There is a Much Deeper Issue than Just Pain and Disease
- Are you living in pain from an old sports injury or an accident?
- Have you had some sort of trauma that happened to your body that has resulted in pain?
- Do you suffer in pain from scoliosis, crohn's or any other serious issue that is depleting your quality of life?

Our experiences that we have not let go of manifest as pain or disease. It’s a cycle that starts with the experience or trauma that we cannot process and let go of.
We store this memory as a program running in the background which the subconscious mind holds onto even though we think we have let go of the experience. If we have not processed this specific event the subconscious mind reacts by attracting the same experience. Although the people or scenario may be different, the energy of the experience is the same, since this is the energy we resonate with.
However, once we release this memory we can move on. Kind of like a book or movie that has been watched and doesn't need to be watched again as it's no longer exciting to watch.
The Same Thing Occurs with Pain and Disease!
Our stories that we hold onto can manifest into pain or disease. This is the body’s way of telling us that something is not serving us, and we need to let go.
So what could potentially happen if we don't address the stories we are holding onto?

Yes! We Resonate With Our Thoughts and Attract What We Are Thinking.
Sometimes these thoughts are in the subconscious brain. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what has happened and what is happening.
If the program is running then it is real to the subconscious and our body and circumstances respond to this.
Have you ever been to the mall and been in such a good mood that everything goes so smoothly, parking at the entrance, you find all the bargains, everyone is super helpful ….
But try going to the mall when you are feeling down, no parking, super rude people and no hope of finding what you set out to find.
The same applies to the body!
If we don't release and let go then we could develop allergies or cancer, pain etc.
We Program Our Body With Our Thoughts so Why Would We Want to Hang onto the Old Programs?
You are in the driver's seat! With the right tools and support you can completely change YOUR PROGRAMMING, so you can live a Pain Free Life!
Total Package Value $1787
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
No Refund after Remote Healing begins on 15th May
“Miraculous Heart Healing”
Julia's experience working with an older man with heart issues.
"I met a super fit older man at the gym in my spin class. He told me he had to get a pace maker fitted and that his left aorta was enlarged.
He came for a session the next day and we found a memory of his sister having committed suicide years previously. This was stored in his heart.
We did some releasing and the next day he went to his specialist ... of course he told her about the session and she told him its all nonsense!
He had an ultrasound and all the other tests he needed for pre-op. They discovered that this left aorta had gone back to normal!
He still needed the pace maker but the point is that he made peace with his sisters suicide and was able to let go of the story and the guilt, which helped his heart!"
“Miraculous Back Healing”
Julia's experience working with a lady with severe back pain.
"A few years ago a lady named Rose came in to see me. She had severe back pain and was desperate for help.
She and her husband sold the family home to pay for back surgery in America with a top surgeon. It did help to a point, but she was still in tremendous pain.
I would run energy on her and she would leave smiling and so happy to have no pain only to return a week or two later with the same pain. This carried on for a few months.
One day I said to her, "Lets try to find what this pain is. You leave here pain free so what is to prevent you from being pain free permanently?"
It turned out that she had been in the war in Serbia and there was so much trauma attached to events that happened to her and her family. They settled in Canada, but she had not let go of the story and trauma of the past.
We did a process for her to release this and she was like a new woman! I did not see her for quite some time and one day got a phone call from her. She invited me for coffee and gave me a huge bunch of flowers and a Thank-you card.
She had taken steps to learn a healing modality thanks to being pain free was living her life. I cannot put money on the privilege to be a part of someones beautiful journey."
Introducing …
Total Body Alignment
Release Negative Programming to Live a Pain Free Life
This 30 Day Program is designed to help you raise your energy to resonate with the frequency of love so your body naturally responds to healing.
By resonating to a higher frequency for 30 days you can break the habit of being stuck in victim or pain mode. You can rewrite your now and feel what it is like to live in gratitude and to love your body for being the vehicle that houses your very essence, your soul.
You get to actively take part in your healing journey!
By the End of Your 30 Day Program You Will Experience:
- Less pain as your muscular and skeletal systems will be in alignment
- More at peace and feel joy
- Complete release of deep programming around fear, anger, abandonment etc
“Healed From Scoliosis in 2 Sessions!”
“Last week I was a translator of this amazing Skype call and witnessed the healing process of a young lady who suffered from Scoliosis, she was healed just in two sessions with our professional & Highly qualified Quantum Touch healer and instructor Julia Maré from Vancouver - Canada. See the results below!
My client was from an Arabian Gulf country and Julia worked on her from Vancouver- Canada using Skype. This work of healing was extremely phenomenal & exclusively amazing!!! How does it get any better than that?? ♥♥"
~ Anfal Al Qaisi

“My Hip Pain is Gone!”
“For the past several weeks I have had hip pain in my right hip when going for my daily walk. The pain level was at about a 6. I could still walk, but I could tell I was favoring it. During Julia's session I could feel things starting to move because the pain went to my left knee and then my left ankle. She said it was my left side that was hurting and my right hip was compensating for this! I couldn't wait to go for my walk to test this theory. I am thrilled to say that my hip no longer hurts! There is 0 pain on my walks now. I am grateful for this work Julia!”
Gretchen Pritts
FHTJ Team Member
“Within 30 minutes the pain was completely gone and my mobility was 100% back!”
“I was feeling a lot of pain in my back on the left side. This also included my shoulder area and even the neck, so much that the mobility in my arm was reduced. I expressed this to Julia on April 29th. She checked in and told me I was carrying a lot of burdens and responsibility. She worked on me and in less than 30 seconds and immediately my shoulder started to feel better and the mobility in my arm was improved. Within 30 minutes the pain was completely gone and my mobility was 100% back I had been in this pain for almost 45 days and my back was PAIN FREE! Julia is absolutely AMAZING! "
~ Eram Saeed
“Shoulder Stiffness and Tailbone Pain Moved from a Level 6 to a 0!”
“I had a list of all my pain issues to ask her and I started with the shoulder. I didn't have any pain at that time, just some stiffness, but at night it is around 5. She cleared some energy and the stiffness went away immediately and I have not had pain at night ever since. She also worked on my tail bone injury that i had as a teenager and have been in pain ever since. When I sit for long hours my tailbone pain level is at 6 or sometimes even 8. Today I noticed after sitting for over 4 hours that I had 0 pain! Julia is so easy to work with. I absolutely loved my session not only for the pain relief I got but also for all the helpful suggestions she lovingly gave. Thank you, Julia!”
Naila Razvi
FHTJ Team Member
“The Pain in my Neck is almost gone!”
“I am 16 now but since the age of 14 I have been having severe pain in the neck. At first we thought it was just strain due to studying for long hours and overusing the mobile phone. But after my board exams last year and even after considerable rest the pain never seemed to cease. So mom took me to an Orthopedic and after tests he said that this is an early onset of Cervical Spondilosys, a condition now quite common in younger generation. He didn't give me any medication, just some exercises and discipline around the use of gadgets, which I promptly forgot! Hence the pain continued and I just somehow learned to live with it. Mom asked me to get this session from Julia and I agreed to it reluctantly. But I really liked Julia. She was friendly and made me feel completely at ease. I did not have any pain at that moment, so couldn't give any feedback, but it's been a week now and I must say that the pain is almost as good as gone! Mom has asked me to partake in the 30 day remote healing as well so I continue to get the benefit and my pain goes away 100%. I am very grateful to Julia for this session!"
~ Afrin Razvi
“Pain Quickly Dropped from an 8 to a 2!”
“My session with Julia was so good ! She's very wise, highly intuitive, kind, very loving and supporting. I felt totally lifted up afterwards . Pain levels in my neck , head and back were 7 on a scale from 1 to 10. Well, maybe 8 for my head as I was dealing with a flu virus which gave me high fever and huge headache. In the session the pain levels dropped to a 2. I have deep and long standing issues going on .
During the whole session I could feel tensions in all those areas and in my chest and heart opening up and softening .. I could feel tinglings and energy moving . With her accurate words and wisdom I felt very moved and touched. In just 1 session it felt Julia completely understood my life-story and situation of trauma , burn-out and exhaustion . . I could feel Julia is genuine and authentic and really wanted to help me on my journey.
She pointed me to the immense beauty of my soul, which was very encouraging .”
~ Wim, Germany.
“Julia Saved My Life!”

Julia is a powerful, yet gentle Healer. She is a truly beautiful Soul inside and out."
~ Lazina Ramzan-Sahib
What Makes Julia Unique:
Julia believes that when you allow yourself to let go of the story or experiences that have defined who you are today and allow yourself to feel love, when you love who you are, you can experience life differently!
Julia has witnessed so many of her clients embracing who they are and letting go of the past to the point where they don't even remember why they originally came to her for a session!
They have COMPLETELY turned their life around and handle day to day upsets with so much more ease.
“Life is always going to happen and the way we handle our experiences can make a huge difference in how we feel and create the space that we are in.” - Julia Mare
Look at how quickly her foot healed!
Hi Julia, This is a testimonial and heart felt message to thank you for your energy healing and support. From the moment you spoke to me I felt comforted and each day.
And each day I am healing. I am so happy how my foot is feeling. Much gratitude. Thank you again!

“It only took Julia 45 sec to release the pain level substantially from my neck- fibromyalgia!”
“I believe it only took Julia 45 sec to release the pain level substantially from my neck- fibromyalgi, just wow!. She then worked on my fingers where I often have pain because of arthritis. Both conditions are in relations to a long time suffering from psoriasis.
My Fingers felt so soft and light after only a few minutes of work. She also addressed my back, my tailbone and the pain level shifted from a 7 to a 1. I will work with her in future not only because the results was shift and elegantly executed but also because of her kind and calming voice, that seemed to resonate with someting deep within me. Thank you Julia, see U soon."
~ Anya Schwartzberg
“You did save my life when I did suddenly have severe dizziness and nausea!”
“I would like to say Thank you to you. You did save my life on March 1st when I did suddenly have severe dizziness and nausea. The worst condition I have ever had in the past years. Those conditions were cleared in a few min after you did start working on me. I was thinking I was going to die alone as I did email you. Very scary moment.
I am very thankful to you. Thank you for saving my life besides balancing female hormones and clearing horrible childhood traumas even from my mother and her violence, and clearing and checking my adrenals, gallbladder, liver, spleens, reproductive organs, and urinary bladder.
My energy is back, feeling alive. I suffered too much. No more. I let go of my mother and family lineage. Your gentleness ...very precious. Your understanding...very precious. Do hope many people will receive such great healings from you. Thank you more than anything with gratitude.”
~ Nicole
“Within Minutes My Bloody Nose and Headache Stopped!”
“It wasn't my proudest moment when I ran - nose first - into a glass door.
After the initial shock my nose started to hurt like crazy- it was tender to the touch (and thankfully not broken!), sore, and started to bleed. Within seconds headache set in.
Thankfully Julia was near by to give me first aid treatment. Not quite sure what she did exactly. And what can I say? My nose stopped bleeding. And what should have turned into a black eye and severe swelling became a tender jaundice colour within the next two days only!
My headache disappeared too. OMG! Thank you Julia for being there at the right time and place when my nose and head needed you most. And for your craft for making me feel better within minutes. Impressive! Thank You!"
~ Christina Waschko

Available for 48 Hours or Until 50 Packages Sell!
Add 3 family members!
For a LIMITED TIME you can add 3 family members to Julia's remote healing for Total Body Alignment!
Each family member that you add will receive the healing energy for the full 30 days. You can add their names to the form after purchasing. They do not need to actively participate to receive the energy.
Total Package Value $1787
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund: No refunds after Remote Session begins
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1:1 30 Min Private Session Reading with Julia!
“My Foot Pain Improved Immediately!”
“My energy session with Julia was short, sweet and profound. She connected with me immediately and found several things without my intolerance to mint; she lifted depression; and released anger and fear of success rooted when I was 20 years old.
This was the period of my life where I was struggling in university and could not get accepted in the studies of my choice. I suffer from chronic pain issues, the major trouble is pain in my left foot that has limited my mobility.
She focused on the nerve root of the problem and my foot improved immediately. I gained clarity through our session and have felt a shift in my health challenges and feel the best I have in ages! Greatly appreciated Julia!"
~ ❤ Dawn C.
“This morning the pain in my lower back is gone for the first time in at least 4 years.”
“The treatment that I received was unexplainable and extraordinary, personal and moving.I could feel it throughout my entire body. What I struggled with daily was now somehow gone.
I walked away feeling out of my body...not exactly sure what had happened or how someone that I had just met me could speak to my body and that my body listened.
Even this morning the pain in my lower back is gone for the first time in at least 4 years. I slept through the night with ease and I can’t believe it.”
~ Tara
Package A |
30 Days Remote Healing for Total Body Alignment
Starting: May 15, 2020
The 30 Day Remote Healing for Total Body Alignment is designed to bring the body back into balance with the skeletal muscular structure and involves healing a lot of emotions.
At the end of the 30 days, you will achieve remarkable alignment throughout your body, including your:
- Knee Joints
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Hips
- Back
Some of the side benefits could be releasing some deep programming around fear, anger and abandonment as well.
A heads up … you could feel great during the remote healing and the one on one healing and then feel increased pain a few hours later. This is a GOOD THING because it means the pain and or memory is being released from the body. It can be difficult to let go of the things we have had hidden deep for a long amount of time. If this happens Julia will be there to support you every step of the way!
A Chinese proverb says:
“Any illness is an opportunity and not a judgment. The purpose of the disease is to lead the man to himself.”
Here are some examples of what will be covered throughout the 30 Days Remote Healing for Total Body Alignment:
Realigning the body: Releasing the Spino Basilar Joint in the Brain
The spheno-basilar junction, SBJ for short, refers to the cartilaginous junction of the sphenoid bone and the basilar portion of the occipital bone at the base of the skull. In healthy individuals, this junction is mobile.
The sphenoid bone articulates directly or indirectly with all other cranial bones.
The movement of the cranial bones forms the craniosacral pulse/rhythm
This pulse pumps cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord, delivering nutrients, removing wastes and modulating the neuroimmune system.
The movement of the sphenoid bone contributes to the circulation of fluids within the pituitary.
This circulation assists hormones produced by the pituitary to be transported into the blood supply and distributed throughout the body.
These hormones control growth, blood pressure, certain functions of the sex organs, thyroid glands and metabolism, certain aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, water/salt concentration and the kidneys, temperature regulation, pain relief and more (Klibanski and Trios 2013).
How The SBJ Can Be Impaired
- Hit to the head
- In birth, cranial bones compressed for too long
- Getting the wind knocked out of you
- Excessive Coughing
- Falling on tailbone
The energy of the neck area is the energy of creativity, it expresses the power to create. It is the energy that we use to emit vibrations of sound, speech, singing, etc.
This creates the possibility to perform miracles in our lives. The neck area is the gateway to the mental dimension of the human being.
Any problem in this area corresponds to the fear of asking questions and expressing oneself, or a blockage of creativity.
Other possible causes include – refusal to change, rigidity, and hidden anger due to offensive words.
What to expect from this healing:
- Experience relief from pain and soreness
- Successful realignment of joints
- A positive mental effect
Releasing the neck can be associated with the release of pressure and the accompanying relief. This could release endorphins, which are the body's natural pain relief.
“The spine is one dimension of you, which determines which direction you go. How your spine is functioning; how the energies in your spine are functioning right now determines almost everything about where you go.” ~ Sadhguru
The seat of major energy meridians, chakras and neurons, the Spinal cord defines the quality of our lives. In a mother’s womb, the spine is the first thing that is formed and then the body, limbs etc takes root.
From a physical point of view the spinal column is an important channel for all the bodily stimuli that are transferred via the nerves to the brain. It is part of our central nervous system along with the brain. But also on a spiritual level, the spine is the source of all our energy.
The spinal column is one of the most important features of the body, yet many people are still unsure about its functions, not to mention how to keep it healthy and strong.
It's important to know that the spinal column serves two important purposes within the body: It keeps a person balanced and upright, and it also houses and protects the central nervous system. When the spinal column is in good health, this makes it easier for the entire body to be in its best health as well.
Shoulder pain represents our capacity to carry our experiences in life joyously. We choose to make life a burden by our attitude.
The right shoulder is to do with guilt that is causing you to not take responsibility to gain for yourself from whatever you do.
The left shoulder has to do with guilt that is stopping you from being responsible to better understand yourself so that you can just be yourself.
Because the process of walking relies on first thrusting the hip forward and then the leg, pain in this region indicates moving too quickly in life.
Hips are representative of decisions, especially as they pertain to moving forward. You might need to stop, look around, and slow down before making any more moves.
Representative of our pride, pain here is associated with our reluctance to admit fear. Knees can also represent humility, which is the wisdom to surrender when change occurs.
Symbolizing our connection with Mother Earth, painful feet represent our relationship with our Mother, specifically our separation from the one who gave birth to us.
“In less than a week there is a noticeable change in the curvature of my spine, it’s straighter!!!”
Julie is absolutely incredible! I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to receive her very unique, thorough and transformational work.
I have had physical pain on and off my whole life due to scoliosis, car accidents, emotional trauma, and injuries. I’ve done a lot of work with many healers over the years and Julie’s work opened up doorways that up until now remained closed no matter how many times I went looking!
In less than a week there is a noticeable change in the curvature of my spine, it’s straighter!!!
Her connection to Source is truly uncanny! For instance she saw specific details from my life that I had completely forget about and asked me questions about my memories like she was there with me!
I’ll definitely be working with her in the future and highly recommend her divine and soul-filled work! - Tanja
“My pain dropped from a 7 to a 1 immediately.”
I had long-standing pain in my neck, shoulders, and occasionally low back that I could only temporarily relieve. It had been at a level 7 for about 5 days. I also had left knee pain as I had torn something in my knee a couple of months ago and it still hurt to sit cross-legged.
Julia was very accurate in her findings. She found the sphenoid bone was out of place and she energetically corrected it, which then relaxed my whole body. My pain dropped from a 7 to a 1 immediately. She found issues with my lymph, too, and my congestion has alleviated overnight.
She did multiple corrections to my structure - finding old injuries that still had some energy on them. She cleared scar tissue in my knee and the pain is gone. With all the things she cleared, I wake up feeling much more refreshed than I had been.
I work on myself daily, but it's always great to have another expert pair of eyes and I feel much better after her work. I loved it and I will work with her more in the future!
I felt big shifts immediately while she was working, pain and tension released and I felt much clearer and lighter. Every day I feel better and better. I notice today after 4 days that my sinuses are clearer. I love Julia and her work! She's amazing! - Lisa Anderson
Energy Begins IMMEDIATELY Upon Purchase
Clear Your Manifesting Channel!
One of the most important chakras for manifesting is your root chakra. The connection to the ground is through our feet. They are crucial to this process, for it is through our feet that we can connect with the vibrational energies of the Earth.
The energy of this chakra not only connects us to the planet, but also to our roots or origins. Its energy helps us access past lives and karmic patterns as well as the genetic blueprint that we receive from our parents and above all to root us firmly into the vibrational essence of the Earth.
Your ability to manifest what you desire is directly affected when this chakra is open and clear.
With Julia's Clear Your Manifesting Channel bonus, she will begin clearing your root chakra IMMEDIATELY so this channel is crystal clear. This will affect your ability to ground and connect with the earth which is essential for your healing and manifesting.
Healthy Chakras, Healthy Endocrines, Healthy Body
Chakra Balancing for the 7 Chakras
Each of the chakras in the body is paired with an endocrine gland and governs its function. In this healing you will receive chakra balancing for all 7 chakra's so that your endocrine system is working at its optimal capacity, which helps all areas of your health!
- Root chakra (1st) — Reproductive glands (testes in men; ovaries in women); controls sexual development and secretes sex hormones.
- Sacral chakra (2nd) — Adrenal glands; regulates the immune system and metabolism.
- Solar Plexus chakra (3rd) — Pancreas; regulates metabolism.
- Heart chakra (4th) — Thymus gland; regulates the immune system.
- Throat chakra (5th) — Thyroid gland; regulates body temperature and metabolism.
- Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones and governs the function of the previous five glands; sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra as well as to the crown chakra.
- Crown chakra (7th) — Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles, including sleep.
Total Package Value $1787
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund: No refunds after Remote Session begins
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1:1 30 Min Private Session Reading with Julia!
1-1 Session with Julia
If you have pain associated with something more serious like scoliosis, crohn's or any other serious issue then you want more energy! You want to have a private session so you can actually heal it… for good! You will definitely get relief by being in Package A, but if there is something that’s deeper and needs more work, then a 1-1 session is recommended.
1:1 sessions with Julia allow you to work on the breakdown in communication with the mind, body and clear and release stubborn programmes that are not serving you, allowing you to move forward and release the painful memories/defining moments.
“My cat responded wonderfully to Julia's work!”
Julia graciously did some work for my cat, whose nose had been dry and he was sleeping more than usual. She worked on his kidneys and a few other things. He liked her energy and sat facing her while she worked. He went to his litter box straight after the session. He was more alert.
The next day, his nose was back to its healthy wet state. He isn't going into the coma-type sleep he had been. I can tell he feels much better! - Lisa
“I can move my ankle again with ease!”
Julia Mare, thank you for the session today. It felt good to my body to have a "tune up" and get the body alignment. My right ankle (the reason why we scheduled the session) feels so free! Before it was stiff as if it was in a cast but now I can move it with ease in all directions. I like your soothing style of doing the session. As we talked and you were running the energy, it was so nurturing...just what I needed today. Thank you! XV
“I returned to return to being my full, vibrant self”
Julia Mare has provided her service through Energy Therapys for me over the past several years. She is both a compassionate mentor and a light-filled healer. She is a truly humble and caring person.
The progressive work she has done for me can best be described with a metaphor of me living in a house that seems adequate however there are certain rooms I don't enter or don't even know exist. Maybe the wiring has short circuited and I can't seem to get the lights on.
Julia helps me navigate through those 'active memory' circuits safely, allowing me to reconnect with those lost parts and release blocks I didn't even know were holding me back, allowing the energy to run unimpeded so I can return to being my full, vibrant self. The windows are open, and the curtains are drawn back, more light is streaming in and I feel like I shed weight every time I complete her sessions. Now I schedule regular maintenance tune-ups to keep my house in good running order.
Another validation of her work is the recent family matrix she completed which had profound results. Family members who had become estranged over the years due to unresolved issues began reconnecting with us allowing the family bonds to become transformed and whole again.
I am truly grateful to have Julia in my life and would recommend her without reservation to anyone seeking a loving and gentle healing approach with undeniable, life changing results.
~ Melissa Hoegler
About Julia:
Julia started her healing journey while living in South Africa originally exploring modalities for working with animals but landed up having to work with humans first and fell in love with helping people realize their true potential while releasing emotional blocks and pain. Julia lives in B.C. Canada and has a practice for both hands on and facilitating remote healing.
And Don't Miss this Special Add-on Offer Available at Checkout
1:1 30 Min Private Session Reading with Julia!
Total Package Value $1787
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund: No refunds after Remote Session begins
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.