2024 is the Year of the Light Body.
That means new experiences of time.
New desires, new creations, and a host of physical and metaphysical “Upgrades.”
This is the year of our Cosmic Design and Alignment with our Celestial Templates – ie Our True Sacred Structure and Purpose, Our Passion, and Our Most Expanded, Living Truth. This Energy is set to Help us Activate and Access the Pinnacles of Pure Consciousness, and most importantly, to MANIFEST as we Ascend into this Divine Energy through the Totality of Our Energy Bodies.
Throughout 2024, there will be Brand-New Peaks of Flow, as we cast off the lower or no longer needed frequencies and enter into Pure Source Consciousness.
Receptivity, and Sincere Clarity will Bring Epiphany after Epiphany, as Life is Transforms through Discernment and Profound, Deep Self Love.
As 2024 is The Year of The Light Body Integrations, I have channeled Brand-New tools and understandings which Open Us To All We Are as Divine and Sacred Beings – Information never before heard – to help bring more love, healing, money, and JOY into our lives, through cleansing, healing, opening, and integrating INTO our most Expanded Light Being and Bodies.
The First Step is a New Awareness and Understanding of How We Embody and Create Through, With, and As the Light.
2024, in many ways will be Life 2.0 – An Opportunity to Live in a New Way, with New Love, New Joy, New Discernment, Understanding, and CONNECTION to Your Deepest Held Desires, as The Kingdom Opens for those Willing To Enter.
Life 2.0 Brings New Waves of Creativity, Healing, Vitality, Prosperity, Understanding, and Joy.
Thus, in 2024, CCU – Conscious Creation University – Becomes CCU 2.0, with A Vast Array of New, Inspiring, Encouraging, Elevating, and Ascended Energies to Facilitate a Whole New Awakening Process as we Metamorphose into ALL We Have Ever Dreamed or Desired, so as to Delight in Life, to Delight in Love, to BE Blissfully and Euphorically in our Bodies, while FULLY Flowing as One Accord – Opening Our Entire Energy and Light Body to Merge as One.
This Year, CCU 2.0 is Your Ticket to Exhilaration, Enjoyment, and The Life You have ALWAYS Hoped for, Dreamed of, Desired, Imagined, and Envisioned Deep Within!
Total Package Value $17,495
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer: $1777
Save $600, Pay in Full, and Book Your Private Session TODAY!
Get Instant Access to all the Downloads as well as the Membership Site
or Payment Plan
Payment Plan is $400 upon purchase and $345 due at the beginning of every month starting March.
So March 1, April 1, May 1 and June 1
Amazing Shifts Occur When People Work With Jarrad!
“The magic keeps happening!!! This is the new normal .” ~ Charan Surdhar
“I was able to stop all meds except for 2 1/2 pills at bed. Jarrad, is a big reason for that.” ~ Susan B
“ I am now living life instead of just existing…” ~ DEBBIE,New Brunswick, Canada
“Excellent Investment guaranteed to make you feel so good & alive & energetically charged up” ~ Janat
“Two days after I signed up, $5,000.00 showed up in my savings account” ~ SHARI
“It feels miraculous to walk and dance again without crutches, pain-killers or major surgery” ~ CAROLYN
“I have never ever so profoundly and quickly shifted so much in my life” ~ MELISSA
“All I can say is OMG! This knocked my socks off!” ~ Mardi C
“In the last ten days while incorporating the information from these journeys my left knee has regained a new mobility that has resulted in my ability to climb with a full range of motion” ~ Caroline
“My salary was raised 50% today with an unexpected bonus from my company!” ~ Michelle
“I have never come close to feeling the activation of love and light on such a multi dimensional level!” ~ JENNIFER
“Despite many years of being on the path and using many modalities, a part of me that never received healing did!” ~ Sonja
“I got a call for another contract assignment making over double my current salary” ~ Nora B
“My work that I love doing has increased like never before! I have to turn down work because I have so many projects.” ~ Diana I
“I've never known anything like the shifts I've had in a few weeks with Jarrad” ~ Caroline T
“I feel like I am in love with myself” ~ Sandra
“The shift is delightful - and the sense of vitality and joyful love for each moment is magnificent !!!” ~ Meg
“I can SEE and FEEL the shifts almost immediately in my life and how I show up.” ~ Linda
Meet Jarrad Hewett
Jarrad Hewett is the #1 Best Selling author of four books, including his latest USA Today Best Seller, The Answer is Energy, Amazon's #1 Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation , The Gospel of You, and the International #1 Best Seller, The Big E — Everything Is Energy.
Jarrad is a multi-dimensional energy expert who specializes in visionary teaching and remote healing energy work that allows reconnection and healing at every level of being. He is a bridger of consciousness, an awakener of souls, and a catalyst for high level vibrational change that has brought about quantum growth, abundance, healing, and instantaneous change and manifestation in the lives of millions of clients across the globe.
The transformational energy he channels brings about change that goes far beyond the 3D reality and opens the self up to its truest and most connected experience of knowing Divine love at every level of being. His natural abilities to see and transmute all forms of energy have helped him bring about the highest forms of planetary evolution and spiritual awakening in the world today.
Jarrad has been heard on virtually every major network in America, including NBC, FOX, ABC, CMT, CBS, Warner Bros. discovery, HGTV and more, and was recently profiled on Australia's Studio 10 for his energetic abilities.
Are You Ready to Step Into a NEW REALITY?
This Experience will be Unlike ANY Other Phenomenon, Advancement, or Ascendency You Have EVER Experienced…
Join me, International Best-Selling Author and Energy Expert, Jarrad Hewett, in a One of a Kind Journey that has the Power and Potential to Change Everything FOREVER!
Whether You are New To Energy, or You’ve been practicing and Learning for Decades, This is Your Boarding Pass to Everything You’ve Ever Desired, beginning with…
Health, Abundance, Happiness...They All Transform With Jarrad's Work!
“I was able to stop all meds except for 2 1/2 pills at bed. Jarrad, is a big reason for that.”
“Jarrad is the real deal. I started listening to him when I had sciatic nerve pain which progressed due to continuous spasms from having Cerebral Palsy, and I'd become bedridden. The doctors couldn't do anything for me, I was on 22 pills, and a pain patch.
I bought his program, and when I would listen to his meditations, and journeys I could feel the healing power of Pure Spirit. Just listening my body would relax, my head would tingle, I would get warm.
Last November I was able to stop all meds except for 2 1/2 pills at bed. Jarrad, is a big reason for that.
Through him I started meditating and tapped into my inner being. Also, the community Jarrad has put together is not like anything else. It's unbelievable, and must be experienced to fully understand the level in which Jarrad delivers."
~ Susan B
“ I am now living life instead of just existing…”
“I have spent the last couple years, and thousands of dollars, purchasing program after program, searching for the answers, hoping and praying this is going to be the one, with no major break throughs until now.
My search is over and my life begins. Jarrad is the real deal!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am now living life instead of just existing… Forever grateful and grinning from ear to ear."
~ DEBBIE, New Brunswick, Canada
“Excellent Investment guaranteed to make you feel so good & alive & energetically charged up”
“I've been a Reiki practitioner and energy healer for years, and just three minutes into this first track felt like I'd just experienced hours of healing work!
I would highly recommend anyone who feels drawn to Jarrad's energy to go ahead & get it!
It's an Excellent Investment guaranteed to make you feel so good & alive & energetically charged up like an energizer bunny, that you can use for experiencing infinite energetic healing shifts in your mind, body, spirit, & soul's expansion for a lifetime.
Totally amazing!!"
“Two days after I signed up, $5,000.00 showed up in my savings account”
“Two days after I signed up, $5,000.00 showed up in my savings account totally unexpected. Nice way to begin this journey!! Thanks Jarrad!"
“I have never ever so profoundly and quickly shifted so much in my life”
“I have done years of work in this field and have never ever so profoundly and quickly shifted so much in my life.
Trust me it will be the greatest investment you can take for yourself and for those you love around you. Your life can be all you want it to be — I'm experiencing this myself first hand because of this program — and I know you can too!"
“It feels miraculous to walk and dance again without crutches, pain-killers or major surgery”
“This program has taught me to heal crippling bursitis in my left knee — and it feels miraculous to walk and dance again without crutches, pain-killers or major surgery.
The doctors are amazed at these results and I am empowered to move forward ~Thanks to Jarrad~ the Keys to Creation of Health and Joy and Choice are now in my hands!"
“All I can say is OMG! This knocked my socks off!”
“I listened to these tracks last night after having some real emotional lows and I wasn't sure what to expect. All I can say is OMG! It knocked my socks off! There wasn't a cell in my body that wasn't buzzing with energy and just sitting here writing about it I light up again!"
~ Mardi C
“In the last ten days while incorporating the information from these journeys my left knee has regained a new mobility that has resulted in my ability to climb with a full range of motion”
“Amazing things have happened in my life Energetically, Physically and Emotionally now that Jarrad's New Journeys have opened yet even more Doors.
Physically, aches and pains have simply disappeared. In the last ten days while incorporating the information from these journeys my left knee has regained a new mobility that has resulted in my ability to climb with a full range of motion — and actually run against an underwater current in 3 ft. of water. Emotionally, I am ecstatic to experience the joy of running again."
~ Caroline
Total Package Value $17,495
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $1777
Save $600, Pay in Full, and Book Your Private Session TODAY!
Get Instant Access to all the Downloads as well as the Membership Site
or Payment Plan
Payment Plan is $400 upon purchase and $345 due at the beginning of every month starting March.
So March 1, April 1, May 1 and June 1

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Featured Items Inside Conscious Creation University 2.0!
- A 30 Minute Private Session with Jarrad
- 20 Minutes Per Day of Remote Energy Work for 6 MONTHS
- Create Your Own 52 Week Vibrational Energy Track
- 28 All New Energy Journeys including the Breathe of the Divine
- All-New 28 MP3 Light Body Ascension Musical and Silent Energy Voyages
- Your Very Own Personal Energy/Bio Scan and Field Report WITH an accompanying Personal MP3 Frequency Track
- Two Special Calls, Video, and Live Events so that you can Learn to do this work for yourself or with clients!
- Your Own Individual, Personal Creation Formula and Ascended Light Body Symbol with Personal Light Language Activation
- 12! 60 Minute Live EXCLUSIVE Energy Retreats just for this group – with new techniques, new information, and so much more!
- 12 Extra Weekly Optional Calls for Q and A Only!
- CCU 2.0 High Vibes Cleansing Spray
- Newly Amplified Energy Journeys to Make this The Biggest Expansion Yet!
- An Entirely New Core Curriculum for the Energies of 2024!
And that's just the highlights....
Check Out Everything That's Included Below!
A Premium, Exclusive Opportunity to Have Your Very Own 30 Minute One-on-One Private Healing Session with Me, Jarrad!
Indulge in a uniquely transformative energy experience with one of the most compassionate and nurturing individuals on the planet, today, in a profoundly peaceful and love-filled, life-changing environment!
This extraordinary opportunity not only offers daily personalized coaching, healing, and significant growth, through the other modules of the program, but in one of the biggest gifts you could ever gift yourself and experience, CCU 2.0 also provides the space for a one-on-one Session with Jarrad, where we will start by immersing you in a space filled with Pure Divine Love and Nourishment from Source.
Experience an unparalleled, High-Level Energy Experience directly facilitated by Source, as you are guided through transmuting your deepest blocks and wounds, embracing your true nature, gifts, passions, and love, while opening to living your most expansive, creative, and Joy-Filled Life, in this exclusive, Private Connection.
**Private Sessions will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis upon registration.
These sessions are poised to be truly extraordinary, out of this world, and truly beyond compare!
Valued at $850.00
This remarkable experience is a near six month tour de creation if you sign up now – and will officially Kick-Off on March 5th with our first live, action packed call!
In addition, you will be supported throughout this entire transformative flow of Light with
Daily Energetic Support and Remote Energy Work – Starting at Sign Up!
Prepare to have daily baths of invigorating and cleansing frequencies delivered right to you, as Jarrad will be working each day to help you align, integrate, and shed whatever no longer serves, as you begin to reconnect with peace, love, and grace to your highest soul attunement and alignment, allowing a new vibrational calm, stillness, and sense of play to enter your daily life, which creates the space for release, healing, and miracles of ALL KINDS.
No matter where you are, these daily check-ins and tune-ups provide the perfect opportunity for complete immersion and optimal integration of these WONDERFUL New Energies!
The remote work will begin at 9 AM Pacific each day, as Jarrad goes to the space of Source Connection and Unity, just as he does on the calls, and he expands with you, to help you balance your emotions, cleanse your body, and release into the new energies and opportunities each day brings, in this all-new love immersion.
You’ve felt these Energies on Live Calls with Jarrad, as well as in the recorded Journeys, and Voyages, and now, in addition to everything you will be receiving on this vast journey of Self Care, Love, Healing, and Joy, you will have the addition of 20 minutes A DAY of this beautiful, supportive Energy, helping you to integrate into this new space and leave the old behind, as you heal, transform, and create your new loves and life.
This is your chance to have one of the most Amazing Experiences of your life… each and every day, beginning upon sign up!
These daily sessions serve as a catalyst for embracing wholeness and harmony while seamlessly integrating into this new space. They offer the opportunity to truly create from Your Pure Source and Experience the All-Encompassing Healing and Love which arises from this point of creation. Imagine the immense love, creation, healing, abundance, and miracles you can welcome into your life with these life-changing 20 minute remote sessions, every day, beginning as soon as you sign up!
I have found that these remote sessions help to liberate you from the grip of the reactive mind as well as alleviate fears or triggers around receiving health and wellness, prosperity, and helping you to open to flow in amazing new ways, as I will take time each day to scan your field and work diligently with your Higher Self to easily and joyfully integrate new energy arrays to help you create the life of joy and love you’ve always desired, while also removing genetic beliefs, blocks, or core data fields within your field, which may be holding you back – all the sticky thoughts or energy points where we get hung up in judgments or past experiences, while shielding you from collective influences and distractions, as well.
This beautiful daily work creates a space where peace, prosperity, miracles, healing, and abundance flourish.
In simple terms, this is a huge boost as you learn to manifest all you desire, from and through the space of Divine Love.
This daily flow of Source Consciousness and Loving Energy will facilitate rapid expansion and integration, allowing you to transcend stories and illusions, and embrace a state of joy, vitality, freedom, and creation, as you step into a new way of being.
Value $1200 for six months
Becoming The Ascended Light Body
As This is The Year of The Light Body and Our Time to Fully Step Into Flow and Mastery Through Loving, Healing, and Embracing Our Gifts, Prosperity, and Entire Being, Jarrad has Created a Beautiful New Series, complete with Journeys, Voyages, Video, and More, to help you Fully Integrate Your Light Self, While Transcending, Ascending, and Learning to Live as One with Source, in all You Are, and All You Do.
EXCLUSIVE TO CCU – Source has brought forward AN ENTIRE NEW CREATIVE, PEACE FILLED, CONNECTIVE EXPERIENCE – complete with 28 journeys, each with and without music for an entirely different experience, all covering the basic levels of thought and form, all the way out into blissful experiences of Unity Consciousness, where you can learn to receive answers to EVERY question, tune in to EVERY Lifetime, and Utilize Your Energy to Create New Fields of Data, Flow, and Manifestation.
Each Journey facilitates major breakthroughs and remarkable transformations in the physical and metaphysical quantum realms, allowing for expansion like we have never experienced!
This Series, channeled in as The Ascended Chakras of Light, move step by step through every energy center within physicality and out into our fields, to open, heal, cleanse, repair, release, transmute, and ultimately activate and unify our being, allowing ONENESS with the I AM PRESENCE and providing a map to multi-dimensional exploration and creation, in an all-new way!
We begin with an all-new
Introduction and Welcome Video for CCU 2.0!
This 20 minute video is an introduction to Energy Centers in and Out of the Physical Body, as well as a history of how and why we created these, what they do, and how we can open to and utilize these centers in our daily lives.
This also serves to help you understand how we open to new frequency spectrums and why it is important to release any old spectrums we may be attached to, as the energies expand. It explains why we sometimes feel a “squeeze” or ascension symptoms, while providing a tool to help fill your body with The Divine Light of Pure Source, and Center by Center, Open, Heal, and Ascend into Being Able To Create and Live From Miracle Consciousness!
This brings us to our next set of Audio, which is a Two Part Series, Starting with…
Understanding the Light Body, Energy Centers, and Their Functions and Purpose
This 23 minute Audio is a discussion of what Source has called The Chakras of Light Filled Ascension!
This is a journey into the main vortexes of human embodiment which allow for the release of the HUMAN consciousness and an Expansion INTO our Divine Design and Being, so as to manifest, create, and be connected to Source in very new and wonderful ways.
This beautiful experience is one of explaining physicality, learning what it is to merge with our Light bodies, while mastering – through a very easy method – to fill our being with Light and integrate all we truly are, and transmuting old wounds, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, with each exhale.
This is an explanation of what have traditionally been known as the traditional energy centers, bringing new thought, wisdom, and discernment to our lives.
Ascended star Chakras and Their Function
This 20 minute deep-dive of channeled information is an introduction to and explanation of our Ascended Star Chakras, which includes our ability to connect into the multi-dimensional foundation of Oure Source through your Earth Star Chakra – the point where your physical body grounds and becomes Present in what it is to be Here and Present.
This quick and easy guide to all 7 Ascended Star Chakras provides information likely never heard, and helps lay the foundation for what is to come in 2024, metaphysically, with respect to our ascension process, so it becomes easy, joyful, and incredibly expansive.
All NEW 28 Journey Series!
This year, Source brought forward some of the most beautiful energies and information, which caused me to well with tears of joy, throughout the channeling process.
Often times, I would finish a journey, and feel an overwhelming sense of love, joy, and a PURE KNOWING like I have never experienced in this physical body.
One of the biggest surprises was the feeling of wholeness, abundance, and the knowing of just how supported, loved, and cherished I AM in the physical and beyond, and these journeys hold that same opportunities and experiences for you, as you step into your body, into creation, and into Oneness with Source in entirely new ways!
Each of these journeys come with spoken word form, as well as a journey backed with music (14 guided and 14 guided with music and added energy). This was the first time I ever sat and channeled pure energy – simply bringing forth codes of love and joy, geometric light codes and gateways, and holding as space, much like I do when I work in the field, regarding each energy center, and was then guided to add that on TOP of the original journey, prior to adding the music.
In that way, each journey is an incredibly transformative experience where you can listen to the spoken word tracks and connect with the breathing and info in each one, while consciously taking in all the information, and then listen back to the journeys with music and allow yourself to be transported to the Space of Pure Bliss, Creation, and All-Consciousness.
These journeys open, activate, repair, and ultimately expand the body’s ability to be metaphysical and multi-dimensional, by starting with the root, and progressing through the entire body, our intrinsic data fields, bio fields, and entire Light structures, unifying and making us whole, in exponential new ways.
After opening and merging the physical body and its Light Structures, we then move to the Ascended Centers of Light, starting with the Earth Star Chakra, which allows us to anchor into the multi-dimensional crystalline core of Earth, Providing Support, Balance, and Transcendent Abilities to Emerge.
From there, we move to the Infinity Star Chakra and journey through our Light Body and All We Are, as we move, step by step, into The Ascended Star Chakra and Divine Gateway.
In Addition to the 28 Journeys, There are Also
14 New Light Body and Ascended Light Musical Energy Voyages!
Each journey is condensed into the pure energy and intent of the activations and openings, layered together, each progressive voyage containing all the energies of its predecessor in addition to the new frequency spectrums, flows, channels, and leylines of light of the new centers which follow.
These Voyages are some of the most Peace-filled, Connective Energies of Oneness and Inspirational Pure Consciousness I have ever experienced. Recommended for Massive Leaps in Consciousness, Creativity, and Manifestation, as well as a means Through Which to Open, Integrate, and Heal, each track builds on the previous and helps to create a sustainable new field of energy where you are Creating from a New Level of Being, fully Sovereign, and Free from Any Collective or “Outside” Energies or Influence.
If you are new to the Voyage Experience, the channeld energies, along with the energies of each journey, are joined by extended frequencies of love, and joy, as well as energy particular to the opening and healing as well as the activation and use of each new Light Center, and that energy is overlaid with a series of melodic and transcendent music, to create a fully immersive energy experience, averaging 9 minutes in length.
As our CCU 2.0 Experience extends all the way Through June of 2024, Source has Provided a Wealth of Information, and Live Support!
14 TEN-MINUTE Silent Immersions MP3s
In addition tot the Musical Voyages, you will receive an additional 14 Energy Only Tracks, which are ten minutes each, and energetically start from the very beginning and move you into wholeness and transcendence, with each energy center.
Mild Caution: These are the STRONGEST energy tracks I have released to date. While incredibly gentle and soothing, you may feel extreme heat, as they are deeply cleansing. Make sure to stay hydrated and take it slow, with these. A little will go a LONG way, and we have many months to integrate these amazingly beautiful ascended energies.
Value: $850
CCU 2.0 Personal Energy Scan and Bio Field Data and IDF Report
This is one of the more potent and invaluable aspects of CCU, as this allows me to take a deep dive into your energy field and see a myriad of energies which may be causing deflection, defeat, dismay, sadness, sabotage, and even physical discomfort, as I take a look at energies which have yet to fully manifest into the body, as well as those which may have been lingering for lifetimes.
Every member of our journey will receive a one of a kind, unique full body energy scan using more than 10,000 hours of frequency work to provide you with a complete energy read out as well as a personally crafted, multi-frequency mp3 meant to facilitate balance and harmony at every level specific to you and your individual field report.
Using the latest sonic energy field technology as well as the power of meridian energy, bio-feedback programs, radiant energy bio-metrics, scalar field therapies, and Jarrad’s own Quantum Technology Frequency Method, (w)hologram and energy fields will be scanned and checked at every single level – chemical, cosmic, emotional, ethereal, etc., and a Seven point report will be compiled and delivered along with a personally recorded mp3 – just for you – of the frequencies helpful in creating wholeness in your energy and bio field based on your personal and unique energy signature!
After you receive your report, and it’s accompanying energetic track which is created to bring your bodies into alignment and harmony, I will also translate – via our session – the metaphysical aspects, to give you a full understanding of the energies present.
Special Note from Jarrad:
“I’ve used the tech, and I’ve used it for Shannon and her family, my family, pets, friends, as well as a few others, but we’ve only done it one other timer as a wide offer because it’s a little time crazy… BUT this will allow each and every one of you to snap a photo with your phone (or send in a photo), it doesn’t even need to be particularly new. I’ve used new photos and old photos… and wouldn’t you know it, beyond the “picture” EVERY TIME, to a “T” I’ve had results that I actively expected based on the energy I was seeing in myself and others.
Because this is time consuming, and because I want to scan your entire field – physical, mental, emotional, chemical, cosmic, etc., as well as the holographic dimensions and anything and anything around you that you may be holding, feeling, manifesting, etc, we’re going to start with the scanning as soon as you register! So, even though the group doesn’t start until March 1st, depending on the placement of your order, your scan may arrive much sooner, meaning you will have a head start and some extra time to integrate the energies!”
Valued at $450.00
Each Member will also Receive
Your Own Personal Light Body Integration
Symbol of Light Codes and Manifestation
Channeled Specifically For You!
This year is all about creation and support, as we merge and expand into our Light Bodies and move into a wider dimensional experience of who and what we are… fully embodying the energies of The I AM Presence.
This Energy Brings with it the Entirety of The Purest White Light of Source – all Rays, Flames, and Lights working together, All Dimensions fully opened to you and cleansed and cleared so you may begin to explore them in the body, and beyond. This Energy is the BEING of Full Divine Expression, Support, Nourishment, Manifestation, Love, and Joy through Action and Love.
And THIS is what is wanting to be Fully Activated as we step into 2024 and Emerge as The Sacred Light of the One, Embodied, Healed, Connected, and Whole!
The energy of these High-Energy Source-Filled symbols will represent communication from you outside of time and space and carry energetic signatures and activations to help you open up to the experiences and frequency spectrums you are wanting to birth in this experience, while also clearing, releasing, healing, and transmuting the old, as you open to the full integration of your Light Self.
Your symbol will represent the multi-dimensional expansion of you through the entire program and beyond!
By invoking these personalized and individually tailor made symbols – just like you would the creation formula – you will be able to have your OWN PERSONAL EXPANSIVE TEMPLATE to help you expand along with the private session and daily work from Jarrad!
Jarrad will tap into your energy field and create a symbol SOLELY FOR YOU,
A Personalized Language of Light Holographic Activation and Amplification MP3 For Your Symbol!
Based off of the energy of your symbol, Jarrad will create a personalized MP3 to help you open to and access the energies within your field and at the wider Source Levels of Consciousness.
The sacred activation resulting from these symbols is designed to assist you in unlocking and broadening through every dimension, while also enabling you to meet this energy… as you meet the REAL you.
EXCLUSIVE OFFER Valued at $350.00
All-New For CCU2.0
14 TEN-MINUTE Silent Immersions MP3s
Because of the massive planetary energies, we will have TWO options for calls each week!
Whatever is happening in your life, whatever you are ready to release, we become like family on this journey, and these calls are the place to come for alignment, release, healing, connection, and deep evolution.
If you have not participated in one of Jarrad’s Live Event Calls recently, you will be in awe of just how much new information and support is included. Nothing is held back during these amazingly loaded experiences of the Divine.
These calls create LIFE CHANGING expansion, and no two calls are ever alike.
You set the tone simply by being present, or through your intent on being present for the replay, as the energy of the group brings forth new information, which allows for immense growth and healing for the entire group, as well as each individual called upon to represent the energies for the group.
To facilitate maximum growth and integration during our powerful and transformative time together, we will be joining together during these Potent and Impactful 60 Minute Live Calls.
The First Call Each Week will be our teaching, channeling and Q and A calls, while a second optional call will beheld each week devoted SOLELY to Q and A, to give everyone an opportunity not only to speak with my live, but to also provide a Loving and Caring retreat space, away from the worries of the world, family, distractions, and even your job, and allow you to fill with Light while integrating the knowledge which comes forth.
Beginning March 5th, This Energy of Enlightenment, Consciousness, and Love will Launch, propelling us forward into The Experience of Pure Divine Love and Conscious Creatorship, like never before!
The goal of our live retreat Calls and Gatherings will be to create an amazing space of Healing, Love, Awareness, Aha Moments, and Miracles in which to experience that energy and further integrate the energies of love, joy, vibrancy, fun, healing, and support even further into our daily lives. Jarrad’s own goal will be to bring forth the information and energy relevant to EVERYONE listening…
Valued at $3200.00
Conscious Creation 101-999
Learning to Use “The Sheets”
(Includes Two Pre-Recorded Retreats, Video Session, Plus Live Zoom)
One of the more Incredibly Special Aspects of This Program Comes in The Form of Learning to Do Energy Work, through a series of Classes offered, as well as receiving your own copy of what Jarrad refers to as “The Sheets.”
Utilizing decades of experience and a vast library of channeled and energetic frequencies, this work includes hundreds of hours of session work, and is the culmination of almost twenty years of working with clients all over the globe.
Each one of the sheets has been fully updated for 2024 to represent the shifting consciousness and new information regarding the intrinsic data points, as well as the new information regarding our ascended star chakras. These notes have been collected through channel over the past 20 plus years – and allow you to transmute and heal the energies of past lifetimes, core beliefs, genetic beliefs, disempowerment, and more, all while reconnecting you to sovereignty, and trust… releasing all of the energetic ties and binds, and moving into a space of pure Connection, Love, Joy, and Bliss.
All of the notes, frequency charts, and UPDATED SHEETS will be included, with two pre-recorded retreat calls walking you through how to use the material PLUS for the first time ever, a previously recorded Two Hour Zoom Video showing just how to use the sheets and tune in to your own Vibrational Fields of Energy – and Direct Them!
IMMEDIATELY, you will have access to two calls – both open to the THIS GROUP ONLY! In the First, Conscious Creation 101, I will be going over the notes, materials, sheets, and teaching you to use the material for discernment, clarity, healing, and creation.
Event Number two: Conscious Creation 999 will be a follow up in-depth, where I will not only teach by example, but go through any questions the group may have, as well as helping everyone understand, integrate, and take your own lives to the Next Level!
PLUS, you will also receive the two hour video instructional call, giving visual references and answering even more questions.
We will also be having a LIVE Video CALL EVENT..
The Video Symposium will allow us to go deeper into the material, for those of you who really wish to do this work, as I want to take this group into the most Source-Filled and Limitless Space Possible.
Whether you are familiar with my work, or just beginning, these two retreats will for from beginner to advanced and you will learn something new EVERY TIME you listen!
The Special Event Call will take the place of one of our regular scheduled monthly calls and you will receive the notes and instructions prior to the call to make this one TRULY one for the ages!
Three Retreat and Live Event Value $1200
Speaking of Questions and Events… You will also be able to speak with me each and every day, asking questions, reading updates, and forming life-long friendships with…
This is what we call “stacking the deck!” Along with the remote energy work and activations, there will be transmissions of light – coded to help you expand in a loving, supportive, and healing environment – free from the stressors of the mental mind broadcast, transmitted and channeled three days a week. This pace will allow maximum growth with ease and integration throughout the program.
There will be some HUGE energies coming in through the next many months, and this is a fantastic way to stay grounded and truly held in love, while also allowing yourself to flow, heal, and be continuously nurtured through new choices, and loved as you embrace the new planetary energies as well as your own new creations.
This energy will help open you up, gently, to all that you are – packing in power, peace, love, harmony, and so much more in these powerful transmissions!
Millions have felt the energy on LIVE Calls, NOW, feel what it’s like to have this MASSIVE energy flowing to you and through you as you learn to tap into the INFINITE LOVE of you!
People from all walks of life, at every level of growth, have experienced the Power and Transformation of just a call, an energy journey or frequency track from Jarrad. Now, IMAGINE THE POWER of having this amazing energy work remotely flowing to you, helping you integrate, receive, open, create, and love…
- These remote sessions are Powerful catalysts for Growth, Harmony, and Healing!
- 4 Months of easily integrated, AMAZINGLY supportive energies directed and flowing right to you!
and the earlier you order CCU, the more you get, as the work begins when you sign up, meaning you could have six entire months of energy work!
Ask Jarrad Questions Every Day with perhaps one of the Biggest Shift-Creating Experiences With…
Total Access to the Membership Site!
Would You Like to Have One of Today’s Most Loving, Leading Edge Energy Experts Available to Answer Your Questions Every Day?
Because That is Exactly What This Special, Members-Only Site is all About!
Meet New People of Like Consciousness.
Discover Yourself in New Ways, While Opening to Massive Support.
Heal. Transform. Love. And Have Fun!
This is the space to learn, laugh, and love with Jarrad and this group of beautiful CCU 2.0 soul family, as we all experience this voyage together.
While no experience is the same, and we all have various vessels, the seas upon which we sail are often similar, and this loving space of joy and healing is just for you, so that you can share your story, have a space to unwind and kick back, and speak to me, Jarrad, as often as you’d like, throughout the whole program!
This beautiful site makes certain you are able to be connected, seen and heard as much as you are comfortable being, and you also have the opportunity to interact with me, Jarrad, as well as fellow travelers who have been in your shoes before.
You can share your stories through photos, blog posts, questions, comments, and even make life-long friends in this one of a kind space of high vibrational acceptance and love, which is open 24/7 throughout the program.
Even though CCU 2.0 Does Not Begin Until March, Jarrad will Open the Site for Members to Meet and share their stories on January 2nd. He will begin answering questions at the end of February.
Total Four Month Value $975
And, ask Jarrad Questions Every Day with perhaps one of the Biggest Shift-Creating Experiences…
An All-New AM and PM Activation and Meditation to Help you Create Each Day!
One of the simplest things we can do – yet the most often overlooked – is to start our day with intention, feeling into all we desire to experience, and thus setting the creative template for what we can achieve and experience.
Join Jarrad each morning, as you rise with enthusiasm for the day ahead, transmuting any worry, and filling with light, so as to more and more step into your role as a conscious creator!
And, to help you expand that creative role, there is also a gentle night time track to help you release the events of the day, call your energy home, be cleansed, protected, and whole within your field, and set the pace for a restful night and a beautiful next day.
*You’ll ALSO Be Able to Focus on What’s Most Important to YOU, With…
Your Very Own Personal 52 Week Frequency Track!
In a CCU 2.0 Exclusive, Jarrad will create a musical Frequency track JUST FOR YOU, based on whatever you would like to focus on and add to your life.
If you sometimes feel like you’re missing a particular piece to your own puzzle, this is your chance to experience what it would be like to put that puzzle together and be YOUR WHOLE SELF!
This Journey is ALL ABOUT YOU!! Many people have never been in a situation where they felt totally loved, or pampered, or even safe to express, so to help you grow and expand and journey into WHATEVER you want to Experience, you will have the opportunity to let me know EXACTLY what you would like to experience in the coming months, and I will create a special track, just for you!
You can send in three topics, and I will create a PERSONALIZED silent AND musical frequency track – just like I do in the Vibrational Sound Therapy programs – for you to play whenever and WHEREVER you want to access and enjoy the energy of your choosing!
This is another once in a lifetime opportunity to have your own personal doorway created, so you can easily walk into the love, joy, prosperity, or even relationships, you desire!
Have You Ever Wanted to Be Able to Do What Jarrad Does?
All-New Monthly Frequency Radio Broadcasts!
Embrace the Beauty of New Journeys and Transformative Experiences!
Step into the exquisite realm of new journeys and reimagined materials, where we gather together for an unparalleled journey call experience.
Through the art of energy healing, we will intricately weave a tapestry of transformative energies, expanding our horizons through immersive journeys and enchanting musical recordings. Additionally, we will rediscover beloved pieces from previous programs, infusing this experience with familiarity and delight. Prepare yourself for broadcasts that transcend measurement, lifting you to unparalleled heights of elevation and expansion.
This extraordinary endeavor promises a wholly unique experience, offering clarity and unlocking new realms of expansion, growth, reception, and manifestation.
These calls are truly a glimpse of heaven itself, capable of moving mountains of energy with their profound impact and ability to open doors to boundless possibilities.
Value $400.00
And, To Lift Your Energy Any Place, Any Time, or To Help You Cleanse Your Spaces, Office, Home, Cars, or Even Your Own Field Jarrad will Be Sending You…
The CCU 2.0 Cleansing High Vibes Spray!
My absolute favorite spray ever, this was the one that started it all – and this year, we are taking it up a notch! That's right, CCU 2.0 has its very own Vibrational Essence and Spray, and it is AWESOME!
Imbued with the energies of CCU 2.0 and the expansion of the Creation Formula itself, this wonderful spray began as a “spray” version of the fear clear symbol, and has evolved, in my own home use, to include many energies of the sheets, as well.
You may know that I often use “Fear Clear” as a Symbol and as an Energy when working on Groups to help Clear and Transmute the Space as we begin, or as the energies become a little dense. This frequency Lightens the Energy, Transmutes lower densities or vibrational energy and patterns, and helps us really move into our power.
Combine that with all of the advanced energies of the Creation formula, and WOOOOO! Feel the Good Vibes!
This year, each member of CCU 2.0 will be getting a special version of this Frequency Spray, in a witch hazel based spray that smells AMAZING!!
I’ve noticed that my whole body feels different since I began using it, and I feel like I look younger, too!
Energetically, it also contains frequencies for positive outcomes, strength, grounding, self-esteem, confidence, fun, joy, realizing and knowing ones worth, and pure, radiant love of self and all, as well as the cleansing energies of sage.
Value $45.00
More Live Support with Our Monthly Video Series
Due to the massive NEW ENERGIES, Jarrad will schedule ONE VIDEO CALL each month, so as to help go over any new material which might benefit from visual aids, as well as to simply create an atmosphere of fun and support, as we move further into exploring the universe and interpreting symbols, light language, frequencies, or anything new which may arise. These video calls will also give us a wonderful opportunity to see and be seen, while exploring some of the more “woo” aspects of creation, as well!
We will be able to go incredibly deep, as well as have a lot of fun with these video calls.
Value 800.00
Daily Support Track!
I have put together energies of love, joy, support, vitality, and so much more, as I share my personal track, which I loop each and every day, all through sessions, and even when I am just relaxing.
You can loop this silent track during your waking hours (the energies may keep you awake, so I don’t recommend playing it at night), to gift yourself an added boost of love, joy, and support.
While short, it is potent, and I use it as my own form of a “private session” as it is filled with cleansing energies as well as the beautiful energies of all the rays, flames, and lights, plus a plethora of gemstones to help guide, ground, open, and expand.
BONUS Core Curriculum for CCU 2.0, (Material I feel will be supplemental as we experience all 2024 has in store) including:
Lifting The Veil: Seeing Past, Alternate, and Future Lifetimes
Use this journey as often as you’d like to explore past, future, and even “alien” lifetimes spent both here on earth, as well as in other parts of our cosmos.
Be it viewing a past life or a future life in a far off galaxy, this journey allows you to enter a space of neutrality and see the totality of who you are in ways which allow for an integration of knowledge from an observer perspective, which also helps to let go of any previously held baggage, healing lifetimes of trauma and ending cycles, closing loops, and freeing the soul to explore new heights of love, abundance, and freedom.
The Omniversal Tree: Many Lifetimes, One Self
Welcome to the unification and exploration of all that you are, as you explore the branches of Self through all lifetimes and cosmologies, to unite, clear, transmute, and fully heal the Self while bringing into harmony and integration all of the knowledge and love held from the Larger Self.
This beautiful journey, featuring all 11 Rays of Creation, will guide you step by step as you ascend into your Greater Cosmic Being, as you become One with the True Light and Source which you Are, Transcending and Ascending all of the old stories, and becoming Omniversal Citizens.
This Journey is one of the most integrative Energies channeled to date, moving beyond just a soul retrieval, and into a completion of all you are, throughout time and space, multi verses, and all you’ve ever been or may become, unifying it ALL in divine love, while giving you a space to see these lifetimes in neutrality, joy, and appreciation, which allows freedom and transcendence to manifest in new and glorious ways, exponentially increasing your knowledge of creation, alchemy, and the One Itself, while healing and making whole your full and complete lineage and connection to the One.
Meeting Your Soul
Lift out of separation completely as the Light of Source permeates your being in such a way that you allow yourself to experience meeting the most ancient part of you: your soul. Reunion, Acceptance, Awareness, and Joy are just some of the energies you will experience as you enter this space of seeing yourself through the eyes of pure Source Energy, merging your electro-magnetic field with the highest and holiest of energies and consciousness, all you’ve ever experienced, throughout your entire existence, manifesting itself to you to Love, Nourish, and Share with you whatever it is you need in every moment.
Warning: This is a very Powerful Journey of Self Discovery wherein Previous Lifetimes may spontaneously come into awareness. This incredibly healing Experience carries with it an incredibly high vibration. Please allow yourself some time to process and integrate these beautiful energies.
Traversing The Infinite: How We Experience Dimensions on Earth
This step by step Guide to dimensional awareness will both explain each dimension as experienced from within the Earth Space, as well as contain a Light Language activation to help integrate and activate the awareness and Light Codes present within those dimensions, allowing us to expand into a new experience of dimensions, where we open to infinite expansion, allowing us to be rooted into our individuated presence, united with Pure Spirit and Pure Source, and Exploring the Infinite Dimensions in a Joyful, Expansive, Rooted-in way.
This deep, expansive journey is an invitation to grow beyond old limitations and into the infinite possibility of exploring the multi-verse through Omniversal Source Awareness. Encoded with a massive amount of Power, Wisdom, and Love, this is the Ultimate Allowance and Integration of Our Lyran Self as we Expand Beyond this Universe and Into Choice in a whole, new way.
Pineal Harmonics: Peptides of Light Journey and Musical MP3
This Incredibly powerful, life altering Journey is all about becoming a Super Conductor of Pure Love and Pure Light while learning how to utilize and activate various energy flows, wherein we may explore – while embodied – time travel, space exploration, dimensional exploration, and a new connection to guidance, friends in other dimensions who we have known for aeons of time, and to commune “beyond the veil” through pure, Divine Love.
As such, this is very much an opening into being a channel, as well as fully understanding who and what we are – what earth life is about – which also allows a restructuring of who and what we are, as it allows our “soul blueprint” to be complete, as well as shift into something bigger or broader… it is a bit as if we re-incarnate, with all of wat we know or have known, into a new space and new body, with new peptides, here and now – therefore there is a massive peptide cleanse, utilizing all rays, flames, and lights, making this 38 minute Joy Ride through Creation, one of the most Blissful and Transformative Journeys you may ever take, in this life – and in many others!
A deep exploration of how we orient in space and time, and how the function of the pineal energies function within the wider third eye energy, and how we may utilize this energy to travel our entire Self, including the Galactic Systems of Love, as well as the stars themselves, this is a gift of wisdom, which brings peace and power – as we encode our waters with love, and open to the power which flows from pure Source Energy, in a way wherein the entire Universe may be Known.
We will explore the true nature of the Soul – and create a deep understanding of the function of the Over Soul and the Pineal Gland, as well as how to create new flows of energy – through divine love – to speed up manifestation, and flow in all areas of our life!
This cutting-edge explanation of physicalized energy, ley lines, and our bodies electrical systems and grids will enlighten and open you to new levels of awareness and informational flow to get you inspired, and truly in the flow of vitality, harmony, joy, and Heaven on Earth!
This Holy, New, and Wholly-Woo energy also comes with a new form of Journeys, which allow for an experience of Source – and massive physical change – in completely new, and magical ways, Called…
3 Bonus Pre Recorded Retreats
Introduction to Our Cosmic Structure and
Opening to The Omniverse
To set the space for these journeys and this new energy, as well as to provide a space in which to integrate the energies of your New Personal Symbol, Jarrad is including two New Master Classes where he first began channeling much of this new energy.
The first call produced an Introduction to Cosmology, which was an exploration of dimensions and how we experience time and space, as well as what exists beyond the beyond.
In the second call, Jarrad began by expanding our personal energy fields and expanding and opening our electromagnetic fields so that we could begin to hold a space large enough to begin Opening to the Omniverse
What is reality?
In This Absolutely ASTONISHING Energy Class, you will learn EXACTLY how you create your life and will be given tools to help begin shifting your reality right now. Through channel, light language activations, and a massive energy, Jarrad will guide you to your biggest block right now and help you see exactly how to shift it!energies of Lemuria, Atlantis, and our Akashic realms, as we create new spaces within, and open to EACH OF THE SEVEN SOUL STARS of this Space – traversing the Dimensions of Love and Source, and Integrating a Massive amount of Forgiveness, Joy, and Love, so deeply, that we activate an entire new Energy and become physically manifest in a new space.
What REALLY Happens “after” This life?
Learn what one fear underlies EACH AND EVERY block we have to creation, and what our greatest fear truly is. Beyond that, you will be guided through a gentle release, where you will explore what happens “beyond the veil” as for THE FIRST TIME EVER Jarrad goes in-depth into what actually happens when we die.
This information and in-depth exploration of the “death” process ARE NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE ON THIS PLANET
Plus – For Reference Reasons Only, You will also Receive
The Golden Key and Dimensional Series, as well as:
The Expanded Creation Formula
Complete with ebook and audio activations set to music and infused with the actual frequencies of the formula itself, You can begin working with specific frequencies, as well as learn the core of Jarrad’s work in frequencies and how it birthed! You will also receive the original hand drawn frequency chart which includes all of the Intrinsic Data Field’s Associated with the Formula Itself!!
Here’s how Jarrad describes the Creation Formula and the IDF Locations and Frequencies Inherent Within:
The Creation Formula is the process of expansion. I’ve often described it as a two pronged, multi-dimensional frequency chart (Remember, EVERYTHING is Energy – therefore, EVERYTHING has a frequency) that balances energy while simultaneously activating the ability to consciously create.
The formula itself is comprised of multi-dimensional frequencies and symbols that activate dormant information within the energy field that works to balance energy fields, activate pituitary and pineal glands, and reprogram total consciousness in a way that accelerates and activates true abilities to consciously create (more about this on the free call!).
Think of your life as the product of millions and millions of frequencies – just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes. This formula represents a giant tuning fork that vibrates through your entire energy system and tunes the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony you are offering forth with your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings – all while directing those subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings into Love, Joy, etc.
This is the exact formula that I use in my own private and personal energy work each and every day.
Every hand-drawn symbol that comes with the accompanying E-book and remote healing audio walk through represents ingredients of this powerful formula and the fields it helps to attune you with and align you to, and allows for transmutation and change in specific areas. These symbols have been used by Energy Masters, teachers, and students of all faiths and backgrounds, from across the globe, with amazing and miraculous results!
This amazing remote energy activation program also includes an audio session, where you will experience first-hand the amazingly powerful energy of the symbols as well as the meaning and invocations of the multi-level frequencies. In the accompanying E-Book, I will also speak to what the formula and symbols actually mean, as well as how to effectively tap into their energy – and subsequently, how to tap into the Full Power of You.
This includes The Original Creation Formula Audio Activation and Guided Walk-Through, The Creation Formula eBook – Complete with Symbol Guide, Complete Formula, and Actual Frequencies List.
Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation Audio Book
One of the most powerful and brilliant messages you’ll ever hear, this special frequency encoded audio version of Jarrad’s International Best-Seller contains some of the highest frequencies felt on this plane.
The text itself provides an awe-inspiring view of God, consciousness, and what it means to be alive. It powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astonish, inspire, and leave you breathlessly moved.
No subject is off limits in this exploration of thoughts, energy, and the science that brings them together. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Love, Life, God fully illustrates that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into who we really are, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc, just how our world (and our perspective of that world) has come into being. On this journey, Jarrad also shows in clear and irrevocable ways how to change the world through changing the Self.
“Jarrad takes us on a journey to understand the how and why of life and in the process delivers a beautiful portrayal of love and creation. Lovely and heart-opening!” –Jennifer Mclean, Host of Healing With the Masters
NOTE: This is not your typical “self-help book.” If you have never experienced Jarrad’s profound journey, this is an excellent place to start, as it will lay an amazing foundation from which to create and truly live full-on miracles and creation!
That’s right. You are getting not just present support, but future support as well with a complete library – including the unreleased membership calls from 2023 – an additional Huge Healing Catalogue of Master Classes and Retreats , where you can learn all about the Intrinsic Data Fields and Dive Deep into Creation.
The Biggest CCU with the MOST NEW CONTENT EVER!
AND the group site will go live for the members in January, making this an almost six month event!
This Program, complete with never before seen technologies and techniques is valued at well over $17,495 and is a huge savings over other programs with similar content priced at 15-20k!
However, Jarrad is making the Entire Experience of Growth and Love – including your one on one session, personal body/energy scan, mp3 tracks, new symbol and interpretation, 24 Call Live Series with weekly Q and A, daily site access, remote frequency work, plus so much more over the Entire 5 Month Journey, available to you for just $2,450!
OVER $600
with Early Bird Registration
A One on One Session with Jarrad, plus nearly 6 MONTHS of Support, Live Interaction, Blogs, and Q and A, 2 weekly LIVE Calls beginning March 3rd, Daily Energy Support Beginning When You Sign Up, All New Programs, Energy Journeys, Personal Frequency MP3s, New Tracks, Body Scan, Field Report, Personal Energy Track, An ALL New Personal Symbol with an included Personalized Activation for 2024, Bonus Items, and so much more
More Incredible Transformations From Jarrad's Students!
“My salary was raised 50% today with an unexpected bonus from my company!”
“My salary was raised 50% today with an unexpected bonus from my company!! I am so excited for all of us as we learn to open and allow more!$!"
~ Michelle
“I have never come close to feeling the activation of love and light on such a multi dimensional level!”
“I am a Reiki Master and have never come close to feeling the activation of love and light on such a multi dimensional level! And every time I activate myself for healing sessions, I am instantly right back to the same intensity levels and feel more and more expansive!!!"
“Despite many years of being on the path and using many modalities, a part of me that never received healing did!”
“When I listened to my personal track for the first time, it felt like an angel swooped into my chest and started healing and comforting a part of me that had never, despite many years of being on the path and using many modalities, received healing. The sensation was incredible, so very gentle yet so profound."
~ Sonja
“I got a call for another contract assignment making over double my current salary”
“I am a contractor and was told that they could not meet the salary I needed to become an employee.
I told my husband, "I don't know what's coming but it's going to be big with Jarrad." That was two weeks ago.
Last week, I got a call for another contract assignment making over double my current salary...yes, you read that right. I start the 7th and I still feel as though I am dreaming. I know Ican do anything. I am so blessed and so grateful for Jarrad."
~ Nora B
“I had no idea I could feel this good.”
“I had no idea I could feel this good. The best way I can describe it is after spending most of my life out in the cold, I’m now inside sitting by the fire, sipping a hot cup of cocoa feeling warm, safe and cared for."
~ Sophie
“My work that I love doing has increased like never before! I have to turn down work because I have so many projects.”
“I have truly loved this abundance adventure. I am a self-employed designer and my work that I love doing has increased like never before! I have to turn down work because I have so many projects. Along with that my bank account is increasing and I am so excited and happy! I listen to the tracks everyday while I am working and I have never felt so empowered."
~ Diana I
“I am experiencing deep, deep love and transformation.”
“Depression and anxiety plagued me for years and caused me to feel socially isolated. But after using Jarrad's tracks and joining in on the membership site, I finally feel seen and am experiencing deep, deep love and transformation."
~ Thia
“The shift is delightful - and the sense of vitality and joyful love for each moment is magnificent !!!”
“I joined spurred on by the intensity of the energies these past few years - knowing that this was the perfect time to do this work with Jarrad.
Yesterday I felt so wonderfully alive and effervescent - it was amazing - there was joy in every inhalation and an attentiveness to the moment that made me feel like a toddler looking at the sky with wonder and amazement of the 1st realization of the vastness of it all.
The shift is delightful - and the sense of vitality and joyful love for each moment is magnificent !!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful time on the call on Monday - I will look forward to listening to the replay !! I am feeling an engagement with joy and love and vitality that is priceless !! "
~ Meg
“This is limitless bliss!”
“This is limitless bliss! This is the joy unspeakable I read about so many years ago in sacred texts! Thank you is not enough to express my profound gratitude!"
~ Maggie
“I feel like I am in love with myself”
“Experiencing my symbol the first time felt like coming home. I have been shifting and expanding every day since. The best part is it doesn't end, it keeps going up a notch everytime I listen. Some days subtle and some days wham! In a weird way it sometimes feels like I Am my symbol. Just this morning I was thinking I feel like I am in love with myself and it blew my mind to realize how much has changed in such a short time. "
~ Sandra
“I've never known anything like the shifts I've had in a few weeks with Jarrad”
“I've never known anything like the shifts I've had in a few weeks with Jarrad. The power I feel in my personal symbol is getting greater and greater and it blew me away from the start! And for the first time in my life I have stopped fighting. I see so clearly where, how and why I reacted to stuff and blamed others. Even more though, I'm experiencing new feelings. I thought I was dead. I am so excited to be waking up and LOVING myself and my life. Holy cow!"
~ Caroline T
“I can SEE and FEEL the shifts almost immediately in my life and how I show up.”
“This has been so incredible in every way! I have slept so deeply, been more grounded and able to receive more in every way from the downloads to the calls and the meditations.
I can SEE and FEEL the shifts almost immediately in my life and how I show up...it's exciting to become more loving to myself! Like I have been given permission finally (from myself:):) that it is ok to truly love yourself and know that you are Love!"
~ Linda
Total Package Value $17,495
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $1777
Save $600, Pay in Full, and Book Your Private Session TODAY!
Get Instant Access to all the Downloads as well as the Membership Site
or Payment Plan
Payment Plan is $400 upon purchase and $345 due at the beginning of every month starting March.
So March 1, April 1, May 1 and June 1

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.