Learn To Utilize Your Unique Strengths To Create A Powerful Life Worth Living!
Finally from one of the TOP energy masters in the world, a program that will eradicate suffering from its roots, awaken you to your real power and self, help you to rewrite YOUR own story, fully move into your purpose...
Not only all of that, but helps you to find soulmate love, enlightened relationships, create prosperity, clear karma and so much more!
“I just wanted to tell you that I went to the endocrinologist today. She told me that she has almost never seen anyone “turn things around” the way I have in 2 weeks! My sugar is in the normal range now. Thank you for all of your clearings! I am gaining insights daily and I am truly grateful!” ~ Barbara, NY
“I have tried many healers and energy workers. Only John’s work was able to remove the causes of emotional negativity I have experienced for 40 years.”~ B.B. Iowa
- Do you ever wonder where you personal power resides? In John Newton’s Empowerment program, he guides you into how you can not only find your personal power but harness it and live from it in every moment.
- Do you have any past burdens or limiting beliefs that are keeping you from showing up fully in your life? In this program, John helps remove blocks in all areas of life. You will resolve past karma to support your physical & emotional well-being, spiritual awakening, unlimited financial abundance, profoundly fulfilling relationships and access to personal truth.
- Have you tried “everything” and not seen lasting results? In John Newton’s Empowerment Program you too can experience profound results, often within minutes. These specifically targeted clearings are equally effective for those experiencing the video replays.
- You can alleviate stress
- Stop self-sabotaging behavior
- Gain unlimited energy
- Clear guilt and unworthiness
- Clear unresolved grief and trauma
- Alleviate Chronic Pain
- Clear Phobias
- Resolve “Let Down”
- Establish Healthy Boundaries
- Get to the root causes of why humanity suffers
- Learn the Real “Secret”
This is one of John Newton's most powerful programs!
He is giving so much away in just the bonuses that you MUST CHECK IT OUT!
Each video from this program contains multiple clearings that will help you remove blocks in all areas of life.
Experience resolving the past karma to support your physical & emotional well-being, spiritual awakening, unlimited financial abundance, profoundly fulfilling relationships and access to personal truth.
Total Package Value $499
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $199
Why John Newton Is Unique?
John’s is often asked this question, and the simple answer is – “Yes, the benefits of the Empowerment Program are equally as effective when viewing or listening to the recordings.” Source is not governed by time and space. The Creator is everywhere and ‘every-when’. Time and space exists within the Infinite Source as do we and all of our burden. We continuously receive reports from people around the world who have experienced dramatic changes and improvements in their lives through listening to and viewing John’s recordings. As you listen to these recordings, simply trust your own experience, and you will discover it is as profound as being there in real time.
John Helps Clients Change Their Lives! Check Out These Stories!
“John’s work and the forgiveness prayers have brought me closer to Source. I actually feel levity and bouts of joy in my life now. Thank you, John.” ~ Claire, Los Angeles
“John Newton is an expert in complementary healing. His techniques appear deceivingly simple, yet are profoundly effective – almost magical at times.” ~ Sheila Kar MD, Fmr. Clinical Chief of Cardiology, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
“I just wanted to tell you that I went to the endocrinologist today. She told me that she has almost never seen anyone “turn things around” the way I have in 2 weeks! My sugar is in the normal range now. Thank you for all of your clearings! I am gaining insights daily and I am truly grateful!” ~ Barbara, NY
“I have tried many healers and energy workers. Only John’s work was able to remove the causes of emotional negativity I have experienced for 40 years.”~ B.B. Iowa
“Thank you very much for your amazingly powerful work! I love listening to this program over and over again. It feels like layers are peeling away, making me feel lighter and freer! Thank you so much for reminding us of who we are and for being such a clear channel of Truth.” ~ Akiko, Switzerland
“I asked for help with my sprained ankle. I was in so much pain. Could not put any weight on it … I could not breathe freely. After your work, I found that I could breathe freely and stand on my hurt foot and walk with no pain!! Thank you!!!” ~ Ineke; Netherlands

Available for a Limited Time Only
Video Downloadable Bonus on Reverse Aging
360° Empowerment
Total Package Value $499
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $199

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
- 10 downloadable Video programs
- 5 downloadable audio programs
- PLUS 5 downloadable bonuses…
Highlights include
- Rewriting Your Story
- Clearing Our Karma
- You Are All Possibility
- Your Divine Purpose
- Activating Your Goals and Intentions
- Ending Self Sabotage
- Enlightened Relationships
10 Downloadable Video Programs
Video 1:
Clearing the Roots of Suffering
Total Running Time: 1:06:33
We weren’t put on this planet to suffer. We are here to fulfill what is written in our heart. By resolving the past we create a future of limitless possibility…
- What causes humanity to get off track?
- Handling unresolved grief
- Releasing patterns that originated in your lineage
- Living from possibility
- Clearing self-sabotage
Video 2:
Waking Up
Total Running Time: 1:08:27
There are two paths to this work: To help us wake up, and to resolve the karma that’s been limiting our life experience.
- Guided experience: You are already awake.
- Simple techniques to unravel karma
- Making peace with the earliest versions of ‘you’.
- Tapping into infinite versions of reality
- Breaking the unconscious patterns of addiction
Video 3:
Accessing the Infinite
Total Running Time: 57:12
We are created in the image and likeness of the creator – the ‘All That Is’. Begin accessing Source to clear what no longer serves us…
- Finally owning your power
- Cosmic simplicity
- Changing the fabric of reality
- Moving beyond our ‘let down’
- Living your hearts desire.
Video 4:
The Real Secret
Total Running Time: 57:58
We can wish all we want, but if what we’re really ‘putting out’ isn’t aligned with it, it’s not going to show up. Begin to handle what we carry that is actually affecting what shows up…
- Why “The Secret” alone doesn’t work
- It’s as simple as asking for help
- Going beyond your story
- A secret never before shared…
- Transmit a new frequency
Video 5:
Rewriting Our Story
Total Running Time: 1:12:52
Suffering begins in the mind. Transcend this limited perspective and we transcend suffering. Rewrite the narrative and experience freedom itself.
- Discovering your narrative
- Transcending Suffering
- Why crawl when you know how to walk?
- When a loved one passes
- Allowing your heart to guide you
Video 6:
God Only Says Yes
Total Running Time: 46:52
Life is the answer to our true prayers: What we are putting out beneath the surface. God only says yes to what we are really asking for…
- Surrendering into experience
- Dissecting epigenomes
- Resolving let down and apathy
- The Creator only says ‘Yes’
- Why we are resisting the very thing that is here to serve us…
Video 7:
Clearing Our Karma
Total Running Time: 59:42
Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Handling the deepest layers of burden can yield magnificent results in your life…
- Our bodies are a roadmap to well-being
- Transforming base emotions into higher states of consciousness
- Not taking on other people’s stuff
- Listening to you inner knowing
- Moving past the consensus reality
Video 8:
You Are All Possibility
Total Running Time: 1:11:46
When you let go of your ‘mind identification’, you wake up to who you really are – a blank canvas of possibility.
- Overcoming let down
- Honoring boundaries
- Finding your voice
- Clearing prayers for addiction in your the lineage
- Extended clearing for sexual hurts and wrongs
Video 9:
The Deepest Truth
Total Running Time: 1:06:02
The world we experience is a reflection of what we carry inside. Release the the past and experience the truth that lives deep in your heart.
- Humbly and gratefully connecting to the Creator
- Rearranging your DNA
- Reclaiming your Free Will
- Trusting what you know
- Comprehensive spoken prayers for releasing burden
Video 10:
Your Divine Purpose
Total Running Time: 1:07:14
You are here to live the from your deepest truth – to experience the contrast of a life that shows you who you truly are.
- Accessing your Buddha Nature
- The difference between emotion and sensation
- Where your power and connection to Source lives
- Reclaiming consciousness
- Tapping into the bodies ability to heal
5 Downloadable Audio Programs
Audio 1:
Activating Your Goals And Intentions
- Discovering what you want
- Tools to create health, abundance & loving relationships
- A hidden secret: The Bindu point
- Finding your life purpose
- Powerful clearings to keep your intentions alive
Audio 2:
Ending Judgement
- Where our judgements come from
- Showing us what we need to clear
- Handling what no longer serves us
- Powerful clearing for ending judgement
- Reclaiming our free will
Audio 3:
Ending Self Sabotage
- Self sabotage may be guiding us to something greater
- Clearing the stuff that weighs us down
- Simple tools to end self sabotage
- Letting the Higher Intelligence work it out
Audio 4:
Enlightened Relationships
- Moving forward in all areas of relationship
- Empowering yourself through another
- Finding your ‘soul-mate’
- The commitments we make
- Brief access to Hoʻoponopono
Audio 5:
Strengthening Your Connection To Source
- Life can be a mindful expression
- Experiencing truth directly
- Coming home from illusion
- The power of ‘not knowing’
- ’Source connection’ in the present
5 Downloadable Bonuses
Bonus Audio 1:
Superclearing for Abundance
In this 3 minute bonus, John utilizes a piece of powerfully expansive music and embedded silent forgiveness prayers that help clear blocks and open your channels of abundance.
Bonus Audio 2:
Superclearing for Well-Being
This three minute Superclearing for well-being is embedded with silent forgiveness prayers that cover all aspects of well-being.
Bonus Audio 3:
Karma Clearing Meditation
John leads an active group Ancestral Clearing meditation addressing many aspects of karma from our life and family lineage.
Bonus Audio 4:
Speaking Prayers
John speaks comprehensive prayers out loud – to support clearing debris and burden that we carry from the past…
Bonus Audio 5:
Los Angeles Live Group Event
In this full length audio from a live event, John shares profound knowledge and offers numerous clearings for you and your lineage.

Available for a Limited Time Only
Video Downloadable Bonus on Reverse Aging
What if we could tap into the fountain of youth, live your best life EVER and love the body you are in no matter what your age is?
Only for a LIMITED TIME...
Download this video as a mega bonus TODAY!
360° Empowerment
Total Package Value $499
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $199

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“The deeply buried grief, and more recently shame I wasn't until recently even in touch with, seems to be dislodging!”
“I purchased this program and It is incredible. It almost seems magical the deeply buried grief, and more recently shame I wasn't until recently even in touch with, seems to be dislodging since partaking of your healings. I am really amazed and in deep deep gratitude that you walk this noble path to help humankind with your brand of work. "
~ Mylene
“I was even doing work in my dreams with this deep healing!”
“I just have to say I have deeply enjoyed the empowerment series. I was so in the zone listening to so many recordings that I was doing work in my dreams! I had a dream I was on a flight being hijacked and was connecting to the high jacker's let down in his life. I woke up and saw this was actually happening in the moment! I've finally been able to understand your work is training us to stay in Consciousness . Thank you thank you thank you for your work!!!!"
~ Angela
“ It's great entertainment (I laugh a lot!), it's healing, and I learn so much!”
“The Empowerment Program is great! I watch the videos now for the second time. It's great entertainment (I laugh a lot!), it's healing, and I learn so much! To me, it's very calming to see John and how he interacts with people with so much love and in such a gentle way. Thank you for giving us this opportunity!"
~ Ann
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Does John teach what he does?
Yes…he offers trainings many times a year! Since covid, many of them are offered online (allowing it possible for many more to learn what John does)
Q. Does John offer private 1 on 1 Sessions?
He does! You can book them on his website. They do fill quickly…so many join his weekly call series, where he offers up clearings weekly and knowledge on different topics. He also offers a free call every month.
Q. Does John offer private 1 on 1 Sessions?
You’ll have Lifetime Access to your training material inside the members area as long as the program is offered, so you can refer to it anytime you feel you need a refresher!
360° Empowerment
Total Package Value $499
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $199

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.