Reclaim Your Perfect Divine Template and Manifest Your Heart and Soul's Desires!

Are you feeling exhausted and frustrated despite doing years of healing and clearing work?

Do you feel like something's missing in your life, but you can't quite put your finger on it?

For centuries, we've been living in duality, polarity, separation and disconnection.

You see, so many people get stuck in a place of letdown, frustration, hopelessness, and that puts another layer on top of the already existing issues.

That's why we need to look at the bigger picture and do the work at the highest level - reconnecting with our soul, embodying our soul’s highest frequencies, and reclaiming our divine template.

A Few Ways Being Disconnected from Your Soul Shows Up:

  • Not in tune with your intuition, your inner guidance
  • Having a hard time setting healthy boundaries
  • Often paralyzed by fear, anxiety & overwhelm
  • Not a clear sense of Who am I, feeling unstable, lost and isolated
  • Not being able to manifest, create the life and things you desire
  • Illness and exhaustion
  • Depression, sadness, grief, feeling as if something is missing
  • Not feeling safe in your own body and in the world
  • Feeling ‘homesick’, as if you don’t fit in and don’t belong here

ALL of these symptoms (and MORE) are signs that your Soul is not fully present here, embodied in your physicality.

This leads to feeling disempowered to move forward, not being able to manifest your heart and Soul’s desires, illness, depression and addictions.

It's Time to Restore the Broken Connections with Your Soul and Divinity

It's time to release the constructs of limitation that have been holding you back and step into your power!

Gertrud de Witte's BRAND NEW program, Soul Reconnection: Recalibrate to Your Perfect Divine Template is the missing piece to achieving self-worth, unlimited life force energy, and manifestation of your soul's desires.

This program is designed to help you reconnect with your soul's missing pieces, activate and restore your divine template, and upgrade your soul blueprint to access your inner wisdom, power, and radiance.

With Soul Reconnection, you'll become more and more a 'Light' Body filled with pristine energy of your SOUL.

Remarkable Changes Occur When You Reconnect to Your Soul!

“I had just 1 session with Gertrud and the next day I was offered a new job!” ~ A.Germany

“I had €10,000 worth of unexpected money coming in from an investment!” ~ Maria

“After the first session with Gertrud I received a phone call for a possible collaboration and after the second call I had a job interview which went really well” ~ Irma

“More Joy and Ease in my Business and my Income has Increased!” ~ Marieke

“I am helping more people and I am living more of the life I deeply desire to live. As a bonus I’ve also had increased revenue and more clients too over the last 6 months.” ~ S

“My session with Gertrud was life changing. We cleared so much deep, life long pain that I feel has finally been released and healed. I truly can’t thank her enough for guiding me.” ~ Stephanie


"I feel more powerful, more like my true self. I feel lighter and more brave when it comes to using my voice." ~Mariah 



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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

LIVE Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $297

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud

Personal Remote Healings on 1 specific issue for 3 months

2 Clearing Calls

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Heal the Deeper Layers of Your Karma and Restore the Broken Connections with Your Divinity!

It's time to release the constructs of limitation that have scarred and wounded you and get out of the trance of brokenness and not belonging.

It's time to get you reconnected to your Divine Soul Blueprint and embody it into form so you can welcome the upgraded new Divine version of you!

It's time to heal the disconnect, the wrong stories, and the old patterns that have kept you imprisoned in a false matrix.

This program is designed to heal the deeper layers of your karma, heal fragmented, wounded aspects and versions of yourself that keep you in 3D self-sabotage, struggle, and suffering.

You'll regain your sense of self, be grounded into your body, and feel safe to feel again.

You'll be able to step into your divine magnificence and create instead of protect and defend.

You'll manifest the great things you were meant to be, do, and have in this lifetime.

Manifest Your Soul's Desires and Achieve COMPLETE Healing

Maybe you are thinking - "But, my soul and divine template are already perfect. Why do I need this program?"

Well, lovely soul, it's true that your soul and divine template are perfect.

However, so many people have lost access to their soul's light, their higher frequencies, and got disconnected from their soul or parts of it.

Soul Reconnection is here to restore that access and help you achieve COMPLETE healing.

Reconnect with Your Highest Self and Fulfill Your Soul's Higher Calling!

So are you ready to FULLY step forward and become the truth of YOUR being...

YOUR soul blueprint...

YOUR perfect divine template?

With this program, you'll learn to reconnect with your highest self and awaken the truth within your being.

You'll gain clarity on your passion and purpose and fulfill your soul's higher calling.

The Missing Piece to Achieving Self-Worth, Unlimited Life Force Energy, and Manifestion of Your Soul’s Desires...

By reconnecting to your soul's missing pieces, healing the deeper layers of your karma, and restoring the broken connections between you and your divinity...

You'll increase your health and vitality and attract higher vibe partners, people, and relationships with your increased frequency.

Inside this program you will discover the way to EFFORTLESSLY live life full of positivity and abundance.

Leaving Behind the Human Struggles by Reconnecting to the Higher Levels, Will Help You:

  • Remember and experience the essence of who you truly are
  • Feel present, grounded and safe in your body
  • Strengthen your spiritual abilities and inner guidance
  • Set healthy boundaries and make empowering choices in all areas of your life
  • Bring back and activate your life force energy and increase health and vitality
  • Unlock the doors to your fullest potential, possibilities you never imagined
  • Gain clarity on your passion & purpose and fulfill your Soul’s higher calling
  • Attract higher vibe partners, people and relationships with your increased frequency
  • Mobilize your Soul’s desires as manifestation becomes so much easier

When you Recalibrate to Your Perfect Divine Template...

Retrieve - your Soul’s missing parts...

Release - the fragments & energies you’ve taken on across lifetimes that cover up your light...

Heal - the deeper layers of your Soul’s trauma...

Liberate - your ancestral spirits...

Upgrade - your Soul’s (Purpose) Blueprint...

Embody - your perfect Divine template...

Elevate - your life!

Step into Your Power and Live Your Best Life!

Don't let the disconnection from your soul hold you back any longer!

Step into your power and live YOUR best life starting NOW. Learn to set healthy boundaries and make empowering choices in ALL areas of your life.

Join Gertrud today and recalibrate to your perfect divine template.

Start manifesting your soul's desires and achieving unlimited life force energy.

Say goodbye to frustration, hopelessness, and letdown, and hello to a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Unlock the doors to your fullest potential and fulfill your soul's higher calling!

Join Gertrud on this transformational journey today!

An Extraordinary Energy Healer Who Reconnects Souls All Around the World So They Call ALL Shine Their Brightest!

Gertrud is an Energy Healer, Soul Purpose Blueprint Oracle, Family Constellation therapist, and Transformation Coach who has over 16 years experience helping people dissolve and heal their deeper wounding and programming across time, space and dimensions.

With her unique Compassion Healing she helps them take the handbrake off that they accidentally put on across time, space and dimensions - and leads to many forms of self-sabotage people are often not aware of - and that is keeping their Soul’s perfect light from shining through fully. So they can embody & express their highest purpose, have a thriving business or career, prosperity & abundance, fulfilling relationships and radiant health.

Lightworkers with 25+ years of experience come to her and experience the most profound shifts ever from their session with her.

Gertrud de Witte has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide.
During her mid-thirties, when Gertrud was working in a demanding marketing job, she burned out completely and ended up on sick leave for 6 months. She realized that the rat race of targets, budgets, and impossible deadlines was no longer what was right for her.

It was during her dark night of the Soul that Gertrud discovered her Divine nature, her Soul’s purpose: helping others to heal themselves on a deep level and turn their often seen as debilitating traits into their POWER, so that they can feel confident and balanced in sharing their gifts and shine their lights brightly. So, she decided to leave her corporate career and retrained as a transformation coach, therapist, and later also a yoga teacher and energy healer.

Being an expert by experience, she has now worked with individuals, entrepreneurs and professionals on the spiritual path for over 16 years, to help them heal their core emotional wounding. Through her revolutionary combination of healing modalities she is able to help her clients manifest their Highest Potential, truly fulfill their Soul’s deeper calling and thrive doing what they love. Even if they have not been able to achieve their results elsewhere!

Gertrud, a facilitator of inner transformation, helps you transcend your karmic imprints, ancestral burdens and any self-sabotaging blocks at their root so you can Live your Miraculous, Fulfilling and Abundant Life! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences, our family lineage and other Soul’s experiences, and now they act like a handbrake in our businesses, careers, relationships, finances and health.

She is trained in Compassion Key, Ancestral Clearing, Theta Healing, Breakthrough Healing, Energy Reading, Soul Purpose Blueprint Oracle and much more. Clients love working with her because of her intuitive, holistic and empathic, gentle approach in assisting them to achieve significant breakthroughs.

Available for a Limited Time

Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

Check Out What's Possible When You Heal the Disconnect to Your Divinity!

“I am so thankful that we accessed such deep and important visions and emotions!”

“Wooow, my session with Gertrude was deep and powerful. I am so thankful that we accessed such deep and important visions and emotions. Gertrude was so loving, understanding and knew just which compassion sentences was needed for my situation and blockages.

We accessed a version of myself many many lifetimes ago. A beautiful and powerful woman who made herself mute because her voice and light resulted in others getting hurt or killed. it was directly related to my problems with overeating in my current lifetime, and also my blockages when it comes to live and shine fully, using my gift, my voice.

I feel more powerful, more like my true self. I feel lighter and more brave when it comes to using my voice. I definitely want more sessions with Gertrude.”

~ Mariah

“One of the best healing sessions I ever got in my life!”

“The session with Gertrud was extremely powerful and healing. Certainly one of the best healing sessions I ever got in my life – and I got many. 😉

Gertrud is wonderfully emphatic, intuitive and skilled in this healing process and helped me reach and transform deep karmic trauma imprints and wounds that I hadn’t been aware of and played a detrimental role in my business, finances and the realization of my full potential and divine-human purpose.

I am so grateful, Gertrud! This was awesome! I can recommend Gertrud’s work from the bottom of my heart and with warm regards from my inner child that feels safe and at home now! Thank you!”

~ Dr. Anja

“My connection with Divinity is slowly being restored!”

“I had my 1-1 session with Gertrud yesterday and let me tell you, it blew my mind! Gertrud was able to tune in so beautifully without me telling her the whole story, it was like she was able to read my mind.

We started the session with ’I don’t deserve God’s love’ and finished with an event from my recent past that had to do with relationships.

In her powerful protective presence, I had a huge release of anger and rage that I thought I’d dealt with previously. At some point, I wanted to throw up. It’s incredible how much pain we can repress and suppress just for the sake of reasoning and choosing to be ‘the good girl’.

After the session, I needed some fresh air, so I decided to take a walk in the park and I had to laugh with tears, while on my way I found many chestnuts on which someone has written ‘’Jesus loves you’’.

I took it as a message that something major has lifted up and my connection with Divinity is slowly being restored. I cannot recommend Gertrud enough! She’s an Earth Angel.”

~ Simona

“Helped heal some very important aspects of who I am!”

“Gertrud is an amazing at holding such a beautiful space and I felt absolutely safe and very quickly settling in to dive deep into stuff that I had not really considered I needed looking into.

In her presence, I was able to give compassion to those parts of me that were hurting and she was so gentle and kind and sensitive to my comfort level, always making sure I did not feel pushed. I am very grateful for this session as it helped heal some very important aspects of who I am. 🙏🙏🙏”

~ Anonymous

“Received check for $250 (the exact amount I was short on my rent)!”

“I feel as if I’ve been in a hamster wheel when it comes to finances. Whenever money showed up, something happened and I’d have to spend it again. There was a block in me somewhere not allowing me to receive and to hold on to money. I didn’t seem to value myself.

While working with Gertrud I took notes on changes I was noticing, and at first I wasn’t seeing anything big. But then I realized I wasn’t seeing what was really happening. Because little bits of money DID come in, and people were telling me they appreciated me doing things for them. For this month I’m also back at work earning money. And I got a call that they miscalculated my EI and received check for $250 (the exact amount I was short on my rent)! And I not only received money, but also little gifts from people.

So, things are really falling into place now that I’m open to the flow and really seeing what’s coming into my life! Money can and does come in and stay. I feel that another part-time or fulltime job will manifest. I feel that there’s something coming, new income. That I’m in a position where I may have a new career choice.

It feels like a floodgate opening, something big coming!”

~ W.R.

“Thank you Gertrud for the amazing breakthroughs!”

“I was nervous at first when I was on the call with Gertrud however she made me feel very comfortable and it felt so safe that I could express myself. I had the biggest wall built between me and my inner child and Gertrud helped me break this wall so I was able to hug my younger self. It was so incredible healing. Thank you Gertrud for the amazing breakthroughs.”

~ Anonymous

“Gertrud was able to pick up on energies that advanced the session to a positive conclusion!”

“Gertrud is a kind and compassionate healer who brings knowledge and expertise to the table. She was able to pick up energies that helped the session advance to a very positive conclusion. So grateful! 🙏🏼”

~ Sarah

“I felt very soft, peaceful and gentle after session – compared to when we started I felt emotionally charged and exhausted!”

“Session with Gertrud was very professional. I felt held, heard and safe during the process, she was addressing all that has come to session with clearing. I felt very soft, peaceful and gentle after session – compared to when we started I felt emotionally charged and exhausted. Thank you Gertrud x”

~ Anonymous

“In 72 years i have done a lot of growth groups and awareness work but this was the deepest i have experienced!”

“Wow! Had my 1 on 1 yesterday with Gertrud and she is WONDERFUL! In 72 years i have done a lot of growth groups and awareness work but this was the deepest i have experienced in a life with much self examination.

Almost immediately got right to the heart of probably my biggest block. I very rarely cry but my handkerchief was soaked at end of session. Miracles already starting to happen. I am astounded--have tended to be pretty skeptical most of adult life--this went WAY BEYOND my wildest expectations. I highly, highly recommend Gertrud! (Got several people already intetested in buying prints of my art...) ❤❤❤”

~ Nan

“Release and integration all in one process…simply divine!”

“My session was amazing. Gertrud is in her calling and as a healing facilitator perfectly and beautifully led me through my sticking points to an amazing release of so much ancient history not serving my life.

Feeling grateful, renewed and whole is an understatement as I am now grounded within my body and integrated with my inner child. The trauma happened but it no longer feels like the weight that sent me fleeing from myself. Release and integration all in one process…simply divine.”

~ Marcy

“Quite possibly the most significant shift I have had in 25 years of healing work. WOW!!!”

“Gertrud was easy to relate to. I felt safe and supported which allowed me to be vulnerable and go deep in the session. My experience with Gertrud was profoundly transformational. Quite possibly the most significant shift I have had in 25 years of healing work. WOW!!! I feel aligned and connected to the light in a way that could only be described as a miracle. Thank you. Gertrud. Many Blessings!”

~ Michelle

“Deeply moving experience!”

“Deeply moving experience! I went into this session with high expectations, and a clear intention of having a significant shift.

We certainly achieved that, Gertrud took me way deeper, possibly to the root cause, and we cleared from that space.

She’s amazingly gifted; her intuitive abilities and insights are quite remarkable. I’m also grateful for the gentle, loving yet firmly supportive and trustful container she creates online. Thank you, thank you, thank you Gertrud!!! Highly recommended”

~ Bridget


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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

LIVE Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $297

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud

Personal Remote Healings on 1 specific issue for 3 months

2 Clearing Calls

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Here's what you get in Package A

  • Activation 1: Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts (Recorded)
  • Activation 2: Liberate your Ancestral Spirits (Recorded)
  • Activation 3: Upgrade your Soul Blueprint (Recorded)
  • Activation 4: Activate your Perfect Divine Template (Recorded)
  • Activation 5: Embody your Soul’s Light into Form (Recorded)
  • BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment
  • BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity
  • Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

  • Become reunited with your amazing Soul
  • Feel whole, complete and loved unconditionally
  • Break free from abandonment patterns on a deeper level
  • Let go of loneliness and feeling lost and feel a deep connection instead
  • Release the pain and grief in the depths of your soul
  • Transmute your survival strategies into allowing love in
  • Shift from a closed heart to opening your heart to your soul’s love
  • Learn to see your own Divinity through your Soul’s eyes


Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

As human beings we tend to hold on to loved ones - and ancestors we may have never met - who have passed to different realms. This not only prevents the souls that left their bodies to continue their journey to the light, but it also keeps you from fully being present here, living and fulfilling your highest potential. Their spirit accidentally keeps you imprisoned and stuck as well.

On this call you’ll acknowledge the souls you may still be attached to and you’ll be taken through the process of liberation, so they can continue their journey to the light. Oftentimes you are the only conscious one available who can support that transition.

When you move beyond this attachment to your reality, they are liberated and you are liberated. That’s when you are finally free to be, create and have that which lives in your heart.


Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

During this sacred process your Soul Blueprint is restored and upgraded to either the point where your soul first split from Source, or to the point where choices were first made which took you out of alignment with your true soul essence.

The Soul Blueprint Upgrade includes:

  • Healing of your physical body and chakra imbalances
  • Clearing of past life and current life karma
  • Transmutation of shadow programs
  • Activation of gifts & talents
  • Balancing of polarity themes that you may have playing out
  • Balancing the masculine/feminine energy within you
  • Re-connection to your intuitive channel
  • Clearing blocks to giving & receiving unconditional love
  • Realignment to your highest serving quantum pathway
  • Bringing your Soul Essence and your Soul Destiny into form here

As you rise in your awareness of your spiritual self and in your own mastery you can create the life you wish for that’s aligned with your soul path.


Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Our Divine Template is our energy matrix we exist within during physical form on Earth. It’s like a manual for the perfect human and it's completely stored in our DNA. However, through lifetimes of programming, our consciousness is only allowing about 30 percent of it to be used. So, we’re missing out on most of our potential! 

During this template activation you’ll let go of what is holding you back, and let go of the lessons you were learning before. It’s time to mark them as complete and move into a brighter future as you bring in your higher wisdom, knowledge, skills and the more refined aspects of yourself. 

This ‘soul resurrection’ can bring life altering changes, helping you to flow into a more aligned life path.


Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

Embodying your Soul’s Light fully into Form is what you are truly here for. 

However, we as humanity and our beautiful planet Gaia are going through significant changes, and you may experience that things get intense as part of your ascension process, especially being an empath and highly sensitive (which most spiritual seekers are!).

During this call we dig further into any conscious and unconscious karma, wounding and blocks that may be playing out in your current reality or may be sabotaging you on a deeper level while on your Soul embodiment journey.

Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body will be further upgraded to your Perfect Divine Template.


90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

Anyone that joins the program will receive 90 DAYS REMOTE HEALING...

These powerful healings are sent remotely 24/7 and will not only support the clearings that you will receive during the live group calls, they will ENHANCE, ACCELERATE and AMPLIFY them!

Gertrud will activate the remote healings within 48 hours after you register.

The energies are very powerful, yet gentle, and will not interfere with any other healing work you are doing, nor can they ever harm you. They will always be for your highest good.

And you don’t have to do anything!

The healing frequencies are sent to you automatically, all you need to do is set the intention to receive.


Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Whenever you have an issue coming up, feeling down or challenged, listen to this MP3 to clear and release anything that's underneath.

Feel into your body, notice where you feel the charge of that which you're struggling with, and listen to this Silent Clearing. Then check back in and see how you feel. Has the charge subsided or maybe it's gone completely?

You can listen to it as often as you like. The clearing is always in your highest and best and no harm can be done.

Available for a Limited Time

Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

Invite your Soul back into your body

  • Do you yearn for something more, but do you find it hard to actually manifest your dreams into form?
  • Do you often feel overwhelmed, ungrounded, and not fully present?
  • Does it feel as if life is draining you of your life force and you know that you should have more energy and vitality?

If you resonate with one or more of the above, chances are that you have not fully embodied your Soul physically.

We’ve separated from our Soul because of trauma, abuse or other painful, frightening and unsafe experiences. Or we have so much anxiety, body shame or feelings of unworthiness that causes us to go out of our body.

Or we never bonded in the first place because on a subconscious level we didn’t (and maybe still don’t) really want to be here.

When that’s the case, the energetic frequencies of Soul and body are out of sync.

But not embodying your Soul isn’t natural. It was never meant for your Soul and your body to be separated. Your Soul is your connection to the richness and power of the Divine Source. It’s your infinite essence, your connection to the life force.

When your body and Soul are misaligned you can’t be the Divine human you are meant to be. Nor can you truly live your Soul’s Purpose.

The Soul Body Fusion journey is an amazing, safe, and quick process that invites your Soul back into your body. It re-aligns your body at a cellular level with the highest possible light it can hold and brings in your higher aspects, your higher vibration, your spirit more permanently into your physical body, into your cells.

Some testimonials for the Soul Body Fusion Activations:

“I’m always all over the place with my energy, but after the session I felt much more present, more alert and I was able to think clearly. I’m more focused at work and feel relaxed at the same time.” ~ Monique

“I definitely feel more like I'm ‘in here’. Much calmer too. I saw little white sparkly lights around my head, now a nice, calm and open feeling in my chest. Thank you, this has been an amazing experience!” ~ Liz

“ was struggling getting my business off the ground. Just after 3 sessions I no longer procrastinate but I feel really inspired and I’m taking the necessary action steps. This week only I already attracted 2 new clients!” ~ Karen

“I experienced a wave of resistance, then it broke and I'm feeling deeper, quiet and more peaceful. There’s more ease in places that were challenging. This is so helpful, very deepening” ~ B.

“Gertrud is a very gifted healing facilitator. The Soul Body Fusion sessions I had with her were brilliant and I felt so much more solid afterwards. She is very intuitive and supportive throughout the whole process. I would highly recommend Soul Body Fusion sessions with Gertrud!” ~ Martina

Package A


From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Special Pricing: $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Gertrud's Clients Reconnect to Their True Light!

“She guided me to better connect with my Highest Self”

“I loved my sessions with Gertrud and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her over a period of several months. I was skeptical about the healing modality at first, but discovered that Gertrud’s soothing, sensitive, nurturing, and highly intuitive gifts were exactly the support I needed to navigate a very challenging time in my life. Her inspiring and uplifting blend of complementary healing modalities and her gentle, warm disposition provided a safe and trustworthy container that I felt securely held by. 

I am very grateful for the healing processes Gertrud facilitated in me and for her guiding me to better connect with the bright light of my Highest Self ”

~ N.P. – Los Angeles, CA

“She uncovered the blocks that prevented peace and joy in my life”

“I have worked with Gertrud 3 times now and I am very thankful for her help. She is safe, wise and kind, and she uncovered the blocks that prevented me from finding peace and joy in my life. I highly recommend choosing her as your healer and coach!”

~ Eileen – USA

“I Feel more Safe around Other People and more Relaxed Being Visible”

“I always tried to be more in the background than in the spotlight but at the same time I really wanted to be visible by other people. This caused stress within me. In the sessions with Gertrud it became clear that I felt unsafe being visible to other people. I now feel more safe around other people and I’m more relaxed being visible.

I would really recommend her work, not only if you have issues you want to address but also to take the next step in your personal development. Gertrud has the skills and the personal involvement to help you make this next step in your process.”

~ G.M. - Manager at Insurance Company - Netherlands

“I took a big step in my business!”

“I was having a hard time moving forward in my business and had a fear of making myself visible. We worked through the layers under my fears and now I feel excited about growing my business, helping others and be in abundance doing so. It feels possible now! New inspiration has come as I feel connected to a new Source now. After the call I immediately scheduled a live event, and I did it! This was amazing and beautiful, goose bumps!!”

~ T.C. - Owner Spiritual Center - Austria

“My family life has become more peaceful and harmonious!”

“I was dealing with personal issues related to my past, which resulted in a disconnect from my body and myself. I was living my life from my mind, very mentally.

After working with Gertrud I feel more connected to myself and my body. My family life has become more peaceful and harmonious. Thank you Gertrud, this was amazing!”

~ I.R.

Here's what you get in Package B

  • All In Package A
  • 30 Minute Private Clearing Session with Gertrud


30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud

Note: Private sessions are not recorded. However, you are welcome to record it on your end.

Opportunities like these don’t come by every day! Sit down 1-on-1 with Gertrud de Witte herself, and through her revolutionary combination of healing modalities, she’ll be able to achieve and manifest your Highest potential and help you fulfill your Soul’s purpose with easy, grace, and joy – even if you’ve not been able to achieve results elsewhere!

Many blocks stem from childhood experiences, ancestral lineage, and other Soul’s experiences, and now they are limiting and hindering us in your businesses, careers, relationships, health and abundance.

In this private 1-on-1 Deep Dive Clearing Session (30 minutes) Gertrud will identify and clear the specific blocks you may have and clear any emotional intensity around it so that deeper healing and transformation can happen for you.

Gertrud will first test:

- If your Soul is connected 100% to your body and communicating 100% with your body, and vice versa
- If you are fully operating from your Highest Self
- If you have any extra, multiple or lost Souls or any cord attachments to anyone.

Then she will help you clear anything that’s in the way of you reconnecting to your Soul’s highest frequencies.

In the individual sessions, Gertrud uses a unique combination of modalities which cannot be used in a group setting, will jump-start you into living your best life and your Soul’s purpose, enabling you to experience the Joy, Ease and Prosperity that is your birthright.

This Deep Dive session helps you transcend your core emotional wounding and self-sabotaging blocks at their root so you can shine your brightest light and make the impact that’s your deepest Soul’s calling.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to work with Gertrud de Witte and get private EXCLUSIVE access to the fully personalized knowledge that will set your Soul free forever!

Gertrud is known for getting to the core of your blockages, unveil deeply rooted programming, and unearthing unresolved issues from past lives, youth, or your current life. If you really want to skyrocket your results, then this is the package for you!

Gertrud no longer offers single 1 on 1 sessions (only session packages), so grab this unique opportunity now!

Package B

SAVE $100 NOW!

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297

Special Pricing $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Fulfill Your Soul's Higher Calling and Watch What Becomes Possible!

“I am helping more people and I am living more of the life I deeply desire to live!”

“Before working with Gertrud I was experiencing resistance to standing more fully in my power. This showed up as perfectionism – I was not embracing all aspects of myself – the perfect and imperfect. Procrastination and not trusting myself and my body, not standing in my power more was keeping me from taking myself and my gifts to the next level of visibility and contribution in the world.

I wanted to be more on-point with my sense of contribution and being more of service going forward, without it affecting me negatively in any way including financially. I had been there and done that in the past, focusing on having more clients and revenue first, to the detriment of my own well-being.

Working with Gertrud allowed me to access my inherent goodness and that allowed me to more fully back myself in my own work as an illumination guide. It is now far more natural and easier for me to take up opportunities to improve my reach in the world. That means I am helping more people and I am living more of the life I deeply desire to live. As a bonus I’ve also had increased revenue and more clients too over the last 6 months.

The way I look at my business of meaningful in the world is now very different. That increased sense of well-being was the biggest shift and was first and foremost the most important for me.”

~ S. – New Zealand

“The day after the last session my ex-partner agreed to go into therapy, which I had been waiting for for a very long time!”

“I’ve been struggling with blockages to realizing my purpose my whole life. And I recently had a very difficult ending of my relationship.

Gertrud helped me realize how the painful circumstances in my life were a projection of my childhood traumas. During the sessions we unraveled deeper wounding, which I discovered were also in one of my past lives.

The day after the last session my ex-partner agreed to go into therapy, which I had been waiting for for a very long time.”

~ L. - Netherlands

“This morning I am feeling much lighter and more positive and also felt the nerves in my hands coming back to life for the first time in ages which feels good!”

“Wow, so many triggers are coming up. There is a lot of crying, deep sighing, frustration and emotion surfacing and it feels like the stuck energy is releasing. This work resonates with me so much. This morning I am feeling much lighter and more positive and also felt the nerves in my hands coming back to life for the first time in ages which feels good.

I have also found that I am able to have frank and open conversations with my father as an adult, rather than a child, and not feeling the need to get his approval, which has been a pattern with me all my life. This feels so liberating. Thank you so much for this program Gertrud.🦋”

~ Anonymous

“I now just felt really motivated and that's been a huge shift for me!”

“There’s just been so many shifts for me. I have been sort of emotionally frozen. And I’ve been able to release and process that. I’m feeling more in my body and more grounded, and that's a massive, massive shift for me.

I’ve also had major visibility shifts. I always had a lot of fear of being seen and heard, but since I've started working with you, I have started a YouTube channel and I’m running live guided relaxation groups on Zoom. Things that ‘just’ fell in my lap. Normally, I would make lots of excuses about why I couldn't do it. I now just felt really motivated and that's been a huge shift for me!”

~ Gail

“My relationships are more satisfying and I made more money too!”

“I want to thank you because this work has been very beneficial to me. Particularly what I have seen is a big shift in something I didn't even realize how much I had: toxic shame and guilt.

I was able to recognize how much that voice of guilt and shame was bogging me and bringing me down. I really connect to my throat now, to God and the Divine, and know now that none of what that voice tells me is the truth. I had a big clearing around that. A huge release in always feeling guilty because speaking is a big part of my job.

I was also making myself guilty for balancing my life, for taking time and doing things I love and enjoy. I feel I can now go and leave my spirit free to go the direction that my soul wants to go.

I'm grateful, I really see a lot of transformations over time, I have experienced big, big shifts. I am accepting to be more visible. I am more myself and showing myself authentically. I show myself according to my truth, to my soul. I even traveled more last year.

I do things that I enjoy doing. My relationships are more satisfying and I made more money too, even though I made a big commitment: I hired a coach to develop my business! I received a lot of good. And I'm more confident about my ability to keep creating good for myself and for others.

Thank you so much. I'm sad that we are ending. I'm grateful to you and to the group, because what each one brought is something that I needed to work on for myself.

I’m just grateful and I feel loved and supported.”

~ Leticia

“Over the past few months, I've been able to take steps and do things I couldn’t have done before!”

“I used to have tremendous fear about being seen and heard. In fact, it was so bad that the first time I was on a group call and was asked to unmute myself and turn on my camera, I instantly broke into a sweat and my heart started racing, when the facilitator said, "Oh there you are!"

At that moment, I literally felt as if I had been hunted and found! My intense reaction took me totally by surprise. I wasn’t expecting to have such an overwhelming response to being seen and heard that way.

Over the past few months, I've been able to take steps and do things I couldn’t have done before. I'm happy to say that one of those steps has been me leading a couple of Zoom calls with friends, just to get over my anxiety. Being able to step out of my comfort zone this way has been huge for me! Facilitating these Zoom calls felt better and was easier than I imagined, which is indicative of the growth I’ve made and of how much I’ve been able to let go of.

So, Gertrud, thank you so much! I've enjoyed the live calls and all you offer. I appreciate the time, thought and thoroughness that you’ve put into creating your programs.

In Gratitude”

~ Lynda

Here's what you get in Package C

  • All In Package A & Package B
  • Personal Remote Healings on 1 specific issue for 3 months
  • 2 Clearing Calls


Personal Remote Healings on 1 specific issue for 3 months

After joining the program you can let Gertrud know your issue (please pick 1 issue and describe in 1 sentence or less!) that you’d like support with. She will activate the remote healings within 48 hours after you register.

The energies are very powerful, yet gentle, and will not interfere with any other healing work you are doing, nor can they ever harm you. They will always be for your highest good.

And you don’t have to do anything!

The healing frequencies are sent to you automatically, all you need to do is set the intention to receive.


2 Clearing Calls (pre-recorded)

Clearing Call 1: I am more than enough

On this recorded clearing call we explore and clear the ‘I am not enough’ wound, the mother of all wounds, that results from trauma and being disconnected across time, space and dimensions.

Somewhere along the way you learned that somehow who you are is not enough. Maybe you’re told that you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, skinny enough, – the list can be endless.

And you’ve started to believe them. You’ve concluded that you’re not loveable and not enough. That there’s something wrong with you. That you’re flawed and broken. Their words, looks and actions created a deep wound. This deep initial wound keeps getting triggered over and over again. And the way most people deal with it is to do anything to avoid feeling that pain again.

This deep pain caused a part of you to split off, and from this fragmentation you created survival strategies. You may have learned to resort to blaming others, blaming yourself, avoidance and withdrawal. But these are survival and coping mechanisms that are very, maybe equally painful. So, we want to not only heal the old wound, but also the way we try to deal with it in our current reality. 

This clearing call helps you to heal your ‘not enough’ wound, so you’ll begin to wake up to a deeper truth and understanding that you are more than enough just as you are. You’ll return to wholeness, knowing that you are a precious expression of Divinity!

Clearing Call 2: Amplify your frequency

Attracting the success, relationships or the abundance that you desire is not about genes, coincidence, luck, or being in the right place at the right time. 

It is your vibration, your energy, that determines your ability to attract and manifest into your life that which you desire.

When you raise your energy and your vibration, you shift to a higher frequency. This brings new possibilities to you, new realities that you may not have experienced before. The more you increase your vibration, the more you align with your heart, Soul and the energy of Source, and the closer you come to fulfilling your dreams and desires. 

And the more you raise your vibration, the easier and faster you are able to manifest the success, prosperity, inner peace, radiant health and loving relationships you long for in life.

The focus of this call is around clearing and healing the emotions, feelings, energies, ánd their root causes, that are of a low frequency: shame, guilt, apathy, grief & sadness, fear, anger & resentment, and much more.

By clearing the core emotional wounding around these feelings and emotions, you will move into more permanent frequencies of love, joy and peace, life will feel and be so good!

Package C

SAVE $100 NOW!

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347

Special Pricing $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“The breakthrough I had catapulted me out of a way of doing life that was stifling, into a way of being that is in flow with creativity, joy and abundance!”

“Hey Gertrud,
I wanted to say a big thank you for the great work you did with me.

Each energy clearing call where we took a deep dive into healing our wounded parts, I've been able to witness and embody the essence of me, more and more. The breakthrough I had catapulted me out of a way of doing life that was stifling, into a way of being that is in flow with creativity, joy and abundance. I have a level of peace and awareness that I have not experienced before. I feel inspired and curious about how my life and business will unfold.

I am truly grateful for the amazing work that you do and for the love and attention that you put into the program.”

~ Lily - Australia

“Blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear!”

“I have had the problem my whole life (86 years) and when I used Karin’s Soul Train Method I was so excited and blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear and have my angels come in and watch them light up my past as it was being healed.”

~ Jean P.

“I have been exercising my leadership much more confidently and boldly!”

“I appreciate receiving the remote healing and being reminded that this support is mine 24/7.

I remain most of the time in alignment with the highest version of myself, and if I lose sight of my true being or get discouraged by an event, I give presence to the part of me that is doubting or confused and return to Truth with the help of Spirit. Also, knowing that my Highest and Best is available to me, I am able to reclaim and embrace a higher good.

I notice that my confidence in fulfilling my calling has increased much.
I have been exercising my leadership much more confidently and boldly. It brings me great joy. I have even been able to articulate my truth with people in higher positions in service of the higher good.

Regarding money/abundance, I am truly blessed. There was a sort proof when I was concerned because I hired a business coach, and the first few months it was really challenging to make those payments. I saw that I could open to receiving money I had lent, gifts, and new opportunities to serve aligned with my purpose.

In that way I experience the miracle of being able to cover all my needs and experience abundance.

I am grateful for my abundant blessings! Thanks, Gertrud.”

~ Leticia

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I know if the healings & clearings are working and I’m healilng and letting go?

There are many signs that you are healing and letting go of old stuff. Some sensations you will feel immediately during the sessions, other signals may appear later. This can happen later in the day, after a week or even later. Sometimes the signals or changes are very subtle, sometimes a little more tangible and obvious.

During the session you may experience the following: yawning, warm/sweaty, cold/shivers, watery/teary eyes, emotions/crying, burping, coughing, and many other physical sensations (every body reacts differently). These are all ways for your body to release old, stuck energy.

During the session and the time following the session you can try to be aware of (for example):

More peaceful, quieter mood
More energy
Feeling lighter
Better mood
Less or no more pain
Feeling more abundant and grateful
Manifesting something (money, job, relationship, etc.)
More relaxed
Reacting more positively in a specific situation
Behavioral changes
A symptom has become less or has disappeared
More synchronicity / ‘coincidences’
Meeting someone or receiving a tip that will help you further on your path (e.g. a health practitioner, book, job opportunity, etc.)
More ‘happy for no reason’ 

To summarize: letting go of old limiting beliefs, patterns and blocks can manifest in many different ways. Sometimes it’s very subtle, sometimes not so subtle. Try to be aware of all small changes and write them in a journal. Every change is a layer off the onion, so to speak. 

Be curious, be aware and be grateful for every shift; the openness to receiving will bring you more goodness as you go!

Q. Will the healings & clearings work for me if I can’t attend the calls live?

Although Gertrud advises you to join the calls live as much as possible, because it’s more fun and you get to ask for specific clearings in real time. But if you can’t make it, don’t worry, the healings & clearings are equally powerful when listening to the recordings.

Q. How often can I listen to the call recordings?

As this is different for everyone, I encourage you to trust your own guidance on this. A general guideline is however, that when you no longer feel a charge or tension in your body or have any signs of release while listening to the clearings, then you can be assured that it’s all cleared.

Q. Do I need to set time aside for the Remote Healings?

No, you don’t have to do anything! You can go about your day as usual as the healing energies are very gentle and sent 24/7 by Source. The healing frequencies are sent to you automatically and all you need to do is set the intention to receive.

Q. Are the Remote Healings safe when doing other healing work?

Yes, the Remote Healings are very safe and don’t interfere with anything else you do. They can never cause any harm or negative side effects as the higher intelligence is in charge and knows exactly what you need. You will always receive what’s in your highest and best, the energies that will help you on your ascension journey.


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SAVE: $50

Exclusive Price $197

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

LIVE Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $297

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud


SAVE: $100

Exclusive Price $347

From Heartache to joy Special Offer:


Activation 1 - Retrieve your Soul’s Missing Parts

Activation 2 - Liberate your Ancestral Spirits

Activation 3 - Upgrade your Soul Blueprint

Activation 4 - Activate Your Perfect Divine Template

Activation 5 - Embody your Soul’s Light into Form

BONUS 1: 90 Day Remote Healings to Amplify and Support your Soul Embodiment

BONUS 2: Silent Clearing to Re-attune you to your Divinity

Limited Time Bonus: Soul Body Fusion activation/healing MP3

30 minutes Private Clearing Session with Gertrud

Personal Remote Healings on 1 specific issue for 3 months

2 Clearing Calls

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Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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