Dawn Crystal – World Respected “Voice” Sound Energy Healer – Brings frequencies from the creator to help you navigate PMS, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, weight management, and more… with greater ease, vitality and joy.

Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Dawn.

"OMG!!!! I Absolutely Mp3s! It is magic and it works without any medical procedures!!! Blessings Always" ~ Candace (IL).

“Dawn is the Real Deal!!!! She is a Gifted Healer with Many Healing Abilities to Heal your Aches & Pains Fast!!!" ~ Kathy

"Dawn is a Pioneer on the Fore-Front of Future Healing on this Planet Earth! She is definitely a Blessing from the Creator!! Love you so much for your healing work! Your an Angel! Love" ~ Patti

“I Love the Mp3s, I can actually feel my fat melting Away!" ~ Tina

"I feel the Powerful Sound Vibrations from Source when I listen to the mp3's! They make me feel so Awesome & I can feel them working." ~ Julus

“I have experienced Anti Aging for several weeks and recently purchased your facelift. Amazing results ... but as my boyfriend is experiencing both Anti Aging and the pain Package. Thank you for being here for us, Dawn" ~ Mahalo

"I am so incredibly grateful for this transformation and the session. I don't think I have ever felt so 'seen'. To say you have changed my life for the better would be a meager understatement.Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" ~ DP.

“Wow! I am seeing the weight melt off and it's only been a week!" ~ Michael

"I can feel the Powerful Energy working through the recordings Everytime I listen. I am so grateful. Thanks!" ~ Liz

“I Absolutely love the bonus mp3!!! I listened to this before my class reunion and everyone thought I looked so Age-Less!!! Thank you Dawn! You are magical..." ~ Bree S

Hormones play a huge role in the ups and downs of our health and happiness.

If you’re a woman, you have had to deal with a “hormonal issue” at some point in your life… Whether it was coping with your first menstrual cycle, handling issues around getting (or not getting) pregnant, or if you’re a bit older, the dreaded “Hot Flash”.

Our monthly “dance with hormones” is an integral part of our lives, and it is something that affects each of us differently.

  • Some of us suffer from severe abdominal pain on our cycles.
  • Some of us have mood swings.
  • ​Some of us have difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Some of us sail through menopause. While others suffer from severe hot flashes or migraines.
  • some experience bloating and water gain.
  • Some experience sagging skin.
  • Some experience age spots or pregnancy mask.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine often has a “one-size-fits-all” solution that can leave many of us without the help we seek.

Over the years, Dawn came to realize medical protocols that are supposed to make people better often make you worse.


  • A lot of women’s and even men’s hormones don’t always follow the rules.
  • Have you had issues with a fluctuating “Thyroid” and your weight follows?
  • ​Have you taken natural remedies or over the counter medicines that make your “PMS” worse or not help at all?

The Result…

Energetic Hormone Balancing is a tested method that Dawn has used not only to improve her own life but to improve the lives of thousands of women around the World.

These healing energies offer POWERFUL frequencies that can help your body function at its best!

These energy frequencies are precise and effective and completely natural as opposed to medication or surgery.

They can be used and are available 24/7, and can be used over and over again….

When you need them most!

Join Dawn’s Clients Who Have Balanced Their Hormones and THRIVED!

“Dawn’s remote healing gave me so much joy, energy and a sense of fearlessness!”

“I purchased Dawn’s program which included a 30 day remote healing and I want to testify that I felt a tremendous amount of joy, energy, a strong sense of fearlessness, AND my husband let me have his credit card for the whole week and that NEVER happens!! Dawn is one of the most authentic, loving, powerful healers on the planet!! God Bless you Dawn!!!”

~ Mary

“My energy has increased 100% after one week!”

“I Love how powerful these modules are and short activations. I used to suffer from Fatigue, but my Energy has increased 100% in only one week listening to this program. I recommend this to Everyone because it REALLY Works!!! :)”

~ Sasha (Europe)

“My redness and bruising from surgery is healed!”

“Wow!!! This program healed my Redness and Bruising after my Surgery. I am so amazed that I don't even see any Scars!!!”

~ Nancy B

“I am sleeping like a baby!”

“I have had Insomnia most of my Life and after listening within a few days I sleep like a baby throughout the whole night. Thank-you so Much”

~ Ryan H..(NY)

“I am off my antidepressants!”

“Dawn Crystal is a beautiful soul , humble and dedicated to her gifts she brings to the world.

When I first came across her work, she appeared too magical for me, like she was promising more than what was possible. But after working with her and her mp3's for about 6 months now- I can tell you I am off my antidepressants ( which has been a 20 year battle) and I am feeling better everyday. I am looking forward to creating a bright life and I did not think that was possible.

I would say if your soul led you to Dawn, its time to get healed.

~ Gerri

“I’ve lost 10 lbs!”

“Amazing!!! I lost 10 Lbs! I have always been a little overweight and I finally found my Miracle Cure! Thank-you”

~ Ann Marie (Ontario)

It's Time to Naturally & Effectively Balance Your Hormones

For almost every health condition a woman faces, hormonal imbalances are in the foreground or in the background, and energy medicine can help you dance with your hormones more effectively and gracefully than we in the western world have been taught.

Energy Medicine to Balance Your Hormones shows you how to become a Partner with your own energies and hormones, your hormones naturally follow and support you.

Total Package Value $1300

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Early Bird Price: $177

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after the remote healing takes place.

Here's what you get in this Package


30 Days Remote Hormone Balance Healing!

Over the next 30 days, you receive powerful quantum energy healing directly from the highest level of Divine energy from Source!

Dawn will specifically customize this quantum energy to balance your hormones and rejuvenate your DNA cells to amplify your youth and vitality for ANYONE looking to live a Longer Healthier Life!

This is tailored to your unique needs so that your healing will be maximized.

Dawn will target and heal a specific body part, energy layer, disease, illness, or problem area that is causing your cells to deteriorate and age the wrong way!

The healing quantum energy is sent 24/7...

That means your cells are being rejuvenated NON-STOP, even while you’re sleeping!

You’ll wake up feeling invigorated, and looking into the mirror to find a more radiant glow on your face and more sculpted body.

Dawn works from the inside out by upgrading...

Your DNA...

The cells of your body...

Your complete genetic codes!

Say goodbye to lack of energy, extra weight, anti-aging products, and more!

Save money & live a better life with a healthier and younger version of you, no matter your age!

With this AMAZING remote healing, you’ll not only look feel beautiful...
You’ll have more confidence as you fall in love with yourself all over again.

With this natural hormone balancing solution, you’ll have friends, families, and colleagues complimenting you and dying to know how you seem so youthful!

Best of all, you don’t have to do a thing...

...just sit back and receive this potent quantum energy healing.

Dawn uses remote healing techniques so you don’t have to lift a finger.

The more open you are, the greater the results – and you can start seeing it in MINUTES!

  • Some of us suffer from severe abdominal pain on our cycles.
  • Some of us have mood swings.
  • ​Some of us have difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Some of us sail through menopause. While others suffer from severe hot flashes or migraines.
  • some experience bloating and water gain.
  • Some experience sagging skin.
  • Some experience age spots or pregnancy mask.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine often has a “one-size-fits-all” solution that can leave many of us without the help we seek.

Over the years, Dawn came to realize medical protocols that are supposed to make people better often make you worse.


Adrenal Fatigue

  • Regain and maintain your energy througout the day.
  • Clear stress.
  • Energy System Reboot.
  • Re-energize & align your complete Energy System.
  • For Women & Men


Happy Hormones!

  • Ease PMS.
  • Ease mood swing.
  • Balance prosestrone & Testosterone levels.
  • Inflammation reduction.
  • Set a New Thermostat of youth hormones!
  • Bring in more youth hormones!
  • For Women & Men


Healthy tight Radiant Skin

  • Strengthen Crepy Skin
  • Reduce Wrinkles
  • Reduce Age spots & Freckles
  • Reduce Appearance of Veins
  • Strengthen & tone skin on the Face & Hands
  • Youth Elixir!!!
  • For Women & Men


Hot Flashes - Be gone!

  • Ease hot flashes for past and pre menopause.
  • Clear negative belief systems.
  • Complete system re-balance!
  • Increase Youth Stem Cells!
  • Heart Rebalance
  • Full Brain Rebalance
  • For Women & Men



  • Stimulate the production of thyroid hormones which can help your mood and more.
  • Thyroid - gland Rejuvenation.
  • Complete balancing.
  • Alleviate Mood Swings.
  • For Women & Men


Sleep peacefully

  • Clear anxiety & depression.
  • Clear the unconscious mind chatter.
  • A complete energy detox.
  • A complete divine energy Cleansing!
  • Rejuvenate & Recalibrate for your next day!
  • For Women & Men


Perfect weight

  • End bring eating, emotional & stress eating.
  • End the " Weight" Plateau.
  • Liver & gallbladder Gut bloating reduction.
  • Clear the unconscious mind.
  • Clear unhealthy food choices.
  • Recalibrate your metabolism.
  • For Women & Men


Detox & Reboot

  • Let go of your stress of your day!
  • Let go and give back everyone else's energies.
  • Ground yourself to planet earth.
  • Bring yourself back to neutrality mental, emotional & physical energy.
  • Rebalance & Align your complete Energy system to perfect Health.
  • Liver Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Adrenal Cleanse, Gall bladder Cleanse.
  • For Women & Men

ITEM 10:

Breast Health

  • Relieve over/under sensitivity
  • Relieve Pain
  • Relieve Swelling
  • Relieve tenderness
  • Improve overall function
  • Relieve Pre & Menopausal aging symptoms.
  • Increase better circulation.
  • Improve Appearance
  • For Women & Men



Stress wreaks havoc on our hormones! This cause premature aging, health issues and yep…you guessed it, STRESS!

That’s why Dawn is including her Stress Be Gone Healing MP3 as a BONUS for joining her Balance Your Hormones Program!

Don’t miss out on this VERY IMPORTANT aspect of your hormone balancing and overall health!

Total Package Value $1300

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Early Bird Price: $177

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after the remote healing takes place.

Here Are Some Miraculous Transformation Stories Others Have Experienced After Working with Dawn

“Dawn got to the root of my issue and cleared so much during our 1-1 session!”

“I had an incredible 1 on 1 healing with Dawn. Dawn has a very clear & pure channel to source & an absolute delight to connect with. A beautiful soul filled with divine love & energy.

She works very fast & efficiently & was able to very quickly get to the root of the matter & cleared & healed alot for me in my 25min session.

She was able to clear many things I had taken on from my mother from my conception through to 9months in the womb - anxiety, fear, stress trauma etc and cut a lot of unhealthy ties & energy drains with my dad. It feels great to have my own power & energy back.

I felt so light & free afterwards & continue to do so and my interactions with my dad have been so much easier without the emotional charge.

Thank you and abundant blessings.”

~ Desleyxx

“I am grateful for Dawn!”

“I have purchased 3 of Dawns programs and had a session with her. I cannot encourage anyone enough to participate in her wonderful healing love and beautiful vibrations.

I felt so much energy and love from Source through her I was floating.

Speaking with her I felt as if I was talking to my long lost sister. She is a beautiful wonderful, truly loving lady. I am grateful that she shares her beautiful gift with us. I am grateful she has helped me remove my blocks. Many Blessings”

~ Shawn H.

“I am not so tired!”

“Dawn did an excellent job at moving the energy. At times I felt laughter and other times I felt like crying.

I do find myself getting more stuff done and especially not being so tired. I really enjoy her modules as they are short and to the point. I find myself practicing opening my chakras and grounding as I'm drifting off to sleep. Thank you very much Dawn!!!!”

~ Carrie

“I am grateful for Dawn!”

“I have purchased 3 of Dawns programs and had a session with her. I cannot encourage anyone enough to participate in her wonderful healing love and beautiful vibrations.

I felt so much energy and love from Source through her I was floating.

Speaking with her I felt as if I was talking to my long lost sister. She is a beautiful wonderful, truly loving lady. I am grateful that she shares her beautiful gift with us. I am grateful she has helped me remove my blocks. Many Blessings”

~ Shawn H.

“I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees!”

“Dawn Crystal is a pure channel, meaning she is egoless in her work. She fully allows Source to move through her to clients unobstructed and unaltered by any human ego mind distortions. I found myself fully able to trust and therefore open fully to Source Energies.

The next morning I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees. Not only is my body healing, but the healing ripples from body up through my human mind, clearing out distorted thoughts, beliefs, mental constructs that caused the physical 'dis-ease' initially.

I loved working with Dawn. She is so True and Pure in her work, her intentions and heart. I am so grateful for her assisting me in finding the 'light' I could not identify alone.”

~ Kathy

“My clothes aren’t as tight and my thighs are more toned!!”

“I am using the Energetic Total Body Sculpting Mp3 for about a week now. I have noticed that my clothes are not feeling so tight. I have also noticed my thighs are looking more toned. Thank you Dawn!”

~ Alicia W (TX)

“I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks listening to Dawn’s MP3”

“I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks listening to Dawn’s MP3 I have tried every diet out there any nothing has ever worked for me. I was pleasantly surprised to try this and I can't believe that the results happened so fast! Thank you Dawn for sharing your gifts!”

~ Lois V. (FL)

“Dawn has certainly helped lifting much burden from my shoulders.”

“I purchased all your energy downloads and have been playing them regularly since summer and I must say, they make me feel at peace and full of optimism.

We also had two one on one session which I enjoyed immensely. My life has become more of experiencing trust and lightness which I am so very grateful for. You certainly have helped lifting much burden from my shoulders. Thank you so very much for your immense support!

May the light guide you at all times, always, much love”

~ Christina (London)

“I am loving my body and losing inches!”

“I am Loving my body after listening to Dawn’s MP3. I work out less now and I still eat the same but I am Losing Inches all Over!!!Love everything Dawn puts out!”

~ Silvia L (TX)

Don't Miss This Add On at Check Out!

Add On Available At Checkout

25 Minute Session with Dawn Crystal
(only 12 available!)

  • Are you suffering from a long-standing issue that you can’t seem to resolve?
  • Are you tired of having to put up with pain and suffering but don’t know what to do?
  • Do you want to take your quantum energy healing to the next level?

In this 25-minute POWER session, you’ll get one-on-one quantum energy healing from Dawn.

During this session, you’ll receive a high intensity healing specifically targeted to any area and fully transmute its negative energies.

Don’t miss out on this RARE opportunity to work directly with Dawn and skyrocket yourself onto a life-changing transformation!

Here Are Some Miraculous Transformation Stories Others Have Experienced After Working with Dawn

“My first private session with Dawn Crystal had a profound impact on how I feel.”

“I'd had other energy clearing before her, but none got to such a deep level. She restored the energy that had been drained away from me and I could sense and feel my own energy for the first time.

Since then I've been using the meditations every morning. It's a beautiful, easy, and relaxing way to start my day! Thank you!”

~ JM, Maryland

“I totally look younger!”

“I totally look younger!! Dawn isn't kidding about the facelift! Thank you for the generous clearing… nice bonus!”

~ Mary from (Michigan)

“My Face Is Now Glowing, My Sugar Cravings Are Reduced Considerably… And My Hair Is Thicker AND Shinier!!! Absolutely LOVE Your Programs!!!”

“Dawn’s anti-aging work has been AMAZING!! I had only heard the mp3 once and my sister-in law commented on how my face was glowing! She couldn't stop going on about it and I had not even told her anything about your program, so she had absolutely no idea that I was listening to your mp3!

Also I have noticed that my sugar cravings have reduced considerably!

The other amazing thing that has happened while listening to your hair, skin and nails mp3… I felt tingling on my scalp almost like little ants crawling on my head. Not a joke, my hair is considerably thicker and shinier... and this too after just listening to your mp3 only once! Absolutely love your programs! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!”

~ MC (Australia)

“I Released So Much… My Body Is Still Processing All The Energy!”

“Wow, what an intense session that was! My body was rocking and rolling and releasing so much! I feel like I'm still processing, and I haven't been feeling well (anxious, etc). Thank you so much!”

~ Jeannie

“I Was Able To Clear & Shift Stagnant Energy That Was Hindering Certain Areas Of My Life For OVER 10 Years!!!”

“Dawn Crystal's healing energy is amazing!

She helped me clear and shift blocked energy that kept me stagnated in certain areas of my life for more than 10-years. In less than 2 months of working with Dawn Crystal, my life was transformed with ease and grace! Dawn is a gifted healer. Step into her world and prepare for your transformation.”

~ Sandy O.

“My Skin Is Softer, Rough Patch On My Chin GONE And My Nails Are Finally Growing! Back And Shoulder Pain Disappeared Too! Oh Yeah, And My Energy Levels Are Way Up!”

Overnight my nails were noticeably growing and within a week, the ridges have lessened. My skin is softer and a rough patch on my chin is nearly gone.

And my skin was glowing, like I had a light bulb inside of me! The winter depression has also lessened, and I was able to attend a family function that for years I had not gone to.

My energy levels are up, which isn’t usual for this time of year… coughing and wheezing has lessened; almost gone now! Back and shoulder pain disappeared too! Well worth the price! And this was all within two weeks!”

~ Alice

“Dawn Was Right On The Money... I Feel So Much Lighter After This Clearing!”

“Thank you so very much for the session… it was right on the money, and I really appreciate everything you did to clear me. I am feeling much lighter, and you really pinpointed some issues for me. I look forward to working with you again! Take care.”

~ Jennie

“I Finally Started Losing Weight… 4 Pounds In Just TWO Days!!! This Is Amazing Because Nothing Else Had Worked For Me!!!”

“I had an issue with being overweight all my freaking life, no matter how hard I tried, no other specialised healer could facilitate healing for me(results) and I knew I had to keep looking. I cannot say this enough, but I am so thankful and blessed I came across Dawn. She was who I needed!
Dawn is a powerful and ever so humble healer. I am in awe and I totally recommend her! Needless to say, the first two days after her 30 minute clearing and a 2 minute mini healing... I lost 4 pounds which I wasn't able to shed even with two week's worth of the strictest diets!

I am not exaggerating… these were real results in just two days! If you haven't booked a session with her yet, Go for it! You won't regret it and your time won't be wasted!”

~ Jana Boer

“Remarkable Difference In My Skin Immediately After My Session… Men Started Noticing Me And Smiling At Me… Such An Exciting And Wonderful Feeling!”

“Immediately after my session with Dawn I had to leave and go to the shops… and I had men noticing me today and smiling at me! I have so much energy and sense of excitement! I couldn't believe it, as I was depleted and my face looked horrible before I spoke to you.

What a wonderful change... can't wait for what's next in my life! Loads of love and thank you!”

~ Suki

“I Feel So Much More Energized After The Wonderful Clearing Dawn Did For Me!”

“Thank you for a wonderful clearing!! I feel more energized, vital and regular. Thanks again! You are a blessing to the world! Peace, serenity and blessings!”

~ Christine (Canada)

“Mostly all the wrinkles on my face have disappeared and I look ten years younger”

“The Anti-aging works wonders!

Mostly all the wrinkles on my face have disappeared and I look ten years younger.

I am still working on the perfect weight part, my cravings are less, and I’m eating more fruits and vegetables. My skin is now very soft and I am glowing. I feel totally different. Thank you Dawn for being who you are today and for helping people, as we all deeply appreciate your work! Thank you so very much!!”

~ Caroline M.

“I love Dawns tonal activations!”

“I immediately felt tingles running up & down my body & a feeling of relaxation that was so peaceful. I listen to her tones 1st thing in the morning to get my day started off “ on the right foot” so to speak. I would recommend Dawn also because she is a really kind & generous person”

~ Jeri

“I sleep better, I feel better. I feel connected!”

“Dawn, I’ve tried quite a few different packages from different healers. Your Anti-aging MP3s are amazing!

When I am listening to them I can feel energy buzzing all around my body, especially at the top of my head.

After listening I feel out of space at the beginning, but later I feel more grounded. I sleep better, I feel better. I feel connected!

Your work is very important and much appreciated.

Much Aloha! And Blessings!”

~ Tatyana.

About Dawn Crystal

Dawn Crystal, An Internationally recognized Voice Sound Healer, A direct Channel to God the Creator, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author of "6'' Books (Pain Free Made Crystal Clear!, Fear Free Made Crystal Clear, Happiness Made Crystal Clear, Fatique Free Made Crystal Clear, Pet-Talk & Abundance Made Crystal Clear.) Is known as a LEADING TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERT incorporating ancient wisdom for modern day success.

Dawn is passionate about helping people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves, step into their full potential, and lead their lives and businesses in ways that align effectively with their souls’ purpose. 

Dawn helps her clients to release themselves quickly from pain, emotional and physical, and she has miracoulously healed many life threatening health conditions such as Cancers and unknown Illnesses that no medical treatment could Cure. She is an active mentor for entrepreneurs , CEO's and Celebrities helping everyone! Dawn is the "Go-To" person to get out of pain fast in Minutes! Dawn participates regularly on global Teleseminars, radio shows and podcasts .

Dawn was recently interviewed by the Today Show, Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, The View,etc. Since early "2017" Dawn has done a "Live" Bi-weekly program partnered at Learning Strategies Corporation called "Sound Healing/Silent Clearings".

Dawn’s unique sound healing CD has been purchased by clients around the globe, and she is available on both phone and Skype, as well as teleseminars.

Dawn lives on Maui with her adorable animal companions.

Total Package Value $1300

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Early Bird Price: $177

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after the remote healing takes place.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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