Are you ready to experience the BEST version of YOUR LIFE?

Let the 12 Solar Rays of the Sun BURN Your Limitations!

Do you remember having desires and dreams that used to excite you…

That used to bring color into your life…

That made life sexy…

But because of repeated patterns or disappointments you’ve given up on them.

Or perhaps you are still trying but it is still so difficult…

Something is always in the way.

By connecting you to the best version of your life, you can release all of those blocks because the way nature is designed…

We don’t even desire something unless our soul already has the capability of manifesting it in it’s blueprint.

And that soul is what we call The Higher Self...

When we are able to get in touch with that best self…

We don’t need to do ANYTHING to manifest our desires…

All we need to do is bring that self forth because IT has all the tools…

All the energies…

It KNOWS what to do!!

It KNOWS how to manifest!

This is EXACTLY what this program does…

It connects YOU to your BEST SELF so that you can have DIRECT ACCESS to these unstoppable energies!!!

For some people this looks like more peace of mind…

For some people this looks like getting 1000’s of dollars unexpectedly…

For some people this looks like getting their ideal job…

For some people this looks like finding live in their life…

Whatever it means FOR YOU...
That is what this program is going to do for you!

Are you ready for your most EXCITING, UPLIFTED life that is already your destiny?

But what is holding you back from living this Best Life?

A Lot of times there are…

Negative thoughts…


Elemental attachments…

While there are many wonderful modalities to help with these, this is one of the most exciting ones we have come across…


Solar Ray Healing
Tap into the 12 Solar Rays of the Sun to Activate YOUR Best Life!

Our sun is a conscious being that’s been with us for billions of years. Some tribes even call the sun a divine healer.

In case you didn’t know this…

The sun has some of the most powerful healing abilities!! It truly is one of the most magnificent healers.

Unfortunately, we are not using it to its fullest potential.

The 12 Solar Rays are transmitted by the sun but we only receive 7 of them. The other 5 are hidden within the sun.

Each Solar Ray is powerful to cleanse the 7 chakras and the subtle bodies. We only receive 7 Solar Rays because they are visible and radiate outward by the sun.

According to Mashhur Anam, the 5 Solar Rays are hidden due to the fall of humanity and planetary consciousness. We don't receive these 5 Solar Rays because the sun holds the rays internally.

Hayatti is able to tap into ALL of the sun’s Solar Rays and activate their healing energy into YOU so that you can rise above from whatever is holding you back and Upgrade to the BEST Version of Your Life!

When these Solar Rays are specifically activated into your energy field…

Blocks literally disintegrate!

This is EXACTLY what our world needs right now…

Healing from the BIGGEST healing source to planet Earth…

The Sun!!

Each week throughout this program you will receive one Solar Ray that will be activated to upgrade you to your BEST LIFE!

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text


Discount: 98%

Total Package Value $6500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Early Bird Price


Remote Solar Rays Clearings, Healings and Activations for 12 Weeks to Activate Your Best Life!!

BONUS: Prepare Your Life for LIFT OFF Energetic Pre-Clearing for Your ENTIRE Energetic Field

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Week 13: Activate the Flow of Abundance

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the Remote Clearing (November 15th).

Tap Into the 12 Solar Rays to Activate Your BEST LIFE...
Just Like Hayatti's Clients!!!

“I received a 10K unexpected bonus, went on a trip with my sister and reconnected with my tribe!”

"I was unsure of what specifically was ailing me -- but knowing that I felt stuck in a series of bad behaviors. Unlike my life just a few years ago, I was suffering from low energy, unpredictably moody and critical, no motivation, and just not living my best life.

My first week with Hayatti was truly an awakening. Unlike my experiences with talk-therapy, the results were almost instantaneous.

Within a week of our first sessions, I was feeling more in control of my negative behaviors and had energy levels higher than I'd seen in years! I cannot say if all of this would have happened had I not been receiving the remote energy session; however, what I can tell you is that within those 30 days, I received a $10k unexpected bonus at work. I decided to go away and take my sister on a trip after being cooped up and not travelling for two years because my boyfriend was not feeling comfortable traveling yet; I called in a like minded new friend who collaborated and started doing Magickal Moon Circles with me and bringing back the motivation to use my gifts and call in my Tribe again!"

~ Kimberley Roles, Harrisville, RI

“Received an unexpected $3000 refund check!”

"I was feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated and distracted. I was also feeling frustrated with the status of 'the world' which was causing much of the distraction etc.

Each week I felt progressively better. I was able to let go of things that were bogging me down and leading to the overwhelm. I was also able to put my eyes towards my own goals and let go of all of the other junk that was keeping me distracted.

After 3 weeks of these clearings, I received an unexpected $3000 refund check! Totally out of the blue!!!

I would absolutely recommend Hayatti and her remote healing!!"

~ G.P.

“Released stress and felt positive!”

"When connecting during the time the clearing took place, I felt a surge of energy, release of stress and that things will shift in a positive way."

~ Yvette

“My daughter wanted to spend more time with me!”

"During the month of the clearing I felt myself getting calmer and more focused and as time went on I was able to cope with being separated from my son.

I had more energy and generally felt I was being supported. My daughter also wanted to spend more time with me.

I would definitely recommend Hayatti and I loved the updates we got every week"

~ Valerie sales, Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland

“I stopped making mountains out of mole hills and I am now more open to the possibilities!”

"What I have found during the clearing was a levelling out of my emotional response to the little things. I didn't realise I was 'making mountains out of mole hills'. 

I also began to feel more lucky again. I know that sounds strange but it was feeling deep inside as if fortune had smiled on me. Externally though things hadn't change, I sensed the possibilities. 

I felt the optimism of youth. I had a few lucky coincidences and it was like things that I have long wanted became possible. I didn't say yes to every opportunity that would have just worked against me but the most important I greeted with open arms. 

I noticed others around me responding defensively. For instance while I had no thoughts or emotional charge either way I would be greeted with "I didn't do it" or "it's not my fault". So really it freed me from the constant tug of war that occurs when others cannot pay attention to what they do. It wasn't about right or wrong it was about clarity and awareness. 

Before Hayatti’s clearings family dynamics had led me to believe it was me causing agitation but by week 1 making mountains out of mole hills I calmed down. By week 4 I realised it was exactly opposite- I had been reacting with frustration to others' denial etc. This realisation has definitely changed my viewpoint and also decreased a whole range of emotions and pressure I was feeling. I can flow more with life, I am more centred and more open to possibilities and feel optimistic.  

Thank you for my reality check and it has been enlightening"

~ Leanne Winner

“I'm able to make a new start for myself because of this work!”

"I was feeling depleted, uninspired, stuck. While I knew my work was my Soul's calling, it was not being fruitful financially in recent weeks and I was not clear what to do to turn the tide. I felt myself at an energetic wall and was also very frustrated with the lack of male presence in my life.

As the clearings progressed, I had several profound new insights as to what was holding me back, and also the new awareness to see things VERY differently and take a bold new step in defining and presenting my healing work. I'm in the midst of this massive re-direct, and my enthusiasm is returning as I activate the principle that from now on, it's not just who NEEDS me, but who DELIGHTS me, that I share my deep healing work with! I'm also getting more responses from online dating sites after a long dry spell 🙂

I have brand-new thoughts about how I WANT to contribute to the world with my spiritual gifts, ones that no longer reflect a sense of servitude but a sense of mutual contribution--so much more balanced and enjoyable! I'm reframing the entire structure of my healing practice to reflect self-care, ease, and what I most enjoy doing to heal others. And I'm clearing a lot of old baggage about how I relate to men, which means I'm not "losing myself" to please someone else, but honoring all of me (the lovely, the quirky, and the still-wounded) and really believing and trusting that the truly right partner is coming very close and we can connect in the near future!

Hayatti's work is definitely a game-changer! The steady, daily infusions of healing energy were just right for my system, and allowed change to unfold easily and yet quite noticeably within the 30 days. I'm honored to have received Hayatti's rich healing streams, and I'm able to make a new start for myself because of this!"

~ Susan Sinclair Seattle, Washington, USA

Why Hayatti Rahgeni Is Unique

Hayatti Rahgeni is an International Empowerment Coach, Emotional Clearing Expert, Inner Peace Accelerator, Energy Healer and Teacher.

She has been learning and practicing energy healing since 2011, and unlocked her gift to sense and clear energetic blockages, emotional pains, and suppressed emotions.

She has passed the 6th initiation in her ascension journey, and has perfected her own energetic system which enables her to facilitate her clearing sessions at a higher vibration. Many of her clients have experienced a transformation of deep internal healing, a sense of inner and outer peace and pure bliss.

With her years of experience, Hayatti has developed her 12 Solar Rays Activations, Clearings and Healings to help people like you break free from the endless loop of negativity, and be the best version of yourself!

In this TOTAL TRANSFORMATION, you will...

  • Activate Your Potential
  • Activate Consciousness
  • Activate Mental Peace
  • Activate Emotional Intelligence
  • Activate Physical Health
  • Activate Self-Sufficiency
  • Activate Passion and Pleasure
  • Activate Drive and Ambition
  • Activate Love and Compassion
  • Activate Authentic Expression
  • Activate Insight and Intuition
  • Activate Purpose and Divine Oneness

Here Are Some of the Best Life Upgrades Hayatti’s Clients Experienced

“I felt completely transformed after every 30 minute session!”

"Hayatti has such a serene energy and holds a beautiful sacred space for healing. I went into each session with an intention to balance and open a specific chakra and I felt completely transformed after every 30 minute session. My mind was clearer, I felt a blissful sense of inner and outer peace and the quality of my sleep even improved. I would certainly recommend working with Hayatti, even if you are feeling well and just want to enhance your sense of calm, focus and wellbeing."

~ Emma G. Manchester, United Kingdom.


“Feel lighter, energized and more in touch with my emotions!”

"The sessions I had with Hayatti were amazing. During the sessions I could feel the energy moving in my body as Hayatti worked to cleanse my chakras. I’ve never experienced anything like that before and it was an amazing experience. Before the sessions I was feeling very heavy energetically and depressed. I now feel lighter, energized and more in touch with my emotions. I highly recommend Hayatti!"

~ Casey C., Louisiana, US


“I feel much more at ease and compassionate with myself!”

"I have known Hayatti for a couple of years now and have seen first hand the difference the healing made in her. After only 3 short sessions with Hayatti, I could feel a difference in myself, things that would ordinarily aggravate me or put me in a bad mood, don’t even enter my thoughts. I feel much more at ease and I am much more compassionate with myself. I truly recommend you take the time to have at the very least one session with Hayatti and feel it for yourself!"

~ Luke D., Victoria, Australia.

“Much less mind chatter!”

"I absolutely enjoyed the session and working with Hayatti! I felt at ease during the session. Even though I felt distracted during some periods, I felt like the space Hayatti created allowed me to reenter it feeling safe and calm. By the end of the session, I felt clearer, more peaceful and had less mind chatter than at the start. I recommend Hayatti as a powerful, loving and peaceful healing facilitator. Thank you Hayatti!"

~ Hal Y., Brunei Darussalam

“I felt more relaxed and even slept better!”

"In receiving healing from Hayatti, I found myself more temperate and with better patience.  

Before the sessions I always have pains or ills causing me stress, some from long term injuries, or other minor things that have bugged me for a long time, but after the session I am more relaxed. This increased relaxation has allowed me to sleep better, which has in turn lead to an all-round better outlook day to day. 

Hayatti is very calm, wise and caring, this all carries well, and listening to her voice puts you at ease very quickly, which is very important for building the right mind-space to receive healing. 

I would absolutely recommend people work with Hayatti – whether it be to help you through something or to help strive further towards your goals."

~ Tomas M., Brunei Darussalam


“I have been able to stay in a positive vibration!”

"Before the sessions I felt a bit scattered and I felt so much more grounded after the sessions. I was feeling very relaxed and in awe of the feelings I was tapping into. I continued to feel very relaxed and expansive throughout the day.

I also was struggling with some letdowns which caused me to go into a bit of a downward spiral vibrationally and after the sessions throughout the day I instead felt a sense of relief and excitement for the possibilities going forward.

I have been able to stay in a positive vibration which is one of the focal points to one of our energy sessions. I’ve also been more in receiving energy which historically was a struggle for me. That right there is a beautiful breakthrough to feel into... It’s also encouraged me to go into that sacred space more of “feeling” into my desires and where I need to clear.

Hayatti is a true healer and I could feel that energetically. She is gentle and soft spoken which makes the entry way into the session very comforting and yet powerful at the same time. I felt such compassion come through our sessions and that she is truly here to share her gifts with the world for further healing of everyone she touches. Thank you for this opportunity to work with you Hayatti!"

~ Dana C. New York, United States.

“This program kept me calm and peaceful despite the daily difficulties we were facing!”

"I was shifting with my family and 4 cats to a new country and we were facing a lot of hurdles and challenges in the process. That's when I got a chance to enroll in Hayatti's program. I must say that being in this program kept me calm and peaceful even through the difficulties we were facing on a daily basis.

I truly believe that no matter what the external environment is like, as long as we can maintain our inner balance we will be free from stress and maintain peace within. And this energy radiates to everyone around you as well. So my family was equally calm and stress free (including my cats!) even though they were not a part of the program. This is what Hayatti's program did for me. I am very grateful for the subtle way it worked on me and my family."

~ Naila


48 Hour Fast Acting Bonus!

Bonus Week 13:
Activate the Flow of Abundance

With this clearing, Hayatti will be using a Crystal Disintegrator to INSTANTLY disintegrate negative thought entities that are preventing you from the abundance you desire!

Tap Into the 12 Powerful Solar Rays for the Most Powerful Self Activation and Transformation on the Planet to Activate Your Best Life!

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Your Text

Your Text

Your Text


Discount: 98%

Total Package Value $6500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Early Bird Price


Remote Solar Rays Clearings, Healings and Activations for 12 Weeks to Activate Your Best Life!!

BONUS: Prepare Your Life for LIFT OFF Energetic Pre-Clearing for Your ENTIRE Energetic Field

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Week 13: Activate the Flow of Abundance

money back logo


Package A: No refund after the Remote Clearing (November 15th).

Package A

Solar Ray Healing
Tap into the 12 Solar Rays of the Sun to Activate YOUR Best Life!


  • Remote Solar Rays Clearings, Healings and Activations for 12 Weeks to Activate Your Best Life!
  • BONUS: Prepare Your Life for LIFT OFF Energetic Pre-Clearing for Your ENTIRE Energetic Field
  • [LIMITED TIME BONUS] Week 13: Activate the Flow of Abundance


Remote Solar Rays Clearings, Healings and Activations for 12 Weeks to Activate Your Best Life!

Starts on 15th November 2021
Ends on 6th February 2022

Activate Your Best Life using the 12 Healing Solar Rays of the sun for the most powerful self activation and transformation on the planet!

This is a daily remote healing program for 12 weeks that connects you to the powerful 12 Solar Rays of the sun.

The sun is the source of life on planet Earth. Because of its powerful energy, many people don’t know that the sun is also meant to be the most POWERFUL HEALER for planet Earth as well!

And during this time of great revolution that planet Earth is going through, the sun is here to serve us like it was always meant to.

After the activation from each Solar Ray is complete, the blocks that are in the way are automatically going to be busted once and for all!

Many people have already experienced this powerful energy of these 12 Rays and now it is your turn!

Week 1: Tap into Solar Ray 12 to Activate Your Potential

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Highest Potential by sending the 12th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing, you will experience a shift that activates the true potential of your Best Life. You will be FREE from all your negativity blocking you from living life at your highest potential!

  • Clear past emotions and experiences on a cellular level
  • Releases negative experiences embedded in the cells
  • Releases stress and trauma from the cells
  • Clear fear-based memories

Activate your Best Life...

  • Move forward in life and live as your true nature!
  • Feel lighter and less triggered in situations that used to bother you!
  • Achieve closure as you let go of your negative entities PERMANENTLY!
  • Overcome physical and psychological issues and find inner peace!

I stopped making mountains out of mole hills and I am now more open to the possibilities!

Leanne Winner

I'm able to make a new start for myself because of this work!

Susan Sinclair

Week 2: Tap into Solar Ray 11 to Activate Consciousness

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Consciousness by sending the 11th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear spiritual illusions, religious fears and anything that does not support a healthy spiritual growth. Activate your Consciousness and tap into the source of infinite intelligence and love!

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your self-exploration and self-awareness!
  • Deepen your inner peace and ground yourself in your center!
  • Facilitate spiritual growth towards higher levels of consciousness!
  • Feel a sense of connectedness with the Universe!

Feel lighter, energized and more in touch with my emotions!

Casey C

Much less mind chatter!

Hal Y.

Week 3: Tap into Solar Ray 10 to Activate Mental Peace

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Mental Peace by sending the 10th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought patterns and anything that compromises your mental state. Find deep rest in a quiet and still mind, and reclaim control over your focus and mental clarity.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Feel calm and centered in your thoughts!
  • Increase mental clarity as obstacles disappear!
  • Remove mental blocks and break free from programming!
  • Focus on the present and BE present in your new reality!

This program kept me calm and peaceful despite the daily difficulties we were facing!


Helped me clear my congested mind!


Week 4: Tap into Solar Ray 9 to Activate Emotional Intelligence

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Emotional Intelligence by sending the 9th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear away negative emotions like fear, guilt, shame, anger, and jealousy. Be in a healthy emotional state. Release emotional pain and suppressed emotions.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Reduce negative emotions that are holding you back!
  • Rebalance your emotions and be in alignment with yourself!
  • Detoxify your body from negative emotional parasites!
  • Increase Emotional Intelligence and compassion!

The difference I feel in my being is remarkable!


Working with Hayatti was heaven-sent!


Week 5: Tap into Solar Ray 8 to Activate Physical Health

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Physical Health by sending the 8th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear pain and discomfort to revitalise your health. Repair with your body’s innate wisdom and healing power. Remove stagnant energy and reinvigorate to higher vibrations.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase the flow of energy throughout your body!
  • Accelerate your body’s ability to heal!
  • Strengthen your whole physical body!
  • Raise your vibration and feel alive!

I felt more relaxed and even slept better!


I felt completely transformed!


Week 6: Tap into Solar Ray 1 to Activate Self-Sufficiency

In this week, Hayatti will activate Self Sufficiency by sending the 1st Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the root chakra - your feeling of safety and grounding that lays the foundation for expansion in your life. Cleanse your muscular and skeletal system.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase self-preservation to love, respect and care for yourself!
  • Reduce depression and suicidal tendencies!
  • Reduce procrastination and anxiety!
  • Take action with ease and fully experience a new reality!
  • Have healthy muscular and skeletal system!

Feel lighter, energized and more in touch with my emotions!


I feel much more at ease and compassionate with myself!


Week 7: Tap into Solar Ray 2 to Activate Passion and Pleasure

In this week, Hayatti will activate Passion and Pleasure by sending the 2nd Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the sex chakra - your foundation of physical creation and ability to manifest the external reality you truly desire. Cleanse sex organs, the bladder and the urethra.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your passion and creative pursuits!
  • Awaken your sensual self with higher vibrations!
  • Improve your sexual intimacy!
  • Increase your enjoyment of pleasure!
  • Improve your relationships with yourself and others!
  • Have healthy functioning of the sex organs, the bladder and the urethra!

I have been able to stay in a positive vibration!


I am seeing and feeling results in my daily life!


Week 8: Tap into Solar Ray 3 to Activate Drive and Ambition

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Drive and Ambition by sending the 3rd Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the solar plexus chakra - your will, personal power and mental abilities to assert your place in the world. Cleanse the diaphragm, pancreas, liver and stomach.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your courage, perseverance and inner motivational power!
  • Increase your ambition and ability to strategize!
  • Have a stronger drive to follow through and execute your plans!
  • Release your fear to be assertive and to stand up for yourself!
  • Increase your personal power!
  • Healthy functioning of the diaphragm, pancreas, liver and stomach!

I had the new awareness to see things VERY differently and take a bold new step in defining and presenting my healing work!


I feel more courageous, a quality that before I felt had left me!


Week 9: Tap into Solar Ray 4 to Activate Love and Compassion

In this week, Hayatti will activate Love and Compassion by sending the 4th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the heart chakra - your center of compassion, love and beauty that transform and integrate your spiritual aspirations. Cleanse the heart, lungs, thymus gland and the circulatory system.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your depth for caring, your kindness and your empathy!
  • Increase self-love and love for others!
  • Increase self-acceptance and be more whole!
  • Increase your level of patience!
  • Increase your ability to be compassionate!
  • Healthy functioning of the heart, lungs, thymus gland and the circulatory system!

My daughter wanted to spend more time with me!


Bringing back the motivation to use my gifts and call in my Tribe again!


Week 10: Tap into Solar Ray 5 to Activate Authentic Expression

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Authentic Expression by sending the 5th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the throat chakra - your instrument of expression and communication. Cleanse thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, the throat and the lymphatic system.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Enhance your creative genius!
  • Improves your self-expression!
  • Communicate more effectively and clearly!
  • Increase your authentic expression and manifestation!
  • Speak the truth!
  • Healthy functioning of the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, the throat and the lymphatic system!

I was feeling more in control of my negative behaviors and had energy levels higher than I'd seen in years!


I let go of things that were bogging me down and leading to the overwhelm!


Week 11: Tap into Solar Ray 6 to Activate Insight and Intuition

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Insight and Intuition by sending the 6th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the third eye chakra - your center of intuition and foresight driven by openness and imagination. Cleanse the pituitary gland and the endocrine glands.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your sensitivity and intuition!
  • Enhance your self-control and willpower!
  • Increase your ability to regulate thoughts and emotions!
  • Activate your higher intelligence!
  • Increase your ability to perceive the true nature of things!
  • Healthy functioning of the pituitary gland and the endocrine glands!

I felt a surge of energy, release of stress and that things will shift in a positive way!


I can flow more with life, I am more centred and more open to possibilities and feel optimistic!


Week 12: Tap into Solar Ray 7 to Activate Purpose and Divine Oneness

In this week, Hayatti will activate your Purpose and Divine oneness by sending the 7th Solar Ray of the sun to you. You are dealing with the powerful energy of the sun that was always meant to be there to heal you.

With Hayatti’s daily energy clearing you will clear negative thought entities that are lodged in the crown chakra - your access to higher states of consciousness as you open beyond your personal visions. Cleanse pineal gland and the brain.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Activate your intuitive intelligence of Divine guidance!
  • Increase your ability to experience oneness!
  • Accelerate your spiritual growth!
  • Increase your ability to see the beauty and divinity in all things!
  • Enhance your feelings of deep peace about life!
  • Healthy functioning of the pineal gland and the brain!

I have brand-new thoughts about how I WANT to contribute to the world with my spiritual gifts!


I had a few lucky coincidences and it was like things that I have long wanted became possible!



Prepare Your Life for LIFT OFF
Energetic Pre-Clearing for
Your ENTIRE Energetic Field

This energy healing and clearing begins IMMEDIATELY after purchase! 

Preclearing before starting your 12 weeks Solar Ray healings, clearings and activations.

This preclearing helps you MAXIMIZE the benefits you receive from the Solar Rays of the sun. These energies are super strong and powerful. When you receive these energies you will magnify your results from the 12 week program. You will begin feeling this energy right away!

Remote Energy Clearing for your ENTIRE energetic field!

  • Increases receptivity
  • Raises your vibration
  • Increases internal harmony
  • Helps with grounding on earth
  • Increases optimism
  • Becomes energetically attractive
  • Hastens healing process

48 Hour Fast Acting Bonus!

Bonus Week 13:
Activate the Flow of Abundance

With this clearing, Hayatti will be using a Crystal Disintegrator to INSTANTLY disintegrate negative thought entities that are preventing you from the abundance you desire!

Week 13: Activate the Flow of Abundance (Valued at $600)

Now that you’ve cleared all of the blocks that were standing in your way, you are ready to activate the flow of abundance in your life!

With this clearing, Hayatti will be using a Crystal Disintegrator to disintegrate negative thought entities that are lodged in the seven chakras and are preventing you from the abundance you desire!

The Crystal Disintegrator is a powerful energy tool. It has multiple highly polished facets in it.
It has a very sharp point so it has the capacity to disintegrate negative thought entities INSTANTLY.

It is used to...

  • Clear energetic blockages
  • Disintegrate negative thought forms entities
  • Extract and disintegrate negative elementals
  • Cut unwanted cords
  • Cleanse the aura

Clear negative thought entities about money and abundance that are lodged in all seven chakras. Realign with the center of the universe and manifest your dream reality.

Activate your Best Life...

  • Increase your receptivity to higher consciousness!
  • Increase your sense of self-deserving and worthiness!
  • Boost your confidence!
  • Increase your ability to "see" opportunities!
  • Increase your ability to take inspired actions!
  • Increase the power of your will to act on inspirations!

I received a 10K unexpected bonus, went on a trip with my sister and reconnected with my tribe!


Received an unexpected $3000 refund check!


Package A

Total Package Value $6500

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
Early Bird Price $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Helped me clear my congested mind!”

"Prior to my sessions, all I wanted was to be energized, to clear my mind and to get rid of feelings of anger, annoyance and deep sadness. I had sent out my prayer, became present and calmly received healing during the session.

The sessions help me clear my congested mind. The key here for me is to be present during each session. After the sessions, the burden that I carried slowly went away. The last two sessions that I had, I was asleep and I woke up surprisingly feeling positive.

I believe it takes positive energy and time to heal. I just needed to be positive and the cluttered mind slowly went away (in my case it was quite fast!).

Hayatti’s sessions is a service to be considered if you want something different from medicine and therapy. My request was quite difficult for me to explain but Hayatti made it clear of what I wanted out of the healing sessions. Even though we did not discuss much during the sessions, I felt healing had taken place and it shows within me. Overall, the sessions was nice, interesting and wonderful. I enjoyed my sessions with Hayatti. Thank you!"

~ Nurhida H. M. Brunei Darussalam

“Felt more confident to go through my day!”

"Hayatti brings a genuine warmth, love & compassion to her healing work. I felt completely safe to open up and share what I was going through. She was extremely professional and demonstrated patience and concern during our sessions. Her sessions impressed upon me how important it is that I not neglect my own needs. During my sessions with her I felt more confident, peaceful and empowered to go through my day. I highly recommend Hayatti & her services to everyone who feels they are struggling through life alone."

~ Joshua., Brunei Darussalam

“The difference I feel in my being is remarkable!”

"I began the process completely unsure of what to expect. I entered nervously, with a clouded, disquieted head, drained of energy, a sense that I was completely unable to meet up to all the expectations of myself held by my colleagues and me.

Hayatti’s kind and calm tone created a space in which I could let go and be present. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. My present state was filled with layer upon layer of repressed hurt and anxiety, and as the sessions progressed,

I began to feel myself stronger, better able to face these issues and still have the energy to get through my day. Some days were easier than others, but I knew Hayatti was there with me.

Since my sessions, I feel more courageous, a quality that before I felt had left me. I know there are no easy solutions to the problems that life often presents, but I know I can face them and walk through life with grace, an open heart and a present mind. The difference I feel in my being is remarkable. I no longer feel the need to sleep or hide through my day.

The sessions gave me a chance to reconnect with myself, to hear and feel what is really happening inside and to follow the universal wisdom that I believe we all carry inside us.

I found Hayatti to be wonderful, professional, full of love and joy. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to have worked with her."

~ Lauren O., Australia

“Working with Hayatti was heaven-sent!”

"Working with Hayatti was heaven-sent. After the first day I received some very bad news and through her healing I was able to rebalance my emotions much faster than I would’ve on my own. The clearing sessions were targeted to my specific needs and for that reason I feel that I got so much more out of it. I always felt a feeling of peace after the sessions and physically I felt that something in my body shifted to make room for good things yet to come. It’s only been a few days since the last session but I was able to anchor that feeling into my body and access it easily whenever I needed it.

Another benefit was being able to sleep very deeply after the sessions. Overall I feel that it was just an amazing experience. I had never done healing in this way before and I recommend it to anyone who’s stuck in their emotions and it’s hard to get past them or if they’re experiencing mental clutter. I feel that either way the session will help you. Try it out!"

~ Sazzu H. New York, United States.

“I am seeing and feeling results in my daily life!”

"In all sessions, Hayatti was able to sense areas where there was blocked/needed energy chakras and flow and worked with those through her practice. Hayatti has an innate ability to hold space in such a way that felt safe and sacred, which allowed me to fully surrender to her healing gifts. This is a subtlety that cannot be overstated.

I can't express enough how grateful I am to have experienced her healing. I am seeing and feeling the results in my daily life and it is such a joyous and liberating blessing. Hayatti's grounded and practical approach to wellness, rooted in a spiritual connectedness that's customized to energy patterns, is unparalleled."

~ K.R.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What do I do during the remote clearing?

You can meditate, sit and relax or lay down.

Set your intention to receive the healing.

Hayatti will perform the clearing and transmit healing energy.

Q. What if I am sleeping or working?

If you are sleeping, as soon as you wake up the next day, set your intention to receive the healing.

If you are working, set your intention to receive the healing.

You will receive the healing energy.

Q. When can I expect to feel the changes?

It could be during or after the remote clearing ended on day one.

Q. What if I am not sensitive to energy, will I still benefit from this program?

Yes. To receive the benefits isn't dependent on your ability to feel energy. The most important thing is your willingness to receive. If you could feel energy, that is great. If you don't, trust that you receive the healing and remain open to endless possibilities.

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Discount: 98%

Total Package Value $6500

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Early Bird Price


Remote Solar Rays Clearings, Healings and Activations for 12 Weeks to Activate Your Best Life!!

BONUS: Prepare Your Life for LIFT OFF Energetic Pre-Clearing for Your ENTIRE Energetic Field

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Week 13: Activate the Flow of Abundance

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Package A: No refund after the Remote Clearing (November 15th).

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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