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Are you ready for Unlimited Abundance?
You’re A Spiritual Being Having A Physical Experience - And You Have The POWER To Choose Whatever You Want To Experience In This Life!
From the moment you were born, you came into this world with Angels and Spirit Guides assigned to you. They’re here to guide and protect you in this life, to help you discover your Higher Self so that your Soul may evolve. They’re here to be your coach & cheerleader as you journey through life, so that you may find Purpose, Abundance, and Joy…

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way many of us lost our connection to them…
The truth is the older we got, the further we stray away from our Angels and Spirit Guides.
Sometimes they send signs to guide us, but it’s so subtle that we don’t even see, hear, or feel their messages. Sometimes they send us signs to guide us AND IT’S REALLY OBVIOUS, but we’re too busy with life and we ignore them.
But imagine how different it would be if you had a LIVING, WALKING Earth Angel that can connect you DIRECTLY to your Spirit Guide.
Whatever questions you wished you knew the answers to, you could reach out to your Angelic lifeline, and…
Get DIRECT & IMMEDIATE Answers From Your Spirit Guide Through Earth Angel Wilma
Navigate Your Life Towards Your Higher Purpose
Without Missing The Signs
YOU have been guided here to read this - it’s NOT a coincidence…
You’re crossing paths with Earth Angel Wilma, for a reason…
Your Spirit Guides have brought her to you, for a reason...
She’s an Earth Angel in human form, here to help you find your way back to your Spirit Guides so that you can discover and live your Higher Purpose…
- Do you feel blocked from living the life you’ve been dreaming of - no matter how much you try to plan and work towards it?
- Do you feel exhausted and drained, often unable to sustain your daily activities for long periods without needing some form of stimulant?
- Do you struggle having a healthy and balanced relationship with your emotions?
- Do you have a history of depression, anxiety, trauma, abuse, or addictions?
- Do you feel lost and experience a sense of hopelessness in your life - not knowing what your purpose is?
- Do you feel heavy and sluggish, or have frequent aches and pains in your body?
- Do you tend to overthink things - to the point where you experience lingering headaches?
- Do you struggle having meaningful relationships that last without having to sacrifice some part of yourself?
- Do you feel unfulfilled in your work, and often worry about financial insecurities?
If you said “yes” to any of these questions then it’s likely that your Spirit Guide has orchestrated this very moment to speak, guide, and heal through Earth Angel Wilma!

Wilma Helps Her Clients Live a More Joyful, Fulfilling and Abundant Life! Just Look at These Stories!
“After a few days of releasing I am feeling lighter, happier, and opportunities are starting to come my way”
"I discovered that there was close to $11,000 that I knew nothing about, just sitting there with my name on it"
“My sleep was deeper each night and I felt more relaxed each day”
“I was feeling down and in anxiety due to work stress. I listened to Wilma's soul language MP3 for boosting anxiety and I just felt an instant switch in energy”
“After a month of listening to Wilma's Abundance soul language MP3, I got accepted to a new job”
“I received an unexpected cheque from my car insurance company after three weeks of listening to Wilma's abundance MP3”
“I received money that was owed to me and I now have $17,000 in my account!”
“After working with Wilma, my sensitivity has been enhanced!”
Total Package Value $2000
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347 $247
It’s Time To Activate Your Divine Angelic Lifeline To Receive Love Miracles & Divine Healing
Release ALL The Negative Energy
That Is Blocking Your True Nature!
Wilma is a Master at tapping into the Angelic and Spiritual realms to connect with your Spirit Guides, and see your life’s journey at a higher level. She channels the guidance and healing you need to melt away your blocks so you can restore your health, reduce your stress and attract more abundance.
After just ONE session with Wilma, you’ll be able to:
- Connect with your Spirit Guides and receive the messages they have for you;
- Feel unstuck and in the flow of creating abundance and wealth in your life;
- Manifest financial and business success;
- Have clarity on your life’s purpose;
- Feel confident in knowing who you really are at a Soul level;
- Find balance in your mental well-being;
- Manage stress with grace to find peace in challenging situations;
- Have increased awareness of old patterns that hold you back in life;
- Significantly reduce the levels of anxiety and depression;
- Feel more love & ease in your relationships with others;
- Feel an overflowing level of self love & gratitude;
- Release negative energies based on anger, sadness, and hatred;
- Feel fulfilled and energized in your life;
- Heal from diseases and restore perfect health;
- Align with good luck & fortune;
- Experience growth in your spiritual development;
- And much, MUCH more…!
Why Wilma David Aguila Is
Your Divinely Gifted Earth Angel
Wilma was born gifted to help heal this world and the people living in it. Up to the moments leading up to her birth, there were energetic synchronicities that seemed strange. When her mother went into labor, she couldn’t get to the hospital because it coincided with a transportation strike…
It was a miracle that a man with a horse carriage showed up in divine timing to take the family to the hospital! And the moment Wilma’s mother got on the carriage, the unborn Wilma possessed such POWERFUL ENERGY that it sent the calm horse into a bucking fit!
They got to the hospital, and as soon as the delivery process started, there was a sudden power surge… Not only did the hospital lose power, the entire village was blacked out!
As if all that wasn’t enough, they found out that the baby was in breech position and there was only a 50/50 chance of survival. Yet another MIRACLE took place despite the complications, and Wilma was delivered feet first…
“Those who were born with their feet first possessed great power to heal all…” ~ Alexander Francis Chamberlain
Her birth story was a prediction of her talents in her native village, and people knew the instant she was born that she would be a gifted healer!
Young Wilma proved to be true to that prediction. From a very young age, she could see and communicate with Angels and Archangels. She also had a keen affinity with Sampaguita (Jasminum sambac), a flower believed to possess numerous mystical and physical healing properties.
From the age of seven, Wilma started healing mental, emotional, and physical issues intuitively by communicating with Angels and tapping into the healing qualities of Sampaguita - without any education!
She has since pursued her spiritual gifts, and is FAR more advanced now in her forties. After decades of getting attuned to her Angelic connection, Wilma has become a powerful Archangel healer master.
Through her journey, Wilma has stepped into her purpose here; to use her Divine gifts, as an Earth Angel, to guide and heal those who seek to connect to their Spirit Guides and Higher Self, and live the abundant life towards their Higher Purpose…
Here Are Some Of The Love Miracles & Divine
Healing You’ll Experience
Wilma Has Worked With Higher Realms & Healed 100s Of People JUST LIKE YOU By Clearing Negative Energy, Toxic Blocks, And Karma That Holds You Back!
“After a few days of releasing I am feeling lighter, happier, and opportunities are starting to come my way”
“My session with Wilma was outstanding. I didn’t need to say anything, she detected all the blockages that I have, childhood traumas, abuse, entities, curses and cleared them all. I can feel the energy while she was working on me. She is just amazing, I had one on one sessions with a lot of healers but nothing was like Wilma sessions. She is available and she cares very much and can help you with whatever issues you’re dealing with.
After a few days of releasing I am feeling lighter, happier, and opportunities are starting to come my way. Friends paying my groceries bills for me, getting gifts from strangers that I met 20 minutes ago.
I am so grateful and may God bless times fold."
~ Alimata Diallo, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
“My son’s entire family is noticing shifts in him!”
“I was introduced to Wilma through FHTJ and I have been working with her on behalf of my teenage son. He has learning disabilities, ADHD and mood disorder causing behavior issues.
Wilma has helped my son to calm down and has been very approachable throughout the month long healing. Her healing technique and remote clearings have shown results as the whole family is noticing shifts in him. Thank you Wilma for your service! I would definitely recommend this healer."
~ Phiroza
“I could feel the energy moving through my body!”
“When Wilma did the remote healing, I could feel the energy moving through my body. I felt lighter right after. Then I had a more specific healing with her and could feel the energy moving through my body. Since then I have had more energy & sleep better. She made suggestions on what I could use & do to keep myself healthy. Also, she did chakra balancing for both my husband & our dog. I can see a difference in them both. Wilma is very caring & so passionate about healing others, I highly recommend her. Thank you."
~ Rebecca Neitzel
“I could feel my energy transform as Wilma worked on me”
“Working with Wilma was smooth and easy and very effective. As soon as she connected to my energy, I could feel my energy transform as she worked on me. She helped me align my chakras and was very informative with what was going on inside me and correctly addressed and healed my blockages. She also gave me plenty of advice on how to proceed in different areas of my life. I finished the session feeling invigorated, empowered and satisfied. Thanks Wilma. I’m sure I’ll work with you again in the future."
~ Sanjay Patel Birmingham U.K
“After working with Wilma, my sensitivity has been enhanced!”
“During my one on one remote session with Wilma last Aug. 9, 2020, I felt a tingling sensation all over me and felt being buoyed up when she invoked the Ascended Masters, Spiritual Guides, and Archangels! My sensitivity has been enhanced! After the session, I felt so light and energized that I had wished this feeling will last long! Surely, I was enwrapped in a cocoon of soothing/healing energy! Today, the 4th day, my chronic coughing had decreased farther! Thank you Wilma, and my kudos to FHTJ for initiating this noble Endeavor to allow everyone in need to be benefitted!"
~ Zenaida Ta-a, San Jose, California, USA
“Wilma David’s New Soul Languages from the Angels mp3s Align You With Magic & Synchronicities!”
“Wilma David’s new mp3s, “Abundance for All,” “Perfect Health,” and “Dissolve Anxiety/Boost Mood,” are truly Magical! From the moment I first played them, I knew these were no ordinary recordings! Each time I brought consciousness to the mp3s and allowed their energy to pour over me, I could feel the frequencies of the Soul Languages from the Angels vibrating in every cell in my body – gently dissolving that which no longer served and raising my vibration higher and higher, filling me with light and peace.
After working with the mp3s for about 2.5-3 weeks, I realized that the Angelic frequencies were also SUPERCHARGING ALL OF THE OTHER ENERGY WORK I WAS DOING/RECEIVING! I started experiencing even more Magic and synchronicities:
As a result of a series of synchronicities, I discovered that there was close to $11,000 that I knew nothing about, just sitting there with my name on it waiting for me to file a beneficiary claim to receive the completely unexpected disbursement of over $700 per month for the next 15 months! Woohoo! How does it get any better than that!
My son called to let me know he was heading to the ER. I remembered receiving a last-minute invitation from a healer who was going to be doing mini healings that afternoon. It was perfect divine timing! I sent her a message; she realized it was urgent and immediately did a mini healing for him – just minutes before the med tech came in to take my son for a CAT scan. Everything looked so good on the scan, the doctor discharged him from the hospital right away! Wow! How does it get any better than that!
The audio device on my computer suddenly and inexplicably disappeared. I worked through the night trying to recover or reinstall it. My attempts were unsuccessful, but I felt completely supported - wrapped in divine peace and calm. After about 12 hours, I was guided to take a deep breath and feel into the device reappearing as suddenly as it had vanished. I was instantly filled with joy and deep gratitude. I ran the troubleshooter one last time, and like Magic, the device was fully restored! Wow! I wonder what else is possible!
I am so grateful to have experienced the Magical frequencies of Wilma’s mp3s! I highly recommend them to anyone who wants more Magic and synchronicity in their life!"
Imagine Being Able To Live A Life Of Abundance & Wealth, Perfect Health & Wellbeing, And Spiritual Protection & Guidance…
After Just One Session With Wilma This Could Be Your Life!
Wilma is a gifted Archangel conduit that can help tap into Higher Angelic realms - and its powers to heal and learn! You’ll have your direct LIFELINE to those higher realms, and can ask whatever it is you wish to ask YOUR Spirit Guides.
Have something blocking you from the life that you want, but don’t know what it is and how to remove it?
Have something troubling you or making you feel low, but don’t understand it or know how to heal from it?
Have decisions to make or feeling lost and confused, but not sure what choice is going to serve your Higher Purpose?
Wilma is there to work with your Spirit Guides to help provide guidance and healing on anything and everything in your life! Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, she’s there to guide you through your personal life situations.
You’ll experience…
- Attunement to your Higher Self communication;
- Cosmic connection to your personal Angels and Spirit Guides;
- Clarity and understanding of your Soul’s Higher Purpose;
- Identification of your limiting beliefs & blockages;
- Guidance on personal life situations that serve your Higher Purpose;
- Healing from negative and toxic energies in your system;
- Feeling the Angels beaming their healing love & light on you;
- Gaining a new sense of direction and angelic awareness;
- Connect with departed Souls or living loved ones for closure, love, forgiveness, and peace;
- Guidance on manifesting wealth & success;
- Clearing of your aura;
- Evaluation and balancing of chakras that aren’t aligned;
- Guidance on relationships that serve you and those to let go;
- More synchronicities & miracles happening in divine timing;
- And much, MUCH more…!
But wait, THAT’S NOT ALL…!
Not only will you be connecting with Earth Angel Wilma & Your Spirit Guides, you’ll also get the Painted Art Infused with Energy Healing, or the Light Language Audio Infused Healing!!!
These are pieces of Angelic Expression that contain potent energies that will give its receivers the ability to restore perfect health, attract financial wealth and abundance, and dissolve anxiety and boost your mood!
This Is Your Calling To...
Clear Your Toxic Blockages, Receive Divine Healing, Manifest Your Desires & Live Your Higher Purpose!
Transform Your Life With Your Personal Earth Angel & Spirit Guide Lifeline

And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1x ADDITIONAL 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma & Your Spirit Guide (You’ll have 2x 60 Minute 1:1 sessions with Wilma!!!)
Total Package Value $2000
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347 $247
*** 87% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund policy: No refund after Session is taken.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Activate Your Divine Angelic Lifeline &
Art Energy Healing
- 1x 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma & Your Spirit Guide
- 3x Downloadable Painted Art Infused With Energy Healing
- 3x MP3 Light Language Angel Audio Infused Healing
1x 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma
& Your Spirit Guide
Wilma will be the connector to the Angels and Guides to assist you in your journey during the 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma. She will tap into her abilities and powers as an Earth Angel, as well as Archangels, who are the messengers of Divine White Light. With your permission, she can also tap into your personal Angel Spirit Guides during this session.
You can ask Wilma anything you are seeking guidance or healing for - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or any other area in your life. She’ll transmit messages from the Angels and Spirit Guides that will give you clarity and guidance on how to move forward towards your most fulfilling life.
Wilma will also be able to identify blockages in areas in your life that are preventing your manifesting abilities. This could be fears or traumas that she can help release. With the help of the Angels and Guides, she’ll be able to give divine healing in these areas so that you’ll be relieved of all these blockages - and have your energies LIBERATED so that you can manifest your desires!
Wilma will provide a CUSTOMIZED healing intention set by you so that ALL your negative and toxic energies can be released. She can also clear your aura or balance your chakras so that you’re the most aligned in your energy systems.
Wilma is also a spirit medium, and can connect to a soul of your departed as well as living loved ones. If you have a special message for them or are looking to connect with them, she can help bring closure, love, forgiveness, and peace to the connection you have with another. Wilma can also provide guidance on how to have meaningful and lasting relationships with ease.
3x Downloadable Painted Art Infused With Energy Healing
The Painted Art Infused With Energy Healing is painted by Wilma, and is guided by the presence of Archangels during the painting. In that process, the healing energy is actually being infused into the art, giving it a powerful expression.
Once you allow yourself to completely immerse into the art, you’ll feel its potent energies and can manifest healing! This could work IMMEDIATELY and will NOT lose its power over time. It’s PACKED with the ability to boost your health, attract wealth and financial success, and improve your mood to reduce anxiety and depression.
The more you immerse yourself in it, the more you’re able to receive by feeling the energies through the meaning and colors of the art. In this downloadable format, Wilma has made it easy to carry this art with you - whether it’s on your laptop or phone. You’ll have Angelic healing energy right in your hands, and can use this art energy to restore perfect health, attract wealth and release anxiety!
Say YES to this package and start transforming your life with POWERFUL Angelic guidance!
“Stress & anxiety released INSTANTLY!”
“Incredible Experience! I'm already feeling a significant difference! I feel at peace and relaxed. I highly recommend. Thank you so much"
~ Minerva Soriano, Richmond Hill, Canada
“Stress release and panic attack gone!”
“I have tried Wilma's healing. The result: benefits beyond expectations in each case. It was probably the best decision I have ever made. Thank you so much for your healing and help"
~ Jeno Nemeth, Toronto Canada
“Energy blockage removed and now on my true path!”
“You're aura is beautiful Wilma. I have sensed this since meeting you. I have been off my true path for a long time now due to blockages. I met you for a reason and thank you for clearing my blockages."
~ Anne Patel, Toronto Canada
“Chest pain and difficulty breathing released!”
“I'm definitely feeling the difference. I feel lighter and calm. Thank you for answering all my health concerns. I will be back. Definitely would recommend. Much love and light to you Wilma"
~ Carolina Delby, San Diego, USA
3x MP3 Light Language Angel Audio Infused Healing
You’ll also get three MP3s of the Light Language Angel Audio Infused Healing. The Light Language Angel Audio Energy is a powerful soul language with the Angels. In this Angelic language, Wilma worked with the Angels and set a healing intention for each of the three MP3 audio files - restore perfect health, have more money and prosperity, and boost moods to dissolve anxiety!
Light Language is a universal Angel soul language that can only be understood with the heart and higher mind. You don’t need to understand but listening to it more frequently will make you feel lighter in energy, will attract more wealth, and helps eliminate stress and anxiety.
Light language is a powerful and sacred gift that gives purposeful expression of love from the Creator of the Universe. When listening, it allows us to pick up information from realms and Angels beyond what is commonly accessed. It is a beneficial ascension tool to raise your vibration on a deep soul level.
The frequencies of light language for some may induce a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, and after being attuned it gives powerful healing. The frequencies of light language bring in intense energies that help with spiritual activation, processing shifts in consciousness, facilitating light body restructuring, and getting information or guidance needed.
Listening to these MP3s will connect you to a higher realm where you may receive an intuitive message and guidance with the Angels and higher realms. The more you listen, the more you will experience the benefit of healing, joy, wealth manifestation, and shifts in your aura and energetic field.
The key is to believe, do not doubt, and be receptive. This soul language is Divinely Guided and spoken with the Angels through Wilma, the powerful Archangel healer master and your personal Earth Angel!
Don’t miss this LIFE CHANGING opportunity to connect with Higher realms! Say YES to this package and your calling to live the MOST Spirit-guided & fulfilling life!
“After listening to the Abundance MP3, I had friends and family helping me in big and small ways! I even had small returns of money too!”
“After listening to the abundance MP3 I noticed I started opening up more to all forms of inflow of energies in different areas of my life. So, the 'canals' that were closed before opened up, I got a broader perspective. I was able to appreciate more what already was in my life and after that more new things happened. Friends and family offering their help with all kinds of things in my house and my life in general, big and small. Some small returns of money also "
~ BA
“I am now feeling at peace and ease!”
“After listening a few times to the Dissolve Anxiety MP3, in the past week I noticed an overall stronger sense of calmness and being at ease, less monkey mind chatter and deeper trust that the things that are going on with Covid and other issues in my personal life will pass and are ok. I recognized the feeling of ' i am at peace and I am well"
~ David
“My sleep was deeper each night and I felt more relaxed each day”
“Right after listening for the first time to the Perfect Health MP3,I felt tinglings everywhere in my body and received a deep feeling of trust that my health issues are going to be resolved with ease. My sleep was deeper each night and I felt more relaxed each day. I also noticed that I was able to make confident decisions on what foods to eat and what supplements to take with a clear knowing that they would help me."
~ A.P.
“After a month of listening to Wilma's Abundance soul language MP3, I got accepted to a new job” ~ Kalwinder D.
“I received an unexpected cheque from my car insurance company after three weeks of listening to Wilma's abundance MP3” ~ Jason N.
“Calms me down when agitated so I always tune in to Wilma's MP3.” ~ Lilian R.
“I was feeling down and in anxiety due to work stress. I listened to Wilma's soul language MP3 for boosting anxiety and I just felt an instant switch in energy” ~ Emily L.
“I feel the energy and it lightens my body” ~ Corazon M.
“It is soothing and it melts away my head ache when I listen to Wilma's soul MP3” ~ Janice G.
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1x ADDITIONAL 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma & Your Spirit Guide (You’ll have 2x 60 Minute 1:1 sessions with Wilma!!!)
Total Package Value $2000
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347 $247
*** 87% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund policy: No refund after Session is taken.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Here Are Some Of The Love Miracles & Divine
Healing You’ll Experience
“Wilma worked on my daughter’s depression and anxiety and I noticed changes immediately with her behavior.”
“Wilma worked with my daughter remotely and was able to connect with her My daughter was not aware of it since she is not Into energy work It was very apparent that the healing started right away I noticed changes in her behavior Her issues are depression and anxiety and she seems so much calmer and relaxed I am very grateful for Wilma's work and would highly recommend her to anybody who needs help right now I am excited to see more changes as my daughters healing continues. With love and gratitude"
~ M.T.
“I immediately felt lighter in my body as Wilma worked on me!”
“Thank you so much Wilma for your amazing healing. You diagnosed everything in me with laser precision. I am feeling lighter in my body immediately when you began the healing. I felt a big chunk of heaviness melting out of my stomach as well as clarity in my head. Thank you again for the wonderful support."
~ Dan H
“Wilma was able to remove all of my past life attachments which lifted a load off of my shoulders, mind and heart!”
“I have been trying to find out for a long time who I am and what is my purpose in life. I always had this nagging question in me why my family is not living abundantly no matter what we do in life, there’s always something that would stop us from being nearly successful in general. Whether it is a family matter, health and financial wealth.
Wilma helped me out finding who I was in my past life and what happened to me in my past life. I was in awe and in tears when she explained to me why my present life seemed no direction or no accomplishment, it’s because of who I was in my past life and what happened in my past life. Angel Wilma has removed all those attachments to me. She lifted a load off on my shoulder, mind and in my heart. She was also able to connect me with my mom soul’s who is already in heaven for 6 years. That feeling was amazing.
Angel Wilma is amazing and a real walking Angel. Thank you again Angel Wilma and I will be forever grateful knowing you."
~ Ana Deleon
“I received money that was owed to me and I now have $17,000 in my account!”
“Hi Wilma many blessings and love to you and all your Angels, Guides and Helpers. I want to say Thank you, Thank you as I have received the money that were due to me since March. It was and is an absolute miracle.
All of a sudden there was almost $17,000 in my account. WOW. I have seen that amount of money at one time for the last longest while. Thank you, thank you."
~ Colin
“Wilma helped release my financial blocks!”
“Wilma was wonderful. She did a healing for me on finances and when it was done I felt much lighter! I am now starting a business and got gifted $300 to help hire a marketing person."
~ Barbra
“Healed generation curses that caused lifetime of struggles!”
“Wow, I have been struggling all my life. I felt a sense of lightness, relief and slept much better after experiencing your healing and clearing those hexes and curses that accumulated in my life. I am grateful for your services."
~ Alma Dawn Zulueta, Mexico
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1x ADDITIONAL 60 Minute 1:1 Session With Earth Angel Wilma & Your Spirit Guide (You’ll have 2x 60 Minute 1:1 sessions with Wilma!!!)
Total Package Value $2000
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347 $247
*** 87% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund policy: No refund after Session is taken.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.