Offer Closing Soon!
PLUS, Limited Number of 1-1 Sessions AVAILABLE...

Listen to Hillary's interview with Eram

Open Your Channels to Truly Receive More Love, Divine Connection & Wealth in 2023 and Beyond!

Right now at this moment in time it is easier than ever before to tap into ALL that is available to you through the unified field and learn how to call in supportive energies that will help you feel more replenished on a cellular level.

  • Do you ever feel depleted or disconnected and no matter what you do your tank rarely feels full?
  • Have you been taught to believe that giving is more important than receiving?
  • Do you have a good support system but still feel unsupported?
  • Do you feel like there is more that you could be receiving from life but there are inner or outer obstacles in the way?

Many of us are pre-conditioned from our life experiences, society, or our families to believe that only so much is available to us or that it is not safe to fully receive.

Maybe as a child you shut down right away because you didn’t feel any sense of security. Maybe you believed that you weren’t taken care of…

That it was not safe for you to receive.

If you learned that you needed to be a giver and space holder…

That you need to give everything in order to be “good enough”, “safe”, “loved by others”...

This subconscious programming will continue running on autopilot…

This pattern of being an over-giver and not feeling safe enough to truly receive will often lead to completely burning out and feeling as though you have nothing left to give.

Here’s the core truth…

In order to receive, something has to change.

Inner barriers need to be dissolved and blocks released that prevent you from feeling deeply nourished.

As Rumi so eloquently said: ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’

Starting TODAY, you can open your eyes and heart to the field of light that you are already living within so you can see how simple and easy it can be to meet your heart’s desires and empower every aspect of your life!

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to live with more love, abundance and divine connection? To be truly magnetic?

To set your energy each day and hold yourself in a field of supportive light.

To give of the divine energies instead of giving from your own energy reserves.

To be plugged into the unified field of light to counteract the energies and intentions of the forces that are attempting to control humanity and keep us energetically depleted and off-balance.

Within this unified field, you cannot be pitted against another and you can create the vision you want for a new way of being on this planet.

Get ready to take a 5-week journey into Quantum Magnetism where you will discover how to tap into the Quantum Field so you can…

  • Learn how to feel safe to receive again and refill your cup with gentle, compassionate love.
  • Release the inner and outer resistance that keeps you from receiving your divine birthright as a child of light.
  • Increase your connection to the love of the Creator.
  • Learn how to receive the exact frequencies that will support your unique optimal well-being (Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually)
  • Align with the frequency of abundance and learn how to magnetize your dream clients, career, and/or windfalls of prosperity.
  • Tune-up the frequency of your relationships (family, friends, co-workers, romantic partner) or magnetize more truly supportive soul family and/or soul partner connections!

"Hillary is an Angel and an incredible energy healer working with many modalities. She is connected to spirit in ways that I’ve not seen before. I have learned so much from her teaching and have been moved by her healings in countless ways." ~ Mark R.

With this journey you can lay the groundwork RIGHT NOW to make 2023 the year you TRULY RECEIVE…

  • 1

    Divine Connection

    Release blockages to your ability to receive the love of the Creator. Learn how to tap into the unified field to channel and hold more light on a deeper level. Tune up your ability to be a divine channel for yourself and others.

  • 2

    Wealth + Prosperity

    Call in the energies from the field of pure potential that will support you in magnetizing opportunities for abundance and holding the frequency of prosperity.

  • 3

    Love + Relationships

    Bring healing to the wounds the may have left you feeling unsafe receiving in your relationships. Create a new energetic blueprint that will help your current relationships evolve to a higher frequency of love and magnetize new soul connections!

  • 4


    Receive the exact divine medicines and frequencies you need to support your optimal well-being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Release subconscious patterns that have stopped you from experiencing well-being.

  • 5

    Becoming Magnetic

    (Supercharge your Magnetism) Charge your heart and learn how to embody more 5th-dimensional love-consciousness so you can become a magnet of your highest good calling in more love, wealth, joy and success!


Hillary Faye has been a teacher of teachers for nearly a decade. Through years of deep inner work, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same.

For over 18 years Hillary has dedicated her life to the path of healing and has now taught and trained over a thousand heart-centered alchemists, yoga and meditation teachers, energy healers, and intuitive coaches.

Hillary is here to hold space and support you in reclaiming your light and meeting your heart’s needs. Hillary will guide you in a safe and nourishing way to release blocks to receptivity and learn how to receive the precise frequencies from the unified field that will help you magnetize love and abundance and embody your innate wisdom.

"Hillary has been my guide, my inspiration, and my greatest teacher of all. I am forever grateful for her presence along my path. She helped me start living the life of my dreams!" ~ Sara S.

FHTJ's Very Own Tarek Bibi, Gives Rave Reviews of Hillary's Work!

Free Trial

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Discount : 83%

Total Package Value $888

FHTJ Special Offer $197

Special Pricing


Five 90 Minute Powerful Video Healing and Clearing Sessions


Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity Daily Ritual MP3

Guided Sleep Meditation with Binaural Beats MP3

LIMITED TIME BONUS 1: Divine Receptivity Kit



Discount: 83%

Total Package Value $1497

FHTJ Special offer


Five 90 Minute Powerful Video Healing and Clearing Sessions


Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity Daily Ritual MP3

Guided Sleep Meditation with Binaural Beats MP3

LIMITED TIME BONUS 1: Divine Receptivity Kit

30 Minute Personal Session with Hillary

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Package A & B: Refunds guarantee for 30 days conditions Apply

Here's what you get in this Package A

  • Five 90-minute powerful video healing and clearing sessions that will help you clear through blocks and open to receive!
  • PDF playbook for each session
  • Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity DAILY RITUAL MP3
  • Guided Sleep Meditation with binaural beats to increase your magnetism while you sleep deeply. MP3

Your name will be placed on a receptivity altar (crystal grid) created to hold the frequency of unconditional love, abundance and well-being for you before, during and after this 5 weeks course.


Five 90 Minute Powerful Video Healing and Clearing Sessions

Five 90-minute powerful video healing and clearing sessions that will help you clear through blocks and open to receive!

Session 1: Divine Connection

Learn the 3 Keys to receptivity and the connections between the quantum field energy and the nervous system.

During these five weeks, you will learn how to tap into the ocean (quantum field) of universal light and intelligence. This is a powerful tool through which you can open your receptivity and become more magnetic.

You will be guided through a process to strengthen your divine connection by bringing the love of the creator into the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual aspects of your being.

Learn how to tap into the Quantum Field and call in any energetic frequency such as the light of an Archangel or Spirit Guide, a flower or plant essence for the light of a healing gemstone.

Session 2: Prosperity + Opportunities

This session is about becoming an energetic match for prosperity and opportunities.

We will be working in the quantum field and receiving clearings and blessings from your ancestral lineage. Get to the root of your true desires and energetically connect with them.

You will also receive an attunement, that will bring a higher frequency of love into your ability to be divinely compensated for your soul's unique gifts.

We will also call in a being of light to hold space for your ability to receive prosperity + opportunities.

Connect to the Quantum to align with your heart's desire. The essential components that make up the universe are one-dimensional “strings”. We are going to enter the quantum field to create a connection point (a string of light) between you and your desires. We will be downloading the codes and frequencies from the quantum that will help you receive and embody the feeling you wish to experience here and now.

Session 3: Love + Relationships

Bring healing to the wounds that may have left you feeling insecure about receiving love. Create a new energetic blueprint that will help your current relationships evolve to a higher frequency of love as well as magnetize new soul connections!

You will be guided through these 8 processes in session 3:

  • 1

    Call in a divine father and divine mother energy to hold space for your inner child.

  • 2

    Create a mantra that will help you anchor self-compassion when unsupportive inner patterns are arising in your relationships.

  • 3

    How to set up healthy boundaries.

  • 4

    Work with the frequency of the Violet Flame to transmute unworthiness.

  • 5

    Activate the Violet Flame to purify the energies and dynamics in your relationships.

  • 6

    Download your new upgraded relationship energetic blueprint.

  • 7

    Entering in the quantum to call in new soul connections.

  • 8

    Receive an attunement to fifth-dimensional love frequency.

Session 4: Well-being!

This session is designed to help you access your highest potential. You will receive the exact divine medicines and frequencies you need to support your optimal well-being physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically.

Release subconscious patterns that have stopped you from accessing well-being so you can experience greater balance and coherence.

In this session you will receive:

  • 1

    A Chi attunement from the Pleiadians to help bring your physical body into balance. The Pleiadians are a collective of peaceful multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system.

  • 2

    Mary Magdalene will be offering you a healing of your mind so that you can see yourself as worthy of receiving well-being. Mary Magdalene is a great goddess (embodiment of the divine feminine).

  • 3

    Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion will step forward to help you find specific flower essences, gemstone frequencies and an animal spirit that will be healing and soothing for your emotions.

  • 4

    The Arcturians are here to offer you an aura repair to fortify and strengthen your light-body and energy field. The Arcturians are very loving and joyful highly evolved extraterrestrial light beings.

Session 5: Supercharge your Magnetism

In this session, you will charge your heart and increase your magnetism!

Experience your true Self to know its value.

Connect to the root of resistance of receptivity and receive energetic remedies to bring healing to this root.

You will learn a breath to amplify the magnetic field of the heart.

Mary Magdalene will offer us a healing of our hearts.

Arcturians will support you by increasing the size and strength of the Torus field (magnetic field of your heart)


Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity Daily Ritual MP3

This is a powerful guided meditation, visualization, and activation ritual with solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats that will help you start your day in the frequency of magnetizing and calling in your divine connection, wealth and prosperity, healing light into your relationships, optimal well-being so that you can supercharge your magnetism for the day!


Guided Sleep Meditation with Binaural Beats MP3

Reset your magnetic energy before bed as you fall asleep to this guided meditation that will help you access all of the light that is available to you in the quantum field as the solfeggio frequencies help guide you into a deep repair and receptive sleep.


Divine Receptivity Kit

Guided Meditations:

  • Receiving love and healing from Divine Mother meditation
  • Self-Sourcing meditation
  • Creating a space of love meditation

Cellular Alchemy Deep Healing Guided Activation Audios

  • Cultivating Heart Space
  • Activating Prosperity Consciousness
  • Becoming Your Beloved

Package A

Regular Price: $888

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Special Pricing $177

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions takes place.

Here's what you get in this Package B

  • All In Package A
  • 30 Minute Personal Session with Hillary


30 Minute Private Session with Hillary

Don't miss this once-in-a lifetime opportunity to receive an exclusive 1-1 session with Hillary!

This is your chance for a powerful and emotional breakthrough, rewiring all of the programs that have been holding you back from living life as your true self.

One of Hillary's biggest passions is to help you tap into all that is available to you through the unified quantum field and learn how to call in supportive energies to amplify your magnetism so you can receive more unconditional love, divine connection, intuition, purpose, happiness, success, wealth and optional health...

And now she is opening up her calendar to PERSONALLY help 30 FHTJ community members.

The emotional and powerful live interview left everyone wanting more-- now YOU can receive it during these exclusive sessions.

Receive clarity on how best move forward in order to unlock all the wonderful blessings awaiting you! Seize this opportunity before it closes - book now and see what positive changes await in store for YOUR highest good.

Ready to open up channels of abundance? Success? Happiness?

Join this select group getting their receptivity rebooted by one of the most deeply impactful forces in our community - don't wait another moment...

There are only 30 sessions available!

Package B

Regular Price: $1497

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $397

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions takes place.

Check Out What Hillary's Clients Have to Say About Her Work

“Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways”

“You know you’ve found a great program when you’re still deeply engaged with the materials many months after.. Little did I realize that the Magnetic Recepivity course with Hillary Faye would be one that I would hold onto like I have. Hillary is amazing in everything she does, but this course, wow!! I learned and cleared so much.

I absolutely loved the attunements, the exercises, and the meditations that she shared. The morning and evening meditations are absolutely divine!!! Falling asleep to Hillary’s voice every night is something that I have become very addicted to, honestly I’m not even sure I could fall asleep without her anymore. It’s the most soothing lullaby that also severe as a tool for growth. Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways.”

~ Melissa V

“Helped me receive the courage to own my worth and step into my souls work and higher earnings”

“Hillary is the most incredible loving and wise channel and guide. She embodies the essence of all that she teaches and radiates the purest unconditional love and authentic soul wisdom ever imagined.

I am truly grateful to have experienced the priceless deep healing received from the Magnetic Receptivity Program. It helped me receive the courage to own my worth and step into my souls work and higher earning potential by being the lead trainer in a yoga teacher training. The relationships in my life have shifted and evolved into sacred, honored, respectful and appreciated soul connections. I cannot say enough about what Magnetic Receptivity did for me.”

~ Marda Sperber

“Guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of uplifted magnetic receptivity”

“Hillary’s angelic voice and deep soul connection serenely guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of uplifted magnetic receptivity. Her program helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing I so needed to open to receive a deeper self-love.”

~ Maryanne Roujie Co ~ Entrepreneur & Guiding Light

“I opened to more well-being, energy, abundance, self-loved and improved relationships through this course”

“I participate in every course Hillary offers because it is beyond worth my time and money to do so. There’s really something special about her natural abilities. She resonates as a healer and a mentor above anyone else I’ve come across in my long spiritual journey. Everyone who participates in her courses is blown away by their power! The added manual and audios are professionally put together as well. I opened to more well-being, energy, abundance, self-loved and improved relationships through this course. I highly recommend her and Magnetic Receptivity.”

~ Allison G

“Magnetic Receptivity helped me receive in more ways then I thought imaginable!”

““I can’t recommend Magnetic Receptivity enough, It is THE true foundation of healing the programming and past pain that keep you from receiving. It helped me to shift my consciousness from over giving and fear to anchor deeply into the frequency of worthiness to receiving more love, abundance. which made a huge shift in my relationships and my entire being. Magnetic Receptivity helped me receive in more ways then I thought imaginable!”

~ Shadi Feyz

Free Trial

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Discount : 83%

Total Package Value $888

FHTJ Special Offer $197

Special Pricing


Five 90 Minute Powerful Video Healing and Clearing Sessions


Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity Daily Ritual MP3

Guided Sleep Meditation with Binaural Beats MP3

LIMITED TIME BONUS 1: Divine Receptivity Kit



Discount: 83%

Total Package Value $1497

FHTJ Special offer


Five 90 Minute Powerful Video Healing and Clearing Sessions


Morning guided Magnetic Receptivity Daily Ritual MP3

Guided Sleep Meditation with Binaural Beats MP3

LIMITED TIME BONUS 1: Divine Receptivity Kit

30 Minute Personal Session with Hillary

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Package A & B: Refunds guarantee for 30 days conditions Apply

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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