Would YOU like to know THE ONE & ONLY SECRET to manifesting?
Whether we’re consciously aware of it or not, we are manifesting in every single moment.
This is because creation is a natural result of the present moment.
There is no past. There is no future. They simply don’t exist.
The present moment is all there is. Therefore we are ALWAYS manifesting.
Why is it, then, that SO OFTEN we re-create whatever experiences we’ve had in the past?
This is because we use our past as a point of reference to navigate the world - mentally, physically, emotionally, and most importantly - VIBRATIONALLY!!!
It is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to understand your vibrational frequency…
When you understand the Vibrational You, you then become a Manifesting Master!!!

Align Your Vibrational Frequency
Master Manifestation & Live The Life You Desire
Anchor & Ground To Your Vibrational Alignment
To Unlock A World Of Endless Possibilities
The future is a blank canvas on which we can create in this moment - absolutely ANYTHING we can conceive.
If your point of reference is your past experiences, you will always manifest more of them.
But if you are grounded and aligned in your Divine Light, you will catapult yourself into vibrational alignment - manifesting EVERYTHING you want to show up in your life - as if by magic!
- Do you feel it’s almost impossible to manifest the life you desire?
- Do you struggle letting go of your past or what might happen in the future?
- Does your heart desire feel clear, but just can’t seem to attract what you want?
- Do you want to live the best version of YOU as you can?
- Have you tried just about anything, but just can’t get your manifesting-game on?
If the answer to any of the above is ’YES’, Donna-Marie’s package is EXACTLY what you need!!!
You are not alone! Many people JUST LIKE YOU struggle to manifest simply because they do not understand their vibration.
Once you do… The world is yours!

Case Study #1:
Message from Donna-Marie:
I had no idea this was going to happen during this session.. We were clearing an emotion issue. The client called me the night of our session … my team was telling her to take Epsom Salt baths because there was a lot of inflammation. And they wanted her to clear that inflammation and let go of the emotional issues.
We worked on the emotional issues and then she sent me pictures after the bath, saying, “You are not going to believe this!” She had gone through 10 weeks of medications, went to see a ton of specialists and no one was able to help her. She wasn’t really coming to me for her skin condition. She was coming to me for these intense emotions that were activating. She was feeling like the emotional issues were making her inflamed. She was getting angrier and angrier as this wasn’t getting rectified.
As we worked on the emotional stuff, the skin started to heal. The only reason she had pictures of everything was because she had an appointment with another specialist the day after our session and he asked her to take pictures. Now she had the before and after within 12 hours, before seeing her doctor! That wasn’t my point of attention. But Spirit came in and saw what needed to be cleared and went ahead and did it.
5 weeks of pain and 4 weeks of intense hives almost completely cleared within 24 hours of my session!
Message from Client:
The following is a real account of a healing session I did with Donna Marie Hallesey. I had documented some of my reactions for a dermatologist just prior to our session so has photographic proof of this healing taking place.
“Nothing was stopping the hives and open sores that were covering my body and head. It was very painful and distressing. My nervous system felt like it was stuck in an “on position” and I could not sleep for 48 hours at a time.
Anything sent my body into fits of welts and hives. The bottoms of my feet would swell so it was hard to walk, my palms would swell and bruise so much that I couldn't hold a spoon or toothbrush.
Deep bruising I had underneath the skin would then come out in large bruises and hives and move over my whole body over a course of days. I saw doctors, specialists, naturopaths, took all sorts of prescriptions and nothing was working. Everyone was stumped and very concerned.
The symptoms and pain had been ongoing for approximately 10 weeks before I had the first session with Donna Marie.
Within hours my skin looked like I had crystals underneath (seen in the palms of my hands). I thought this was very powerful because of Donna Marie's envisioning crystal light flowing through me during our session.
Less than 24 hours after my session with Donna Marie, my symptoms were almost all gone and I was resting peacefully for the first time in weeks. The healing was extremely powerful.
Below are the images of before and after my session.
Before Session: They were taken that morning and the knees and hands and arms and thighs were the worst and I had to document for the dermatologist I’m seeing on April 1. This was just under 2 hours before our session together.
After Session: Less than 24 hours after our session. All bumps are gone from my head ( there were masses of bumps and hives), gone from my neck, gone from my knees, thighs, hands, sides. There is some on my tailbone still but from raging pain to almost nothing today.

I am telling you!!! This was serious clearing! Thank you! 5 weeks of pain and 4 weeks of intense hives. Steroids, and antihistamines and sleeping pills all didn’t stop the hives and reaction. I hadn’t slept in days. Last night I slept longer than I have in weeks.
Donna-Marie’s gift is magical. I could cry for the relief that I feel from our time together. Thank you thank you thank you!!! So much love for you!”
“It’s not the words of your intentions that manifest your reality, it’s the vibration of the energy of your intentions that attracts.” ~ The Law of Attraction
Expert Testimonials |
Donna-Marie’s Ability To Guide & Direct You Towards Alignment With Your Vibrational Self Has Been Underpinned By ALL Of Her Clients and Experts Alike- Read What They Have To Say Yourself...
“The experience that Donna-Marie has to offer is like no other, and it is of such utmost quality!”
“Donna-Marie goes above and beyond to help you. She cares for your wellbeing and is invested in you.
When things are dark, she clears them up. When things are shaky, she offers you a foundation. But only if you are willing to accept your own power.
The experience that Donna-Marie has to offer is like no other, and it is of such utmost quality, of such Divine light and yet with so much grounding involved.
Even as a clairvoyant, I still find myself reaching an even more evolved state of being and of vibration, just with her presence and her Divine words.
She doesn't merely answer questions in her sessions; she gives you an immense experience that is tailored to your unique self. This beautiful being has been given an amazing gift and she is happily sharing it with the world. I am blessed and happy to have been united with her.
Go see her, because words are not enough to describe the feelings of bliss she allows you to attain and maintain, and this bliss anchors in you, as opposed to being a fleeting sensation of escape. She has her whole Divine Crew with her, ready and available to work with you and help you reach your utmost potential. Love you Donna-Marie and thanks for existing, my sister. Xoxo"
~ Klara B
“Donna-Marie's gifts are a balm for those seeking direction and peace”
“Donna-Marie gives you a safe and comforting space to create alignment with your spirit guides. My reading was fascinating, reassuring and delivered messages which resonated with me, based on facts that no one else could have known.
Donna-Marie's gifts are a balm for those seeking direction and peace - but also a radiant and energetic complement and to a life already in balance. Thank you kindly for sharing with others."
~ Natalie
“I am blown away by Donna-Marie’s connection to her guides and the clarity and accuracy of the guidance and the healing /clearing work being done!”
“I have had a couple of sessions with Donna-Marie and had the honour of sharing space with her as a speaker on the Mundane to Magical online summit and have been blown away by her connection to her guides and the clarity and accuracy of the guidance and the healing /clearing work being done.
Donna-Marie’s energy is so beautifully high vibrational and yet she manages to maintain a gracefully down to earth approach making you feel absolutely supported and able to clear really deep trauma with ease and grace.
As a guest on the Mundane to Magical summit doing cold calling readings for members of the audience the information shared with the individuals was so specific and clear it was amazing and blew the audience away!
Donna-Marie is incredibly generous with her time and her guides have a no nonsense approach and do not sugar coat the guidance regarding your blocks or the root cause of your issues but to be honest we all need that now to enable us to clear and shift that which no longer serves in a rapid yet safe and supported way.
I highly recommend Donna-Marie to work with if you are looking to shift from feeling disempowered and disconnected with your truth to really living an authentic expression of yourself. And that is saying something, coming from a fellow light-worker, channel and transformational conduit for energy healing! Many blessings."
~ Louise
“If you are a lightworker and want to get your work out into the world then you definitely want to work with Donna-Marie.”
“Donna-Marie is so talented and gifted! It’s like she can read my mind. She goes above and beyond in the service she provides by doing way more than is expected.
If you are a lightworker and want to get your work out into the world then you definitely want to work with Donna-Marie. She will hep you release what is no longer working for you, the resistance you have to showing up, and bring you more into the allowance of who you are.
I worked with Donna-Marie in January and started to see my life and myself in a new way. I also started to let go of the resistance that had been holding me back.
You will get your money’s worth and more when working with Donna-Marie. Beyond that it is about working with someone that is totally connected! She sees it all!"
~ Alara Canfield
“If you are wondering if it is a good idea to work with Donna-Marie, I’m telling you it is amazing!”
“I have worked with some of the best healers out there and yes I had improvements and success. However, I had challenges when it came to mental health, addictions, isolation, not opening up etc. Donna-Marie helped me get to the root of some of these things that I haven’t been able to talk about. They were at the bottom of my awareness.
She easily helped me shine light there and bring it up to the surface and process it. This left me empowered and helped me have the biggest breakthroughs in the shortest amount of time.
The results are phenomenal. I’m getting out there more, feeling healthier, and now know exactly what I need to do to maintain my best vibration.
I loved working with Donna-Marie and feel she is a great healers, healer. The level you are getting is 11 out of 10! If you are wondering if it is a good idea to work with Donna-Marie, I’m telling you it is amazing!"
~ Tarek Bibi
Here Are Some Other Areas Where Donna-Marie’s Guidance Has Helped With Masterful Manifestation
No Matter What Area In Your Life - No Matter What Challenge You Are Facing - Donna-Marie Can Guide & Direct You In EVERY Area Of Your Life...
“Donna-Marie changed my life. She taught me so many life lessons that I apply every day. I would and have recommended her to a friend.” ~ Dena Gordon
“Donna Marie helped me release some self limiting energy for a richer life!” ~ Cristina Bardorf
“Donna-Marie is a true confidant for me. Someone that provides ultimate support and truly cares about my well being.” ~ Annie Meitin
“I have recommended many friends to Donna Marie. She is insightful and loving and I am Always amazed how she can zero in to what matters most.” ~ Anne
“Donna-Marie helped me so much during some very stressful times. I am so grateful for her influence in my life.” ~ Tara
“I was at an impass in my life. Donna-Marie helped me clear negative things and regrets in my past so that I could move forward.” ~ Joanne
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Package A
Total Package Value $1960
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program Which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
Package B
Discount: 86%
Total Package Value $2110
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
30-minute 1:1 Session with Donna

Package A: No Refunds after group healing begins.
Package B: No Refunds after group healing begins or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
This ONE Tweak Will Reset & Catapult Anyone To Realign With Divine Light Energy And Become A Manifesting Master
Join Donna-Marie In This Revolutionary New Program
Manifesting is an INSIDE job!!!
We have to KNOW from within - our heart’s God-given desires...God would not give us our yearnings if He didn’t want us to have them show up in our lives…
We have to FEEL from within - deep dive into your heart and listen to what’s really going on for you. Is it something you really want, or is it something you really regret?
We have to ACT from within - our feelings and emotions determine our behaviour, and from our behaviour we get the results…
Align your vibrational energy and WHATEVER YOU WANT will show up in your life!
Working with Donna-Marie is guaranteed to transform your life!!!
What Happens When You Align
Your Vibrational Frequencies
Here are some of the results Donna-Marie’’s countless clients reported...
- Become in FULL control of your life in this present time - this is YOUR POWER - own it!
- Learn how to MASTER vibrational alignment to open every door of opportunity in every area of your life!
- Anchor and ground in your Divine Light - become a MANIFESTING-MACHINE!
- Be your own compass of vibrational alignment, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!
- Understand your ability to co-create and manifest the result for good!
- IGNITE your innate power for your greatest life!
- And much, MUCH more…!
Best of all, all these mind shifts, coincidences and opportunities get more and more profound as you continue working on your vibration - until eventually - perhaps just weeks from now, you’re enjoying the kind of abundance and wealth you once thought impossible!!
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla
Join 100s Of Donna-Marie’s Students JUST LIKE YOU & Raise Your Vibrations To Manifest Like A True Manifesting Master
“Donna-Marie helped me move forward with renewed confidence!”
“I came to Donna-Marie stuck and overwhelmed with opportunities, not sure which were best for me. She helped me gain clarity and confidence to move forward. More importantly, she cared and wanted to make sure I was hearing the right messages I needed to hear to make the magic happen. I am moving forward with renewed confidence. Thanks Donna-Marie, you do have the magic touch!"
~ Annick
“Donna-Marie helped me regain control of my life when I was paralyzed by fear and anxiety.”
“Donna-Marie helped me regain control of my life when I was paralyzed by fear and anxiety. Checking in with her for monthly sessions has helped me identify and clear issues that drained my energy.
With Donna-Marie's guidance I've also learned how to set intentions in order to allow for my dreams to come true. She knows when to be gentle and when to be direct and to the point. Thanks Donna-Marie, I would not have survived the last 6+ years without you xx"
~ Gen
“Donna Marie guided me through each and every emotion/blockage!”
“Donna Marie truly cares about your wellbeing. Her insights and guidance have helped me uncover the power that is ME!
I did not know what to expect, but was not disappointed. A little in awe actually. Donna Marie guided me through each and every emotion/blockage, some quite often. But she does this with a supportive nature and a touch of tough love (which I need).
Not only have my sessions helped me on an emotional level, I never expected, but physically as well. I've suffered from chronic pain since 2012, my pain levels have lowered significantly since working with Donna Marie. I've tried a number of things over the years with no success.
Now I get to continue to work on discovering the true power that's been within me all these years. I definitely recommend Donna Marie to anyone. We all have something we can learn about ourselves and we all deserve self-love."
~ Anne L.
“Working with Donna Marie can change your life!”
“Working with Donna Marie can change your life. She helps you see things that may have been hindering your well-being. She helps you change patterns that have caused needless stress. She helps you manifest a brighter, clearer more "you-centered" future. In other words, she helps you do things that will make life easier and more fulfilling.
Furthermore, she helps you do this important work in a very short period of time. She gives you tools that work for life if you choose to use them.
Donna-Marie is positive, empathetic, and honest. I highly recommend her services. In fact I have recommended at least 4 people that all had equally amazing revelations and life changing events occur while and after working with her."
~ Sue
“I was able to reclaim my true inner power, by clearing all the negative effects of anxiety, so that I now fulfill my life's purpose with courage and confidence!”
“I first met Donna-Marie two and a half years ago during a perplexing career transition. She took a genuine interest in my situation and used discernment, intuition and wisdom to guide me to a deeper understanding of my situation.
Under Donna-Marie's guidance, I was able to reclaim my true inner power, by clearing all the negative effects of anxiety, so that I now fulfill my life's purpose with courage and confidence.
I continue to use the guiding principles and insights which I have gained from Donna-Marie. Periodic check-ins with her support me on my life journey. Tuned into my situation, Donna-Marie uses a personalized approach which is highly empowering, enabling me to gain greater clarity to navigate daily challenges and triumphs."
~ Camille
“Donna-Marie gives you a safe and comforting space to create alignment with your spirit guides”
“Donna-Marie gives you a safe and comforting space to create alignment with your spirit guides. My reading was fascinating, reassuring and delivered messages which resonated with me, based on facts that no one else could have known. Donna-Marie's gifts are a balm for those seeking direction and peace - but also a radiant and energetic complement and to a life already in balance. Thank you kindly for sharing with others."
~ Natalie
“I HIGHLY recommend Donna-Marie, and I'll be back!”
“Hey! If you think you don't need the intuitive session because you already some had clearing work done, think again!!! LOL I work with similar tools & spirit connection as DM and I got incredible value from our session. So I HIGHLY recommend one, and I'll be back! with LOVE and GRATITUDE."
~ Mahayana
Why Donna-Marie is unique
Donna-Marie is an Intuitive Light Worker, Medium, and Facilitator of Transformational Energy Healing. Her ability to connect with Spirit allows access to Divine Light Consciousness. This includes the Ascendant Masters, Healing Masters, the Angelic realm and Archangels, Wisdom of the Ancients, High Priestesses, Celtic Goddesses and the planetary support of the Inter Galactic and more…
All of her work is guided through Source Divine Light energy. The intention of her work is to serve and support you and your GREATEST and HIGHEST GOOD by bridging clarity and understanding on any limited belief or blockage (personal or professional) that is preventing you from being in your Highest vibration. As she connects to YOUR team of Spirit Guides through breathwork, you will feel the energy lifted IMMEDIATELY.
You ABSOLUTELY must know and understand your OWN energetic vibration as it is THE KEY to aligning you to be the vibrational MATCH to your goals and dreams. Are you ready to reconnect to your core?! Donna-Marie will show you how to reconnect your mind-body-soul and have emotional freedom from fear to LOVE and above at the tips of your hands. Say YES to this package NOW!
Here Are Some More Incredible Success Stories Of People Whose Lives Changed Dramatically After Working With Donna-Marie
“The help Donna-Marie afforded me is immeasurable”
“Went into my session with Donna-Marie with no expectations and didn't even think I was a spiritual person. Wow! What a pleasant surprise this turned into and the help Donna-Marie afforded me is immeasurable. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking clarity or alignment. Thank you again DM!"
~ Greg
“Donna Marie's program helps you release the past and step into the power of now”
“Donna is such a humble and caring human being. Her words of wisdom and her work has been nothing but positive in my path to healing. She helps you realign with the Universe using tools that are already within you.
Her light and love will help you carry through the pain and her friendship helps you heal your wound. To live in the present moment is by far the hardest thing I had to do and Donna Marie's program helps you release the past and step into the power of now. I am grateful my guides have led me to her door."
~ Kim
“Donna-Marie has taught me to release some of the stress and anxieties encountered in everyday life”
“Donna Marie has taught me the power of self love and self reliance. She is a truly caring and warm hearted woman and she's a huge inspiration to me. She has taught me to release some of the stress and anxieties encountered in everyday life, these are valuable lessons I will hold onto. Thank you for sharing your light and knowledge with me, you are truly a mentor to me and a strong, powerful woman I will always look up to."
~ Charlotte
“The Light Worker for Light Workers”
“The Light Worker for Light Workers! Donna is truly heart centered and grounded. Life changing experience and I can't wait to come back for more!"
~ Christine Clark QHHT
“Donna-Marie helped me filter through life's chaos to see clearly the steps I needed to take in order to move forward in life”
“I came to Donna-Marie having no clue what to expect. I was amazed at how much information and guidance I got from our session. She helped me filter through life's chaos to see clearly the steps I needed to take in order to move forward in life. She is honest, caring, and so full of love, I couldn't be more grateful for the time I had! Thank you infinitely!"
~ Gabi
“To be able to sit down with Donna-Marie and feel her magic and love is a true blessing”
“Donna-Marie’s guidance has been a great help to observe and embrace a new chapter in my life. She gave me the tools to feel centered, calmer and more appreciative of my life. Without her help I don't think I would be at the same stage in my life. She greatly contributed to my own evolution. To be able to sit down with her and feel her magic and love is a true blessing. Tx DM"
~ Josee
“I felt immediately at ease in Donna-Marie’s presence”
“My experience was very positive and enlightening. I felt immediately at ease in her presence and was reassured that her role was to offer me clarity and guidance. There were some things that really blew me away. I am happy to have met her."
~ Annette Aghazarian
“I was able to release an enormous amount of angst”
“My experience was more than I ever expected. I was able to release an enormous amount of angst. I felt throughout the process that it was completely catered to me. We talked about many things and I felt immediately a clearing they gave me a sense of peace."
~ Marie
Who Can Benefit From These Packages
Literally EVERYONE and EVERYBODY can reap incredible benefits from this package. Donna-Marie holds the alignment and her team does the work. The higher Donna-Marie moves up vibrationally, the more they are able to facilitate through her!
Donna-Maria is like the wifi that her team needs to tweak them and amp them up. Even when you already have powerful people in high vibratory alignment, we can get them even higher!!! we need that light RIGHT NOW! - More than ever before on the physical plane…
Source uses Donna-Marie as a Tuning Fork. Spirit goes in RIGHT AWAY and starts working on her clients. Often she will do the session and will ask her clients what they want to work… And by the time she gets to that point, her team has already gone in and started working on it!!!
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Package A
Total Package Value $1960
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program Which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
Package B
Discount: 86%
Total Package Value $2110
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
30-minute 1:1 Session with Donna

Package A: No Refunds after group healing begins.
Package B: No Refunds after group healing begins or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
- 3x 60-Minute Group Sessions
- Stepping Into Spirit Program Which Includes:
- Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
- Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
- Part 3: Prayer of Intention
- Part 4: Violet Flame
- Part 5: Calling in Your Team
This package is designed to learn how to reconnect to your core essence and understand your own vibrational alignment and how it impacts the happiness of your life in ALL areas.
It allows you to step back into your natural GPS - the Divine blueprint of your soul’s essence - so that you can move effortlessly through life from a place of ease and completely free of resistance.
3x POWERFUL Recorded Group Energy Sessions of 60 Minutes Each
This package includes 3 LIFE CHANGING Group Energy Sessions of 60 minutes each. During these power-packed group sessions you will also learn:
- The Importance of Alignment - How it affects EVERY area of your life
- How To Raise Your Vibration - Understanding you hold the KEY
- Activating Energy with Intention - Co-creation and manifestation through intention
On these calls Donna-Marie will be offering 2 one-on-one HOT SEAT spots for a chance to have a 15 minutes Clarity Alignment on ONE specific issue!! DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY!!!
Stepping Into Spirit Program
This POWERFUL program is a complete system that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to learn to work with energy. In order to manifest or co-create what you want in life, it is critical that you learn how to work with energy.
In this 5 Part Program you will learn:
- How to work with energy
- How to do energy clearing
- How to do energy transmutation
- How to do energy imprinting
PART 1: Anchoring & Grounding
If you are not grounded the energy will stick to you. Grounding is the MOST IMPORTANT step towards vibrational alignment.
Learn how to anchor and ground yourself energetically in both body & spirit for stability and connectedness to Source. You will become balanced, harmonized, sealed, and protected - always in accordance with the Divine Light and always for your Greatest and Highest good.
PART 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
This unique and revolutionary MP3 is designed to clear your energies and step into your Divine Light energetically. You will understand exactly how to clear energy, and rebalance and imprint any environment with the energies you would like for it to hold - creating an optimal space for manifestation.
PART 3: Prayer of Intention
Set an intention of what you want to connect to. Instead of going into alignment and mediating, it is very important that you learn how to hold the intention of what you want to connect with. When you want to move out vibrationally you want to align with the right thing! There are lots of other energies out there like entities, and entity attachments and you don’t want them to attach to you. The Prayer of Intention Purifies and transmutes all energy that is absent of Light. Donna-Marie will call in the Divine Light to bless, clear, heal, and transmute - and anchor you into Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Peace, and Divine Clarity for your best and Highest good.
PART 4: Violet Flame
The Violet Flame serves as extra protection for your property to reinforce your home, space, or surroundings. During the Prayer Of Intention, together we will set your Violet Flame.
You can install the Violet Flame ANYWHERE! Simply visualize it coming up from the center of the Earth to be rooted and then moving through your floor out the top of the house sending it out into the Universe to be released.
PART 5: Calling in Your Team
Everyone has their own team of designated light work workers and guardian angels that are at our service. They are not allowed to implement their support or intentions without our consent. These Spirits can change, dependent on our needs or times of our lives, but know that whatever your needs are, the assistance is always there.
In order for them to support you and assist you MUST call on them and invite them to serve and support for the greatest and highest good of any outcome. As a part of this package we will invite the support from the Spirit World to assist you together.
4x Unique Meditation Audios
These custom-made MP3s are incredible meditations that not only lifts all stuck energy, also but brings you into the occipital lobe of your brain where manifestation can be created.
Facilitate inner-connectedness with ease and joy. This is Donna-Marie’s go-to meditation technique as it is the shortest and MOST powerful way to connect, release, and co-create in a short timeframe.
These meditations are amazing to play before bedtime as it allows the whole body to quiet and reset as needed during sleep.
The 4 meditation audios that are included are:
Circle Breath
Let go of blocked energy and raise your vibration within minutes.
The Three Step Strategy
Step back into alignment when life sends you a curveball and address any issues effortlessly and return back to your alignment within minutes. This is a Game Changer for keeping your vibration high ALL day!
Lighthouse Technique
Keep your vibration High so that you can be the vibrational recipient to all of the things you want for your best life, and work with your own energetic intention to maintain the vibration you choose.
The Anchoring and Grounding Prayer
Very important to always hold an intention of what we will be aligning to energetically before we hook up. I only want to connect with the highest and purest of Divine light and therefore it is best to decree this prior to connecting so that you ensure where you are going. There are all kinds of different energies and realms and you want to be sure to make your intentions clear before you ground and connect.
The 12D SHEILD of Protection
As we move into ascension from our carbon bodies of the 3D to the crystalline light body of the 5D ,I have been guided to include this extra reinforcement of platinum light energetic protective shielding.
I include it with the anchoring and grounding technique that is in my packages.
Since my own shift into the 5D it had been very beneficial and powerful.
“Donna-Marie’s techniques have taught me how to detach from emotions and situations that would trigger and send me spiraling out, to now flowing, like water off my back”
“Donna-Marie is inspiring and uplifting. Her sincerity and love shines so very bright. Her techniques have taught me how to detach from emotions and situations that would trigger and send me spiraling out, to now flowing, like water off my back. My monthly check in visits, 3 years later are still exciting and rewarding, as I leave with a feeling of having been sprinkled with pixie dust. I have immense gratitude for the unwavering support she has given me WITHOUT judgement. She has been instrumental to my journey. A true soul sister!
~ Annie
“Donna has really helped me manage my fears and build my confidence to help me get though difficult times”
“Donna has really helped me manage my fears and build my confidence to help me get though difficult times. She's helped me focus on healing post surgery and help me stay focused by using exercises to eliminate negative thoughts. Her help is invaluable and has really changed my way of handling stress. I'm lucky to have her in my life!"
~ Lynn
“Donna-Marie has shown me how to change my life”
“Donna-Marie has shown me how to change my life; my way of thinking and feeling has changed dramatically for the better. I am at peace with myself, thank you."
~ Jennifer
“You leave your session feeling re-energized, more focused and above all else peaceful”
“Donna Marie is a game changer for your life. She helps you live your best life and see meaning and direction when you sometimes can't on your own. You leave your session feeling re-energized, more focused and above all else peaceful. I highly recommend anyone to see for yourself. Even if you don't feel you have serious problems you will benefit from your time with her."
~ Sarah Toal
“Donna-Marie taught me techniques to help me release anger, pain and the stories I told myself that kept me stuck”
“Donna-Marie was referred to me at a time when life had sent me a curve ball. She taught me techniques to help me release the anger, pain and the stories I told myself that kept me stuck. I now see that period of time as the sling shot that sent me soaring. Thank you Donna-Marie for being there sharing your wisdom, energy and gifts to help others return to living a life that we are meant to live."
~ Andrea
“An incredible experience”
“It was an incredible experience. She made me feel so relaxed and I was able to share with Donna my most intimate thoughts and feelings in a very safe environment."
~ Lynn
“Donna-Marie cares about ensuring her clients are achieving their maximum potential!”
“Donna-Marie is truly gifted at helping people reach their optimal well-being. I would highly recommend, you will be moved by the experience. She is genuine and cares about ensuring her clients are achieving their maximum potential."
~ Sarah Toal
“With a few simple techniques Donna-Marie helped me learn to control my anxiety”
“With a few simple techniques Donna-Marie helped me learn to control my anxiety; a feeling that has troubled me my whole life. With these techniques and a lot of love and patience from Donna-Marie I learned that I don't ever need to feel anxious again. Highly recommend!"
~ Maria K
Total Package Value $1960
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
- EVERYTHING in Package A
- 30-minute 1:1 Session
30-minute 1:1 Session
If you want to skyrocket the results from Donna-Marie’s AMAZING and revolutionary new program, you can have a Personal 1:1 session with Donna-Marie to seriously enhance the results and maximize this package and its impact on your vibrational field!!!
Package B is packed with incredibly powerful techniques. You will learn:
- Understand how your energetic space and how your Lattice is your own personal bubble that can support you in every way energetically.
- Learn how to apply energy through intention and imprinting for yourself and your environment to manifest
- Effectively use your energy for your ultimate good and your Highest purpose and good.
- Learn the importance of color, their meanings, how it affects you, and learn how to use it for support & healing through its vibration.
- Learn how to set intentions vibrationally into the Universe and watch how co-creating unfolds as you manifest your desires.
- And much, MUCH more…!!!
As we move into ascension from our carbon bodies of the 3D to the crystalline light body of the 5D ,I have been guided to include this extra reinforcement of platinum light energetic protective shielding.
I include it with the anchoring and grounding technique that is in my packages.
Since my own shift into the 5D it had been very beneficial and powerful.
Total Package Value $2110
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“Donna-Marie changed my life!”
“I was first referred to Donna three years ago after a convergence of bad events - some of my own doing, some not - pushed me into a very negative, dark place.
Fortunately Donna pulled aside the curtains and let in the light!
She first worked with me on a true « turn around program » that included exercises for, among other things, dispelling anxiety & worry as well as getting back into Alignment and reconnecting on a spiritual level.
Once I was re-grounded and the foundations were solidified, it was time to move forward and transition to an even brighter more fulfilling future by Manifesting Abundance where Donna taught me - and provided the tools - to tap into my own personal power.
In addition to her natural empathy, Donna has a gift for uncovering the hidden and thereby revealing powerful insights that make the techniques she teaches all the more powerful and effective.
I highly recommend Donna to anybody who either wants to get back into Alignment with their higher self or to start Manifesting their brightest future.
Working with Donna has allowed me to successfully do both!"
~ Eric K.
“Donna-Marie helps you manifest something big in you life!”
“Working with Donna-Marie is magical. I love each session and gain so much juicy divine guidance. I am already seeing my idea come to life. This program is helping me to attract all the right people and support what I need to make it happen. It is also helping me raise my vibration to be all that I came here to be in this lifetime.
I highly recommend working with Donna-Marie to anyone wanting to deepen their own intuitive gifts, gain clarity on a specific situation or wanting to manifest something big in their lives."
~ Christine Joy
“Donna-Marie helped me find my light”
“In a time of darkness and uncertainty, Donna-Marie helped me find my light. I'll never forget my past experiences with her and when I am ready to make my next steps, I will again seek her assistance."
~ Mathew David
“You will have tangible and many results from your time with Donna-Marie!”
“Donna-Marie helped me sort out some major issues that were blocking my continued success. You will have tangible and many results from your time with her... sometimes we need coaching, sometimes we just need to be Re-aligned to our goals, whatever you want, you can do this!"
~ Brigitte
“I have already referred Donna-Marie to 2 friends. They love her too!”
“I went to see Donna-Marie because I had been feeling terribly overwhelmed with the launch of my new business. I was questioning myself, wondering if I was doing the right thing, beating myself up for the tiniest of setbacks. And being terribly afraid of failing.
I first had an intuitive energy reading, then Donna-Marie taught me exercises to use whenever the "overwhelm" feelings kick in! And I have already referred Donna-Marie to 2 friends. They love her too!"
~ Doreen Ashton Wagner
“I have nothing but positive things to say about Donna-Marie”
“I have nothing but positive things to say about Donna-Marie . I always look forward to meeting with her. She helped me through a difficult time in my life and taught me the art of tapping which helps me deal with many aspects of my life . Caring , intuitive and very perceptive I highly recommend her."
~ Carmen Roy
“Donna-Marie led to such a transformation in my health, my relationships and my work”
“Donna-Marie dove into my biggest challenge in my life and completely changed it for me forever. Seriously! I am such a believer in DM's skills, talents and coaching. Donna-Marie led to such a transformation in my health, my relationships and my work. I referred her to everyone in my life and all had such positive experiences. She has literally changed the lives of my family and friends through her powerful wisdom. If you are lucky enough to get a time with Donna-Marie you will be in the hands of a true coach, teacher and healer."
~ Melanie Nielsen
“My mentor, my guide, my friend, mother figure, this woman is amazing and does amazing work”
“Donna-Marie is by far one of the best things that could have happened to me... she has completely changed my perspective about how to deal with emotions, my anxiety specifically and has shown me a completely different world in which she guided me through (and continues too) to be able to live a more fulfilled, enlightened life within my true purpose.
I recommend her to my clients ALL the time and she has healed countless people I know. My mentor, my guide, my friend, mother figure, this woman is amazing and does amazing work."
~ Natasha Kredl
“Gave me the courage and skills to overcome and realize the power I had”
“I was referred to Donna Marie during a very difficult time in my life, she gave me the courage and skills to overcome and realize the power I had and still have."
~ Antoinette
“Money is flowing to me like a river”
“Money was attached to an emotion that I created. Discussing money with my clients, husband and watching others have abundance of money made me feel stressed, unhappy and overall frustrated. LOVE and hate relationship to money. Love having it and hate to discuss it.
Donna-Marie has taken all my negative stored energy - stories and cleared it. REMOVED IT. MONEY now is only money. I have no emotional attachment to it. I am able to discuss it now with my husband and not argue. Money is flowing to me like a river. Paying bills now is more like dusting and clearing. The kicker, I never knew I had money issues. I was all my husband's fault. Stop thinking about it - gain your peace. Thank you for sharing your gift Donna-Marie. I do love you. Xx"
~ Sandra Lefebvre
“Donna-Marie's guidance helped me confidently step into the next phase of my life's purpose.”
“Donna-Marie's guidance helped me to clear my own path and to confidently step into the next phase of my life's purpose."
~ Camille
“I truly believe Donna-Marie actually has saved my life, my relationships, my marriage”
“The first session with Donna-Marie brought a release of stress in a way I cannot even begin to explain. I truly believe it actually has saved my life, my relationships, my marriage. I am not exaggerating. I think if I had not had the sessions, I would have developed high blood pressure and likely died of an ulcer! There isn't a person on the planet (and likely off too) who would not benefit!"
~ Christine
“Donna-Marie will change your life and give you a gift you are meant to receive”
“As soon as Donna-Marie opened her door and I met her for the first time, I felt a lightness and a comfort, knowing I was divinely sent to her and exactly where I needed to be to heal.
She has a gift of tuning in to your truth, helping bring you to your true self - so you can live a life free of any energy that depletes you. She will change your life and give you a gift you are meant to receive - a divine blessing.
I wish I could see her weekly to keep her energy vibration with me, like a good friend you love to be around ! She gives you all the tools to show you - you have it all within you to live your life to your highest and greatest good."
~ Tiffany
“In only one session she made me realize why I was blocking myself from success”
“I am fortunate to have Donna Marie as a neighbour. She is absolutely incredible. In only one session she made me realize why I was blocking myself from success. She is a very logical and smart woman and I strongly recommend her. Thank you"
~ Lisabel
“I am now feeling lighter, more clarity, less overwhelmed, more simple joy … even the eczema on my face and neck cleared up almost immediately after the reading!”
“Thank you Donna Marie for facilitating a beautiful intuitive reading for me over Zoom. I appreciated your focus, professionalism and fun! I feel lighter and more present in the joy of each moment. I have so much more clarity and feel empowered to take my next steps.
Everything was residing in me, thank you for cutting through the overwhelm and shining a light on the bits I need to trust and listen to.
I am now feeling lighter, more clarity, less overwhelmed, more simple joy. As a result even the eczema on my face and neck cleared up almost immediately after the reading!"
~ Anna
“I am not the same person I was a month ago!”
“I can honestly say that when I look back on myself from a month ago I don’t even recognize that person. Donna-Marie helped me get to the core of the issues that were holding me back and keeping me unhappy.
I always thought I was a happy person. However, I had no idea what true happiness really was. I left that part of me behind years ago. I was in a constant state of helping everyone else but myself. This left me depleted, exhausted and angry.
Donna-Marie helped me see this clearly and remove the energy that was keeping me stuck and angry. Her readings and the information she gave me were so accurate it was scary.
Since working with her there is so much more ease, joy and peace in my life and in my body. I am so happy … I can’t get the constant grin off my face. I am no longer irritated by everything that happens to me and have become the observer in my life. This has been a game changer for me.
Thank you Donna-Marie! I am eternally grateful for the gift you’ve given me."
~ Gretchen
About Donna-Marie:
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Package A
Total Package Value $1960
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program Which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
Package B
Discount: 86%
Total Package Value $2110
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3x 60-Minute Recorded Group Sessions
Stepping into Spirit Program which Includes:
Part 1: Anchoring & Grounding
Part 2: Smudging to Clear Energy
Part 3: Prayer of Intention
Part 4: Violet Flame
Part 5: Calling in Your Team
BONUS 1 : 4x Unique Meditation Audios
Bonus 2: The 12D SHEILD of Protection
30-minute 1:1 Session with Donna

Package A: No Refunds after group healing begins.
Package B: No Refunds after group healing begins or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.