“Bully Baggage Begone™”
NEW LIVE Group Session Added!
2 Holiday Support Recorded Calls
AND The Liberation Clearing Series 3 Recorded Calls

As an Empath YOU are the favorite food of the Narcissist … Which can make this time of year exceptionally difficult!

  • Your sensitivities are especially heightened this time of year. Even walking into a store, attending an event or going to a movie, can make you a target for feeding energy vampires.
  • They’re there sucking up all the energy from emotions brought on by the stress, joy and the franticness of the holidays. Then there’s family, friends and work parties...
  • “No Contact” with the narcissist in your life can be difficult to maintain when there are family gatherings, expectations, and children involved.

Gwen Understands ALL Of This and wants to give you the support To Allow YOU to Flow Through The Holidays Un-SHACKLED With Ease

For very limited time, access to Gwen’s Super-Selling 5 week Shackle Liberation Virtual Retreat is being offered again.

Including all the bonus calls, bonus audios and the private Facebook support group.

PLUS a ONE-TIME Bonus Call focused directly on clearings and tools for the Holidays, whichever ones you celebrate.

So if the holidays are really stressful for you ...

  • If there are narcissists in your life
  • If you’re easily drained by energy vampires...
  • If you feel sucked dry and don’t know why
  • If Family Obligations are upsetting and exhausting you

Take Gwen up on her offer of this BONUS Holiday Clearing Call that is added to an already AMAZING Program!

Look at these BRAND NEW Un-SHACKLING Results FHTJ Community Members reported with Gwen’s work

“Gwen Freed Me From Years Of Narcissistic Energies!!! Thank You Gwen!” ~ Sydney Barrows

“Gwen freed me from my mother and sister’s energy that was draining me cloaked as responsibility!!!” ~ Katherine, NY

“I Love Gwen’s MP3s. I Have Been Able To Put My Narcissistic Mom At A Distance! This Was Not Possible Before These MP3s!!!” ~ Pearl Khan

“Gwen Resolved My Past Issues Of 10 Years In Just 30 Minutes!!! It Was The Most Powerful Healing I Have Experienced Ever!!! I Highly Recommend Her Work!”~ Anne Uk

“My session with Gwen was incredible. She Resolved My Intense Issues In Just 1 Session. I highly recommend working with her If you want results! Don't delay in booking with her.” ~ Sharon S

“In Just 1 Session, Gwen Cleared The Cage And Prison Bars From My Heart And Sacral Chakras That Were Restricting And Blocking Me From Moving Forward In Life Like A Black Cloud Around Me!!! Thank you Gwen!!!” ~ DB Austin, TX

“Gwen’s MP3s Are Magically Powerful, Whenever I Am Exhausted & My Energy Is Drained, The BULLY BLOCKER & The ENERGY ELEVATOR Help Me Reclaim My Energy Instantly!” ~ Nicole, NC

“Released Heavy Narcissistic Residue From Family, Timelines & Lifetimes In Just 1 Session With Gwen! Removed A Chastity Belt & Opened Up My Throat Chakra!!! Can’t Wait For Her Virtual Retreat To Begin!” ~ Sandy S. Manchester NH

“In 1 Session Gwen Helped Me Overcome My Mental Health Issues By Clearing My Energy! Went From Anxious, Depressed, Sad & Hopeless To Calm!” ~ National City

“Gwen Cleared Energy Residue From My Dysfunctional Relationship With My Boyfriend Of 10 Years Ago & It Resulted In A Constructive Collaboration Project With Him!” ~ Anonymous

“The BULLY BLOCKER TOOL Is Amazing!!! My Narcissistic Ex Has Not Been Able To Worm His Way In Despite Trying & I Am No Longer Falling Victim To My Mother’s Drama Traps!” ~ S.K, Canada

“The ENERGY ELEVATOR MP3 Helped Me Stay Functional Even Without My Meds For 3 Days Instead Of In Bed With A Pounding Headache! Unbelievable! Love It!!!” ~ P.K

“Gwen’s Session & The Gaslighting Gone Tool Have Given Me The Confidence To Be Seen & Heard & To Meet With New People! I Even Found The Courage To Walk Up To The Mayor Of Our City & Shake Hands! Finally I Am Visible!!! Thank You Gwen!!!” ~ Sadia

“I felt restricted and blocked like there was a black cloud around me and I wasn't moving forward. I worked with Gwen in a 30-minute session call and it was amazing! She cleared the cage and prison bars from my heart and sacral chakras. Since then I have felt lighter, freer, calmer, and happier! I feel completely changed! I am so excited for moving forward in my life! Thank you, Gwen!!!” ~ DB, TX

Brand New Testimonials

“Released Heavy Narcissistic Residue From Family, Timelines & Lifetimes In Just 1 Session With Gwen! Removed A Chastity Belt & Opened Up My Throat Chakra!!! Can’t Wait For Her Virtual Retreat To Begin!”

“I bought this package on From Heartache to Joy because I felt it could assist me from releasing any connections to narcissistic energies from my family, ancestry and timelines, and lifetimes. From the start of the session, I felt my energy change. Gwen had already started releasing the cloud of energy around me. We started with a meditation and grounding into the earth and my heart chakra. She removed a chastity belt and also cleared my throat chakra. I felt very open by the end of the session. Gwen recommended the mp3s I should focus on and I can't wait to do the five week seminar!!!! This was a fantastic one on one session and I feel it cleared me to my next steps and my trip to Bali. Thank you and blessings Gwen!!! Love and Light”

~ Sandy S. Manchester NH

“In 1 Session Gwen Helped Me Overcome My Mental Health Issues By Clearing My Energy! Went From Anxious, Depressed, Sad & Hopeless To Calm!”

“When I first met Gwen, I met her anxious, depressed, and sad. I was hopeless. I knew I was sensitive towards others reactions or actions. However, it was not until I had a session with Gwen, who cleared my energy and centered me, that I FINALLY was able to stay calm, and was able to breathe. It takes a lot of courage to admit to having mental issues, but to be able to find help, is an even more courageous act. Today I am practicing all the centering and breathing techniques I've learned from Gwen. In just 20 minutes my energy feels cleared and I feel grounded in the center of the earth. I wholeheartedly will ALWAYS recommend EVERYONE to work with Gwen. The magic she does only take MINUTES to help you feel at peace.

I have never considered my energy until I met Gwen. Meeting Gwen and having her clear my energy is the most important step towards helping me with my mental health.

~ National City

“Gwen Cleared Energy Residue From My Dysfunctional Relationship With My Boyfriend Of 10 Years Ago & It Resulted In A Constructive Collaboration Project With Him!”

“On the heels of a corrosive period of isolation and loss of relationships, I turned to Gwen for help and she immediately tuned in that there was still a massive energetic residue from my dysfunctional past relationship with my boyfriend of 10 years ago that I was still holding on to. I was not conscious of his energy in my life and we barely spoke so I didn't think much about it. Then about 4 weeks later, he contacted me out of the blue to hire me as his ghostwriter for his addiction memoir as he wanted to share a sustainable solution for sobriety and inspire others! Whoa! I didn't see that coming and Gwen explained that severing an old relationship can give birth to something new and dynamic! It sure did! I had always urged him to tell his story and am excited to contribute to this project.”

~ Anonymous

“The BULLY BLOCKER TOOL Is Amazing!!! My Narcissistic Ex Has Not Been Able To Worm His Way In Despite Trying & I Am No Longer Falling Victim To My Mother’s Drama Traps!”

“Dear Gwen as per your recommendation I am listening to the " bully blocker" mp3 constantly and my ex keeps coming back, but gets blocked quickly he is TRYING HIS BEST to squeeze himself back into my life!

Plus I have been able to not fall victim to my mother’s drama traps and was able to assertively speak to her without losing myself into a rage! This is amazing, and she's not bothering me as she used to constantly from overseas!

~ S.K. Canada

“The ENERGY ELEVATOR MP3 Helped Me Stay Functional Even Without My Meds For 3 Days Instead Of In Bed With A Pounding Headache! Unbelievable! Love It!!!”

“Dear Gwen, I have been using your "energy elevator" MP3 and I love it because for 3 days I was without my meds due to long holiday and I was able to function and do my son’s back to school shopping in that state whereas I would've usually been in bed and with a pounding headache and tons of anger!!

I can't believe this ! This is CRAZY lol !What have you put in these MP3s ? Lol”

~ P. K

Easily Eliminate The Energetic Residue Of Bullies, Narcissists & All Controlling Relationships Completely

  • Are SHACKLES keeping you stuck in STRUGGLE instead of a world of SUCCESS LOVE, ABUNDANCE & FREEDOM!!!
  • Does it feel as if you are CHAINED!
  • Do you feel as if you are bound by CORDS!


These are the shackles, chains & cords you are continuing to carry from your Narcissistic & Bullying Relationships that are keeping you from the Life you deserve!

YES the powerful (mal) intent & intense energy of Narcissists is enough to unwittingly put a hex on you! Blocking you for Life & even Lifetimes!

However the Great News is that you do not have to be held captive by this energy lifelong!

You can make a choice right now to free yourself from all energetic residues of Narcissism & Bullying & all forms of controlling energy by working with Gwen Lepard to UNSHACKLE yourself!

order now


Free Trial

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Discount : 82%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™


Discount : 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer 


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™

Private 30 minute Customized Session with Gwen

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Package A – No Refunds after retreat commences.
Package B – No Refunds after retreat commences or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Look at how people like YOU have freed themselves completely from all the residues of Narcissistic Energy Shackles clouding their lives with Gwen’s work

“Gwen’s Miraculous Work Instantly Freed Me From Narcissistic Residues To Relieve The Severe Pain In My Heart & Gut Like Magic!” ~ Heather Passant - Queensland, Australia

In Just 15 Minutes Gwen Freed Me From Oppressive Narcissistic Energy That Was A whopping 20 On A Scale Of 1-10 ~ Eram Saeed, Founder FHTJ

“After Gwen’s Session My narcissistic partner HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO RETURN. Also He Has Not Been Sucking My Energy At Night like before!” ~ SK

Gwen Freed Me From 18 years Of Subtle Abuse, Control, As Well As Spoken & Unspoken Agreements From A Narcissistic Spiritual Teacher!”~ M, Entrepreneur, Healer

With Gwen’s Tools My Empathic Energy Is No Longer Easy Prey For Narcissistic Energy Vampires! ~ Dr. Keema Cooper, O’ahu, Hawai’i

Gwen Freed Me From Feeling Obligated Toward Controlling Family Members Whose Behavior was Making Me Suicidal! ~ Simonne

“Gwen Completely Freed Me From A Narcissistic Ex’s Energy, I Could Breathe Again & Went From Haggard And Tired To Youthful And Vivacious! ~ Lisa C. Anderson - Healer

Finally Let An Old Relationship Go After Holding On For 5 years, I Feel Free! ~ A.C.

“Gwen Helped Clear My Victim Energy To Stop Attracting Narcissists & Sociopaths Etc. That Were Draining Me! ~ MC

“Gwen Helped Clear The Energy Of My Mother’s Death Freeing Me From Acute Pain In My Chest & Upper Spine That Seemed Like Cardiac Arrest! ~ Alycia Schlesinger

“After My Session With Gwen ,My Relationship With My Son Has Improved, He's Not Been Able To Press My Buttons Anymore Like Before, He's Being More Respectful Surprisingly!” ~ SK

  • Do you feel that you are putting in 500% efforts and beyond, yet your success & abundance graph only seems to be hitting glass ceilings?
  • Do you suffer from mysterious pains, illnesses & auto immune issues that defy diagnosis & treatment?
  • Do you find yourself unable to set boundaries & bend over backwards like a doormat?
  • Do you feel that you have become hooked to punishment like a drug & keep going back for more?

If you checked any of the items on this list, you are very likely under the Deadly Spell of a Narcissist!!!!

Even a chance encounter with a Narcissist decades ago could still be running & ruining your Life!

Not to mention that you could have Narcissist control embedded in your DNA passed on to you generation after generation in your Lineage!

With this Program you can clear your LINEAGE of all residue of controlling energy & have NEW ENERGETIC DNA!

The time to free yourself from BONDAGE is NOW!

Just as these people have done!

“In As Little As 30 Minutes Gwen Cleared The Narcissistic Energy Of My Father & His Lineage Clearing All vows, Entanglements And Soul Contracts, A Total Of 21 Soul Contracts - Including Vows Of Poverty And Helplessness To Remain Dependent On My Father! ~ J.C., Los Angeles, CA

The Shackles & Chains From My Father’s Lifelong Bullying Are Gone & So Is The Pain In My Shoulders, Hands & Ankles! Down To A 0 From 10 In Just 30 Minutes! Thank You Gwen!” ~ JS

Here are some more Unbelievable yet Real Results.
Real People like YOU have experienced freedom in their lives through Gwen’s work!

“In Just One Session I Went From 10 to 0! Gwen Freed Me From Cords & Shackles From My Father’s Narcissistic Energy That Were Keeping My Business From Growing! ~ Cindy L, Oregon

“Gwen Completely Cleared Me Of Intense Narcissistic Energy From A Partner Who Had Cocooned Me In Dark Energies, Blocking All Business Opportunities & Love From My Life!~ SK

“Gwen Cleared Me Of My Sister-In-Law’s Energy & My Knife Like Shoulder Pain Immediately Went From An 8 To 2 & Has Since Disappeared! ~ Rebecca

“I Use The “Bully Blocker” Tool Daily. It Helps Me Trough Dealing With All The People At Work And Has Really Helped With My DEPRESSION. ~ Anonymous - San Diego

“My Mother IS NOT TRIGGERING ANYMORE On The Calls Like She Used To All Of A Sudden, She Seems More Pleasant And Smiley Which Is A MIRACLE In Itself! ~ SK


1 out of every 5 people is demonstrating the Narcissistic Personality Disorder!

To put it bluntly 1 out of 5 people is walking around completely devoid of scruples & a conscience!

These Narcissists have a way with words that will have you doubting yourself to the extent of believing you are INSANE!

Narcissists enjoy controlling, manipulating & belittling people around them & love causing them pain!

YOU as EMPATHS are the Favorite Food of The NARCISSISTS!


Horrifying though it sounds, the Truth is that their energy & intent is so powerful that it continues to be in your energy field, blocking everything good from you even years & lifetimes after you part ways!

Research shows that this is what falling prey to Narcissistic abuse can do to YOU:

  • Heart attack, Cancer,

  • Adrenal fatigue,

  • Weight gain or loss, hair loss,

  • Insomnia, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide,

  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  • Autoimmune disorders,

  • Digestive problems, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),

  • Asthma, migraines, epilepsy,

  • Arthritis, slower wound healing, Type 2 Diabetes,

  • And increased dependency on alcohol, or other substances.

Here are some amazing benefits that people have reported with this Program, working with Gwen, you too can Quickly & Easily experience these:

  • Relief from Pain, Illness, Sadness, Anxiety, Depression, Panic & Emotional Captivity!
  • Experience a sense of Physical, Mental, Emotional & Financial Freedom like never before as you become free of the
  • Shackles

  • Chains

  • Ropes

  • Hooks

  • Cords

  • Chastity belts

  • Attachments

  • You will sparkle with renewed Confidence as you release Guilt & Shame to feel Worthy again!
  • Bounce around with much more Energy than before!
  • Set Boundaries to protect yourself & never fall prey to controlling energy again!

“In Just 15 Minutes Gwen Freed Me From Oppressive Narcissistic Energy That Was A whopping 20 On A Scale Of 1-10”

I was extremely agitated when I came into the session with Gwen. I felt threatened. I felt helpless and powerless. I wanted to run away. I knew it was unrealistic fear but it was crushing. On a scale of 1 to 10 it was a 20! That’s how bad it was. I’ve dealt with so many worse problems, yet this one had me panicking. I’m understanding that this was that narcissistic oppressive energy that needed to be cleared. In 15 minutes I felt the energy had completely shifted and I received a beautiful message that gave me a lot of peace. AND the best part... I knew exactly what I needed to do. 15 minutes prior to that I felt helpless and so scared that I wanted to run away. 15 minutes later I was calm and knew exactly what I needed to do.

~ Eram Saeed, Founder FHTJ

Here’s this Unbelievably Amazing Case Study of Narcissistic Energy totally blocking this person from Joy, Health, Abundance & Love!

Gwen freed her from these Shackles & Attachments completely!

“Gwen Completely Cleared Me Of Intense Narcissistic Energy From A Partner Who Had Cocooned Me In Dark Energies, Blocking All Business Opportunities & Love From My Life!”

“When I met Gwen Lepard I was in a Very BAD PLACE. I was feeling very stuck in life. Had a narcissistic partner that i'd been with since 5 yrs. Nothing was moving ahead between us, plus, I was also not being approached by people for love or for career opportunities like I used to be.

My health had drastically gone down over the last 5 years since I met him. My relationships with my family members ha also worsened over the years. Inspite being treated like trash no matter how hard I tried I was not able to stop him from chasing me, approaching me and stalking me. Keeping a tab on everything I did. 


I could not believe the amount of denseness & heavy energy that was lifting. I kept sighing and breathing heavily. She was also clearing the dense black cloud over my head that had been put up by him to block my intuition and decision powers. I was feeling cold air rush into my feet and all around my body as if I had just GOT OUT OF A CAGE & Gwen said that he had completely put me in a cocoon a bubble of dark energies that I was captured in!

There was a CHASTITY BELT that Gwen saw tightly clutched to my chest. As she released it I started to breathe clearer and deeper.

Gwen also listened to my plea, my story, & I did not judged. I did not feel crazy. She completely listened to me, understood me, and acknowledged that I am not crazy and that all this is not going on in my head. It is real. It exists and that there is a way out. There is a way to FREEDOM.

The cherry or rather strawberry on the icing was that she also showed me through her powerful process a more beautiful, healthy, loving & giving partner that was waiting for me and that was being blocked by my soulmate for so long!!!

It was such an INTENSE PROCESS that I could not stand on my feet that night. I had to lie down right after as she had advised.

The magnitude of the blocks caused by him for many years put me in shock that night. I was not able to sleep, thinking how much I gave to this person energetically and how much he sabotaged and destroyed me quietly. It made me wonder how someone can hurt the one you love. 

Gwen's healing process is natural and raw and extremely POWERFUL that it took me a whole week to rest, integrate, to reflect & rejuvenate from this MAGNIFICENT PROCESS. 


~ SK

With Gwen’s Program you can free yourself like Simonne did!!!

“Gwen Freed Me From Feeling Obligated Toward Family Members Whose Behavior was Making Me Suicidal!”

“I came to Gwen with the desire to remove a feeling of obligation to contact family members who ganged up on me and treated me so badly, that I wanted to kill myself. This all occurred three years ago when my mother passed. I have worked hard to get over it and felt I had done so but I still felt a need or obligation to call them. When we started I felt a black ball in my heart area and when we were done, I felt only lightness and no feelings of obligation, they were just gone.”

~ Simonne


“In Just One Session I Went From 10 to 0! Gwen Freed Me From Cords & Shackles From My Father’s Narcissistic Energy That Were Keeping My Business From Growing!”

I had an amazing session with Gwen. I worked hard on my business but it was going no where and I was ready to give up. I couldn't figure out why I was feeling stuck. It was like standing at the open door for all kinds of opportunities, but I felt I had a bungy cord attached to me, so rather than stepping through the open door, the cord would pull me back.

On a scale of 1-10 I was a ten with frustration and ready to quit, after the session she got it down to a 0, and I am looking forward to the positive changes my life will take.

When Gwen tested, the cord was linked to my dad. My father was a narcissist, he passed away about 13 years ago, on a conscious level I had forgiven him, but on a subconscious level I had not. Unforgiveness was the shackle keeping me bound and he asked through Gwen for forgiveness. And hate was keeping my business bound also. She cleared all that. I was ready to forgive and release the attachment to him.

My throat chakra was also bound because dad was afraid that if i spoke up about the truth he'd look bad. Gwen cleared this.

I have done a lot of healing in the past but still felt there was something else needing addressed but I didn't know what. Gwen was able to quickly pick up on things and let me know what was going on and cleared them.

I highly recommend Gwen's work, she is a wonderful, loving healer and I want to thank her at the bottom of my heart for helping me move forward, gaining more confidence, hope, and freedom. I love her technique and energy.” Blessings to you!

~ Cindy L, Oregon

“In As Little As 30 Minutes Gwen Cleared The Narcissistic Energy Of My Father & His Lineage Clearing All vows, Entanglements And Soul Contracts, A Total Of 21 Soul Contracts - Including Vows Of Poverty And Helplessness And To Remain Dependent On My Father!”

“I reached out to Gwen about a Relationship Residue Removal session to clear some remaining entanglements with my father (narcissist) and his ancestral lineage / family (filled with narcissists). My relationship with my father has been challenging my whole life. He could be a narcissistic bully and emotionally and verbally abusive growing up, my oldest brother (no longer alive) was very similar to him in this regard. Over the years I have healed and cleared a lot of the emotional-verbal abuse from childhood and reclaimed my power from him (using so many modalities from therapy, depth and spiritual counseling, prayer, flower essences therapy, energy healing, working with renowned spiritual teachers, etc.) and as a result I've watched my dynamic with him (and men in general) change in miraculous ways. (He is no longer abusive in any way to me and has grown gentler). However, there have been so many difficult and painful family members still connected to my dad and his family line that have been emotionally exhausting and draining relationships to me and I came to Gwen wanting to finally be free from my father and his lineage, because I could still feel a few ways I was giving my power away to him and that these familial relationships were holding me back.

Becoming free of suffering in all ways - including codependent and unhealthy relationships - and creating a sovereign, individuated life of joy is a big part of my soul's mission in this lifetime and working with Gwen was another important piece of this for me.

During my session with "Guru Gwen," she acknowledged all the work I had already done to heal my father (and mother some aspects of my mother line) in a compassionate and warm way, which was really comforting and validating to have mirrored to me. Then in as little as 30 minutes, she helped me clear all remaining vows, entanglements and soul contracts I had with my father and the needy/ wounded parts of his lineage. We cleared a total of 21 soul contracts - including vows of poverty and helplessness and to remain dependent on my father. Then she helped me to reclaim my energy that was bound in all of these unhealthy dynamics as important life force energy (which I am still integrating).

Within a few days of my session with Gwen, I was spending some time with my parents and during watching a tv show, a song that my dad and I both love came on and we both started singing together. It was such a spontaneous, gentle, sweet, peaceful moment and I felt love for him as a being that I haven't felt in years. This love for him came from an unconditional place within me and that felt free of the past and any entanglements that used to hold us together. On a deeper level, I feel that my session with Gwen has also helped me to forgive my father and that was an unexpected bonus to our session, for once we are free of entanglements and soul contracts - we are free to love compassionately - soul to soul.

As someone who has struggled with my narcissistic father and his narcissistic relatives / ancestors my entire life, this session was a true miracle and a prayer answered in divine time!!! As a powerful energy healer myself, I am really discerning about who I work with and recommend and I can wholeheartedly say that to anyone struggling or healing from the trauma of surviving narcissistic relationships - including abusers or bullies of any kind - I highly recommend Gwen Lepard and her amazing work!”

~J.C., Los Angeles, CA

Billions of NARCISSISTS running rampant globally!!!
YOU Are Their Favorite Food!
Don’t Become Easy Fodder For Narcissistic Energy Vampires!!!

In these times it is imperative that you protect your energy & not let them prey on you!!!

UNSHACKLE & PROTECT YOURSELF with Gwen’s Powerful Program


Free Trial

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Discount : 82%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™


Discount : 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer 


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™

Private 30 minute Customized Session with Gwen

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Package A: No Refunds after retreat commences.
Package B: No Refunds after retreat commences or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

How is Gwen's Program the most Powerful choice.....

Why is Gwen’s Program the most POWERFUL CHOICE to UNSHACKLE yourself from Controlling Energy & Relationships!

The first thing that is UNIQUE about Gwen’s healing is her deep understanding of the dynamics of what she is healing as before working on others she has herself transmuted a multitude of life experiences that would have locked others into a lifetime of victimhood, illness and disease. Including losing her virginity to rape at 14 and being raped 3 more times before she was 20. This is why Gwen is able to free you of all shackles where even other healers have been unable to!

Gwen is able to heal & totally free you from the Shackles of Narcissistic Energy because she understands that it is your own unwillingness to let it go that is blocking you!

Because you feel you are used to that energy & if you let them go they might go & hurt others so you hold onto them out of a sense of responsibility!

Also Gwen has at her disposal not merely a Tool Box but a Tool Shed that is vast, deep and wide. She gets amazingly quick results in a very short period of time, combining Western and Eastern Energy Medicine. This Vast tool shed developed over 35 years allows her to hold space for healing and be a conduit of Archangels, Ascended Masters, or provide silent witness, deliver an ancient healing soul language or take them on a Quantum Journey.

Typically, her results are very quick and when there is a difficult case, she has the persistence to either try every tool in the shed or hold and let the work be done, whatever is needed by the client.

Gwen has beautifully integrated various modalities from her vast tool shed into a unique, speedy & effective method of healing known as the Lepard Method that she uses to Remove Relationship Residue from those who’ve been affected by bullies, narcissists, and manipulators and those who’ve experienced sexual assault and rape.

Package A

The Powerful Breakthrough Freeing & Life Changing Program



5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat

To completely clear your energy inside out across all timelines to remove every single

  • Shackle

  • Chain

  • Cord

  • Hook

  • & all Controlling Tools

that are purposely placed on you so that your tormentor can keep you stuck & keep feeding off your energy!

Each week focuses on clearing a different set of controlling tools because just as every Lock needs its own specific Key, it is Critical that various types of Control Mechanisms have to be addressed specifically!

This Powerful, Freeing & Life Changing Program is A 5 week online group process that empowers you with 5 immensely powerful & effective tools to clear you from the manipulative and controlling energies of Bullies and Narcissists, so that you can “be free to be me”. Helping you to regain your personal freedom and peace of mind.

Over 5 weeks this Program completely clears your energy inside out across all timelines to remove every single blockage!

Week One: Obliterate & Abolish All Attachments

This is the foundation week that begins with deep clearing your energy to abolish & obliterate all attachments that have purposely been placed on you & your Energy Field to keep feeding off your energy.

This Group Energy Session removes & provides immediate relief from the energetic:

  • Chains

  • Ropes

  • Hooks

  • Cords

  • Attachments

...that your tormentor has attached to you.

You will feel a return of your own PURE, Potent & Powerful Energy and vitality that was being drained away through the attachments..

“In Just One Session I Went From 10 to 0! Gwen Freed Me From Cords & Shackles From My Father’s Narcissistic Energy That Were Keeping My Business From Growing! ~ Cindy L, Oregon

“After Gwen’s Session My Narcissistic Partner HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO RETURN. Also He Has Not Been Sucking My Energy At Night like before!” ~ SK

Week Two: Remove All Restraints

The Second Week works at powerfully removing various forms of restraints that have been placed in your energy field to keep you bound not just energetically but physically as well to keep you under the control of the narcissist or bully like:

  • Shackles

  • Fetters

  • Cages

  • Corsets

  • Chastity Belts

  • Collars

  • any other forms of restraint

Once these are removed you’ll find it easier to breathe, move your body, and welcome people into your life after this release.

“Gwen Completely Freed Me From A Narcissistic Ex’s Energy, I Could Breathe Again & Went From Haggard And Tired To Youthful And Vivacious!” ~ Lisa C. Anderson - Healer

The Shackles & Chains From My Father’s Lifelong Bullying Are Gone & So Is The Pain In My Shoulders, Hands & Ankles! Down To A 0 From 10 In Just 30 Minutes! Thank You Gwen!” ~ JS

Week Three: Obliterate All Hidden and Covert Obligations & Contracts

Week Three works at removing & rescinding all covert, secret, spoken & unspoken agreements between you & your tormentor so you no longer feel beholden by:

  • Commitments

  • Contracts

  • Covenants

  • Oaths

  • Vows

That you may have with your tormentor without even being aware of it.

With this session the heaviness of those obligations will fall away and you will no longer have any requirement to fulfill on any energetic agreement between you.

This allows new opportunities to show up in your life because you’re no longer bound to these old commitments, contract or covenants.

“In As Little As 30 Minutes Gwen Cleared The Narcissistic Energy Of My Father & His Lineage Clearing All vows, Entanglements And Soul Contracts, A Total Of 21 Soul Contracts - Including Vows Of Poverty And Helplessness To Remain Dependent On My Father! ~ J.C., Los Angeles, CA

Gwen Freed Me From 18 years Of Subtle Abuse & Control, As Well As Spoken & Unspoken Agreements From A Narcissistic Spiritual Teacher!” ~ M, Entrepreneur, Healer

Gwen Freed Me From Feeling Obligated Toward Controlling Family Members Whose Behavior was Making Me Suicidal! ~ Simonne

Week Four: Rewrite Your DNA & Clear Your Lineage

The Horrifying thing about Narcissistic Controlling Energy is that it stays with you even after you part ways & can be passed on through your DNA from generation to generation across lifetimes

This Session clears all infected energy that you may be carrying through your lineage as it first

  • Locates

  • Isolates

  • Eliminates

DNA infected by Narcissistic energy or any tendencies from family of origin. 

Then it

  • Restores

  • Rejuvenates

  • Revitalizes

Your DNA with instructions to keep that type of energy out for good so that all your relationships going forward are formed from this new information

You will literally have new energetic DNA after this clearing.

In As Little As 30 Minutes Gwen Cleared The Narcissistic Energy Of My Father & His Lineage! ~ J.C Los Angeles

Gwen Helped Clear My Victim Energy To Stop Attracting Narcissists & Sociopaths Etc. That Were Draining Me! ~ MC

Week Five: Bring Closure & Completion To Karmic Connections

After you’ve cleared everything it’s time to call in karma to bring Completion to these Karmic Connections! This final segment of the program integrates everything together to bring closure & completion, Karma contrary to its reputation has no intent to punish you, instead it helps you to learn the lessons you had chosen to on Earth, it helps you:

  • Completes

  • Releases

  • Separates

Relationship Karma so that the lessons your souls came to learn from each other are over and you are done with the repeating story that you have been playing over and over again.

If you’ve been having trouble getting someone out of your head or emotions, the last step of this Karma Kicker will distance you so that they don’t bother you anymore.

You’ll experience a lightness after this completion that allows you to “shine your divine” and be attractive to all good things such as Love, Joy, Health, Success, Abundance & Freedom!

Finally Let An Old Relationship Go After Holding On For 5 years, I Feel Free! ~ A.C.

“After My Session With Gwen ,My Relationship With My Son Has Improved, He's Not Been Able To Press My Buttons Anymore Like Before, He's Being More Respectful Surprisingly!” ~ SK

Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

This training is a Bonus Segment to tie the 5 main tools together to provide a comprehensive clearing tool to liberate you from specific individual's shackles that have been holding you back in life.

Shackle Liberation Putting It All Together

    • Attachment Abolisher
    • Restraint Remover
    • Obligation Obliterator
    • DNA Defragger
      • Rewrite your DNA and
        Clear Your Lineage
    • Karma Kicker


Amazing Processes to clear and protect your energy:

Gwen is offering a set of Amazing Audio Tools that are a complete Program in themselves as a BONUS to clear and protect your energy on a daily basis!

These Tools are your absolute TICKET TO FREEDOM! That you totally need to build into your Daily ENERGY HYGEINE Practice!

Say NO to the energies that are controlling you or trying to!

These Tools have been a Game Changer for many people across the world! & Gwen is offering this set of Incredible Tools Completely Free!

Bully Blocker Tool

The Bully Blocker, an Unfair Advantage against Bullies, Narcissists and Manipulators is a unique lightning fast tool that works to

  • Remove the invasive energy of intimidation and control

  • Repair the damage done by those forms of attachments

  • Protects you from & deflects all attempts to re-engage or hook into you by your tormentors by rubberizing the energy field around you so they bounce away leaving no trace

You’ll feel immediate relief when the disempowering attachments are removed.

More vitality and energy will begin flowing to you as the repairs revitalize your energy field

Your confidence will be renewed as the rubberized barrier goes up and you feel the protections that it provides that go with you everywhere

Once you know the process, you can do a 3 second version that will work that quickly!

“I Use The “Bully Blocker” Tool Daily. It Helps Me Trough Dealing With All The People At Work And Has Really Helped With My DEPRESSION. ~ Anonymous - San Diego

With Gwen’s Tools My Empathic Energy Is No Longer Easy Prey For Narcissistic Energy Vampires! ~ Dr. Keema Cooper, O’ahu, Hawai’i

Gaslighting Gone Truth Teller Tool

Gaslighting is an often used form of Psychological manipulation where a person sows seeds of doubts in another person making them question their own memory, perception & sanity. This Narcissistic tendency can play havoc with the victim’s Mental Health!

This One of Its Kind Gaslighting Gone, Truth Teller Tool aids you in accessing your innate intelligence and the part of you that always knows what’s coming before any other part of you.

It accesses the seat of your intuition. Studies have shown that it does this with 100% accuracy.

This tool helps dissolve the residue of lies, half- truths and invalidations, so that you can regain your reality and start trusting yourself again in 3 Steps:

  • Discover

  • Dissolve

  • Discern

This tool through the use of powerful SOUL LANGUGE will help you discover where you’ve been storing the crazy making manipulation from a narcissist or bully.

Then the SOUL LANGUAGE will nullify the effects of all the invalidation by using an energetic dissolving technique.

You will now be able to discern gaslighting when it is being used against you. It’s like you can see gaslighting coming from miles away. Your intuitive heart is now your filter.

After that you’ll be able to set up parameters to discern when someone is attempting to manipulate you and block their insidious and subtle efforts to regain control over you.

“Gwen Gifted Me Back My Sanity By Freeing Me From Repeated Patterns Of Attracting Ridicule & Deception!” ~ S.K

The Energy Elevator™

The Energy Elevator™ is one of Gwen’s most powerful & effective Energy Hygiene tools yet. It allows you to reclaim your energy from the many places that it’s being drained off or expended unnecessarily. 

Narcissists and Bullies love to connect to you and feed from your emotions and reactions. When you use this daily, it makes you impervious to their attempts to connect to you.

This 3 Step process works to:

  • Release Attachments

  • Restore Your Boundaries

  • Re-Align Your Spirit

This process results in you feeling:

  • Calm

  • Confident

  • complete

And ultimately gives you much more energy for your life, projects and love.

You will be more grounded, clear headed and feel more like yourself. It can also improve your eyesight, open your throat - so you can speak your truth, relieve back and lower extremity pain and more.

“After Gwen’s Session My narcissistic partner HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO RETURN. Also He Has Not Been Sucking My Energy At Night like before!” ~ SK

“One Year Ago I Was Legitimately Suicidal And Today I’m Genuinely Happy. ~ Michelle Carothers, Financial Services

“Instant feelings of peace and lightness!”

“I had the pleasure of having Gwen Lepard on my Light Warrior Radio show and I knew beforehand that she was an amazing radiant relationship mentor and coach, but I was absolutely blown away by her intuitive ability to do precise accurate readings and mini clearings for myself and my listeners.

I didn’t even realize I had been married to a narcissist before working with Gwen. Wow! We felt lighter, peaceful and there were tears of joy.

If you’ve EVER been bullied or taken advantage of by another person, you need this program. Don’t let the past ruin your future! Get this program today.”

~ Dr. Karen Kan, Doctor of Light Medicine and founder of the TOLPAKAN Healing Method


Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group

The Private Facebook Group will allow you to communicate together & harness the power of group energies to heal faster by:

  • Sharing successes

  • Encouraging each other

  • Requesting for & giving support

  • Creating lasting friendships and nourishing connections

This group will be used to communicate during the calls for responses and requests for clearings as also for maintaining connection in between and after the completion of the program.


Flow Through Your Holidays Unshackled With Ease! 

Flow Through Your Holidays And Beyond Unshackled With Ease!

As an Empath, your sensitives are especially heightened this time of year. Even walking into a store, attending an event or going to a movie, can make you a target for feeding energy vampires. They’re there sucking up all the energy from emotions brought on by the stress, joy and the franticness of the holidays. Then there’s family, friends and work parties...

“No Contact” with the narcissist in your life can be difficult to maintain when there are family gatherings, expectations, and children involved.

For very limited time, access to the 5 week Shackle Liberation Virtual Retreat is being offered again. Including all bonus calls, bonus audios, private Facebook support group. PLUS the Bonus Holiday Support Calls, focused directly on clearings and tools for the Holidays, whichever ones you celebrate.

Whether you’ve purchased the program before or not you’ll want to look into this.

You’ll get complete access to all the recordings plus bonus audios and The Bully Blocker, Gaslighting Gone Audios, Energy Elevator™!

So if the holidays are really stressful for you especially if there are narcissists in your life and if you’re easily drained by energy vampires...

If you feel sucked dry and don’t know why, take Gwen up on her offer of these BONUS Holiday Clearing Calls.

And because you’re going to get all of this content right away when you purchase, we ask that you use your guidance to trust how much of it you will consume and how fast.



As this very important work has been shared more clearing calls were requested and the LIBERATION CLEARING SERIES was added to the Shackle Liberation Offering.


  • Unleash Your Throat Shackles and Speak Your Truth
  • Thyroid Clearing
  • Neck relief
  • Shoulders easing
  • Headache gone or lessened
  • Your voice back
  • Expression unleashed
  • Thyroid eased - now a healthy color


  • Remove Heart Cages Hear Your Intuitive Heart and Open to the Good in Your Life
  • Three Hearts explained
  • How Having Heart Cages Affects Your Life, Health, Wealth, and Love
  • Group Clearing of Heart Cages


  • 5 Step Shackle Liberation recap
  • Deep Release And Freedom From Control Tools Meditation


Bully Baggage Begone™

Bully Baggage Begone™ removes hidden responsibility for and identification with Bullies and clears Bully Baggage so that you can heal the wounding that attracts Bullies into your life. We’ll include time for your questions on any of the materials in the Shackle Liberation Package. Block out 90 minutes on May 18th starting at 2pm PDT on your calendar and celebrate Freedom from old patterns tying you to baggage that drags in tormentors and tyrants. You’ll be enjoying the new energy of the holidays and family gatherings going forward after this powerful clearing session. (replay available after the session is completed) Come live to get your clearing requests addressed in person virtually.


“I’m not sure when it started. I’d been having pains in my pelvic area for some time. So much so that I hadn’t been able to lie on my stomach or cough freely, in the last 2-3 years. Specialists were consulted. Nothing conclusive and nothing inherently bad.

After our clearing session with Gwen on Monday the pain has stopped. I've waited to see if this is just a lull which sometimes happen. Today’s Saturday and still no pain. Thank. You. Gwen!”

~ Anonymous

“Gwen is laser-focused, very quick, and extremely effective. We went deep into properly grounding. I’ve never been able to stay in my body leaving me wide open to outside interference for my entire life. Gwen was able to do the heavy clearing to finally stop my mother & sister from draining my energy hiding under both shadows of responsibility and cloaks of responsibility. This has been a lifelong issue for me that I am so relieved to have cleared.

Gwen Is A Fantastic Multidimensional Energy Healer!”

~ Katherine, NY

“I felt restricted and blocked like there was a black cloud around me and I wasn't moving forward. I worked with Gwen in a 30-minute session call and it was amazing! She cleared the cage and prison bars from my heart and sacral chakras. Since then I have felt lighter, freer, calmer, and happier! I feel completely changed! I am so excited for moving forward in my life! Thank you, Gwen!!!”

~ DB, TX

“Gwen is an exquisite healer who speaks the language of the body and liberates its vast unconscious power, while the soul is able to walk out of the torture chamber and straight into a fairytale. During the session, you actually feel the liberation, and the creative imagery gifts you with the beauty that's pure balm for the spirit.”

~ A.M.

“All my life I have carried chords and hooks from past traumas and beliefs. In one 30 min session Gwen cleared these hooks and chords and immediately I felt lighter, happier and more confident. Gwen's processes are amazingly fast and powerful and I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

~ M.W.

“Gwen is having an amazing result with her very intuitive abilities. She helped me to unblocked many issues, which I was not able to specify. She helped me to ease my relationship with my daughter. I worked with many healers, and Gwen is definitely in area of highly experienced therapist.”

~ Z.M.

Package A

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

Includes everything in the Powerful Package A

The "Lepard Method" to Remove Relationship Residue
Private 30 minute Customized Session
Your Ticket To FREEDOM From All Controlling Energy

Free yourself from all toxic & narcissistic energy residue!


Private 30 minute Customized Session

Helping you one-on-one is one of Gwen’s favorite things to do.

With this deep, intense & lasting session she will be able to get to the core of your relationship residue quickly and get you relief from the narcissistic/toxic relationship right away.

Typically, she’ll focus on releasing the disempowering energy of one person per session. You might come with one person, narcissist, in mind and Gwen may end up finding a different person or tormentor to release first.

Some of the awesome benefits that you’ll experience after the session are:

  • Feeling relaxed

  • Feeling energized

  • Feeling calm

  • Feeling empowered

  • Feeling peaceful

  • Feeling confident

  • Feeling a sense of freedom

Often you’ll also know exactly what to do next in the situation you find yourself in.

Each 30 minutes Session is always started with a Powerful Grounding Heart Meditation to get you present and ready to release.

  • Gwen will need very little of the story behind your situation, she is adept at getting to the root of the energy super quick.
  • If she asks about it, it’s to check your energy and find blocks as you’re speaking.
  • She then moves directly into removing, releasing and revitalizing using her entire tool shed of techniques.
  • She will then help you shift out of the locked, blocked or limited place you bring to the session and each session will be different.

Look at these amazing Un-Shackling transformations people who bought Gwen’s Program have had with the Bonus MP3s & Private Sessions!

& the Virtual Retreat hasn’t even begun yet!

It’s your turn to Un-SHACKLE Now

“Gwen Freed Me From Years Of Narcissistic Energies!!! Thank You Gwen!” ~ Sydney Barrows

I Love Gwen’s MP3s. I Have Been Able To Put My Narcissistic Mom At A Distance! This Was Not Possible Before These MP3s!!!” ~ Pearl Khan

“Gwen Resolved My Past Issues Of 10 Years In Just 30 Minutes!!! It Was The Most Powerful Healing I Have Experienced Ever!!! I Highly Recommend Her Work!” ~ Anne Uk

My session with Gwen was incredible. She Resolved My Intense Issues In Just 1 Session. I highly recommend working with her If you want results! Don't delay in booking with her.”~ Sharon S

“In Just 1 Session, Gwen Cleared The Cage And Prison Bars From My Heart And Sacral Chakras That Were Restricting And Blocking Me From Moving Forward In Life Like A Black Cloud Around Me!!! Thank you Gwen!!!” ~ DB Austin, TX

“Gwen’s MP3s Are Magically Powerful, Whenever I Am Exhausted & My Energy Is Drained, The BULLY BLOCKER & The ENERGY ELEVATOR Help Me Reclaim My Energy Instantly! ~ Nicole, NC

Released Heavy Narcissistic Residue From Family, Timelines & Lifetimes In Just 1 Session With Gwen! Removed A Chastity Belt & Opened Up My Throat Chakra!!! Can’t Wait For Her Virtual Retreat To Begin!” ~ Sandy S. Manchester NH

“In 1 Session Gwen Helped Me Overcome My Mental Health Issues By Clearing My Energy! Went From Anxious, Depressed, Sad & Hopeless To Calm! ~ National City

“Gwen Cleared Energy Residue From My Dysfunctional Relationship With My Boyfriend Of 10 Years Ago & It Resulted In A Constructive Collaboration Project With Him! ~ Anonymous

“The BULLY BLOCKER TOOL Is Amazing!!! My Narcissistic Ex Has Not Been Able To Worm His Way In Despite Trying & I Am No Longer Falling Victim To My Mother’s Drama Traps! ~ S.K, Canada

“The ENERGY ELEVATOR MP3 Helped Me Stay Functional Even Without My Meds For 3 Days Instead Of In Bed With A Pounding Headache! Unbelievable! Love It!!!” ~ P.K

“Gwen’s Session & The Gaslighting Gone Tool Have Given Me The Confidence To Be Seen & Heard & To Meet With New People! I Even Found The Courage To Walk Up To The Mayor Of Our City & Shake Hands! Finally I Am Visible!!! Thank You Gwen!!!” ~ Sadia

Package B

Total Package Value $950

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How often do I need to listen to the recordings?

You can listen as often as you’d like. They can be played on low or silent and still be effective.

With the Bully Blocker and Energy Elevator™ you can listen whenever you want. Once you learn the technique (which can happen in one listening) you’ll also be able to use the 3-second version. The 3-second version is described in each audio.

With the Gaslighting Gone audio, you'll want to listen as often as you can until you trust yourself to see gaslighting when it's happening to you. During the audio, an ancient healing soul language discovers the residue of gaslighting and dissolves it. Throughout the audio, there is an activation of your intuitive heart that will teach it to discern gaslighting whenever it's happening, allowing you to stand your ground in your truth and regain your reality.

Q. Do the audios have to be listened to in order?

While the audios do build on one another, they also stand alone. Use what feels good to you at the time. Trust that it is what you need at the time. Please refer to the answer above as well.

Q. What commitment is expected from me?

The level of engagement that you choose is up to you. For your best results this is what is recommended:

For the 5 weekly calls, attend live whenever you can. All the healing is embedded in the recordings so if you’re unable to be on the calls, you’re good to get the clearings from them. AND... I will be doing mini healings for those on the calls live.

What’s most important is to Show Up for yourself, get the clearings, listen to the audios, learn the tools (can be done in one listening) USE the tools. Ask for support on the Facebook Bully Begone Group when you forget your tools or feel out of your depth. Life happens, this is new stuff. Gwen is here for you. Get extra sessions if you know that only one is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.

Q. When can I expect results?

Results can happen instantly. Often in listening to the included audios, you’ll feel immediate relief from the shackles that have been holding you bound to the narcissist. Sometimes it takes a number of calls or sessions to get clear, it depends on your situation.

During the live calls you can have immediate shifts and realizations. Then as you go through your days between calls, you’ll notice new things changing around you. People may say that you look younger or more peaceful and ask what you’ve been doing.

About Gwen Lepard:

As a Luminary, Gwen Lepard shines the way to em
power entrepreneurs to evolve beyond limitations. Having triumphed over narcissistic abuse she elevates empathic entrepreneurs to overcome their relationship baggage, optimize self-love, and own their personal power.

She has Co-Authored 6 books including the Award-Winning International Bestseller, “Navigating the Clickety-Clack, Volume 2” with Joe Vitale and Marie Diamond from the hit movie, “The Secret.” She has appeared on telesummits, podcasts, and was recently signed to streaming BINGE Network TV with her channel, The Self Love Experience.

Gwen Lepard is a Speaker, Mentor, and a Baggage Begone™ Facilitator. She has a toolshed of healing modalities including Energy Medicine, Decrees, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Quantum Jumping, and many more.

When she’s not helping release relationship residue, removing energetic shackles, and clearing emotional baggage, you can find her dancing in the park, or creating healthy plant-based whole foods and treats.


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Discount : 82%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™


Discount : 87%

Total Package Value $1500

From Heartache to Joy

Special offer 


5 Steps to Freedom from Narcissistic, Controlling and Manipulative Energies Shackle Liberation Virtual 5 Week Retreat
Week One: Attachment Abolisher
Week Two: Restraint Remover
Week Three: Obligation Obliterator
Week Four: DNA Defragger
Week Five: Karma Kicker
Bonus Week: Tying IT Together

Bonus 1:  Amazing Audio & Video Processes to clear and protect your energy
Bully Blocker Tool
GasLighting Gone Truth Teller Tool
Energy Elevator Tool

Bonus 2:  Access to – The Amazing Healing Energy Of the “Free to Be Me” Private Facebook Support Group


Flow Thru the Holidays Unshackled with Ease

Flow Thru the Holidays & Beyond Unshackled with Ease



Bully Baggage Begone™

Private 30 minute Customized Session with Gwen

money back logo


Package A: No Refunds after retreat commences.
Package B: No Refunds after retreat commences or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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