Did you know that your phone radiates enough energy to modify your brain chemistry causing depression, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, irascibility, fatigue, agitation, brain fog, decreased libido and lot more?
As you watch television, work from your laptop, use the microwave and use your phone, you are constantly exposed to radiation.
Most of the time your phone sits in your pocket next to your reproductive organs affecting your libido, fertility and sperm count.
Watch Virginia Demonstrate the Radiation Emitted From Her Laptop!
How can the Energetic EMF Neutralizer Program help you?
Through my Heart Team of ascended masters and spiritual hierarchy we have developed MP3s that help neutralize and block the effects of the Electromagnetic Frequencies we are being bombarded NOW!!! And to help with the rollout of the beginnings of 5G and when it is fully operational
I feel so calm and relaxed right now and empowered!
“I’m really excited to have just experienced my first technopathic stress session.I love being on my phone whether I’m listening to music, answering emails, chatting with friends or using social media; so when I was recommended this session, I thought why not! I’ve read that mobile phones aren’t the best for our health and well-being.
This session was really awesome - I could literally feel the calm washing over me, the fog lifting and the stress melting away. I feel so calm and relaxed right now and empowered to use the exercises and MP3s
The magic of these mp3’s is just to keep up the bliss and have less energy-stresses.
I also wasn’t aware we should turn the Bluetooth off when not in use. Mines been on 24/7/365 so what a difference it is not having it on. I notice the difference when I switch it back on. I definitely recommend this session as it was such a positive and lovely experience for me.
10/10 for sure!............”
~ Caroline …………UK
Free Trial
Your Text
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Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $2352
Regular Price: $116
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $3850
Regular Price: $212
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
Discount : 94%
Total Package Value $4440
Regular Price: $272
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
1:1 30 minutes Session with Virginia

Package A: 30 day refund guarantee
Package B: No refund after the first group Call.
Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Are you Suffering from Technopathic Stress

What is Technopathic Stress?
In our race to get the latest gadgets we are exposing ourselves to unprecedented levels of electromagnetic radiation; a growing number of us are suffering from Technopathic Stress and the introduction of 5G means this is going to get worse.
With all this radiation soup around us more and more people are finding they are suffering from electro-hypersensitivity.
Many scientific studies now suggest that prolonged exposure to these fields can affect the immune system and cause serious health problems

Are you experiencing: Chronic EMF exposure and a variety of health problems?
- Depression
- Chest pain or pressure
- Heart palpitations and arrhythmias
- Difficulty concentrating
- Ear pain & ringing in the ears
- Difficulty sleeping
- Muscle and joint pain
- Fatigue and weakness
- Itching, burning, prickly skin
- Tremors and muscle spasms
- Sinus problems
- Respiratory Issues
- Genetic Effects
- Hormone disturbance
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Infertility
- Behaviour/learning problems
- Memory problems
- Anxiety and irritability
- Headaches/Migraines
- Leg and foot pain
- Numbness & tingling issues
- Facial flushing
- Nose Bleeds
- Digestive issues
- Dizziness & balance issues
- Blood-brain barrier leakage
- Fertility impairmen
“Thank you, thank you, thank you Virginia for your wonderful healing on technopathic stress in my home! Wow have I been enlightened! I wasn’t aware how negative my home router and computer next to my bedside table could be having such a detrimental effect to my overall mental health!”
“I was experiencing headaches, feeling depressed, I didn’t want to wake up in the mornings and I just felt down most of the time.”
“Thankfully Virginia picked up straight away that my energy was being influenced very strongly by my home IT.”
“During the session I could feel her clearing the energy around my head and chest. I felt like I was coming out from under a dark cloud and I feel so much lighter and happier.”
“Thankfully now, I use one of her pendants that protects me from harmful radiation waves, which has been a real God send and I use this in conjunction with the MP3s which are very soothing and meditative.”
“I really want to say thank you Virginia, you’ve really opened my eyes to being aware of being protected around electrical devices and all their electromagnetic vibrations…………….”~ Nessa Q,UK

“Thank you Virginia - my headaches and anxiety have gone since our session. I was really sceptical going into this but I’m a total convert! I feel great, positive and energised. Plus you’ve totally changed how I’ll be using my phone in the future and creating some distance from my phone, laptop and electrical devices.” ~ Sheree,Oahu
Cell/Mobile Phones:
We can now talk on the phone, send texts and e-mails, surf the Internet, stream video and music, and so much more from almost anywhere without having to be connected to signal-carrying wires or cables. There are many obvious benefits of wireless technology – convenience, productivity, and efficiency to name a few.
But there are also downsides to our love of and growing dependence on wireless equipment and devices. A big one is the potentially harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF), also known as electromagnetic radiation (EMR), these devices create.
As our use of them increases so does our exposure to the electro-pollution they produce.
In the last 20 years, the number and types of wireless devices on the market has increased at a breath-taking pace, as have the number of people, schools, businesses, and other organizations using them.
August 1st 1996 the Federal Communication Commission issued their guidelines for evaluation of the effects of radiation that was over 20 years ago and when emf’s were in their ‘infancy’ or as was known to us at that time – that is the last time those guidelines were issued by the FCC when we were still working with 2G and we are now into 5G radiation which has at least 20 times stronger radiation.
Do you know that somewhere deep in your smart phone is a warning from the manufacturer not to hold your phone close to your body i.e. your ear, in a pocket or bra or anywhere close to you.
Since you cleared them they are back to my lovely happy children again!
“My son and daughter are constantly on their iPhones/devices/games and I have been at my wits end.
Since you sent me the emf and radiation mp3’s I can now rest assured that they are protected. We have many times spoke of these emf energies and I noticed they were getting more and more addicted and my biggest fear is what they were doing to their health.
I know these energies were affecting my children but we would have such big fights if I tried to ban them
I could visibly see them becoming more introverted and depressed but now with the mp3’s my fears of the damage these energies are doing to them has eased.
And now you have cleared them they are back to my lovely happy children again
Now I can rest easy because I know they are protected……and I can tell you I am playing them as much as I can morning and night……I cannot thank you enough for bringing this to my attention and for the mp3’s you have provided.
I am so grateful – thank you so much”
~ Moira, Galway

EMF its Effect on Fertility
More and more women and couples are having to resort to IVF to bring a child in to their lives.
It is known that both mom's, as well as dad's reproductive organs and their functions, are susceptible to damage by EMF radiations.
Studies on the reproductive organs, have found that EMF radiation impacts every aspect of reproduction, from sperm quality to conceiving to the critical development of the foetus during pregnancy
One major factor being this is the generation that are and have been immersed in this energy for years as they are mainly the IT literate generation.
A study done by Yale University found that when men put their cell phones in their front side pockets within 30-35 seconds 40% of the sperm became inactive. The same study has been reconfirmed by and Exeter University in the UK.
“My laptop was grey and swirly now it is clear and lighter and brighter during the EMF/5G call – WOW!!” ~ Susan C, LA
“I am amazed and everything looks vibrant in the garden....since you shared the tools and cleared those energies……….”~ Susan C, LA
“Absolutely. Felt energy breaking up. ………Woohoo! A definite difference!!!” ~ Pat M.
“ Amazing. Yes that was so helpful.. I could feel all the energy clearing from using the tools – WOW!!!............” ~ Teresa W
“From 100% to a 0% Thank you for the tools, the cube and sphere” ~ K.B
“So powerful I envisioned light throbbing out from my body, and feel a little tingly…….”~ Mary Z.
“Thank you so much for the Luminous square and the electric violet sphere. I have used it on my cell phone and computer. Thank you for the entity clearing as well.❤❣❤” ~ Barbara S…
“Thank you. I love this! EMF & 5G tools ”~ Jennifer G.
“Amazing!!...how these tools work so well” ~ Carla D.

Animals & EMF:
- Animals, such as migratory birds, bats, and certain fish and insects, that are strongly dependent on for magnetic orientation or migration.
- We are seeing the demise of many hundreds of small birds being affected near radiation towers
- More and more we see bees are being destroyed and for many of the older generation remember a time when bees, butterflies, dragonflies, insects etc were prolific and everywhere around us but no longer
- If it is harmful to us it is harmful to our pets and other essential living being’s we rely on for our food supply chain
These mp3’s have been in constant rotation since I got them. I enthusiastically recommend this package!
“I’m trying not to be freaked out about all EMF,Wi-Fi and 5G stuff out there, but I don’t want to ignore it either.
The subject has been a growing conversation with me amongst friends and I wanted to do something pro-active, and along came Virginia’s package. I bought this earlier this year and I love her work, I felt a noticeable difference in my home, in myself, and with my cats.
I use the combination Core Entity and EMF clearing mp3 at least once a week, I run the geopathic stress mp3 once a month, used the workplace clearing mp3 and I used the public spaces mp3 on a flight yesterday. Honestly, these mp3’s have been in constant rotation since I got them. I enthusiastically recommend this package!”
~ Kim Q….

Wireless Radiation
Wireless radiation refers to the electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by equipment and devices that send and receive information wirelessly.
This type of EMF pollution has increased dramatically in recent years as cordless phones, smart phones, tablets, WIFI networks and a host of other wireless devices have become popular in homes, businesses and schools.
Each one of these devices send information through the air rather than through wires and that sets up a “cloud” of artificial electromagnetic smog/energy all around us.
I’m sleeping so much better and more deeply!
“I’d been feeling really off colour recently, with no energy, a heavy head and what I call ‘lazitis’. Until my session, I hadn’t realised how bad my wireless headphones were making me feel.
I use them for work and on the train home. So I’ve been using them 7-9 hours a day.
Well what a revelation this technopathic session was.
Firstly, I feel so much clearer, lighter and more balanced. And people have noticed that I seem happier and less grumpy.
Secondly, Virginia also cleared my whole energy field and I feel great now.
Thirdly, now that I have the MP3s I’m listening to them before bed and I’m sleeping so much better and more deeply. This was such a great session that I’ve now gone back to using wired headphones, instead of my wireless ones.
Great session, really valuable tools and MP3s for on-going technopathic stress management! Thank you Virginia!”
~ Rachel……….UK

These are devices we all have either at home, school or business:
- Radio and Television
- Cordless Landline Phones
- Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX
- Wireless Computer Peripherals (e.g., monitors, keyboards, mice)
- Wireless Printers and Scanners
- Wireless Headphones and Speakers
- Wearable Technologies (e.g., fitness trackers, smart watches)
- Digital Baby Monitors
- Cell Phones and Smart Phone
- Towers and Antennas
- Computers, Laptops & Tablets
- Wireless Headphones and Speakers
- GPS Systems & Devices
- SMART Meters and Appliances
- Remote Control Devices
- Wireless Dog Fences
- Wireless Fire Alarms and Security Systems
Headaches gone, foggy brain gone, clarity returned!
“OMG!!! Virginia – headaches gone, foggy brain gone, clarity returned and those EMF mp3’s have saved my life…..I feel more grounded now and not hypersensitive as I was ……….Thank you, thank you, thank you……….”
~ Albert, Galway
It truly works!
“This was very informative and very useful information. I also noticed a huge difference using the EMF & 5G tools i.e. luminous Square and circle method. I commute 45 miles one way to work everyday and it truly works.
Thank you so much for sharing. Much love to you Virginia Rounds Griffiths”
~ Faye F.

Dirty Electricity
Dirty electricity i.e. dirty power, line noise, power line EMI, electrical noise refers to spikes and surges of electrical energy traveling along power lines and building wiring where only standard 50-60-Hertz AC electricity should be.
This type of EMF pollution is created by many modern electronics, appliances, and lighting solutions that must change or manipulate standard electrical current in one way or another in order to work. Once created dirty electricity circulates through buildings and even between buildings via wiring, power lines and other means.
I am so energised!
“I am so energised compared to before your mp3’s - I never realised how important and effective these EMF, 5G & Radiation mp3’s were and how I have felt such a difference in my energy………
Because I am very sensitive I was experiencing tingles in my hands and my skin was developing a rash which I have never had before I also had issues with sleep
I work in London and I can feel the energy getting denser as I approach in the train
I am so thankful to Virginia and empowered because I know the positive effect the mp3’s have on me and I play them silently for my work colleagues too and they benefit although they do not know – our little secret Virginia – I cannot thank you enough”
~ Susie V

Smart Meters
Although smart meters were mean to give us accurate and therefore savings in readings of gas, electricity and water usage the actual result in many households was the reverse and some consumers have seen their bills rise significantly and several of these meters have overheated in Ontario alone 5,400 had to be replaced because of fires caused in the home.
The radiation from these meters is known to be extreme as well and proven to be harmful again to our health. Imagine the picture below if you are sitting in the vicinity of the radiation for 3-4 hours in the evening what it is doing to your physicality

Occult groups that were following me kept getting up suddenly and leaving- looking startled!
“I got a ton of practice today with the blue sphere.
This is a tourist area and many cottages on lakes in area, so town was full for Victoria Day - and full moon rituals.
This is also a dark occult target area as - you know. And I am always targeted.
I was at the mall today and the occult groups started the usual stalking/harassment in groups.
I started envisioning the blue sphere around each one as they came in view.
I was also playing a lovely energy-filled piece of music on my device.
Guess the combination was bothering their demons because they kept getting up suddenly and leaving- looking startled.
And none of what any of them did had ANY effect on me! Brilliant.”
~ Susan……Canada
Even light bulbs in your home
You can see the diagram below that the incandescent light bulb is the better of the two to use in your home.
We just pick up the nearest light bulb without realising that even this seemingly simple device to give us light is also conducting radiation of some sort.
And lightbulbs are used in our lamps, overhead in ceiling lamps and every other place we need light in our home.
Thank you for these tools, I don't feel so helpless!
“ I use the luminous square every time I see a 5g post/pole anywhere and also place them on corrupt corporations .
Virginia Rounds Griffiths Yes I use both, thank you for these tools, I don't feel so helpless!🙏🙏🙌💜”
~ Neena M

Sleep Issues
In addition to EMF radiation, blue light (a part of the electromagnetic spectrum) is emitted from most light bulbs, tablets, phones, TVs, computers, and other electronics with screens and lights.
While asleep your body is a lot more vulnerable to radiation, accelerating a degeneration process. This is the main reason why we feel fatigued most of the time and anxious when staying inside frequently.
Blue light emission signals to your brain that it’s time to be alert by mimicking the spectrum of light present in noon day sunlight.
Think about it: the sun gives off light in the cool (blue) spectrum during the day, while the evening sunset is warm (composed of red & yellow light).
Firelight is also in the warm spectrum, which is the only source of 'man-made' light our ancestors would have seen after the sun went down!
Blue light at night confuses the body and alters our circadian rhythm by preventing melatonin from being produced
My life's turned a corner and I'm firing on all cylinders!
“My overall health and life was so debilitated before I met you, that's why I was so overcome by your kindness and generosity and the validation that it wasn't all in my mind, like I was willing myself sick/ill,
I was constantly fatigued from morning till night, I hadn't had a good night sleep in ages, even if I always woke up tired, something was killing me, sucking the life out of me, I would get exhausted just thinking about all the things I needed to do
And I had no idea it was the EMF-5G and Gamma Radiation as you pointed out and cleared
Thanks to you my life's turned a corner and I'm firing on all cylinders.”
~ Kelli …….UK

Bluetooth & Wearable Devices
Bluetooth is used to connect phones with the earpiece and other wearable tech like fitness bands, ‘smart’ watches Google Glass, portable loudspeakers and VR headsets, game consoles, earphones and more.
The frequency range is around 2.4GHZ about the same as wi-fi at this time but will likely increase with the rollout of 5G.
There is evidence of frightening hacking issues that are possible via Bluetooth so there goes your privacy
Many people are linking blurred vision, deafness, neck pain, skin rashes, headaches, tinnitus and brain tumours, anxiety and depression even hair loss with Bluetooth radiation.
“Thank you Virginia. It was such an important call ! And the information you shared is so needed now -EMF & 5G But now let's do some work .... 💛💚💛”
~ Eva P…….

I feel more centered and focused!
“Regarding the luminous square & electric violet sphere, I have been placing these over the masts when I've seen them and at home. This is wonderfully empowering
The GANS pendant is helping me to stay calm and focused although initially I felt quite tired but you explained the issue was my vibration which you raised and now I feel more centered and focused and feel so ungrounded if I stop wearing it.
My neighbour was about to have a smart meter installed recently and the engineer who came to do it refused to as it wasn't possible for various reasons, can't help but wonder if these EMG, 5G and using the luminous box and Electric violet sphere have anything to do with it!!”
~ Maggie, UK
5G Radiation
Public attention about 5G has been focused on the plans of telecom companies to install millions of small cell towers on electric utility poles, on public buildings and schools, on bus stop shelters, in public parks, and anywhere they want in national parks and on federally owned land.
In local urban communities there would be a cell tower approximately every 500 feet along every street.
As bad as these small cell towers might seem from the standpoint of constant exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation in close proximity to the source, perhaps an even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites.
The total number of satellites that is expected to be put into low and high orbit by several companies will be 53,000 satellites. – todate!!!
5G will use Phased Array Antennas to shoot Beams of Radiation at Cell Phones
I got to sleep through night last night!
“I just have to share what's happened here last few days...Since someone is definitely using this town to test weaponized EMF/EPF devices, on Thursday, I was walking past the Electric charger pods for electric cars they put at our Mall last summer, when they started covering the town with EMF lines/devices.
One of those hmmm moments, thinking that would be a good way they could ramp up EMF and target the whole mall - positioned outside facing main human traffic areas.
I've only seen 2 cars being charged there in a year (20k population in isolated district, tourists but not with Teslas etc).
So...I used the tool you told us about to protect every living thing from harmful devices close by - including me on my favourite reading bench under a big tree feet away from the pods.
Yesterday, something went wonky at the Mall with the hydro and it was shut down for a few hours. Interesting coincidence?
And the device added to our hot water heater in my building November that's been burning me across hall with energy surges somehow broke - unfixable part but they are replacing. Unfortunately.
I used the tools on it a week ago and it started to fail.
I got to sleep through night last night without the 3-6 am bed shaking, floor electrification.
Interesting happenings don't you think?”
~ Susan……… Canada
It is now estimated 53,000 will be orbiting our earth
This means that they will send tightly focused beams of intense microwave radiation at each specific 5G device that is on the Earth and each device will send a beam of radiation back to the satellite.
The much shorter length microwaves used for 5G will make it possible to use small phased array antennas to send and receive signals.
Phased array antennas consist of clusters of hundreds of tiny antennas that work together to shoot a ray of energy at a target just like a bullet. A cluster of these tiny antennas can be arranged in a 4 inch by 4inch matrix.
The rays of microwaves they produce will be strong enough to pass through walls and human bodies. If they were not strong enough to do this, then everyone with a 5G smartphone would have to stand outside when using the devices.
Each 5G product will also have multiple phased array antennas which will be used to create a powerful beam of radiation back to the 5G devices mounted on electrical utility poles or toward a specific satellite in space.
These beams of radiation will also need to be strong enough to pass through walls and human flesh such as a hand or head to reach the intended destination
Expanded my heart energy, to feel grounded, and peaceful!
“Once a week I read the statement for the luminous square and the electric violet sphere. I include the whole of Rock County which is where I live in Wisconsin. I’ve not been specific with saying cell towers and meters which may be important to include. I am hoping it has been effective by using my intention with including all devices within Rock County.
I weekly check with my pendulum to see if I need to play an MP3 for house clearing, EMFs etc.
I wear my pendant daily, I believe I’ve only forgotten it a couple of times. I feel good when I have it on, another layer of protection I certainly feel better with it on.
The pendant helped me to expand my heart energy, to feel grounded, and peaceful.
Thank You”
~ Sandy……….
Feeling less tired!
“I’ve been using the tool in my house and feeling less tired... I have to remind myself to also use it in different places so more people can benefit from this amazing gift ❤️ thank you Virginia for all you do for us❤”
~ Renata G……
Feeling blissed out, and much more happy and balanced!
“OMG!!! what a great session! It’s been three days since my technopathic stress appointment with you and I wanted to let you know I’m still feeling blissed out, and much more happy and balanced.
It’s amazing what a difference I feel from a few days ago to now!. I feel so much more calm. I’ve been using all of MP3’s which are very relaxing and great at helping me meditate too
Turning off the home wifi when I’m not using it, keeping my phone on the other side of the room at night and leaving my laptop in the living room. These are all really great tips for protecting myself from these electrical and WiFi energies. I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you.”
~ Jasmine………..UK

Do any of these already look familiar?
Are they in your neighbourhood?

- My children are addicted -what can I do?
- Detrimental effect on mental health
- Foggy Brain not functioning as my usual self
- Sleep issues are devastating my life
- Experiencing headaches
- Feeling depressed and fatigued
- Freaking out and fearful about EMF (electro-magnetic frequency)
- Feeling the tingles and dense energies when near devices
- Love not feeling so helpless and have a tool to clear these energies
- Afraid of fertility issues - will I be able to have a baby?
- Not to feel so helpless with these devastating energies already here and those coming
- Realising I can address my health issues positively
- I can find ways of blocking, neutralizing and clearing these emf, 5G and radiation frequencies
- I can take my life back and not feel so devastated by energies I felt helpless about
- I know that I can protect me and my loved ones - including pets
- Become more aware of how to manage these energies in my life and my family and my home.
- Feel more secure about protecting my fertility and being able to protect my unborn child
- I have a way of being able to help my childs developing brain
- Those I have had sessions with have felt the effects of these powerful clearings
- My family has also benefited from these powerful tools and I use them everyday
- The testimonials also attest to the success of these tools
- My previous packages have always proven popular and successful and this one is powerful
How this package can help you:
- Stay knowingly positively protected in your daily life, keeping your energy Emf-5G-radiation free
- Harmonise your home and keep it radiation free
- Banish electromagnetic sensitivity and effects from EMF (WIFI, cell)
- Take back your health with the tools provided for EMF – 5G and radiation
- Take responsibility to protect yourself in crowds like shopping centers, restaurants, festivals
- Protect yourself on public transport (planes, trains, buses etc)
- Keep your workplace cleared from radiation there by helping your co-workers
- Protect your children and the occupants in hospitals, schools, places where people gather
- Clear your neighbourhood – so no fear about the 5G coming
- This also works for your loved pets who also get radiated from electronics
- If used consciously and consistently you can set up a radiation free zone for the other humans, animals and sentient beings in your neighbourhood
- Use these tools when travelling down highways and roads that have 5G and electrical pylons
- Set these tools up before you go anywhere so you can arrive to a radiation free environment
Free Trial
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Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $2352
Regular Price: $116
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $3850
Regular Price: $212
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
Discount : 94%
Total Package Value $4440
Regular Price: $272
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
1:1 30 minutes Session with Virginia

Package A: 30 day refund guarantee
Package B: No refund after the first group Call.
Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Package A |
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Value: $375
- Clear existing EMF energies that are saturated in your body and brain
- Allow your body’s natural intelligence to heal what is needed
- Feel more energised and rejuvenated
- Regain the joy of life once more
- Repair your DNA so no longer affected
- Your eyesight and hearing will start to feel better
- Throw off any anxiety/depression which is not you
- Experience more clarity in your thinking
- Enjoy the feeling of ‘you’ again
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Value: $325
- Lines cleared and reset to harmonic electricity energies
- Know you are protected from the effects of dirty energy
- Sleep peacefully at night knowing you are not being contaminated.
- Feel the security of knowing you and your family are protected
- Enjoy the vibrancy of perfect health again
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
Value: $325
- Clear the effects of this powerful unnecessary negative energy
- Block the energy of this contamination where it is attached to your wall
- Enjoy the empowerment of neutralizing this energy
- Know you are not being affected by this devastating frequency
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Value: $550
- Not having to fear you will be immersed in this frequency soup in your home
- Feel the security of knowing you are protecting yourself and family from 5G
- Have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you do not have to worry about this energy and it’s effect on you and those you love
- Look forward to functioning with a clear brain and banishing brain fog
- Enjoy better health for you, your family and pets
- If you are of the age for having children -not having to worry about the effects of this energy on your reproductive system
- If you have children - peace of mind that you are protecting their future fertility
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Value: $656
- Have peace of mind this very powerful energy will be neutralized for your highest good
- Feel the lifting of density this energy perpetrates
- Enjoy a clearer brain and thinking capacity
If you are experiencing the following you will start to find relief and healing:
Nausea and vomiting
Dizziness and disorientation
Weakness and fatigue
Hair loss
Bloody vomit and stools from internal bleeding
Pets Protected - MP3
Value: $111
- Have the peace of mind to know you are protecting your loved pets
- See their health return
- Use this mp3 to also help the wildlife in your garden
- Enjoy the bounce back of your loved pets to their happy selves again
Clear Entities - MP3
Value: $350
Entities help to magnify the effects of the already harmful electromagnetic frequencies so this mp3 will release them from your energy field to allow the electromagnetic energies to clear without an added hindrance
- The clearing of all entities and negative implants
- Repairing and strengthening auric shield to prevent ‘reinvasion’
- Clearing, aligning and harmonising of all your energy bodies
- Negative thought forms cleared
- Cords severed for a clearer you immune from psychic attack
- Grounding and centering for clarity and balance
- Feeling and receiving the freedom you are seeking
- Use this MP3 for public transport travel & Historic sites– played on silent
“….wow, wow and triple WOW!!!”
“Secondly you were able to assist with releasing entities, thought forms and implants. I had a real sense of this happening throughout my body and was able to see through my third eye (with your guidance) where the implant was and see it release (and feel the shift).”
~ Davinder – London, UK
“Line would crackle and sizzle……..”
“Virginia is a powerful healer. We had a Skype session and whenever she did energy healing or removing entities, the line would crackle and sizzle. Before the call I started to get a headache and a sore jaw. The pain increased during the call and then totally dissipated as she worked her magic! Virginia could sense that there were a lot of entities in my family members and myself. She was able to remove these for the whole family. I would recommend Virginia to others.”
~ A. Hilton
“Heavy feelings, fatigue!!! ……..Hung around for months ….cleared”
“During our conversation, Virginia cleared so many things with such an easy technique, including entities, blocks, this heavy feeling I had been feeling in my heart for months that I knew was coming from a spirit and not medically related. Before the call I was feeling so fatigued for months and months, with such a depressed state hanging over me, in spite of all my positive remedies, meditations, etc…I also no longer feel the lack surrounding money...it's gone!”
~ Chris – Ohio, USA
Clear Your House - MP3
Value: $350
Again a house that has negative energies will only magnify the electromagnetic frequencies for all those who live in the house
- Clearing and removing energies in and around your rooms / objects
- Cleanse all energies that are not of love in the walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows and any attics or basements
- Raise the positive energies in and around your rooms / objects
- Feeling assured there are no longer unwelcome energies lurking
- A sense of wellbeing that deep clearing is occurring
- Furniture & Fittings cleared too
- Experience wellbeing and safety
- Feel more peaceful and calm
“Cleansed house and Family of negative entities -- -Family cat is happy now!!!”
“Dear Virginia, I feel the cleansing of the House and of the entities from myself, and three other members of my family was needed as I had felt the energies were not positive in my home. I felt immediately lighter and freer almost instantly and thank you too for the methods you taught me to keep the house and ourselves protected. I do appreciate your help and openness, and everything you have done for me and my family”
~ Marian - Croydon, Surrey
“Hi Virginia I thought I would follow up and tell you that our cat who used to go into the children's room and cuddle up with them - was avoiding their rooms until you cleansed the rooms and our house. Now she is back in the rooms and cuddles are back too. I had forgotten this and when I saw her going into their rooms it triggered my memory so I thought I would tell you about this - once again my eternal thanks”
~ Marian - Croydon, Surrey
Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Value: $550
Geopathic Stress is ‘earth sickness’ and adds to the negativity in the house for all that live there. Chronic sickness and mental health issues are prevalent for those who live in this energy and discord and arguments are amplified too; so this bonus mp3 will help on many levels in your life
- Know you are in a ‘Geopathic stress’ free environment
- Feel vibrant and start living in joy
- Have clear and focused thinking – no brain fog
- Sleep through the night peacefully
- Optimum energy – no worries about compromised immune system
- Feel total health and wellbeing
- Harmony to restored in relationships
I can be in the house without having a physiological anxiety, panic, and stress response!
“Thank you Virginia
Also, I know you said you would check my home property now after using the geopathic stress mp3. I immediately noticed a difference with that mp3; I can be in the house without having a physiological anxiety, panic, and stress response, which I can't thank you enough for.
It was so awful before you have no idea!
Also, I know I definitely need more health healing, you are incredible, and I am grateful for your help.”
~ Brittany B….. Arizona
“Children restless and disturbed ……..Peace restored”
“Thank you Virginia for the Geopathic cleansing you performed on our house in Carraroe in Connemara – firstly my four children have been restless and disturbed at nights, the sensitive one is constantly unsettled. The house has always felt odd and there are rooms and places that you identified accurately as having some energy interference. The front door is always full of ants and there is a patch of ground that nothing grew on. Since you have cleansed our home the children are so much more calm easing my days and nights and the ants are not there anymore plus that patch of bareness is starting to grown grass again- I cannot thank you enough for the peace I have now with the children and the fact I cannot feel that terrible energy any longer – you are amazing!”
~ Sinead – Co Galway, Ireland
Package A
Total Package Value $2352
Regular Price $116
Special Offer $97
(Currently 20% Off)

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Includes everything in Package A Plus
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Value: $190
- Clear existing emf frequencies making the ovaries less than healthy
- Bring about healing for the ovaries and fallopian tubes
- Unblock all obstacles to perfect conception
- Ensure the uterus is free from emf energies and in optimum health
- Protect the entire ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus from emf radiation
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Value: $190
- Help the testes to recover from any harm or deterioration
- Bring about healing for the testes back to optimum health
- Protect the testes and male reproduction system from damage by emf energies
- Ensure the testosterone levels are fully in balance
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
Value: $220
- Clear all emf energies from any existing embryo protecting and repairing their DNA
- Clear the uterus of emf energies in anticipation for new conception
- Set up protection against emf radiation
- Help to enrich the uterus walls for new life
- Ensure protection from the emf radiation for the entire female reproduction system
ITEM 10:
2 Group Session Recordings
Value: $274
Group Call 1: Clear CNS re Foggy Brain
We will have a 60 minute Group Call in relation to the:
- Cleansing of all the areas of the brain remembering the CNS gets a hard hit from EMF frequencies.
- Especially the 3 Brains which are: Mammalian, Limbic & Cerebral Cortex
- Brain Stem- mid-brain, pons and medulla
- Endocrine Glands which link to anxiety, hormones & reproductive system
- Vagus Nerve the most important nerve in our body, reset to be more grounded and present in your body
Group Call 2: Entire Body, Healed and Reset to New Blueprint
Scan and clear:
- The circulatory system
- Respiratory System
- Muscular-skeletal system
- Digestive System
- Urinary System
- Endocrine System
- Reproduction System
- Immune System
- Integumentary System: consists of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves and our skin is most susceptible to electromagnetic frequencies
All the systems of the body will be reset to a new Blueprint including the endocannabinoid system and connective tissues
Package B
Total Package Value $3850
Regular Price $212
Special Offer $177
(Currently 20% Off)

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Includes everything in Package A & B Plus
ITEM 11:
1:1 30 minute Session with Virginia
In this super powerful call I will scan your body, which Allows you to have your own bespoke cleansing in relation to:
- The energies of EMF Frequencies which pertain to you.
- What does your unique physicality need to release and balance
- We will dive deep into your body and central nervous system i.e. brain, endocrine system and more to see what we need to focus on to bring back homeostasis for your perfect health going forward
- Is trauma exacerbating and preventing your moving forward? -lets clear that!
Package C
Total Package Value $4440
Regular Price $272
Special Offer $227
(Currently 20% Off & ONLY 30 Sessions Available!)

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How many tracks can I listen to at one time?
I recommend playing the EMF mp3 in the house when your loved ones are all at home. So in the evening is probably best. Remembering you can play this silently as well as aloud.
Understanding it is the frequency and vibration embedded in the mp3’s that holds the magic to clear the negative energies.
And using your intuition to understand which other mp3’s are needed by you and your family as you go through your day.
For those who do not have 5G in your area yet you will not have to play these yet but be aware of if and when it comes to your area. Those who live in cities and built up areas are probably already affected by those energies
Q. How often do I need to play to the recordings?
With these mp3’s it is prudent to run them once a week in your home or work-place for maximum effect.
Remember we are now living in a soup of these energies and they are saturating us 24/7
We must also be mindful that 5G energies are already here and we will be bombarded with even more in the near future, so we will need more diligence and awareness to keep our energy fields clear and healthy
Q. Do the tracks have to be listened to in order?
They do not have to be listened to in a certain order. Though it is recommended to listen to the EMF mp3 regularly because the internet is now our constant companion in work and home life and will need the most clearing.
Q. What commitment is expected from me?
Beyond listening to the tracks as well as listening to the recordings please accept that it is your responsibility to use the tools provided because if you do not you will not get the protection you or your family need.
It is important too that you eat well, stay hydrated, and rest when necessary helping to ensure your health and wellbeing.
Q. When can I expect results?
These mp3’s start clearing your energies and those you love instantly. The bonus mp3’s are there to support your energy field as you go through your daily life.
About Virginia Rounds Griffiths:
My name is Virginia Rounds Griffiths and I have had the honour and privilege to work with my Heart Team and to live and work globally doing what I passionately believe is my purpose.
That purpose is to be in service to ALL sentient beings on Mother Earth.
With that understanding I facilitate the following:
As a Medical Intuitive: I scan your body and facilitate the clearing of any negative imbalances that are detected to bring harmony, balance and wellbeing to your physical matrix.
As an Energist: I facilitate the clearing and removing of negative ENTITIES, EMF, 5G and RADIATION from your body. And clear land, animals etc
As a Past, Present & Future Coach using Guided Visualisation: I can help you find clarity and resolution in all areas of your life that are challenging you - including career, finances, relationships, a new home or business, or any decisions you need to make about your future
Free Trial
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Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $2352
Regular Price: $116
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $3850
Regular Price: $212
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
Discount : 94%
Total Package Value $4440
Regular Price: $272
Special Offer:
20% Off!
EMF Energies De-Activated - MP3
Dirty Electricity Cleared - MP3
Smart Meters Contained - MP3
5G Energies Cleared - MP3
Gamma Radiation Cleared - MP3
Pets Protected - MP3
BONUS 1: Clear Entities - MP3
BONUS 2: Clear Your House - MP3
BONUS 3: Clear Geopathic Stress - MP3
Heal & Protect Ovaries,Eggs and Fallopian Tubes - MP3
Heal & Protect Testes/Sperm - MP3
Heal & Protect Developing Embryo - MP3
2 Group Session Recordings
1:1 30 minutes Session with Virginia

Package A: 30 day refund guarantee
Package B: No refund after the first group Call.
Package C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.