First 5 People that Join Get a 1-1 Session with Hillary!

Experience the profound benefits of advanced healing within the Crystal Chambers through this exclusive 12-week Certification program with Hillary Faye live on Zoom.

Watch Hillary's Energy Healing Call Below to Discover if Now is the Time to Step into Your Role as a Healer!

Activate & Maximize Your Healing Capabilities While Attracting More Clients By Learning These Unique Transformational Healing Techniques.

This one-of-a-kind Crystal Chamber Galactic Healing Academy is being offered for the first time on Earth!

Embark on a journey of nurturing your intuitive healing abilities with cosmic light and guidance.

Empower your healing tool kit and experience the profound benefits of Arcturian advanced healings within the Crystal Chambers through this exclusive 12-week Certification program with Hillary Faye live on Zoom.

Healing begins with YOU.

You will receive nourishing upgrades that will replenish your energy while being empowered and equipped to hold space for others to heal. This galactic way of healing recharges you!

Learn how to be a space holder working with teams of light within the Crystal Chamber with ease for the highest healing and greatest good of yourself and all.

You will be trained to offer one-on-one sessions and group healings/clearings/activations and more.

These galactic healing techniques that you will be certified in, are grounded in what humanity needs the most support with right now and over the decades to come including...

Healing past trauma...

Unwinding the nervous system...

Balancing stress and hormones...

Clearing the biofield (aura)...

And much more!

This is an opportunity to strengthen your soul knowledge from the Cosmic Realms as you learn how to hold healing space for yourself and others with more ease, support, light and transformation.

The story behind this cosmic certification program and your guides…

For over a decade, Hillary Faye has trained, certified and mentored over 3000 energy healers.

Hillary has been channeling the Crystal Chamber Galactic Healing Academy Certification Program over the past fourteen months from the Arcturian Star Beings.

The Arcturians are deeply dedicated to their mission to help humanity clear, heal and ascend.

They are a collective of highly loving and joyful star beings from the Bootes star constellation with 9th to 12th-dimensional consciousness and are considered the most advanced extraterrestrial civilization in the Milky Way Galaxy.

They are one with a light of Source and are fully aligned in Divine service.

We are making the harmonic light of the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers available to you on demand because we see how humanity is suffering and want you to have access to our advanced frequency healing.

Arcturian Crystal Chamber Master Healers

Check Out What Hillary's Clients Have to Say About Her Work

“This course helped me truly anchor in the 5D energies and align in my ascension.”

“I have taken many courses of Hillary's and this one was one of my favorites.

The attunements were incredible as well as her morning and evening meditations.

This course helped me truly anchor in the 5D energies and align in my ascension. It was more than I was hoping for.

Highly recommended for anyone looking to expedite their spiritual growth in the most loving way”

~ Anthony V

“I feel like I have reclaimed to my true essence.”

“I felt the healing changes to my physical, emotional, energetic, mental bodies as well as my heart and soul. I feel like I have reclaimed to my true essence. These upgrades, Attunements and teachings are so pure and uplifting that I feel every cell in my body has realigned with my soul! I feel like my true self for the first time in my life.”

~ Sara M

“Helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing”

“Hillary’s angelic voice and deep soul connection serenely guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of pure healing. Her program helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing I so needed to open to align with self-love which I have learned is a cornerstone to my 5th dimensional ascension path. I learned how fun and liberating ascension can be!”

~ Maryanne R

“I saw big changes in my work, my energy, and my relationships as I came home to my true self and feel my fifth dimensional Light-body activated in my physical form.”

“Hillary resonates as a healer and a mentor above anyone else I’ve come across in my long spiritual journey. Everyone who participates in her courses is blown away by their power! The added manual and audios are professionally put together as well and powerful! Everything in 5D Initations is easy to use, well organized, filled with so much light and intention and something that I will be coming back to again and again!

I saw big changes in my work, my energy, and my relationships as I came home to my true self and feel my fifth dimensional Light-body activated in my physical form.

My heart feels more open, my mind feels more clear and I feel more emotionally balanced. I highly recommend 5D initiations!!! It is empowering!”

~ Allison G


Hillary Faye has been a teacher of teachers for over a decade.

Through years of deep inner healing and learning how to love herself unconditionally, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same.

For over 18 years Hillary has dedicated her life to the path of healing and has now taught and trained over a thousand heart-centered alchemists, yoga and meditation teachers, energy healers, and intuitive coaches.

In past lives, Hillary has been a high priestess in the Hathor Temple in Ancient Egypt and a teacher in Atlantis. She channels deep soul knowledge and unconditional love into the 5D Initiations and everything she puts out into the world.

Hillary is ready to share her knowledge of these extraordinary healing methods with you, which have produced remarkable outcomes.

Hillary Faye provided 267 one-on-one crystal chamber healing sessions in 2023 and learned advanced healing methodologies from the Arturians as well as how to anchor galactic healing frequencies

These healings include...

  • Crystal Chamber Healing
  • Ceremonial Healing
  • Nervous System Regeneration
  • Hormone Harmonizer
  • Aura Repair + Energy Revitalization
  • Quantum Frequency Healing
  • Quantum Timeline Harmonizer for healing past trauma and much more

The time for healing is now.

The Crystal Chamber Galactic Healing Academy is your gateway to cosmic wisdom, personal ascension and profound healing.

Our Star Guides, including the Arcturians and Pleiadeans, have been through the ascension process and are showing us how to align ourselves with our true divine nature and live from our highest purpose.

Now more than ever, cosmic healing is available to help empower yourself and others to align with balance and well-being.

First 5 People that Join Get a 1-1 Session with Hillary!

Benefits of Joining the Healing Academy

Through this program, you will call in more light and maximize your healing capabilities and attract more clients by learning these unique transformational healing techniques.

The specific healing methodologies are not taught anywhere else and will help you stand out, attract more clients, and bring true healing to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

Each healing technique below will provide you with comprehensive training and experience live on Zoom, lifetime access to the replays, comprehensive PDF handouts for each module, plenty of opportunities to ask questions, time for practice sessions, and more! This 12-week program will be taught live on Zoom by Hillary Faye.

What will The Healing Academy do for You?

Galactic Wisdom Integration:

Unlock cosmic wisdom and align with your true divine nature.

Through the guidance of star beings like the Arcturians and Pleiadeans, this program empowers individuals to integrate galactic wisdom into their healing practices.

Learn to live from your highest purpose, align with balance, and become a conduit for transformative energies.

Quantum Healing Mastery:

Master advanced cosmic healing techniques not taught anywhere else.

Gain certification in exclusive healing methodologies, including accessing crystal chambers, ceremonial healing, and quantum frequency healing.

Learn to channel galactic energies and light language, offering a unique and powerful approach to emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

Holistic Nervous System Regeneration:

Experience a profound nervous system regeneration for deep healing.

Responding to humanity's call for healing, the Arcturians guide participants in recalibrating and realigning the nervous system.

This module addresses various aspects, including the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, vagus nerve, and somatic nervous system, offering rejuvenation and transformation.

Balanced Hormones and Emotional Harmony:

Restore hormonal balance and emotional harmony for holistic well-being.

The Hormone Harmonizer Healing Process clears emotional, mental, cellular, and physical debris, restoring balance.

With a bonus audio program, participants learn to optimize gland function, ensuring restorative sleep, immune supercharge, stress unwinding, and more.

Aura Repair and Quantum Timeline Harmonizer:

Rejuvenate your vitality, strengthen your divine connection, and heal past memories.

Learn the intricate process of repairing the seven layers of the aura, safeguarding against energy depletion and unwanted influences.

The Quantum Timeline Harmonizer offers a specific process to revisit and heal past memories, anchoring individuals into higher timelines of harmony and love.

Why You Need the Healing Academy:

Advanced Cosmic Healing Techniques:

If you're looking to elevate your healing practice and stand out in the field, the Crystal Chamber Galactic Healing Academy offers advanced cosmic healing techniques that are not available elsewhere.

Gain certification in accessing crystal chambers, working with galactic energies, and mastering quantum healing methods.

This program equips you with unique skills to address emotional, physical, and mental well-being, allowing you to offer transformative healing experiences to your clients.

Holistic Well-being and Personal Ascension:

For individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to personal growth, well-being, and spiritual ascension, this program is a gateway to cosmic wisdom.

Guided by star beings like the Arcturians and Pleiadeans, you'll integrate galactic wisdom into your life, align with your true divine nature, and live from your highest purpose.

The transformative healing modalities provided support your personal ascension journey, helping you achieve balance and alignment with the cosmic energies.

Unique Specializations in Nervous System, Hormones, and Aura Repair

If you're struggling with issues related to the nervous system, hormonal imbalances, or energy field disruptions, this program addresses these specific concerns with specialized modules.

The Nervous System Regeneration module offers deep healing for various aspects of the nervous system.

The Hormone Harmonizer Healing Process provides solutions for hormonal balance and emotional harmony.

The Aura Repair and Energy Revitalization module teaches specific healing frequencies to rejuvenate vitality and strengthen the aura's seven layers.

By enrolling in this program, you gain expertise in addressing these critical areas, enhancing your ability to support both yourself and your clients.

The specific healing methodologies are not taught anywhere else and will help you stand out, attract more clients, and bring true healing to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

Each healing technique below will provide you with comprehensive training and experience live on Zoom, lifetime access to the replays, comprehensive PDF handouts for each module, plenty of opportunities to ask questions, time for practice sessions, and more!

This 12-week program will be taught live on Zoom by Hillary Faye.

Classes Begin Thursday, February 8th at 7:30 PM Eastern Time and Run for 12 Weeks.

Healings and Modules You will be Certified in Include:

  • Accessing Crystal Chambers & Ceremonial Healing:
  • Intuitive Expansion:
  • Quantum Frequency Healing + Light Language:
  • Nervous System Regeneration
  • Hormone Harmonizer
  • Etheric Surgery & Clearings
  • Bio Field Aura Repair + Energy Revitalization
  • Healing Past Memories with the Quantum Timeline Harmonizer

First 5 People that Join Get a 1-1 Session with Hillary!

Accessing Crystal Chambers & Ceremonial Healing

  • Learn how to access and call in the light of the most advanced healing technology in the galaxy - the Arcturian crystal chambers. The crystal chambers offer a harmonic space that provides a sanctuary from humanity’s ups and downs. As part of the ascension process, humans are becoming more harmonic as the crystalline DNA is activated. The crystal chambers support this process and will help you heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The harmonic light aids your personal ascension by helping you clear the energies of other people and helps you return to coherence or harmonic resonance.
  • Learn how to access the chambers for yourself, and how to anchor the light of the chambers in sessions with others.
  • Learn how to conduct ceremonial healing so that you can work with a healing team of light including the star beings: Arcturians, Pleidians, Andromedians, Lyrans as well as Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angels, Animal Spirit Guides and more.
  • How to offer healing for others as a space holder knowing the teams of light will be holding space and offering the healing with you.

Intuitive Expansion

  • Learn how to clear and keep the divine channels clear for yourself and others.
  • Learn how to read energy and receive intuitive guidance from the teams of light you work within your sessions.
  • How to test intuitive guidance including muscle testing.
  • This module is pivotal because it helps you clear your psychic channels and keep them clear so that you can be a conduit of the highest, cosmic healing energies and help others with their intuitive gifts!

Quantum Frequency Healing + Light Language

  • Master the art of working with quantum and galactic energies to call in specific frequencies for emotional, physical and mental healing.
  • Learn the specific process to tap into the quantum field of oneness and unity consciousness where you can channel the specific energies that you may need for your highest healing, or that a client may need for their highest healing
  • Learn how to work with the starlight and the star guides, galactic healing frequencies, while also being able to work with all of the healing energy of Mother Earth, the angelic realm, and more.
  • Learn how to channel galactic light language, which are multidimensional healing codes of light.

Nervous System Regeneration

In this module, the Arcturians are responding to humanity’s call for deep healing and want to help us realign and balance our nervous systems.

  • Learn the Nervous System Regeneration Healing, process within the Crystal Healing Chamber session to bring deep healing to different aspects of the nervous system.
  • Parasympathetic NS Reset: Soften into rest, digest and heal mode
  • Sympathetic NS Recalibration: This healing is a powerful recalibration of your sympathetic nervous system which will help you and your clients have more energy, vitality, and focus.
  • Vagus Nerve Recalibration: When the vagus nerve is out of balance, it throws the breath and heart rate out of coherence and can cause chronic pain and mental imbalances. The Arcturians want to help you upgrade this crucial component of your nervous system.
  • Somatic Nervous System Healing: Healing the roots of physical pain

BONUS: This module also includes the Arcturian Nervous System Program with six powerful, professionally recorded audios that offer a rejuvenating transformation physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

Hormone Harmonizer

Hormones affect all aspects of our being, and an imbalanced hormonal system can result from holding onto old stress, trauma, programs, and limiting beliefs.

The Crystal Chamber Hormone Harmonizer Healing Process helps clear emotional, mental, cellular, and physical debris to restore balance and anchor in a new way of living in deeper congruence and wholeness.

You will learn the healing below but also receive the BONUS: Crystal Chamber Hormone Harmonizer eight part audio program including:

  • Pineal Decalcification for Restorative Sleep
  • Pituitary and Hypothalamus Master Gland Harmonizer
  • Thyroid Optimization for Metabolic Renewal
  • Thymus Recalibration for Immune Supercharge
  • Adrenal Resilience and Stress Unwind
  • Pancreatic Restoration for Sweet Balance
  • Ovarian Rhythm Reboot for Hormonal Harmony
  • Testosterone Balancing for Optimal Sex Drive and Motivation

Etheric Surgery & Clearings

  • Master the Techniques to Remove Negative Energies to Promote Healing.
  • Learn how to clear unsupportive or unuseful energies (implants/cords/attachments/etc.) from the energy field to support yourself and others in the highest way.

Bio Field Aura Repair + Energy Revitalization

There are seven layers to the aura or Biofield, and when the energy field is not strong, or there are interferences, it can have a bigger effect on the physical body, mental body and emotional body.

  • Learn the healing process to rejuvenate and energize your vitality.
  • Maintain a clear energy channel, and strengthen your divine connection—all while safeguarding against energy depletion, boundary breaches, and unwanted negative influences.
  • Learn the specific healing frequencies that will repair each of the seven layers of the aura to keep it strong and protected.

BONUS: Aura Repair 8 Part Audio Program including:

  • Etheric Reset Activation (MP3)
  • Emotional Body Layer Recalibration Activation (MP3)
  • Highest Mental Body Clarity Activation (MP3)
  • Astral Body Layer Harmonizer Activation (MP3)
  • Divine Light & Protection for your Etheric Template Layer (MP3)
  • Replenish and Fortify your Celestial Body Activation (MP3)
  • Ketheric Template Cleanse and Protection Activation (MP3)
  • Seven Layers of Energetic Protection Activation (MP3)

Healing Past Memories with the Quantum Timeline Harmonizer

It's common for individuals to have memories from their past that cause emotional pain, distrust, anger, or distress. The quantum timeline harmonizer process offers a specific process that enables people to revisit, heal and process these memories without reliving the trauma. This allows individuals to heal past experiences that left them with painful memories. Through this process, you reclaim and integrate a part of yourself into a higher timeline of harmony and love, offering a unique opportunity for mental healing and growth.

Module 10 and 11 will focus on the quantum timeline harmonizer and there will be plenty of time for practice sessions! This is an invaluable healing to use on yourself and your clients for immense transformation. 

What you receive in the healing academy...

  • 12 live, deeply healing, and empowering 90-minute to 2-hour training Zoom sessions with Hillary Faye, a master teacher with over a decade of experience.
  • PDF workbook for each module to support you in learning each healing.
  • Three transformative bonuses: Aura Repair, Nervous System Regeneration, and the Hormone Harmonizer audio programs. (value $1185)
  • Lifetime access to the meditations and replays. The program is designed with flexibility in mind, offering recorded sessions for your convenience. Consider this an investment in your long-term well-being—every session contributes to your growth at a pace that suits your life.

Ready to Elevate Your Healing Journey and Dive into the Cosmic Realms? 

Secure Your Spot in the Crystal Chamber Advanced Healing Academy Now!

SAVE $1000 NOW!

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $2997

Early Bird Offer: $1997

Pay In 4 Option Available At Checkout

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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No refunds after the program begins.

Check Out What Hillary's Clients Have to Say About Her Work

“Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways”

“I absolutely loved the attunements, the exercises, and the meditations in 5D Initations - they are life changing. The morning and evening meditations are absolutely divine!!! Falling asleep to Hillary’s voice every night is something that I have become very addicted to, honestly I’m not even sure I could fall asleep without her anymore. It’s the most soothing lullaby that also serves as a powerful tool for growth. Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways.” -

~ Melissa V

“Learning anything from Hillary is very powerful!”

"Hillary is such a incredible person that just being in her presence and learning anything from her is very powerful."

~ Meaghan Sittler

“Hillary is a wealth of knowledge!”

"Hillary is a wealth of knowledge, love and an inspiration to everyone who gets the chance to learn from her."

~ Angela Brutto

“Hillary has helped me live the life of my dreams!”

"Hillary has been my guide and my greatest teacher of all. She helped me start living the life of my dreams!"

~ Sara Sanguino

SAVE $1000 NOW!

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $2997

Early Bird Offer: $1997

Pay In 4 Option Available At Checkout

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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No refunds after the program begins.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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