The Ultimate Energetic Healing Tool to Release Trauma, Clear Negative Energies & Manifest Better Health and Success!


Dissolving whatever negative emotions or experiences you are going through right now in a matter of moments and not having them anymore...

What would that feel like?

What would that look like?

Getting rid of these negative emotions & thoughts, healing trauma, overcoming physical ailments and manifesting your desires can all happen in a matter of minutes through the work of this amazing healer that we are introducing to you today!

One of the easiest ways to heal any kind of negative emotion or blocks is simply by looking at a symbol calibrated to your unique energetic structure, which George Laudikos has created specifically for you!

Throughout the ages, symbolism has been widely and vividly used to communicate, express ideas, concepts, and values by cultures everywhere.

The oldest symbols known today, date back tens of thousands of years and provide profound insight and understanding into our history as a species, the story of creation, and the path towards aligning with our Higher Self.

Every religion around the world relies on parables and symbolism to convey the meaning of its doctrines. These symbols and parables are considered timeless and therefore the single most powerful way to communicate through the ages.

But it’s not just religions that rely on symbolism…!

Sacred geometry has existed in many forms across the ages as well.

It was used by the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and others to create sophisticated artworks and sacred architecture. Many of which were created for the purpose for healing! The pyramids are a great example of this.

Also dubbed as the “language of the gods”, spiritual symbolism is an imminent part of our ancient history – as well as our future.

Symbols can trigger altered states of consciousness to gain new insights and usher in dramatic positive transformation.

Symbols can create massive energetic shifts and unblock negative energies, heal wounds, traumas, or even relationship issues.

Symbols can alter gene expression and treat physical ailments and pain.

Symbols have been used for 1000s of years to heal people.


Symbols can help YOU heal as well!!!


And today, you’ll be able to use this powerful healing modality, too...

But what's even better is that this will be a symbol created specifically for you so it coincides with your energy needs.

PLUS...your symbol DOESN'T expire!

NO OTHER symbol exists like this in the world!

Your Text

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Your Text

Your Text

Your Text


Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $197
Bliss Up Member Price:$159.30

Tier 1 Special Offer


Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.


Discount: 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297
Bliss Up Member Price:$222.30

Tier 1 Special Offer



Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.

1-1 30 Minute Private Session with George

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Package A: No refunds after the symbol is created.
Package B: No refunds after the symbol is created or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

What if All Your Wishes & Commands Could Come True by Connecting to an Energetic Healing Symbol Customized for You?

  • Do you feel powerless about your life and struggle to create positive change to live the life you desire?
  • Are you living in pain, emotional distress, or experience health challenges including covid, flu, or colds?
  • Are you frustrated with challenges in life and feel stuck because you’re not moving forward with your goals?
  • Do you suffer from chronic physical or psychological pain?
  • Do you struggle connecting to the right partner, or feel as if you’re failing to attract the right people and opportunities in your life?
  • Do you feel you’re not connected to your Higher Self and not living up to your life’s purpose?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, keep on reading to discover how you can use symbolism to change ALL of this today!

Don’t underestimate the power of symbols!

They represent healing, and they can have a positive effect on your health when you visualize them. As time went by, just seeing these symbols brought about a positive outlook for many people.

ToPan Energetics is a new age symbol – which means it is active now!


And using your customized symbol is EASIER than you can imagine!


You make an intention and just by looking at it, you activate the energies of that intention. You can also charge your water with these energies so that you can continuously bathe your body in these frequencies.

George received this symbol while he was on his bike after asking for something for people to make it easy to heal themselves without having to go to school or learn particular healing methods.

When he was on the bike on the way to his clinic, he received a vision and saw the symbol. He tested it right away on one of his clients, who was on the autism spectrum. He said he felt 25% better, more energized, less pain and frustration after connecting to the symbol!!

George went on holiday shortly after this for 3 weeks. He was very motivated to make symbols while there and had many people test them. One person in particular, a young woman just gave birth to her son a month or two ago.

The woman was very afraid to sleep because she was worried about her baby. When George asked her what she wanted, she said all she wanted was sleep. He wrote the symbol command on a piece of paper, and she fell asleep nearly instantaneously while connecting to it. She even had a hard time walking upstairs to get to her bed. The ToPan Energetics symbol can work THAT FAST…!

Are you ready to start using your custom symbol?

What command would YOU give the symbol?

Read Eram's Story Below and How George and Her Customized Symbol Helped Her Heal From Covid!

“Customized Symbol Helped Me When I was Fighting Covid...Plus, 1-1 Session Results are Amazing and Immediate!”

“It is not always easy for me to get so impressed or excited about a healer, simply because I work with so many and they are usually all very amazing. But every once in a while I come across a healer that even surprises me. George Laudikos is one of those healers!

I am so honored and excited to have found George so we can introduce his work to our community.

I recently went through a pretty serious bout of Covid, Delta. George was simply a Godsend during that time. I used his energized, customized symbol to help me through those tough times bringing the fever down, dealing with depression, anxiety, loneliness and fear. I charged the symbol many times to use for energy and strength.

Most of all, working with George directly one on one was simply just a relief because I would message him and sometimes not even talk to him within minutes my issue would be resolved. His clearings literally took minutes because he would then ask me how I was doing and it would be gone.

Seriously, you must try working with George and his symbol. You owe this to yourself to work with someone who has so many tools in his toolkit and the results are so amazing and almost immediate." - Eram

Look at these INCREDIBLE Reports About the Extraordinary Healing & Manifesting Capabilities of the ToPan Energetics Symbol

“I have healed a lot of the back pain before but now I have used the symbol on my inflammation and residual pain and I notice shifts. When I work on the pain it always goes away, lessens or shifts immediately” ~ S.A

"I worked on my pain in my hips and feet ,which felt better straight away. I did a few of my own wishes with the symbol to lose 10lbs of weight already down 2lbs in 2 days” ~ Anita

“I had pain in my left shoulder. After 25 minutes the pain moved to below the left front of my shoulder. Felt tingling and now I am pain free!” ~ Judy

"The stiffness has loosened up significantly, I feel almost like my younger self with ease of movement in ways that I haven’t been able to for quite a long time” ~ R.D.

“I was still struggling with a lingering cough and was also not able to walk at my pre-covid pace. The day after I connected with my symbol, my cough was almost gone and I was able to walk much faster!” ~ Gretchen

"Last week I used the symbol at the start of a stressful working day and my day was effortless!” ~ Anonymous

“My symbol has changed my eyesight for the better!” ~ Martin

"I had a lot of pain in my slipped disk. I bent my right leg over the left one and after 5 – 10 minutes, the pain is gone! I know it was the symbol that gave me a solution!” ~ Thomas

Your Wish is the ToPan Energetics Symbol’s Command!

To make optimal use of the ToPan Energetics Symbol, all you need to do is look at the symbol with a specific intention in mind.

Your intention will immediately be catalysed and amplified to produce an energetic shift towards your desired goal.

For most people the symbol may be easier to use in conjunction with a command

You can give literally any command to the symbol – this can be a sentence or even just a word – that explicitly states a problem to resolve or a desire to fulfil.

With the symbol you get your power back and have the power to change things when and how you want to.

It shifts you from powerless to POWERFUL!

You no longer have to depend on someone else…

You don’t have to be a victim of circumstances anymore…

You can take action – which is the most important step towards getting what you want – using the ToPan Energetic Symbol, and achieve any desired goal, whether it is resolving physical ailment, psychological trauma or relationship issues, overcoming challenge or gaining something wished for!

This symbol is only created by George and does not exist anywhere else in the world.

Once you are connected to the symbol it is very easy to use.

It never expires. 

And you can get started with it as soon as you receive it!


It takes a few days for George to create your custom symbol. Depending on how many people sign up, it will be on a 1st come 1st served basis.

If you want to start using your symbol right away, it is better to sign up early.


You can use the symbol to:

  • Heal traumas, mental wounds, and psychological pain and baggage
  • Heal physical injuries, and live pain free again!
  • Feel more motivated to take positive action in your life
  • Relieve cold or flu symptoms
  • Connect to your Higher Self and find more meaning and purpose in your life
  • Feel more happy, more satisfied, and more content with your life
  • Attract more opportunities into your life
  • Overcome any physical, emotional, or life challenges!
  • Manifest more meaningful people, experiences, and things into your life
  • And much, MUCH more!!!

Invest in the immensely powerful new-age symbol today!

You’ll received instructions and guidance on how to effectively use commands that work well with the ToPan Energetics Symbol, so you can use them as inspiration.


Why George Is Unique

George has been working with these healing modalities for over 35 years! His list of credibility and certifications is virtually never-ending… As a member of the From Heartache to Joy community, you have the exclusive opportunity to work with George – snap him up while you can (and get an awesome bonus for acting right now)!

George is a Shiatsu Massage Therapist, Heilpraktiker (which is a German practitioner of Natural Health), Certified One-Command Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Yuen Method Consultant, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapist, Myoreflex Therapist, Certified Magnetic Mind Coach, Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Iridology & Homeopathy Specialist, Bioresonance Specialist, and he has his own clinic in Denmark for which the waiting list is many months

For many years, George has been treating various forms of bodily pains and physical issues. Some of the problems he has dealt with are the exact same as the ones we are now beginning to see in connection with COVID19. George can help with the treatment of a wide range of symptoms, such as lack of sense of smell and taste, headache, shortness of breath, muscle pain, fatigue, problems with digestion, persistent cough, chest pain, palpitations, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, sleep problems, impaired or altered/lack of feeling, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, decreased appetite, joint pain and muscle pain, symptoms of depression or anxiety, earache, sore throat, rash on the skin.

Though, as you can tell, the list with George’s specializations, expertise, and experience is basically inexhaustible, what really sets George apart from other healers is the ToPan Energetics Symbol and the knowledge on how to effectively invoke the sacred healing power of a symbol to drastically improve your health and life!

This is your chance to work with George and transform your health and your life for good!

Here Are Some Amazing Stories of Others Who Have Experienced the Effects of George’s ToPan Energetic Symbol

“My symbol helped my stress at work!”

“I have been overwhelmed with a new job role for the last 3 weeks and on Fri looked at the symbol before starting my working day and made a silent wish and asked the symbol to help me. As a result I had a significantly less stressful day."

~ R.

“When I work on the pain it always goes away, lessens or shifts!”

“I have had pain in my right side of my back and down through my leg down into my ankle and foot. I have inflammation in my joint (RA) and have had 4 big operations (8 years ago)on my lower part of my spine/back.

I have healed a lot of the back pain before but now I have used the symbol on my inflammation and residual pain and I notice shifts. When I work on the pain it always goes away, lessens or shifts immediately but it returns.

I have worked on the underlying causes and this has lessened the intensity of the pain and swelling when it returns and I understand that if I try to release the underlying causes the pain and inflammation might not come back at all.

It is a big difference for me and I'm looking forward to continuing to work on this to make even greater shifts!"

~ Susann

“Staff came to work, down 2 lbs in 2 days and pain in my hips and feet feel better!”

“I had a great activation, lots of yawning. We worked on my pain in my hips and feet ,which felt better straight away. I did a few of my own wishes with the symbol to lose 10lbs of weight already down 2lbs in 2 days. Having difficulties with getting my staff to come to work on Saturdays, so I wished she would come in and she told me on Friday she can come in. Thank you."

~ Anita

“Pain in shoulder, groin, hip, thumb and a floater in my eye all improved!”

“When I first looked at my symbol, I realized that I was in this symbol. "That is me!" I have used my wish symbol for some of these areas:

Below the base of my thumb, on the side of my right hand. I have had this pain sporadically for over 35 years. This was very intense years ago and the pain now is gone! When using my wish symbol, I notice and feel a releasing movement (stuck energy) right away! This lasted a few hours and my thumb feels wonderful!

I had pain in my left shoulder. After 25 minutes the pain moved to below the left front of my shoulder. Felt tingling and now I am pain free!

Another area was my left groin area and hip. This developed in 2017 and was intense 24/7. Recently the pain would surface while waking up laying on my left side and I would feel no pain during the day. I asked for my wish symbol for assistance. Right away I felt movement and the pain started to surface during the day and became more intense. I decided to ask my wish symbol to assist again and this made a BIG DIFFERENCE! Some minor discomfort now and is seldom felt. I know this is still being released!

A floater in my right eye that surfaced about 3 years ago. With my wish, I noticed movement right away and when I opened my eyes my vision was clearer and a tad bit of the floater was there.

Tightness in both my legs and felt chills and felt the movement rush down my legs and through my toes. Today I feel less tightness in both legs. I will ask again for release in my legs."

~ Judy

“My hips and thighs are getting better and better since using my symbol! I feel like my younger self!”

“I used George’s symbol for hip issues and very stiff thighs which I’ve had for many years.

The stiffness has loosened up significantly, I feel almost like my younger self with ease of movement in ways that I haven’t been able to for quite a long time

I was also approved for a $50,000 loan to consolidate debts that will save me a significant amount in monthly payments and leave me room to breathe

I spoke with George and started using the symbol on the 18th and the hips/thighs have been getting better and better ever since, approved for loan today, the 22nd!"

~ R.D

“80% reduction in knee pain and almost all my flexibility is back!”

“When I spoke to you I worked on the pain in my knees. Within a few minutes the pain seemed to evaporate completely, however it returned within about half an hour but it was not as intense. Every day I continue to work on this pain and I can report there has been an overall 80% reduction and I have almost all my flexibility back in my knees. Thank you for your help."

~ RV - UK

“I am walking at a faster pace than before I had Covid and feel fantastic!”

“I love my symbol! George created a symbol for me after I had Covid. I was still struggling with a lingering cough and was also not able to walk at my pre-covid pace. The day after I connected with my symbol, my cough was almost gone and I was able to walk much faster!

I gave George this feedback and he then helped me set up a command to walk faster than my pre-covid pace. Guess what - it worked! I am now walking at a faster pace and feel fantastic. Thank you George"

~ Gretchen

“I used the symbol for my creativity and 1.5 days later I made a dress that I love!”

“I used the symbol to pull in creativity to sew a dress I wanted to make for 4 years but I didn't have the energy, creativity and focus to start the project.

The day after I used the symbol on this I couldn't wait to start at once and 1.5 days later I had made a beautiful dress that I love and have gotten so many compliments on.

It was an easy task and this gave me so much Joy. It is much easier for me to get started doing what I love but I will work more on this and the underlying hinders."

~ S.A

“I am now a happy pregnant woman without heartburn”

“For a long time I have suffered from heartburn in connection with my pregnancy. It was so bad that in the evening I got wild nausea. I had tried all sorts of things to get the heartburn away, but nothing helped!

I therefore tried healing. I was a little skeptical at first as I had tried everything and nothing helped. But I must say that the process was short but effective! After just healing for approx. 10 min. my heartburn was actually gone. It was absolutely incredible and it has not returned after the healing! So I am now a happy pregnant woman without heartburn."

~ S.S

Available for a Limited Time Only

Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems - MP3

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Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $197
Bliss Up Member Price:$159.30

Tier 1 Special Offer


Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.


Discount: 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297
Bliss Up Member Price:$222.30

Tier 1 Special Offer



Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.

1-1 30 Minute Private Session with George

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Package A: No refunds after the symbol is created.
Package B: No refunds after the symbol is created or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Give the gift of ToPan Energetics to family members and loved ones!
Add as many as you AFTER checkout on our VIP page, so they can experience this powerful healing too.

Package A

  • Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person
  • 4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions
  • Access To Private Facebook Community

What if you had a tool so small it would fit into your pocket, yet so powerful it would have the power to change your health & life dramatically?

What if you had access to a healing tool that would turn you into your own healer, healing any emotional pain, energetic blocks, and physical ailments?

What if you could heal yourself in a matter of minutes, simply looking at a symbol with intention?

You can! And if you decide to invest in George’s package, YOU WILL!

Even before these sessions - from the moment you receive your symbol, you will begin noticing radical shifts. The symbol will give you what you need, when you need it!

All you have to do is ask for it, connect to it, and engage with an open heart and mind.

Keep in mind that it takes a few days for George to create your custom symbol.

That means receiving it is on a first come, first serve basis...

The sooner you order, the sooner you receive!


Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

The ToPan Energetics Symbol facilitates your wishes and commands. It’s a new age symbol - which means it is a symbol that is active NOW and incredibly powerful! This symbol can work fast, it can alleviate pain, traumas, block, negative energies, and wounds instantaneously!

You can also change the commands of the symbol for your wish until you get the right one for you. That’s why you literally have a healer in your pocket!

It is a powerful tool that assists you in achieving any desired goal, whether it is resolving physical ailment, psychological trauma, relationship issues, overcoming challenges, or gaining something wished for!

The ToPan Energetics Symbol takes the form of a digital picture. You need only look at the symbol with a specific intention in mind, and that intention will immediately be catalyzed and amplified to produce an energetic shift towards the desired goal.

Many of George’s customers use it to put water on top of it, and then command the water with a specific type of energy or intention (i.e., better health or immunity).

You’ll receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the symbol, such as:

  • Introduction to the symbol
  • How to set up the symbol for the first time
  • How to connect with the symbol energetically
  • How to use the commands, examples of commands

Be a conscious creator! Don’t be afraid to experiment. Keep an open mind and see what works for you!


4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions


Everything is energy. And energy is everything. True magic happens when people with similar energies get together. Release as deeply as your subconscious allows - with every Group Call clearing more and more blocks. It is truly miraculous how quickly things can change.

These group sessions are designed to help you become your own powerful healer. During these sessions there will be instructions on how to use the symbol, how to make a strong connection to the symbol, how to change commands and also troubleshooting.

You will have a chance to ask your questions to George LIVE during the sessions and if you can’t attend live, you can write in your questions, and he will answer it on the live call. You’ll

Not only will you have the tool you need to heal yourself, by joining the calls, we will be creating a morphic field to heal the world, planet, and elevate global consciousness. As we heal ourselves, the world heals as well!

You’ll also receive a recording of each call.

Everything is energy. And energy is everything. True magic happens when people with similar energies get together. Release as deeply as your subconscious allows - with every Group Call clearing more and more blocks. It is truly miraculous how quickly things can change.

These group sessions are designed to help you become your own powerful healer. During these sessions there will be instructions on how to use the symbol, how to make a strong connection to the symbol, how to change commands and also troubleshooting.

You will have a chance to ask your questions to George LIVE during the sessions and if you can’t attend live, you can write in your questions, and he will answer it on the live call. You’ll

Not only will you have the tool you need to heal yourself, by joining the calls, we will be creating a morphic field to heal the world, planet, and elevate global consciousness. As we heal ourselves, the world heals as well!

You’ll also receive a recording of each call.

Call 1:
Introduction To Your ToPan Energetics Symbol + Q&A


The first group session is an introduction where George will ensure that your connection to your symbol is strong. If you need your connection stronger, he will do this on the call.

During the first session, George will share tips on maximize your use of the symbol. He will also spend time answering your personal questions to help you use the symbol to get rid of health issues and get more out of life.

Call 2:
How to use commands to become your own healer Q and A


During second group session George will show you exactly how to have a healer in your pocket.

Want to lose weight? There is a command for that. Want a new job? There is a command for that. This group session is designed to help you create your commands and change them when needed.

You will also have time to talk to George and ask your questions about the commands you are using so he can offer suggestions on how to make them better for maximum results.

Call 3:
Troubleshooting Q and A


Session 3 is completely devoted to you and your questions. This session is a troubleshooting session with George. If you are having specific issues with connecting to your symbol or changing commands, George will be there to help you adjust and tweak.

Call 4:
Advanced Commands and specific results Q and A


Session 4 is an advanced group session. By this point you are becoming a master of your symbol. This session is designed to help you create more advanced commands for very specific results.


Access To Private Facebook Community

Private community so you can connect with George and others while using your ToPan Energetics Symbol. You will have access to George once a day to ask questions and troubleshoot for the first 30 days.

Available for a Limited Time Only

Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.

Bring your body into balance with this powerful healing MP3. This MP3 is designed to help your body, the organs and the systems all work in harmony. Listen to this MP3 one time to set up the balancing and then as often as you need to improve the results.

Package A

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Tier 1 Special Offer: $177

Refund Policy: No refunds after the symbol is created.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“The symbol is a living entity and becoming my best friend”

“I'm having some interesting experiences with my symbol. As I was telling you when we spoke, last Wednesday I was in London with my son and it was a lovely sunny day so we were strolling around enjoying the atmosphere. We walked about 10km in about 4 hours and I was experiencing a lot of pain in my outer hips at the sides and knee pain in both knees. When I came home I used the symbol with several commands and it took about 2.5 days to release all the pain down. I am now left with about 2% pain which I am working on the release.

Last week I used the symbol at the start of a stressful working day and my day was effortless!

Two nights ago I was connecting with my symbol remotely before going to sleep and asked the symbol to connect with me and give me a sign to confirm our connection. Within a moment I felt a gush of warmth enter into my heart. It was a very reassuring warmth and I felt protected.
The symbol is a living entity and becoming my best friend."

~ Anonymous

“Throughout the night I slept without being called to work and woke up fresh in the morning”

“I work as a nurse with a variable mode of work. At that time, my desire was to experience a quiet night where I won't be called to work. As an operating nurse, I have duty which are a combination of evening duty and night duty, where I can be called in the middle of the night at work.

To be fresh for the evening I went to bed for an afternoon nap and decided that I would like to connect with the symbol with my desire for a quiet night. I looked at the symbol for 7-10 minutes and activated it with my thoughts. I could clearly feel the energy flow throughout my body. It feels like tingling in the cells of the whole body. It was a nice feeling.

After I woke up I went to work for the evening duty. When my evening duty was over and I lay in my bed, I turned on the symbol again, thinking that it should probably apply so that I would not be called to work in the middle of the night. I put my phone on with the symbol under my bed and get sleep. The energy stream that I could feel was so strong that I had difficulty falling asleep but after some time I slept. I felt like I was in such a bubble, energy bubble that protected me. Throughout the night I slept without being called to work and woke up fresh in the morning :)))"

~ Meggie

“George introduced me to the symbol that has helped me change my eye-sight for the better.”

“I was diagnosed with cancer in my eye (Malignant Melanoma) in Dec 2019, and was rushed into surgery for the "removal" of the cancer cells with a radioactive device sewn behind my eye in full anesthesia - Through my aunt, I got in contact - with George in start-January 2020 who was willing to help me get some eye-sight back, even though my doctors told me that the eye-sight would be "killed".

George introduced me to the symbol that has helped me change my eye-sight for the better.

On a general note - Whenever I use the symbol, I feel its presence within my body very heavily. I can feel it work its magic. I don't feel a discomfort but more of a "heavy" healing around my head and it also feels like I will get dizzy in a few minutes but never gets dizzy. If I look at it, I feel the energies more intensely within me, so I don't look at the symbol too much.

On a specific note - I use the symbol as I was guided to and with George allowing me to use different commands - So far I have used commands like: "How do I support healing my eye-sight's healing process" the most in a variety of ways. I will also experiment with different commands that involve my economy and my mental well-being.

I get very tired after a "session" with the symbol: I imagine it's because of the exchange of energy, I feel within me.

The symbol has changed my eye-sight for the better. Imagine a circle where there is a chunk of blur in the middle and almost to the "sides" of the circle. Working with this symbol, it has changed my eye-sight from half-blind to the look of you getting your eye "drugged" by the ophthalmologist. There is a huge difference."

~ Martin

“I felt cured from DAY 1 and still feel the same way!”

“I was suffering from back pains and I was in no shape to stand straight on my feet, not to mention walking. Every step was a torture. Not possible to follow my daily activities.

I had to take some time out of work, rest on my bed for many days and take strong medication.
None of the above was of any help though.

In my greatest despair I was lucky to meet Mr. Laudikos . We met and we talked and at the same time I felt like I was burning on my back. He encouraged me to stand up and try to do movements that I was unable to do.I stood up and I could walk straight again with no pain, I could move my body with no fear of the coming pain.

I felt relieved and puzzled at the same time. How could that be possible ? Is this going to last ? Than was when my Therapist introduced me the little picture that he drawed. He asked me to write a command that I believe would help me get rid of the unpleasant pain and that is what I did.

I kept this picture next to my bed, on my handbag, by my side at work and I kept looking at it from time to time only to remind me that at some point in the past I had suffered from back pains that was not my daily realty any longer.

I felt cured from DAY 1 and I still feel the same way.

In the meanwhile I had decided to change the command and replace it with a new one, as I felt a pain on my neck. The moment I was tearing off the command I felt an electric shock on my back reminding me how was my life before the use of the picture/ command .

We keep talking over the phone and every time we do the feeling is exactly the same. I feel the relief in me , I feel that I can talk to him and share with him all my inner thoughts , my worries , my troubles.

It’s a person that someone can trust, an advisor.

He made me love myself and have trust on what I can achieve.

He has revealed the best part of myself.

I feel blessed that I have Mr. Laudikos in my life."

~ Maria

“The symbol gave me a solution!”

“I had a lot of pain in my slipped disk. I bent my right leg over the left one and after 5 – 10 minutes, the pain is gone! I know it was the symbol that gave me a solution!"

~ Thomas

“I feel an improvement in my stress and have more energy. I have gained more inner calmness!”

“I have tried the symbol at home, and I feel a daily improvement in my stress condition. Furthermore, I have felt more energy and gained more inner calmness. I clearly feel the difference in when the symbol is working as to when the intention is set on relaxation.

What was important for me, in the process, was that I had control over the process, and over what I wanted to be healed.

This symbol is an efficient and powerful tool that contains unlimited possibilities. I hope and wish that this symbol will help everyone who wishes for a better life, where draining energy can vanish so that fatigue and sickness can be healed and be narrowed as much as possible."

~ Sofia

Package B

  • Include Everything In Package A Plus
  • 1-1 30 Minute Private Session with George


1-1 30 Minute Private Session with George

Instantaneous healing! Yes! That is what happens when you work 1-1 with George.

Whatever you need help with, George is there!

When you get a session with George, he will go straight to the exact problem and delete what he finds in your energy field that doesn’t need to be there. He will also enhance what needs strengthened to help you achieve your desired results, immediately.

When you work with George 1-1 along with your symbol…

The sky's the limit on what you can accomplish.

If you don’t want any delays in using your symbol, then book a session with George so you can enhance and speed up your results and continue to use your symbol as a very powerful, supplemental tool with a constant flow of healing energy!

Package B

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297

Tier 1 Special Offer: $247

Refund Policy: No refunds after the symbol is created.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“It has made a huge difference for me and I'm calmer in stressful situations!”

“I’ve been using the symbol to work on my emotions and thought patterns. I have shifted grief, sadness, discomfort and I also worked on my weight issues, beliefs.

There are always shifts immediately but some things I understand that I need to find underlying causes to make the shifts totally permanent.

It is hard to describe but it has made a huge difference for me and I'm calmer in stressful situations. The weight hasn't shifted but I will continue to work on this."

~ Sue

“I woke up feeling fresher and no headache!”

“It was the day I felt bad, my head ached and I was exhausted, no energy and no strength.
I thought it would be best to try the symbol and take a nap.

I sat down with the symbol on my phone and asked in my thoughts to activate energy to help my body get rid of my headache and regain energy because I had to go for evening shift to work again.

I lay down with the symbol next to me turned on. This time I felt a strong flow of energy again. My head got heavier and I felt the work of every cell in my body, the tingling was felt almost everywhere.

At first I couldn't sleep because the energy flow was so strong. I decided to cover the phone to limit the interaction of light from the phone with the symbol. After a short time I fell asleep. When my alarm rang after an hour I felt much fresher and my headache disappeared. Thanks to this session, I was ready to work and I was not tired at all.

I am happy that I met George and he developed such a wonderful tool.I am excited and I will be happy to discover more symbol secrets to help me with health problems and in everyday life."

~ M

“I can feel the energy when I connect to my symbol. I not only receive healing I get information from my symbol!”

“I have used George’s symbol six times over a pair of weeks. In every session I have tried different commands however all of them with the focus concussion. 

Every command has had a different effect but common to all of them is that I could feel the symbols affect incoming just after a few seconds. 

It has been clear to me in what parts of my body the energy was working. In most of the sessions, besides the healing, I´ve gotten extra information like in the form of information about cause, dietary suggestions or release of emotions and feelings that occurs when you get a concussion and about my following progress. 

In all it has been very interesting to work with the symbol and I look forward to keep on experimenting with it."

~ Anne

“Quickly released feelings of overwhelm and anger...the feelings just disappeared!”

“Some of the benefits derived from using George's symbol were stress, anger release. Getting support from negative, non-supportive co-workers. 

Was transferred to a new unit/dept (not by choice) under guise that it was a great opportunity, potential for more bonuses, more responsibilities (3 different depts) with less than a $1 raise.

By the 2 week of training, I was overwhelmed, angry, and crying to a supervisor. George called me and told me how to work with my symbol. Before the end of the day, those emotions just disappeared. I'm still not happy about the transfer or position but working on being successful while another opportunity presents itself. Thank you George, I love my symbol."

~ Yvette

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Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $197
Bliss Up Member Price:$159.30

Tier 1 Special Offer


Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.


Discount: 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $297
Bliss Up Member Price:$222.30

Tier 1 Special Offer



Customized ToPan Energetics Symbol For 1 Person

4X ToPan Energetics Group Sessions

Access To Private Facebook Community

Limited Time Bonus: Help Your Body Become More Balanced & Strengthens Your Organs and Systems.

1-1 30 Minute Private Session with George

money back logo


Package A: No refunds after the symbol is created.
Package B: No refunds after the symbol is created or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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