Step Inside The Magic Incubator and FINALLY Release Your Challenges and Struggles For Good!

It's no secret that these days, it's harder than ever to make ends meet. Everywhere you turn, it seems like the deck is stacked against you...

Maybe you feel like you have an abundance of what you don't want and a lack of what you do want...

You know things like...

  • Feeling unloved, unappreciated, and overlooked
  • Exhausted from being overwhelmed and stressed
  • Unenergetic, unhealthy, or unvibrant
  • Lackluster, toxic, or non-existent relationships
  • Unfulfilled or dead end job
  • Facing one struggle after another
  • Overworked, underpaid, taken for granted, under appreciated
  • Physically sick, injured, emotionally drained, or spiritually depleted
  • Going Through the Motions of daily life rather than living in joy
  • Ready to make changes in your life
  • You know that there is more to life than paying bills and taking care of others

Here are some of the INTENSE life-changing results others have seen with Debra & The Magic Incubator!

WE GOT THE HOUSE !!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Things have shifted so much for me. I can’t thank you enough.” ~ Nicky T.

“I received my attunement on Tuesday and on Thursday I received an unexpected $800. Thank you, Deb!” ~ Jules F.

“After Debra’s clearings my psychic gifts opened up and I was able to open my own healing practice within a month!” ~ Shelly R.

“Working with Debra my tax bill was reduced by over $30,000 overnight!!!” ~ Tracie J.

“My money magnet is working overtime…lol…When I really want something it seems to magically appear within a few days.” ~ Mattie C.

Imagine what your life will be like when you feel ultimate freedom— you’ll know exactly what’s been holding you back!

“I never win anything and tonight at Bingo I won $760. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” ~ Brenda F.

“Thanks to you, 2020 has brought me a new job, more money, a new home, and a new lease on life. Thanks a bunch!” ~ Maria

“I feel so much lighter and more focused on what I need to do with my life. I can’t thank you enough.” ~ Kirstin S.

“After Debra’s Clearings & Activations I Found my passion and started my own business!” ~ Justine K.

“After working With Debra I found the courage to change jobs and to ask a woman out that I didn’t have the nerve to before!” ~ Dennis


At this EXACT moment in time...

You are at a crossroads...

Where you can choose to continue living each day in lack, doubt, fear, and pain or YOU CAN REWRITE THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE!

It's Time to Reclaim the Power and Magic of YOU, so You Can...

  • Become financially secure
  • Be happy
  • Experience miracles and magic
  • Feel healthy
  • Live successful
  • Experience real love
  • Have uplifting and joyful interactions with others
  • Feel recognized and appreciated
  • Understand and live your life’s purpose

You are more powerful than you know. You have the power to manifest anything in your life, but only if you remember who and what is important enough for this world.

The Magic Incubator is your personal map to the infinite knowledge of who you are and what you need to do to make all your dreams a reality!

The Next 60 Days will Change YOUR Life FOREVER!

You'll learn how to Rediscover the Magic that has been hiding inside of you all along.

Inside The Magic Incubator, you will learn how to find out what is REALLY important to you at both the conscious and unconscious levels by remembering who you are at a Soul level.

Discovering who you are and what you want out of life through activations and guided journeys will provide you with keys to unlock your Magic in the areas of Wealth, Health, and Happiness. 

By leveraging the information in your Akashic Records you will receive additional keys to unlock the patterns, blocks, obstacles, and limitations from this and past lives that are keeping you from experiencing your full power and potential in this incarnation.

You will also learn how to shift your mindset out of negative manifestation mode to positive manifestation mode so that you can make the most of your Magic and write the best possible outcome for your Soul Story.

Why Debra is unique?

I have been on the roller coaster of life, like everyone else. I was living the “Dream” or so others thought. I had a well paying job in “Corporate America”. For 39 years I managed and coached teams of up to 300 people and was responsible for the training, education and service for tens of thousands of customers. I was respected for my knowledge, dedication, and willingness to mentor others. At the same time, I was miserable. Initially I thought the problem was that I wasn’t being paid enough so I manifested a 22% pay increase. That only put a bandage on the problem and kept me stuck for an additional year. What I learned by working in my Akashic Records was that I was not living my purpose, I was sacrificing myself for others due unresolved past life baggage and that I had to take control of My Life and FIX ME. Did I make a difference in the lives of my coworkers, the staff that reported to me, and to the clients of my former employers? Yes, I know I did and that as a result I did make a difference and a contribution to the world. I know now, that those positions that I held were helping me train for my large purpose and that is what I am doing now and that I am now in a position to really make a difference and a much larger contribution.

Helping people learn about the Akashic Records and understanding the information that is contained in them is a huge part of my Higher Purpose. I am now able to help people and at the same time live the life that I want to live.

I have witnessed remarkable shifts in the lives of the people that have come to me for Energy Work and for work in their Akashic Records. They have eliminated blocks and obstacles from their personal lives, from their “jobs”, from their relationships, and from their relationship with money, which has in turn given them the freedom to embrace themselves for the first time.

They are more confident in themselves, they honor themselves, they are taking the steps, and doing the work on themselves so that they can live the lives that they want to live. They are finally understanding how to tap the magic inside of them and claim their personal power.

“I have new goals, new roles, and even more money coming my way.”

“I started working with Debra to help me clear blocks I had in regards to my abundance, more in particular my purpose. I was feeling very burnt out and exhausted in my business and was really looking for some relief and clarity. My session with Debra was incredible. She helped me really understand my values and how when I am not standing in my values, things don't feel good to me, which prevents abundance coming my way. After my session, things completely shifted for me ... and not how I thought they would. At first this was really scary. However, after everything unfolded, I couldn't be happier. I have new goals, new roles, and even more money coming my way. I am much more relaxed about my business and more confident in my future. This is the first time I have felt this relaxed and confident in years! Thank you Debra for the work that you do."

Gretchen Pritts
FHTJ Team Member

Within Weeks, Sometimes Even DAYS After Receiving Debra's Activations and Clearings, Her Clients Lives Were FOREVER Changed!

  • Changed jobs to one that more aligns with her purpose and she is happier than she has been her whole adult life
  • She wrote a book and it won a prestigious Gold medal award which led to her being offered an international book tour
  • Her chronic illness has gone into remission and she no longer needs to take medications to keep it under control
  • She went back to school after receiving a full scholarship and is now working at her dream job.
  • Got a promotion and a raise, so did her spouse, and they got pregnant after trying unsuccessfully for years all within 2 weeks.
  • Her tax bill was reduced by over $30,000 overnight
  • He was promoted to the position of Vice President within a week
  • Landed a job paying more than twice what she was making before and she wasn’t even looking. They found her.
  • Her psychic gifts opened up and she was able to open her own healing practice within a month
  • Found her passion and started her own business
  • Her business is booming, she has a clear direction for the future, she is putting her needs first for the first time

Every one of Debra's clients have experienced a noticeable level of change after working with her!

Sometimes that change occurs immediately and sometimes it takes a bit longer.

The amount of change differs from person to person but the change can be life altering.

In Debra's own words...

"The more time I spend in the Akashic Records and do readings, clearings, and coachings with clients the more I realize I have been tapping into them my whole life.

I remember a time as a small child when I told my friend that her daddy had a girlfriend. Of course this child told her mother and I was never allowed to play with her again. Well, a few years later her parents got divorced because her daddy Did have a girlfriend.

In jobs, I was always put in positions of interacting with the customers and resolving their complaints/issues. I knew exactly what to say to them to reach the desired result. My staff would always ask me to teach them what my secret was.

While I couldn’t teach them to do what I did, I was able to work with any of them who was interested to mentor them and find or create positions that were not only a perfect fit for their outward talents, they were also a fit for the Soul attributes that these individuals had. More often than not, these employees moved into other positions outside or my department, out of the company, and/or out of the industry that we were in all together.

Needless to say, my bosses were not always thrilled about losing the good talent. I on the other hand always felt like a Momma Bird, watching her chicks fly from the next and soaring into their destiny."

- Debra Carter

Debra is able to see into her client’s Akashic Records to see what makes them unique at a Soul level, what makes their Soul sing, and the best way for them to connect to their inherent magic.

She is able to convey that information to them and help them incorporate it into their life so that they can make the changes needed to reach their potential.

Debra helps them identify the baggage that they picked up in this lifetime that they are carrying for other people as well as the baggage and trauma that they have been carting around from lifetime to lifetime.

Identifying patterns of negative behavior and then clearing those tendencies out of the Records enables her client’s to have a fresh start while still having the knowledge from those experiences at a Soul level. The information that is identified, shared, and cleared provides for immediate and profound changes for her clients.

Debra has an easy way for people to understand and incorporate the concepts of Self- Worth, Abundance and Manifestation that allows them to leverage the Magic inside of them and step into their personal power!

From Gifted Cars to New Jobs to Unexpected Funds and SO MUCH MORE! Debra's Clients Transform Their Lives...

“Thank you for all of your support, Debra. I enjoyed the session with you very much...and so appreciated your kind and non-judgmental manner. Too many positive changes happening to count right now! Many blessings to you” ~ Liz

“Many, MANY thanks, Debra! Lots and lots of "movement" aka changes/gifts/surprises here lately--most of which of the very exciting variety!” ~ Bob

“I have become more abundant in my expression of boundaries for myself. I speak up much more and tend to be direct versus just going along with things others want me to do when it doesn’t resonate with me. That also brought some other memories to mind... where I wound up standing my ground after experiencing manipulation, but feeling guilty. Now... I don't feel guilty at all. It's a very freeing feeling.” ~ Iris

“This week was an incredible puzzle that seemed to come together piece by piece into something amazing. The synchronicities that brought it about are just phenomenal! I received answers to questions that had been in my mind for months and years. So AMAZING! I'm so grateful!!!!”~ Beth

“WOW! Just learned that we are being gifted a Toyota Sienna!” ~ Ron

“was also given the opportunity to invest in a private BTC mining fund which I had been wanting to do, but had no idea how to find such an opportunity; and it just appeared through a person I have invested with and trust.” ~ Gail

“First I wanted to share with you some of the blessings cascading from your abundance sessions: the you tube trailer on my last book has been viewed 5,000 times in 3 weeks. Followed by this one a few weeks later: Thank you for making the gold medal award for my book materialize!! I’m so grateful you’re in my life.” ~ Wafa T

“I feel like a new person. I can’t thank you enough for helping me move past my past. I didn’t realize how stuck I was until after my reading!” ~ Mary

“I did it! I packed up and left him. I have wanted to do this for more than a decade but I didn’t have the courage. You helped me see that I had the power inside of me all along just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.” ~ Barb D

“We feel so much better and things are calmer now than they have been in forever. It’s like I no longer have to carry the weight of the world. I’m free to be me and I love it!” ~ Jessi

“POWERFUL shifts taking place in all areas of my life. ” ~ RC

“The more I reflect on my session the more I remember about who I really am. I’ve spent most of my life pretending and appeasing others instead of honoring myself and I didn’t even realize it before I met you. I’m finally able to speak my truth and stand up for myself.” ~ Evelyn

“The best part of my day is when your Daily Empowerment arrives in my inbox. Please don’t stop sending them.” ~ Lori

“Woohoo!! I’m tingling from head to toe. The energies are off the hook!!” ~ Vicky

“I’m so much more confident now than I was before I started this program, look out ladies cause here I come.” ~ Zach

“Thank you Dearest Debra from the bottom of my heart. I don’t know where I would be without you and your kindness. Meeting you changed my life for the better and I am forever grateful.” ~ L N

“This program has been a game changer for me and has opened my eyes to how powerful and remarkable I am.” ~ Stephanie

“I quit my job and I feel great. I now know that I don’t have to settle for second best and deserve to follow my dreams. I’m lovin life for a change.” ~ Jaclyn

“My gifts are expanding and I am amazed at how much I can do with them. I’m able to help myself and my clients at a much deeper level since receiving the Activations and Attunements.” ~ Megan

“Why don’t they teach this information in public schools I wish this program was around 30 years ago when I was in school. My life would have been vastly different if I knew then what I no know. The scared, wounded victim that I was has been replaced with a strong, vibrant, and happy woman.” ~ Grace

“My Soul thanks your Soul for being you and helping me remember that I am Divine Magic and that I am in complete control of my destiny. Only I can stand in my way and I refuse to ever do that again. I am more grateful than you will ever know.” ~ Nora

Available for a Limited Time Only

Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies


Free Trial

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Discount : 91%

Total Package Value $2331

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$247

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies


Discount : 90%

Total Package Value $2553

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer: $297

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

An additional 30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies

30 Minute One-On-One Akashic Records Reading with Deb

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refunds after Live Group Calls with Activations or Attunements start or Personal Healing Session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Step into The Magic Incubator and Watch What Unfolds!!!

“Abundance at my Doorstep! Receiving Endless Gifts, Lotteries, Paid Vacations...”

“You were right, good things keep appearing at my doorstep. The dinner tab picked up by my friend, many more Christmas gifts than usual, an unexpected all-expense paid trip to the West Coast, as well as a few winning daily lottery tickets and found dollar bills. Everywhere I look I see the abundance of the Universe looking back at me, thanks for opening my eyes to see it."

~ Beth

“Huge Boost to My Money, Reduced Anxiety”

“I would like to thank you for the boost to my money manifestation set point. The results are still coming in. A close relative received a gift of $400 from my uncle and cousins, from out-of-the-blue, which she shared with me. This is an example of the money set-point going up. I have been feeling less anxiety, which is precious in itself, and have been better able to question and turn around some programming I've had for a long time. Life is just so much better when you know that you are being cared for by Source - not intellectually, but feeling it.”

~ Holly S.

“Rocked my World! Major Shift 2 Weeks Ago!”

“Changes have been coming in steadily for me since my Reading. I did have a major shift about 2 weeks ago that rocked my world and propelled me in the direction that you recommended I should go in. It literally came out of nowhere and I’m so glad that I could recognize the opportunity. Thank you for being there when I reached out for advice and to help me understand what was happening from an energetic perspective and what I needed to learn from the experience. I just love working with you."

~ Jerry S

“Waves of Abundance Since my Akashic Reading”

I am doing much, much better. The shift I have been going through since my reading has been coming in waves. I am definitely much lighter and everyone around me has noticed. I now know that I was stuck on the merry-go-round of life. You gave me the confidence in myself that I needed to stop the ride, get off, and find a new outlet for my creativity.

~ Lee J

“Incredible Energy Shift: From Depressed to Empowered!”

“What an energy shift. WOW, is the only way to describe it. I feel more empowered and energized. The fact that you validated for me that I was headed in the right direction, meant more to me than you will ever know. Before coming to you I was defeated and depressed by the lack of support for my career from my family. You gave me the confidence to keep going. Thank you so much."

~ Donna S.


Free Trial

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text


Discount : 91%

Total Package Value $2331

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$247

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies


Discount : 90%

Total Package Value $2553

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer: $297

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

An additional 30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies

30 Minute One-On-One Akashic Records Reading with Deb

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refunds after Live Group Calls with Activations or Attunements start or Personal Healing Session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A


Energy Work 24x7x60

Value: $222

Format: Remote Healing

You will receive 60 days of Remote Energy Work to help you open up, accept your potential, and step into your power. These energies will be streamed to you 24x7 from the time you sign up. The energies are custom blended for you to assist you in maximizing where you are each day at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.


30 Days of Daily Empowerments

Value: $999

Format: A Daily Email filled with Energetically charged words and pictures.

You will receive 30 days of Daily Empowerments to help you open up, accept your potential, and step into your power. These are Daily Messages from Spirit created specifically for you and this group. They will help you examine your current situation, challenge your viewpoints, and broaden your outlook on concepts and aspects of your life that typically run on auto-pilot and keep you stuck. Daily Empowerments are designed to be thought provoking, ground breaking, and pattern busting so help you see things from the vantage point of your Soul.


90 minute Group Call #1 Retrieve the Magic

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 8-09-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an activation and participate in a guided journey to assist you in retrieving the magic of your Soul that you have hidden away inside of you. Reacquaint yourself with your purpose for this lifetime and the power that you possess to achieve it. Learn how to open your heart and your mind to the limitless potential that is you.


90 minute Group Call #2 Release The Need

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 8-16-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an attunement and participate in a guided journey to assist you in identifying the needs of your Ego that are keeping your Magic hidden from view. You will be attuned to a simple process that will release those needs and transmute them back to the Universe. The process will always be available to you to use on yourself or to assist others.


90 minute Group Call #3 Remove the Restrictions

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 8-23-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an attunement and participate in a guided journey to assist you in identifying the needs of your Ego that are keeping your Magic hidden from view. You will be attuned to a simple process that will release those needs and transmute them back to the Universe. The process will always be available to you to use on yourself or to assist others.


90 minute Group Call #4 Renew your Energy Stream

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 9-6-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an attunement and participate in a guided journey to assist you in identifying the needs of your Ego that are keeping your Magic hidden from view. You will receive an activation connect you with a Universal Stream of 5th Dimensional Energies to renew and recharge your stream that has been depleted. We will take a guided journey to the 5th Dimension where you will find yourself bathing in and becoming one with these magical waters. On your journey you will meet and merge with the most self assured, abundant, and magical version of yourself.


90 minute Group Call #5 Rewrite Your Story

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 9-13-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an activation and participate in a guided journey to assist you in rewriting the script for this lifetime. Sow the seeds of growth and potential while you memorialize your hopes and dreams. Travel forward in time to anchor in the essence of the outcome that you desire for this incarnation.


90 minute Group Call #6 Receive and Rejoice

Value: $222

Format: Zoom Call on Tuesday 9-20-22, 11:00am eastern time zone. Recording provided

In this 90 minute call you will receive an attunement to Joyful Energies that rekindle your ability to receive the goodness of the Universe. A guided meditation will take you to your happy place for a well deserved dose of joy. Participate in a virtual gratitude ceremony to give thanks for every thought, feeling, emotion, and experience as written in your Soul Story.

Available for a Limited Time Only

Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies

As a bonus you are able to invite up to 10 members of your family or inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies. After you sign up send an email with the names of everyone that you would like to include from the email address that you used to sign up for the program.

Package A

Total Package Value $2331

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247

Early Bird Price: $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here are what some of Deb’s friends say!

“You were right, good things keep appearing at my doorstep. The dinner tab picked up by my friend, many more Christmas gifts than usual, an unexpected all-expense paid trip to the West Coast, as well as a few winning daily lottery tickets and found dollar bills. Everywhere I look I see the abundance of the Universe looking back at me, thanks for opening my eyes to see it.” ~ Beth

“This program is AMAZING!!! I never want it to end!!!!!!” ~ Jo

“Thanks to you 2020 has brought me a new job, more money, a new home, and a new lease on life. Thanks a bunch!” ~ Maria

“I am so thankful that I found you. I now have the confidence in myself that I was lacking before and have started sticking up for myself. My days are brighter and filled with love and I wish I had met you sooner.” ~ Sue

“I can’t thank you enough for mentoring me and helping me grow as a person and as an employee. I no longer see obstacles in my path, I see opportunities for growth. I am able to do what I want to do, not what I feel I have to do and will be forever grateful for your guidance.” ~ Patty R

“Well, there is so much that happened to me since I met you, where do I begin. So many changes and all for the better. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you!” ~ Tammy J.

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus


An additional 30 Days of Daily Empowerments

Value: $222

You will receive a total of 60 days of Daily Empowerments to help you open up, accept your potential, and step into your power. These are Daily Messages from Spirit created specifically for you and this group. They will help you examine your current situation, challenge your viewpoints, and broaden your outlook on concepts and aspects of your life that typically run on auto-pilot and keep you stuck. Daily Empowerments are designed to be thought provoking, ground breaking, and pattern busting so help you see things from the vantage point of your Soul.

ITEM 10:

30 Minute One-On-One Akashic Records Reading with Deb

Value: $222

Format: Private Session

After a session you will:

  • Learn new material to apply and implement for the week
  • Have any questions answered about that week’s material or the previous weeks
  • Raise your money vibration by celebrating money miracle wins

Package B

Total Package Value $2553

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297

Early Bird Price: $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here are more exciting turnarounds others have had with Debra’s clearings!

“Amazing and Fun! Loved the Questionnaire…”

“How amazing, it's exactly what you said. WOW!!! Your sessions are amazing and enlightening. I really appreciate you and your gifts. So happy to be working with you. I finally got a chance to go through the questionnaire last night and will listen to the call 2 tonight to get caught up. I really enjoyed answering the questions. I felt that helped me clear things as I worked through it. SOOOO FUN!"

~ Maria G.

“Beyond ecstatic and thankful! Great Session”

“Just have to tell you I had such a great session with you Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And I so enjoyed our time together also on Monday. I felt so amazing the next morning when I woke up, and I still feel so good. Thank you so much! I am beyond ecstatic and thankful for our session and the info you gave me!”

~ Lena

“My Dream Job Found Me!”

“She removed negativity which was impacting my well being and my situation changed and my dream job found me. With her help, I focused my energies on my personal development so that I had the skills to leave the familiarity and enter a new phase of my life which has had great outcomes. I can’t thank Deb enough and I truly believe in her gifts."

~ Mellie B.

It will help you harness energetic abundance powers you never felt before!

“Helped me Find Solutions that Work!”

“Your insights and uncanny ability to find solutions to the most difficult situations I was facing still amazes me. I am so glad I got the opportunity to work with you and can’t wait to continue my journey."

~ Leslie A.

“Feel Like a New Person… Full of Courage!”

“I feel like a new person. I found the courage to change jobs and to ask a woman out that I didn’t have the nerve to ask before.”

~ Dennis P.

“Gave me the confidence to Change Career Path, I love my new School”

“Words cannot express how much I appreciate you and what you have done for me. You helped me realize that I was following the crowd and going to college for others and not myself. Studying subjects that I had no passion for was only leading me in the direction of a career that I knew I didn’t want. I am now going to a technical school where I get to work with my hands and I am really enjoying what I am doing."

~ Davina N.

“Money Magnet Working overtime to Create Abundance!”

“My money magnet is working overtime…lol…When I really want something it seems to magically appear within a few days.”

~ Mattie C.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will this program work for me?

Yes! This program will work for you, if you allow the energies into your being. The program begins in such a way as to help shift you out of a low vibrational state and gradually raise your frequency. The higher you allow your resonance to get the more magic you will allow into your life.

Q. What if I can’t attend the calls live?

It is the same energy on the call whether you attend live or listen to the replay later. The replay is just as effective as attending live. The Activations and Attunements given during the calls will also be passed to you if you listen to the replay.

Q. What is the benefit of a private session if I’m already receiving 24/7 remote healing during the Daily Energy Transmissions.

The Daily Energy Transmissions are set up in away that allows your system to integrate the energies in a gradual and consistent manner and are designed to specifically target clearing your blocks, obstacles, limitations, and restrictions while you go about your day. During the private session I provide you with information contained in your personal Akashic Records that gives you insight into the reasons behind the experiences and the challenges that you have created in this and past lifetimes that need to be released in order for you to step into your magic and fulfill your purpose.

Q. What if I don't feel any energy during the Daily Energy Transmissions?

This is intentional. The energies are programmed to run at a high frequency in a way that will not overwhelm or over-process you so you can live your life without the side effects of certain energy processes that make people tired, groggy, dizzy, uncontrollably cry, pass out, alter states of consciousness, or feel temporarily disoriented.

Individuals who are sensitive to energy shifts may experience tingles and other energetic sensations during the Activations and Attunements, while reading the Empowerments or at points throughout the day as the Daily Energy Transmissions integrate in their beings. Any sensations should become less noticeable as you begin to acclimate to the high vibrational energies. The Daily Energy Transmission and the Empowerments are hard at work in your subconscious even if you cannot feel them.

Q. What if things appear to get worse?

We are working with Divine energy, which will not trigger you or over-process you or cause a negative detox or healing crisis experience or make things worse.

When unpleasant things show up, the momentum behind them has been building up for a long time before any of these tools were activated.
Know that whatever is showing up is something that needs to be released from your being so that the higher vibration energies you are receiving can be anchored in.

The Attunements, Activations, Empowerments, Energy Transmissions and Clearings (from the 1-on-1 session) have acted as a catalyst for change and have brought to your attention what needs to be dealt with and removed from your life so that you can move on to experiencing bigger and better things.

Q. What if I get attracted to and invest in other abundance products, services, and/or programs while participating in this one?

That's great! This program is designed to assist you in attracting the people, places, and things that you need in your life for your Greatest and Highest Good. As a result it will work with and enhance any other energy modality, and won't negatively interfere with any other energy work you are doing.

Q. What commitment is expected from me?

You need to be an active participant in your own healing. Open yourself up to receive the Daily Energy Transmission, read and embrace the Daily Empowerments and any Clearing from a 1-on-1 session, join the live calls or listen to the replays, these activities signal to your Higher-Self and the Universe that you are invested in personal growth and you will get far more out of the Program than if you simply sit back and wait for the Program to work. The Program provides you with the tools, resources, and support you need, but you still need to accept that it is your responsibility to take the steps necessary to manifest your dreams.
Investing in Package B, Package C and if Possible the VIP Offering for a package of sessions will take your commitment to a whole new level as. While I can Clear out the negative patterns from your past lives, only you can change what you are doing in this one.

We will be moving a lot of old energies in a very short amount of time, so it’s important that you eat well, stay hydrated, and rest when necessary.

Q. When can I expect results?

Shifts happen instantly so results can happen instantly as well. Usually the changes happen in subtle layers that you may not realize until days or weeks later. Even in the most stubborn situations, evidence that things are shifting positively can usually be seen in less than a month. Results can be subtle or they can be an in-your-face WOW. If you only focus on the big things that you haven’t received yet you are missing out on what has shown up.

Q. Is there a guarantee?

I always set an intention that everyone that I work with will receive the level of growth, healing, and mastery that is for their Greatest and Highest Good and that they can integrate into their lives most effectively. The biggest question is what guarantee are you giving yourself? Are you guaranteeing to yourself that you are ready, willing, and able to value yourself enough to claim your magic and step into your power.

Here Are Some More Amazing Results When Debra Helps Awaken Abundance in Others…

“Helped Manage finances better, Heal my money issues!”

“You are an inspiration! You taught me to view finances differently and begin to heal my own issues with money. Your success is a testimony in itself to the truth of the powers and skills you possess."

~ Michelle T

“I Have Benefited from Akashic Work for Years!”

“I have used your services over the past few years and the one that I valued the most was the one on one time we have spent on healing through the Akashic Records work. I feel that you have taken the time to know me and this has allowed me to reap the benefits.

~ Pam J.

“Life Changing Akashic Reading with Deb!”

“My Akashic reading with Deb was nothing short of life-changing. Her complete expertise and professionalism throughout the entire process made me confident that I was not only doing something incredibly beneficial for myself but that I was also trusting the right practitioner. She is wise and wonderful, and I'm so grateful that she's shared her gifts with me and help me move my life in a new direction that was more beneficial to me."

~ Jamie B.

“Endless Positive Changes since the Healing!”

“Well, there is so much that happened to me since I met you, where do I begin. So many changes and all for the better. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you!”

~ Tammy J

“Akashik record Clearing Helped me leave a Destructive Job and Take on a Better One!”

“Deb has a passion and knowledge that is profound. The Akashic Record Reading and Clearing that she did for me was awesome. I was able to take stock of my life, move on from a job that was slowly killing me, and find a new one better suited to me. Deb is truly a gem and I'm not certain what I would do without her in my life. She is definitely one of the brightest stars in the sky"

~ Kathy P.

“Helped me Release A lot; I can Embrace Life Fully Now!”

“I am so thankful for this highly evolved gifted “love in action, Lady. She has helped me to understand and integrate more of myself on a multidimensional level. After working with Deb and releasing what no longer works or serves my highest good; I now more fully embrace life.”

~ Trixie C.

“Helped me Reinvent Myself! Self Confidence has Soared”

“Before I started working with Debra my confidence level was zero. I questioned everything that I did at work and in my home life. Now that my blocks have been eliminated and I have a clearer vision of what I want to do my self-confidence has soared. I have now even been made a trainer for my department at work and people respect my knowledge. Debra helped me reinvent myself and I couldn’t be happier."

~ Kathy K.


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Discount : 91%

Total Package Value $2331

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer:$247

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies


Discount : 90%

Total Package Value $2553

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer: $297

Early Bird Price:


Energy Work 24x7x60

30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #1 Retrieve the Magic

90 minute Group Call Recording #2 Release The Need

90 minute Group Call Recording #3 Remove the Restrictions

90 minute Group Call Recording #4 Renew your Energy Stream

An additional 30 Days of Daily Empowerments

90 minute Group Call Recording #5 Rewrite Your Story

90 minute Group Call Recording #6 Receive and Rejoice

Limited Time Bonus: Invite up to 10 members of your family or Inner circle to receive the 60 Days of Remote Energies

30 Minute One-On-One Akashic Records Reading with Deb

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Package A, Package B & Package C: No refunds after Live Group Calls with Activations or Attunements start or Personal Healing Session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be canceled or rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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