Watch the Video Below to Discover the Quantum Connection Between Your Teeth and Well-Being!

Are you tired of struggling with dental issues that just won't seem to go away?

Have you been told that the only concern is the nerves beneath your tooth when you have an infection?

It's time to uncover the truth about your dental health and its profound impact on your overall well-being.

Myth: If your tooth has an infection, the most important thing to worry about is the nerves underneath the tooth.

Fact: Your body is an intricate web of energy, and every part plays a crucial role in maintaining your vitality. That includes your teeth.

You see, your energy meridians are like the highways of your body's life force, and they connect directly to your teeth. When a tooth is compromised, it disrupts the harmonious flow of energy to all the organs and systems associated with that tooth. The consequences ripple far beyond your dental health.

This is where Quantum Dental Health steps in...

It's not just about your teeth; it's about restoring balance to your entire energy system.

Myth: If you knock out an infection in the mouth, you have nothing more to worry about.

Fact: The truth is, infections in your teeth can be silent saboteurs, wreaking havoc on your health without you even knowing it.

Did you know that a startling 78% of heart attack and blocked artery patients had traces of root-canal bacteria in their blood clots?

Your dental health is intricately connected to your heart and circulatory system.

Quantum Dental Health isn't just about addressing the mouth; it's about clearing the pathway to your heart and ensuring that these silent threats don't pave the way for heart disease, artery blockages, or valve problems.

Myth: Infection in the body needs to be addressed directly.

Fact: While addressing infections in your body is crucial, many overlook the fact that infections in your mouth can be the gateway to a host of seemingly unrelated health conditions. These dental issues put your immune system under constant distress, making it vulnerable to other health challenges.

Quantum Dental Health doesn't just tackle tooth infections; it also addresses infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and mold, along with the intricate pathways they use to travel between your organs, glands, and your mouth.

Master Healer, Kari Alajoki, Understands True Healing Goes Beyond the Surface.

It's about restoring the balance of energy within you, ensuring your dental health doesn't become a silent threat to your overall well-being.

Are you ready to embrace the power of Quantum Dental Health and unlock a healthier, more vibrant you?

It's time to embark on a journey of transformation and holistic well-being that starts with your teeth but extends to every corner of your existence.

  • “Since beginning the Quantum Dental Program, the bad taste in my mouth disappeared, the underlying infection/flu feeling that shows up on and off is shifting and the brain fog is lifting!”
  • “Since purchasing the Dental Program, I’m on the energetic mp3 still, and have not moved forward since. I know I need more time because I have had so much shifting and changing since beginning!”
    G. Murphey
  • “I definitely felt my digestive system activate while in the group call. Not only that, my mouth is much more comfortable and the inflammation is less!”
  • “My husband couldn't eat because of pain. Now he can eat without problems, and his mouth is more stable. This changed after starting the Dental Program!”
  • “Cheaper than going to the dentist!”


Free Trial

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Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing

30 Minute Private Session with Kari

money back logo


Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

Unlocking Your Body's Hidden Potential: The Quantum Connection Between Teeth, Meridians, and Total Well-Being

Now that you understand the profound connection between your teeth, energy meridians, and overall health, you might be wondering how this knowledge can transform your life.

Quantum Dental Health is designed to harness this wisdom and channel it into a program that empowers you to reclaim your well-being.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has long recognized that your teeth are more than just chewing tools...

...they are energetic gateways to your entire body.

Each tooth is intricately linked to specific meridians, which, in turn, are connected to vital organs. This ancient wisdom tells us that dental issues aren't merely isolated concerns; they can manifest as emotional imbalances, affect your energy flow, and impact your overall vitality.

Consider this...

In the USA alone, approximately 15 million people undergo root canals each year. While the immediate relief from severe pain is undeniable, there's a hidden danger...

When a tooth's root is filled, your body's ability to signal infection through pain is diminished. As a result, infections can silently fester, spreading throughout your body, affecting seemingly unrelated areas.

The truth is, dental infections may not always cause pain, and they can go undetected even in uncompromised teeth.

Your oral health is intricately linked to your overall well-being, and these infections can be the root cause of various health issues you might never have suspected.

And let's not forget about your tonsils, which can harbor infections for years.

In one remarkable discovery, a "incurable" cancer doctor in Germany found that 100% of patients had infected tonsils.

Quantum Dental Health goes beyond conventional dental care.

It embraces the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the principles of energy healing to provide a holistic solution for your dental and overall health.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of radiant well-being and ensure that your dental health becomes a cornerstone of your vitality?

Reveal the Hidden Impact of Dental Health on Your Overall Well-Being

Did you know that dental issues can be a significant root cause of health problems, sometimes even ones that appear entirely unrelated?

This is especially true if you've experienced:

  • Root canal
  • Extractions (e.g. wisdom teeth)
  • Implants/bridges
  • Gum disease
  • Major dental work
  • Mercury fillings

It's astonishing how seemingly routine dental treatments and issues can have far-reaching consequences for your overall well-being.

Your dental health is intricately connected to your entire body, and any imbalance in your mouth can send ripples through your health landscape.

Quantum Dental Health is here to address these concerns comprehensively, providing a holistic approach to dental care that considers the broader implications for your health.

This program is designed to support not only your dental well-being but also your overall vitality, especially if you've encountered any of the dental challenges mentioned above.

Discover how Quantum Dental Health can transform your dental health and rejuvenate your entire being.

Uncover the connections between your dental history and your well-being, and take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant you.

Imagine a life where your dental health is not just a source of discomfort and worry but a gateway to a multitude of benefits that enhance your overall well-being.

With Quantum Dental Health, that vision becomes a reality.

Here's what you can expect when you embark on this transformative journey:

Sensitivity Soothing: Say goodbye to the days of wincing in pain with every bite or sip. Our program reduces tooth sensitivity, making eating and drinking a delightful, pain-free experience.

Toothache Relief: Bid farewell to those nagging toothaches and discomfort. Quantum Dental Health is your ally in effectively alleviating tooth pain, allowing you to smile freely.

Chewing Confidence: Enjoy the freedom to chew on both sides of your mouth with confidence. Improved oral health means you can savor your favorite foods without hesitation.

Gum Bliss: Sore gums will become a distant memory. Our program promotes better oral health, leading to a more comfortable day-to-day experience.

Bleeding Gums No More: Say goodbye to bleeding gums and embrace enhanced oral hygiene and overall comfort.

Headache Relief: Experience the joy of living without the constant burden of head pain. Improved oral health can bring relief from headaches, allowing you to savor every moment.

Clarity of Mind: A healthier mouth can lead to a clearer, more focused mind. Enjoy improved productivity and cognitive function as you regain your mental clarity.

Embracing Life: Reduced pain and discomfort mean you can fully engage in your daily life, embracing each moment with enthusiasm.

Breathing Easier: Alleviate sinus pressure for greater comfort and improved breathing, allowing you to breathe freely.

Physical Harmony: You'll be surprised to discover that improved oral health may even contribute to reduced breast pain, positively impacting your overall physical well-being.

Mental Peace: Put dental-related anxiety behind you. Quantum Dental Health promotes mental and emotional well-being, allowing you to face life with a serene smile.

These are just some of the remarkable benefits that Quantum Dental Health can bring into your life.

It's not just about your teeth; it's about transforming your entire well-being.

Are you ready to embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you?

Quantum Dental Health isn't just about a beautiful smile; it's a holistic approach that can truly transform your life.

Here are some of the remarkable physical health issues that this program can help resolve:

Heart Health: By reducing inflammation and improving overall health, Quantum Dental Health may contribute to better cardiovascular outcomes, offering hope to individuals with heart disease.

Support for Cancer Patients: Cancer treatments often come with painful side effects, such as oral sores and pain. This program can alleviate these symptoms while promoting overall well-being for cancer patients.

Cognitive Enhancement: Improved oral health through this program can positively impact cognitive function and quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer's disease.

Anemia Management: Addressing bleeding gums and promoting better oral health can be especially beneficial for individuals with anemia, helping them maintain better overall health.

Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may experience relief from joint pain and inflammation, as improved oral health positively affects inflammatory processes in the body.

Cerebrovascular Disease: Better oral health may reduce the risk of complications associated with cerebrovascular disease, such as infections and aspiration pneumonia.

Diabetes Management: Managing oral health is crucial for diabetes patients, as it can help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes.

Hypertension Control: Good oral health can help control inflammation and potentially contribute to better blood pressure management in hypertensive individuals.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: This program may alleviate oral symptoms and discomfort for individuals with inflammatory bowel disease, improving their overall quality of life.

Metabolic Syndrome: Addressing oral health can play a role in managing metabolic syndrome, helping individuals reduce their risk of associated complications.

Osteoporosis Care: Maintaining oral health is crucial for individuals with osteoporosis, as it can prevent tooth loss and maintain overall well-being.

Prostate Health: Good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of infections spreading to the prostate, potentially benefiting individuals with prostatitis and elevated PSA levels.

Respiratory Health: Improved oral health can reduce the risk of respiratory infections and complications in individuals with pulmonary disease.

Hearing Health: This program may contribute to better overall health and well-being, potentially benefiting individuals with sudden hearing loss.

Lupus Management: Managing oral health can help individuals with lupus maintain overall health and reduce the risk of infections and complications.

Vascular Health: Good oral health can positively impact vascular health, potentially benefiting individuals with vascular disease and reducing the risk of complications.

Confidence Boost: Quantum Dental Health addresses the root causes of bad breath, leading to improved oral hygiene and increased confidence.

Increased Energy: By improving oral health and reducing inflammation, individuals may experience reduced fatigue and increased energy levels.

Vitality Promotion: Better oral health can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and increased energy, helping individuals combat low energy levels.

Mental Clarity: The program can promote vitality by addressing oral health issues that might be sapping an individual's energy and vibrancy, potentially alleviating brain fog and improving mental clarity.

Improved Focus: Addressing oral health can contribute to better overall health, potentially improving an individual's ability to focus and concentrate.

Reduced Discomfort: Improved well-being and reduced discomfort related to oral health can contribute to a sense of balance and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Motivation Boost: By addressing health concerns, individuals may feel more motivated and capable of overcoming procrastination.

Enhanced Immune Function: Maintaining good oral hygiene can boost immune function, helping individuals stay healthier and more resilient.

Skin Health: Some skin conditions can be linked to oral health. This program can help address these underlying issues and potentially improve skin conditions.

Discover how Quantum Dental Health can be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier, and more vibrant you.

Your journey to improved oral health and overall well-being starts here.

The Results Kari's Clients Experience Speak for Themselves!

“Since beginning the Quantum Dental Program, the bad taste in my mouth disappeared, the underlying infection/flu feeling that shows up on and off is shifting and the brain fog is lifting!”

“I have been experiencing tender, bleeding gums (now only tender & some red past few months) for the past 1 1/2 to 2 years. Every time I eat, my gums hurt, like their being poked. Had 4 crowns done last year and took Tylenol for months afterwards due to the pain. I have a lot of receding gums and 2 missing teeth from childhood. One bottom left and one bottom right. Have an off taste in my mouth and no amount of brushing totally eliminates it. Huge sensitivity to hot and cold. Overall, I have daily pain in gums and teeth.

Since beginning the Quantum Dental Program (and even using the Mercury detox from the live call), the bad taste in my mouth disappeared, the underlying infection/flu feeling that shows up on and off is shifting. The brain fog is lifting, and I am letting go of feeling disheartened as these long periods of not feeling well seems to be shifting.”

~ Melody M.

“Since purchasing the Dental Program, I’m on the energetic mp3 still, and have not moved forward since. I know I need more time because I have had so much shifting and changing since beginning!”

“At age 8, I had 2 eye teeth removed before they came down. Within few months, the shape of my face was changing, and I was unable to close my mouth comfortably. Jaws didn't develop properly, and I had an overbite. At 18 I got braces, (6 teeth removed for this). At end of treatment (18 months), 2 wisdom teeth (bottom) removed, & had jaw surgery to bring my lower jaw forward to improve bite. I had wires in my jaws & something behind nose area. At 25 I had tonsils removed because they were very infected. At age 40 got braces again, trying to widen palate to try and improve bite. Had these for 6 years. Lost back lower tooth due to infection, got Bicon implant awhile later. Alot!

Since purchasing the Dental Program, I’m on the energetic mp3 still, and have not moved forward since. I know I need more time because I have had so much shifting and changing since beginning. I was really wiped out for the first 4-5 days. I had detox symptoms and a severe sore throat and stomach ache for a few days. On day 2 I felt especially nauseous. Day 3 I felt really tired., like I could collapse for just a bit… but the symptoms passed quickly (although there were a lot of them).

There were lots of changes in my environment throughout this time as well. In my work place I made a firm decision to leave after putting it off for a very long time., I was really upset for a couple days and then it passed (when usually it wouldn’t have). Now I am calmer and don’t feel so much pressure when thinking about the future like I would have before, even though I don’t know what is coming yet. I have always felt worried and anxious with my work and future but I am noticing a big change in this area. This is the most important change for me.”

~ G Murphy

“Having less pain, inflammation, and swelling!”

“I've been really tired (a healing tired I think), I am noticing on the right molar where the dentist replaced the amalgam filling with the new stuff having less pain, inflammation, and swelling (I am dealing with a gum that is open to the nerve.) I have been getting infection over and over in the ear and the sinus and am constantly on antibiotics. About 1 time per month at least, and now I’m taking less antibiotics. There’s so much happening and I’m feeling so hopeful that things are finally changing for me!”

~ A.R.

“I definitely felt my digestive system activate while in the group call. Not only that, my mouth is much more comfortable and the inflammation is less!”

"Yesterday’s group call was one of my favorites .. something about it made me be able to really feel energies so much more than ever. I definitely felt my digestive system activate while in the group call. Not only that, my mouth is much more comfortable and the inflammation is less."

~ Kim. C

Why Kari Alajoki is Unique?

Personal transformational experiences and extensive studies led to the discovery of Kari's profound ability to intuitively connect with and support others in the areas of emotional, mental, physical, social and business challenges. They are now presented online, streaming and recorded.

Clients from countries around the world have benefited tangibly from her support and guidance in these areas. Kari now offers exceptionally powerful, fun and targeted MP3 audio and video suites, live group classes, trainings, and her cornerstone Restorative Programs.

Her work comprises purposeful led and guided meditations, that provide real life benefits, as well as silent meditations overlayed with soft music.

More Stories from Happy Clients!

“I feel like there has been a reduction in the infection in my mouth and inflammation has died down!”

“I am feeling good! I feel like there has been a reduction in the infection in my mouth and inflammation has died down. I have been in a better mood and I feel like I have been lifted up from my chronic severe depression. This is a first for me.”

~ M.V.B

“My husband couldn't eat because of pain. Now he can eat without problems, and his mouth is more stable. This changed after starting the Dental Program!”

“My husband had had a root canal that failed and couldn't eat because of pain. He had had one tooth that was an implant and the implant cracked the root and there was nothing that could be done. Now he can eat without problems, and his mouth is more stable. This changed after starting the Dental Program.”

~ Silvia

“I can go out to eat again. Digestion has been fabulous since starting the Dental program!”

“The mp3 with the breast health felt very powerful. I felt it mostly in the heart center and breast and also felt an upliftment in my entire body. I had had breast cancer before and so I could feel that this was doing something!

I feel like my relationships are even better than before! That confusion around the heart you mentioned seems to have left my heart and my life.

Digestion has been fabulous since starting the Dental programs. I’ve felt better with less gas and bloating and elimination. I’m celiac and recently had spelt that did not make me sick. I’m not scared anymore to eat out at restaurants. My husband is really enjoying this part! I stayed away from social eating because I had to worry so much and then if my food was contaminated, I would be so sick for a long time. I really feel that things have changed in so many ways.”

~ Susan D.

“Cheaper than going to the dentist!”

"I had pain that had brought me to the dentist because a filling had fallen out. I was recommended a root canal. I said “no thanks”, and then went to a different dentist. They wanted to do a deep clean and then filling. I did not do that either and now I have no pain. I listened to your 1-1 recording of our call for 3 weeks and now I have no pain at all. Overall my wellbeing has shifted from initially being tired to feeling more energy than before. My buddy was really impressed and he noticed energetically that the virus and bacteria AND vaxx injury was gone! Cheaper than going to the dentist!"

~ M.Paul


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Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing

30 Minute Private Session with Kari

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Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

Here's what you get in Package A

  • Energetic Pathways of the Teeth
  • Energetic Root & Gum Sealant
  • Tonsil Toning
  • Dental Hormone Connection
  • Breast Health Support
  • Heart and Cardiovascular Support:
  • Root Boot and Infection Release
  • BONUS 1: Love my Smile
  • BONUS 2: Vision Connection


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth MP3

This is the first MP3 to listen to upon registering for this program, recommended to listen once a day for the first week

There are so many pathways in the body that stem from the roots of your teeth on physical and energetic levels. We must first address the energetic blockages and imbalances that started the problem

Kari found in working in the beta-test that people with either current or a history of dental issues often have energetic challenges affecting their life in general. One of the biggest is a dis-connect with self and life at an energetic level. This can show up as on-going problems or fluctuations in your daily life with health, relationships, finances, and generally “doing life”

This MP3 clears these energetic blocks from your field and restores flow to allow you to experience and receive the higher frequencies to heal the problems

You can also expect to start feeling and experiencing more harmony and balance in your day to day life with less obstacles in your way


Energetic Root & Gum Sealant MP3

Because the roots of the teeth and gums can be vulnerable, especially those with a history of dental issues, we want to build a protective shield that “seals” the roots of your teeth

This extra support can help prevent future infection

Without the constant barrage of infection in the roots of your teeth, you are able to heal not only the pain and discomfort, but restore the flow of the meridians in your body as well


Tonsil Toning MP3

Destructure the bacteria and energies that have been silently lurking or causing noticeable problems in your tonsils

Feel your energy rise as your tonsils are able to release and process infection correctly

Notice the shift to overall well being as you are relieved from the constant stressor of infection


Dental Hormone Connection MP3

Shifting away from the blocks and imbalances in your hormone center will allow balance into your roots of your teeth and your hormone systems

Clearing this pathway will ensure your body is not weighed down by infection and toxicities in your hormone pathways

Look for improvements in tooth pain, receding gum lines and bleeding gums


Breast Health Support MP3

Many holistic practitioners have noticed a strong correlation with root canals and breast cancer. If you have had a root canal, this mp3 will help to destructure infection and toxicity that connects your teeth to breast tissue

If you have not had a root canal, it will help keep the energy pathways open that support breast health

In the beta test, there was also reduction in breast pain and discomfort
Notice your body shifting into a more peaceful state as correct balance is brought back


Heart and Cardiovascular Support MP3

Because the roots of the teeth and gums can be vulnerable, especially those with a history of dental issues, we want to build a protective shield that “seals” the roots of your teeth

This extra support can help prevent future infection

Without the constant barrage of infection in the roots of your teeth, you are able to heal not only the pain and discomfort, but restore the flow of the meridians in your body as well


Root Boot and Infection Release MP3

Infection in the roots of your teeth and gums can have both acute and systemic effects

They can leave you feeling tired, susceptible to other infections and overall low vitality

The infections can also travel throughout the whole body compromising the health of the organs and systems energetically related to that tooth
These kinds of deep infection are very difficult to address using conventional method

Releasing infection can also help bad breath because of bacteria and virus in the gums and roots of teeth

Sometimes this has extended to sinus infections as well, so try it when you have sinus issues


Love my Smile MP3

Feel more comfortable showing your full smile

Release staining and discoloration in damaged teeth while listening to this mp3


Vision Connection MP3

Restoring energy flow to your eyes that have been impacted by root canals or major dental surgery

Destructure any low grade infections impacting your vision

Experience healthier eyes and increased brightness in your vision

Package A

FHTJ Price: $127

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package B

  • Everything In Package A
  • 3 Group Healing Sessions
  • 90 Days of Remote Healing


3 Group Healing Sessions

Group Healing Session 1: Connection with Life

November 21, 1:00 PM Eastern

Join this call to create an energetic shift into deep connection. A common experience of those who have root canal imbalances is difficulty connecting with self and with others, and experiencing life in a way that is not supportive. In this live call we will be eradicating blocks that have created a lack of connection with life, and set the groundwork for full transformation in tooth health.

Group Healing Session 2: Deep Clean

December 5, 1:00 PM Eastern

In this call we will be doing a deep dive into creating a clean space for your gums, teeth, root canals, and spaces where teeth have been removed.

But without the scraping, poking, and pressure!

By increasing the frequency, we will set the stage for a clean and healthy mouth. Covering all areas of the tooth, you will notice much improvement in tooth health.

Group Healing Session 3: Fascia and Palate Restore

December 19, 1:00 PM Eastern

Join this call for a full fascia release around your mouth along with a palate restoration. By releasing the fascia and expanding the palate, you will experience a release of pressure, and contraction you may not have realized you had, along with common problems associated with this such as mouth breathing and snoring.


90 Days Remote Healing

Healing Begins November 8th

Once a week for 90 days, Kari will remotely send energetic nutrients to help assist the body to release programs of infection in the roots of your teeth. Amplified energies allow your body to receive at an even greater level.

Package B

FHTJ Price: $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package C

  • Everything In Package A & Package B
  • 30 Minute Private Session with Kari

ITEM 10:

30 Minute Private Session with Kari

This call is to discuss and target your biggest areas of concern. If Root Canal/Dental Health issues are the highest priority, we will address this. We will be able to focus on unique issues impacting your health and well-being and clear as much as we can in our time together.

Package C

FHTJ Price: $297

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644


Free Trial

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Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing


Discount: % off

FHTJ Special Offer:


Energetic Pathways of the Teeth

Energetic Root & Gum Sealant

Tonsil Toning

Dental Hormone Connection

Breast Health Support

Heart and Cardiovascular Support

Root Boot and Infection Release

Bonus 1: Love my Smile

Bonus 2: Vision Connection

3 Group Healing Sessions

90 Days Remote Healing

30 Minute Private Session with Kari

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Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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