Does it feel like there’s SOMETHING MISSING in your life but you just don’t know what that something is?

Think about it…

You may have gone through life feeling like you don’t really belong on Earth....

You struggle to understand and relate to other people at school, at work, or even at home…

You may have tried different jobs and different relationships searching for that “something” and still feel unfulfilled…

You may have tried to explain to other people how you felt but still end up feeling alone…

You may be left feeling confused or having to hide how you really feel but knowing deep down that still there’s something missing…

You might think to yourself, “Why do I feel this way? Why can’t I just be happy like everyone else? Why can’t I be successful and healthy? Why do I feel so unfulfilled no matter how hard I try...?”

Here’s why…

You're Not a "STANDARD" Human Being!

You are a META-HUMAN whose Soul came from another realm and chose to take human form to accomplish something significant.

Your “something missing” is part of a much, MUCH bigger picture in this world…

Your “something missing” is what Susan Sinclair has dedicated her life to helping you find...

It’s time to Unlock Your Ascension, to remember and become who you truly came here to be.

So where do Meta-Human Souls come from?

While typical human souls incarnate from an Earth-based Soul Realm, and have basic personal missions to learn and grow through physical experiences, Meta-Human Souls have a different origin entirely.They come from one or more Earth-connected Realms that are home to non-standard soul types that can come to Earth.

There are four of these Realms:

Unlock Your Ascension

in the 9th Age Of Earth

Free Your Soul, Reclaim Your Sovereignty, And Activate Your Most Rewarding Life Path In 30 Days

This is such a day of one huge breakthrough! Thank you Susan-- You have held the space for many of us and I am truly grateful. It’s ineffably blissful - THE RELEASE OF ALL FEAR. 

There’s something in this session that UNLOCKED IT FULLY--THE DIVINITY THAT RESIDES in all of us, not less worthy or greater from anyone or any being.” ~ Leonard, Philippines

“The next day after the Free Your Soul session was the best day I had in a long time. I slept wonderfully and felt peaceful all day. Many people were much friendlier to me.” ~ U.A.

“After the Free Your Soul session, Susan mentioned that we may even look differently. My husband randomly told me a couple days ago that I look like a 20 year old college drop out….. I am in fact 50 years old! That made me smile big. Thank you so much for these sessions. I have been feeling like I can breathe.” ~ Leonard, Philippines

“My peacefulness quickly returned!”

“I no longer allow toxic people to violate my boundaries!”

“I am no longer hiding or care what other people think … the sadness has left!”

“I manifested my #1 desire from our group sessions within a few weeks!”

“After being stuck in a rut for several years, there is lots more love flowing between me and my husband!”

“I recovered all the privileges I lost 6 years ago and I have not had a low day since I worked with Susan!”

“After only one session with Susan I had clarity on how to proceed forward.”

This timing is not a coincidence… We are entering a very, VERY crucial year in 2020, ESPECIALLY for the Meta-Human, because this is the first year of the 9th Age of Planet Earth.

And whatever your Soul has chosen to accomplish, you are beginning to wake up to a NEW YOU to be a part of this phenomenal time, IF you want to align yourself to your TRUE PURPOSE...

Do you feel oddly different from other people - or that, no matter what you do, life just doesn’t quite work for you?

Does “weird stuff” somehow keep getting in the way of good relationships, a rewarding career, or even your health?

Do you catch yourself wondering who you really are and why you’re really here—beyond just overcoming the struggles?

Have you had to deal with any of these difficulties in your life...

  • abuse or trauma,
  • addiction or co-dependency,
  • unexplainable and painful patterns in relationships or jobs,
  • overwhelming sensitivity to others’ energy…?

If you said “yes” more than once, then Susan Sinclair’s package is EXACTLY what you need to ascend to your true purpose in just 30 days!

You reading this right at this very moment and crossing paths with Susan Sinclair is your calling to find out what your true purpose is…

You crossing paths with Susan Sinclair is your calling to feel the deepest, most profound sense of satisfaction Ascension has in store for you!!!




Your Text


Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $1490

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego


Discount : 89%

Total Package Value $1790

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego

55-Minute VIP Ascension Acceleration Session

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Immersion Session (October 9).
Package B: No refund after first Group Immersion Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Don’t Hold Yourself Back From Living The Deeply Purposeful & Most Satisfying Life You Were Meant To Live!

You’re an awakened, spiritual person in this momentous year of 2020:
The first year of the 9th Age of Planet Earth.

And you’re admitting it—some help with Ascension would be much appreciated!

The energies of this Newest Age are about Integration, Healing, and Ascension, and to align with those energies, ALL the debris from the prior ages that was not fully Cleared or Recycled must now be dealt with, one Soul and one System at a time.

If you are seeing this, it’s 90% certain that you are NOT a “home-grown human” Soul, but one who has been SPECIFICALLY called to be here in these phenomenal times, a Meta-Human who holds unique spiritual gifts and powers to assist in Earth’s Ascension.

The problem: Earth life is gritty and challenging, and you can easily get overwhelmed by the harsh energies from the old paradigms, from your family background, and from painful events in your past.

If you know that:

  • YOU ARE MORE and life is More than what you’ve known so far
  • It’s urgent that you move onto the path of your soul’s TRUE DESTINY and work here
  • You’re being mysteriously impeded from getting onto that path
  • Somehow you’re NOT IN COMMAND of your life

The core issue you face is:

The loss of your Soul’s Sovereignty.

And NOW is the time to reclaim it fully.

Knowing your SoulPrint—your Meta-Human Soul’s unique blueprint and energy “fingerprint”—is the first step into the freedom of personal Sovereignty that is your birthright.

When you know your SoulPrint, you align with that core essence of You instead of unconsciously fighting it and smothering it with conditioned fears and beliefs from others.

From there, you can:

  • Release all that energy baggage that has kept you stuck and off your path
  • Engage Grounding techniques that actually work for your particular Soul type, so you can embody your presence and manifest your desires
  • set wholesome, bountiful energy boundaries that create healthy relationships, professional success, and personal empowerment

And finally, easily, Grace-Fully, and With Joy, unlock your own Ascension and even ACTIVATE YOUR MOST FAVORABLE TIMELINES through these chaotic first years of the 9th Age.

You are invited on a remarkable energy adventure with Susan Sinclair to Free Your Soul, Reclaim Your Sovereignty, and Activate Your Most Rewarding Life Path in 30 Days!

What Happens When You Unlock Your Ascension

When you start to realign yourself to your Soul’s true purpose, you will start to surprise yourself with how much power is within you…

In JUST A FEW WEEKS, you will start to see a TRANSFORMATION internally and in your outer environment that will fill you with a deep sense of fulfillment because you KNOW it to be true at a deep and profound level.

Here are some of the results that have been reported by Susan Sinclair’s numerous clients…

  • Feel great confidence based in profound self-awareness and self-love for yourself as a Meta-Human
  • Enjoy deeper happiness in your everyday life
  • Understand and move into your Soul’s true purpose with deep satisfaction and accurate inner Guidance
  • Get clear on your Soul’s unique gifts and how to use them for personal and collective Ascension
  • Radically improve your relationships (and gracefully release those that don’t work)
  • Boost your manifestation skills
  • Align with good fortune and luck
  • Activate your most favorable personal timeline going forward—and adjust it as needed in changing circumstances for your highest good
  • Feel safe, strong, and successful in the life you’re now consciously and comfortably creating
  • And much, MUCH more…!

What Makes Susan Sinclair
Your Perfect Ascension Guide

Susan knows what it means to be a Meta-Human who’s struggled with Earth life. From early childhood she knew she was “from elsewhere,” but buried her inner knowing along with all her psychic gifts because of family and social disapproval. She struggled to feel any sense of greater purpose, suffered from anxiety and repeated bouts of clinical depression, and drifted from one mundane job to the next, “boxed in” to a life that was much less than she desired. Sounds familiar?

At nearly 50 she had an Accidental Awakening that brought her psychic senses back online, all at once and full blast! In the process of mastering her gifts, she discovered her own SoulPrint—and could immediately and accurately “read” the Soul origins, purpose, challenges, and destiny of others around her. You can do this now too!!!

In the Akashic Records she found her Soul’s home and place of service to other Meta-Humans, as a “broadband” conscious Channel of wise, powerful, loving, healing Beings from every kind of Otherworld.

Living from her own Meta-Human SoulPrint, Susan has found, and can help you find:

  • Clarity and certainty about purpose and life path
  • Genuine happiness in daily life
  • Grace-Full abundance for all needs and desires
  • Remarkable good luck and good fortune
  • Rewarding relationships—personal and professional
  • Personal Sovereignty and a sense of mastery in living Earth life
  • The JOY that is your natural state regardless of shifting circumstances
  • And much, MUCH more…!

Now, Susan’s life is “UNboxed”--her gifts fully expressed, her income multiplied, she’s living where she loves, and she actually looks at least 10 years younger than her age! So are YOU ready to Unlock Your Ascension and live your best life your Meta-Human SoulPrint has in store for you?! Say YES to this package NOW!

Available for a Limited Time Only

Get the FREE Bonus Audio Session: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego




Your Text


Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $1490

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego


Discount : 89%

Total Package Value $1790

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego

55-Minute VIP Ascension Acceleration Session

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the first Group Immersion Session (October 9).
Package B: No refund after first Group Immersion Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A

  • Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience
  • Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz and Special Report
  • Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

This package is designed for you to Unlock Your Ascension, discover your personal SoulPrint, reconnect and reclaim your Soul’s true destiny and personal Sovereignty. Step into your true purpose and open the life changing doorway to the life of profound joy and meaning.

Say YES to this package and you will start to notice the shifts immediately!


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience

4 x 75 minute powerful energy healing experiences via Zoom

Value: $1350

Time for all Group Immersion calls: Noon Pacific Time.
Length of calls: 75-90 minutes depending on Q&A.

Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience includes 4, 75 minute powerful energy healing experiences via Zoom. Susan will tune in to Spirit and your unique energy, taking you on profound spiritual journeys AND teaching you surprisingly simple, real-life energy skills that will literally change the world around you—because they change the world within you.

As you unlock the mystery of your Soul’s true destiny and your personal Sovereignty in these spiritual and practical processes, you’ll feel great confidence, enjoy deeper happiness, improve your relationships (and manifesting skills), and start creating Soul-powered success in your Earth life.

These are richly experiential sessions which include guided journeys and powerful healing work to clear stuck or tangled energy along with interfering entities/cords/curses/blocks, plus expand your energy awareness and empowerment. You’ll be opened to the magic and joy of being here as the Amazing Soul you truly are.

Group Healing Session #1: Discover Your Soul Print

Date: 9th October 2020

Self-awareness is the core of all transformation. As Spirit revealed to Susan:
Seek not to CHANGE who you essentially are,
But to BECOME who you essentially are.

When you know your SoulPrint, you know that core essence of You and can finally align with it instead of unconsciously fighting it and smothering it with conditioned fears and beliefs from others.

Knowing your SoulPrint is the first step into the freedom of personal Sovereignty that is your birthright.

In this session, you’ll unlock the mystery of your Spiritual Secret Identity. Learn where you really came from, why you're here, and what you most need to do to move up your own Arc of Ascension. And take a journey into your spiritual Home Realm to reconnect with your most powerful support energies and spirit beings.

“Wow! What a joyful and expanding 90 minutes I just had! My group friends said it would blow my mind, and it did. It all makes too much sense!” ~ Molly

“I felt a big relief to understand why I feel the way I do about the things I know! It gave me peace!” ~ Jainene R.

“This was super affirming!! It definitely felt good to find the fae and angel puzzle pieces in my life journey!” ~ Rose C., Seattle

“I understand now why even from a young age I loved holistic health and alternative news. I knew there had to be much better and safer ways to heal than “conventional medicine” choices of toxic drugs or invasive procedures . Thank you Susan for sharing these very balanced and elegant insights” ~ U.A.

Group Healing Session #2: Free Your Soul

Date: 16th October 2020

Each SoulPrint has particular spiritual and Earth-based challenges—think of them as customized resistance training that builds Soul strength, resilience, and empowerment.

Susan calls the spiritual issues "interference" because the energies of the beings and forces involved quite literally interfere with your own energy patterns, your ability to connect to Guidance, and your abilities to step on and stay on your Soul's true path and purpose here.

In this potent session, you’ll efficiently release up to 10 different types of energetic interference, including soul wounds, spirit attachments, karma, ancestral issues, past-life traumas, and energy bindings (cords, contracts, entanglements) in a guided SourcePoint Energy Clearing process.

Plus experience a profoundly healing Akashic Record Redirect to change the “feed” from your past lives out of the pain and trauma of Old Earth energies to joy and wisdom gained from your prior lifetime experiences.

You’ll feel dramatically freer, lighter, more at peace with yourself, and more compassionate toward prior painful events. Obstacles may “magically” move aside as your energy stops attracting unnecessary challenges!

“Susan’s clearings are so thorough, I am impressed and I particularly like the idea of pouring our knowledge into the group and receiving all the group's knowledge. I will have to relisten intently to all this precious information. Thank you😍I loved working with Susan, I loved her tools and clearings especially the Akashic redirection!” ~ Odile, France

“This is such a day of one huge breakthrough! Thank you Susan-- You have held the space for many of us and I am truly grateful. It’s ineffably blissful - THE RELEASE OF ALL FEAR.

There’s something in this session that UNLOCKED IT FULLY--THE DIVINITY THAT RESIDES in all of us, not less worthy or greater from anyone or any being.” ~ Leonard, Philippines

“The next day after the Free Your Soul session was the best day I had in a long time. I slept wonderfully and felt peaceful all day. Many people were much friendlier to me.” ~ U.A.

“After the Free Your Soul session, Susan mentioned that we may even look differently. My husband randomly told me a couple days ago that I look like a 20 year old college drop out….. I am in fact 50 years old! That made me smile big. Thank you so much for these sessions. I have been feeling like I can breathe.” ~ Laurika B., Sweden

Group Healing Session #3: Ground and Flow 2.0

Date: 23rd October 2020

Clearing is like a massive clean sweep of your energy "house." But if you have structural issues such as a cracked foundation or broken windows, unwanted energies can still intrude through those weak places and gradually undo the work of the Clearing.

So now you’ll step into personal energy mastery, by taking the basics "up the spiral" into more Ascended forms which will nurture, anchor, and empower your Soul in your embodiment here.

Everyone knows about Grounding, right? But what you may not know is that as a Soul from another Realm (or blended Realms), you may not benefit from "standard" Grounding practices.

If you've ever felt vaguely uncomfortable with "grounding into the earth" or have difficulty grounding in the ways that you were taught, or just plain don't like grounding, this session is going to change that for you!

Not only will you discover two essential (but rarely-shared) aspects of effective Grounding, you'll learn a powerful way to access the Cosmic Flow from your own personal spiritual reservoir to complete the circuit between the heavens and the earth plane through the form of your own body and energy system.

And you'll learn how to ground other people and places to create calmer, more peaceful environments around you, and help other people instantly feel better (even if they don't know why!).

“I tried the sharing grounding cord idea from the session, and some people did slow down and become less agitated.” ~ Jolie

“I tried sharing grounding with my husband; he got tired and upset while doing yard work, so I remembered to share the cord, and he immediately changed to his usual and joyful self.” ~ Dr. Umana

“No furlough!!”

"I've been passing out grounding cords. I gave one to my hospital yesterday morning. I was working over in another department making Covid-19 kits. I was scheduled to be on furlough this week so had found a job in the labor pool. Within an hour of grounding the hospital, I got recalled back to my regular job! No furlough!!"

~ Elizabeth

Group Healing Session #4: Beautiful + Bountiful Energy Boundaries

Date: 30th October 2020

Meta-Humans are sensitive souls who need effective ways to feel safe in the world AND fully express their desires and gifts. In this unique session, you'll be guided to simple, highly effective practices that literally change the way people treat you—instantly!

This is a huge boost to your manifesting abilities! Enjoy how the Universe and the physical world respond to your true Soul energy and desires, instead of conditioned, stuck energies in your fields that obscure your Soul's natural harmony with the spiritual realms and Earth plane.

Plus, Susan will be treating you to a full Energy Boundary Makeover!

This Energy Boundary repair process has been instantly effective for hundreds of people in Susan’s live workshops and individual sessions. You'll feel the results right away, and you'll be able to reinforce them whenever you wish with your bonus accompanying Energy Boundary Repair Guide.

Now you’ll be able to immediately restore integrity to your Boundaries when life knocks them a bit out of whack.

All sessions will be recorded for you to receive when best for you!

“My peacefulness quickly returned!”

“Oh wow…I feel so light!!! The space between me and my permission rose is giddy and happy. I have definitely had to make adjustments from my initial thought process of how to use the boundary techniques we learned, but I think I’m getting the hang of it and figuring it out. 

I got triggered by my husband, but then I activated a whole bunch of roses surrounding me and ‘poof’ the peacefulness returned. Taking on other people’s emotions and problems is something I have been mindful of for many years and this latest tool was the exact next step I needed at the right moment. It’s liberating and freeing"

~ Pam D.

“I no longer allow toxic people to violate my boundaries!”

"I listened to the wonderful call today regarding repairing damaged boundaries. They were so healing and balanced including the special techniques that were shared. 

This is so very important to me because so many toxic people have violated my boundaries for so long but no more! I agree that we no longer have to suffer. Thank you Susan for everything. You truly are a very kind and wise Earth Angel"

~ U.A., Illinois

“I am no longer hiding or care what other people think … the sadness has left!”

“I’ve been told, “There is a sadness seen in your eyes at times, and it makes you vulnerable to wrong love relationships.” Armed with this knowledge, I listened to the session on Boundaries. 

Afterwards, I found that I was actually standing taller and my back felt as if heavy chains had fallen off. Still hear the clinking as they hit the floor. 

The next day, I started using the techniques at work! When my coworker got to work, she sat down and I could feel her keep looking at me. I finally looked at her and she said "I don't know what you did but there's a mischievous sparkle in your eyes". I'm happy to see the sadness has left.  

She's right, I don't feel sad or incomplete or left out. I feel calm, relaxed, at peace. I've even stopped hiding behind sweaters. I carry some extra weight and have been working on releasing it. So I used to wear a sweater over everything using the excuse it's cold in the lab. That's usually true. BUT the last couple of days my body has felt hotter and I've been walking around in short sleeves, not hiding and not concerned about what anyone else thinks."

~ Elizabeth


Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Downloadable Guidebook

Value: $45

Decode your SoulPrint with this simple yet highly accurate and eye-opening quiz, then dive into the Special Report/Guidebook to discover the fascinating journey of your Soul—from Headquarters to the Earth zone and back out to your spiritual Home Realm.

You’ll understand yourself and the most important people in your life more deeply than you’d dreamed you could, and you’ll be ready to unlock your ascension into your most rewarding Earth experience possible when you join the Immersion Experience.


Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Value: $95

Join our exclusive private Unlocking Ascension community on Facebook to interact with Susan and your Meta-Human Soul Tribe

  • Find Souls from your same Realm, share insights, and get support for whatever is coming up on your 30-day journey.
  • Susan will be in the group daily to answer your questions, encourage you, and share special bonuses and Spirit downloads only available within the group

Available for a Limited Time Only

Get the FREE Bonus Audio Session: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego

This full-length (55-minute) audio session offers a radically compassionate, Spirit-guided approach to working with your human mind and ego. We are often trapped by the endless loop of negative thoughts, so much so that we don’t even realise that it’s happening most of the time. We have become so enslaved that we are no longer in charge of how we feel, what we think, or how we act! And what ends up happening is we keep repeating the negative patterns day after day, creating our own suffering…!

This EXCLUSIVE audio session is offered as a blessing from Susan Sinclair to make peace with your mind and ego so that they are faithful companions to your Soul--instead of irritations or even enemies! You’ll feel a sense of ease and peace about being human that you never knew before as you embrace these misunderstood, yet essential elements of your human system.

“I love being able to quiet my mind and accept what my ego is actually there for.”

“I’d always thought the soul was “out there” with God and not very approachable, and how did it have any impact on everyday life? Susan made the soul personal to me, and explained how it’s meant to guide me in my everyday life and how the mind is limited in what it understands so the soul needs to lead--and that was an extreme revelation to me! 

I love being able to quiet my mind and accept what my ego is actually there for. I now have something practical to take away and use in my life from this bonus session."

~ Thelma Fitzgerald

“What Susan explained about the ego resonated so well with me!”

"What Susan explained about the ego resonated so well with me! I teach meditation classes and students often ask me how to dissolve or release the ego. I’ve been trying to explain just what was shared here about why the ego is needed in embodied life. 

Susan described it so usefully and helpfully, in such an amazing way! It’s really going to help me explain this better to my own students."

~ Laurika B., Sweden

Package A

Total Package Value $1490

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

  • EVERYTHING in Package A
  • Private 90-minute Ascension Acceleration Session


90 Minute Ascension Acceleration Session

Value: $300

If you want to truly accelerate your ascension, beyond even Susan Sinclair’s REVOLUTIONARY new program, you have the extraordinary opportunity to claim a private, in-depth, one-on-one, 90-minute Ascension Accelerator Reading + Healing session with Susan. This offer is EXCLUSIVE to our FHTJ community!

As your Soul Advocate and Arbiter, Susan will clear even the most hidden and longstanding, binding agreements/energies that are impacting your life and your living space, and your Spirit Allies will literally change your future in the high vibrations of your Soul Records.

In this deep-dive experience, Susan will be your personal guide into your Akashic Records, to reveal and heal even the most ancient of soul wounds, clear interference from your home, and share direct downloads from your Spirit Allies about your personal concerns or questions.


This is some of the work Susan will be doing with you in this 90 minute, completely customized session:


  • Uncover what the 9th Age of Earth means for you personally, and why it feels so chaotic right now
  • Identify the exact type of Meta-Human Soul you are, and how can you use that as the superpower it truly is
  • Activate comprehensive clearing of many harmful contracts and energies that are blocking your Ascension
  • Feel in your own body the ease and peace from your highest Akashic energies being directly downloaded into your system--as they change your future for the better
  • Find out the secrets of your specific timelines right now--and literally fold, bend, or shift your pathways to cleanse your timeline of needless pain and suffering
  • Get personal Spirit-downloaded Guidance on your deepest, unanswered questions about career, relationships, or important decisions to create your best life from here

This can truly be your COMPLETE Soul Ascension support so you can navigate through these turbulent times!

“I’ve released things that were stuck for years!”

“Thank you so much for this Unlocking Ascension Group. It has helped me with my grounding and my boundaries. These are things that I sometimes struggle with. 

Also our one to one sessions were powerful and enlightening. It feels as if I've released so much from them. Things that were stuck for life times!"

~ Laurika Bretherton

“I manifested my #1 desire from our group sessions within a few weeks!”

"I am grateful beyond words for the guidance you share! I have already been able to manifest the desire I put forth in our group session a couple weeks ago and you have been a wonderful catalyst to help me move forward.

The desire I put forth during our group sessions was to quit my job and retire! We prepared our 100 year old home for sale, and our house sold very fast, that was when I knew we were on the right path.

Two weeks after I wrote down my intention to retire, while we were doing our group sessions, my boss finally asked if I was thinking of leaving. I had the courage to tell him YES!

It started a dialogue between us and I am now planning my exit. Just having the conversation has changed me - I'm already feeling more at peace and feel like I'm coming from a position of power and it's been such a positive experience!

Thanks to you, I found the ability to figure this situation out and I'm grateful! I want to work with you more!"

~ Jainene R.

“I finally completely surrendered to The Universe and now feel such a sense of relief!”

“After our group work and my private session with you, I made a Declaration to the Universe that I had asked and sought and knocked and now I’m done and the ball is in Your court! 

I felt a stillness and a quiet and a sense of relief. I heard a soft voice say, “Finally.” 

I went to bed, and today I feel at peace. I also feel like there are millions of tiny fingers rewiring all of my systems. I feel like my body is slightly vibrating and even my teeth tingle. Same as after our one-on-one session! 

And I’m even in process to legally change my name to align with my SoulPrint after our work together. So exciting!"

~ Elizabeth W.

“Susan is the world's best kept secret! I feel so much more alive, aware and grounded since working with her!”

"I was looking for guidance on how to get more in line with my Life Purpose, which has been going on for a few years now.

Susan helped clarify so many things for me. She also provided concrete, actionable steps and processes that allowed me to get closer to my goals.

I learned so much about Energetic boundaries and strategies for living a more comfortable life on Planet Earth. 

I felt shifts right away on the live call as well as afterwards as things shifted and cleared. Susan is so adept and knowledgeable that I was intrigued and gobsmacked right from the start. It was so much fun and so refreshing as well as educational. 

Now, I feel more alive and aware, plus more grounded, more able to understand others around me. I have also become more patient for one thing- so others have gotten a better version of me since Susan came on the scene.

I totally would recommend Susan. She is like a sweet Genie in a Bottle full of understanding and clarity- and very educated and fun too.

Susan is the world's best kept secret and she is coming to your town soon!"

~ Jolie in Florida

“After being stuck in a rut for several years, there is lots more love flowing between me and my husband!”

“I felt my husband and I were in a rut and not communicating in the most effective way. Rarely, did disagreements have much to do with the issue at hand for me, but more about the way in which he would respond. I became frustrated and hurt much of the time, which has been happening on and off for several years.

I always knew a big part of any issue was that I needed to change how I reacted to others– to protect myself from feeling as if I was punched in the gut. 

Susan’s beautiful way in which she described and guided through the boundaries, permission rose, grounding cord was the most helpful and useful tools to date for me. It took some practice to make sure my rose was ready for what may come but it majestically stands at attention, almost like a protective radar.

I am feeling much more peaceful and less tension. Definitely more balanced and aligned. I also feel better equipped to deal with stressful situations that would have normally rocked me to my core. Now those situations do not come near my core. 😉

I believe the energy/communication between my husband and I has greatly improved due to the energy work I did on myself with Susan’s guidance. There has been much more peace and a lot less reactions. Lots more love flowing.

Susan is a very gifted soul and has quite the ability to tune into people’s energies. She is also an incredible light being and has a gentleness that is comforting and easy to be around. 

Susan, I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gifts, your wisdom, your love with the group. Being in your presence feels as if all is right in the world. You are a special light and love being and I am forever grateful our paths have crossed. Many blessings to you always."

~ P. D. – Seattle, WA

“I am calmer, more confident and sleeping much better!”

"I have trauma from my extremely emotionally abusive mother for most of my life and have had bad luck constantly with people. 

From the very beginning Susan was very kind, compassionate, wise and had such a terrific sense of humor. I was waiting for my mother to be loving and kind always to me and other people as well until I felt truly happy but that did not happen as I hoped. Instead with the Akashic Records Clearing on the live group call I realized that I have the right to be free from any abusive or toxic energies at all times.  

Susan taught me that yes we can clear our past history no matter how many lifetimes anywhere and anywhen. Susan has a great sense of humor by saying anywhen. 

We can clear our Akashic Records which have our complete life history including all problems. This is like a Divine Library in Heaven. Wonderful! I learned that we can declare this clearing a few times a day. After this clearing I slept very peacefully that same night and woke up refreshed all day. People I did not know were friendly towards me when I was completing many errands instead of constantly seeing negative people. 

I appreciated all the beautifully balanced tools to honor, love and protect us. The Divine truly cares. I believed The Divine did not because of all the bad luck I had. I thank Susan for all these beautiful classes. I felt as if I was among a very kind and spiritually fun family. 

Now, I feel much calmer and much more confident in speaking my truth including the right to say no. I feel as if I can handle much more and even noticed that I do not even experience so many negative people as before.  

I absolutely would recommend Susan's work to others. Susan to me is like a Dear Earth Angel who teaches with such kindness, sincerity, love, compassion, kindness, etc. I can truly see the Divine working through her."

~ U.A.

Package B

Total Package Value $1790

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $227

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I can’t make the live Group Immersion sessions?

All the sessions will be recorded on Zoom, and the links to access/download the sessions will be emailed to you, as well as posted in the Facebook Group. You can tune in when it’s convenient for you! And Susan opens each session with a special meditation to include everyone’s energy in the session, whether you are listening live or to the replay. You may feel results even before you listen in to the recording!

Q. What if I’m not on Facebook?

All the information and bonus materials will also be sent via email (including session recording links), so you won’t miss anything essential from the Immersion experience. However, Susan does offer support and extra attention within the Facebook group (as well as fun posts and special Spirit downloads) that will benefit you. The Facebook group also offers the opportunity to interact with your fellow Meta-Humans more deeply and get day-to-day support for life’s challenges. Please do consider joining temporarily to receive all the Facebook group benefits!

Q. What commitment do I need to make to get the most from the sessions?

Beyond listening to the Zoom sessions and participating in our supportive Facebook group, the biggest requirement is a willingness to allow change in your awareness, choices, and actions. You will have all the tools, resources, and support you need, but you still need to accept that, if you truly want to be a Sovereign Soul, it is your personal responsibility to practice the energy processes and use the tools daily, and to bring questions to the group or to Susan when they arise.

Each session will release significant amounts of old, stuck energies in a very short amount of time, so it’s important that you eat well, stay hydrated, get outside and move your body (to literally move the energies!), and rest when necessary.

Q. When can I expect results?

Subtle energies move faster than light, so energy shifts can happen immediately. Depending on your sensitivity to energy, you may feel tingles, heat or cold, or other physical indications of energy moving. You may also feel lighter, happier, freer, or otherwise “better” during and right after the Group Immersion session.

Because our physical bodies and Earth itself are much denser energy, changes at those levels come more slowly. But when you set your intention to be open to change and to do your part in facilitating it, results are likely to be quicker.

Q. Do I need to repeat listening to the Group Immersion sessions to get faster results?

Because the Group Immersion sessions are quite powerful, it is best to let the energies finish integrating for several days before tuning in again. Each session is intended to release what is ready to go with greatest ease and efficiency at the time of the session, so you may benefit from repeating a process in a session (if you feel a prompt to do so) a few times within or even beyond the 30-day Immersion Experience. Like a good story, the energies hold layers and you may learn or receive something during a repeat that you didn’t notice the first time!

Q. What kinds of results can I expect?

You are a unique vibrational being, and your system will respond individually to the Clearing and healing energies in each Group Immersion session.

Generally, you can expect a bit of energy detox as you release the significant amounts of “debris” that have been held or stuck in your system after each Group Immersion session. Detox is basically a call from the body to slow down your activity so the body can clear the physical toxins. When you honor the body, detoxing naturally eases up considerably! And Susan will provide Aftercare Recommendations that will greatly support and ease any detoxing symptoms.

As you move through the sessions, you can expect improvements in your outlook, relationships, and opportunities. Intend and expect to find more humor in life, more natural joy in your everyday activities, and more certainty about who you are and what you need to do next on your journey to fulfill your Soul’s destiny here.

It’s best to not attach to very specific outcomes (a new job in 3 days, etc), as this actually constricts the energy flow of manifestation from the Universe. Stay open to the essence of what you desire (for example: prosperity—in expected and unexpected ways), and allow the Universe to find the path of greatest Flow and least resistance to bring in what you desire.

Finally, expect to be happily surprised by unexpected gifts from the Universe as the sessions progress!

“I recovered all the privileges I lost 6 years ago and I have not had a low day since I worked with Susan!”

“Approximately six years ago, my professional life changed from good to bad, my work broke, and my income decreased, and I fell into depression. Two years ago, I had a change that though it was positive it ended in the worst way possible. During this year, things have gotten worse. 

Susan’s processes were beyond any description and imagination, she is very knowledgeable, patient, and provides immediate results. 

Susan’s processes are unique because they are not the usual one-time healing that even though they work, they are not sustainable. Susan’s teaching modality promotes independence; she teaches each process and provides you with all the tools needed to maintain the momentum going. I have not had a low day since I began working with her because when I feel low energy creeping on, I use her techniques to recover immediately. 

The huge bonus was not only the processes guided by her but also the tools she provides us to maintain our balance. Susan is the first healer that provides us with the tools that allow us to keep ascending. Susan does not create dependency; she does not use language or connections that she can understand. She shares the knowledge so we can become the captain of our ascension. These tools have been the magic key to maintain my balance; I feel empowered by them. 

Each process delivered an immediate pleasant result, but the most crucial factor here is that I learned how to keep the result. 

Since working with Susan, I am valued again in my work; I recovered all the privileges I lost 6years ago. But above all, I feel a PERMANENT peace and assurance that all will be fine. 

I will recommend Sussan with all my heart to every person that is tired of quick unsustainable results. Susan’s processes are powerful, provide immediate results, and they are sustainable through time."

~ Dr. Umana

“I rekindled my faith and spirituality … it’s like I turned the lights back on in a dingy room!”

"I wasn’t very active in my spiritual life for some time, due to what I now call “the cult of survival” meaning my basic needs were barely met and for various other reasons I simply didn’t have the vision or energy.

Through the Soul Print quiz and just from downloading all the beautiful knowledge Susan shared I was able to see myself as a spiritual being again, and rekindle my faith that there IS a collective awakening happening!

I desperately needed to be surrounded by other spiritual beings as well, and I feel seen and appreciated as a result.

Susan really helped me communicate lovingly with myself in regards to honoring the logical mind and delving deeper anyway. I now have tools to talk to my logical mind and calm it.

The first minute of the first meeting I could hear the clarity of her energy in her voice, and knowing that I was in the right place was in itself a healing experience. It’s like I turned the lights back on in a dingy room. Suddenly I can see all the amazing and limitless possibilities in my own spiritual life. Other opportunities and groups have been flowing to me!

What a joyful and healing discovery!! I’m just so grateful!"

~ Molly Kendrick

“I feel lighter and less burdened by guilt from the past.”

“I felt overwhelmed by what is going on in the world at the moment and needed a safe place to explore my emotions and discover tools to help me cope.

Susan uses very practical tools. She explains everything clearly and I know exactly what I am aiming for and the possible outcome. No unpleasant surprises, just a feeling of I am in control. I now feel more grounded by using the grounding cord and I am setting boundaries regularly by using the boundary rose.

I didn’t expect to release some old stuff that I didn’t even know was there. I feel lighter and less burdened by guilt from the past. I also feel part of a community, something that I never thought was for me. I am generally a lone wolf, and this was a pleasant surprise.

As she guided us through the methods and exercises, I immediately felt things shift for me.

I definitely feel more in control. I feel able to handle what comes my way because I have the power to say no, this is not for me. I can do that. So, I’d say I am a lot more empowered.

Susan’s approach is relaxed and not authoritarian. She puts tricky concepts such as ego and boundaries into easily understandable language. She has a gift to see or sense solutions to your problems clearly.

She also ensures that her clients don’t feel forced to follow what she says, but rather make up their own minds as to how to proceed. I didn’t feel rushed into something or coerced. It is on my terms. However, Susan doesn’t allow you to be lazy or hide either. That balance is a very special gift for a teacher to have."

~ Laurika Bretherton

“After only one session with Susan I had clarity on how to proceed forward.”

"After only one session with Susan I had clarity on how to proceed forward. She is an incredible healer.

Knowing what my life purpose is, is a constant inquisitive journey for me. Therefore consulting with someone who is clairvoyant helps me realign myself to my highest Self and it helps me to make more informed life choices regarding my career, family and health.

Susan cleared my energy body and helped me to cut cords from previous teachers and organizations I was involved in.

Susan helped me when Covid started to up my immunity by downloading antivirus software. I felt instantly better. I’m deeply grateful for the work Susan has done for me.

I am healthier and happier and Susan taught me techniques that are very beneficial to my health and wellbeing so I can work on it continuously."

~ Amanda Christina




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Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $1490

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego


Discount : 89%

Total Package Value $1790

From Heartache to Joy


Unlocking Ascension Group Immersion Experience (Recorded)

Discover Your SoulPrint Quiz & Special Report

Unlocking Ascension Private Facebook Group

Limited Time Bonus: Making Peace with Your Mind and Ego

55-Minute VIP Ascension Acceleration Session

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Package A: No refund after the first Group Immersion Session (October 9).
Package B: No refund after first Group Immersion Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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