Your Golden Ticket to 7D Abundance to Accelerate Your Potential
and Actualize Your Dream Possibilities For LIFE

Are you experiencing…

  • Empathic Imbalance
  • Money going out faster then it comes in
  • Pain & Suffering Mentally, Emotionally, or Spiritually
  • Feeling Disconnected from people in your everyday life
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Lack of clarity & focus
  • Loss of Zeal for projects or hobbies that used to bring joy
  • Became a virtual recluse
  • Monkey Mind
  • No access to your passion & purpose
  • Lack of Intuitive Insight
  • Feel overwhelmed easily
  • Inability to access success
  • Emotional Overdrive
  • Self Medicate with food, shopping, drugs, alcohol, etc
  • Hoarding
  • Impatience with other people that “aren’t awake”
  • Frustration from trying so many healing products with little to no results
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Masculine/Feminine Imbalance
  • Inability to enjoy all of the abundance in your life due to guilt of "having too much while others have very little"
  • Brain Hemisphere Imbalance
  • Resentment that others “get ahead” while you remain stuck
  • Inability to trust yourself or others
  • Lackluster Living
  • Unable to attract what you really desire in life due to feeling "if I receive, it will eventually leave"
  • Inability to attract members of your soultribe or your soulmate
order now

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Discount: 95%

Total Package Value $2808

FHTJ Super Value 


8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF


Discount: 93%

Total Package Value $5500

FHTJ Super Value 



8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF

1X30 Minute Abundance 7.0 One on One Sessions to accelerate your creation potential

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Package A: 30 Days. Conditions Apply
Package B: No refund after session is taken

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

With Abundance 7.0 We Access:

  • Unlimited Energy
  • Ability to consciously Intend and Create our highest timelines without unworthiness programs popping up to block it
  • We remain balanced, relaxed, and able to handle life easily
  • We have the energy and focus to create almost effortlessly
  • Our energy is flowing properly at 100% for optimal health, vitality, and cognitive function
  • We have the energy to create and maintain more in our lives simultaneously; relationships, income streams, adventures, creative pursuits, etc
  • We are deeply connected into our highest self, source, and our divine teams for automatic true sight of self, timelines, and creation possibilities
  • We can access our intuitive abilities to guide us to open doors of possibility, keep us on track, keep us out of harms way, and much more
  • We magnetize our desires easily
  • We know how to create the life we desire, one step at a time
  • We love unconditionally
  • We see multidimensionally making it easier to allow others their journey without slipping into savior programming or power struggles
  • Our mind, body, and spirit run congruently and multidimensionally
  • We feel safe in the physical dimension that our body resides making physical manifestation easy
  • We easily delete old, outdated patterns and habits that no longer serve our highest timelines and potential

Are you playing a phantom role in your own life...

The support role that often renders you and your dreams invisible...

Always supporting and energetically feeding your family, your inner circle, your community, or the world's ambitions and dreams to the point that you never have the energy for your own?

98% of Energy Workers (people that are energetically connected into Source to work with Source energy) play support roles in their families, within their social groups, and in the world.

They are often the ones that work in the background to support, encourage, assist, or action everyone's dreams to the detriment of their own.

This is because most 'Energy Workers/Light Workers' are extremely sensitive to energetic patterns.

They are naturally adept at reading what "is needed" so they are drawn to help because they can sense what will balance out the situation.

Due to their natural nature to help, almost everyone they encounter will be drawn to their helping nature wanting assistance.

Playing the support role, since youth, eventually energetically drains them creating a empathic imbalance.

With a empathic imbalance they now pick up everyone's emotions as well as reading their energetic patterns, so it is nearly impossible for them to maintain healthy boundaries with others.

This only anchors them further into the support role so they never actualize their dreams.

If this empathic imbalance becomes chronic they eventually forget who they are and what they want, completely disconnecting from their passion and purpose.

Once they lose connection with their passion and purpose they also disconnect from the abundance of their lives.

Everything begins to run slow as they become more anchored and stuck in the phantom roles they play in everyone's lives.

If this sounds like you, you are a Energy Worker!!!

Do you hold yourself back in your own life out of fear of

  • being selfish if you don't have time for everyone?
  • being seen in a big way and making other people uncomfortable?
  • having more than others making them uncomfortable or jealous?
  • asking for too much or taking more than your "fair" share?
  • people criticizing you if you dream "too big"
  • losing friends or family if you don't be who they need you to be

Most people NEVER actualize their biggest dreams due to the fear of stepping out of their support roles. They are afraid people will call them selfish, greedy, attention seekers...

What they do not realize is the programs, agreements, and hooks keep them locked into a phantom role cycle, so they are always energetically feeding everyone else's dreams too exhausted or afraid to feed their own.

Agreements keep you playing support roles and keep you locked into everyone else's comfort zones.

Programming won't allow you to stand out or rock the boat.

And Hooks from people or systems drain your vital Life Force energy so you never have enough time, energy, or creative insight to actualize your dreams.

What would be possible if you have 100% access to ALL that you are?

What could you create in your life if you had all of the time, energy, and access to your divine intuition?

Abundance 7.0 is a Golden Ticket to releasing yourself from these and many other dream drains!

It is a deep release and reset into your 7D Abundance Blueprint.

Abundance 7.0 releases vows and contracts within your phantom realities/dimensions, releases False Light influence, releases self-sabotage, unworthiness, limitation mindset loops, and MUCH more that may be needed individually to actualize your abundance blueprint.

After the release process, Abundance 7.0 creates a strong mental/emotional, energetic, and spiritual foundation to support all of your growth into your dreams.

The reset process includes Authenticity Anchoring, PowerFull Processing, Follow Your Heart, Clear Creations, Well Of Dreams, Gateway To Greatness, 7D Abundance, and Actualized Potential.

Why Chameice?

With Chameice's experience of over 10,000 sessions she has gained deep wisdom and insight into energetic processes as well its connection to the mental/emotional bodies and physical body.

Her vast experience enables her to release energetic cords/hooks, programs, agreements, past life entanglements, concurrent life entanglements, vows, contracts, False Light influence or embodiments, implants, devices, and much more!

Because Chameice has multi-lifetime training she visually sees energetic patterns, frequencies, geometrical patterning, symbolism, and anything else held within the physical, mental/emotional, energetic, and light bodies enabling her to fix structural issues to prevent health, mental/emotional, and abundance issues as you move into multidimensionality. 

Her expertise and training allows her to see into the causation points of all imbalances for permanent release and deletion. Her multi-lifetime training into becoming a 'Awakened One' enables her access into the Sovereign Field where she can scan individual soul blueprints to know their exact structural settings to fully anchor them into their original Soul Blueprint at the point of creation. This enables them to access their full creation potential!


"I purchased Chameice's program and it is amazing! I loved the MP3s; I can feel the energy flowing through and into me, the meditations and clearings are really amazing (felt the effect after listening to it). After listening my day would become easier and things will flow smoother through the day especially in my work.

After the first one to one call with Chameice, I felt much lighter and happier and the surprise was on the next day 🙂 I received an email from my work (payrole department) telling me that I am eligible for a distinction allowance and will receive it with this month salary, we are talking about what equals $7000!!!

Thank you so much Chameice! I am so grateful for your help and really appreciate you and your work. I am so excited to see more improvements in my life and to be on the next journey once you release any other program. Much love to you dear"

~ Rabab Alrakaf

Cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!!

"I have to tell you the best thing ever! I did what you told me and today I got a cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had given up on getting this money because it was from years ago. Love you and your program Chameice!!!"

~ Maureen Thompson

A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible

"When I started this program with Chameice I was shopping for publishers for my book. I was willing to try anything to land a publishing contract. During my first session with Chameice, she showed me how many abundance blocks I had. I didn’t realize how negative I had become and how negatively I talked about my dreams. I had received so many rejections trying to find a publisher that I had emotionally given up! She busted me on my self-sabotage so I could start getting exactly what I want and I did! A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible. She is a Goddess! Just do it. You will thank me."

~ Katrina Polinski

Chameice is a clear channel of Source/Creator

"Chameice is a top notch healer, who has the ability to see with precise clarity the priority issues to be worked on. She then heals, clears and balances on many levels, quickly and completely.

I've been working with her packages the past year and have had many shifts in my life from her deep and precise insights and amazing healing abilities. I listen to her MP3's for daily support, which also helps my family and pets.

I have recommended Chameice to my friends and clients. We all look forward to her new offerings!

Chameice is a clear channel of Source/Creator, and is a loving, compassionate and authentic Soul."

~ Mary W.

I will be the star that I was created from

"WOW & Thank you. That call last night was amazing. You are a true lightworker. I now know what that means to me. Someone who shines so brightly that they need no words. It is their light that shines on our defects & brings out the lessons we need to learn. It is their light that shines on us so that we are inspired to give ourselves permission to step into our full light & become a lightworker. It is our choice which way we want to go. The people who instill limiting beliefs with their words are not lightworkers. They are simply teachers through resistance. Lightworkers teach through grace & a state of being. I choose to step into my light in order to fulfill my higher purpose to heal the world. I will be the star that I was created from. I release the ideas that were put upon me. I embrace all the light others have shined on me to teach me. I don't need to say anything or do anything to heal the world. I need just be bright & present. Thank you Chameice for teaching me & being an example of how I want to go about the world. Thank you for lighting up my path. Super Love you!!!"

~ Hilary Greer

I shed nearly 30 lbs of stress weight without dieting!

"If I wrote everything I appreciate and value about Chameice Daniel this testimonial would be too long. So I’ll tell you about rare gifts I received. My health and equanimity improved. I’m 65, but a man thought I was 56, despite my silver ponytail, and no makeup. I shed nearly 30 lbs of stress weight without dieting. My thinking improved when Chameice analyzed and repaired a glitch in my brain’s wiring. My physician could not identify the source of my intermittent side ache, but it virtually disappeared when Chameice told the ETs they could do only experiments which helped me. When Chameice read my energy she told me I had a new relationship with The Arcturian Galactic Council."

~ Susan Rifkin

Here's What our FHTJ Team & EXPERTS are Saying About Chameice:

I can feel the shifts within minutes... She's a game changer! 

"Chameice is one of my GO-TO HEALERS when things are out of whack. Within minutes of working with Chameice everything shifts for me. At one point I was shifting and moving energies so quickly that it was too intense for me to function. As I was upleveling, I was in a state of constant tears while releasing past programming. While the release is always welcomed and needed - I still had to function and work. I asked Chameice for support and she sent me some energy to take the edge off. Within minutes I was feeling like myself again. The tears stopped and I was able to focus on my daily tasks again. If you are ready to make BIG shifts and changes in your life, be sure to have Chameice by your side! She is a game changer! Thank you Chameice for the amazing work you do."

~ Gretchen Pritts

Highly recommend a session with her! She's extremely accurate!! 

"I sent Chameice pictures of myself and my partner for our session and asked her to read the energy signatures so I could have clarity about the direction of our relationship. She was extremely accurate and even described him as a "gypsy soul!" This describes him perfectly. She further explained that our relationship is a perfect energetic match for me currently because it supports my empowered energy; That he helps me stay in my power and allows me to step out of co-dependency patterns that many cultures consider love. She identified that he helps me understand unconditional love on a deeper level. She described our unique love signature without me saying anything. I also asked her if she could assist me in better understanding the rebellious nature of my daughter and she explained the situation perfectly and accurately. I now have a better understanding as to what my daughter is experiencing emotionally and can try to take the necessary steps to help her move forward. I would highly recommend Chameice as her sessions are as informative as they are accurate in assisting you to find the peace to move forward."

~ Eram Saeed- Creator of the From Heartache to Joy Global Tele-Summit

Book a session with Chameice if you need instant healing, clarity, sound advice, and real transformation towards your life path!

"I had a session with Chameice and let me tell you it was the most amazing session I’ve experienced thus far and I’ve been to plenty of healers. Every question I asked she was so informative. I learned so much from her guidance and have crystal clear clarity of what steps I need to take next. I could feel as she worked on me clearing all the places I was unable to see myself as being so close to the situation she pointed out to me what I needed to hear from her to clear to move forward in my life. She is very powerful and I’m definitely going to book another session with her because I felt she was the most attentive to my concerns and needs. She got straight to the point and such loving energies exuded from her. I felt so comfortable talking to her like a very close friend. I would recommend all my friends to book a session with Chameice if you need instant healing, clarity, sound advice, and real transformation towards your life path. I can’t believe all the important information I received from her so much came through for our session I’ve never experienced such a wealth of knowledge and pieces of the puzzle that I needed to see come together at quantum speeds. I’m super excited to see what else comes from our session because now I see things in such a new light it’s changed my perception of many things that I have been in the dark about that needed to come out in order for me to heal and really grow from this truly amazing session. I am so blessed to have met Chameice such a wonderful and beautiful soul sister."

~ Iona Flores

Epically Divine! If you're looking for clarity and healing you MUST work with Chamiece in this lifetime!

"Chameice is simply a divine portal for clarity of the gifts we are ALL here to honor. She helped me stretch my energetic field to go from an international practice to a global practice as I had an underlying fear hiding out in my field. She helped me clear the fear INSTANTLY. She is epically divine as she also helped to amplify my energy of honoring my purpose in this lifetime and really got me present to the Starseed Galactic knowledge and light that I channel for my clients. Chamiece helped me get present to the vibration of the work I'm here to do with regard to "Helping people reconnect to their Soul's Remembering" and got me present to the feeling of it ALL so I can really weave that essence into all of my work as a Spiritual Advisor, Galactic Channel and Healer. I listen to the recording from the call over and over again as I know it helps to amplify the energetic work at a deeper level and anchor it in at a cellular level. She has a brilliant and concise ability to watch you run energy in your field. Her work is on point. If you're looking for clarity and healing you MUST work with Chamiece in this lifetime!"

~ Rob Grover - Spiritual Guardianship Collective

I recommend everyone to experience her energies!

"Chameice shared such wonderful information with me that assisted me in being energetically ready for a major positive shift in my life! Having information helped me understand why I was having pain in my body and the frequencies of the Diamond (Trilogy) energy helped me be aligned and balanced and prepared me to share my gifts with the world with ease and Joy! I am very grateful and recommend everyone experience these energies!"

~ Susan Elizabeth Reis

My healing sessions have been profound and more people have been finding me and my group. This is what I call a blissful existence!

"My session with Chameice was right on. She was able to get who we are as people and that we are in our spiritual and professional growth, as well as in our relationship. It was great to get acknowledged by her for our efforts and to find out that we are on the right path. She then proceeded to adjust our energetic fields and gave me tips for daily routines which I have been following. The results are people being attracted to our financial team effortlessly, our relationship that was loving is at the level of the first day romance and height. We are grateful for every day we get to spend together. My partner had quantum leaps in his martial arts progress, found a new mentor and has been integrating deeper philosophy about the universal energy flow also in his career. I feel in love with him, myself and life in general... enjoying my service to others and as well deepening my understanding of life and healing. My healing sessions have been profound and more people have been finding me and my group. Thank you so much. This is what I call a blissful existence. Profound love everywhere I look. Sending you my gratitude and appreciation"

~ ❤ Klara Fischerova, Klarity Healing

Chameice helped me save the most important relationship in my life!

"I was going through a crisis with my partner, and Chameice sensed my distress and messaged me, even though she was almost 2000 miles away. We scheduled a time to talk, and Chameice identified the areas where my energy was leaking and my patterns of hiding, and worked to heal these areas. She also confirmed that my partner and I are twin flames, and the difficulties of a twin flame relationship. Throughout the call, I felt totally safe, loved and supported. I was able to approach my partner from a defenseless place of total love and acceptance, and let her know that I was taking any misplaced energy and using it to recommit to our relationship, and allowing her total freedom. Chameice also did a session for my partner Robin. Our relationship was teetering on the verge of a breakup, and is now even more solid and anchored in love, listening, honoring and commitment than ever before.

Thank you Chameice, for your love, compassion, and wisdom, and for helping to save the most important relationship in my life."

~ Gary Pincus 💜💜💜

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Discount: 95%

Total Package Value $2808

FHTJ Super Value 


8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF


Discount: 93%

Total Package Value $5500

FHTJ Super Value 



8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF

1X30 Minute Abundance 7.0 One on One Sessions to accelerate your creation potential

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Package A: 30 Days. Conditions Apply
Package B: No refund after session is taken

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A


8 MP3s

  • 1

    Welcome - MP3

Instructions for MP3 use, what Abundance 7.0 means, and how to best utilize this 8 week journey

  • 2

    Releasing the Root - MP3

This MP3 sets a clear foundation to build upon over the next 8 weeks. This MP3 balances your root chakra by releasing:

  • Contracts

  • Agreements

  • Programs

  • Vows

  • Curses

  • Cords/hooks

  • Energy entanglements

  • Entities

  • False light attachments

  • or anything else that interferes with your sovereignty

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“I too have found so much more strength and power within myself. Am finally speaking my truth and setting true boundaries! I am not a door mat anymore for people to walk all over. Am finding more stillness and am much more grounded! Thank you Chameice!”

~ Shelley Paxton Esler

  • 3

    Authenticity Anchoring - MP3

This MP3 balances your Sacral chakra and creates clarity about:

  • Who you are

  • What you really want out of your life

  • What your gifts are

  • What your purpose is

  • How to create your biggest abundance streams

  • How to infuse your life with more passion and bliss

  • How to creatively find solutions to move your life forward

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

  • 4

    PowerFULL Processing - MP3

This MP3 balances your Solar chakra so you can clearly see:

  • What is draining your power to stop the drains

  • Connect to your power for more energy to create your desires

  • Use your power to speak your truth and set boundaries to maintain focus

  • Power to feel confident to pursue your desires and dreams

  • Power to go big in your life and feel worthy of obtaining it

  • Power to magnetize all possibilities and to open doors

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“Using the mp3's I have found my voice. So much so that my work mates, and manager have noticed. To quote 'loving the new assertive Caroline'. I definitely have more clarity of thought. Used to spend a lot of time with the 'wheels spinning', going no-where!! I'm an artist, and can feel there are changes there too.”

~ Caroline Morgan

  • 5

    Follow Your Heart - MP3

This MP3 balances your heart chakra assisting with

  • Loving yourself and others unconditionally

  • Allowing and trusting yourself to create what you desire

  • Allowing the best of life to come to you

  • Trusting that when you have a dream you have what it takes to create it

  • Knowing that sacrifice and settling in love and life is just a illusion

  • Opening to EVERYTHING you desire with open arms

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“I worked with Chameice's mp3 on a personal issue that I had been struggling with, everything that needed to be revealed to me came up quickly and moved out of my field just as quickly and I was able to bring in a higher vibrational experience soon after! Love you, Chameice!💜💜💜💜💜💜”

~ Jen Funt

  • 6

    Clear Creations - MP3

This MP3 balances your throat chakra so you:

  • Speak your truth, to others and to yourself

  • Are able to articulate what you want effortlessly to others

  • Are clearly heard to prevent miscommunication

  • Can ask for what you want effortlessly

  • Can own what you want, to yourself and the Universe

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“Chameice has given me insights and a deeper understanding of how energy works in the co-creation of my own Earthly existence. I feel more relaxed and empowered when long-term stressful situations re-surface; and am relieved to report some are finally resolved! Having the tools to check the status of my emotions and to quickly put myself into a more loving, understanding and joyful state (from a state of anxiety and uncertainly) I am experiencing more and more positive outcomes. Chameice is genuine and gifted - I am very grateful and blessed our paths intersected. ❤️”

~ Roberta Cc

  • 7

    Well Of Dreams - MP3

This MP3 balances your Well of Dreams chakra (medulla oblongata) and prevents interference with creating your dreams

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“Your Mp3s are amazing, even if we think Nothing changes subtle change happens..Always positive Energy surrounds all your packages..and having a one on one, its like honey for the soul..”

~ Ana Cristina

  • 8

    Gateway To Greatness - MP3

This MP3 clears your Third Eye chakra so you:

  • See the truth of all people and situations

  • See the truth of who you are and what you are creating so you always stay on track

  • See the big picture of people and situations

  • See the big picture of people and situations

  • See all possibilities and probabilities with a action or focus

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“I felt very drawn to Chameice and her divine healing gifts. As soon as I listened to the mp3s I felt something shift. Whilst there is some emotional detox I feel clearer and more plugged in to life and my own soul purpose. I'm soooo grateful I was led to working with Chameice. I love listening to anything Chameice does it always resonates and shifts something.""I felt very drawn to Chameice and her divine healing gifts. As soon as I listened to the mp3s I felt something shift. Whilst there is some emotional detox I feel clearer and more plugged in to life and my own soul purpose. I'm soooo grateful I was led to working with Chameice. I love listening to anything Chameice does it always resonates and shifts something.”

~ -LunaBella Roses

  • 9

    Abundance 7.0 - MP3

This MP3 balances your Crown chakra so you:

  • Are open to infinite Universal Abundance

  • Are open to Divine Support

  • Accelerate your energy and timelines

  • See the Abundance in life and of life all around you

*Listen to the MP3 once daily until you no longer have a emotional response (crying, anger, fear, etc) before moving onto another MP3

**If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues listen once daily until you see improvement.

“I feel so much lighter and clearer in my mind, body, and spirit. I feel so very grateful and simply happy. This has been the final piece for me to clear a major issue in my life. I feel like my life in back on track and I am once again free to share my gifts with others. I am a massage therapist and my business has picked up exponentially and my clients are getting great results very quickly. Their issues seems to just melt away as I work on them. It's so awesome to experience.”

~ Annette Auer


Slay Your Day

This PDF helps you track your growth and goals!

Most people believe they are terrible manifestors because they often forget all of the things they have focused on creating/manifesting by the time they receive them. This PDF helps you keep track of them so you begin to see how amazing and in control of your life you really are!

This PDF also includes space to write down your daily energy management so you stay clear and running at 100%, space to track your daily passion points so you don't forget to bliss out on life, self love and shine reminders, and a space for your action items so you keep rocking your creations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I listen to the MP3s while I sleep?

I recommend listening to the MP3s for the first time while not asleep or distracted. You do not have to do anything besides intend that they do as described and open to their energy. I recommend staying as relaxed as possible and not trying to "do" anything. Just be a sponge and absorb the energy

Q. Should I listen to all of the MP3s? In what order should I listen to them?

For maximum benefit, I suggest listening to all of the MP3s and in the order listed:

  1. Releasing The Root
  2. Authenticity Anchoring
  3. PowerFULL Processing
  4. Follow Your Heart
  5. Clear Creations
  6. Well of Dreams
  7. Gateway To Greatness
  8. Abundance 7.0

Q. Can my family use the MP3s?

I highly recommend sharing them with your immediate family because everyone within our inner circle greatly influences us, so everyone running optimally is huge! Anyone outside of your immediate family should purchase separately to ensure a balanced energy exchange.

Package A

Total Package Value $2808

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $198

*** 95% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

This Package Include:

  • All of Package A Plus
  • 1X30 Minute Abundance 7.0 One on One Sessions to accelerate your creation potential


1x30 minute One on One Sessions with Chameice

Are you ready to fully awaken to your life purpose and step into a more authentic you? Now is the time you have been waiting for…With assistance from my team of Angelic Masters, the 13 Golden Suns who are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and Interplanetary Wisdom Keepers, I will help you unlock the doors to your greatest potential, abundance, success, and joy.

I scan all of your energy fields to balance and release all that no longer serves your highest good. I release your blocks only to a comfortable level that will not cause you to release too much too fast causing you a rebound period.

You will feel a huge difference, but this gives your mind a chance to process and sync with soul so you are still doing the work to progress your soul. I read into energy of past lives you may still have in your energetic field that are causing you to subconsciously loop back into patterns or behaviors from that life time, but are no longer needed.

I will also read gifts you received from past lives that will serve you now so you can awaken to them and use them along your path now.

We will go over your insights from the program and and I will check to make sure all of the frequencies from the MP3s were downloaded properly and are running at 100%. We will discuss patterns and behaviors that no longer support your growth so they can be eliminated once and for all. We will discuss any and all issues with power struggle or loss of power so you can regain your full strength, vitality, and power.

I will also perform a Soul Retrieval session, if necessary, so you can reclaim any power pieces you have given away.

I will open all of your energy fields to a balanced state for optimal mind, body, spirit connection.

I will increase the flow to your higher self and intuition which will bring you a profound sense of trust and faith in yourself and decision making abilities.

I will open and release any and all heart chakra imbalances so you can feel unconditional love in all forms.

And I will cleanse your aura so you are only feeling NOW.

I will bless and charge all energy centers and assist you in making a request to all of your soul tribe, so you can clearly hear, see, feel, and know all of their divine guidance and act accordingly.

This session is completely tailored to your specific needs, so if more needs to be done or completed rest assured that it will be done, during this session, in divine order!

Package B

Total Package Value $5500

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $488

*** 93% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

"I was always in my masculine energy, working hard and everything had to make logical sense. This all changed when I had my spiritual awakening. I started to listen to my intuition more.

I started to get guidance on my ‘calling’ but kept getting pulled back into my doubts. So I knew I needed help.

My breakthrough though came after the one on one session with Chameice. She immediately could see my ancestral energy patterns causing fear to lose everything and lots of doubt.

When I followed my guidance, I doubted everything and procrastinated. Chameice confirmed that my original guidance of writing a book was part of my soul’s purpose. After only one session I started to write and continued to paint.

Now it is 7 months later and in about two weeks time my book will be on the bookshelf💖 I made it happen and am super excited. I also started giving art workshops to young adults and help them in a healing way to connect with their creativity and higher self.

I was never so clear in my purpose and feel totally connected to my Divine team. Thanks to Chameice I am creating my dream"

~ Alexandra Kleinichen

"I had my first 1 on 1 call with Chameice Daniel today and to say it was exhilarating is an understatement. I felt a heaviness leave my chest. It's hard to explain but I just felt lighter in a great way! She said something that literally turned the light bulb on for me. I've been searching my whole life outside of myself to find my worth and my value. And just like that she put the glasses on my eyes for me to see. I am valuable and I am enough just because I am Me. No one else has my exact life experiences. My story is mine and I am the Value that I have been seeking. It's been in me all along. And it's my life experiences that qualify me to be able to help others speak their truth and pursue the life of their dreams! I'm so grateful and appreciative for Chameice Daniel sharing her gifts to help others have clarity and peace! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

~ Belinda Wise Bey

"When you're ready for and open to ascension, everything will come to you. And one of the key elements I have attracted is Chameice. She helped me release the matrix and look beyond this 3d reality - the temple of the sun, my guides and masters, how vast the creation is and how it is all within yet outside. She is beyond a master, she is a goddess at energy work and without her I wouldn't have came this far. I would love to list the things she is great at and specialises in, but I still don't know what she can't do. She is an expert at any kind of energy work and she is always there for you when you have questions or need expert insight. This is the one-stop goddess for your spiritual growth! I am grateful to have come across her and been under her guidance. LOVE HER!"

~ Arivarman Anbualagan

About Chameice Daniels:

Chameice Daniel is a professional Intuitive Counselor that has helped thousands of people worldwide gain the clarity and confidence to become the sovereign souls they are meant to be so they can action their dreams.

She is a Multidimensional Quantum Alchemist that delights in transforming clients loops and programs (Lead) into passion and purpose (Gold).

She holds space for you, your feelings, and your challenges using her highly attuned intuitive abilities and her ability to visually see energy and energetic patterns. She tunes into your energy field, higher self, and her team of 13 Golden Illuminated Masters which are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and InterPlanetary Wisdom Keepers to access guidance that will help YOU most.

She is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates. She was trained by Jack Canfield (famed author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul") in his famous Success Principles workshop. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training.

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Discount: 95%

Total Package Value $2808

FHTJ Super Value 


8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF


Discount: 93%

Total Package Value $5500

FHTJ Super Value 



8 Abundance MP3s

Welcome MP3

Releasing the Root MP3

Authenticity Anchoring MP3

PowerFULL Processing MP3

Follow your Heart MP3

Clear Creations MP3

Well of Dreams MP3

Gateway to Greatness MP3

Abundance 7.0 MP3


Slay Your Day Energy & Goal PDF

1X30 Minute Abundance 7.0 One on One Sessions to accelerate your creation potential

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Package A: 30 Days. Conditions Apply
Package B: No refund after session is taken

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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