Are You Feeling the Wake Up Call?
Right now at this moment in history, we are all being given the gift of time. The shock from the Coronavirus is beginning to wane and we are settling into our new routines.
Beyond the anger, disbelief, frustration, sadness ….
You may have been noticing something else begin to shift inside.
Because we are all living in a much slower world right now, many are really beginning to wake up and discover who they really are.
Take a minute to look at these questions ...
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being very satisfied, 1 being not satisfied at all...
- How happy are you in your career or business?
- How easy is it to manifest your intentions as you desire?
- How confident are you in expressing your truth and not afraid to stand in your power?
- How easy is it for you to create an incredible life?
If you were not able to answer 10 for each of these questions, this is your wake up call.
Right now you are given the rare opportunity to take the time to discover who you are, your truest desires and make them a reality.
What if you could easily
- Have the freedom of moving your life forward in every area without the hurdles that are holding you back from your birthright
- Feel the confidence of being able speak freely expressing your truth and communicating through your authenticity thereby creating the magic in your life

- Create a life of health and abundance with ease and grace
- Be inspired and feel the urge to create through intuitive downloads given to you from the Universe
- Use the clarity of an unobstructed life force to open you up to dizzying heights of creating the life you always desired
Catapult Your Creativity
Quantum Speed Activations to Step into Your Divine Purpose and Ignite Optimum Health & Abundance

Using the Quantum Field Virginia scans and unblocks your main energy fields for connecting to your purpose, achieving abundance and helping you to stay balanced and centered.
All the best intentions and good will of working to clear imbalances will not affect the needed pathway for manifesting your desires if the right foundations are not in place.
Virginia clears all of these to allow the magic to connect you to those desires
Included is the clearing and healing of all the physical organs connected to the specific energy centers identified, cleansing the emotions, thoughts, feelings and images that we carry in these centers.
Virginia also implements a concentrated effort to release all ancestral and past life connections to the energy centers involved.
“Aisling went from not implementing ideas to filling online retreats in 5 weeks”
Listen to Aisling talk about how how Virginia's program is absolutely mind blowing. She could feel her energy change from the beginning. Before doing this, she would get very blocked. She had amazing ideas but never got them going. Since doing this program, she can make things happen with her ideas because the creative energy is SO STRONG! Within 5 weeks after the program ended, she started doing online retreats which are filling up and paying a fee!
Why Virginia Rounds Griffiths Is Unique
With Virginia’s Heart Team she has been of assistance to many clients helping them to achieve incredible results.
She has been a speaker on FHTJ for a few years and she says with hand on heart that her experience and the testimonials she has received have reinforced her desire to continue helping clients with Eram and her Team.
Here's what others have experienced |
“I now have much more energy, I feel brighter, more confident and can see more clearly”
“I am amazed at the lightning speed Virginia and her beautiful heart Team work energetically. The changes have been better than I could ever imagine. Before being part of the throat and sacral remote clearing I had the feeling of a blocked throat. I would swallow my words when challenged to speak assertively. I am usually creative but have had little desire to paint or play music for the last year.
I now have much more energy, I feel brighter, more confident and can see more clearly since being part of this amazing process.
I love the work Virginia and her Team do and I am eternally grateful for the higher teachings on how to empower ourselves through directed spiritual practice.
I honour the sacred healing space she creates to bring restoration of harmony and balance to humanity, and our environment.
Blessings and much much aroha for all the work you do Virginia"
~ Arohanui……. Christina
“I feel different to 14 days ago, clearer and more positive about creating the next chapter in my life”
“First I'd like to thank you so much for your generosity in offering this healing. I felt you really cared about everyone and held a vision for our highest good as a group.
I've been in a kind of limbo after having looked after my mother with dementia for the last 6 years. Trying to come to terms with her having to go into a nursing home and my loss of identity as her carer.
Started this healing programme mildly depressed, but with a strong intuition that I needed to participate.
As healing progressed I would get flashes of bright colours blue and orange physical sensations tingling and moments of expansion and deep relaxation. Felt the desire to sing and paint again which I haven’t done in ages.
I feel different to 14 days ago, clearer and more positive about creating the next chapter in my life, more willing to step out of my comfort zone and explore new things,
So grateful for the opportunity to receive healing and inspiration from you and your team,
Sending love and blessings,"
~ Adele
“Virginia exercises were amazing ”
“Virginia exercises were amazing and in the perfect order to progress and transmute lower energies in these energy centers to a higher expression. When focusing intention on my throat chakra, I started coughing and felt a lump of stuck energy. There was an urge to expel it.
Viginia’s Infinity breathing exercises were very powerful. I experienced my heart chakra opening, front and back tingling and expanding with the energetic download of higher frequencies."
~ C
“The group calls were powerful and helped integrate the energy healings.”
“The first day’s exercise tuning into the throat and sacral energy centers to discern if they were blocked or not found me writing pages of suppressed childhood memories and emotions .
I was aware of the tension and chronic pain in my neck area and a deadened sacral lacking warmth and vitality, both energy centres shutdown, expression inhibited.
One day when the sacral organs were being treated I suddenly felt nauseous had an upset stomach for a few hours and detox symptoms.
Around day 11 and 12 when front and back centers were being cleared of ancestral issues I had an emotional release. I found the language and energy in the emails deeply affecting and I needed a lot of sleep to process everything.
The group calls were powerful and helped integrate the energy healings.
I particularly liked the figure 8 breathing exercise which is really calming and balancing."
~ A
“Suddenly I just had this surge of expression and it had to come out”
“YESSS!!!Have you seen me 'come out' on fb and in the networking groups!!!I am assuming this is connected to the throat work! Suddenly I just had this surge of expression and it had to come out and I felt all this old stale rigid 'playing small and hiding energy' sort of flake off and disappear! Thank you"
~ A.H.
“Noticed my freedom in expression with ease & clarity”
“Yes, it was very powerful, wow! Upon opening Monday's email it was a wonderful flow of energy, especially in the front throat & more ease in sacral and hadn't even done the exercise yet.
And just now I'm feeling the flow in the front from the throat down to the sacral, as they seem to be in better communication and with the heart & power center as well.
Noticed my freedom in expression with ease & clarity last couple days, even more today.
Received some wonderful support & reflection yesterday on my next steps and am being seen at a greater level.
A fun thing happened on one of my selling accounts on Day 1, the feedback number came to 777, which also used to be the prefix on a business telephone number I used to have, signaling to me the prosperity gates are opening for more flow to come it's way."
~ K
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Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $1280
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Vavavoom!!! Powerful Quantum Field -7 Energy Center Cleanse - MP3
Empower Your Throat - MP3
Pure Heart Expansion - MP3
Creative Sacral - MP3
Infinity Breath - MP3
Vagus Nerve - MP3
Major Energy Center Repair and Reinforcement of your Life Force - Group Call
Freedom from Limiting Belief Programs - Recorded Group Call
Opening your Freedom of Speech Centre - Recorded Group Call
Releasing your Inhibitions of Pleasure and Create with Joy - Recorded Group Call
Expand and Open your Sacred Heart to Source - Recorded Group Call
Connect to the Private Facebook Group
Discount: 94%
Total Package Value $3977
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Vavavoom!!! Powerful Quantum Field -7 Energy Center Cleanse - MP3
Empower Your Throat - MP3
Pure Heart Expansion - MP3
Creative Sacral - MP3
Infinity Breath - MP3
Vagus Nerve - MP3
Major Energy Center Repair and Reinforcement of your Life Force - Group Call
Freedom from Limiting Belief Programs - Recorded Group Call
Opening your Freedom of Speech Centre - Recorded Group Call
Releasing your Inhibitions of Pleasure and Create with Joy - Recorded Group Call
Expand and Open your Sacred Heart to Source - Recorded Group Call
Connect to the Private Facebook Group
BONUS 1: Super Grounding and Centering in your body via your Assemblage Point - Group Call
BONUS 2: Feel totally connected to your Purpose through the Hara Line Dimension Unblocked - Group Call
30 Minute 1:1 Private Session with Virginia

Package A: No refund after first group call
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Vavavoom!!! Powerful Quantum Field -7 Energy Center Cleanse - MP3
Value: $40
A most powerful – unapologetic unblocking, clearing out and releasing all the major energy centers for optimum clearing of all negative energies stuck, blocked, impinged, split, damaged, shattered which are holding you back from your greatness.
Empower Your Throat - MP3
Value: $40
We take all the components of both the energetic and the physical blockages that hold you back from speaking your truth and expressing yourself with genuine integrity and with kindness.
Includes healing of the parathyroid, thyroid, esophagus, muscles in the neck walls, back tongue, tonsils, realigning your jaw and reinforcing the connective tissue/fascia which compartmentalises the structures of your throat/neck
Pure Heart Expansion - MP3
Value: $40
We work with the pure energy of your heart both energetically and physical held there to find your passion, to drive you to start working with your hearts desire and what makes your heart sing helping to fuel the passion of your creativity
Addressing all physical blockages in the heart and allowing healing where needed relevant to your unique heart issue. Again including the fascia surrounding your heart
Creative Sacral - MP3
Value: $40
This incredible energy center if blocked is where we are kept stuck. If we judge or deny our emotional body, we can cause blocks in this energy center. It’s a great starting point for healing emotional distress with lack of pleasure, creative and reproductive concerns
We particularly include all blockages causing discomfort and pain in the uterus, hips, ovaries/testes, and issues including the sacrum spinal bones from S1-S5 including all the fascia, ligaments, muscles, nerves and vascular in this area
Infinity Breath - MP3
Value: $40
This recording teaches you to breath into the purity of your sacred heart center and using the infinity symbol goes up to your throat energy center and down to the sacrum energy centre all the time clearing both these two centers with the pure energy coming from the central point of your sacred heart center- you will experience phenomenal bliss and connection to Source
Vagus Nerve - MP3
Value: $40
This recording will tweak your vagus nerve to take it back to it’s ‘rest and digest’ status resulting in a deep calmness and easing your emotions and any feelings of anxiety to allow you to be centered and have a place to create from. This mp3 will also allow your digestion to work in a balanced way with ease; again keeping you centered with no issues of discomfort to distract you. The incredible feeling of peace and harmony is yours to tap into just with this mp3
Major Energy Center Repair and Reinforcement of your Life Force - Group Call
Value: $200
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
During this Group call we will address all the blocked issues that pertain to our everyday experiences which cause us to tip into an unbalanced state. We will transform and transmute these blockages to bring a harmonius balance to your life
When out of balance we experience:
- Fear, anxiousness, financial insecurity
- Fear of intimacy, isolated, stuck in creativity healthy
- Depression, learning difficulties, brain fog , intelligent, aware, wise, understanding
When Balanced:
- Feel safe, happy to be alive
- Passion, creative, healthy Low self-esteem, feeling
- Lack of empathy, bitter,
- Have poor judgement,
- Universal Love,
Freedom from Limiting Belief Programs - Group Call
Value: $200
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
Our subconscious minds hold all our programming from our early mentoring by parents, siblings, teachers and our communities at large, including cultural and religious beliefs. All our limiting beliefs are programmed here.
This is a great opportunity to de-program these limiting beliefs and mentoring programs and to add to all the other major energy clearings in this package. And together these are a powerful force for good for your life going forward
Opening your Freedom of Speech Centre - Group Call
Value: $200
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
Are you opinionated, loud, critical, gossipy, yell or talk over others, or say harsh words with out thinking,
Do you find it hard to express yourself or to speak confidently without feeling embarrassed of being put down by others. We will clear and open this energy center and address the physical issues experienced by these blockages – parathyroid, thyroid, back tongue, throat muscles and more
ITEM 10:
Releasing your Inhibitions of Pleasure and Create with Joy - Group Call
Value: $200
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
Sacral opening and healing all areas of Pleasure and Creativity -Group Call
When imbalanced we can be over-emotional this is the seat of our feelings especially as females, the seat of our creativity (birthing ideas) hedonistic, manipulative, experience pain in the lower back and hips. Our limiting beliefs around sex and sexuality installed by our culture or religion or our mentors. We will address these issues to clear them away for our higher purpose
Physical issues pertaining to all are also healed in this Group Call
ITEM 11:
Expand and Open your Sacred Heart to Source - Group Call
Value: $200
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
Energetic Heart Expansion & Physical issues- Group Call
Your physical and energetic heart center lies between the higher energies and the lower energies both of which are needed by us to serve us here in this present life. When we get hurt we contract and shut our hearts down and it also has repercussions in the physical heart
Do you harbour feelings of jealousy, co-dependancy, do you give too much and don’t take for yourself, are you self-sacrificing and resentful of that. Have you been hurt or jilted in a relationship. These issues cause imbalance and we look to clear and heal these because they affect physical heart too
ITEM 12:
Connect to the Private Facebook Group
Value: $40
The Private Facebook Group will allow you to:
- Ask questions you need to know
- Share your concerns/triumphs
- Give support to one another
- Encourage each other going forward
- Know that you are not alone in your challenges
How do these MP3s work?
All mp3’s are music only so can be played aloud or silently and looped as needed
Total Package Value $1280
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 89% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
This Package Includes:
- Everything in A plus...
- Bonus 1: Assemblage Point Group Call
- Bonus 2: Hara line Group Call
- 30 Minute 1:1 private session with Virginia
Super Grounding and Centering in your body via your Assemblage Point - Group Call
Value: $497
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
Your Assemblage Point connects you to another super powerful energy center in the top heart area of your body. This incredible Point starts its journey when you are born attached through your navel and travels up your body to your higher heart area by the age of 7. Trauma and life issues impact on this precious point and throw it out of alignment. It changes its direction when depression and mental health issues are our reality. Learn more about this incredible energy point that impacts so much on our wellbeing
We will repair and reposition this very important point for maximum benefit of your emotional and mental health and when it is in it’s proper place your will always be fully ground.
Feel totally connected to your Purpose through the Hara Line Dimension Unblocked - Group Call
Value: $497
Format: 45 Minute Group via Zoom - Recorded
The Hara Line which we all possess runs from 3 and a half feet above your crown all the way to the core of Mother Earth.
This Energy Center also has branches at the Higher Heart level and the Dan Tien Level at the middle of the body. This Line holds immense energies that connect us to our purpose our reason we came here and it too can with trauma, illness and devastation can become blocked, split and this too can manifest as disharmony and disruption in our over all health and wellbeing
Join us to unblock and repair this very important line through which also runs our life force energy which we can store in the Dan Tien to use.
ITEM 13:
30 Minute 1:1 Private Session with Virginia
In this super powerful call I will scan your body, which allows you to have your own bespoke cleansing in relation to:
Unblocking and releasing stuck and negative energies in your entire energy matrix
- What does your unique physicality need to release and balance
- We will also release the past life and ancestral issues which are impacting you
- Is trauma exacerbating and preventing your moving forward?
Total Package Value $3977
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 94% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How many tracks can I listen to at one time?
I recommend playing the mp3’s in the house when you are all at home. So in the evening is probably best. Remembering you can play this silently as well as aloud.
Understanding it is the frequency and vibration embedded in the mp3’s that holds the magic to clear the energies.
Q. How often do I need to play the recordings?
It is recommended to play one per day and you can loop it for maximum benefit
Q. Do the tracks have to be listened to in order?
It is recommended they be played in the order they numbered
Q. What commitment is expected from me?
Beyond listening to the tracks and participating in our supportive Facebook group please accept that it is your responsibility to use the tools provided as they work in synchronicity
It is important too that you eat well, stay hydrated, and rest when necessary helping to ensure your health and wellbeing.
“Ability to access more energy. A more consistent flow.”
“What a great experience!
I'm feeling more of a flow & ease with increased freedom in expression with ease, more clear and concise.
Being able to map out the structure of an evolving venture and taking steps forward with some implementation. Have received support & reflection on my next steps and am being seen at a greater level.
Being able to more quickly gather my thoughts to articulate and being heard & received and also not as concerned whether someone does or not.
Allowed a day or two to clear out final energy and more and really feel it much more grounded and creating a stronger foundation. Ability to access more energy. a more consistent flow.
Even had a session yesterday and really allowed what came through in conversation and surprised myself that it came with more ease now.
Thank you so much Virginia!"
~ Mahalo, Kristin
“I spoke my truth and she did too and it ended up great!”
“The biggest thing for me that I am thrilled about is my conversations! I had a potential confrontational conversation today that was a great conversation. I spoke my truth and she did too and it ended up great!
I’ve been so happy with all of the conversations and me speaking my truth.
It’s so good for me And as an extra bonus, I've been taking time for me! Over the past three weeks, I've taken an intro to fly fishing class, a jewelry making class and took a trip to NYC with my 19 year old son. I would have never done any of this in the past. Thank you Virginia!
Sending love and blessings,"
~ Gretchen Pritts
“I am standing within my own power and connecting with people expressing myself more freely”
“Two days after this ended I approached my boss change my hours - so I can make my art
Normally I get nervous - get fragmented and forget words or the point of what I am saying but it happened with ease - where I had to remind myself to be ok in the moment - as it was ok - instead of expecting the worst my boss was helpful and wanted to work in with my transition - I then talked to my other boss and they also will work in with me.
So shifts were in my external reality a lot especially with friends - synchronicity- connecting with people 5 times more than normal.
The big thing has been to be standing within my own power and connecting with people expressing myself more freely - being more open to who I can be.
On march 10th to round this up I had the best birthday ever - with new and old friends - you would not have observed a person impacted with shyness and social awkwardness
Thank you for your healing assistance with this"
~ Dhyana ….NZ
“I have been busy speaking up”
“My Throat Chakra opened and I have been busy speaking up and out and people including my own family/extended family/friends are listening. Even the Dear Husband. Thank you for everything and Thank you for always being there … For us."
~ Jennifer L
“Virginia Rounds Griffiths is the real deal! A true healer.”
“I have been involved in energy healing both as a practitioner and client for over 30 years and her work is a true WOW!!
Firstly she found in her scan that I had ptsd. I really hadn't put it that way for myself, but when she said it, it clicked. This was a huge clearing, a large layer of anxiety just melted away; a layer that had been so much a part of me, I had come to find it normal. Huge.
Other issues such as some difficulty swallowing on occasion: gone. Knee pain: gone, a tooth that has been on and off troublesome for years, calm and happy. I thought I was doomed to a root canal. Whew.
There are others I will know after blood work, but I am so very impressed and grateful to Virginia and her team!
Dear Reader, Love yourself, treat yourself to a session. You will be happy!"
~ Joani
“There was instant relief”
“My thanks go to Virginia and her ‘team’ for the massive clearing of toxic energy for me.
I had a very stiff neck with pain and tension running up my spine..just at base & back of skull.
I also had very strong tension at my shoulders as well..extremely painful.. After a short time of scanning and clearing I have to say…there was instant relief… My heartfelt gratitude to you.."
~ Yvonne W
“Virginia! Holy moly! What a difference you have made in my life! I can’t tell you how amazing my life feels after our session”
“Thank you with so much gratitude for our session today – wow, wow and wow. I want to get these words down before I forget all the amazing work you have done with me today ( and I want to add to these words later because I know there is more to come from this profound healing session)!"
~ A.H.– London
“The next day I had more energy and felt better especially noticed when I wake up. Since then, have continued to be more active, exercise more now, and getting more things done in a day than before"
~ P. B
About Virginia Rounds Griffiths:
My name is Virginia Rounds Griffiths and I have had the honour and privilege to work with my Heart Team and to live and work globally doing what I passionately believe is my purpose.
That purpose is to be in service to ALL sentient beings on Mother Earth.
With that understanding I facilitate the following:
As a Medical Intuitive: I scan your body and facilitate the clearing of any negative imbalances that are detected to bring harmony, balance and wellbeing to your physical matrix.
As an Energist: I facilitate the clearing and removing of negative energies and blockages from your body and energy matrix .
As a Past, Present & Future Coach using Guided Visualisation: I can help you find clarity and resolution in all areas of your life that are challenging you - including career, finances, relationships, a new home or business, or any decisions you need to make about your future
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Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $1280
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Vavavoom!!! Powerful Quantum Field -7 Energy Center Cleanse - MP3
Empower Your Throat - MP3
Pure Heart Expansion - MP3
Creative Sacral - MP3
Infinity Breath - MP3
Vagus Nerve - MP3
Major Energy Center Repair and Reinforcement of your Life Force - Group Call
Freedom from Limiting Belief Programs - Recorded Group Call
Opening your Freedom of Speech Centre - Recorded Group Call
Releasing your Inhibitions of Pleasure and Create with Joy - Recorded Group Call
Expand and Open your Sacred Heart to Source - Recorded Group Call
Connect to the Private Facebook Group
Discount: 94%
Total Package Value $3977
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Vavavoom!!! Powerful Quantum Field -7 Energy Center Cleanse - MP3
Empower Your Throat - MP3
Pure Heart Expansion - MP3
Creative Sacral - MP3
Infinity Breath - MP3
Vagus Nerve - MP3
Major Energy Center Repair and Reinforcement of your Life Force - Group Call
Freedom from Limiting Belief Programs - Recorded Group Call
Opening your Freedom of Speech Centre - Recorded Group Call
Releasing your Inhibitions of Pleasure and Create with Joy - Recorded Group Call
Expand and Open your Sacred Heart to Source - Recorded Group Call
Connect to the Private Facebook Group
BONUS 1: Super Grounding and Centering in your body via your Assemblage Point - Group Call
BONUS 2: Feel totally connected to your Purpose through the Hara Line Dimension Unblocked - Group Call
30 Minute 1:1 Private Session with Virginia

Package A: No refund after first group call
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.