Allergies, Sinus Issues, Breathlessness, Coughing, Nasal Drip & More...GONE!

In these challenging times that we are living through, many are experiencing breathing issues.

Some people have these issues left over from contracting covid in this time and some are also experiencing seasonal allergies, breathlessness, laboured breathing, sinus issues and more from the shedding which we know is the stealthy respiratory disruptor.

These are just two quotes based on scientific results which are now coming to light in our topsy turvy world.

…..We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness….

- Research- Nature Medicine

Our findings show that viral shedding remains elevated in severe COVID-19 cases in the first weeks and may persist over longer durations……

- Published in European Respiratory Journal

This package was created because of the many clients who were experiencing the following from the first quarter of 2020 and Virginia noticed almost every client who came to her had these issues and it still continues:

Say GOOD-BYE to Breathing Issues Once and For All!

The post covid symptoms have almost gone, only return if I overdo work and exercise. Dizziness and brain fog down to a level 1 or 2 most days. Throat tightness down to a 2. Breathing easier on hills or fast work. Sinuses are CLEAR!” ~ Deborah Mantle

“During the group sessions my lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0 and I feel lighter and easy to breath now.” ~ Rose Delic

I went from 10-to 1 for sinus headache, sinus pressure, watering eyes, and sneezing.I was able to completely stop taking any over-the-counter medications.” ~ Marjorie

My cough was a 9 before and is now a 2. Trachea was 8, now 0. Sinuses, right nostril was blocked and was a 2, now 0. Lungs are clear, my throat was a 2, now 0. Virginia even checked our brain stem and brain and frontal cortex. All good and clear for me!” ~ Deborah

My sinuses are much better than when we started: moving from an 8 or 9 to about a 3 at this time. My right ear felt so much better by the end of class, from about an 8 to a 2” ~ Karen

I noticed better breathing, no nose drips or behind the nose drip, no difficulty in breathing a full breath without coughing or tiring. I have also not had any dizzy spells since beginning the sessions with Virginia.” ~ Margi

Sinuses, throat, trachea, lungs, tongue, ears, etc. were cleared from 8 or 9 to 2 or less during the group sessions. I enjoyed the group sessions and Virginia's very thorough approach to healing.” ~ Jim

“OMG!!! I was able to breathe through my nose while sleeping!!! Seriously Virginia - I haven't done that in years. I'm assuming that is because of the alignment you did. Thank you!!!!” ~ Gertrude M

Baby Owen’s respiratory has cleared, the pain seems to have subsided and he is eating much more comfortably...So Forever Grateful” ~ Anne


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Discount : 94%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$177



4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing




Discount : 95%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache To Joy
Special Offer: $247


4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing



60 Minute RECORDED Group SESSION  - Respiratory Tract Infections

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Package A: No refund after remote healing takes place.
Package B: No refund after remote healing takes place or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Meet Virginia Rounds Griffiths, Featured in the Ground Breaking Docu-Series, Exploring Energy the Ultimate Healer

Light Energy Alchemist, Medical Intuitive, Past, Present & Future Life Practitioner & Trainer

Einstein told us everything is energy and we understand that the Zero Point Field has Infinite Possibilities - this is the field I work in.

Most people have no understanding of how energy plays a vital role in their lives; resulting in a life lived in the flow of infinite possibilities or in a life obstructed at every turn.

I transform and transmute those energies from negative to positive, in the environment, personal energy fields, physical bodies and any other areas needed, bringing balance and harmony where needed.

Through the magic of the internet, I touch the lives of thousands of people globally.

Exploring Energy the Ultimate Healer Ground Breaking Docu-Series Featured Healer, Virginia Rounds Griffiths Gets RESULTS!

“Sinuses are CLEAR!”

"I came to the group after having covid just before the calls started. It had left me with dizziness and brain fog, at a level 9. I also had ear problems from a possible bout of labrynxitis a year ago. level 8 or 9. 

My throat has been tight for many years, leading to restricted breathing going uphill level 10 

Sinus stuffiness since childhood level 8 or 9. I had a lot to begin with. 

I loved the calls, very powerful results, sometimes felt very tired, but clear for the day after the call, some symptoms returning as the week went on. 

Vermis clearings very helpful, never heard of that part of the brain before. 

The dizziness caused by this did return but I was able to remember I have the power to clear this with my heart team and be well, as with all the other areas worked on. 

Now the post covid symptoms have almost gone, only return if I overdo work and exercise. 

Dizziness and brain fog down to a level 1 or 2 most days 

Ear problem down to a 3 or 4 

Throat tightness down to a 2. Breathing easier on hills or fast work. 

Singing voice much improved, feel more confident at choir practice to sing out. 

Sinuses are CLEAR. 

So grateful for you and your team, for giving us your time and expertise. If anything comes up now, I have the confidence to call on my heart team and remember my power to be well. Hope to work with you again."

~ Deborah Mantle……UK

“My lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0!”

"When we started respiratory sessions my main issue was side effects, loss of sense of smell and congestion in the lungs from Covid I had end of October 2021.

During the group sessions my lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0 and I feel lighter and easy to breath now. Thank you Virginia for the healing."

~ Rose Delic

“I went from 10-to 1 for sinus headache, sinus pressure, watering eyes, and sneezing. No more over the counter medications!”

"I have had allergies and sinus congestion all of my life, and have taken over-the-counter antihistamines, and different combinations for sinus relief for years. Many of the environments where I lived had pollen which was problematic for me. 

Sinus headache, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, watering eyes, and sneezing.

When the group sessions were finished:

I went from 10-to 1 for sinus headache, sinus pressure, watering eyes, and sneezing.I was able to completely stop taking any over-the-counter medications. I'm sleeping better, can breathe more easily, and am so grateful for the work Virginia did with me and with the group.” 

Thank you, Virginia"

~ Marjorie J McDonald

“My cough was a 9 before and is now a 2!”

"The main reason I joined the Beta Respiratory group was to find out if my persistent cough was related to the heart as I have a family history of heart disease and diabetes! 

I was not expecting all the bonuses I would receive from Virginia in this beta group like checking the status of my lungs, tongue, trachea, sinuses, ears, brain, brain stem, heart and even entity infestation. 

My cough was a 9 before and is now a 2. Trachea was 8, now 0. Sinuses, right nostril was blocked and was a 2, now 0. 

Lungs are clear, my throat was a 2, now 0. Virginia even checked our brain stem and brain and frontal cortex. All good and clear for me! 

I didn’t know I had any problems with trachea or throat before we began. At times I felt tired after the sessions and would have to take a nap and just rest for the remainder of the day. I found out my cough was not heart-related which put my mind at ease given my family heart history! 

After the sessions were completed, I feel less angry and reactive to other people’s anger instead of feeding into it and have less coughing now. I feel calmer and at peace and can handle anxiety and stress better than before. 

I am grateful to Virginia for her generosity of her time and healing talents to help everyone in the group and for her valuable teachings!"

~ Deborah H.

“I feel like I can take deeper breaths!”

"My main issues for joining this class were constant stuffed up sinuses, right ear feeling plugged up and a deep cough I’ve had since a bad bronchitis I had several years ago.

My sinuses are much better than when we started: moving from an 8 or 9 to about a 3 at this time.

My right ear felt so much better by the end of class, from about an 8 to a 2. However, today it feels back to a 7 or 8.

My cough hasn’t changed.

In the class, we addressed dizziness. This improved from about an 8 to a 2 or from several instances per week to about once a week.

I also feel like I can take deeper breaths. I always enjoy working with you, Virginia. Thank you!"

~ Karen Pitts

“I noticed better breathing, no nose drips or behind the nose drip, no difficulty in breathing a full breath without coughing or tiring.”

"Before we started I had received my third dose of vaccine and had started to exhibit the symptoms of sarcoidosis which is an autoimmune disease associated with an abnormal immune response, but what triggers this response is uncertain. How sarcoidosis spreads from one part of the body to another is still being studied. I was told by specialists that the the longer it lingers in my lungs the more fibroids grow and restrict my breathing. It also causes phlegm to build thus impacting on my breathing capacity 

The improvements had been terrific. Every time Virginia had worked on me solely or in group I felt it inside my body. As I was cleared of phlegm or other things it helped me to open and in some cases keep open the respiratory system which in turn increased my breathing capacity and my energy and mood over all. 

As Virginia cleared from the tip of the nose to the heart area I felt improvement in areas which I had not even noticed there was an issue until I felt the improvement. For example when Virginia worked on the tongue. I had no idea it was so swollen until all of a sudden it seem to shrink in size. Also the work on the left lung around the heart area I could feel it expanding and it felt like it was bruised form inside then once cleared I noticed better breathing, no nose drips or behind the nose drip, no difficulty in breathing a full breath without coughing or tiring. I have also not had any dizzy spells since beginning the sessions with Virginia 

I want to continue to clean out the system and felt really good what has been achieved through the sessions but want and need more work.

I would recommend everyone try these session with Virginia. As a human being I have been sceptical of what it can do for me however with nothing to lose I gave it my all and opened myself up to trusting Virginia and letting her do what she needed to improve my overall health. My overall health is much better however I do feel more work needs to be done 

This is no fault of Virginia it’s just that this disease had been triggered by the vaccines and it seems every time I get another it retriggers it and it is harder to recover. 

I have also learnt a lot of other things from Virginia eg the role words play in overall scheme of things and how much we hang on to or inherit which we are not always aware of until we lose health and then seek to regain it. 

Once again Virgnia thank you so much for your time and understanding and patience with me and hope this is as much a success for you as it has been for me. May Angels keep you safe and protect you always. 

Thank you thank you thank you"

~ Margi …..Australia


Clear Mold from Respiratory System MP3

Mold toxicity’s symptoms may vary from person to person, often like those of allergies or other chronic conditions. However, some common signs that may indicate mold exposure include:

Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, and frequent sinus infections
Rashes, itching, burning sensations, and persistent skin irritation
Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, brain fog and memory problems
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and food sensitivities
Nutritional deficiencies and, challenges with weight loss
Anxiety, depression, mood swings, and irritability

This mp3 is the first one Virginia has recorded which is sung with light language.

This singing Light Language is downloaded by the beautiful crystalline beings from a planet in the 20th dimension which holds the Lemurian essence they tell Virginia. Virginia is blessed indeed that she has the privilege to bring this through for those in need.


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Discount : 94%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$177



4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing




Discount : 95%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache To Joy
Special Offer: $247


4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing



60 Minute RECORDED Group SESSION  - Respiratory Tract Infections

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Package A: No refund after remote healing takes place.
Package B: No refund after remote healing takes place or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A

  • 4 x 60 minute Pre-Recorded Group Healing Sessions
  • 90 Day Distance/Remote Healing


4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

Virginia's group healing sessions get POWERFUL results!

In these sessions she and her Heart Team will cleanse, heal, purify, release and balance all these issues in the upper and lower respiratory system so that you experience clarity of air, fully unimpeded with each breath you take.


During this 60 minute group call Virginia and her Heart Team will address all issues to do with the ears.

Remember ear, nose and throat are all connected in the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx and throat which is why, when you have an infection or issue in this area it affects the whole of the middle part of your head and many people know how a congested head can stop you functioning properly and in many cases you may take to your bed for a day or two.

Virginia's Heart Team will clear and rebalance the following:

  • The Outer Ear
  • The Middle
  • The Inner Ear
  • The Eustacean Tube


  • Clarity of hearing

  • Pain addressed

  • Infection cleared

  • Dizziness addressed

  • Middle ear issues realigned

  • Not feeling like you are underwater

  • Feel lighter in the head

  • No more congestion

  • Open hard palate/soft palate

  • Feel yourself again without a head like a sore bear


A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis may occur when your nasal cavities become infected, swollen, and inflamed. Fluid buildup in the sinuses can cause germs to grow, leading to a sinus infection. It is usually caused by a virus and can linger and affect you for years’

The symptoms can often resemble a cold and cause:

  • Facial pain or pressure
  • Infected nasal discharge
  • Nasal congestion

Causing pain in:

  • Your forehead
  • On either side of your nose
  • In your upper jaws and teeth
  • Between your eyes
  • And cause severe headaches

In this group healing session, Virginia's Heart Team will address all the issue affecting the sinuses:

  • Left Sinuses

  • Fronta)

  • Maxillary

  • Right Sinuses

  • Frontal

  • Maxillary

  • Inner Sinuses

  • Ethmoid

  • Sphenoid


  • Unblock all sinuses for ease of breathing

  • Clear away pain

  • Clear Infection

  • Clear congestion

  • Clear nostrils

  • No more headaches

  • Reduce painful pressure

  • Reduce the swelling in the cheeks

  • Feel lighter in the sinus area

  • Overall clarity of breathing

  • Clear pressure in cheekbones

  • No more pain in teeth and jaws

  • Clear nasal drip

Pharynx/Throat, Larynx Passage

The pharynx, commonly called the throat, is a muscular, funnel-shaped passageway in the middle of the neck starting at the base of the skull and. It connects the mouth and nose to the esophagus which leads to the stomach and larynx which leads to the trachea and the lungs. It has several important jobs:

  • Carries air to the respiratory system.
  • Delivers food and liquid to the digestive system.
  • Pushes food into the esophagus so it’s not breathed in.
  • Equalizes pressure in the ears and drains fluid from the ears.


  • Repair & reset swallowing issues

  • Release bacteria/virus in the throat

  • Release swelling in throat

  • Expand throat for ease of swallowing

  • Release inflammation in throat

  • Clear and shrink tongue

  • Clear tonsils on side of tongue

  • Reset vocal cords

  • Clear hoarse voice

  • Address throat tickles/burning

  • Reset tongue at hyoid bone

  • Address sleep apnea

  • Clear and repair entire nasal cavity pharynx passage

Trachea, Right & Left Lungs Restored

The trachea serves as passage for air, moistens and warms it while it passes into the lungs, and protects the respiratory surface from an accumulation of foreign particles

Your lungs bring in air from the atmosphere via the trachea and pass oxygen into the bloodstream. From there, it circulates to the rest of the body. These organs require help from surrounding structures in the body in order to breathe properly working closely with the heart.

  • Gas Exchange – oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • Breathing – movement of air.
  • Sound Production.
  • Olfactory Assistance – sense of smell.
  • Protection – from dust and microbes entering body through mucus production, cilia, and coughing



  • Clear congestion

  • Open the bronchi & bronchioles

  • Open and unblock the alveoli

  • Open and expand every lobe in both lungs

  • Ease the flow of air

  • Give you back full unobstructed airflow

  • Stop the wheezing

  • Stop shortness of breath

  • Help partial/full stubborn coughing

  • Stop noisy breathing

  • Address lingering chest pain for some

  • Expand the ribs to help the lungs expand

  • And much more

“Is COVID-19 lung damage reversible?”

"After a serious case of COVID-19, a patient’s lungs can recover, but not overnight. “Recovery from lung damage takes time,” Galiatsatos says. “There’s the initial injury to the lungs, followed by scarring. Over time, the tissue heals, but it can take three months to a year or more for a person’s lung function to return to pre-COVID-19 levels.

“Once the pandemic is over, there will be a group of patients with new health needs: the survivors. Doctors, respiratory therapists and other health care providers will need to help these patients recover their lung function as much as possible.”"

~ John Hopkins


90 Days of Distance Healing

Date: Healing Starts Monday following your purchase

Once a week remote healing for 90 days. Transmissions will be Monday morning UK time and will begin on the 1st Monday following your purchase for 90 days from then on. Upon purchase of package, your name and details will be provided to Virginia to be included. All you need to do is to stay open to receive.



As you journey through life you store the debilitating emotions of grief and sadness in your lungs and heart. Many times the grief can be about your own life -perhaps it has not turned out the way you would have liked: you grieve for not having achieved your dreams. And sadness is also a part of this scenario

This mp3 is designed to clear these emotions from the two most important organs in your body. If either of these organs fail you no longer have life.



When you assess or talk about your health you normally refer back to your parents and ancestors for the ailment or ailments which is handed down to you from them in your DNA.

In this mp3 Virginia's team will go back and clear any lung issues which you have inherited through your family ancestry and remember when you clear this back 30 generations you are impacting the many lives of your ancestors and you and your sibling’s future progeny.

Package A

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177


Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“My lungs can take in air with only using my nose instead of needing to use my mouth breathe!”

"Main issues and felt before —Lungs short of breath, difficult getting full breath in to fully inflate lungs due to fibrosis in both lungs from pulmonary embolism causing the fibrosis-since 2017 congested maxillary sinuses and dripping nose since Covid in early January or for 5 months.

Something I didn’t know I had, I had pleurisy but forgot about it until Virginia cleared the pleura space and something shifted. Also Virginia picked up on vocal cords and cleared them. I had 3 operations where there were pushed out of the way or retracted to conduct theses surgeries. I forgot about that too.

Feel after —my lungs can take in air with only using my nose instead of needing to use my mouth breathe. Sinuses only feel like a little bit in right maxillary sinus. Nose drips but not as much.

Scale lungs a 0 or 1 is the feeling, sinuses at 1 nose dripping a 2-3

Results: incidentally I haven’t gotten Covid rash since the last session of major note I have a history of occipital neuralgia affecting neck, head, ear and face on the right side. I went to a doctor and I was told to get nerve blocks again due to exacerbation. 

After one of our sessions when Virginia was opening up various skull and facial bones, the nerves must have become less trapped. So it was an important incidental healing for me. The symptoms are neurological not respiratory and nonetheless, have lessened dramatically I don’t need to endure the ultrasound guided nerve blocks with lidocaine and steroids or ablation or burning of the nerve roots. I am deeply grateful. Thank you Virginia and her Team!"

~ Sharon Stroes

“My sinuses were cleared up 100%!”

"I was involved with the test group for Respiratory Recovery and I was having an issue with my sinuses being regularly full which affected my hearing and congestion. 

At the beginning of the program I was at a 10. Every week we worked on specific issues which started clearing immediately. She told me I had an issue at the back of my tongue and after that session I felt the swelling was gone although I didn’t even know it was there in the first place! 

The results I achieved by the end of the program was my sinuses were cleared up 100%. I am now at a 0 and hope I can stay there. 

The most wonderful thing about working with Virginia is how she empowers you to tune in to things and teaches you how to ground yourself and tune in to your body to help yourself reach full recovery. It also creates an amazing camaraderie with fellow program mates. It was a fantastic experience that I can highly recommend!"

~ Edie Leech

“Virginia goes beyond healing to provide tools to continue the self-healing process!”

"In over 30+ years as a healer. I have studied and worked with many healers and modalities. Virginia Rounds Griffiths and her Heart Team are among the most effective, providing comprehensive detection of root causes within complex interrelated systems that create symptoms. She works on all levels of body, mind and spirit, including ancestral, past & parallel lives, dimensions, etc. and goes beyond healing to provide tools to continue the self-healing process. She clearly cares about her clients and group sessions are exponentially powerful."

~ James Eick

“Inner ear system affecting balance resolved 9-2, deep sinus congestion 8-2 & nose drips 8-2!”

"My main issues within the inner ear system affecting balance resolved 9-2, deep sinus congestion 8-2 & nose drips 8-2. 

I felt clearing energy & structural openings throughout each session and clear & balanced afterwards. Balance & dizziness issues which I've had for years were traced to the vermis in the cerebellum rather than respiratory system, but I'm so grateful for resolution of this issue. 

Unknown issues in the back of the tongue/tonsils were also detected & resolved, as well as upper left lung-heart connection. Although environmental & emotional issues exacerbate some symptoms, grounding, auto-clearing, reset & resolution are quicker than usual by connecting in Spirit to Virginia, her Heart Team & Source. I look forward to the release of the Respiratory program."

~ Catherine

“Sinuses, throat, trachea, lungs, tongue, ears, etc. were cleared from 8 or 9 to 2 or less during the group sessions!”

"For many years I've had a persistent cough, which I learned is associated with my heart, as well as balance issues associated with the vermis. Although I still have these symptoms, I have a better understanding of the causes now and am considering a 1 on 1 session. 

Sinuses, throat, trachea, lungs, tongue, ears, etc. were cleared from 8 or 9 to 2 or less during the group sessions. I enjoyed the group sessions and Virginia's very thorough approach to healing."

~ Jim

“I can breathe through my nose!”

"The best thing to come out of it is I can breathe through my nose to inflate my lungs without using my mouth from fibrosis. I did get some relief in my maxillary sinuses and the opening techniques seems to inadvertently help my occipital neuralgia. I am quite pleased with the results and thank Virginia so much and her team!"

~ Sharon

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus

  • 1 x 60 Minute Recorded Group Healing Session – RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS





RTIs are often spread in the coughs and sneezes of someone with an infection and can really be intrusive in our lives in a negative way.  Upper respiratory issues particularly manifest as feeling like a bear with a sore head.  We will address these respiratory tract infections and go to the cause for the well-being of those who need these clearings.

Some symptoms are :

a cough – you may bring up mucus (phlegm)
a stuffy or runny nose
a sore throat
muscle aches
breathlessness, tight chest or wheezing
a high temperature
feeling generally unwell

In this group call, we will address all the issues needed to clear these RTI’s for your benefit.

Package B

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247

From Heartache To Joy Special Offer: $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Are You Ready to Clear Your Respiratory Issues Once and For All?

“I can smell the food on the counter!”

"I only wished I had a taken a picture of Carolyn just before the session with you. During the session I saw her open up her chest and begin to sit up for the first time in almost 15 years. 

I saw her face light up, she was grinning from ear to ear and couldn't stop, her face was no longer sunken in and so gaunt looking. 

Her sinuses opened up and she said right away "hey I can smell the food on the counter". (I had warmed her up a piece of blackberry pie I had made). She said she could breath much better, " I feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off my chest") 

Previous to her session with you she was just sleeping in her bed all the time. Didn't want to get up, move and or eat. Her mind and body was in shut down mode. Now she is walking around without holding onto the walls or someone's hand 

Somewhat back to her witty self and speaking her mind. I have found a way for her to listen to her session with you on her phone everyday. We know she will continue to improve, she has the faith that she will.

Thank you so much for your love and sharing your gift.
We look forward to working with you and other family members & friends."

~ Kathy K

“Cleared up my nasal drip and opened up my nasal passages!”

"Virginia worked on my respiratory issues in a class that helped my body tremendously 

She cleared up my nasal drip, opened up my nasal passages, found and cleared issues in my trachea and lungs that I didn't even know I had! 

As a group she opened up our rib cage to help us breathe better. I felt so amazing! 

We would body test our results and I went down in points (10 highest) from 9 or 5's to a 1-2 or even totally cleared! Her generous nature even went further at times to find other areas in our body that contributed or were affected by the respiratory issues. 

Each person was asked what our issues were, so she didn't miss anyone or anything. I would recommend any class that Virginia offers if it relates to you. This class is a must, since if you can't breathe well, you can’t live well!"

~ Renee C.

“I was able to breathe through my nose while sleeping!!”

"OMG!!! I was able to breathe through my nose while sleeping!!! Seriously Virginia - I haven't done that in years. I'm assuming that is because of the alignment you did. Thank you!!!!"

~ Gertrude M

“Baby Owen’s respiratory has cleared, the pain seems to have subsided and he is eating much more comfortably!”

"Mahalo Virginia!! 

Quick Update....Baby Owen has totally turned around and is sleeping "like a Baby"!! 

Aligning his skeletal was a true Miracle... 

The respiratory has cleared, the pain seems to have subsided and he is eating much more comfortably...So Forever Grateful... 

Spent the day with Miss Charlotte....Cough and Rattling Chest Gone!! 

The constant nose running has returned, but not the thick stuff as before.... 

My Heart is Joy Filled seeing their Big Smiles today.... 

In Joy and Love Always” - Mahalo"

~ Anne

“ Virginia’s work was instrumental in helping me heal from Covid in a remarkably short time!”

"As always, Virginia gives so much, so generously, in her courses, sometimes even beyond the topic at hand. 

I got COVID during the class: I think Virginia’s work was instrumental in helping me heal in a remarkably short time. 

(I do still have the occasional cough I came into the course with)

~ Peggy


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Discount : 94%

Total Package Value $2567

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$177



4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing




Discount : 95%

Total Package Value $3887

From Heartache To Joy
Special Offer: $247


4 x 60 minute Pre-recorded Group Healing Sessions

90 Day Distance/Remote Healing



60 Minute RECORDED Group SESSION  - Respiratory Tract Infections

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Package A: No refund after remote healing takes place.
Package B: No refund after remote healing takes place or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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