One Million Dollars Manifested by 28 People IN 8 WEEKS!!!
- Has the pandemic affected your financial situation?
- Do you work so hard and still feel like there’s never enough money?
- No matter how much you make, does it seem to all be gone by the end of the month? Leaving you in a place where you can’t save enough money?
- Do you feel like others are more blessed with abundance and prosperity than you are?
It’s Time to Stop the Never Having Enough Money Once and For All!!!
If you have a dream to:
- Be financially stress free
- Feel financially secure
- Earn the money you deserve
- Live your ideal lifestyle
- Make a real difference in the world
Money Magic Miracles gives you the support, tools, and community to make it happen -- a lot quicker and easier than you ever imagined!
Money Generated in 8 Weeks From 28 People That Went Through Money Magic Miracles Totaled $1,082,533! Check Out Some of Their Stories…
“$15k sale with literally zero effort!!!” ~ Jenny K.
“I ended up receiving $17,000 in investments for my food company” ~ Lisa
“My doctor didn't charge me the normal $120 office visit this morning, thank you universe” ~ CS
“One of my sons gave me $140 on Sunday; he has another $360 for me”~ Pamela L.
“I received a $1300 bonus for helping my students to earn money with their first product.” ~ Carolyn Shadrach
“Something made me open a package & I found $1200 + 60 euros. I must have kept it during my last travel in 2019 & forgot about it. I'm so excited right now” ~ Menaka Sherma
“Sold my uncle’s house ($141,000 net to the estate) after over a year trying to deal with this” ~ Rikki Quintana
“I saved some money in online shopping. In total 230 USD” ~ Jana Janoušková
“I sold a big bed and finally sent it out from our house. I got 150 USD. Very happy about it. I feel more confident in selling things.” ~ Jana Janoušková
“My actual cash find is at $172.50 (scavenger hunt & 9/27 finds” ~ Patricia Stephens
“Our tour has 12 people signed up, which includes $6000 total in deposits, total of $72,00” ~ Rikki Quintanta
“An extra $100 for work” ~ Ray Walker
“I got $800 more to donate to my meal train this week, and confronted my resistance on receiving ” ~ Dawn S.
“Our order is to arrive at the end of this month, and because we have waited so long, the company is waiving the delivery fee of $150.00.” ~ Laurie Anderson
“I got $300 in Universal Cash this week! I got very sick driving home and a friend drove 2 hrs out of his way to get me off the highway. And he went and bought me groceries” ~ Cindy S.
“Last week: I had free babysitting 6 hours,that I could participate in IT course USD 50. Some shopping discounts on food 15 USD. Free healing session for 150 usd. 225 USD in total.” ~ Jana J.
“My attorney gifted me 2 hours of work without charge $180 an hour = $360, thank you Universe” ~ Cindy
“The meal train that Val set up for me has raised $630 for expenses and food!” ~ Dawn S.
Free Trial
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer:$197
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $227
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $2497
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $297
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
45 min one on one With Tania
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days

Package A: 21 Day Money Back Guarantee
Package B: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th
Package C: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th or 1-1 Session whichever is first
When Tania ran a Beta Test of her Money Magic Miracles, she added up the amounts of money savings, and unexpected gifts from emails and postings in her community during the 8 week program. The abundance generated as a group, she calls this “Universe Cash” came to a total of $31,132!!
She also added up the money miracles that showed up in physical cash that the participants shared, which manifested in those same 8 weeks and it totaled $1,082,533.
And that’s just from the participants that emailed Tania!
The thing is that not everyone shared the gifts and money manifested.
Tania estimates that as much as double the amount was manifested.
People have…
Closed on homes…
Received grants…
Bonus raises…
During this Beta Test that had not happened in months or years before going through this process!
And NOW, Money Magic Miracles is available to our Entire FHTJ Community!
Money Magic Miracles
PROVEN System to Constantly
Manifest Money, Prosperity & Abundance!
Once you go through this program you will:
- Raise your money vibration so that you can start manifesting money, gifts, abundance and prosperity in miraculous ways on a constant basis
- Experience huge transformations in the way you see your life and your relationship with money
- Release current money beliefs and patterns so that you go from a never enough mentality to an abundance mindset
- Reprogram your money beliefs so that you can say goodbye to money problems
- Leave worry and stress about money behind you forever
- Turn anxiety and stress over money into a thing of the past
- Complete this program with more gifts, opportunities and money than when you came in
Are YOU ready to move out of struggle and into living a more abundant and prosperous life?
This program is based on the premise that money comes from source through people.
When you understand this, you realize that it is much easier to live in ease and flow!
You won’t let your current circumstances dictate your future outcome.
By the end of the program you will have cleared and transformed your money blocks and patterns that have been holding you back and you will transform these into light, joy and love, allowing you to attract and manifest money on demand!
During this program you will identify and clear your money blocks so that you can move past old programming and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your full potential.
It’s More CRITICAL Now Than EVER Before to Deal With Money Mindset and Raise Your Money Vibration!
They say the best time to plant a tree was yesterday…
The second best time is today.
The same is true with money!
Money touches everything in our lives and if we don’t heal our relationship with it, clear our money blocks, dissolve our money patterns it will be very hard to make, keep and grow your money.
Now is the time to do the healing regarding your relationship to money in order for you to achieve bigger and better dreams.
You might have read, listened to, learned or even done previous healings and practices that didn’t stick because you must create healthy, sustainable changes in your relationship to money.
Once you clear the abundance blocks, set up the right systems, get the right support and community you will finally change how money shows up in your life.
You might have done some clearings or healing regarding your abundance in the past but like they say: new level, new devil.
Money isn’t something you figure out, once and for all, and then comfortably coast through for the rest of your life…
It evolves, deepens, and changes over time, right along with you and your shifting life.
During your time in Money Magic Miracles, you will open up your capacity to receive and take your abundance and prosperity to higher grounds!
“I ended up receiving $17,000 in investments for my food company”
“Since going through your program I’ve gained so many different things with money: Our store sales went up 30% immediately after introduction of the new package, with no demos or promotion.
I went to see a property and we made $25,000 by flipping it. Applying your teachings made me believe in this possibility. If I hadn't gone to see that property, we *might* have made $5000 on it if we were lucky. But everything changed for the better just from the energy of our group.
I ended up receiving $17,000 in investments for my food company as a direct result of being there. IN FACT, $11,000 of it was committed on the spot. THAT was pretty incredible!
Working with Tania brings you into a magical, magnanimous, magnificent mood with money."
~ Lisa Longnecker
“In just 18 months I have been able to save $4,500 into my wealth account!”
“A big money shift I have had is that it’s not as scary as I thought. I don’t have to worry so much about it, instead I feel more empowered. I now see money more as my friend. In just 18 months I have been able to save $4,500 into my wealth account!"
~ Val Romero
“My business improved over 60% the first year I worked with her.”
“Tania put structure into my schedule and made things easier to tell some people yes and others no. Here is a telling number - my business improved over 60% the first year I worked with her. That is hard number sales. I think that is telling in itself."
~ Georgette Lombardo
“$20,000 in forgivable loans for myself, my brother and a friend; and manifested at least $60,000 for our roof repair.”
“We navigated the early days of Covid together and beyond. Her genuine caring and knowledge makes so much possible. I got so much more from Tania’s holistic approach!!
Biggest quantifiable outcome has been that the guidance through the beginning of the pandemic has resulted in almost $20,000 in forgivable loans for myself, my brother and a friend; and manifested at least $60,000 for our roof repair.
The other gains have been noticing how I structure my life as a barrier to my business success. I have noticed some deep emotional patterns that will take a little more time to work through — especially the martyr mindset where I sacrifice for others and lay waste to myself.
So, a big deal for me with the class is the exposure to self love and recognition, and valuing myself, and exploring notions that having abundance can come in and by many forms. And that it’s okay for me to have resources.
I also wanted to thank you again for all the support you gave me"
~ Pamela Greg Flax
“I know now that money has my back, it’s my friend and it’s ok to spend it.”
“I am proud of how I have faced my insecurities with money and have been able to shift my relationship with it. I have learned that if you focus on money and treat it well and be grateful and appreciative of it then it will come in greater abundance. I know now that money has my back, it’s my friend and it’s ok to spend it.
After working with Tania my inner voice is not second guessing my spending, I have a new sense of inner calm and trust in relation to money.
I am more intentional with my relationship with money. I know that money is my friend. I am more thoughtful and organized with where and how I keep my money. I am allowing myself to be paid first. I am less fearful and I am more playful with it."
~ Zia Cross
“I've learned to change my mindset over the years of not so much spending, but more investing in ourselves as women.”
“Before we started working together, I was getting really frustrated with my business. I felt like I was trying everything and having no results and not getting any traction.
The fear whenever I spend money is “Oh my god, what if it doesn't work? And what if I just spent a lot of money and it makes no difference at all? Will this work? Will this not work? But you take the jump, and you decide to invest in yourself. I've learned to change my mindset over the years of not so much of spending, but more investing in ourselves as women.
What's shifted more than anything is my personal mindset about my ability, what I'm out to accomplish and a larger vision. Not only am I getting the learning, I'm doing the work on the ground. And it's not just theoretical learning."
~ Rikki Quintana
About Tania
Tania Vasallo is the founder of “The Courage To Be Happy”, a community of spiritual, independent women entrepreneurs who want to become financially empowered so that they DON’T DEPEND on anyone else.
Since the launch of her business, working part time, she was able to reach the 6 figure revenue by her 4th year only working 20 hours per week.
Born to a Spanish father, an American mother and raised in Spain at the end of Franco’s dictatorship, she was constantly in search of freedom. Tania is on a mission to support, inspire and teach all high achieving women entrepreneurs the mindset, tools and strategies to grow their money from an easy, practical and spiritual perspective. This way they can break away from financial dependence and instead create an empowered life of freedom.
Tania and her family currently make their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. When she isn’t busy helping her clients be their best selves, Tania enjoys reading, traveling, exploring nature and experiencing all of the adventures life has to offer.

Free Trial
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer:$197
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $227
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $2497
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $297
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
45 min one on one With Tania
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days

Package A: 21 Day Money Back Guarantee
Package B: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th
Package C: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th or 1-1 Session whichever is first
Package A
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
Tania knows that you’re busy, this is why she created this 8 week course that you get to do at your own pace. It’s set up where each module is composed of 3-5 short videos, meditations, clearings, etc. The average time for each module is about 30 minutes of video recording + 20-30 min of implementation.
Before you can manifest money and abundance, you first need to define what abundance and prosperity really is and understand the true source of where money comes from.
By the end of this week, you’ll have a crystal clear vision of YOUR abundant and prosperous life, so that you can attract and manifest more money now!
During week 2, you’ll uncover your money blocks, learn about the different types of money blocks and understand why it’s so important to clear them.
You will take a look into your money ancestry, what were the patterns, the stories, the beliefs that have been passed on to you and how you can start shifting this.
You will also become aware about your current patterns that were acquired as a child, that most likely are running your life right now.
This week is all about dissolving these blocks and patterns and transmuting them into light, joy and love to empower you moving forward!
You will be recreating a new way of being by letting go of the past.
You will also learn how to move stuck energy and open up the channels of abundance and prosperity so that more money is coming into your life.
At this point, you are midway through your program. As you are progressing through your journey you will encounter obstacles (job losses, low bank accounts, not having enough, lack mentality thoughts, etc) and moments of feeling stuck.
In this module you will learn through different procedures how to zap your money sabotages as they show up, so that they become smaller and smaller.
Now that you’ve dissolved and transformed your money blocks this week you will write a new money story.
During this module you will step into the space of feeling wealthy now.
You will learn how to turn your non physical ideas and desires into physical reality.
You will learn how to imprint in your brain and cells new ways of being and receiving money and having abundance and prosperity stick to you.
This week is all about you enhancing your self worth and owning your value.
Tania will teach you how to start feeling deserving and worthy of more.
Now that you’ve moved the stuck energy, you will learn how to start expanding your receiving abilities to be more prosperous and welcome money into your life.
There will also be a focus on how abundance exists in your world and how to amplify it.
The foundation of this course is that money is energy…
And money comes from source through people.
This week is all about aligning yourself with the energy of money and prosperity!
You will also learn how to tune into the vibration of ease and flow and get some powerful tools to be able to anchor in your new money beliefs. With this you will step into a higher vibration of attraction and manifestation at all times.
By this time, you will be working with the flow, creating synchronicities in your life, attracting money from unexpected sources and opportunities.
Plus, you will understand how to stay and continue on this path of magical flow.
This final week you will add on some new tactics on how to BE with prosperity and abundance.
This last week is all about the art of manifesting.
Tania will guide you to uncover and release the fears that are blocking you from receiving.
You will learn how to attract and manifest vs. struggle, push and chase.
You will go over how to continue the work and stay on track with your powerful new habits and way of being in the magical flow to manifesting money now!
Private Facebook Community
To make sure you get the help you need, Tania opened a private Facebook group where we can hang out with other community members and she’ll be in there daily answering any questions.
Sharing the journey with others who you can bounce ideas off has really worked for the last group and they continue to help each other now.
This group will be open for the entire 8 weeks so you have the support you need as you make your Money Magic Miracles journey!

Available for a Limited Time Only
LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
Date & Time:
July 7,2022
12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Join QUICKLY to receive an additional intimate Live Q & A + Clearing group session with Tania to remove any leftover blocks that have been holding you back throughout your Money Magic Miracles process!
Package A
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
Early Bird Price: $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“The skill she taught me was how to value myself, value my product and ask for what it's worth.”
“The first thing that Tania taught me was how not to beg for money, ie, I'm not the poor little orphan asking you for more. I now have set prices, love them or leave them. Basically, the skill she taught me was how to value myself, value my product and ask for what it's worth."
~ Ray W.
“It made me really learn how best to run my business according to my best potential (…) It became a line item on my budget.”
“Your 1:1 really helped focus and develop a plan that I could work with that demanded action. It also made me really look inside and figure out what my best skills are and which ones needed a little more honing. It made me really learn how best to run my business according to my best potential.
The session about finding my inner strength, going to my will and using my own resources, that was essential.
I've always believed in education and have been involved in book education, degrees, degrees degrees, but I've never really invested in myself. Doing this work with you made a huge difference.
Working with Tania became a line item on my budget. It was probably the best money I ever spent. I really mean that. Your work is empowering and revitalizing."
~ Patricia S.
“We had 120 people sign up, 82 people actually showed up for the call, (…)we were able to raise $68,000 for local black businesses which was absolutely amazing!”
“I joined Tania’s program because I knew that I had all of these stories that I was telling myself about money. Mainly, that money was hard to make, that it takes a lot of work to make money. And even though consciously, I knew that none of this is actually true, I still didn't have the tools to get past it. Shortly after I joined, I got the opportunity to host a webinar that was held by my local anti racism group fundraiser.
When we actually promoted the webinar, within 48 hours, we had 45 people sign up, which is amazing because prior to this, we had only ever had 20 people, including 6 of us that were organizers.
We got to 45 within 48 hours. Then it went up to 80. And I think by the end of it and this we only promoted this for a week, we had 120 people sign up, 82 people actually showed up for the call, these neighbor's numbers are much higher than average.
In the end, we were able to raise $68,000 for local black businesses which was absolutely amazing!
The most incredible thing about all of this was that it was so easy to do. All these things about money being hard, I was able to let go of all of that, just do the work and it just came so easily.
So very grateful for Tania and everything that she does in terms of being able to turn around my money stories."
~ Carolyn Shadrach
“I have been blessed with 3 new clients, awarded a trip to Las Vegas to support 2 clients as a finalist in winning an award!”
“I've struggled with being a caregiver for family, close friends, and even clients. It seemed that everyone I care about needed my help and presence. I began viewing their need as a distraction keeping me from focusing on growing my business.
I shifted my attitude from them being a distraction to an opportunity to meet my next client or a connection to my next client. I asked myself who am I going to meet, how will I give value and what is my learning experience in the interaction.
I have been blessed with 3 new clients, awarded a trip to Las Vegas to support 2 clients as a finalist in winning an award"
~ Brender B.
“Became the top sales person in March!”
“My doubts about money was that we would never get a head, we would never feel that windfall, never get our forever house when we retire. I have felt this way for a while.
Now, I don’t worry, I know everything will work out! Now my energy is on the positive not the negative!
I’m in sales and I became the top sales person in March! That was a nice surprise!
I would recommend this program, there was so much positive energy!"
~ Martin
“I received more discounts, several hours of babysitting for free, and help with the house for free!”
“I´ve had lots of fears all my life. As a single mother for the last 5 years my fears have increased - especially about the future, income, where to live, how I can make money to ensure my and my daughters needs. From my family I picked up beliefs that money is tabu, I don’t deserve it, I have to work hard and money is something bad, we can't enjoy money.
After the Tania´s course I feel that I can deserve more, even my dreams and I am more aware of my money needs. I am used to thinking and talking about money with other people. I can see more abundance and possibilities around me. I am definitely more aware of my boundaries. I already set stronger boundaries in my family. I take more actions to fulfill my dreams. I don't want to move back into my previous life.
During the course I received more discounts, several hours of babysitting for free, and help with the house for free. I got an invitation to an interview. I do not hesitate to ask more for help and offer help. I like training myself to do unpopular tasks.
Already from the beginning of the course I started to be more aware of abundance around me. I am also happy that I haven't had any unexpected outcomes that I had in the past.
I really appreciate Tania's support, warm approach, energy, and overall knowledge connecting different areas and practices. I will follow her definitely further."
~ Jana J
“This program changed my life..I’ll have saved over $15,000 and will be debt free with the IRS.”
“I signed up for Money Magic Miracles because I had a life of financial hardship and lack. I unknowingly married a man with mental illness, who would only work a few months out of each year and had to be the breadwinner of my family. We were homeless, 3 different times when my children were very little. Life was very uncertain and hard. There was never enough money.
I joined this program to learn different approach to finances and so I could teach my now grown children a different way of life.
I am over 50 and suffered from this lack mentality my entire life.
Tania’s Program- Money Magic Miracles - has given me tools that are practical and can be used in any situation to change your perspective and vibration. Her classes are fun and she really cares about the people she works with. I’ve been using her tools and already feel differently about money, how I think about money and how I feel about money.
Money is flowing into my life more differently. Money is flowing into my life more effortlessly than ever before.
I know that I am always supported and no experience in my life is too big to handle.
Because of some of my husband’s behavior over the last few years, we ended up owing back taxes to the IRS. When the penalties and interest started racking up, the bill was almost $20,000. Using the techniques from this program and through some guided meditations, I was instructed to offer the IRS and Offer-In-Compromise(OIC). When the package is officially accepted, I’ll have saved over $15,000 and will be debt free with the IRS.
Before taking this class, I could never have even thought such a gift would be possible for me. Now I can see that I am worthy of so much more and am changing my life to one of fun and play instead of hard work and daily struggle.
I feel that within 3 weeks of starting the program that I began to experience positive results.
I would absolutely recommend Tania's work to everyone! Especially someone who has experience financial hardship and lack. I feel this type of work should be taught in the schools to our kids. The kids are our future and should understand there's a better way to live and achieve their goals. I can't thank Tania enough for this program. It has changed my life!
~ Cindy
Package B
Includes everything in Package A Plus
8 Week Live Group Sessions
When you can talk about money in a safe group, when you can answer prosperity and manifestation questions that you might not want to share with others in your life and when you have a group that’s holding you accountable, that’s when you can REALLY shift your perspective about money and start welcoming it in!
Remember, money goes where it’s invited and stays where it is welcomed.
In package B, you get the same details as package A with the added bonus of 8 weeks of group sessions where you will get to be more intimate with Tania, share your questions, your blocks, your money programming so that you can get immediate answers!
If you’re not able to attend the live calls, rest assured that your questions can still be answered and the calls will be recorded for you to have.
You’ll also get to connect with like minded participants that might have similar blocks and programming during sessions and clear them together.
When you do this work in community you get to see results much faster!
Each week there will be quick audios and downloadable exercises for you to listen and work through. That same week there will be a call each Thursday at 10am MT/ 12pm EST/ 9am PST.
During our 60 minute call you will:
- Learn new material to apply and implement for the week
- Have any questions answered about that week’s material or the previous weeks
- Raise your money vibration by celebrating money miracle wins
*If you are not available at that time, no worries because they will all be recorded.
Thursday May 12th, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday May 19th,, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday May 26th, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday June 2nd, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday June 9th, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday June 16th, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday June 23rd, 12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
Thursday June 30th,12pm EST/10am MT/ 9am PST
** Please note that a class may be subject to change but you will be informed if it does
Package B
Total Package Value $1997
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $227
Early Bird Price: $177

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“Tania and her program have provided me with the reassurance that the universe is friendly and supportive!”
“I was tired of struggling, working hard to make money, living from paycheck to paycheck, having unexpected circumstances take whatever money I might be able to save for maintenance of my home and car. I was tired of not being able to enjoy life because I'm working and worrying all the time.
Having to work hard for a living was a mindset I was brought up with.
Before starting Tania’s program, I had just been laid off so was dealing with fear and scarcity issues. Tania and her program have provided me with the reassurance that the universe is friendly and supportive. As a person with no family and most of whose friends have moved far away, I have enjoyed being part of the group, although it's taken me a while to participate more fully in the group.
I'm seeing the results now in terms of my mindset. I'm looking forward to seeing impressive tangible results in my life.
I would recommend Tani and her work! She has so many tools in her toolkit -- gems in her gem box -- that she is able to share effectively. The program is beautifully organized so that each module builds on the previous ones. I loved that I was getting information that I could start using from the very beginning of the program. The material is very clear and actionable."
~ Carol Peck
“I started seeing results immediately…I received a check from the state for unclaimed funds”
“I was concerned that I was too old and it was too late in this lifetime to experience abundance, especially monetary. I had taken so many courses previously to no avail.
I was born into “lack”, poverty etc. I felt I needed to heal these patterns which were rooted in childhood and continued into adulthood! I believed, for whatever reason, this was my lot in life.
Tania opened my eyes to the fact that abundance is my birthright. I deserve all good things!
Through the sessions and exercises and homework I realized that I was being restrained by my limiting beliefs. I now know that abundance is all around me and I am worthy of all good things.
I received Universal Abundance in the form of gifts from strangers, neighbors and friends. I received a check from the state for unclaimed funds, a stranger paying my bridge toll.
I started seeing results almost immediately. My eyes were open to new possibilities.
I would absolutely recommend Tania to others! She is a great teacher! She is kind, empowering and presents material concisely and thoroughly. Thank you for this opportunity! I look forward to more classes with you."
~ Kathy Boyd
“I am now able to catch myself more quickly to think and act differently about the ebb and flow of money.”
“Tania and her program helped me to analyze where and how the worrying, doubts, and fear come from, and how to better manage my mindset and vibration so that I can think on a level of greater confidence and trust.
The strategies and techniques which she has shared throughout this class has taught me to process things more on a spiritual level, which in turn affects my attitude and mindset in connection to money.
This class has also shown me that I need to work on developing a more trusting and faithful relationship with money, and that by doing so, I can help to relieve some of my fears, doubts, and worries.
While I still have some of these same thoughts of doubt and fear, I am now able to catch myself more quickly to think and act differently about the ebb and flow of money.
If I find my mind reverting back to a mentality where the vibration is lower, I am quick to tell myself that I live in a universe of abundance, that my intellect will help me to problem solve around money, and that I can journal, or use other techniques to help me feel calmer and more trusting that my family and I will always be taken care of. Tania’s program has also reminded me that if we expand our receiving container by seeking a higher vibration, that I will then be able to give back to others in bountiful ways.
The language and vocabulary which Tania uses when teaching about money-related concepts, as well as our awareness of how we think about and discuss finances, are empowering for the human spirit. I have found that the discussion and language used in this class is awe-inspiring which leads to a higher, more spirit-led way of talking about money as well as other life issues and practices.
I experienced the results immediately. Tania’s modules, weekly recordings, and the assignments which we were assigned helped me to think on a new and different level about money.
I would absolutely recommend Tania’s work to others. She challenges the individual to explore one’s mindset, thought processes, judgments, and actions in a sensitive yet meaningful way. Her work has helped me to develop a greater awareness about the way I want to live my life as well as the power that lies within me. Because of Tania’s class, I have developed a deeper sense of courage in knowing how to view and process my thoughts, feelings, and overall mindset around money."
~ Laurie Anderson
“An unexpected but welcomed business opportunity developed which is expected to be lucrative for me!”
“Tania helped me shift my mindset to approach challenges as opportunities and to expect more and more accomplishments and rewards.
This new way of approaching the abundance of life helped me achieve three big wins (and lots of smaller ones too!).
Right after completing a nine day purging of unnecessary material items, I received a notice from the IRS stating that a refund was on its way for many thousands of dollars for our business.
An unexpected but welcomed business opportunity developed which is expected to be lucrative for me and allow me to provide on-going work for our staff for months.
I gained the confidence to redefine and negotiate my work, as well as a more equitable compensation package with my employer.
I highly recommend Tania's course if you want to enjoy a more abundant life. May a mind shift be in your future with Tania as your guide."
~ Trish Stephens
“I have had some income come to me without effort - almost $76,000!”
“The program gave me new ways of thinking about money and wealth and also provided practical steps on how to make changes in my default thinking patterns. I learned that by simply implementing daily practices and being part of a community of people who share similar goals and challenges, I can start to chip away at these limiting patterns that have held me back from achieving my full potential.
I have had some income come to me without effort - almost $76,000! This came to me when several people decided they wanted to work with me as a client or sign up for one of my programs either without talking to me at all or signing up for a conversation already knowing that they wanted to hire me. What an amazing feeling!
I also realized that I need to revamp my website to make it easier for people to sign up to work with me - up until now I had assumed that I had to work hard to get people to work with me. I now see that there are people out there who are looking for exactly what I offer and I need to make it easy for them to get what they want!
I would recommend Tania to anyone that needs support with concrete steps to take to address limiting beliefs around money."
~ Anonymous
“I'm richer by $260,000”
“Finally, my husband agreed to sell our condo!
At least now I'm richer by $260,000! I'm also getting a tax refund of $2,626.
Now I'm going to buy a condo by the beach on a tropical island. I now have enough to quit my day job and live a life of ease.
This is the beginning of my amazing life. Thank you Tania & everyone in this group for all your support. Wishing everyone abundance in all areas of your life."
~ Menaka Sherma
Package C
Includes everything in Package A & Package B Plus
45 min one on one With Tania
In addition to all the items from package A & B you will get a 45 min one on one “Clear Your Money blocks and Activate your New Money Programming” call with Tania
During your exclusive one on one time you get with Tania you will:
- Create your vision of an abundant and prosperous life, so that you can attract and manifest more money now!
- Uncover your money blocks, learn about the different types of money blocks that are holding you back and clear them
- Take a look into your money ancestry, what were the patterns, the stories, the beliefs that have been passed on to you so that we can transmute them into light, joy and love to empower you moving forward.
- Learn how to move stuck energy and open up the channels of abundance and prosperity so that more money is coming into your life on a constant basis!
Package C
Total Package Value $2497
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
Early Bird Price: $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When does the course start and finish?
Orientation takes place on May 12th at 12pm EST/ 10am MT/ 9am PST and will then take place every Thursday for the subsequent 8 weeks.
Q. What if I can't make the dates?
Attendance is encouraged as questions can then be answered straight away but if there are sessions you can’t make then don’t worry. All modules are recorded and put into your membership area for you to watch when you can. Questions will then be answered in the Facebook group.
Q. How long do I have access for?
You’ll have Lifetime Access to your training material inside the members area as long as the program is offered, so you can refer to it anytime you feel you need a refresher!
Q. What format does the content come in?
The materials will be in training videos and audios. There are also PDF worksheets that accompany some of the teachings. Modules will be released on a weekly basis vs. all at once.– I want you to get results, so we make the material available one step at a time to not overwhelm you.
Q. How soon can I start making money?
This depends on you but you will start bringing in money abundance and prosperity throughout the 8 weeks. Some of our clients have manifested as soon as the first week in the experience
Q. Will there be a recording?
All sessions are recorded and placed in your secure members area within 24 hours of the session.
Free Trial
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Your Text
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer:$197
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1997
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $227
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $2497
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer: $297
Early Bird Price:
8 Week Money Magic Miracles Self Paced Program
BONUS: Private Facebook Community
Limited Time Bonus: LIVE Q&A + Clearing Group Session
8 Week Live Group Sessions
45 min one on one With Tania
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days

Package A: 21 Day Money Back Guarantee
Package B: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th
Package C: Refund prior to live group calls on May 12th or 1-1 Session whichever is first
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.