ulU/ml
- Aldosterone: 10ng/dL; standard range <or= 28 ng/dL
The proof is in the pudding! Anyone sitting on the fence or doubtful about energetic healing has not worked with Virginia Rounds Griffiths, a most gifted and generous healer of our time!"
~ Deborah H.
“Sleep so much deeper, longer and wake up more refreshed...heart palpitations are now rare!”
"Hello Virginia,
This hormone class was exceptional! I learned so much about my body and how it is all entwined. Virginia explained each part clearly and in a way that you can easily understand, along with MP3's to help clear what is hindering a balanced body.
The energy was astounding along with ancestral, past, present and future work. She scans you to see how your body is, but also teaches you how to test yourself for the future.
I now sleep so much deeper, longer and wake up more refreshed. I truly believe these with be cleared as I continue to work on my stress levels. I feel generally better, and my heart palpitations are rare now. Working with areas like the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands are only some of the areas we covered. I highly recommended this hormone class. You won't regret it!"
~ Jim Eick - Minnesota, USA
“Much more energy, clarity and have had no hot flashes!”
"Hi Virginia
I am deeply grateful for you choosing me to be part of this beta test. Before starting I had low energy. I work a lot and would come home and crash. I had some hot flashes and also an overactive bladder. Also, my sugar was high!
During and after the class I have so much more energy, clarity and have had no hot flashes. Also, I have no symptoms of overactive bladder. That is amazing as my doctor told me it’s hard to get relief from it. I feel amazing! At 4 months shy of turning 68 I feel better than I have in a very long time. Also, my appetite is controlled. I stopped snacking all the time. I would say, my overall health was at the start of the program was about 5/10 and now a 10/10 for sure!"
~ Renee Cahill
“My hot flashes during the day have significantly reduced!”
"Hi Virginia,
I appreciated your help in getting each of us in balance with our hormones. The education about each hormone-producing organ was so helpful. My hot flashes during the day have significantly reduced. Thank you so much."
~ Marjorie MacDonald
“The night after the first session, night sweats turned into just slightly warm!”
"Dear Virginia
Thank you so much for this series, it's been the most powerful yet.
The night after the first session, night sweats turned into just slightly warm. I didn't think the night sweats had bothered me much up to then, but soon realised how much the quality of my sleep had improved, once they had gone.
I played your thyroid and another adrenal meditation I had, during that week, with little success, but the last call seemed to restore the balance.
I am still randomly playing the mp3s, putting them on loop seemed to negate the effects after the first few days. I guess my body didn't need them quite so often, as powerful as they are.
I intuit my playlist now.
I seemed to have a strong reaction of anger, fear then relief, to ancestors, during the last call on pancreas. Not aware of any family issues with this organ, but someone appreciated it's clearing.
Many many thanks and blessings once again. to you and your team.
with love from"
~ Deborah M…
“More peaceful, calmer and not anxious!”
"I felt so much more peaceful and calmer and not anxious when the hot flashes come and less disappointed or mad that they come. The weather shifted and they are not as prevalent any longer. The work is quite powerful!
Let me know if you want me to replay them all and then do a better testimonial.
Thanks so much."
~ Sharon Stroes
“Extremely effective results!”
"Dear Virginia,
Thank you again for including us in the Hormone Beta Group. Extremely effective results!
Love & blessings!"
~ Jim E
“Within 6 hours of looping your MP3 my skin is so much clearer!”
"I am so eternally grateful because the energies are so upgraded. I literally was at maybe 5% thyroid functioning, so hearing 50% from your mini scan this morning is an absolute miracle.
I couldn't even function. It has been so bad, but I will spare you the details, just basically going to die if I don't get a solution. I did the mirror exercise from the replay and couldn't detect anything, however, when I started playing the tracks literally my throat closed up, I couldn't breathe as I saw my angels remove something major off my throat, but after that I am not great, but I had so much more brain function than before- like I could barely write the email yesterday. I have been super constipated and sick, but at least had small movements this morning which is much better than what it has been.
My skin is normally crystal clear, but this last month and a half my skin had been breaking out like I was some high schooler going through puberty, and it was soooo much clearer when I woke up this morning. We are talking just 6 hours of looping while I was sleeping. That is AMAZING & MIRACULOUS Virigina, and I am so eternally grateful, you have no idea!
I will continue to loop the tracks for the next six weeks before I schedule our private session, and yes insane amounts of stress and trauma that I hope to be memories of the distant past that I can barely recall in the now and in the future going forward."
Don't Miss These Add Ons at Check Out! |
3 Live 45 Minute Group Healing Sessions with Virginia
1st Pre-recorded Group Call
Pineal/Hypothalamus/Pituitary Glands
The first live group healing session includes the Pineal/Hypothalamus/Pituitary Glands.
These glands lie in the center of your brain and are essential for the harmonious functioning of our growth, libido, metabolism, calcium levels in the blood, fertility, moods, vivacity, energy and so much more
We use the power of the group calls to rectify and bring these glands back to their original blueprint of wellbeing for your body.
2nd Pre-recorded Group Call
Parathyroids/Thyroid/Adrenal Glands
The 2nd live group healing session includes the Parathyroids/Thyroid/Adrenal Glands.
These glands lie in the throat and at your back just above your waist. They produce hormones that help regulate the body's metabolism - energy. They maintain the rate at which your body uses fats and carbohydrates, help control your body temperature, influence your heart rate, and help regulate the production of protein
Your adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions.
Again we use the power of the group calls to rectify and bring these glands back to their original blueprint of wellbeing for your body.
3rd Pre-recorded Group Call
The final live group healing session includes the Ovaries/Testes/Pancreas.
Our function as humans is to reproduce and healthy ovaries and testes are the main function for us to do this. Whether we are at the age to reproduce or afterwards, the ovaries/testes still produce estrogen/progesterone & testosterone which we need throughout our lives and which depletes as we get older.
In this powerful group call we will rectify this imbalance.
The pancreas performs two main functions:
Exocrine function: Produces enzymes that help with digestion. Endocrine function: Sends out hormones that control the amount of sugar in your bloodstream.
Once more the power of the Group call will help to rebalance the dysfunction in those glands to bring about perfect functioning of these really essential glands for harmony in your body
60 Days of Distance Healing
Add an additional 60 days to your healing with this powerful add on available at check out.
Remote Healing works on the principles of Quantum Physics and intention. On a Monday morning 10am UK time Virginia's Healing Heart Team go into action and include all those who have bought the Remote Healing Package.
All issues that are NEEDED by each person is addressed whether you are aware of it or not.
Virginia's Healing Heart Team target your entire Energy Matrix whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
All you need to do is set the intention to receive.
Regular Price $197
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.