Experience Revolutionary DNA ACTIVATION to Heal and Boost Your Health Today!

Are you ready to unlock the secret to feeling forever healthy and vibrant?

If you're tired of feeling stressed out, lacking energy, and struggling with health issues...

Then let me tell you, Feel Forever Healthy is a game-changer!

  • WALKING after Bedridden and hopeless
  • Pressure from anxiety, instantly gone; I don’t react negatively anymore!
    Gabriela Dominguez
  • Healing at the root level
  • I have been profoundly Changed. I’m in a state of Bliss for No Reason

RIGHT NOW you have the opportunity to take control of your life with this REVOLUTIONARY DNA Activation Program.

Feel Forever Healthy focuses on healing the worn-out telomeres of your brain, which can prevent damage to your DNA and could have lead to dis-ease, organ issues, and even cancer.

Within this program, you'll reprogram your subconscious mind for regeneration and let go of limiting beliefs that keep you aging.

Unlock the Power of DNA ACTIVATION and Feel Forever Healthy!

Inside the Feel Forever Healthy program, your body will be flooded with celestial light through remote healing, source energy and miracle healing daily, helping you improve ALL areas of your life.

Imagine feeling vibrant, purposeful, and strong again - that's the power of the DNA ACTIVATION.

Here's the thing...

Do you know the biggest causes of aging, health issues, and relationship problems?

It's negative childhood experiences, trauma, bad relationships, addiction, sleep, and eating patterns!

They all take a toll on your body and mind.

But with the Feel Forever Healthy program, the DNA ACTIVATION heals the worn out telomeres of your brain so it prevents and repairs damage to your DNA.

This healing works directly on the mitochondria to give you a new blueprint to feel healthy again.

Anti-Aging downloads re-pattern your subconscious mind for regeneration, highest health, letting go of resentments, and releasing limiting societal beliefs that keep you aging, so you can quickly feel YOUNG, vibrant, purposeful, healthy, and STRONG, happy, good enough, and loved from inside.

Feel Vibrant, Purposeful, and Strong Again with Feel Forever Healthy!

Feel Forever Healthy reverses that aging process of the body, so it’s able to repair itself easier.

The celestial light and instant miracles from remote healing allow for miracles, DAILY!

Just take a look at what's possible with the Feel Forever Healthy program...

  • Raise your frequency
  • Clears denser energies
  • More energy
  • Happier
  • Clearer mind
  • Increased connection with source
  • Higher alignment
  • Less dis-ease
  • More content
  • Release negative thinking patterns
  • Releasing limiting beliefs
  • Feel happy and joyful again
  • Reclaim purpose
  • Body heals faster

Free Trial

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FHTJ Price $147

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3




FHTJ Price $247

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3




FHTJ  Price $447

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3

40 Minute Individual Sessions will be on SKYPE


money back logo


Package A, B & C: NO REFUNDS since remote healing starts from when you purchase the package

Transform Your Health and Wellbeing Just Like Lottie's Clients!

“Pressure from anxiety, instantly gone; I don’t react negatively anymore!”

“I had the opportunity to get a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper, that day I was in the slopes of all my emotions feeling fear sadness, depression and I was super scattered as far as my thoughts feelings and emotions. She was very kind and I felt love and compassion as soon as I started to my session. We went over a few tools that helped shift my reality and immediately felt super light the pressure I was feeling from all the anxiety was instantly gone.

My mind chatter completely stopped. I started to feel very light and almost felt like I woke up from a bad dream. The tension on my face was gone. I felt very relaxed. It’s been a little over a week and even tho my life continues to get a little gloomy I can honestly say that I don’t react the same way to situations anymore. I am a lot more calm and definitely not feeling under pressure. I am full of gratitude”

“Reclaimed true pure bliss through past life memory”

“What an amazing intuitive healer, is Lottie Cooper. The first time that I had a session with Lottie, I had immediate recall of a past life in which I was a blissful, joyous, young girl running through the tall grass. An older woman who is certainly a past life loved one supervised me. It was through this past life regression that I realized, and Law he gave me as a tool this memory to use anytime I needed true pure bliss in this current lifetime.”

~ Catherine H.S

“I don't look as tense!”

"Thank you for sharing the Beautiful Radiant Skin and Deep Sleep recordings with me. They've been very helpful. Listening to the Beautiful Radiant Skin recording has helped to relax the muscles in my face. I didn't realize how much tension I was carrying in my face, especially around my eyes and jaw, but also my cheek muscles - basically, my entire face!

The relaxation I've experienced from listening to the recording has helped me let go of tension and anxiety in my face and the rest of my body. I think the relaxation shows in my face. I don't look as tense."

~ Susan

“I have been profoundly Changed. I’m in a state of Bliss for No Reason”

“After listening to these MP3s, I find myself regularly in a state of bliss for no reason. For so many years I felt frustrated and stuck. I gradually became aware that the answer was self-love. These mp3's contain the transmissions and divine activation to pull me out of the past and embrace a calm and peaceful present.

Every time I listen it feels deeper and connects me to another part of myself that I had not felt previously. I have been profoundly changed and look forward to what continued use of these tracks will bring. Thank you so very much for your wonderful work!”

~ Alicia

“WALKING after Bedridden and hopeless”

“Lottie the day after you sent remote healing to my mother in the hospital she had the desire and was able to get up for the first time since being there for over a month”

~ RL, Builder


“Lottie has helped me on a spiritual level address the root causes of my patterns and stuck emotions in my body, that have physically manifested in my body, I am thankful for Lottie’s Help”

~ HB Healer

Why Lottie Cooper is Unique?

Lottie is a master healer and spiritual counselor who uses a combination of unique techniques learning from: her Master’s Degree (MA) in Body-Centered Psychology, Berkeley Psychic Institute Year-Long Clairvoyant Women’s Training Program, Advanced Theta Healing, JIN SHIN DO acupressure, massage therapist, REIKI 3 plus 40 more energy modalities and techniques. She also is a clear channel of divine source energy, miracle energy, and celestial light. She Supports you in raising your frequency which allows you to have more light and confidence, peace purpose and acceptance in who you are. 

Currently Lottie is an international speaker on From Heartache to Joy, Mens Health summit, Soul love Podcast, World traveler, and International bestselling Author of a collaborative book: Navigating the clickity -clack in a seemingly toxic world. With from people from THE SECRET And now does individual and group programs, VIP one day intensives for those ready to take their life or business to the next level of prosperity and awakening.

Feel Vibrant, Purposeful, and Strong Again with Feel Forever Healthy!

“I feel so much joy!”

Lottie I feel so much joy. I went back to work for a 12 hour workday in an office where I had to teach uncooperative people new things, and create order where there had been chaos, and I was able to retain my joy throughout the whole process.

~ MM, Lawyer

“I fall to sleep faster and sleep very deeply!”

"The Deep Sleep recording has helped me get to sleep faster and sleep very deeply. I've been aware of some interesting dreams, although I don't remember the details after I wake up."

~ S.A

“Liberation from Internal Strife”

“The positive feedback loop created between one’s own highest-self and the affirmative reflections of Lottie Cooper’s uncompromising consciousness yields quantum acceleration in personal empowerment.

There is no aspiration too lofty, no obstacle too challenging, and no hidden sabotage that can elude this collaborative dialogue. Lottie’s training allows her to guide the process non-intrusively, yet boldly, toward the ultimate end of total liberation from internal strife. We can realize everything we set our minds to if first the veils of false belief are lifted. I count myself extraordinarily blessed to call Ms.Cooper one of my professional allies, for she holds me accountable to all that I am and ever could be…

~ Andrew S. Mount, Social Entrepreneur

“From Fetal Position to being able Enjoy the next day and not cancel all sessions with clients”

"I was incredibly lucky to have a session scheduled with Lottie on a day that I felt horrid. I woke up that morning feeling cranky, having to constantly go to the bathroom and my entire body ached. I was literally lying in a fetal position when she called. Initially, I didn’t think I was up to the session, but with gentle nudging, Lottie helped me identify the causes to my physical pain. As the session progressed, I started relaxing, I could sit up and the pain throughout my body eased up. The next day I had a packed worked day which I actually enjoyed instead of cancelling all of my clients. And, the day after I had incredible personal breakthroughs and insights into myself and my life. It was amazing. Thank you Lottie, for your assistance in transitioning through that difficult day with ease as it opened up incredible venues for me. I am very grateful!!!"

~ Maritza, Ontario, Theta Healer

“Less Tension in Face, released worry, Have Clarity Now”

“Working with my future self with Lottie, I feel less tension in my face, I feel calmer, bringing more play into things and at work shifted a lot with me. Felt a huge internal shift where I felt purposeless before, not sure what I wanted to do, and now clear in my being my purpose.

Weight lifted from me, I released needing to worry about doing the right thing and beating myself up.  I Feel Clarity now.  Talking with Lottie I was able to shift into focusing on having a positive attitude of liking the people that I work with. Allowing an attitude of gratitude.”

~ SC, works for the Government

“Knowledgeable professional and not a bit nervous.”

"I have incorporated the daily energy maintenance into my morning practice with excellent results. I too am a full body empath and am very grateful for your help.

I am able to stay centered and grounded and at the end of the day I am not exhausted. One morning recently I left the house with out doing the daily energy maintenance planning to do it when I returned home. I ran some errands and upon returning to the house I felt that old familiar “sinking sensation” knowing that someone’s energy was in my field having a negative impact on my energy. The mp3 is transforming my life."

~ Penelope

Free Trial

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FHTJ Price $147

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3




FHTJ Price $247

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3




FHTJ  Price $447

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3

40 Minute Individual Sessions will be on SKYPE


money back logo


Package A, B & C: NO REFUNDS since remote healing starts from when you purchase the package

Package A

Get ready to experience the ultimate gift of love with Package A!

Raise your frequency and open yourself up to the highest light of source regenerative energy, and receive miracles through daily remote healing for you or your loved ones.

Plus, with Lottie's love activation techniques, you'll rewire your mind for love forever.

Say yes to a lifetime of abundance, joy, and happiness with Package A today!


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet

Get ready to experience the ultimate healing with Lottie's 45 Days Remote Healing!

Simply provide Lottie with their full name, where they live, and relationship to you and she'll place you or your loved one in a healing chamber of light when you join Package A.

Through daily meditation, Lottie will channel celestial light and instant miracle energy, working with the angels and helping spirits to support your highest health and awakening.

The benefits of this package are endless, including possible increases in frequency, higher vibrations, boosted immune system, feeling lighter, healing faster, and recognizing your true self.

You'll experience more authentic expression, feel wealthier, more content, and aligned with your true self.

Clearer thinking, feeling younger and more vibrant, available for opportunities, and more connected to the source of life.

You'll attract more joy and people into your life and clear negative limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

So, what are you waiting for?

Say yes to Package A and experience the ultimate transformation today!

“WALKING after Bedridden and hopeless”

“Lottie the day after you sent remote healing to my mother in the hospital she had the desire and was able to get up for the first time since being there for over a month”

~ RL, Builder


“Lottie has helped me on a spiritual level address the root causes of my patterns and stuck emotions in my body, that have physically manifested in my body, I am thankful for Lottie’s Help”

~ HB Healer

Item 2:

Love Activation MP3

  • Love Activation MP3:

    Teaches you tools so you can “feel Bliss” says one client, stay embodied, feel centered and grounded in your body, give you psychic protection and more. Feel deeply loved and lovable. Clear foreign energy and entities.

Introducing the Love Activation MP3 - the ultimate tool for deep repatterning and bringing more love into your life!

With this powerful audio, you'll start your day with clarity, balance, and attunement to your most nourishing energy field.

By listening to this MP3 daily, you'll experience a deep sense of balance and authenticity, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life. You'll feel young forever and be empowered to live each day to its fullest potential.

So, what are you waiting for?

Say yes to Package A and start your day off right, every day!

“I loved Every Second of this MP3!”

“This MP3 has so much! From awesome grounding to spine tingling soul retrieval. I sincerely enjoyed every second of it each time. I plan to make it a part of my daily meditation routine!”

~ Retta

“I have been profoundly Changed. I’m in a state of Bliss for No Reason”

“After listening to these MP3s, I find myself regularly in a state of bliss for no reason. For so many years I felt frustrated and stuck. I gradually became aware that the answer was self-love. These mp3's contain the transmissions and divine activation to pull me out of the past and embrace a calm and peaceful present.

Every time I listen it feels deeper and connects me to another part of myself that I had not felt previously. I have been profoundly changed and look forward to what continued use of these tracks will bring. Thank you so very much for your wonderful work!”

~ Alicia

“Layers of Sadness and Stress Peel Away Effortlessly”

“This Mp3 was amazing. Lottie’s voice is so soothing and it helped me release all of the tension I was feeling in my body and I felt so much peace inside. When Lottie started talked about self love, my body gently began rocking back and forth. It was so comforting and I able to feel deep love for myself. I felt layers of sadness and stress peel away leaving me in a deep sense of peace. I began waking up feeling so refreshed and ready to start my day. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to heal and for helping me become a better me!”

~ Beronica

Package A

FHTJ Pricing: $147

From Heartache to Joy Early Bird Price $97
$50 off

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Unlock the Secret to Feeling Forever Healthy with Lottie's Expert Guidance!

“Pressure from anxiety, instantly gone; I don’t react negatively anymore!”

I had the opportunity to get a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper, that day I was in the slopes of all my emotions feeling fear sadness, depression and I was super scattered as far as my thoughts feelings and emotions. She was very kind and I felt love and compassion as soon as I started to my session. We went over a few tools that helped shift my reality and immediately felt super light the pressure I was feeling from all the anxiety was instantly gone.

My mind chatter completely stopped. I started to feel very light and almost felt like I woke up from a bad dream. The tension on my face was gone. I felt very relaxed. It’s been a little over a week and even tho my life continues to get a little gloomy I can honestly say that I don’t react the same way to situations anymore. I am a lot more calm and definitely not feeling under pressure. I am full of gratitude.”

“I would recommend anyone who needs healing to work with Lottie Cooper and go listen to her launch On August 1 st”.

“Mark your calendars and expect the unexpected.”.

~ Gabriela Dominguez

“Deep Hidden Issues Revealed”

“I had a Backstage Pass with Lottie. My session was amazing. Lottie identified so many deep hidden issues I had not been able to see before. She cleared the issues that were creating blocks for me, explained everything in the process and gave me really powerful tools how to work on those going forward and what steps to take. I felt so light and peaceful the night of the session. The next day after the session I still felt her energy working in me, which was really awesome. I felt shifts and integration. I felt a lot of tingling in my body and moments of clarity on what next steps I should take.

Lottie is an amazing and powerful healer, caring and compassionate. I am so grateful I got to work with her.”

~ Angela Matusya

“Feel what you have not been willing to feel…and soar”

“Lottie Cooper is one of those amazing people who is able to read between the lines, hear what you haven’t said, and feel what you may not have been willing to feel. She has the gift of creating space that allows you to truly listen to your body’s wisdom while supporting your throughout the process. Working with Lottie has showed me that being grounded and present only enhances my ability to unfold my wings and soar.”

~ C. A. Crossman, Life Coach

“This work goes so deep and opens up the connections I believe we all want in our lives, we just don’t know how to ask for it”

"Dear Lottie,
I just wanted to let you know how blessed I feel to have you in my life. Thank you for all you have given and shared with me, I am so thrilled that you are sharing your gifts with the world. You have so much to offer not only with the bodywork you do but also the intuitive work. This work goes so deep and opens up the connections I believe we all want in our lives we just don’t know how to ask for it. And you offer it in such a natural and loving way, without judgment and even without a lot of words, it’s an energetic level that brings a knowing so deep within the soul there are no words to describe it, just feelings."

~ Linda Dent

“Released being sucked dry from addicted sister,
Now able to breathe and move freely”

“With her wisdom, psychic abilities, and deep compassion, Lottie was instrumental in allowing me to create a healthy emotional distance and better boundaries of space between my drug and alcohol addicted younger sister. She showed me how she was sucking the very life out of me via chording in several areas of my body.

Together, we dissolved the chords and filed the empty spaces with my own energy while “giving” my sister’s energy back to her. She helped me to see that her path is her path and there is nothing really wrong there — that she is okay and is doing what she need to do for her greatest evolution now. I now know that I am absolutely not responsible for her pain and misfortune. And that it is entirely her creation, I feel so relieved and grateful to now have more space within my body to breathe and live more freely.”

~ Anon

“Schedule created, chronic pressure eliminated…
Able to move forward in my new ART career”

"Dear Lottie,
I just wanted to let you know how blessed I feel to have you in my life. Thank you for all you have given and shared with me, I am soLetter Of Recommendation Greetings Lottie, I wish to convey my sincere appreciation for the, “most helpful” sessions that you have held with me. Your ability to help me achieve a relaxed state, where we can both generate creative ideas and solutions, has proved to be an extremely effective and invaluable technique.

The ‘Schedule’ for my varied activities and desired objectives, that we jointly created has helped to eliminate a lot of the continuous pressure that I was experiencing. Prior to the creation of my Schedule, I could never find a comfort zone. Every activity that I was performing was being distracted, due the other tasks, that I felt I should be performing on a non-ending schedule.

Your assistance with my newly planned Art Career is really appreciated. I have incorporated some of your suggestions and am in the process of breaking down some of the barriers, which would impede my progress. This has added some much needed excitement to my life and I thank you for that.

In closing, I wish to tell anyone else who might read this, that they would be doing themselves a large favor, if they would schedule a couple of sessions with you, for the returns far outweigh the small amount of time that they will contribute.

With sincere thanks"

~ Kenneth E. Knox

Here's what you get in Package B

Unlock the secret to feeling healthy forever with Package B!

This powerful package includes brain repair techniques, downloads for forever young regenerating, and playful ways to release stress in a minute or less.

Rediscover your vitality and say goodbye to stress and fatigue.

Get Package B today!

  • Everything In Package A
  • 3 Additional Healing MP3s (you must listen consciously with eyes closed and follow the instructions) (Deep sleep, Radiant Skin, Living without fear, pain, doubt and more)


3 Live Group Healing Sessions

  • Group classes

    Provide you a space for group healing, asking any question you want and mini healings. Playful Techniques to release stress in a minute or less.

Get ready to experience the ultimate transformation with Lottie's 3 Live Group Healing Sessions!

Lottie's stress release healing and tools will have you feeling younger, looking younger, and healing your past, shifting your mood and mindset for a more fulfilling life.

Through these powerful group healing sessions, you'll expand the power of your mind, feel more purposeful and alive, and accept yourself for who you truly are.

She'll help you rewire the subconscious mind of negative limiting beliefs that are weighing you down, clearing them out of your body, DNA, brain, and soul levels, leaving you feeling light, vibrant, and new.

Say goodbye to the stress and weight of the past and embrace a new, more empowered version of yourself.

With Lottie's expert guidance and healing techniques, you'll unlock the secret to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

So, what are you waiting for?

Say yes to Package B and experience the ultimate transformation today!

Group Session #1 DNA Activation - Reverse Aging

Date & Time: May 11th 6:30 pm EST Thursday

Heal your telomeres. Activate youth and vitality chromosomes: Direct healing to your Brain

Cancel aging Programs in the subconscious mind and download into the genetics “I am young and ageless forever regenerating”

Plus anti-aging downloads in your subconscious mind to repattern your brain for love, optimal health, strength, You may feel lighter, clearer, more loved, from inside out, old insecurities will melt away.

Group Session #2 DNA Activation - Reverse Aging

Date & Time: May 25th 6:30 pm EST Thursday

Heal all your chromosomes and awaken the mitochondria. Become a Powerful Manifestor with your words. Words and manifestation become faster: take care in what you say and create.

Repattern subconscious Mind: Possibilities may include: healthy body, relationships, increase self-esteem, Have more fun, love, and joyful manifestations. Q and A and mini-instant healings of your choice. .

Group Session #3 Heal your past

Date & Time: June 8th 6:30pm EST Thursday

Downloads to clear past pain: Groups- choice…. Have to attend to have a say in what we do: Healing in Present time. Lottie will Read the group, and do healings for the whole group of what shows up.

POSSIBLE CHOICES: Learn inner child healing work, Soul retrieval work, Strengthen connection with Source to be your own healer, More techniques to release Stress, Surprises And Q and A

Item 4:

3 Additional Healing MP3s

  • 1

    Radiant Skin MP3

    Reprograms your brain and mind to have radiant skin

“I don't look as tense!”

"Thank you for sharing the Beautiful Radiant Skin and Deep Sleep recordings with me. They've been very helpful. Listening to the Beautiful Radiant Skin recording has helped to relax the muscles in my face. I didn't realize how much tension I was carrying in my face, especially around my eyes and jaw, but also my cheek muscles - basically, my entire face!

The relaxation I've experienced from listening to the recording has helped me let go of tension and anxiety in my face and the rest of my body. I think the relaxation shows in my face. I don't look as tense."

~ Susan

  • 2

    Sleep MP3

    Supports your parasympathetic nervous system and body and muscles to relax so you heal easier in the night naturally: Feel better.

“I fall to sleep faster and sleep very deeply!”

"The Deep Sleep recording has helped me get to sleep faster and sleep very deeply. I've been aware of some interesting dreams, although I don't remember the details after I wake up."

~ S.A

  • 3

    Repattern the Brain MP3

    Repattern the Brain to live without fear, anger, doubt and more (so increases your longevity by clearing these negative thinking pattern that cause conflict inside you which lowered your immune system)

“Expanded to my full self, calm, hopeful, and joyful.”

“I felt a strong sense of teamwork as Lottie asked me to provide images to work with, and gently nudged me through some tough spots. She accurately sensed when I was ready to move on, and did not end the session till I had reached a point of closure: Expanded to my full self, calm, hopeful, and joyful.”

~ E.B

“Lottie is intuitive and deeply connected to divine guidance… Cleared deep trauma issues.”

"Lottie is intuitive and deeply connected to divine guidance. She can hold compassionate neutral space to help clear intense deep trauma issues. I have had some dramatic breakthroughs. Thanks Lottie."

~ Janet Charret, Theta Healer

“My dog on its last legs recovered, when Lottie helped me calm down”

“Lottie was very helpful a few weeks ago when I thought my sick dog was on her last legs. I was due to visit that afternoon, but when I called to cancel the appointment, she could hear the distress in my voice – so we did my session over the phone instead. She walked me through the whole process, calmed me down, and directed me to calm my dog as well (who was stressed because I was stressed!). My dog and I have been in a much better place mentally & emotionally ever since. Thank you Lottie!”

~ Beth B.

“Lottie understands and helps clear the issues that affect me as an inter-dimensional person and empath.”

"I had a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper and then I decided to continue to work with her. I really enjoy Lottie’s sessions, she is very nice and helpful and non-judgmental, and also she is a very powerful healing practitioner. She addresses so many issues, quickly, in a session. Lottie works at an inter-dimensional level, I feel like she really sees all of my energy and like she understands the issues that affect me as an inter-dimensional person and empath.

A few things Lottie has helped me with: releasing stored trauma that was causing strain in my left eye, leaving my body too often and now staying in my body instead, releasing the stored pain in my heart, releasing the emotions from my parents and other people that I took on, understanding the differences between my emotions and others’ emotions, past life issues, and many more.

Also, I just thought this was fun and it shows how perceptive Lottie is, last week she said a plant consciousness was showing up in my field, and my mom had gotten me an orchid the week before. Thank you Lottie for your perception and for all of your help ❤️❤️❤️"

~ Anna

“HUGE breatkthrough …Able to Face Life with Love instead of Fear”

“I had a consultation with Lottie and it was great! She helped me change my way of thinking and showed me how to face things in my life with love instead of fear which is HUGE. I’m grateful for her insight and her words of inspiration.””

~ Erin Rule

“Lottie Relieved my Back Pain in a short session.”

"Lottie has a very unique way to work with your body, mind and spirit. She combines a variety of approaches with great intuition and gentleness, she seems to know exactly what your body needs and how your mind can help it. Lottie relieved my back pain in a short session.I highly recommend her."

~ Sophie Rose, Boulder

Package B

FHTJ Pricing: $247

From Heartache to Joy Early Bird Price $197
$50 off

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Time with Lottie is treasured”

“Your skill, energy, charm and compassion combine to make a session with you a time to be treasured, especially because these talents are balanced by your obvious professionalism and commitment to your art,”

~ Paul Martinez, Electrical Engineer

“Feel what you have not been willing to feel…and soar”

“Lottie Cooper is one of those amazing people who is able to read between the lines, hear what you haven’t said, and feel what you may not have been willing to feel. She has the gift of creating space that allows you to truly listen to your body’s wisdom while supporting your throughout the process. Working with Lottie has showed me that being grounded and present only enhances my ability to unfold my wings and soar.”

~ C. A. Crossman, Life Coach

“Removed huge weight of depression that wasn’t mine”

“Lottie was so kind and helpful during our session, she made everything really easy and clear. She created a safe space where I could learn new things and change my perspective on being an empath. She helped me distinguish between my emotions and others’ emotions, and especially between my emotions and my parents’ emotions AND their past life issues, which I hadn’t even realized I had taken on!

I had a lot of frozen emotions that I just couldn’t seem to move, and Lottie helped me see that they weren’t mine and helped me release this huge weight of depression that wasn’t mine. I feel physically lighter now. My aura and energy field feel lighter now.

Lottie also removed trapped energy in my left eye that was causing eyestrain. I can still feel the energy clearing out of my eye a couple of days later, and since our session I haven’t experienced eyestrain while using my computer.

Lottie instantly tuned into my issues and where I needed help, and I really recommend Lottie if you want a personalized session that helps you with what you need.

Lottie was so supportive and positive, and I really enjoyed my private session with her!”

~ Anna M.

“Lottie’s work is fast, effective and powerful!
Zero trauma has appeared in two months since our session.”

"Lottie’s work is astounding. In my first full session with her, she asked if it would be okay to remove all of the remaining trauma from my childhood. I rolled my eyes and thought she was nuts, because I’ve been working on it for three decades and despite some amazing healers, no one has ever come close to that. But I agreed and am thrilled I did, because zero childhood trauma has appeared in the two months since that session. What a breath of fresh air!

Likewise, last month we worked on abundance. Again I laughed at the idea that she could really move me out of my “just scraping by” rut, but she did it. I went from constantly searching for more work and not covering my bills to having plenty of work and some extra money to play with. I’ve been waiting 54 years to be able to share my own gifts with the world, and now thanks to Lottie, I have two huge foundation blocks in place to support that goal”.

Lottie’s work is fast, effective and powerful. I highly recommend seizing any opportunity you can get to work with this delightful woman."

~ Keely Meagan

“Transformation on a base level, trauma release, curses removed”

“First of all I would like to thank you for the world wonderful session I had with you last week

You were very generous with your time and concerns with my issues

I have been releasing a lot of trauma which has been coming up for release since then in fact a lot of energy has been moving in my body

Now I can feel things are calming down and the issues I had asked you to work on. I have an intuition are just around the corner and will become a part of my reality soon. I work daily with the processes you shared with me which will bring about this change

The soul retrieval work and the removal of curses in my family lineage was I feel very deep work In fact you covered so many areas of my life and went into such depth which I feel is bringing up soo much so that change can come up at the base level in my life. Thanks again,”

~ Kamal

“Stabbing Pain Gone”

"Lottie taught Shelby how to release pain through using colors over email. ” It worked!! At first, no colors were clear. I’ve had a headache & stabbing pain in my neck for 2 days off & on. Then the color orange was clear. The exchange color was periwinkle blue. I felt the energy come in & the pain leave. (I forgot to ask what I was to learn). Next time I will remember that part. Thank you so much, Lottie!"

~ Shelby Shock

Here's what you get in Package C

Experience the ultimate personalized session with Package C!

Heal what you never thought was possible, manifest the best version of yourself, and tap into your true potential.

Say yes to Package C today!

  • Everything In Package A & Package B
  • 40 Minute Individual Sessions will be on SKYPE


40 Minute Individual Sessions will be on SKYPE

Early Bird Prices Limited to First 25

  • Individual sessions and Assessments

    Allow you to face your biggest pain, fear and challenges with love, give you direct healing and tools for anything you choose. RARE opportunity for such deep healing, so quickly.

Are you ready for a truly transformative experience?

Book a 40-minute 1-1 session with Lottie today and unlock the power within you to heal, grow, and thrive.

With this individual session, it's your choice - miracles really do happen!

Whether you're looking to assess your life, love, or health, Lottie will guide you through the process of clearing pain or trauma from the past, helping you heal dis-eases, and reversing the negative beliefs that may be holding you back.

Through light language activation and expert guidance, you'll have the opportunity to transform your negative self-talk into positive, become more confident, and feel connected to the source of the universe.

You'll also have the chance to access your intuitive gifts, make difficult things easy, and release feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and despair.

Experience deeper love, freedom, and joy in yourself and your relationships, and come to terms with your choices in life.

Really ANYTHING goes with Lottie's sessions...

During the assessment period, you let Lottie know what you want to work on and then the healing will begin!

With Lottie's expert guidance and healing, you'll be more than you ever thought possible.

So, what are you waiting for?

Say yes to Package C with Lottie and experience the ultimate transformation today!

Package C

FHTJ Pricing: $447

From Heartache to Joy Early Bird Price $347

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Stopped Processing my Mother’s Feelings, so I can lose weight”

“I was blessed to have a Back Stage Pass with Lottie Cooper yesterday. We worked on my weight, which has been a life long struggle. Lottie helped me to see that I have a connection to my Mom’s energy (loved my Mom! She, too, was obese) and Lottie helped me to cut the energy of feeling my Mom’s feelings which I have done since I was a young girl. WOW! Very powerful!! Lottie also helped me to be present with my body and had me scan my body and ask it “what are you feeling toes or ankles, etc.?” and deeply listen for the answers.

We did much more healing work and I slept like a baby last night. Lottie is fun, gentle and powerful. In fact, I am so impressed with my results that I will be doing private sessions with her now instead of waiting for her launch on FHTJ on August 1st. Thanks again Lottie and thank you Eram Saeed for introducing us to these amazing healers!!”

~ Wendi, feeling thankful

“Addicted no more, I choose to cultivate my inner abilities and stop using marijuana”

“I had felt at odds with my use of marijuana for some time before seeing Lottie. I had a vague idea that I shouldn’t be using it, but never gave much attention to that voice. During our first session together, Lottie illuminated for me the ways in which I was sacrificing my own potential to a life of complacency. Her clear understanding and presence was so authentic that I immediately accessed the power within myself to choose to quit.

At the same time, I accessed a clear understanding of why I needed to do so. In the months that passed, when the circumstance arose in my life that would have led me to smoke, I thought of her and the understanding she helped illuminate in me. It’s been a year, and I am rooted in my conscious ability to choose whether or not to use it.

There is no fear or self-judgment around it anymore, just clear choice and understanding. From this understanding, I have chosen not to use it, and instead have chosen to cultivate my innate ability to access greater creativity and peace. This is what I want for myself, and Lottie helped me to see that.”

~ Anon

“Reconnected with galactic family, I felt deep peace, joy and a sense of belonging”

“Lottie helped me build a beautiful cerulean blue bridge to my Galactic family. Now, I can talk with the many time I feel the need to. The images we’re so beautiful and the blue was a color like I had never seen before. During the download of cerulean blue light, I felt joy and unconditional love flowing into my crown chakra and flooding my being. I felt a sense of deep peace and joy. Thank you dear Lottie for being a liaison connecting me with my galactic family. I no longer feel lonely.

~ L. Bailey, California

“Feeling Lightness And Release”

"I had a Back Stage Pass with Lottie this week. Lottie has a very gentle way about her, which put me at ease during the session. She is very caring, compassionate and supportive. Lottie helped me with tips on self-healing and grounding. She used Theta healing to help me to release some ongoing issues I have had and to clear some heavy metal toxins. Lottie used her intuition to identify other areas of needed healing. I felt a sense of lightness and release during and after the session. Thank you Lottie for so generously providing this healing and support."

~ Peace, Carla

“Self Doubt Gone, Able to Move Forward”

“I had a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper which was great. When she was clearing self-doubt and fear about the completion of a project I am working on I felt like rain was flowing through my crown down my head with intense energy.

She was able to pick up on many thoughts or feelings I have struggled with. One is that the completion of the project (book) will exceed my husband’s income. I have fears of him not being in control or that his being the head of the home will somehow harm our relationship or hurt his ego. This has come up for me this month with work I am already doing so it was mind blowing that she said the same thing. She also cleared my being so family focused that I am not allowing myself to move forward into my authentic self.

She has great Theta healing in which she pairs with intuitive insight delving deeper than if I told her what to heal. So looking forward to her call” The TeleSummit I am on is From Heartache To Joy on August 1st at 8am with Eram Saeed, and there will be a replay.”

~ Janell Tripp Sinclair

“Released Inner Conflict, Re-aligned with Self and Feel Peace”

"Lottie has been sharp, focused and dynamic in her ability to focus me. She works in a way that creates the space I need to feel clarity of direction. When I enter a session with her, I often feel I don’t know where to begin. Within minutes she asks questions that cut to the point. Each question cuts away layers of fog and within no time I recognize that I am witnessing the qualities of my inner psyche that I have been seeking to balance. She has a grace within her that allows for what would otherwise be a confrontation with the subconscious, to instead be a meeting with myself.

I am consistently amazed how she is at once as gentle as homeopathic herbs and as precise as a surgeon. It is this unique quality that guides me in reshaping my subconscious patterns and beliefs so that my full being is in alignment with my goals. With the alignment realized, there is feeling of acceleration. No longer hindered by eddies created by inner conflict, I feel the distinct peace an arrow must feel when it is on target."

~ Nathan

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes you can get this for a loved one.
  • You can use this with other products.
  • Don’t listen when driving.
  • Best to listen to audios in a quiet space, eyes closed and give it your full attention, so you can relax into a theta brain wave to receive deeper into your subconscious for best results.
  • Free will is sacred - Remote healing only works if their free will of their soul says yes.
  • Downloads work on a subconscious level and are permanent.
  • Downloads only work if you speak English. Unless you translate them to your family member who speaks another language.
  • Remote Healing works on everyone to Raise their frequency
  • You can buy this also for your pets… helps them heal faster
  • Audios: Listen to them with your full attention, downloads of beliefs : such as I am lovable: honor free will: if it is something you don’t want say no, only the parts you want say yes to.
  • Soul retrieval gives you more energy, clarity, strength, robustness, sovereignty.
  • You don’t have to feel the remote healing for it to work.
  • During the guided processes, if you can’t visualize: your intention for it to work is enough for it work.
  • Get an individual Session if you need help with Healing a dis-ease, chronic pain, relationship stress, broken heart, divorce, addiction, manifesting your dreams, heal the root cause of an issue, business help, have an inner critic, upgrade your intuition, any topic of your desire

“In a matter of minutes Lottie helped me clear a long standing core pattern affecting every area of my life.”

“I just wanted to share about my session with Lottie Cooper. I had an amazing session with her and in a matter of minutes Lottie helped me clear a long standing core pattern affecting every area of my life, especially in regards to relationship, finance, and career. I was so surprised to see how many things were connected to this one issue, and it was a real eye opener to see how it had repeated and replayed itself in so many different aspects of my life. It now feels as if the sky has opened up above me and the air cleared around me!

I feel so much more open and optimistic about the future, as well as more grounded and present in my life. My friends have even noticed! I was also able to release some hip pain! I am so grateful!

Thank you Lottie!!!! It was a totally amazing session beyond my wildest dreams! I can’t wait to see what shows up in my life now!

~ Kasey

“My client is paying me more than what I charge!”

“Before working with Lottie the majority of clients I would attract would struggle to afford my coaching. After Lottie's financial workshop I have attracted a client that is paying me more than I usually charge and has gone from working with me once a week to twice per week. He now just informed me that his wife wants my help also. I am looking forward to working with Lottie to see more effortless manifestations!”

~ Scott

“Lottie Went Deeper than Any Other Healer I’ve Worked with!”

“Lottie was able to go deeper than any other healer I have worked with for real lasting self- healing”

With many other healers I have tried, I couldn’t find my way forward to use what was done on my own later. The biggest difference was that Lottie worked deeply WITH me, not just ON me.

I highly recommend that anyone who wants support to carry through with real self-healing and change to go ahead an experience Lottie’s loving, intuitive and skillful interventions!”

~ Frankie B.

“When I said YES to me, I received Unexpected $600”

"Before working with Lottie, I had a lot of money blocks.

In our first session together I felt so much resistance and was really stuck in not wanting to move forward with investing in myself and committing to another session. Lottie cleared some of my money blocks, and I specifically remember her saying that money can come from so many other sources than just work. Three weeks later I received a check for over $600 from an over payment to the dentist! Thank you Lottie!"

~ Stephanie

“With Lottie I get immediate results, which is rare for me”

“As I started working with Lottie, I felt a sense of calm and sensed her true caring nature take over and lead me through an amazing clearing. I could feel things moving and usually that is not the case. I have worked with many healers and I rarely get immediate results. With Lottie, I felt clearer, lighter after our session, a sense of peace was all around me. She is an amazing healer, I highly recommend working with her if you get a chance.

~ Melissa

“From Fetal Position to being able Enjoy the next day and not cancel all sessions with clients”

"I was incredibly lucky to have a session scheduled with Lottie on a day that I felt horrid. I woke up that morning feeling cranky, having to constantly go to the bathroom and my entire body ached. I was literally lying in a fetal position when she called. Initially, I didn’t think I was up to the session, but with gentle nudging, Lottie helped me identify the causes to my physical pain. As the session progressed, I started relaxing, I could sit up and the pain throughout my body eased up. The next day I had a packed worked day which I actually enjoyed instead of cancelling all of my clients. And, the day after I had incredible personal breakthroughs and insights into myself and my life. It was amazing. Thank you Lottie, for your assistance in transitioning through that difficult day with ease as it opened up incredible venues for me. I am very grateful!!! "

~ Maritza, Ontario, Theta Healer

“Fast and Powerful Miracles”

“I keep playing these MP3s because they have brought me the fastest and greatest miracles. No more self sabotage. No more negative influences from anyone and anything. These MP3s put you into alignment and open your heart gently and lovingly.

I hope you have the chance to experience her work; she is loving, caring, fun, thoughtful, and simply amazing. She's one of the few healers I recommend.”


“My Cats Love these MP3s Too”

"I Love these MP3s! My daily tasks feel much easier and take less time, like I am receiving unseen help. I now have moments of intense feeling of joy in my heart for no reason at all! Even my cats noticed. They stay in my lap longer and even sit and sleep on my shoulder now. As any pain bubbles up I can easily release them and shift into a deep sense of peace and calmness."


“Layers of Deep Seated Hurts from Childhood Peeled Away”

“I never thought of myself as one who didn't have confidence, but there are areas in all of our lives where we are lacking, for me it's in certain aspects of my career. After listening to the MP3 for several days, I am setting new goals for myself in my career and preparing to make some calls that I was afraid to make before. I also found it useful in removing some deep seeded hurts from childhood and each time I listened to it, another layer came off. Powerful stuff! Thank you Lottie.”

~ DH.

“I’m a Man Magnet Now!”

“This energy activation is simply beautiful. The energy field that it has put me has made me release many of the walls that I have had up and that were put up for lifetimes. Lately, I have become a man magnet!LOL And I feel safe about it.”

~ Doreen

“Huge Opening of my Heart”

“With each listening of these MP3s I felt layers of opening in my heart. I could feel myself receiving more and more love. Which for me is huge. Allowing myself to become more open to love. I would encourage everyone to try these MP3s, it was a beautiful experience.”

~ Marcia

“This was one of the Best things that ever Happened to Me”

"I was fortunate enough to receive a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper and it was one of the best things that happened to me. It came during the time of my family mourning a loved one and the help needed to get through was tremendous. The layers of issues that got peeled off and dissolved were exactly what I needed. I felt like years of anger and grief and sadness were lifted, the dark cloud that seemed to be an albatross noosed to my neck was set free and I am so much lighter and happier. Life is responding to me in the kindest of ways, especially with much more loving relationships. Thank You Lottie. Thank you Eram. I am grateful."

~ Megan

“People Around me Are More Loving Too”

“After I listen to this audio, Love simply radiates. People around me become more loving and I definitely felt more love and calmness in my heart. Even when I feel my “stuff” come up, it would easily dissipate. Thank you for this beautiful gift.”

~ Moenieba

“I am attracting Miracles!”

"After listening to only 2 of Lottie’s MP3s, I already feel so much lighter and happier. I am attracting miracles as my vibration is higher.

The guided are meditations are amazing!! I LOVE them and will keep on listening to them, the clearing and then downloads are great, thank you so much for this !! I just seem to be 'luckier' with everything, thank you !!"

~ Yvette

“Everything is Working out for my Highest Good”

“Thank you Lottie for the difference you’ve made in my life. I felt so much energy moving when I listened to these MP3s. I feel more open with the profound knowing that everything will work out for my highest good. I feel light, uplifted, and loved, even when it seemed like everything went against me. Thank you, Lottie for your beautiful work.”

~ Lora

“Bursting with Hope, Joy & Love”

"I am filled with hope and joy. After listening to this I was able to release some discordant energies and fill my body with unconditional love. Such an important reminder to have gratitude for what we have in order to make way for new and better things in our lives."

~ Naveen

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FHTJ Price $147

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3




FHTJ Price $247

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3




FHTJ  Price $447

Special Pricing


45 Days: Remote Healing for You or a Loved ONE or Pet


Love Activation MP3

3 Live Group Healing Sessions

Radiant Skin MP3

Sleep MP3

Repattern the Brain MP3

40 Minute Individual Sessions will be on SKYPE


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Package A, B & C: NO REFUNDS since remote healing starts from when you purchase the package

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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