Are You Ready to Shift Your Chronic Weight Conditions Fast?
Transform your Life Now!!! Today!!!
(Only takes Minutes!!!)
Enter a New Era of Healing and Wellness and Upgrade your Physical, Energetic, and Emotional Being Today!
Experience "Source Creator" Energy channeled through Dawn Crystal's "Voice". The most Powerful & Fastest Healing Frequencies to Hit Planet Earth!!!
These "Source" Sound Frequencies are changing the Lives of Thousands of people Globally Everyday who experience Dawn's Miraculous Healing Gifts!
How long have you been STUCK in a body you're not happy with?

You don't understand why nothing works?

Do you listen to every interview on Weight Loss?
Maybe you lost some weight but it never stays off for very long.

What if I Told you there really is a SOLUTION???

What if it's "Not" another diet?

What if there's absolutely "No"Surgery involved?

And what if once you lose the weight it stays off?
Let me tell you What Does Work!!!
Destructive energies of the subconscious mind and patterns that are holding on like "Crazy Glue" to the toxic self-talk, the crippling emotions, the malevolent beliefs. Until they are eliminated there's basically no chance you're going to be able to let go off the weight and keep it off.
Once you clear the energies that are causing you to hold onto fat. It's like breaking out of Prison and being free to be, to act and experience whatever you like!
This is clearly something the Multi-billion dollar Weight Loss industry dosent want anyone to know about.
And that's why "YOU" are going to get RESULTS FAST!!!
Here's what people who have worked with Dawn:
"A weight Program that actually works!!!Thank you Dawn" ~ Jenn
"I Love the Lipo-Suction mp3, I can actually feel my fat melting Away!" ~ Tina
“I feel the Powerful Sound Vibrations from Source when I listen to the mp3's! They make me feel so Awesome & I can feel them working." ~ Julus
"I have almost all of Dawn's programs and this Weight Loss program is so powerful and it only takes a few minutes per day!" ~ Ruby ♥️
“Love Love Love!!! My new Body!!! So simple and easy ..." ~ Alexandra P.
"I have experienced Anti Aging for several weeks and recently purchased your facelift. Amazing results ... but as my boyfriend is experiencing both Anti Aging and the pain Package. Thank you for being here for us, Dawn" ~ Mahalo
“I am so incredibly grateful for this transformation and the session. I don't think I have ever felt so 'seen'. To say you have changed my life for the better would be a meager understatement.Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" ~ DP.
"Wow! I am seeing the weight melt off and it's only been a week! 😁" ~ Michael
“I can feel the Powerful Energy working through the recordings Everytime I listen. I am so grateful. Thanks! " ~ Liz
"Great Program!!! And the best thing it really works!!!!" ~ Tammy O.
“If you are looking for a Weight Loss program and nothing has worked..Try this Program..the Source energies really work fast!" ~ Jasmin D.
"I am amazed by all the healing I am receiving from this Weight Loss program which is far beyond my expectations. Thank you Dawn! " ~ Yolanda 💗
“Quality , Quality, Quality! Everything Dawn Crystal does is Pure & Potent! Thank you for this Weight Loss Program! " ~ Emma 😊
Brand New Testimonial!
"The words seem empty to describe the profound impact of my session with Dawn. She has an amazing ability to listen to the soul speak and is guided by Pure Source. In my short 25 or 30 minutes with her I was able to heal 30 year old emotional wounds I didn't even realize were still there! The impact on my life has been a delightful effervescent emotional resilience that I was unaware I wasn't enjoying !!
Strongly recommend you enjoy any opportunity to do individual work with her, no matter what you may intend, she has a direct link to pure source that will allow you to have your intention attended to - yet not limited by your vision of what you need. An incredible experience to be able to have Source work directly with you, through her pervasive nurturing healing gift!!"
~ Margaret
"Hello Dawn - I purchased your Weight Loss Package. I have been listening for several days (not yet a week) and I lost 5 pounds without trying. Also my right knee pain has decreased and I feel I have more energy. I also have realized a positive shift in my self-image."
~ Jane
The pounds are just falling off me!
" I Love all Dawn's programs.😊 But this program is really a Life-Changer! The pounds are just falling off me! Thankyou!"
~ Amiee H.
This is the best investment I ever made!!!
"I was a little skeptical about another weight loss program. But something inside myself told me to do it, So I Did! 😁 This is the best investment I ever made!!! Thank you Dawn for your generosity ..."
~ Ann
Great Value and Life Changing
"This program really clears Everything that is in the way of you being at your best Weight. I Love all the potent Clearings & Activations ! Great Value and Life Changing .."
~ Jim B.
I looked so Age-Less!!!
"I Absolutely love the Face lift/Eye Lift bonus mp3!!! I listened to this before my class reunion and everyone thought I looked so Age-Less!!! Thank you Dawn! You are magical...🙏"
~ Bree S.
Total Package Value $500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $127
Don't Miss The 30 Day Remote Healing Add On At Checkout!
ONLY $47 for 48 Hours!
Note: No refund after the remote healing takes place.

30 days refund Policy
See what Everyone is Raving About!
“I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees”
"Dawn Crystal is a pure channel, meaning she is egoless in her work. She fully allows Source to move through her to client unobstructed and unaltered by any human ego mind distortions. I found myself fully able to trust and therefore open fully to Source Energies. The next morning I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees. Not only is my body healing, but the healing ripples from body up through my human mind, clearing out distorted thoughts, beliefs, mental constructs that caused the physical 'dis-ease' initially. I loved working with Dawn. She is so True and Pure in her work, her intentions and heart. I am so grateful for her assisting me in finding the 'light' I could not identify alone. Thank you so much, Dawn."
~ Kathy Kirk
“You are truly one of a kind”
"Dear Dawn, thank you so much for sharing your amazing gifts with me. I am so grateful for your time & effort during my 3 sessions (FHTY - Anti-Aging Package). You are truly one of a kind. Last night's final call session was amazing and releasing the soul (baby) back to Source was so right..he/she would have been attached to me for more than 26 yrs..finally now back with Source"
~ Wendy
“I felt so much energy and love from Source through her I was floating.”
"I have purchased 3 of Dawns programs and had a session with her. I cannot encourage anyone enough to participate in her wonderful healing love and beautiful vibrations. I felt so much energy and love from Source through her I was floating. Speaking with her I felt as I was talking to my long lost sister. She is a beautiful wonderful, truly loving lady. I am grateful that she shares her beautiful gift with us. I am grateful she has helped me remove my blocks."
~ Shawn H.
“I totally look younger!!”
"I totally look younger!! She isn't kidding about the facelift! Thank you for the generous clearing Dawn. Nice bonus!"
~ Mary from (Michigan)
“Mostly all the wrinkles on my face have disappeared and I look ten years younger”
"The Anti-aging program works wonders! Mostly all the wrinkles on my face have disappeared and I look ten years younger. I am still working on the perfect weight part, my cravings are less, and I’m eating more fruits and vegetables. My skin is now very soft and I am glowing. I feel totally different. Thank you Dawn for being who you are today and for helping people, as we all deeply appreciate your work! Thank you so very much!!"
~ Caroline M.
“I sleep better, I feel better. I feel connected!”
"Dawn, I’ve tried quite a few different packages from different healers. Your Anti-aging MP3s are amazing!
When I am listening to them I can feel energy buzzing all around my body, especially at the top of my head.
After listening I feel out of space at the beginning, but later I feel more grounded. I sleep better, I feel better. I feel connected!
Your work is very important and much appreciated.
Much Aloha! And Blessings!"
~ Tatyana.
"I love Dawns tonal activations! I immediately felt tingles running up & down my body & a feeling of relaxation that was so peaceful. I listen to her tones 1st thing in the morning to get my day started off “ on the right foot” so to speak. I would recommend Dawn also because she is a really kind & generous person"
~ Jeri
Clear your Blocks Fast!!! It only takes as little as "10 Minutes" Per Day!!!
It's as simple as putting on your Head-Phones & Feel the Positive Changes Start to happen Right-Away!
If you have tried Every healing Modality out there & Nothing has worked...Try this Program it works Fast & Easy!!!
Discover Sound Healing Today!
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
Don't Miss The 30 Day Remote Healing Add On At Checkout!
ONLY $47 for 48 Hours!
Note: No refund after the remote healing takes place.
Package A - 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
Get Skinny Fast! (Perfect Weight)
- End the "Plateau"!!!
- End Binge Eating, Emotions & Stress Eating.
- Clear Unhealthy food choices
- Clear family genetics & Belief systems
- Stay Motivated!!!
- Clear your Un-Conscious mind
- Clear past lives in the way of your perfect weight!
- Thyroid-gland Rejuvenation

Clear Stagnated Energy Out of the body!
- Ground in your personal power in your body.
- Clear low vibrations out of the body
- Bring in High Vibrational "Source" energy to Rev-Up your complete system!
- Clear out everything from your Past that is slowing down your metabolism.
- Clear the Un-Conscious mind.

Cravings Control Clearing!
- Clear the Un-Conscious mind.
- Clear Self-Sabotage.
- Clear Un-healthly belief systems.
- Download & Upgrade your brain for a happier healthier body!
- Clear Family genetics & belief systems
- Clear past-lives

Clear Self-Sabotage!
- Clear the Un-Conscious mind.
- Align the body, Mind & spirit together as a balanced team!
- Clear Family genetics.
- Balance Right & Left Hemispheres of the brain.
- Clear past lives up the present moment.
- Activate Happy & Healthy belief systems.

Energy System Reboot!
- Ground in your personal power in your body.
- Clear Low Vibrations (entities).
- Balance the (7) main chakras of the body.
- Cut all cords from past toxic relationships.
- Feel a "New" Complete You!
- Re-Energize & Align your Complete Energy System!

Perfect Nights Sleep!!!
- Clear Anxiety
- Clear the Un-Conscious mind chatter.
- Clear depression
- Clear out everyone's energy from your day.
- A Complete Divine energy cleansing!
- A Complete Energy Detox!
- Rejuvenate & Recalibrate your metabolism for your next day!

Create A Perfect Self-Image!
- Clear all negative belief systems
- Clear out your old Defeating Stories.
- Clear out all traumas
- Clear past lives contributing to a negative Self-Image.
- Create a positive connection with food.
- Create a confident feeling & acceptance in your own body!

Upgrade your DNA & Cells to your perfect Body Now!
- Upgrade your DNA to your perfect body image.
- Upgrade your cells & stem cells to youth frequencies.
- Set a "New" thermostat of youth hormones!
- Balance progesterone & Testosterone levels.
- Clear Family genetics.
- Clear past lives that are contributing to Un-healthly hormone & cellular function .
- Full Body over-haul to your optimum healthy & youthful body!

- Liposuction the right & left upper arms
- Liposuction the abdomen.
- Liposuction the thighs & inner thighs
- Liposuction the Buttocks
- Liposuction the calves
- Slim you down to the "New"Slimmer you!
- Complete Tightening & Toning!

ITEM 10:
New Sexy Happy You!
- Update your Un-Conscious mind to your "New" Look!
- Bring in more "Happy"endorphins to update your New feelings of feeling good!
- Bring in more Youth Hormones!
- Bring in more Youth Stem cells!
- Amp up your Energy levels!
- Natural B12 Energy Frequencies Elixr!


Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
Don't Miss The 30 Day Remote Healing Add On At Checkout!
ONLY $47 for 48 Hours!
Note: No refund after the remote healing takes place.
Package A - 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“I had not thought about killing myself, that weight is gone. There's light in that place.”
"Part of me felt kind of stupid and crazy for signing up for this even though I've been using your programs for decades. I mean, I can't exactly afford it, and it's just some lady making weird noises over the phone. But my intuition kept urging me, so I went for it.
I'm almost 50 but had such an excruciating childhood, I've still suffered the effects no matter how hard I've tried everything under the sun to heal. Some things have helped but not enough to quell the constant underlying desire to end it. I thought about killing myself all the time as a kid, and the desire always remained no matter how hard I tried to heal and think positive. I would never do it because I wouldn't leave my child alone in the world, and I knew it was just leftover darkness, but to varying degrees it was the backdrop to even the happiest of times for my entire life.
Well, yesterday was Suicide prevention day, and I realized that I had not thought about killing myself for several days. That weight is gone. There's light in that place. So, that's pretty cool for only one session with Dawn Crystal. Thanks for that. I'm excited to see what happens next."
~ Lynn
“Dawn has certainly have helped lifting much burden from my shoulders.”
"I purchased all your energy downloads and have been playing them regularly since summer and I must say, they make me feel at peace and full of optimism. We also had two one on one session which I enjoyed immensely. My life has become more of experiencing trust and lightness which I am so very grateful for. You certainly have helped lifting much burden from my shoulders. Thank you so very much for your immense support!
May the light guide you at all times, always, much love"
~ Christina (London)
“I can truly say that you are very gifted and that your sound healing frequencies are very strong and effective”
"Being an energy healer, medical intuitive, empath, animal communicator myself, I can truly say that you are very gifted and that your sound healing frequencies are very strong and effective.
I thoroughly enjoyed the private session you so generously included in the purchase of your total body Rejuvenation program. It made me feel so much better, more grounded and alive. But most important I could feel your passion for your work. You truly want to be of service and your heart connection with the client is very strong. It has been a honor connecting with you via Skype.
Thank you you are an inspiration for me."
~ Angelina
“Dawn did what she does best with her sound healings and going to the core of the problem, my pain went away”
"I was in extreme pain back in the latter part of June/July. I do not know where it came from and why, and my appointment with Dawn was scheduled for July 21. I asked Dawn if she could move me up or squeeze me in because I was experiencing excruciating pain that I had never felt before. Since someone had rescheduled, she had an opening for the July 7, and I was able to take that spot. Dwan did what she does best with her sound healings and going to the core of the problem, I didn't even notice, but my pain went away and that next week, the pain was gone. It went as mysteriously as it came. It was miraculous. Thank you, Dawn, so much for your generosity and flexibility."
~ Jane
“I had first good night's sleep I have had in a long time.”
"August was a particularly difficult month for me. Fortunately, I had my private session with Dawn on September 3rd. That session was phenomenal. I released much negative energy I didn't even know I had. That night, I had first good night's sleep I have had in a long time. The dreams were positive, too, instead of ones about some tragedy or another that I had to overcome. I am currently working my way through the series of Abundance Blocks mp3's that were part of the package I bought and find them helpful as well. My energy is now more positive and I wake up looking forward to how the day"
“You will find your life has changed forever in a very, very positive way”
"Dawn is truly amazing. I connected with her energy during the webinar she was on and the connection became more evident when I spoke to her on the phone. You will not regret purchasing any of the packages she offers as she is sincere in wanting to help you and not just wanting to make a buck pushing a product you don’t need. She helps you find the true you that is part of the Whole/God. Once you find that part of you, and learn how to allow what your desires to manifest instead of resisting those things you are attracting that you don't want, you will find your life has changed forever in a very, very positive way. I am truly grateful I found the one person who could get through my resistance and help me birth the part of me that is truly part of Source/God. Now I can continue exploring what is mine to do in this lifetime allowing only those energies that are in my highest good to manifest themselves in Divine timing. Dawn helped me and she can help you, too, if you choose to allow that to happen."
~ Donna Davis
“Released blocks that have hindered me for years”
"Dawn, You are a magical gift to my life. Finding you randomly one evening after being guided in a dream by my grandfather who I channel with often, he gave me a perfect description of the person who I needed for my next healing. That very next day in my inbox I received an email that had a replay of one of your online talks, I knew immediately seeing your picture you where the exact person my grandfather had described the night before so I proceeded to listen to your free healing followed by purchasing the get out of pain package which included a private session with you. As I proceeded to schedule my first solo appointment with you I could book my appointment the very next day which once again I knew this had to be more than divine intervention. My first solo appointment I noticed immediate shifts in my life so much I paid for a second solo session. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your gifts with the world, your generosity at the end of my second session with a free bonus extra healing but more importantly releasing blocks that have hindered me for years."
~ Laura
“I have found Dawn's voice guidance and acoustic clearings to be enormously helpful and transformative.”
"So many of us work between struggle and hope in our lives. I've been trying to manage anxiety, heal from physical ailments, while also wanting to grow into more abundance and higher energetic integrity. I have found Dawn's voice guidance and acoustic clearings to be enormously helpful and transformative. With dedication, I listen to her modules daily and regularly journal. In only two weeks, I feel more attuned, expanded and wholly rooted in my own two feet"
~ Anne
“She restored the energy that had been drained away from me and I could sense and feel my own energy for the first time.”
"My first private session with Dawn Crystal had a profound impact on how I feel. I'd had other energy clearing before her, but none got to such a deep level. She restored the energy that had been drained away from me and I could sense and feel my own energy for the first time. Since then I've been using the Whole Body clearing meditations every morning. When I had the flu I used the "clearing the throat and lungs" module and I believe this really kept my symptoms manageable. It's a beautiful, easy, and relaxing way to start my day!
Thank you!"
~ JM, Maryland
“I could walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees.”
"Dawn Crystal is a pure channel, meaning she is egoless in her work. She fully allows Source to move through her to client unobstructed and unaltered by any human ego mind distortions. I found myself fully able to trust and therefore open fully to Source Energies. The next morning, I could walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees. Not only is my body healing, but the healing ripples from body up through my human mind, clearing out distorted thoughts, beliefs, mental constructs that caused the physical 'dis-ease' initially. I loved working with Dawn. She is so True and Pure in her work, her intentions and heart. I am so grateful for her assisting me in finding the 'light' I could not identify alone."
Thank you so much, Dawn"
~ Kathy Kirk
“Her Healing is instantaneous”
"Dawn Crystal Maui is absolutely Awesome....her healing energy is Powerful!! Her Healing is instantaneous but it also continues to work & Move things out of your field hours & days later. If You suffer from Pain Dawn is the Healer to seek She is going to very busy as her Medicine has no side-effects Only Benefits!! Thank-You Dawn Crystal You are a Gift straight from the Divine 🙂 Many Blessings to You for the work you do!!!"
~ Kavita
“I have been migraine-free since our mini on-air session”
"I heard Dawn Crystal speaking as a guest on a tele-summit She was helping people with their pain issues by using her powerful toning sounds. I was intrigued, so I called hoping to have a mini on-air session. My call was answered and I asked Dawn if she could please help me get rid of regularly occurring migraines (3-4 times a week, for decades). She said, "Sure, that's one of my specialties." At the time we spoke, I was happy to already be feeling good. So I couldn't give her any immediate feedback. That was about 8 weeks ago. I have been migraine-free since our mini on-air session. Incredible!!! I am grateful to finally feel so fantastic! A couple weeks ago,. Dawn helped clear several weeks of constant intense body aches I had been feeling. It's such a relief to Feel Better Again!! So I purchased her healing package that included a personal session, which I just now experienced. Dawn helped me clear a lot of old family energy that had been causing strange body pain. She also helped energetically clear the way for me to buy a home. It was such a treat to work with Dawn and experience life in a way that is more beneficial to me. She has a lot of integrity and heart. I am so appreciative of Dawn's healing energy and toning. I feel like a million bucks :)"
~ Kelly F. (CA.)
“My knee was stiff and achy during the call but has regained suppleness now”
"Hi Dawn .You worked on my right knee issue during the call and I am here to report that my knee is 100% better. It started to ease gradually and I was waiting to see how it held up after 3 days. One word: AMAZING! My knee was stiff and achy during the call but has regained suppleness now. I feel it looser and my movements more fluid. You said it was ancestral and you were not sure if the call was enough well I can tell you that you are a miracle woman for me cos it was certainly more than enough. Thank you thank you thank you! You are a blessing and I am infinitely grateful for your help."
~ Rym D
“The pain I had in my jaw has evaporated”
"Wow, thank you Dawn for the mini healing, I am feeling lighter and more energized and I didn't mention the pain I had in my jaw has evaporated I feel amazing, much gratitude and love returned a million fold "
~ Anna D.
“If you are experiencing any type of sluggish syndrome and are looking for an alternative to medicine. I encourage you to give Dawn a chance.”
"Hello my name is Jeffrey, awhile ago I hurt my hip and after a long recovery time which included physical therapy and chiropractic work. I noticed I started to get low on energy. By a chance meeting I met Dawn and with an open mind I scheduled an Energy
rebalancing session with her. I believe that the combination of my receptiveness along with her energy soothing sounds made this a successful session. Afterward I felt more at ease. I noticed I had more sustaining energy, and I didn't have the crash at the end of the day. If you are experiencing any type of sluggish syndrome and are looking for an alternative to medicine. I encourage you to give Dawn a try, I'm glad I did"
~ Jeffrey
“In less than 2 months of working with Dawn Crystal, my life was transformed with ease and grace!”
"Dawn Crystal's healing energy is amazing! The first time that we spoke it was unrelated to her gift. After our call, I told her that I felt so much positive energy pouring through the phone and that I've never experienced that before. That's when I learned of her gift and I immediately booked a session with her. She helped me clear and shift blocked energy that kept me stagnated in certain areas of my life for more than 10-years. In less than 2 months of working with Dawn Crystal, my life was transformed with ease and grace! Dawn is a gifted healer. Step into her world and prepare for your transformation."
~ Sandy O.
"I was on the call with you. I had been hit in the back by a van. This knocked my hip out of alignment. When you worked on me on the call, it helped me with the burning that was in my both arms! I have been through a lot of losses, and battles which has caused acid to just spill throughout my body. SINCE THAT NIGHT, THE BURNING ENDED IN MY ARMS! I still am healing several layers of old shocks, traumas.
Dawn, Thank you! Yes, whatever the sounds are come from Heaven's music, Angelic Healing Frequencies! I can listen to it all night and day."
~ Marlene
“A huge relief! I listened to the entire program and got more relief from your other transmissions as well.”
"I had pain wrapping around my rib cage and back on the left side. As you worked, it shifted up under my left shoulder blade and into the center spine area. It got very painful thru that area for about 10-20 minutes, then all was gone. Only a slight soreness in the affected areas now. A huge relief! I listened to the entire program and got more relief from your other transmissions as well."
About Dawn Crystal

Dawn Crystal, a recognized Voice Sound Healer, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Medium, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author- (Pain Free Made Crystal Clear!), is known as a LEADING TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERT incorporating ancient wisdom for modern day success.
Dawn is passionate about helping people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves, step into their full potential, and lead their lives and businesses in ways that align effectively with their souls’ purpose.
Dawn helps her clients to release themselves quickly from pain, emotional and physical, and she is an active mentor for entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and celebrities, helping everyone! Dawn is the "go-to" person to get out of pain fast, in minutes!
Dawn participates regularly on global teleseminars, radio shows and podcasts. Dawn was recently interviewed by the Today Show, Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, The View,etc. Dawn hosts her own radio show, Pain Free Fast & Easy! on the News for the Soul Network.
Dawn’s unique sound healing CD has been purchased by clients around the globe, and she is available on both phone and Skype, as well as teleseminars.
Dawn lives a peaceful life on Maui, along with her adorable dog, Hoku.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
Don't Miss The 30 Day Remote Healing Add On At Checkout!
ONLY $47 for 48 Hours!
Note: No refund after the remote healing takes place.
Package A - 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.