Supports You In Having Breakthroughs in Desired Areas . . . Plus More!

Would You Like to Have Breakthroughs in Any of the Following Areas?
- Physical Health
- Mental Health
- Emotional Health
- Spiritual Health
- Dental Health
- Eye Health and Vision
- Cranial Sacral Health
- Relationships With Others
- Relationship With Self
- A Sense of Community
- Money
- Investments
- Manifesting
- Job/Career or Your Own Business (if applicable)
- Success in any area
- A Place to Live That You Love
- Commitment
- Sex
- Creativity
- Compassion
- Weight
- Fitness
- Exercise and Movement
- Fun
- Sleep
- Energy
- Romance
- Initiative
- Forward Momentum
- Intuition/Knowing
- Decision Making
- Productivity/Efficiency
- Connection to the Divine
- Certain Abilities
- Communicating Well (verbal and/or written)
- Hypersensitivity
- Any other area(s)_______________ If you want to have a b
If you want to have a breakthrough in 1 or more of the above or other areas, read below to learn about how this new program Stacey Mayo created can help you.

Breakthrough Defined:
For purposes of this program, the definition of a breakthrough is:
- Overcoming something and having an achievement or success;
- An act or instance of moving through or beyond an obstacle;
- A sudden advance in health on any level (including financial, relationship, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health)
- A sudden advance in knowledge, technique and/or abilities.
- It could also be a person’s first notable success in a particular area.
A breakthrough in health could be an abatement (ending, reduction or lessening) of chronic symptoms in a specific area.
A breakthrough in investments could be your luck with investments turns around.
A breakthrough in manifesting relationships could be you start attracting healthy people into your life that are a vibrational match.
A breakthrough in spiritual health could be a stronger connection to your divine self and more peace with your life or in your mind.
A breakthrough in emotional health could be you are less reactive and calmer in challenging situations.
A breakthrough in mental health could be your are sharper and act more intelligently.
A breakthrough in success could be you achieve a certain goal for the first time.
A breakthrough in knowledge could be you discover a new invention, method, product or service that is needed.
A breakthrough in moving through or beyond an obstacle could look like obstacles not deterring you from moving forward.
A breakthrough in overcoming something could look like finally having a place to live that you like after a long period of not having this.
A breakthrough for your pet(s) could look like your pets are suddenly smarter, more intuitive, more well-behaved, less reactive and or healthier.
The above are just examples. Breakthroughs in the above areas could look different for you and/or others.
If you don’t know what it would look like to have a breakthrough in a certain area. Source will scan your system for what is in resonance with you and support you in having that.
You may intend to have certain breakthroughs and find other ones happen. It is best to let go of what the breakthroughs HAVE TO LOOK LIKE. This causes too much tension in your system.
What Makes This Program Different?
- It will assist you in having breakthroughs in areas where you have not had a significant shift or breakthrough previously or in a long time.
- It is exponentially faster than any other healing method in the world including others previously created by Stacey.
- It heals the whole cell, including the ego and non-ego part of each cell. Stacey’s healing programs are the only ones that currently do this.
- It sends healing to you 24/7 for Life (this lifetime). Source scans and sends the healing 24/7 via remote healing and will do this for your entire lifetime even if Stacey transitions before you or someone else you purchase this program for.
- It’s safe for people and animals of all ages including pregnant moms, fetuses, infants and the elderly.
- It’s Epic!
Will This Program Help Me If I Am Receiving Other Healing For Similar Issues That I Want a Breakthrough In and/or Other Issues?
Yes! It will amplify and work with any healing you are currently doing in this area to improve the results you are getting hugely.
“I Had 2 Breakthroughs Within Hours of Registering For This Program!”
“I had 2 obvious breakthroughs within hours of signing up for this program!!”
~ Diane Linn
“Working With Me as a Proxy For My Husband Stacey Saved His Life!”
“Stacey is the best healer I have ever come across. I requested her help after my husband was hospitalized due to a neck vertebra fracture which led to several very serious life threatening crises. Stacey responded very fast and working with me as a proxy for my husband she saved his life. He is recovering at home now and has benefited tremendously from Stacey's unique way of energy healing. Her wisdom,compassion and high connection to the Source have made a huge impact on many of my husband's chronic health issues as well. I have received an unexpected bonus too: my own health has improved a lot. My husband and I feel very blessed and grateful for the privilege of receiving Stacey's healing gift. I would recommend Stacey's private sessions and courses to all who need genuine solutions to problems on every level of their being.”
~ N.C., Sweden
“My Cataracts Healed Hugely During 1 Session and Are Less Than They've Ever Been!”
“My cataracts are less than they’ve ever been. I am excited as I may not need lens replacement surgery after all. My short term and mid-term vision improved on call.”
~ Kerry C..
“I Broke Through Stagnation!”
“I finally worked on my website, my son is speaking to me, I applied for a job and am no longer just sitting around.”
~ Fred B.
“My Neck is Freed Up!”
“My neck is free ! My emotions are freed up too.
My left shoulder is better and my feet feel more like mine”
~ Darcy C.
*Select Your Desired Package Below*
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Option A
Discount: 58%
Total Package Value $497
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
Option B
Total Package Value $797
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
30 Min Private Healing Session With Stacey
Option C
Discount: 3%
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
6 x 30 Min Private Healing Sessions With Stacey

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued customers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. You have 30 days from the day of purchase or the date of the first live class whichever comes first to request a refund. We can only offer a refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If you purchase a personal session with Stacey, the guarantee will be voided if a session has been scheduled or availed. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
These are sent via Source and is custom for each person and animal in the program.
New Breakthrough Healing Modality!

You will be sent this new modality 24/7 for life to assist you in having breakthroughs in areas desired over time.
This high level modality does the following exponentially faster:
- Transforms all toxins and toxic matter found in your system
- Transforms millions of beliefs in ways that are in your highest and best
- Heals fears that are not warranted
- Heals your DNA
- Heals your whole cells
- Heals sensitivities, allergies, intolerances
- Heals your body including structure, all organs and systems (including muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, skin, hair, nails and everything in the body)
- Opens up desired abilities
- Includes healing for all mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, behavioral, relationship, financial and any kind of challenges.
- Supports you in having breakthroughs in success
- Supports you in having breakthroughs in every area desired plus more.
Please note some breakthroughs will happen faster than others. If an area has been chronic for a long time, it still may take more time than other areas before a breakthrough is noticed.
This healing will be custom for you in any given moment and sent by Source. Source will scan your system 24/7 to determine what you need. This will not overprocess you or cause you any problems. The energies are so subtle, you won’t even feel them.
New “Breakthrough Programming” Modality!
This brand new Breakthrough Programming modality will program your cells at new levels. This programming will be done by Source 24/7 for life to support your cells in being healthier and align you with being able to have more breakthroughs sooner.
It will also help you release abusive programming faster.
NOTE: If you have Stacey’s Counter Programming, this new modality will program your cells at higher levels, allowing you to heal faster. The 2 programming modalities work very well together and combined heal you even faster than either by itself.
Will This Program Help Me If I Am Receiving Other Healing For Similar Issues That I Want a Breakthrough In and/or Other Issues?
Yes! It will amplify and work with any healing you are currently doing in this area to improve the results you are getting hugely.
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
These new activations will open you up to align with and have breakthroughs in desired areas plus other areas hugely faster. They will be sent to you 24/7 for life via Source. They will never over-process you, cause harsh detox or side effects or any problems even if you are very sensitive.
Upleveled Safety Activation and Alignment!
Many things can get triggered in one’s system without warning. This can include:
- Accidents
- Tripping
- Speeding
- Doing Reckless Things
- Mind Wandering While Driving
- Drinking and Driving
- Acting Crazy
- Attracting Crazy People or Animals
- Acting Abusive
- Attracting Abusive/Unhealthy People and Animals
- Sudden Health Issues
- and more
This new Safety Activation will scan your system for programming that can cause any of the above and more and heal it as found. It works hugely faster and is more effective than previous Safety Activations.
DISCLAIMER: Please note, we cannot guarantee your safety as hidden abusive programming can get triggered at any time. You are responsible for your own choices and behavior.
Self-Soothing Activation!
Your will find yourself drawn to do things that soothe you mind, body and soul.
This will help you enjoy your life more, relax and receive energy healing better.
The things you are drawn to do will be via a silent knowing and what is in your highest and best.
Source will scan your system 24/7 for life to find what is in high resonance with you and easy to do.
The things you are drawn to will vary over time.
Financial Success Activation!

This activation will clear blocks in the way of your financial success and align you with having financial breakthroughs and the financial success you desire faster. This will be done 24/7 for life via Source by remote healing.
You will have a better knowing of what actions to take and when regarding investments and financial decisions.
It will clear blocks in the ways of great financial success in your career (if applicable).
Three Online Classes!
These online classes are specifically designed to help you heal exponentially faster than with the distance healing from this program alone whether you are able to attend live or not.
The energy from these classes will be sent to all registrants even if they do NOT attend the classes or know they are in this program. They will benefit similarly to people who attend the classes.
These 3 Online Healing Classes:
- Provide information about what is needed for you to have the relationships you desire.
- Provide answers to your questions (anonymity is available if desired).
- Helps You in Having a Breakthrough in areas desired.
- Helps heal everything unwell significantly faster.
- Helps heal all health, relationship, money, spiritual, emotional, mental, behavioral and other issues significantly faster.
- Opens you up to find hidden issues significantly faster.
- Provides support for what is desired while the deeper issues heal.
- Complements and adds to the effectiveness and speed of any other healing work you are doing.
The classes can be attended by phone, webcast or webcall from anywhere in the world
These classes will be recorded in case you cannot attend live. They can be downloaded as MP3 files and kept for life.
Registrants of this program will receive emails when we have the dates and times for the classes scheduled and the dates will be posted on your resource page when available.
NOTE: We scan all registrants to determine the dates and times that will work for the most people before scheduling these classes.
Will This Program Help Me If I Am Receiving Other Healing For Similar Issues That I Want a Breakthrough In and/or Other Issues?
Yes! It will amplify and work with any healing you are currently doing in this area to improve the results you are getting hugely.
Here’s What People Are Saying About Stacey’s Group Healing Classes
“The Information in Stacey's Classes is Incredible/Amazing!”
“The information in your classes these past few months has been incredible/amazing (don't know the best word to use) and I felt very deeply affected by it, so thank you.”
~ Mona-Lisa
“I Find Listening To Your Classes Very Helpful!”
“I would like to say the info you give has been very helpful. I had never heard of the theory before that programming could make people hear voices or even repetitive messages.
This happened to me for quite awhile and I always thought it was some entity saying that. Doing clearing for entities never stopped the voice.
Hearing the explanation about why some things take a lot of time to heal was very helpful too.
I find listening to your classes very helpful!”
~ Keri B
“My Brain Was Rewired in the Group Healing Session!”
“Last session was very powerful! 🙂 A shift in my thinking process about the pain and symptoms occurred. It feels as if the brain was rewired (and it was). Pains and hot flashes definitely diminished. With love and gratitude!”
“I Missed the Live Calls and Still Released a Lot!”
“Hi Stacy I missed two of the live calls in a row, however both calls was still very powerful for me and I released a lot released a lot.”
You will receive upleveled energetic nutrition and supplements that are right for you. This includes upleveled vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals and everything a body needs for nutrition, a strong immune system and well being.
This is custom for each person and sent 24/7 via Source for life. It is NOT necessary to energize your water or food or listen to audios with this method.
100% of people and animals receive this energetic nutrition from Source via distance healing well. If you sense you are not getting something you need, please consult a doctor.
It is possible to get triggered and not receive certain nutrients for a period of time. Typically this heals fast and nothing else is needed.
You will be sent the energy of whatever treatments are in your highest and best to support you in having breakthroughs in areas desired plus more. Source scans the world to find the best treatments for you, clears your blocks in the way of receiving them and aligns you with them before sending to you so there will be no side effects.
Examples could include any of the following or others: ONLY IF THEY ARE RIGHT FOR YOU FROM SOURCE’S KNOWING:
Homeopathics, acupuncture, essential oils, CBD oil, anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, thyroid medication, treatments to balance your blood pressure, healthy heart treatments, anti-coagulation treatments, healthy blood treatments, bone strengthening treatments, eye supplements, gum treatments, money treatments, epic breakthrough treatments, healthy hair and hair growth treatments, healthy nail treatments, natural antibiotics for different strains, natural anti-fungal treatments for different strains, parasitic energy treatments, anti-viral treatments for different strains including Covid-19, worm and tick treatments, nerve treatments, treatments for specific symptoms/diseases, brain and memory treatments, lung and respiratory treatments, the best possible treatments for all health issues and all other issues.
*** How This Program Works ***
- Registrants are scanned 24/7 for conscious, subconscious and hidden issues, blocks and toxins in your whole system including your DNA. This is done via Source and starts as soon as you register.
- The upleveled healing, alignments, nutrition and treatments are sent 24/7 for life and starts as soon as you register and continues though the last group healing session.
- The group healing sessions be held by phone, webcall and webcast will be every week for 3 weeks. The dates and times will are posted on your Resource page when scheduled.
- The group healing sessions are recorded. If you cannot attend live, you can send your questions ahead of time and they will be answered in the recorded sessions. You will receive similar benefit as attending live.
- If you purchase for someone or a pet who will NOT attend live or listen to the recordings, they will receive the energy from the group sessions via remote healing and will receive full benefit of the program. They do NOT have to know they are in the program to receive full the energies from this program.
- All of the energies are custom for each person/pet. They will never over-process you even if you are sensitive or doing a lot of other healing work and will not conflict with anything else you are doing. If you are doing a lot of other energy work, you will still receive full benefit of this program without being over-processed.
*If you purchase for another and not yourself and listen to it yourself, you will NOT get custom healing for yourself. The energies will only be sent to the person who purchased it.We customize the energies sent with all my recordings and replays for the people who purchased it each time they listen.
Here’s What People Are Saying About Stacey’s “Breakthrough Healing“!
“I Have Not Craved Sugar For Weeks!”
“For first time in ages did not crave sugar, I wasn’t drawn to it and it had little appeal which is amazing. My blood sugar levels went down and are essentially normal.
I have not craved sugar for weeks!”
~ Lynda R.
“Money Comes Easily to Me!”
“Making lots of money is easier than it’s ever been. It keeps flowing- sometimes from expected places and sometimes from unexpected places.”
~ Tricia S.
“My Job Contract Got Renewed Even Though I am Retirement Age!”
“My contract with the company I work for got renewed unexpectedly with no decrease in salary. This was a surprise as I am over the mandatory retirement age.”
~ Paul C.
“My Right Shoulder Has 50% More Mobility and I Aligned With Being a Healer!”
“Right shoulder has 50% improved mobility, much less compression, nipple Health is improved, aligned with doing healing and medical intuitive work, charging for it and marketing services at a 10. Was a 1 when started session.”
~ Nancy F.
“My Dog is More Intuitive and Therefore Safer!”
“My dog seems to know when to get out of the street – when a car is going to turn or keep coming. It is quite amazing to watch.”
~ Brenda Y.
“I Had the Best Days in My Life as Far as My Health Goes!”
“I had the best days in life as far as my health goes. I have had autoimmune disease my whole life.”
~ Myrna D.
“I Am Now Able to Function and Live a Normal Life Again!”
“I was suicidal due to constant intense stomach pain and nausea for a very long time. Thanks to your healing, the nausea and stomach pain have pretty much been gone for a while now and I am able to function and live a normal life again.
Thank you.”
~ Sharon S.
“My Relationship With My Husband is Better Due to Our Improved Knowing!”
“My husband and I both have a higher level knowing from this program. We know when interference is coming out the other’s mouth and we do things for each other that we know will help the other without needing to discuss them.
It has us feel much closer to one another without needing to express it.”
~ Frieda B.
“My Pneumonia Healed Amazingly Fast!”
“I had pneumonia show up as a complication after surgery. My pneumonia is now gone. It healed amazingly fast. Thanks so much.”
~ Fred H.
“The Excruciating Pain Lifted in a Matter of Only Minutes!”
“What you sent for my shingles, literally in a matter of only minutes, totally changed the situation from excruciating and debilitating pain that would have required hospitalization had I not got this from you. Even the opioids did not touch the pain but what you sent changed it 360 degrees!
Thank you Stacey, and bless you! I’m so grateful for what you sent. It was and is a complete total MIRACLE!!”
~ Cara
“My Fingernails are Growing Rather Than Peeling/Splitting!”
“My fingernails are growing rather than peeling/splitting. This is a breakthrough. They have been peeling and splitting for years.”
~ Sally F.
“My Neighbors Actually Said Hi!”
“I was thrilled that 2 of my neighbors who never look up or speak to us took the initiative to say “Hi” to my wife and I when we were outside.”
~ Larry K.
“I Have Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia and Am Now Walking 45 Minutes at a Time!”
“Have had chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia for years. My immune system is much improved. I have had some better days than in long time, can walk further, not as much fatigue or pain, not consistent.
I was walking 20 minutes when we started and now walking 45 minutes.”
~ Gary B.
“My Relationships With Friends Improved Even Without Seeing Them!”
“I feel closer to 2 of my girlfriends than prior to the pandemic. One spontaneously texted me and told me she missed me. This was totally out of character for our relationship and felt great.”
~ Deena H.
“I Was Able to Record a Lot of Channeled Audios Without Errors!”
“I had blocks to being able to record channeled audios without interference coming through and making them inaccurate. As a result of your healing I was able to get all of them done accurately and quickly”
~ Melinda T.
“I Sold My First Commissioned Artwork!”
“I offered commision artwork in the past and no one indicated an interest. Recently I sold several commissions for my asking price and am really enjoying doing this art.”
~ Karina F.
“I Am Moving Through Glitches With Ease and Business is Better Than Ever!”
“I am moving thru glitches that show up in my business with ease. Sales are great despite the glitches.”
~ Wendy F.
“My Husband Keeps Coming Up With Brilliant Solutions to Big Challenges!”
“My husband keeps coming up with brilliant solutions to things that we never thought of before and I don’t think many people would think of these solutions either. I keep telling him ‘your genius is showing’.”
~ Ginger K.
Stacey tested this program on 100 people over 90 days via Source. Of these 100 people, 100% had a breakthrough* in at least 1 area.
Stacey also tested this program on 100 animals over 90 days via Source. Of these 100 animals, 100% had a breakthrough* in at least 1 area.
Among these 200 people and animals, 20% has 2 huge breakthroughs in 90 days. By huge breakthrough I mean, something great they had not experienced in their entire life.
One Private Breakthrough Healing Session:
Of the 10 people who had with Stacey, 100% had a breakthrough during the session AND they had several breakthroughs over the next 90 days.
Six Private Breakthrough Sessions For Individual and Their Entire Family
Of the 10 people who had a series of sessions with Stacey for themselves and their entire family, all ten people and their entire family had at least 1 huge breakthrough and several other breakthroughs during the session. PLUS they each had a number of breakthroughs the week after their session.
* See definition of breakthrough near the top of this page.
This entire healing program will help you heal exponentially faster than the current programs you are on. It will work with them to help you heal immeasurably faster than the programs currently heal you by themselves.
This program heals everything tremendously faster than the full power of Grace Healing with the Master Level Healers modality upleveled to its highest capability, Counter Programming, Re-Emergence, Weight Attainment, Youthening, Regenerate, Epic Relationships, Gene Replacement, Dental, Eye/Vision, Hearing, Treatment Healing Bonus with Medical Intuitive Training, and all of these healing programs combined.
People have asked . . .
Q. Why do I need to heal faster than currently and if I heal this fast, shouldn’t it all be done?
There is a lot more that needs to be found and healed than one might think.
There are a tremendous amount of systems of programming, triggers and blocks plus more from ancestral, past life and sometimes current life abuse that need to be found and healed.
Q. Why are issues hidden?
The cause of all relationship and other challenges is hidden abusive programming. This is in everyone’s DNA and sometimes in other parts of their systems. Abusers install this negative programming during times of sexual and harsh physical abuse each time they abuse a person or animal and sometimes they send it to their victims 24/7. It is never supposed to be found. The programming is often found in cells that vibrate as normal. It is complex and programmed to change/morph constantly.
We are able to find all hidden abusive programming over time. With this new healing program, we can find and heal it exponentially faster than with any of Stacey’s other programs or any energy healing program in the world.
How do I receive healing for life if I live longer than Stacey?
Source scans participants in this program and sends them the custom, proprietary healing energies, alignments, activations, vaccine, nutrition and treatments they need.
Option A: Breakthrough Healing Program
Total Package Value $497
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $207
Add additional family members and pets for Package A for 1/2 price each at checkout
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
This Package Includes:
- Everything in A Plus
- Private Healing Session With Stacey
Private Healing Session With Stacey
This includes everything above plus a private 30 minute healing session with Stacey. People who do these private healing sessions with Stacey typically heal exponentially faster during these sessions than with the Breakthrough healing program by itself and all other distance healing programs you may be on.
You can do this session for yourself or as a proxy for someone else with money issues. If you do it as a proxy, both of you will exponentially faster during this session. It’s like a 2 for 1.
“My Health is Good After Just 1 Session!”
“I have been more productive and my health is good. This is a breakthrough after just 1 session. I thought it would take a lot longer as I’ve been in poor health for quite a while.
My lipid issue is healing well without medication. Thank you.”
~ Donna V.
“UTI is Gone and Much Less Fatigued!”
“My UTI was painful, persistent and annoying. It was virtually gone by end of our session.
My energy is also a lot better. I had been very fatigued for a long time.”
~ Priscilla D.
“UTI is Gone and Much Less Fatigued!”
“My UTI was painful, persistent and annoying. It was virtually gone by end of our session.
My energy is also a lot better. I had been very fatigued for a long time.”
~ Priscilla D.
“Cancer For My Brother Went from Stage 4 to Stage 2 in Today’s Session”
“I did a proxy session for my brother who has stage 4 cancer. His cancer went to stage 2 in this 30 minute session and my health improved a great deal as well.
I truly appreciate you. Your work is remarkable.”
~ Lisa A.
“I Was Able to Work a Full Day Instead of Going Back to Bed!”
“I wanted to let you know how much better I felt after our appointment yesterday. Before our call, I had planned to cancel a couple of work appointments and go to bed. However, I felt so much better after your healing work that I was able to work a full day and accomplish what I needed to do. My mood was greatly improved as well. There was such a big shift yesterday that I didn’t want to wait to tell you! Thank you!”
~ Henry D.
“My Advanced Metastatic Sarcoma Cancer Went from Stage 3 to Stage 2 During Session!”
“My cancer was stage 3 when I started call and went to stage 2 quickly. Since that call, it held at stage 2. My overall health is better and my chi flow is better too.”
~ Alice H.
“I Am Now Aligned With Being a Healer!”
“When I started the call, I didn’t believe I could be a healer. Tons healed during our session and my alignment with being a healer went from 0 to 10!
I am very excited. Thank you!”
~ Lori C.
“Your Transforming My Breast Implants Saved Me $20,000!”
“Thank you so much for transforming my breast implants into natural breast tissue. You saved me $20,000 and it was painless and effortless.”
~ Debra Y.
“My Health Went to an 8 For the First Time Ever in This Life!”
“My Health Went to an 8 For the First Time Ever in This Life!”
~ Robert J.
“The Fever I Had For 3 Weeks is Gone!”
“I had a high fever for 3 weeks and a cough. My doctor could not help me. By end of our session, my breathing was a lot better, and my fever was gone. I feel much better, have more energy and am lighter.”
~ Ingrid S.
“My Husband No Longer Abuses Me and My Back Stopped Hurting!”
“I haven’t needed medication for my achy back for 2 weeks now. It no longer hurts.I laugh instead of being resentful towards my abusive husband. He has stopped abusing me which is a miracle!I tell him “I’m no longer yours to abuse” when he acts up.”
~ Alissa J.
“The Things Stacey Said During My Session Hit the Nail on the Head and Really Helped Me!”
“I was feeling very discouraged – like there is no end to all the symptoms and problems. I was actually depressed. By the end of the session I felt lighter, my depression had lifted and I had hope. I even found myself laughing.
The things Stacey said really hit the nail on the head of what’s been going on with me. Hearing these things was very helpful”
~ Frank D.
Option B: Everything Above Plus Private Healing Session With Stacey
Total Package Value $797
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $697
Add additional family members and pets for Package A for 1/2 price each at checkout
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
This Package Includes:
- Everything in A Plus
- 6 Private Healing Sessions With Stacey Special Faster Healing Modality Priority Scheduling!
6 Private Healing Sessions With Stacey For Yourself and as Proxy for Your Whole Family Special Faster Healing Modality Priority Scheduling!
Includes lifetime healing for you and 6 private sessions with you during which you will be made proxy for you entire family.
You and your entire family will heal immeasurably faster than if each person had private sessions with me.
The benefits are cumulative over the 6 sessions. This is especially great for those with chronic issues of any kind.
Stacey utilizes NEW faster healing methods during and in between these sessions
ENTIRE FAMILY includes parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandparents grandchildren, great grandparents, great grandchildren, great nieces and nephews, step-relatives and spouses of your entire family.
The amount of time suggested between these sessions to get the fastest and best results is approx 1 week. If you or Stacey person cannot do it in this timeframe, the next soonest time available to both people will be scheduled.
You will receive priority scheduling with Stacey which is important as her schedule fills quickly.
“Doctors Were Amazed at How Fast I Got Out of the Hospital!”
“I had a bad accident and a mini-stroke. They rushed me to the hospital as I was doing poorly in many ways and in huge pain.
My wife did proxy sessions with you for me while I was in the hospital and I got better amazingly fast.”
~ Paul B.
“Our Immunity to Cancer is a 10!”
“Over the course of our session, my immunity to cancer went from a 4 –> 10 and so did my partner’s. The cancer and pre-cancer have been gone for a while due to your healing and now we are much less likely to get it in the future.”
~ Gina S.
“My Scoliosis is Completely Healed!”
“My scoliosis that I’ve had since childhood is completely healed. I am in my 60’s now.
I cried some for first time ever. I was not allowed to cry as a child due to my abusive father. My health has improved greatly in all ways.”
~ Olivia T.
“For The First Time, I Can Breathe Thru Blocked Side of My Nose!”
“I woke up depressed and my depression lifted during our call.
I had a deep infection in my respiratory system and ears. The congestion in my chest and ears were a lot clearer by end of session
For the first time, I can breathe through the blocked side of my nose. This is a huge breakthrough as it has been a chronic issue”
~ Mark A.
“Physical Health Went Up 3 Points for Each of Us!”
“Physical health went up 3 points for each of us. This is a breakthrough. My blood pressure normalized – this was very high at start of our session. This is the most sessions I’ve had with any one healer. What you offer is very special and we always feel better as a result and are calmer too. We have noticed a lot of sustainable shifts over the course of working with you.”
~ Gerry N.
“I Can Do All the Things I Used to Be Able to Do!”
“These sessions have been extraordinary! I progressed hugely from the first session when my core strength and lung health were a 1.
Sending me the energetic meds for healing the myelin sheath helped a lot to strengthen me.
My core strength is now an 8 and I can do all the things I used to be able to do.
Much love to you.”
~ Jenni S.
“My Whole Family’s Mental & Emotional Health Went Up 4 Points in 1 Session!”
“When you healed my whole family’s health at once, I healed tons faster!
Emotional and mental health went up 4 points for whole family. Physical health improved 2 points for each of us.
It was amazing! Thank you.”
~ Kristin W
“My Dad’s Stage 4 Cancer is Gone!”
“As a result of doing proxy sessions with you for my dad along with along with traditional treatments, his cancer is now gone! Also due to your healing, he was able to receive the chemo from the doctors without side effects which was a huge blessing. When you started healing our entire family together, it cleared much faster. Thanks so much!”
~ Rachel W.
“My Alignment With My Spiritual Work Went From 0 t0 10 and My Joy Level is Way Up!”
“I was not able to move forward with my spiritual work as things kept coming up to get in the way. In my work with you, my alignment with my spiritual work went from a 0 -> 10. I am consistently moving forward now and have created a new website and a healing audio. My physical, mental and emotional health is also tons better. I am also joyful much of the time. This had been a missing in my life.”
~ Rosemary
Option C: Includes Everything in Package A PLUS 6 Private Healing Sessions With Stacey For Yourself and As Proxy for Your Whole Family
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $3100
Add additional family members and pets for Package A for 1/2 price each at checkout
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Stacey Mayo is the creator of The Sentelligent Solution™ and the following healing programs: Youthening, Ideal Weight Attainment, Eye Health Healing Transmissions, Regenerate and Grace Healing Modalities plus many more healing modalities. She founded the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 and has been in business for over 24 years. She has supported thousands of people in getting healthier and living out their dreams. She is a successful Master Level Medical Intuitive and Healer and teaches others to become accurate and successful certified Medical Intuitives and Healers.
She is an award-winning author, appeared on the CBS evening news segment, Confident Women and is a popular speaker. She has appeared in Forbes, Newsday, the Wall St. Journal, Atlanta Sports & Fitness, Atlanta Woman and Woman’s Day. She is a former Medical Intuitive columnist for the Sedona Journal. She has been featured a number of times in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, including the piece, ‘Midlife,’ which engages people in considering how they can stop deferring their dreams.
*Select Your Desired Package Below*
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Option A
Discount: 58%
Total Package Value $497
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
Option B
Total Package Value $797
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
30 Min Private Healing Session With Stacey
Option C
Discount: 3%
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Three New Breakthrough Activations and Alignments!
Three Online Classes!
6 x 30 Min Private Healing Sessions With Stacey

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued customers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. You have 30 days from the day of purchase or the date of the first live class whichever comes first to request a refund. We can only offer a refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If you purchase a personal session with Stacey, the guarantee will be voided if a session has been scheduled or availed. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if a session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.