Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
to Quickly Manifest a New Life Reality!

  • Are you feeling stressed, stuck, depressed, unworthy, lack of confidence, tired, low creative energy or lack of focus, motivation and purpose?
  • Are you aware of your blocks but can’t seem to shift out of them?
  • Do you suddenly find yourself feeling the same old feelings over and over again?

Your brain is wired by past emotional experiences that you had growing up. Your nervous system holds onto stress and your brain stores old memories, thoughts, beliefs and emotions which get re-triggered in the present affecting your emotions, mood, reactions, decisions, health, and your ability to manifest your highest life.

Imagine instead…

  • Breaking-free of old limiting thoughts and beliefs!
  • Evaporating stress and cortisol so you can heal and open to receive!
  • Releasing energy blocks with ease!
  • Synchronizing your brain and nervous system to access higher levels of clarity and focus!
  • Restoring your energy, healthy vibration & self-healing ability!
  • Being in control of your thoughts!
  • Attracting abundance, money and new opportunities effortlessly!
  • Harnessing the power of your subconscious mind and manifest the future you desire!


Flash Frequency Fusion: Your Ultimate Shortcut to Health, Wealth, & Happiness

Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for Healing & Creating the Life of your Dreams!

Manifest Money, Health and a New Life Reality!

This program features Estaryia’s advanced sound technologies and energy healing transmissions.

Your subconscious thoughts are connected to your nervous system and your entire body. Think of your subconscious like your internal hard-drive with stored information.

In order for change to occur, you must be able to access your subconscious and delete the old data and install the new data.

Why Estaryia Venus is Unique?

Estaryia is an early pioneer in the field of sound, frequency and vibrational healing. She developed Sound Wave Healing™, a therapeutic application of sound and has shared her passion and mastery for more than 25 years, in over 20 countries. Thousands of people, all over the world, have experienced profound healing and transformation from Estaryia’s sessions and methods. Estaryia’s healing methods bridge energy and science. Studies were done on Estaryia’s live sessions and recorded audio programs with proven results of bringing the heart into coherence and releasing deep levels of stress in minutes, putting the body into its optimum state for healing.

Estaryia’s Clients Experience REAL Results!

“Tightness I had in my head from an accident was completely gone at the end of session.”

"Tightness I had in my head from an accident was completely gone at the end of session. I also had five different releases in my low back that had been so tight. My back felt in a comfortable position for the first time and my tailbone is physically more aligned. It was a wonderful reconnection with the Earth. Every cell in my body was vibrating — it felt incredible!"

~ Karen Stone, Mom

“Your session brought forth the resonances of unimpeded clarity!”

"What a marvelous experience! Recently, you, your sound instruments and your voicing facilitated a shift as I became aware during the experience of a scientific process of epigenic corrective measures regarding DNA-RNA transcription. Your session brought forth the resonances of unimpeded clarity, cohesiveness and coherence previously unavailable to my physical and subtle energy centers. Your gifts are extraordinary."

~ Greg Gerber, M.D.

“I’m feeling a very calm vibration in my body right now!”

"I am feeling very clear, my thoughts are very clear and I’m feeling a very calm vibration in my body right now. I can feel the vibration all the way through. The calmness is making me feel so open to everything right now. My senses are extremely heightened and I can hear energy right now, very much so."

~ Alan Burch

“My pineal gland opened and I began to see visually for the first time!”

"My pineal gland opened and I began to see visually for the first time, I actually felt it open and expand. My whole body was vibrating and I felt light and color moving through it purifying my energy and leaving me feeling clear and energized and lighter and more joyful! Thank you Estaryia!"

~ Bill Striken, Arizona

“My mind and physical body feels more free!”

"Working with Estaryia created an opening in my heart and deeper awareness. I felt my whole consciousness expand and my mind and physical body feels more free."

~ Terra Rose Ganem

“I immediately felt a block that I had been aware of in my belly open!”

"When you vocalized those tones today, I immediately felt a block that I had been aware of in my belly open. When the tones touched that place inside of me, it opened that blocked energy and I felt a current of energy flow up through my body and into my heart. Tears began to release as a profound healing was occurring."

~ Melanie Stuart

“I came face to face with my fear and started to influence it instead of it influencing me!”

"In a session with Estaryia I found where the fear lives in my body. I came face to face with it, and actually felt like I touched it, and I could feel where it was touching me. I experienced influencing it instead of it influencing me."

~ Jefferey Allan, CMT

“One of the most powerful healing sessions I’ve ever had”

"One of the most powerful healing sessions I’ve ever had. It really opened up the space in the front of my heart."

~ Steven Hendersen – Intuitive Healer, Body Worker

Available for a Limited Time

Dolphin Sound Healing - Expanding Love

Discount: 76% Off

Total Price $750

FHTJ Special Offer $247

Early Bird Offer $197

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A

Just listening to affirmations doesn’t work, you must access the subconscious, subliminal part of your brain. What you believe creates your reality.

Reprogram your negative thoughts by accessing your subconscious mind and installing new positive beliefs. Resonate a new frequency in your bio-energetic field to attract new energy, including money and new opportunities to make a quantum leap forward in your life.

Before Sleep Attunements - Mp3’s

  • Healthy Body Attunement
  • Money Attunement
  • Opportunities Attunement

Morning Attunements - Mp3’s

  • Healthy Cells Attunement
  • Power Attunement
  • Highest Life Attunement

Day-Time Frequency Attunements - Mp3’s

  • Grounding Attunement
  • Everything Is In Divine Order


Before Sleep Attunements - MP3s

The advanced technology of these frequency entrainment audios work with your brain and nervous system to reprogram your subconscious mind, heal and restore your body, while inducing a deep regenerative sleep.

Healthy Body Attunement - Mp3

Your Body is listening!!! Reprogram your subconscious mind and heal your body. This audio frequency entrainment goes through every organ and system in your body. Frequencies in this entrainment work deeply with the spinal column for healing and rejuvenating. You’ll find yourself drifting into a deep, restorative, healing sleep.

"I used the Healthy Body Attunement for healing pain in my body and to resolve chronic sleep issues. I am so happy to say, my pain is gone and I’m sleeping again!"

~ Katie Sutherland, Seattle, Washington

Money Attunement- Mp3

Attract money into your life easily and effortlessly as you reprogram your subconscious mind. This sonic tool will release stress as it synchronizes your brain and nervous system and opens you to receive an abundance of money. Money, Money, Money, its a good thing!

"I was down to barely being able to pay my rent and so stressed about how I was going to pull myself out of the crises I was in. I started listening to Estaryia’s Money Attunement and within a couple of weeks, money started coming in. I had new clients appearing with no effort, unexpected support came in from other people as well. It has continued ever since and I continue to use the audio whenever I need a boost. It really shifted my thoughts and internal energy about money and allowed me to open to receive it. Amazing!"

~ Jennifer Moore, Hawaii

Opportunities Attunement - Mp3

Manifest new opportunities with this audio frequency entrainment. Reprogram your subconscious mind to attract lots of unexpected opportunities Into your life! Career and business opportunities, new friends, new partners, new pathways that move you forward to create the life of your dreams.

"I have experienced a lot of forward motion in my life since listening to the Opportunities audio. New opportunities appeared and I have experienced new creative ideas that I’m acting on. Thank you Estaryia!"

~ David Snider, Los Angeles, CA


Morning Attunements - MP3s

The advanced technology of these frequency entrainment audios work with your brain and nervous system to reprogram your subconscious mind, activate healing energy and catalyze the creative processes in your brain, inspiring new ideas!

Healthy Cells Attunement - Mp3

It’s time to revitalize your cells. Healthy cells are happy cells. Reprogram your subconscious mind to health starting at the cellular level. This light filled audio frequency entrainment enhances healing, energy and vitality. Nourish your cells with these specific frequencies and start your day feeling happy, harmonized, clear and energized!

"I love the Healthy Cells track! It starts my day off in a good mood and feeling energized."

~ Sarah Jennings, Iowa

Power Attunement - Mp3

Wake up with clarity and focus!Connect with your higher power. Restore belief in yourself. Open to your creative energy. Empower yourself and start your day with confidence. This frequency entrainment audio starts your day in harmony in your brain and nervous system and brings you vibrationally into your power!

"Great start for the day connecting me with my inner power and knowingness. It’s really shifting things from feeling out of control and uncertain to a newfound inner knowing and confidence."

~ Lisa Meyers, Phoenix, AZ

Highest Life Attunement - Mp3

Choose to create your highest life now. There are lots of life choices, what is the focus for your life? Wouldn’t you like to manifest your highest life? In this frequency entrainment audio you will be reprogramming the subconscious part of your brain to manifest your highest life. Experience the certainty and the vibrational shift within.

"Listening and focusing on my highest life has steered me out of a job that I was unhappy in and is opening me to my passions and what I truly love to do. I’m so grateful. Thank you!"

~ Julie Saunders, Stuart, Florida


Day-Time Frequency Attunements - MP3s

Grounding Attunement - Mp3

Grounding is essential for manifesting your dreams. Feeling connection with Earth and in your body is a key to success in all areas of your life.Recalibrate your body with specific frequencies to bring you into resonance with Earth & reprogram your thoughts and beliefs around grounding. Feel grounded, safe, stable and present.

"I’ve been listening to the Grounding Attunement and find that it really helps me to tap in and feel my connection. I notice I remember to be aware of my grounding through the day and It’s been helping me be able to make decisions more easily."

~ Samantha Jenkins, Texas

Everything Is In Divine Order - Mp3

Reprogram old limiting beliefs and establish new positive thoughts, beliefs and mindset. This sonic medicine audio track shifts your inner knowing and belief to dissolve chaos and embrace Divine Order in your life.

"After using the Divine Order attunement for the past couple of weeks I have really noticed a shift in my go to thinking patterns which has released me from stuckness in my life and allowed me to open to receive new possibilities. I am deeply grateful!"

~ Susan, Colorado


1 Group Healing Session with Estaryia

Estaryia’s powerful gift of healing has touched the lives of thousands of people all over the world. These group healing sessions will release old wounds, traumas, fear, anxieties, negative thought implants, false mindsets, stress buried at deep levels, self-doubt, past lives negatively influencing you now, money blocks and more!

You will experience the power of sound and frequency through Estaryia’s methods based in science and her sound and energy healing transmissions.

Experience this rare opportunity to receive in-depth, powerful healings from Estaryia.

Group Healing Session: Highest Life & Access Your Power

Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 7:00pm Eastern - 90 Minutes

  • Release self-doubt & turn on self-belief
  • Get a clear vision of your highest life
  • Embody the vibration of your power

"I felt energy moving and releasing through my body. Pain from an old injury left my body. I've never felt so grounded and yet light at the same time. At one point, an old sadness came into my awareness and a healing occurred as it passed. I felt cleansed and free and could actually feel my body vibrating. I also saw colors and it seemed as if the colors were moving through me and energizing me in a new way. What an amazing, healing experience!"

~ Joan Izaac, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

"Estaryia’s sound healing has brought physical healing, peace, joy and enlightenment to my life. The tones that come through Estaryia’s voice are like a cathedral of angels that open my heart and fill my body with love and light."

~ Kim, Virginia Beach

"Estaryia’s healing sessions released blocks of energy and helped me to
reconnect in a deeper place inside of myself, bringing me more into my female power."

~ Annick, Canada

Available for a Limited Time

Dolphin Sound Healing - Expanding Love

pod of Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirorstris) swimming over sand in Sataya reef, Egypt, Red Sea

Enjoy this soothing and uplifting guided frequency entrainment meditation taking you on a journey to experience the dolphins…their energy, healing, sweetness and love. This track is infused with precise frequencies, Healing Sound Music™ brain synchronization technology, Estaryia’s vocal frequencies and dolphin sounds recorded by Estaryia. Feel the power of this sonic vibrational track as your heart is lightened and you access higher frequencies and vibrations of love.

Discount: 76% Off

Total Price $750

FHTJ Special Offer $247

Early Bird Offer $197

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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