Clear the Interferences that Prevent You From Ascension!
Watch the Video Below to Learn How.

Are You Feeling The Calling to Awaken to Higher Dimensions?

Something extraordinary is happening...

Can you feel it?

The high-frequency energy waves that are cascading through our atmosphere aren't just random phenomena.

They're the pulsing heartbeat of a world on the brink of profound transformation—

A call to ascension, to awaken to higher dimensions of existence.

If you're reading this, it's no accident.

You're part of a growing wave of souls yearning for a deeper connection, a higher truth, a radiant future.

Welcome to Your Ascension Journey!

Edwin Spina has created a program that is not just about self-improvement or personal growth...

It's about embracing your role in the universal dance of ascension, aligning with higher dimensions, and transforming not just your life, but the very fabric of our world.

Here's how you'll embark on this incredible journey:

  • Navigate the Shift Between 3D and 5D Realities

    Imagine being guided through a landscape where time is experienced simultaneously, where you can access the wisdom of multiple lifetimes, and where your higher 5D self awaits. Edwin will be your compass in this fascinating journey.

  • Transmute Dark into Light

    Feel the alchemy of transformation as we assist you in turning fear, doubt, and negativity into love, joy, and light. It’s like turning base metals into pure gold—a spiritual alchemy!


  • Connect with Galactic and Planetary Activity

    Tune into the symphony of the stars, understanding how galactic energies are interplaying with our earthly existence, and how you can dance in harmony with them.

  • Embrace Your Role in Planetary Ascension

    This isn’t just about personal growth; it’s a calling to be part of a collective awakening, to be a beacon of light in our world’s ascension process.

  • Frequent Engagements with Your Higher Self

    Regularly consult with your enlightened 5D version, gaining insight, wisdom, and guidance for your earthly journey. Like having a mentor who knows you better than anyone else because they ARE you.

  • Personalized Path to Health, Prosperity, and Joy

    Of course, this journey is also about you. During this process, you’ll work to transform your health, unlock prosperity, and unleash joy in your life. All aligned with the higher frequencies of existence.

The End Result: Ascension to Your Highest Potential!

You're standing at the gateway of a new reality, a new way of being.

This program is the key that unlocks that door, leading you into dimensions of existence that resonate with love, wisdom, abundance, and cosmic harmony.

It's not just about changing your life...

It's about changing our world, one awakened soul at a time.

Are you ready to answer the call?

Are you ready to embark on the adventure of lifetimes, to ascend, to awaken, to become the radiant being of light you were always meant to be?



Free Trial

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Discount: 85%

Total Price $859

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension


Discount: 82%

Total Price $1106

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work


Discount: 85%

Total Price $1703

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work

2 Live Group Calls

Private Facebook Group

One 25-Minute Higher Self Integration Private Session with Edwin

money back logo


Package A & B: No refund after MP3 Audios have been accessed.

Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Meet Edwin Spina

Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, healer, speaker and mystic. He is the author of Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed and the developer of Higher Self Integration, created to clear, align and center individuals moving through these tumultuous times. He specializes in removing curses and entities that often torment people, while connecting them to their highest selves, leading to greater intuition, clarity and joy.

Before becoming a master healer, Ed went through an extreme metamorphosis. After graduating with a BSE degree in math and computer science from Tufts University, Ed began writing systems software for a computer manufacturer. He went on to receive an MBA from the University of Chicago with concentrations in finance and marketing. After graduating, he worked with various venture capital firms, and started several technology-based companies in the sports and music industries.

Stressed out from his entrepreneurial ventures, Ed rented a video from Blockbuster that promised to help him relax and curiously, help him recall his past lives.

To Ed’s surprise, the video changed his life as he was able to recall a past life in substantial detail. Thus began his 25+ year study of mysticism, metaphysics, energy healing and all things spiritual. The earnestness with which he desired to understand how the universe truly worked drew the attention of his first mentor. Through this relationship, Ed uncovered gifts his scientific mind would not have thought possible. After a few months, his primary means of communication with his mentor was telepathic.

He lectures around the world and offers energy clearings in person and remotely. His company, Higher Dimension Publishing, publishes books, audios and videos that heal, enlighten and educate people around the world

What Edwin's Clients Have to Say About His Work

“Your Monthly Remote Energy Work Is Amazing – I Love My Life Now!”

“Yesterday was a spectacular day. I felt like I reached a still point and was completely relaxed, along with my beloved animals, all day long. I also feel a shift from your daily energy work in bringing me more into balance, especially relating to my work and then, my personal life. I can honestly say that I have gone from saying that I really love my work to now saying that I really love my life as everything has shifted into a Divine state of ease and balance. Huge hugs to you, Edwin and thank you for the amazing work that you do!”

~ Lisa M.

“My Session Was Life-Changing - Thank You for Giving Me Back My Husband!”

“I wanted to thank you again and give you an update on what has happened, since our incredibly powerful session work last week. It was beyond my expectations and has truly been life changing. You specifically removed heavy anger and frustration from my husband that was really coming between us. And I have seen a huge positive change in him – he now smiles, he laughs, he is lighter in his mood and funny again as well as appearing to be so much more relaxed. So, thank you, Edwin, for giving me back my husband and then some. I have not seen this positive version of him for about 13 years!! And thank you for reminding me of the wonderful and calm man that I am married to … as I am also feeling calmer, clearer, happier, more in tune with myself and definitely, less stressed, since our amazing session work. Thank you, thank you.”

~ Monica B., Sydney, Australia

“Your Monthly Remote Work Showered Us With Miracle Blessings!”

“I just wanted to take a few moments to thank you and your Divine Team for your excellent work with us, last month. My goodness, we could hardly keep up with all of the blessings that were showered on us!

Amid the pandemic chaos, a long-awaited first child was born safe and healthy; an elderly mom, who had been in and out of the hospital and hospice for months, was able to cross over peacefully; a house was put on the market and sold the very first day in a bidding war for more than the asking price; and there was an engagement – mine! I’m going to be a bride at 66! LOL

So much gratitude coming your way for all the love, prayers and assistance, thank you! We are all looking forward to another monthly package of your amazing Remote Work, so that we can continue forward in the best possible ways. Sending you love, light – and hugs!”

~ Debbi Maclay, Jacksonville, Florida

“A Heavy Curse Was Removed & Ushered In A New Life Full Of Magic & Divinity!”

“I just felt compelled to drop you a quick note, Edwin, to let you know how monumental you have been on my path and the absolute gratitude that I have for you and your amazing energy work. During my first scheduled session time, you immediately removed a pesky curse and numerous other negative presences. This really was the start of my new life!

Over the next 3 years, everything in my life experience transformed and transcended to such a beautiful level, I can hardly remember my former life. And without you, Edwin, I would not be here. Removing that heavy curse took a black cloud away and enabled me to begin a life full of magic and Divinity! Your on-going Remote Clearing Work and how you keep us, and our homes and area cleared - wow - we are just so blessed. I don’t know if I can ever put into words how much you have helped us. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Edwin.”

~ Hannah

“Finally, Able To Sleep Peacefully & Then Woke Up To A $10,000 Money Blessing!”

“Hi Edwin! I hope all is beautiful in your world. I wanted to reach out and let you know that I signed up for another month of your 30 Days Remote Work and I am so grateful that I did! I haven’t been sleeping well for so long and my poor body has been so tired. I could feel the adrenal fatigue and frustration of just needing a rest.

Well, recently, I was actually able to lay down and take a 4-hour nap and last evening, I went to bed earlier than usual and actually got a full 10 hours of sleep – sleeping all the way through the night, amazing! I can’t even remember the last time I felt so rested. Thank you so much!

Then I woke up to an extra $10,000 in my bank account from a business loan I applied for months ago, after they said I was not approved. After not having much money for so long, I am filled with joy at my newfound good fortune. I am so grateful for you and excited to see what other amazing blessings will come through, during this upcoming month! Thank you, Edwin – Love & Light to You”

~ Jennifer Barnes, Durango, Colorado

“Life-Long Curse Lifted After One Session & I Am Reborn As My True Self”

“The healing process of Edwin Spina has been such an incredible blessing. I had been cursed in past lives and this wound then led me to being targeted by dark magic again in this life. when I showed up as a healer. As a result. I have gone through weird plumbing issues, a glass window breaking, a car accident, going to the hospital multiple times and my car was even totally burned by random malevolence in a quiet town. It took only one session for me to feel uplifted again. The sensation of brain fog dissipated instantly. It was like waking up from a nightmare.

I am gifted with clairaudience, but for some reason, I had been unable to directly spot my own Higher Self for over two years. Edwin removed the specific curse that was blocking my connection along with an ancestral family curse. I immediately started hearing my Higher Self, loud and clear again. And since my session with Edwin, my healing work has been upgraded and my creative work is skyrocketing. I am back on track with my purpose and truly feel that I have been reborn as my True Self! I am already scheduling my next session and thank you so much for your healing gifts and amazing work.”

~ Sylvie M, France


Free Trial

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Discount: 85%

Total Price $859

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension


Discount: 82%

Total Price $1106

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work


Discount: 85%

Total Price $1703

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work

2 Live Group Calls

Private Facebook Group

One 25-Minute Higher Self Integration Private Session with Edwin

money back logo


Package A & B: No refunds after your MP3 Audios have been accessed.
Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Here's what you get in Package A

  • Walking Between Two Worlds MP3
  • Prosperity & Abundance MP3 Activation
  • Health & Vitality MP3 Activation
  • Sacred Life Purpose MP3 Activation
  • Meeting Your 5D Self MP3 Activation
  • Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0 MP3
  • Bonus MP3: Clearing Your Path To Ascension


Walking Between Two Worlds MP3

Value: $297

*Special 3-Part Series of MP3s

Part 1: The Bifurcation Of Our 3D And 5D Worlds - MP3

Part 2: Your Responsibility To Choose & Create Your Desired Future - MP3

Part 3: How Beings On The Higher Planes Are Affecting Us Now - MP3

Living in today's world can feel overwhelming and uncertain, but what if you saw it as a golden opportunity?

An opportunity to create a brighter, more evolved world, filled with hope and possibility.

Truly, we are living in one of the most thrilling times in history!

The "Walking Between Two Worlds MP3s" are your guide to understanding these exciting changes.

It's part of a must-hear 3-Part Series, where Edwin uncovers the incredible ongoing shift between our current reality (3D) and a more enlightened existence (5D). T

his transformation is part of the Planetary Ascension Process, and it's happening right now!

Here's what you'll discover in this inspiring audio recording:

  • Understanding the Shift: Edwin explains the split between 3D and 5D worlds, a key aspect of our Spiritual Ascension.
  • Create Your Future: Learn how you have the power to envision and shape a new, more fulfilling life on the New Earth.
  • Influence of Higher Realms: Discover how interactions with beings on higher planes are affecting our present moment.

Edwin also dives into the many layers of galactic and planetary activities during the past few years, a crucial time for awakening millions of souls.

Topics include:

  • The Separation of 3D and 5D Worlds
  • Your Role in Choosing and Building Your Ideal Future
  • How Spiritual Beings from Higher Dimensions Influence Us

Join Edwin on this enlightening journey. Listen as he unveils the complexities of our current transformation in a way that's engaging and easy to understand.

Whether you're new to the concepts of ascension or a seasoned spiritual traveler, "Walking Between Two Worlds" will provide fresh insights and a renewed sense of hope for the exciting path ahead.


Prosperity & Abundance Activation MP3

Do you ever feel like the world is against you, that prosperity and abundance are just out of reach?

It's time to change that mindset and realize that the universe is always flowing with abundance, and you, as a spiritual being, are fully deserving of it all!

Introducing the "Prosperity & Abundance Activation MP3," that takes you on a journey to unlock your true potential for wealth and fulfillment.

Here's what this empowering MP3 will help you achieve:

  • Embrace Your Worthiness: Recognize that you've overcome your past, learned from it, and that those lessons are the foundation for a brighter future.
  • Clearing the Path: Experience a profound clearing of your emotional, mental, and spiritual obstacles, opening the door to your true Higher Self.
  • Reprogram Your Mind: Learn how to instill positive thoughts and beliefs that directly support a life filled with prosperity and abundance.

This MP3 isn't just a one-time listen.

It's an uplifting daily companion, designed to reinforce a positive mindset and continuous growth towards a life of abundance.

The more you listen, the more connected and aligned you'll feel with the universe's flow of prosperity.

Whether you're feeling stuck or simply want to elevate your life to new heights of success, the "Prosperity & Abundance Activation MP3" is your roadmap to a future filled with joy, wealth, and fulfillment.

Tune in regularly and witness your life transform!


Health & Vitality Activation MP3

Imagine waking up every day filled with energy, passion, and a zest for life!

Your body is not just a vessel...

I's the sacred temple of your soul.

It's the key to unlocking your dreams, sharing your unique message, and embracing your journey here on Earth.

That's why taking care of it is more than a duty; it's a joyful act of love.

Introducing the "Health & Vitality Activation MP3"...

A transformational audio experience designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit:

  • Begin with a Clean Slate: Experience a full-system clearing, freeing you from non-physical attachments and flushing away negativity.
  • Revitalize Your Cells: Infuse your body with higher vibrational energy that revitalizes your cells and ignites a sense of vitality like never before.
  • Remove Barriers: Say goodbye to specific blockages and faulty belief systems, making room for radiant health and vitality to anchor into every part of your being.
  • Celebrate Perfect Health: Frequent listening brings joy and confidence, knowing that you are infused with vitality and moving towards perfect health in every moment.

Imagine living without the weight of past limitations, feeling a renewed sense of purpose, and glowing with health and energy.

With the "Health & Vitality Activation MP3," you're not just imagining; you're living it.

Whether you want to restore your health, increase your energy levels, or simply enjoy a more vibrant life, this MP3 is your invitation to a world of well-being.

Tune in, transform, and thrive!


Sacred Life Purpose Activation MP3

You are more than a mere existence...

You're a radiant beacon of light with a unique mission.

Each one of us holds a special purpose, a sacred calling that's ours alone. But finding that path? That's where the real adventure begins.

It's a journey of self-discovery, excitement, and profound fulfillment.

And it can also be the challenge of a lifetime.

Introducing the "Sacred Life Purpose Activation MP3"...

Your personal compass to unlocking your soul's deepest desires and your life's ultimate calling:

  • Connect with Your Higher Self: Your Higher Self knows your true path. Allow it to guide you as you clear your subtle bodies and establish a profound connection to your inner wisdom.
  • Infuse Empowering Beliefs: Embrace beliefs that resonate with your soul, opening passageways of communication with your Highest Wisdom, and unlocking doors you never knew existed.
  • Embark on a Lifetime Adventure: Over time, this powerful connection will clarify your Sacred Life Purpose, enabling you to fully embody it. It's more than a goal; it's your destiny.
  • Share Your Gifts with the World: By understanding your unique way of blessing this planet, you become a conduit of love and wisdom. You're not just living; you're thriving with purpose.

Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of direction, a heart full of passion, and a life filled with meaning.

The "Sacred Life Purpose Activation MP3" is more than a tool; it's a lifelong companion on your journey towards fulfillment and enlightenment.

Whether you are just starting your quest or need guidance along the way, this MP3 is a loving embrace, a gentle nudge, and a steadfast guide all rolled into one.

Tune in, align with your purpose, and let your soul's light shine.


Meeting Your 5D Self Activation MP3

Are you feeling confined by the linear time and limited perspective of our 3D world?

Have you ever sensed there's more to life, a higher reality waiting to be discovered?

It's time to embark on an extraordinary journey and meet a version of yourself that holds unparalleled wisdom and love.

Introducing the "Meeting Your 5D Self Activation MP3"...

Your personal gateway to unlocking a higher vibrational realm where time is fluid, and wisdom flows freely:

  • Explore New Dimensions: Go beyond the 3D world of self-awareness and personal power, journeying through the unconditional love of 4D, to finally reach the wisdom of 5D, where time is experienced simultaneously.
  • Connect with Your 5D Self: With Edwin's masterful guidance, meet a more advanced and enlightened version of yourself existing in 5D. Imagine conversing with a Master Sage that's actually YOU, but from a higher realm!
  • Gain Insight and Guidance: Ask your 5D Self for advice on how to improve your life and manifest positive outcomes for our planet. Unlock your true potential and uncover answers to questions you never thought possible.
  • Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs: This divine connection can lead to profound insights and tremendous spiritual growth. It's not just a meditation; it's a life-altering experience.

Embrace the excitement and possibility of exploring multiple lifetimes and timelines in the NOW. Feel the magic of connecting with a wiser, loving, and more conscious part of you.

Whether you are seeking clarity, longing for wisdom, or thirsting for a deeper connection with your true essence, the "Meeting Your 5D Self Activation MP3" is more than a meditation; it's a transformative journey to self-discovery.

Dive into the world of unconditional love and timeless wisdom.

Unleash your Divine potential.

Start this incredible journey today with the "Meeting Your 5D Self Activation MP3."


Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0 MP3

In these turbulent times, our world faces unprecedented challenges.

Our surroundings, our loved ones, even Mother Earth herself, are experiencing energies that can hinder growth and clarity.

But within the chaos lies a profound opportunity to cleanse, heal, and re-connect with the essence of who we truly are.

Introducing "Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0 MP3," a guided meditation designed to lead you to a place of purity, truth, and empowerment.

Led by Edwin, an expert in energy clearing, this updated version of his most powerful energy clearing MP3 is tailored to address the unique complexities of our times:

  • Deep Cleansing for Mind and Soul: Travel through the layers of your mental and emotional bodies, clearing away the impurities, false lights, corruptions, contaminations, blockages, and negative entities that may have taken hold.
  • Connection to Your Higher Self: Experience a spiritual reconnection to the truth of your existence. Rediscover yourself as a sovereign Creator Being, unbound by limitations and radiating pure light.
  • Advanced Healing Techniques: Edwin's comprehensive scanning of current challenges has led to the inclusion of additional, advanced-level frequency extraction and transmutation work. The result is a meditation of incredible power and timeliness.
  • Embrace Your Sovereign Power: This isn't just about clearing away the dark. It's about fully embracing the light within you, reclaiming your innate power, and thriving in the truth of your divine nature.

Whether you are seeking inner peace, wanting to enhance your spiritual growth, or longing to connect with the ultimate truth, "Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0 MP3" is more than just a meditation; it's a transformational experience.

Join Edwin on this enlightening journey to cleanse the shadow and illuminate the soul. Let go of what's holding you back, and embrace the pure, radiant, sovereign Creator Being within you.

Your transformation awaits.

Start your journey with "Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0 MP3" today.


Clearing Your Path To Ascension MP3

Are you ready to shed the burdens that have held you back?

Do you long to release the trapped emotions and negativity that keep you anchored in the 3D world?

With "Clearing Your Path To Ascension MP3," you can embark on a transformative journey toward higher consciousness, love, and freedom.

Crafted by the skilled hands of Edwin, this newly enhanced and remastered energy session is a gateway to your true self. Let's explore what awaits you:

  • Release What Binds You: Begin by letting go of lower-level emotions that may be trapped within you. With each breath, you will be guided to inhale the loving energy of the Universe and exhale the negativity that has clung to you.
  • Unwind and Heal: Dive deep into your core and activate a brilliant unwinding process that clears away anger, regret, and sadness. These are the emotions that can obstruct your higher frequency, and you'll learn to cleanse them effortlessly.
  • Embrace Forgiveness & Acceptance: Engage in a magnificent process that transcends mere words. You'll experience a re-coding of sacred activations within your being, infusing you with forgiveness and acceptance that resonates at a soul level.
  • Prepare for Ascension Acceleration: This incredible experience serves as the foundational step to the advanced Ascension Acceleration modules. It's akin to Edwin's signature one-on-one private sessions, preparing you for profound spiritual growth.

Imagine a path cleared of obstacles, where you can stride with purpose, grace, and joy toward a more fulfilling life.

That's what "Clearing Your Path To Ascension MP3" offers you.

It's not just a meditation but a deeply personal experience that aligns you with your innermost desires and truths.

Whether you're a spiritual seeker or simply longing for inner peace and understanding, this energy session is a beacon guiding you home.

Embrace the journey.

Release what's holding you back.

Awaken to the beauty of your true self.

Start today with "Clearing Your Path To Ascension MP3," and let your ascension unfold.

“Your MP3 Audios Are So Beautiful & Life-Changing!”

“I bought your latest MP3 Audio Series from The You Wealth Revolution Show and have found these mp3s to be beyond helpful – they are truly life-changing! I love every part of this series – thank you so much, Edwin, for doing this incredible work!”

~ Sofie in Sweden

Package A

Regular Price: $859

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package B

  • All In Package A
  • 30 Days Of Remote Energy Work


30 Days Of Remote Energy Work

Dates & Timing: September 1st through 30th, 2023 at Daily at 8:00 AM (PDT) for 30 minutes

In today’s ascending world, we no longer have the time to sequester ourselves in extended periods of spiritual pilgrimage, fasting and meditation, removing ourselves from all outer world stimuli in order to go deep within to establish a direct and strong connection to our Higher Self and Divine Source.

On a daily basis, Edwin and his team of higher vibrational helpers will:

  • Clear your emotional body of anger, sadness and regret.
  • Clear your mental body of negative thinking, limiting beliefs and doubt that you are entitled to a spiritually fulfilling life full of love, joy and happiness.
  • Clear your spiritual bodies of non-physical entities including AI, nanobots, and programming, whether physical or non-physical, to give you the freedom to determine your own life without being affected by external entities.

You can benefit from this program without having to alter your earthly routine.

The Remote Healing will automatically include all people living in your home as well as your pets and each day one or more Ascended Masters will also be invited to infuse his or her energy into your home to further lift your vibration.

Package B

Regular Price: $1106

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package C

  • All In Package A & Package B
  • 2 Live Group Calls
  • Private Facebook Group
  • One 25-Minute Higher Self Integration Private Session with Edwin


Two (2) 90-Minute Group Healing Calls With Edwin

Call #1 – Ascension Awakening– Part 1:
Align Your Path With Prosperity & Abundance

Date: Thursday, September 14th
Time: 5:30pm PDT/6:30pm MDT/7:30pm CDT/8:30 pm EDT/1:30 am BST

In the first Group Call, Edwin will review some of the key topics and issues that everyone is facing during this time of unprecedented societal change and growth on earth. Then he will lead you through a number of group clearings, to assist you in raising your vibrational frequency to hold even more Pure Lifeforce from the 5D Light Spectrum. You will be led through specific levels to clear the way, releasing blockages, negative thoughts and lower emotions in preparation for a thorough and complete Prosperity & Abundance Activation.  Once your frequency is on the rise, Edwin will access the Universal Positive Flow of blessings, good fortune, prosperity and abundance for all, assisting you in matching those energies and literally, bringing them down to earth.

Call #2 – Ascension Awakening – Part 2:
Higher Self Guidance To Access Your Sacred Life Purpose

Date: Thursday, September 21st at 5:30 PM Pacific
Time: 5:30pm PDT/6:30pm MDT/7:30pm CDT/8:30 pm EDT/1:30 am BST

In the second Group Call, Edwin will review any and all Planetary Breaking News that is related to the massive cleansing and restructuring of our world, including some of the most positive breakthroughs currently taking place on our Path to Ascension. Then, Edwin will take the “energy pulse” of the group and lead you through various techniques to raise your vibration, in preparation for a purification of your Higher Self, prior to reestablishing a direct connection to your Highest Wisdom. Then Edwin will lead you in a high-vibe meditation process, where you can request that your Higher Self provide you with further Divine Insight on your true spiritual path and the Sacred Life Purpose you have chosen for this lifetime!


Private Facebook Group

This private group is only for those who have experienced the Higher Self Integration process and would like to interact, compare notes and support others, who are working on improving their lives and attaining higher states of consciousness.

Members are free to post comments or request feedback from others who are likely encountering the same types of experiences that often accompany dramatic spiritual growth and purification.

ITEM 10:

One 25-Minute Higher Self Integration Private Session with Edwin Via Telephone or Skype

In this session you will first receive a Personal Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration session that includes:

In addition, with your Higher Self Integration, you will:

  • Purge fears, traumas and pains from your current and past lives as well as from your DNA
  • Raise your vibration and elevate your being to a higher level of consciousness
  • Discard energies that are not of the highest and best good for you
  • Eliminate all energetic debris that is flushed from your being
  • Facilitate your Higher Self merging completely with your body, mind and spirit

Package C

Regular Price: $1703

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

More Stories From Edwin's Clients!

“Nothing bothers me!”

"Now that my Higher Self is with me, I notice that I’m much more peaceful. Nothing bothers me! Lots of times when I’m talking I realize it’s not even me – it’s my Higher Self. I can tell because she talks slower and more calmly. And people can’t lie to her. It’s like truth serum…

What I realize is that there’s no need for me anymore – it’s just my Higher Self and the world. Cyndi doesn’t even exist!"

~ Cyndi Smith, Pittsburgh, PA

“A Profound Shift in My Consciousness!”

"After my first healing with Ed, I immediately began to witness my human self from a higher perspective. It was a profound shift in my consciousness. I highly recommend this work."

~ Samuel Kiwasz, Culver City, CA

“I Don’t Get Sad; I Know I’m Being Guided to the Right Path”

"After my second session, I noticed that I don’t get sad anymore. Things just roll off my back. There’s no more brain fog or self doubt. I’m calmer and can think much more clearly. After the third session, I got a knowingness – that goes beyond just confidence – that I am am being guided to the right path."

~ Mary Archer, Palm Beach, FL

“Psychic Abilities Skyrocketed”

"“I’m able to see more, I’m able to feel more and to know more. The more you clear out, the more your vibration goes up. In a few weeks, I felt more clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience." After the third session, I got a knowingness – that goes beyond just confidence – that I am am being guided to the right path."

~ David Tourin, Bio-Energetic Healer & Reiki Master
Pembroke Pines, FL


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Discount: 85%

Total Price $859

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension


Discount: 82%

Total Price $1106

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work


Discount: 85%

Total Price $1703

From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Price:


Walking Between Two Worlds

Prosperity & Abundance Activation

Health & Vitality Activation

Sacred Life Purpose Activation

Meeting Your 5D Self Activation

Transmuting Dark Into Light 5.0

BONUS: Clearing Your Path To Ascension

30 Days Of Remote Energy Work

2 Live Group Calls

Private Facebook Group

One 25-Minute Higher Self Integration Private Session with Edwin

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Package A & B: No refunds after your MP3 audios have been accessed.
Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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