Don't Miss the Buy One Get One Free 45 Minute 1-1 Session with Jo!
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New Cutting Edge Discovery for Miracles!!!

This will Heal and TRANSFORM ALL Aspects of YOUR Health!

It's true!

Science is now talking about this hidden organ which could be the one reason and the one reason ONLY why your body isn't healing!

When this the hidden organ isn't working properly EVERYTHING in your body could be out of whack...


What is this hidden organ that no one is talking about?


Even though medical science knows about fascia, they do not understand the importance of this 'hidden organ' and how it can miraculously heal the body!

Your Fascia connects EVERYTHING in your body. That means when it isn't working properly, your ENTIRE system is impacted...




Muscle weakness...


Shoulder pain...

Autoimmune issues...

Heart disease...

Skin issues...


You name it and your Fascia impacts it!


Want to have healthy relationships?

Your Fascia impacts this...

Want to be happy and at peace?

Your Fascia impacts this...

Want to boost your mental acuity?

Your Fascia impacts this!

YES your Fascia is that IMPORTANT!

40 years of Lymphodema reversed permanently in one session.” ~ Anne

“Planned Cancer Surgery cancelled due to Pre-Op Scans showing up Cancer free.” ~ Carole

Severe Gout attack reversed in one session” ~ Hans

“Keloid Scar Tissue Vanished!” ~ Vic C

Ovarian Cyst dissolved overnight….Ultrasound prooved it. Technician speechless!” ~ O Willis

“My Diaphragm went back into place and my breathing is now remarkable.” ~ Rod Q

“A medical miracle due to Jo’s healing changed my life.” ~ Julie P

“Insatiable itch was gone, so were the angry, ugly, red and purple lesions, the layers of thick, peeling dry skin, the painful swelling due to the infection and the debilitating anxiety this brought on - ALL gone!” ~ H.S.

“Within days of Jo’s healing work my hairdresser noticed fine new hair growth appearing after living with visible bald patches for over 15 years!” ~ Mags

If you wonder how you are ever going to break this endless cycle of pain and fatigue...

While feeling trapped, not moving forward in life to your fullest capacity...

Like you can't get out of it despite having tried everything...

Starting TODAY you can STOP feeling like a victim to the conditions and physical limitations that are keeping you stuck!

Break Free of Limitations and Open to Infinite Possibilities at Lightening Speed!

From your immune system to your skeletal system...

And EVERYTHING in between...

This cutting-edge healing will not just facilitate Perfect Health at Lightening Speed, you will also be able to make a Fresh Start in life...

Filling you up with renewed Energy and Vigor with complete Calmness and Clarity while having the Confidence to achieve your goals for a Fulfilled Life!

Fascia became popular about 7 years ago and the yoga and body work worlds have embraced it fully since. They promote stretches and fascial releases as ways of healing fascial issues.


These may serve as band-aids and that’s it!


Jo's model treats the whole human.


The heart as the key player conducting the whole fascial system, fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, water etc.

This system has almost omnipotent power to exert its own intelligent influence on the human, completely outside the control of the brain and nervous system, which has an integral connection with the heart and fascial system and must be considered in the equation.

Once the former system is tamed the intelligent system allows ALL aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.

Many people are seeking spirituality to heal but sadly are stuck as they are not working with their Brain and Nervous system as well.

Take a look at two examples from Jo's clients...


Mike suffered from angina symptoms at REST which culminated with a near ‘heart attack’.
 His key issue was congestion in his fascia and vascular system due to a trauma at work (his ideas and input were rudely dismissed) causing him to become ‘emotionally stuck and lacking motivation’.

As a result, his heart was affected, the orchestrator of his fascial system and ultimately congesting his blood flow at the extremities, (can’t move forward) and therefore his life flow.

After his session he gained clarity and left his job to fulfill his soul’s calling and has not looked back. He needed to move forward!


Brian also suffered from angina symptoms but with ACTIVITY.

His symptoms quickly got worse and several medical interventions, triple bypass and putting stents still did not address the problem as he got more dependent on the angina spray.

He was a high flying businessman and having retired, all he wanted was to enjoy life traveling with his wife who he loved deeply. Sadly she had dementia and his dreams were shattered.

He dare not move or go anywhere hence the angina on movement. His motivation high - blocking his heart fascia - an urgency to stay put!

When you say YES to this cutting-edge healing with Jo, you are saying YES to...

  • Feeling happier, confident and ready to live fulfilling life
  • Creating a healthy lifestyle that supports your ENTIRE well-being
  • No pain in your body and joints and MORE flexibility
  • Less stress and MORE vitality and energy
  • Waking up each day full of excitement and JOY

You are Saying YES to YOU!

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Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $197

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3


Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2400

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $347

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3

LIMITED TIME: Buy One 45 Minute 1-1 Session With Jo Get One FREE!

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Package A: No-refund after Remote Healing Session Start.
Package B: No refund after first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Why Jo Is Unique?

Jo has facilitated 1,000's of clients session to help them achieve their healing goals. She has 24 years of experience in the healing arts and sciences and a plethora of research of healing systems.

Jo possess the unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space but have never been considered in healing before. This unique ability facilitates Mega Healing.

Jo's own challenges were autoimmune, namely psoriasis and cancer. She had surgery for the cancer but declined any chemotherapy or radiotherapy and healed herself of this and the psoriasis.

Jo knows first hand what it is like to hit Rock Bottom. With sacred responsibility, she uses her experiences to help others get to the root cause of their challenges to break free and live their full potential.

Jo has helped many clients heal from various conditions like cancer, diabetes, pre-mature aging, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, leaky gut, lymphodaema, paediatric autoimmunity. She has also worked on clients with various condition under the autoimmune umbrella, like - hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, ovarian cyst, digestive issues - (constipation,abdominal cramping, diarrhoea, bloating, gas), numbness or tingling in hands and feet or face, dry mouth, eyes or skin, muscle weakness, joint pain, rashes, hives, itchy skin or ears, infertility, unexplained weight loss, fever, menstrual cycle changes, feeling ill, sleep issues, stress, Lupus and Lyme who have have healed and got their life back.

People's Live Were Changed FOREVER After They Worked With Jo! These Were Truly Miraculous Sessions. Here are Just a Few Examples:

“I was standing more upright and completely pain free in my legs, shoulder and wrist immediately after the session!”

"I requested treatment from Jo as I was in constant pain in my hamstrings and could barely walk. I was on countless pain killers that didnʼt work and doctors said they couldnʼt do anything to alleviate my pains. Since October 2021 to the present day I had eleven falls. A fall about 6 weeks ago caused my left wrist to fracture which is still painful. Generally my hands are weak and I often drop things. I also have shoulder pain and difficulty lifting my right arm.

I was diagnosed with Cervical C5/6 and C6/7 and lumbar L5/SI spondylosis.

Iʼve also had repeated TIAʼs as a result of extractions of most of my upper teeth 3 years ago which made my jowls sag and also affected my memory. 

The session felt so good! I felt that everything was unwinding as if I had emerged out from my chrysalis and came back to life. After that, I was standing more upright and completely pain free in my legs, shoulder and wrist immediately after the session and have been for a few days now. I can also lift my right arm and am walking better and further.

I noticed there was a remarkable lift in my face after the session. To my delight when my husband got home from work, he remarked how upright my posture was and how my face was glowing and also said how younger I looked. I am a young 60. Definitely an added bonus

Jo is an extraordinary talented healer. I have worked with so many. She is thoughtful and caring and has a wealth of knowledge. I have more sessions booked as there are a lot more issues to heal."

~ Louise Cesa

“Instantly felt relaxation and pain reduction, and on the first session my TMJ correctly located after 20 years!”

"TMJ pain & dislocation from a surfing accident. Ankle pain/ ligament damage post fracture following a serious fall when my ankle got trapped between some rocks.

Since you’ve worked on my TMJ & ankle they’ve been a lot less painful and more stable. The TMJ especially has felt more free and the fascia/ muscles are able to glide thus reducing tension causing dislocation.

I am also sleeping better, and super relaxed. During your Hara meditation which was so amazing, I saw DNA strands spinning around, never saw anything like that before, everything was unwinding and I came to a place of total alignment. 

Surprisingly since then, I am experiencing my life really unfolding. I didn’t realise how crushed I was after my recent divorce and trying to keep my children safe.

Instantly felt relaxation and pain reduction, and on the first session my TMJ correctly located after 20 years!

You’re amazing and truly grateful to have benefitted from your knowledge, skills & powerful healing."

~ Liz

“I have “HOPE” now which word didn’t exist in my vocabulary.”

"When I came to you I had chronic fatigue, anxiety, no vitality, with digestive problems. I had relationship issues and financial worries which you pointed out are related to constant anxiety and fatigue.

For the first time in my life I was told there is subconscious and unconscious emotions related to anxiety. No wonder I wasn’t healed. No one told me this.

Jo heals you thoroughly. She didn’t throw me out after a session when you had deep rooted problems. She honoured the package guarantee.

She is so kind and compassionate; also pin points emotional issues hidden from the past. (I saw several healers to cure/detox/heal) Focuses on the buried/hidden emotions from deep within, which may be the cause of physical conditions as well as choices made in life; which obviously put me far away from happiness and joy.

Physically She found: gall bladder/liver issues connected to indigestion and gait issues relating to not being in the flow of life. Today No more indigestion.

My relationship improved tremendously and I know that financial issues will improve. 

My perception of life changed.

I have “HOPE” now which word didn’t exist in my vocabulary.I am sooooo thankful and grateful."

~ H.T

“I can see clearly now!”

"The issue that prompted me to work with Jo was nerve pain in my neck. It’s been very debilitating and I had exhausted all the medical treatments, and painkillers don’t touch the pain. I practice yoga which helps to an extent but it does not take the pain away.

The session was relaxing, warming and positive. I felt a wonderful release in my neck followed by an unwinding throughout my body. The fascia in my neck and shoulders felt completely free. I I felt I was straighter and not slouched. Everything around seemed brighter. It was unbelievable as nothing worked previously.

I slept well that night and felt very relaxed. I have blurry vision which is most noticeable when reading and doing very close work. I noticed the next morning, that I could see clearly and also felt I could notice more when looking round the room. I even managed to read something on my computer without any glasses! Most importantly, I felt uplifted and supported after the session, calm and peaceful.

I would recommend Jo’s work wholeheartedly to other people. You are kind, understanding, encouraging, knowledgeable, helpful, diligent, hardworking. conscientious and you get results!"


“Working with the fascia tissue has broken the barriers of severe pain.”

"I had been in a head on car accident with my son back in 2016. We both ended up having emergency surgeries. My son Andrew had lumbar spine surgery and I had two knee replacements.

I had severe pain, nerve and muscular pain. Since, working with Jo I have been able to move freely and have become more flexible. But, mostly is the confidence my body has build back in working with Jo. I had many fears and that has been removed.

For 7 years I suffered severe pain. Every cell in my body was in pain.

Working with breathing and the energy of light that Jo sends you, has help me tremendously. Working with the fascia tissue has broken the barriers of severe pain. The energetic massage and breathing techniques and her guidance has truly cleared my auras. The clearing and sending light to the chakras allows me to live a spiritual free life. 

My results are instant, as soon as Jo send me light from the Divine. My mental and physical state clears immediately on issues I have experienced.

I highly recommend for anyone that is suffering mental, physical or spiritual to work with Jo, she will definitely clear the path and your confidence will return. I am a witness of all the wonderful things that has happen and my life has changed 360 degrees. Your life will change!

Anxiety, depression and fear will leave when you use the practice of clearing and Jo Fernandes send you this light of joy to live life again. I am a witness!"

~ Julianne S.

“I am finally becoming the person that I would like to be”

"In July 2021 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts having found a tumour in my right breast. Further tests showed I had widespread DCIS in the left breast and it was recommended that I have a double mastectomy immediately. I am very slight and there was no chance of reconstruction and my skin is too thin for the surgery to be successful. I had the operation at the beginning of Sept 2021, a week after my 60th birthday.

I have had a huge benefit from receiving treatment with Jo. I have been helped hugely emotionally throughout all the time I have had treatments with Jo.

My biopsy results were clear so I have been extremely fortunate in that I have not had to have further medical treatment.

I feel that I am finally becoming the person that I would like to be and am meant to be. The work being done on so many different levels is having a very profound effect and as I gradually become more aware this becomes increasingly evident. It was certainly not something that I had considered or even taken into account when I started having treatment and it is a huge bonus in every way.

Within two months my cancer was gone.

Jo’s work brings symptomatic relief and deep relaxation so the body can work more efficiently. I have been fortunate to benefit from an emotional and spiritual aspect as well and for that I am truly grateful. It is subtle and yet huge at the same time. This may not be the case for everyone but I have seen the same shift in my sister as well. It is a joy to behold."

~ Diana

Available for a Limited Time Only

Magic Bullet - Immune Reset Mp3

Brings your ENTIRE immune system into harmony and resonance with this powerful healing MP3!

This MP3 cleanses and renews the lymphatic system, including lymph organs, nodes, fascia and all Interstitial tissues Extracellular matrix, liver and skin.

Some of the benefits you will experience include reduction or disappearance of Inflammation and swelling and re-mineralizing your body to optimal levels.

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Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $197

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3


Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2400

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $347

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3

LIMITED TIME: Buy One 45 Minute 1-1 Session With Jo Get One FREE!

money back logo


Package A: No-refund after Remote Healing Session Start.
Package B: No refund after Remote Healing or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

From healing psoriasis, to curing rheumatoid arthritis, to regrowing hair, to recovering from diabetes… Jo’s done it all!

“Insatiable itch was gone, so were the angry, ugly, red and purple lesions, the layers of thick, peeling dry skin, the painful swelling due to the infection and the debilitating anxiety this brought on - ALL gone!”

Jo helped me heal the terrible "chronic and incurable " psoriasis covering a good portion of my leg. My skin started healing almost immediately after our 2nd session, the insatiable itch was gone, so were the angry, ugly, red and purple lesions, the layers of thick, peeling dry skin (sorry I have to be graphic to emphasise how bad it really was), the painful swelling due to the infection and the debilitating anxiety this brought on - ALL gone! Looking at it then, it was hard to imagine my skin ever being restored and now there's only the scar which is also fading.

Not only is Jo a profoundly gifted healer but also the kindest, most compassionate and loving human being - truly! What a blessing I decided to seek Jo's help.

Thank you so much Jo. I do also look more rested and my daughter did notice too.

I asked my daughter if she sees anything different in my face after listening to this mp3 and she pointed to my eyes .. my eyes do feel lighter and the puffiness is gone taking with it that defeated fatigued 40s look!"

~ H. S

“Cleared so many negative sub-conscious programs and beliefs planted by unconscious unenlightened unloving seniors”

““I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 23. I never ceased to be amazed how Jo tunes into me and will often mention something I had forgotten that has disrupted my energy field none more so than my childhood difficulties where she has pinpointed the start of my health issues and their underlying emotions. Jo is a God send and has cleared so many negative sub-conscious programs and beliefs planted by unconscious unenlightened unloving seniors.

Today I feel so much lighter, happier and more confident in standing my ground, less painful more flexible and more energised.

I am 63 now so there has been a lot to clear. It's so re-assuring to have her support and her invaluable help with my family when they have become sick and injured. Through Jo's healing my 96 year old mum has recovered so fast from a nasty fall that people can hardly believe the speed of her recovery.

I can't say enough good about Jo and how effective her healing is, she is sincere, professional, gentle and very kind. I feel truly blessed to have her support which is priceless."

~ Margaret

“For the first time in my life I have vitality and a zest for life. My genetics are no longer holding me back.”

“I was reaching the end of my 5th decade and aging very fast. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands, poor deteriorating eyesight and terrified that I was going blind like my mother. My body was very frail, I could barely walk, and was more or less confined to my apartment. Suffice it to say I was in a very bad place at the time so was very much drawn to Jo. Having invested in numerous packages in the past years with no results and in debt, I was skeptical, but went with my gut instinct. It paid off!

Now my life has transformed and I am enjoying being my ‘true self’, and using all my gifts. For the first time in my life I have vitality and a zest for life. My genetics are no longer holding me back. I am very grateful to Jo and would highly recommend her if you are struggling with any health issue."

~ Maite

“I feel calmer and stronger to deal with daily life.”

“I have been suffering from multiple chronic infections and autoimmune disorder throughout my life. In the last 6 years I have been dealing with Lyme disease.

With the Jo’s healing, my immunity has significantly improved and my oversensitivity decreased. I also got an easy daily tool to support positive changes. I feel calmer and stronger to deal with daily life.

Jo also connected my particular physical symptoms with concrete traumas. It helped me to understand them on a deep level.

Her scans are very accurate.

She has always found the suitable solution for my concrete issue and strange symptoms.

She helped me to open my heart and feel more joy and happiness. I really appreciate her loving approach. Jo has been a huge support for me (and my family) and the guide on the way to myself."

~ Jana

“Within days of Jo’s healing work my hairdresser noticed fine new hair growth appearing after living with visible bald patches for over 15 years!”

“For over 15 years, I had been trying to live with the very visible bald patches on the crown of my head. I had tried so many things, in the hope that the hair on my scalp would re grow. Nothing worked and the bald patches continued, making me feel less than a woman and so unattractive. I felt like my hair loss was restricting the choices I was making in my life and preventing me from being happy within myself. 

I was at a very low point, having recently returned from a professional wig fitting, when Jo came into my life. For me, this was the beginning of an amazing journey. 

Jo started to work on my condition. Within days, my hairdresser noticed a fine new growth appearing. 6 months later, my hairdresser and I were amazed by the increase in volume of hair on the crown of my head. After only 6 months, it was no longer possible to see my scalp. Even on close inspection!  

My happiness and my confidence soared!! I felt amazing within myself. I began to feel more confident in how I dressed and I started to enjoy socialising and going out. I felt I was smiling constantly, from my insides out! 

I felt I could be myself again, I didn't have to hide myself. I also started to wear much more stylish clothes - rather than wearing clothes that did not draw attention to myself. I felt so good about myself. I definitely felt that I was now an attractive female. To me this felt like winning the lottery. I felt encouraged to grow my hair to shoulder length. 

Jo is incredibly intuitive and creative, whilst remaining so down to earth and caring. Her clients are her utmost priority. She is somebody who loves her work and this is evident in her enthusiasm and genuine care and love. She made me feel safe. She is very lovely and approachable. Her clients are always her priority. I will be eternally grateful to Jo for my miracle hair."

~ Mags

Package A

Jo's healing of the fascia treats the whole human!

Sure you can work on the fascia with yoga and massage, however these are just band-aids and don't address the ENTIRE fascial systom, which includes the heart, fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, water, etc.

This system has almost omnipotent power to exert its own intelligent influence on the human, completely outside the control of the brain and nervous system, which has an integral connection with the heart and fascial system and must be ADDED into the haling equation.

Once the former system is tamed the intelligent system allows all aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.

Many people are seeking spirituality to heal but sadly are stuck as they are not working with their Brain and Nervous system as well.

This is EXACTLY what Jo's healing is designed to do.


3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

Group Healing Session 1

 Recorded - Apr 28, 2022 07:00 PM London

Mind-Body Connection!

In this live group healing session, Jo will help you decode and re-wire your Brain and Nervous system. This decoding and re-wiring will COMPLETELY REMOVE old sabotaging patterns, so you can live a life of freedom.

During this healing session, there will be a number of attunements and processes including the vagus nerve to renew and rejuvenate your ENTIRE body.

Group Healing Session 2

Recorded - May 5, 2022 07:00 PM London

Complete Alignment!

During this group healing session, Jo will bring your ENTIRE body into alignment...





You will experience a combination of processes, exercises cosmic activations and attunements designed to clear your Heart and fascial system so you can embody your cosmic magical emotional intelligence and become the truth of who you truly are!

Group Healing Session 3

Recorded - May 12, 2022 07:00 PM London

This final group healing session is devoted ENTIRELY TO YOU!

During this call, Jo will offer mini healings to clear out the residual issues that continue to show up. When Jo works with individuals during this session, EVERYONE that listens will receive the healing. That means every mini healing is like an individualized mini healing for YOU! All you need to do is say YES and be open to receive.


21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Begins April 18th

Get ready to tap into an undercurrent of pure ‘aliveness’ that your Divine Fascia as it heals and touches EVERY element in your body!

Throughout a 21 day period, you will receive activations enabling your body to make it’s own hyaluronic acid to produce ez water to restore balance and harmony. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the body, and an important aspect of the fascial system. When this is deficient our fascia drys out and we get out of balance and age.

In the beauty industry hyaluronic acid products are promoted for radiant and youthful-looking skin. You can’t replenish your fascia and skin with something from a bottle!

The frequencies broadcast each day will be made up of different commutations to address ALL elements!

An Array of emotions, fear, pain, sadness, grief, anger etc arise in your everyday experience of inhabiting this human life. These activations also enable these experiences to subside to allow you to feel calm and peaceful as your body comes into alignment.

Overall, you may have a sense of returning to the space of presence and a heart boundlessly open to abundance in every way.

At the end of the 21 days you will receive all the MP3’s of the activations so you can enjoy the benefits over and over again for periods of 21 days whenever you need them!


Cosmic Hydration MP3

New research states we are 99% Water!

Water in our Extracellular matrix transmits nerve impulses.

This mp3 enables you to metabolize and utilize Water effectively as it moves into different states in the body and constantly changing as Soma flows through us.

When you listen to this energy healing MP3, you will feel relaxed and have increased mental clarity.

“I drink a lot of water and my mouth still feels dry. I listened to this and I feel so different, no dry mouth and fewer trips to the toilet."

~ Suzanne C.

“When I listened to this one my mouth felt so fresh as if I just had a piece of grapefruit and I became so aware of the present moment."

~ L. Cesa


Relinquish Fear MP3

This absolutely must have audio will help shift energies from any area where fear programs have been locked into your body and mind!

These distorted points of view, brought in from other lifetimes, childhood fears, freaking out, fears brought from our parents, teachers, authorities, fight-flight issues, fears from our current pandemic wreck havoc in ALL areas of your body!

Listening to this healing audio will allow you to take action to shift your life....

A Life Changer!

“This was just what I needed as I have been worrying about so much this week. You must have picked up on that when you sent it to me. As I listened to it everything suddenly felt so much brighter and clearer."

~ M. H.


Bliss MP3

Bliss to just be in the Divine Energy

As vibrations are speeding up to high frequencies we are being pushed out as the 3D vibrations are clearing.

This high vibrational Elixir (Soma - Bliss) produced in the gut flows through fascia, Lymph, interstitium and gall bladder for a truly BLISSFUL experience.

“Bliss lots of vibrations and pulsations in my body"

~ Heather Gauci

“I love this one, as I listened to it I got a feeling of compassion and understanding for myself and came to a place of just being."

~ Louise C.


Self Love MP3

Reclaim YOUR sovereignty!


This mp3 will bring YOU into a state of PURE JOY!

Joy is such a healing emotion and sets the stage for your body to properly heal. This healing audio is about bringing you back to your joy so you can claim your sovereignty and power.

“When we did the soul fragment meditation I tried to go to a time of joy but found it difficult. Listening to this one, somehow transported me to a happy time when I was little, innocent and carefree. I kept playing it over and over again and now whenever I go back to it I am filled with happiness and my cares simply drift away."

~ L.C.


Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Just as we are evolving, so is everything else...

The earth...


Our own microbiome!

This mp3’s helps you integrate the new cosmic microbiome in your system allowing you to transcend to your new humanness with ease and joy.

“I have been listening to the New Human Microbiome Day and Night on the loop since I got it Tuesday evening. I woke up Wednesday feeling peaceful, happy, supported and loved. My gut has been much better anyway lately, has it's moments though! I would say I felt supported and calm in my digestion from listening to this and a sense of balance."

~ Margaret

“Hi Jo!
Just to let you know when I listen to your microbiome audio I feel a warm rush of soft sound gently removing any harmful organisms, allowing only health and balance to remain. I felt alive, awake, balanced and strong!!! Thank you!!!"

~ Sarah

“At first listening..I saw a spectacular golden light bathe me and got a taste of something much deeper - it’s seemed boundless and pure! Was it real? It left me feeling totally in peace. Love it. Thank you"

~ T. Fern

Available for a Limited Time Only

Magic Bullet - Immune Reset Mp3

Brings your ENTIRE immune system into harmony and resonance with this powerful healing MP3!

This MP3 cleanses and renews the lymphatic system, including lymph organs, nodes, fascia and all Interstitial tissues Extracellular matrix, liver and skin.

Some of the benefits you will experience include reduction or disappearance of Inflammation and swelling and re-mineralizing your body to optimal levels.

“I usually do not feel energy and can’t say I felt certain changes immediately but I was listening your "Magic Bullet - Immune Reset" religiously every morning for several months. Every morning I was drinking coffee and listening to birds in Magic Bullet. The rest of the Package I run on silence or low volume at work.

I can definitely say I got so much better. All body aches went away, brain fog went away. In December I was only on 2.5 mg of steroids and was considering to stop taking them completely in January 2022."

~ Lana

“I had quite an extraordinary experience while listening to this mp3 and which I can only describe as a journey through my body and my inner vision. I had a lot of "synthetic visions" followed by a sensation in the center of my brain that felt like it was "readjusting" and then a feeling on the top of my head that lingered on for a while. When this subsided my eyes relaxed and my back felt "wider" and before I knew it the wave of relaxation went right through it to the rest of my body. I lay there in total acceptance."

~ Maite

“I was having a severe histamine reaction one evening and the itching was uncontrollable. I was at my wits end and decided to play this MP3. Within seconds I felt so calm, the itching now turned to sheer bliss! I Must have fallen asleep soon after. I woke up the next morning feeling so refreshed. I had had the best sleep ever!"

~ Sue

“I felt my whole body was tingling, my gut made some gurgling noises and then I felt a wonderful warmth as if something inside me healed very deeply. The title is very apt, it is truly magical!!"

~ Teresa

Package A

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Early Bird Price: $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Read How Jo's Clients Completely TRANSFORMED Their Lives Through Her Healing!

“I never thought that I would start to feel like the old me”

“I was diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in 2016, I first presented with optical neuritis in 1996. Through the advancement of PMS I also have Fibromyalgia, IBS and depression, cognitive thought problems, plantar fasciitis, golfer's & tennis elbow in both arms, trouble with my vision in both eyes, muscle weakness and spasms especially my legs, intercostal muscles ( muscles between my ribs) spasms in my back and shoulder/ neck. Bladder not emptying, bowl, constipation or diarrhoea and Fatigue.

I lost all my confidence, self worth, self esteem and self respect . I also had some cysts . After trying pharmaceutical products to no avail and the bloody awful side effects I chose a holistic approach.

After working with Jo, my walking is gradually improving, I no longer take sleeping tablets, the muscle spasms have improved greatly and the pain is at a level that I can live a more fulfilled life now. Hooray!!! I have a great outlook on life now as I no longer have depression or cysts. 

I started to feel better mentally within a few days. My walking improved along with my cognitive abilities. I noticed the improvement in my bladder and bowel as some nights I don't feel the need to urinate. I noticed an improvement with all my issues and I'm feeling very positive about my future now. Thank you ❤ .

I wholeheartedly recommend Jo as a fantastic healer to all my family and friends . I only have Gratitude and respect for Jo's amazing gifts."

~ Lynn Y.

“My energy was revitalized, and my infection was gone.”

“I was extremely depleted and feeling depressed, and in my third week of a painful sinus infection. Jo tuned in and accurately read my symptoms and issues on multiple levels. Her gentle intuitive healing left me feeling grounded, relaxed, and balanced. After a few sessions, my energy was revitalized, and my infection was gone.

Jo is a gifted healer who is clearly a conduit for Divine Love. She generously shares her wisdom and wealth of techniques in each healing session. She is non-judgmental and her intuitive healing is powerful!"

~ Jennifer B

“Honed in on long-forgotten, past trauma and took me through processes to retrieve soul fragments splintered by this and other trauma.”

“Jo has a huge heart. Since I began working with her, I have been forced to pay more attention to my own.

To be honest, at first I wasn’t sure what to expect from the work, but Jo has helped me to expand my point of view, and to recognize and face long-buried trauma.

My immunity issues, fatigue, melancholia/sadness, digestive issues, feeling disconnected pushed me to seek help. I’ve had these issues for about 7 years, but more acutely for the past year. Symptoms persisted with no explanation regarding the cause after seeing medical specialists last year.

Melancholy/sadness has been replaced by the urge to take action/to make a change. My digestive issues have subsided. I am always relaxed after our sessions, it carries into the following week.

I’ve experienced major emotional shifts during and following our sessions. The energy is intense. The healing is evident within a short time.

I was able to cry more easily after our 3rd/4th session. I can’t remember the last time I cried prior to that. Such a release. I’m happy and grateful to have come this far with Jo’s help.

Yes, I would recommend Jo’s work wholeheartedly."

~ J.D.

“Calm and self-esteem growing after 10 years”

“Working with Jo has been a tremendous blessing! My son has Type 1 diabetes and gut issues. He had a personal session with Jo.

He was angry about all the things COVID-19 took away from him. He lashed out at Jo with all of his frustrations, even swearing at times. I was shocked, a little embarrassed. I never really heard him talk like that before. Jo was very patient, caring and understanding.

We have been working with Jo since then. My son is a different person now. He is calm and his self-esteem has been growing. We have been working on his self-esteem for about 10 years with many different healers. Jo was the only one who I could see a breakthrough. I know that each healer‘s help in the past added to his healing journey, but Jo’s help was the final breakthrough that made a big difference with self-esteem. The diabetes is still a work in progress, but self-esteem needed to be addressed first.

My son has many other challenges. Scoliosis is one of his other challenges. His back is much better. So much better that he stopped wearing a brace he purchased himself from the internet. While writing this, I realized that his back is much straighter, so much straighter that I did not notice it lately.

When working with Jo, she actually works on your whole family ‘patterns’. How awesome is that? I guess that’s because what they say, that we are all connected with each other.

About 3 years ago, I prayed for someone to come along to help us. Now, I see that it is Jo. Thank You Jo! You are truly what our family needed. You are awesome and a Godsend.

If you have a chance to work with Jo, take that chance. She is educated and knowledgeable in all issues that you may have. In each session she scans you and clears things like entities, attachments, viruses, bacteria, evil eye, blocks, traumas, contracts and many other things that come up while she is working on you. After each session you will feel wonderful. Jo is AWESOME! Thank you Jo!"

~ Laurie in Hawaii

“40 Years Lymphedema gone in one session”

“My session with Jo was exceptional. I was in amazement of how incredibly accurate she was with uncovering the hidden root cause of the Lymphedema in my legs, from my childhood.

She focused on a pain in my right kidney area which I hadn't even mentioned to her.

A friend of mine insisted I go to her and no one else! She was right! Within 45 minutes both Jo and I were both awe struck, as after so many years my legs returned to normal. I really didn't think it was possible!

She addressed both my issues in the healing, the lymphedema and issues with work colleagues and others where they keep ignoring my input into anything. She worked with my Chakras using her quantum tools. All I had was one session with Jo and my life has changed completely. I would certainly recommend her."

~ Anne Jones

“The pains started to diminish, my body felt so light and by the end of the session I was virtually pain free.”

“I recently tried to get up from a kneeling position and promptly fell down on my left side and could not get up again. Fortunately my daughter was home and helped me up.

For the next two weeks, I was in excruciating pain with an attack of gout in my left knee and bruising. Also within a couple of days after the fall the gout was also in my right middle toes. I couldn't bear any pressure on them and found it very difficult to walk. Added to this I also had the sensation like rain water was running on the inside of my legs from my hips to my heels. Whenever I stretched to reach up to get something, both my legs got numb. I already have two autoimmune conditions so the numbness was quite concerning.

It seemed to progressively get worse so in desperation I contacted Jo for a session. Within minutes of her working on me the pains started to diminish, my body felt so light and by the end of the session I was virtually pain free. I have had bouts of gout in the past which took a long time before I was rid of them.

I touched my toes and applied pressure, there was absolutely no pain. My knee also miraculously healed and the sensation in my legs disappeared. I was totally gobsmacked at how quickly the crystals had gone and so did all the purple discolouration!

I am so grateful to Jo for helping me clear these conditions, especially the tingling and numbness. She is now working on my autoimmune conditions, diabetes and memory loss. I cannot recommend her highly enough, and have already. Two of my colleagues are working with her and friends too"

~ Sue G.

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus


Buy One 45 Minute 1-1 Session With Jo Get One FREE!

For a VERY LIMITED TIME, Jo is offering Buy One Get One FREE 1-1 45 Minute Sessions!

That means when you JOIN NOW, you will have the opportunity to DIVE DEEP into your unique body system and all that needs healed to transform ALL areas of your health.

In these 1:1 session Jo will scan your fields and rapidly and accurately identify the root cause of your condition or symptoms and the associated energies preventing your Divine Cosmic Magical Intelligence from flowing freely through you.

Using a combination of tools, techniques, processes and attunements dissolving any structures, releasing emotional, mental, past life, ancestral patterns that are blocking your natural flow.

Included are brain plasticity exercises, Nervous System reset and Heart and Fascia activations.

No two sessions are alike, as your unique story will be revealed to you and you will receive treatments and the tools customized to your needs so you can reach your full quantum potential!

Package B

Total Package Value $2400

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347

Early Bird Price: $247

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Dr. threw out my blood pressure meds!”

“After my retina was detached for the second time, the healing of the operation was taking an unusually long time. My eyes were sticky with the new silicone oil that was inserted. Being a diabetic with low thyroid, I was concerned of my sudden rise of blood pressure. I monitored it for a day and overnight. The next afternoon went to A&E only to find that despite being checked over thoroughly and given a double dose of blood pressure tablets, my bp was still high. Later that evening when I got home, still with a raised bp, I contacted Jo.

Jo immediately began working with me over the phone through a meditative healing therapy. I could feel myself gradually being released from the heaviness in my eyes. Jo was able to calm me down and break up the energy blocks that were blinding my system. After a session with Jo, I kept a detailed record of bp every hour and found that the previous high readings were immediately back to normal.

If Jo's intervention was not available and often as there are no signs of high blood pressure it was timely that we were both there for each other at the right time and right place. After A&E and a session with Jo I was asked to report back to the doctor.

My bp was tested and was normal. And to my amazement the doctor threw out the bp meds I was given by A&E and told me I did not need them. The prescribed drug for my bp was amlodipine, the side effects were tiredness and extreme sleepiness, swelling in both my legs and hands, stomach pain, arrhythmia and palpitations. Jo energetically removed the harmful effects of this drug from my body leaving me feeling refreshed and whole again. Truly a miracle.

I would definitely recommend Jo to anyone who is struggling with any aspect of their life. Physical or emotional injuries often interplay and are intertwined. Jo's great vision to tap in one or the other, fixing the yin and yan of our bodies is truly a gift to behold. It is only the waning and waxing of the moon that causes tides..Jo helped to calm the storm within. Thoroughly recommend her. Call her now."

~ Teresa

“Severe histamine reaction calmed down immediately”

“For 16 years, I had tummy ache, severe cramping, body itching with no rash and heat bumps. The histamine reaction was so severe it kept me awake at night for hours at a time and I could not get to sleep.

Jo worked on me distantly, she called me up as I was settling myself down for bed and helped me to relax and get to sleep.

Jo helped with my anxiety in general.

The work Jo did helped straight away, on the evening she started. 

Jo is amazing I would always recommend her, she is kind, thoughtful and she put herself out to help us."

~ Erin

“The painful and recurring boils that I had been struggling with every month went away completely.”

“I was thinking that you’ve helped me with so many issues. I know that while doing Soma with you I didn’t feel tired like I usually did and I had so much energy to do all the things I needed to do.

The painful and recurring boils that I had been struggling with every month went away completely. The whites of my eyes were yellow and had some red and they have turned white again. You cleared so many childhood issues that I feel like a brand new person.

For my mom you cleared away that darkness that was in her face and the warts have turned lighter. The growth on her eye that she was dealing with for a year now was smaller the next day after you worked on her. After you worked on her she is a lot calmer and not always frazzled like before.

I’m so grateful for you because I’ve worked with many Healer’s in the past and with you I’ve seen quick results. You are so caring and are a beautiful person that helps people heal! I am so grateful for you and everything you have done for my family and I. Thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤"

~ Beronica

“I was teetering between life and death. Within minutes I completely turned a corner.”

Totally out of the blue I developed an autoimmune condition where my left leg from my groin downwards just blew up like a balloon and I was in the most excruciating pain. I was rushed to hospital as my condition was worsening. Within days it moved to my other leg and upper limbs. After several scans and tests from different specialists, I was teetering between life and death.

My wife contacted Jo who immediately worked on me remotely and within minutes I completely turned a corner. She was spot on with what she found - financial shock!

Having spent 12 horrendous days in my hospital bed I finally got some relief, so much so, I was able to walk around the ward and make my way to the cafeteria downstairs with my wife. They kept me in hospital for another 10 days while they continued their investigations however, they couldn't find anything and just put it down to an unknown virus.

I cannot express how grateful I am to Jo, she literally saved my life! I am sure had she not intervened, the result would have been quite different. Now anyone I know who needs help with any health issues, I strongly recommend they go to Jo."

~ Peter

“I no longer had to take the metformin to control my diabetes”

“For some time I have been feeling tired with increased thirst and frequent urination. However, that was not the only issue. On seeking medical advice, I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. This must have been going on for some years now, with my sugar levels fluctuating high and low. I was prescribed Metformin to help control the sugar in my body. I am averse to taking any type of medication and resisted this route initially. For a few long months I tried to manage this through a low calorie diet. Much to my chagrin, I found this difficult to manage and succumbed to taking the metformin to control my blood sugars.

Suffering from a low thyroid function complicated matters and my body weight was difficult to manage. I consulted Jo as I felt my condition was very complex. I could take medication for my thyroid but the diabetes and weight control was baffling me.

Jo surprised me with how she was able to tap into some of the issues that were baffling me. Whilst the issues of the diabetes and thyroid condition were apparent, there were clearly underlying issues that were lurking beneath. On my first session, I felt a warm glow, the intense heat of something unraveling in my body. I could feel the sweat emanating from my body. My whole persona felt better, more relaxed where previously I would be very tense.

I was also due for a blood test to check both my thyroid and sugar levels. The results are amazing. I no longer had to take the metformin to control my diabetes. I felt that I was on a new journey of recovery. I am quite sure that my sessions with Jo help speed up my healing. It was as if through her treatments she set me free in mind and body and spirit. I am over the moon and overjoyed that I now have control over my health and well-being.

To my doctor’s amazement he had to lower my thyroid medication. I am having more sessions with Jo to balance my thyroid and my entire endocrine system. She mentioned that the Insulin was the priority and so had to be dealt with first in order to bring the others back in balance.

Jo has the expertise and the vision to quickly get to the root cause of a problem. She is my go to Healer. I highly recommend her for any health or other issue you may be encountering. She will truly astound you with unique reasons of why something is out of synch with you! You will thank yourself for doing so!"

~ Teresa

“I passed my vision test and kept my ability to drive!”

“I passed my vision test and kept my ability to drive! A combination of very high myopia and cataracts threatened to end my driving career. Those living here in the mountains need a car to get to work and to shop for essentials, so I had to improve my eyesight. I worked with Jo for several weeks and easily passed the vision test this time. Very grateful.

I'm very grateful and strongly recommend contacting Jo to get actual results in your healing."

~ Nan

“After the very first session my stomach was the calmest it's ever been since the surgery”

I suffered with digestive problems for most of my adult life. Things got progressively worse when I was rushed to hospital with an ulcerated duodenum. After the medical treatment I got severe bloating and belching and had regular episodes of diarrhea all of which went on for over a year. I had lost a lot of weight and my legs were swollen a lot of the time. Often the left side of my stomach felt like it was knotted and bulged out. I was in dire straits at that point as the medics were not able to do anything for me apart from give me medication, most of which made me feel worse.

One of my colleagues recommended me to Jo. After the very first session my stomach was the calmest it's ever been since the surgery. I couldn't believe it! I continued weekly sessions with her and four weeks later I could eat most foods with no consequences. All my symptoms went away, I feel I have got my life back.

I would definitely recommend Jo. She has a good understanding of what is going on in a person's body. In one of our sessions she dissolved a past life contract with my ex-wife, which was the reason why my stomach was in a knot! I was quite perplexed, she didn't know anything about my life. The relationship with my ex-wife had been very toxic and she left me to bring up our two young children on my own, but made her presence felt. I can't express enough gratitude to Jo."

~ Tony B.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to play the MP3s?

These mp3s should be played on the lowest volume or on a moderate one to obtain the best results from them. The frequencies are very subtle, but powerful, but should not overwhelm you.

Q. How will this track help me?

This mp3 energetically brings your entire immune system into harmony and resonance. It cleanses and renews the lymphatic system, including lymph organs, nodes, Interstitial tissue, liver and skin. Some of the benefits are reduction or disappearance of Inflammation and swelling and re-mineralising.

Q. How many tracks can I listen to at one time?

You may wish to play these on a loop.

Q. How often do I need to listen to the recordings?

You may play it once a day or more if you wish. Each time you play it, it will rebuild your immune fascial systems.

“You cured my very painful gout in my wrist in a matter of minutes. As a biochemist I am more familiar with the explanation of gout on a chemical level, so-called blood chemistry as performed in a clinical laboratory.”

“Dear Jo, this is just a short reminder of the time that you cured my very painful gout in my wrist in a matter of minutes when normally these things take two weeks. Not only was I grateful for the speedy recovery but I must admit I was puzzled how you did it.

You explained to me that you were able to link the gout to a stressful situation that occurred before that when Elizabeth, my wife, had had a painful fall from which she could not get up and had accused me wrongfully that I had not taken proper care of her when she was put to rest eventually. You had successfully linked the two events on a psychic level and worked it out on that level. 

As a biochemist I am more familiar with the explanation of gout on a chemical level, so-called blood chemistry as performed in a clinical laboratory."

~ Hans J Hager Ph.D.

“Dr. said it was nothing short of a miracle!”

“I suffered from repeated infections in my bladder which were treated with antibiotics which didn't work and I ended up having a nephrectomy in 2000.

Everything was fine until 2013 when the infections returned. I had a Urodynamics test which showed that residue was building up continuously and causing these recurrences.

In 2015, I was told that I had to catheterise twice daily and this would be for the rest of my life in order to keep my bladder healthy. If this didn’t work the next stage for me would be kidney dialysis.

In 2018, after three years having to catheterise twice daily, to my horror the infections came back with a vengeance and I had to increase the frequency to three times daily. By this time the allopathic drugs were also having a very detrimental effect on my health. To help myself, with now, numerous other health issues I sought alternative and natural ways. I tried spiritual healing at my church and then I found Jo.

In her session with me she did some processes and immediately I felt relief. Shortly after that I had another hospital appointment and a scan. To my great delight they confirmed that my bladder was 'empty', but they couldn't understand how? or why?

I negotiated with them and they agreed that I could stop catheterising for 3 months to check how many infections I would get during this period. After this time had elapsed, I met with the consultant who scanned me there and then. He was lost for words, basically said that I was nothing short of a miracle! He couldn't fathom out exactly how this was possible but what he was sure of was that I did not need to be catheterised for the rest of my life and he couldn't explain why?

This was a life changing moment. I just couldn't stop the tears flowing.

Thank you Jo"

~ Julie Plowright

“I noticed an improvement in my mood and my skin looked clearer”

“When I first went to Jo, over six years ago now, I’d been suffering with the effects of PCOS for 10 years. I had all the usual symptoms, weight gain, bad skin, irregular periods, among others.

Jo worked specifically on this condition and the results were amazing! The morning after the appointment, I noticed a large jelly-like ball the size of a large marble when I went to the toilet.

Over the next few weeks I noticed an improvement in my mood and my skin looked clearer, my periods became regular too.

A few months later I went for my check up scan and the operator was left speechless when the ultrasound had revealed both ovaries were normal in appearance.

I continue to see Jo on regular basis as she keeps my body in balance. I honestly can’t recommend Jo enough, no matter what ailment you suffer with I am 100% sure Jo can heal it."

~ October Willis

“The shifts I'm making in my body, mind and life with Jo are incomparable to the 100s of other programs and healers I’ve worked with in the past.”

“Jo is nothing short of a miracle worker. She understands energy and the human body like no other. She is committed to getting to the bottom of any issue or ailment and realigning you back to your Divine Truth. What Jo is helping me accomplish in my life is immeasurable.

She did a Life Mission reading for me and it confirmed everything I knew, but had been scared to step into. The shifts I'm making in my body, mind and life with Jo are incomparable to the 100s of other programs and healers I’ve worked with in the past. She is in a league of her own. Jo's commitment to reconnecting you with your truth, life mission and your healthiest most radiant body health and wealth is next to none.

Every single process and meditation she does is at the forefront of healing. I've in fact referred to her as a genius at times before because I'm always amazed at what she can see and do. From soul fragment recall, to ego integration everything in between. And some things I haven't even heard of. She always has the most creative and brilliant solutions to deeply heal and resolve any issue or symptom in your body or life. From weight, finances, body symptoms and everything In between.

I've come to love and trust Jo like family and truly feel blessed to have her in my life. With Jo I feel so much more confident moving forward in my life in the ways I've always needed to. Because of her I’m more confident in who I am, and who I'm becoming. She is kind, loving, committed and I don't hesitate to recommend her to absolutely everyone. She is hands down the best. Working with Jo was easily the best decision I've made, and I am eternally grateful for her presence in my life. You will not be disappointed."

~ Elizabeth G.

“I now almost don’t even know I have a gut and the psoriasis is now all but gone.”

“I have to say that Jo’s work has been singularly the most successful at rebalancing my mind and body on both physical and mental levels.

Jo’s infinite patience, unswerving support and persistence is finally making a difference. On a physical level she told me that my psoriasis, which I have suffered from since childhood, was a symptom of my leaky gut which I had no idea I had, despite battling for years against constant discomfort, dull headaches, nausea and tiredness.

Jo’s revelation got me researching and studying the condition and ultimately I have radically changed my diet. I have to say that my gut is the healthiest and happiest it has ever been, I now almost don’t even know I have a gut and the psoriasis is now all but gone.

My mental health issues, which also go back to my childhood, have been a constant challenge for me. I have never been able to open up as completely as I do to Jo. I can do this now because I feel safe with her.

By laying myself bare she has been able to help me to understand exactly who I am and why I think what and how I think it. Her amazing tools and techniques, shared with such generosity, have finally enabled me to make changes on a very deep and fundamental level and I am now at the point where I can actually help myself to a certain extent – after 50+ years on this earth that is truly incredible and life feels a lot different now. 

Jo is now a crucial and integral part of our lives and I feel extremely lucky and privileged that I was introduced to her. 

I would recommend Jo without reservation or hesitation."

~ Lissa Elcock

“My frozen shoulders opened up after a few minutes with Jo’s work!”

“I suffered for several years with vertigo/vision issues, stiff sore muscles, frozen shoulders, skin issues including eczema, fungal infection.

Within a few minutes after Jo worked on me, my frozen shoulders opened significantly and have remained open. My muscles have softened, fungal cleared, vertigo, vision issues and eczema are reducing

When Jo is working on me I feel energy move throughout my body and spontaneous movement occurs through spine and muscles. I feel the energy open through the core/central channel and I take huge breaths feeling my lungs open.

Jo has surprising knowledge of and insight into emotional issues that feel so close I would not think to even mention them and yet when she brings them up, I realize they are significant and important to bring awareness to. Jo is quite perceptive and has provided me with more awareness of my blocks to opening, moving and flowing more flexibly. I feel more integrated and connection throughout my system in general."

~ Cathy

“My whole body shakes were gone within minutes!”

“I worked with Jo initially to help heal my shakes and recently for my memory loss. I’ve been dealing with the shakes for many years and began noticing memory loss issues over the past year.

My shakes were very bad, whole body was shaking. Within minutes after working with Jo, I was still and calm!

Since that appointment it’s been 98% gone! I am continuing sessions for my memory, which are beginning to improve"

~ Brian

“My bloating and gut issues improved after my session!”

“I was having emotional issues regarding my family. I also had IBS, general low energy and lethargy. The symptoms were getting to the point where I rarely had a day when I felt well and I was stressed all the time. 

Jo was amazing! She enabled me to relax through healing techniques which were very powerful. I am often feeling stressed and exhausted at the beginning of a session but as soon as she starts I find myself letting go immediately.

She would also work on my gut, which was often so bloated that I could not do my clothes up and was rock hard. After a session I would feel much calmer and more aligned as various traumas were released.

The work on my gut would usually bring the bloating and swelling down during the session. This was an enormous relief as I was then a great deal more comfortable. 

My mind felt much more centred and I had a feeling of peace. This I found very profound as it shows that I do not have to live in a continual state of stress due to trauma and which is then manifesting in my body. 

I am totally addicted to my sessions with Jo and will continue with her to address other areas in my life. She has done more for me than all the years of therapy. 

I would absolutely recommend Jo to other people and I have done. I have made so much progress in my life due to my healing sessions with Jo. My sessions are a complete lifeline. Her gift for healing and her wisdom have kept me going. I am truly blessed to have her in my life."

~ Diana

“Bloating is much better and my clothes are not as tight.”

“I worked with Jo to help me with my bloating and my body felt twisted hence my knee was hurting. I experienced this bloating for about 40 years and the twist for about 10 years

Since working with Jo, the bloating is much better, I feel lighter and my clothes are not as tight.

I am delighted that my walking gait has changed, and my pelvis is now moving correctly and is no longer blocked which means I feel much straighter and my pelvic muscles are not as tight on my right hand side. I feel much more natural now when I am walking so I can walk the dogs further and my knee doesn’t hurt.

Jo is very genuine, kind and generous and hugely talented and I wholeheartedly recommend her."

~ Helen

“Diaphram back down and the consequent results in my breathing is remarkable”

“Recently having had tests and a CT scan on the NHS for breathing problems I was informed my diaphragm under my left lung had pushed up into my lung (possibly caused by a fall sometime earlier ) and my lung was only working at fifty percent capacity , and there was no treatment or drugs that could help, it would not get any worse and I just have to live with it.

Having discussed my problem with Jo she has over a three week period worked the diaphragm back down and the consequent results in my breathing is remarkable . This is just one example of Jo's remarkable work .

Over the last eighteen months I have recommended Jo to six people , five of them are still receiving successful treatment . I personally have treatment weekly which keeps my troublesome back and hips in shape as well as my breathing and sinusitis in check.

Seventeen months ago my wife died of cancer after a four year illness , since my loss Jo has been unbelievably helpful psychologically and mentally .

Unfortunately the NHS doesn't have enough quality staff or the time required to give patients the treatment that Jo gives . I am more than happy to recommend Jo to anyone"

~ Rod Q

“Life Saving Treatment for Prem Baby”

“My granddaughter was born a good weight but 3 weeks early. She was immediately rushed to ICU with breathing difficulties and for a number of days it was touch and go if she would make it or not.

My daughter was distraught as she had already had 2 miscarriages and we were all fearing the worst.

I contacted Jo and she immediately began treatments to help the little one pull through. Through the energy pathways which Jo uses she could see that genetic expectations following the two miscarriages were somehow blocking the little one’s progress and she was able to reverse these quite dramatically.

Within hours of the treatment she began to start feeding which up until that point she had been on life support only. She was weaned off the machines gradually and continued to make huge progress.

Within a week of being born, and a matter of a few days following Jo’s treatment, my granddaughter came home. I firmly believe that without Jo’s intervention the outcome would have been very different. Thank you Jo from the bottom of my heart"

~ EC

“I am in the flow and no need to grind my teeth anymore”

“For a month or so I was having a tough time at work and was holding on to a lot of emotion and stress. At times I felt overwhelmed by the pressure I was under. I was totally run down and exhausted and was holding on to stress in my shoulders and neck. I wasn’t sleeping at all well, which was unlike me. I had also begun to grind my teeth, which was something I hadn’t done for many years and resulted in immense pain at times on the right side of my face/TMJ.

Jo was wonderful, at firstly getting me to relax by using various techniques to release the emotional trauma I was experiencing and secondly she relieved the tension in my neck and shoulders enormously.

My neck was really quite painful when she first starting working on it but by the end of the session the tightness had improved, especially down the muscles at the front of the neck. There were various other parts of my body that were tender and again she managed to improve this using frequencies and various visualisation techniques. Jo managed to release the tightness around my TMJ, which improved the pain I was experiencing from grinding my teeth.

I think what surprised me was that having thought I was going to see Jo for physical issues, she addressed the emotional aspects of what was causing the tightness in my neck and shoulders and this had a massive impact on my attitude to the workplace and really helped me get through a troublesome time. I no longer took the burden of what was happening at work as my sole responsibility and managed to ‘let go’ of the emotional turmoil I was experiencing.

After a treatment with Jo, the results were immediate. I had a few more sessions with her but not long after this I had a cycling accident so she helped me recover from the injuries I sustained. Jo released the trauma and helped bring my body back into alignment."

~ Melanie

“My body loved the sound in this MP3”

“he sound in this MP3 is so amazing. I felt it was pulling my mind into nature and got me out of the thinking. Then visually I was in Nature all around me. Even though I was in the chair it actually took me outside. My body was loving the sound. It was like you pulled me there in one of your sessions. Then I heard a heartbeat but when it was done it was my heart beating to it."

~ Darlene V

“Wave of relaxation went right through after listening to this MP3”

“I had quite an extraordinary experience while listening to this mp3 and which I can only describe as a journey through my body and my inner vision. I had a lot of "synthetic visions" followed by a sensation in the center of my brain that felt like it was "readjusting" and then a feeling on the top of my head that lingered on for a while. When this subsided my eyes relaxed and my back felt "wider" and before I knew it the wave of relaxation went right through it to the rest of my body. I lay there in total acceptance."

~ Maite

“I had the best sleep ever after listening to this MP3!”

“I was having a severe histamine reaction one evening and the itching was uncontrollable. I was at my wits end and decided to play this MP3. Within seconds I felt so calm, the itching now turned to sheer bliss! I Must have fallen asleep soon after. I woke up the next morning feeling so refreshed. I had had the best sleep ever!"

~ Sue

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Discount: 88%

Total Package Value $1200

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $197

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3


Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $2400

From Heartache to Joy
 Offer: $347

Early Bird Price:



3 Recorded Group Healing Sessions (90 Mins each)

21 Days - Remote Divine Fascia Light Activations

Cosmic Hydration MP3

Relinquish Fear MP3

Bliss MP3

Self Love MP3

Cosmic Microbiome MP3

Limited Time Bonus: Magic Bullet

Immune Reset Mp3

LIMITED TIME: Buy One 45 Minute 1-1 Session With Jo Get One FREE!

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Package A: No-refund after Remote Healing Session Start.
Package B: No refund after Remote Healing or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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