30 Day Remote Healing Added to Package A!

Parasites are Destroying Your Health!

Over 300 different known types of parasites live in the human body...
Ranging from micrometers to meters in length that can cause MANY physical issues!

Parasites are known to affect your hormones, digestion and EVEN YOUR MIND!


Some parasites can control your mind and influence your behavior in order to help them reproduce!!

Sounds like something right out of a Sci-Fi movie, right?!

Even though it may sound like a movie...

In an article written in Discover Magazine, it was reported that...

"Researchers estimate that as much as 30 percent of the people on earth — more than two billion of us — are carrying little T. gondii tachyzoites (a parasite) around in our brains right now."

It goes on to say...

“We often see symptoms like altered activity levels, changes in risk behaviors, and decreased reaction times,” says Joanne Webster, a parasitology researcher at Imperial College, London. “But in some cases, they become more severe — like schizophrenia.”

And this is just talking about 1 type of parasite!

On their website, the CDC states that...

"More than 40 million people in the United States may be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite."

This is just 2 types of parasites!


There are over 300 different known types of parasites that live in the human body!!

How Do These Parasites Affect Your Health?

So many physical issues and symptoms can be caused by parasites! Many of these issues can appear to be there for no medical reason too!

Some of these issues include:

  • Weight issues
  • Brain fog
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Lack of energy
  • Bloating
  • Memory issues
  • Heart & cardiovascular issues
  • Nervous system issues
  • Digestion issues

Parasites can hide EVERYWHERE throughout your body! And no matter where they are, they are almost IMPOSSIBLE to eradicate!!! Most commonly you would find them in:

  • Intestines
  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Brain
  • Blood
  • Eyes
  • Lungs
  • Lymphs

BUT Kari is finding them NOT ONLY in the physical body, but also the energetic and quantum spaces too!!!

As if finding parasites throughout your body AND also in the quantum spaces isn't enough...

Kari has also discovered that both attachments and entities show up in the SAME PLACES and in connection with parasites.

So Where Exactly Are We Picking Up These Parasites?

Parasites have been around forever.

However, here is how the issues started...

ALMOST NO ATTENTION has been given to them and how they can affect our health...

This has allowed for excessive build up and over population in our bodies...

Which has made them almost IMPOSSIBLE to eradicate!


With the increased negative energies that bombard us each and every day...

We are having a more difficult time keeping balance in our system.

This entire scenario spells DISASTER for our health and well-being!

To make matters worse, today's parasites have built-in defense mechanisms to our current physical cleanses - but not to Energetic ones!

After finding so many people living with parasites, Kari has created this special parasite cleanse patterned off of her highly successful nanobot program!

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Save: $30

Regular Price $127

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

30 Days Remote Healing

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $199

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $299

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group

30 mins Private Session with Kari

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Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

Look What Happens When People Use The Quantum Parasite Cleanse!

“I have listened to the parasite program several times . I believe that it has improved my mood, and I lost about 8 pounds. I do seem to feel lighter.” ~ Diane V.

“I love the parasite program. Since I have been listening to it, I have been sleeping better and I don’t have to wake up two or three times at night anymore. Thank you Kari !” ~ Caro S.

"I feel much better- hardly feeling any of the usual pain I feel every day. I’ve felt much more clear in the head as well. Emotionally I am feeling much better as well." ~ J.M. Minnesota

"I am loving the mp3 s. Definitely losing weight. Hooray." ~S.G.

“My husband gradually just quit using his reading glasses!” ~ E.S.

“I had itchy bumps all along my cheekbones for the last year. They have disappeared and the itchiness is gone. I am feeling so much better about my skin now! Looking forward to listening to all of the mp3s.” ~ D L

"My son was diagnosed with a bone degenerative disease that had brought him to a point where he couldn’t walk. With just ONE session that targeted parasites in his spine, he was fully walking without hardly a hitch!" ~ F.S.


"The day after our session a gross disgusting worm came out, I could see about 4 inches of it (10cm)…looked like a yellowish clear spaghetti and I assure you that I had not eaten anything that could have taken that shape." ~ A.S.

How is Energetic Cleansing of Parasites Different than Physical Cleansing?

Many people have tried parasite cleanses that work somewhat or not at all...

Or they feel like they get better and then find that the symptoms seem to come back.

The problem is that the overall energetic expression of their body has not been addressed adequately.

Increasing your body’s ability to express a positive state creates resilience and decreases the ability for parasites to thrive!

When this occurs, you will have a body that is not only releasing parasites, it is resistant to them as well.

In Kari work, she de-structures the parasites to allow them to release from your body.

This allows your body to QUICKLY communicate, heal, and restore its hormonal, digestive and brain health!

When Parasites Are Released You INSTANTLY Feel...

  • More energy
  • Greater emotional balance
  • Improved elimination
  • Feeling more sovereign and free
  • Better sleep
  • Less bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Fewer feelings of creepy crawlies

Even Kari Was Astonished At The Results From The Quantum Parasite Cleanse!

There is a belief that parasites cannot be eliminated by energetic rebalancing alone.

So Kari decided to create a program and run a beta test to find out if that was true or not...

And she was completely AMAZED at the results!

She even noticed massive shifts within herself too!!

Kari quickly found out that she had a lot of parasites that she had previously not known about, and they seemed to wake up and come to life while creating the mp3’s.

She was absolutely relieved and thrilled when after continuing the parasite sessions, the physical sensations she was experiencing subsided...

Her sleep returned to a healthy normal and emotional upsets disappeared.

Each and every day, Kari continues to receive feedback from people about this energetic parasite cleanse...

People experience witnessing parasites leaving their body...

Sinus cavity healed after years of infections...

Weight loss...

Digestive problems resolved

Years and years of chronic fatigue-gone...

Feeling much more at ease and harmonious without extra ‘chatter’...

And so much more!

Incredible Stories From People Who Have Eradicated Parasites With Kari's Help!

“My husband gradually just quit using his reading glasses!”

“My husband’s eyes have really improved.

He had had a session for parasites in the eyes, and I noticed that he wasn’t struggling to read his phone or books in dim lighting anymore.

He also gradually just quit using his reading glasses… he said he lost them, but of course, HE was lost without them before!

He used to always have to hand something over to someone else to read if he didn’t have his glasses.

It seems hard to believe it really can happen that his eyes could be better, but there’s no doubt about it. We really had a laugh when he realized he had ‘forgotten’ about his bad eyesight.”

~ E.S.

“With just ONE session that targeted parasites in his spine, he was fully walking without hardly a hitch!”

“My son was diagnosed with a bone degenerative disease that had brought him to a point where he couldn’t walk.

With just ONE session that targeted parasites in his spine, he was fully walking without hardly a hitch!

I know that he will need more work to keep the healing process going, but it was like a miracle! It hardly seems possible and yet, it’s such a relief to see him walking around and not in pain.”

~ F.S.


“I had been on a liver parasite cleanse for 30 days already when Kari worked with me on parasites. I had not seen anything pass so I thought Oh, I must not have any.

The day after our session a gross disgusting worm came out, I could see about 4 inches of it (10cm)…looked like a yellowish clear spaghetti and I assure you that I had not eaten anything that could have taken that shape.

Then about 3 weeks later, she did a little bit of remote work and a 6” (15cm) worm came out (same spaghetti type). So horrifying! Better out than in. But I found it interesting that the physical cleanse didn’t get them out…it was Kari’s energetic cleanse that did.”

~ A.S.

“Two worms from sinuses!”

"At the start of the live call with Kari, I was having problems with a blocked left sinus and a history of parasites during COVID.

Not long after the group clearing, my nose began to bleed, and out came a thin parasite about 1.5 inches long.

I bought package B and after listening to a couple of MP3’s I passed another parasite that looked like a rubbery roundworm from my right nostril.

Kari’s QUANTUM PARASITE CLEANSE is as amazing as it is very effective! A blessing for an 81-year-old senior who had almost given up hope."

~ Sybil

Why Kari Alajoki is Unique?

Years ago, I set out to make changes in my life due to feelings of overwhelm of raising a family amidst health challenges, and the inability to have the home life I desired. I began the studies of mind-body connection, transformational life coaching, and Quantum energetic healing.

Personal transformational experiences and extensive studies have led me to grow in personal confidence as a mother, how to coach and support my children through different stages in life, and who I am as a mother as part of the broader picture of who I am as a person. Out of this, I discovered my ability to intuitively connect and support others in the areas of emotional, mental, and physical challenges.

Clients from countries around the world have benefited from support and healing in these areas.

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Save: $30

Regular Price $127

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

30 Days Remote Healing

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $199

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $299

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group

30 mins Private Session with Kari

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Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

Here's what you get in Package A

  • Energetic Parasite Cleanse
  • Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse
  • Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse
  • Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse
  • Brain/Nervous System
  • Digestive System Cleanse
  • JUST ADDED: 30 Day Remote Healing
  • JUST ADDED: Parasite Cleanse Support Group
  • BONUS 1: Parasite Shield
  • BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout


Energetic Parasite Cleanse MP3

Not all parasites are in your physical body!

They can also be in your field, where they consume the higher level frequencies of happiness, peacefulness, and joy.

This leaves you feeling low, angry, depressed, unable to establish and maintain positive relationships, and generally keeping you from experiencing life the way you want.

Kari found in working in the beta-test that these type of parasites need to be cleared first so that your body can receive the energies to clear the physical parasites.

This MP3 clears these parasites from your field to allow you to experience and receive the higher frequencies.

When you listen, expect to feel peaceful, happy, and content after clearing these parasites.


Digestive System Cleanse MP3

Use this energetic healing MP3 to cleanse mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines...

ALL a very common habitat for parasites!

Traditional therapies have noted increased activity during the full moon, when some parasites come into the intestines to lay eggs. You can also use this Mp3 with the moon cycle as a guide, playing day before, day of, and day after full moons.

When using this MP3, look for improvements in challenges with food intolerance, mood, and gas and bloating.


Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse MP3

When the Liver, Pancreas, Spleen and Kidneys are infected and unable to properly detox your body, your available energy and vitality will be dragged down.

When you use this MP3, the energy deconstructs the parasites in these organs to create improved mood, blood sugar metabolism and energy.


Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse MP3

This energetic healing MP3 not only cleanses both the physical heart parasites but also the emotional heart including emotions of jealousy, envy, lack of commitment and drive related to parasitic influence.

As the rest of your body receives increased blood and oxygen circulation as a result, you feel increased vibrancy and mood improvement.


Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse MP3

Cleanse the blood and lymph pathways by using this energetic healing MP3!

Clear the lymph and blood of parasites which can cause your body to be overwhelmed by toxins that it cannot flush.

As you listen, feel relief of aches and pains while your body experiences freedom from infection trapped in these systems.


Brain/Nervous System MP3

This energetic healing MP3 addresses over 20 areas of the brain and nervous system!

It is designed to thoroughly eradicate parasites causing mental, emotional and nervous system imbalances.

Plus, as you listen you can expect to repair and rebuild the places that have been damaged by months or even years of parasitic activity to regain previous health.


30 Days Remote Healing

Once a week for 30 days, Kari will scan the group energies and send out healing energy for whatever is coming up for the group.

This could be anything!

From releasing fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas, to energetic nutrients to help assist the body releasing parasites, to specific frequencies needed to nudge parasites from their hiding places.

All you do is be open to receiving this energy and watch the changes that unfold!


Parasite Shield MP3

This MP3 is literally a stream of Love that flows to you to destructure lower frequencies of parasites.

It is great for enhancing mood and increasing your body’s frequency to keep parasites from finding a home in you.

Keeping this frequency level is the most impactful thing you can do to stay resilient to parasites of all types.


Parasite Knockout MP3

When you feel you have been exposed to parasites in nature, through contaminated water, food, animals, or people, use this MP3 to knock them out before they can multiply!

This energetic healing MP3 is infused with proven parasite powerhouses such as energetic Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Mistletoe, eucalyptus radiata, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, Cinnamon bark, and homeopathic remedies such as Cinchona to support your body to release parasites.


Private Support Group

Kari has created a private Signal support group for everyone that joins the program.

This is a secure encrypted messaging app free to download to your devices (phone, tablet, laptop). Why Signal? Because nobody is tracking your comments and selling your data. Many of you have told us you don’t like Facebook, and we agree. Signal is a safe space!

On your Resource Page after enrollment, you will find a link to join the private Quantum Parasite Cleanse Group where you will be able to share experiences, ask questions, and support each other as you go through this process of cleansing parasites.

Kari will update people here on her weekly remote transmissions, remind about the group calls (also via email), and share links to the downloads.

Package A

Regular Price: $127

From Heartache to Joy Early Bird Price $97

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package B

  • Everything In Package A
  • 3 Group Healing Session Recordings
  • 90 Days Remote Healing
  • Bonus: Vision MP3


3 Group Healing Session Recordings

Group Healing Session 1: Para-Free for Optimal Weight

Join this healing session to be present with group energies as we eradicate parasites to relieve your body of the physical stress leading to weight challenges throughout your digestive system.

Parasites can cause enormous digestive upset and bloating.

We’ll be releasing that during this session.

Group Healing Session 2: Para-Free for Balanced Hormones

Take back your hormone centers to let go of bloating, emotional imbalance, and excess weight related to hormone imbalances that are not being resolved by other means during this healing session.

Group energies are designed to enhance this process!

Group Healing Session 3: Para-Free for Engagement in Life, Vitality, Connection

In this healing session, you discover what areas have been affected by parasites causing you the most fatigue, depression and anxiety, feeling lackluster, and separated from LIFE!

Then Kari will eradicate them to give you back that connected, content, and all-is-well feeling.


90 Days Remote Healing

Once a week for 90 days, Kari will scan the group energies and send out healing energy for whatever is coming up for the group.

This could be anything!

From releasing fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas, to energetic nutrients to help assist the body releasing parasites, to specific frequencies needed to nudge parasites from their hiding places.

All you do is be open to receiving this energy and watch the changes that unfold!


Vision MP3

In the beta-test of this program, several people noticed improvements in their vision, which was unexpected.

Kari created this healing mp3 to focus more on the eyes than the original program did to see what is possible.

This mp3 is designed to clear parasites or parasite waste products that may be creating floaters, halos, difficulty seeing near and/or far, and dimness.

Listen to this MP3 daily for best results.

Bringing the eyes back into balance can take time and consistent frequency, and the changes may be subtle.

Please mark your calendar to take note of your eye changes after 30 days.

Pay attention to your ability to read in dim light, feelings of eyestrain, squinting, using readers or eye glasses.

Package B

Regular Price: $199

From Heartache to Joy Early Bird Price $149

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Here's what you get in Package C

  • Everything In Package A & Package B
  • 30 Minute Private Session with Kari

ITEM 10:

30 Minute Private Session with Kari

Book a 30 minute session to get personalized 1-1 clearings for what YOUR body needs and receive a reading on what your path to healing is.

If parasites are implicated they will be cleared as well as providing any other energies that your body wants to help heal.

Build on your package to benefit from the multiple clearings to achieve great results towards restoring your health.

You can also use this time as an opportunity to zero in on energetic parasites of others that may be impacting you or feeding parasites in you!

Package C

Regular Price: $299

From Heartache to Joy Special Price ONLY $247

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

More Incredible Stories From Kari's Parasite FREE Clients!

“Heart heaviness gone, sleep and focus better!”

I didn’t even think that I had parasites but I thought it was worth trying the program just in case because you hear so much about parasites.

The frequencies in the clearings seemed to agitate them, and I realized that I had parasites all over my body and even at the top of my head!

It could be hard to sleep when I felt them crawling around. Thankfully as I continued to play the mp3s daily, they died off. I don’t feel them crawling anymore at all.

And now my heart heaviness has disappeared.

I had been experiencing heart heaviness and skipping heart beats and I didn’t know why.

I am sleeping much better, and my mental clarity and focus is much better than it had been for a while. I really recommend everyone to go through this program because you really won’t know how much this can help you until you try it.

~ T.C. Minnesota


"I have found that I can fall asleep much better when listening to the liver parasite cleanse. I usually have a hard time falling asleep but it calms me right down."

~ M.A.


"Wow, I noticed that my headaches are much less and I am much more clear-headed and able to feel more present with people around me. I had been having headaches every day."

~ W.Y.


"That’s exactly how I felt today. Usually I find myself working on being happy. Reminding myself of all the things I am grateful for as an attempt to live in gratefulness. Today I was just happy."

~ J.A.

“The burning in my stomach and reflux has been with me for years and now has nearly vanished!”

“Hi everyone, Diana here. I just had my session with Kari and it was fantastic.

I have been on the parasite cleanse for over a month now and i am so pleased with the results so far. The burning in my stomach and reflux has been with me for years and now has nearly vanished.

I am also losing a little weight and bloating is a lot less. I feel different i feel calmer and my mind is not racing around so much.

I was on one of the live calls where Kari said it was my large intestines. Today she said exactly the same, that was fun to let her know. Im going to keep updating as there are so many changes. Im so grateful. Thank-you 🙏🏼🌻”

~ Diana

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How often should I listen?

Many people do well by listening to each one for a week before proceeding to the next, in the order given. Listening 1-3 times each day gives the best results

Q. Do I have to listen with the music on?

It is best to listen with the music on low. Some people report feeling agitated and upset by the music, this is a good thing! It’s working! You can choose to slow down the listening rate in order to allow the shifts to occur more slowly, or just listen as you can tolerate. (the bugs are talking and the resistance can be powerful)

Q. Is the frequency in the music?

No, the music itself is not the frequency.

Q. What order should I listen to the MP3’s?

Listen in the order that the MP3’s are listed.

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Save: $30

Regular Price $127

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

30 Days Remote Healing

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $199

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group



Save: $50

Regular Price $299

Special Pricing


Energetic Parasite Cleanse


Digestive System Cleanse

Detox Pathways Parasite Cleanse

Heart and Lung Parasite Cleanse

Blood/Lymph Parasite Cleanse

Brain/Nervous System

BONUS 1: Parasite Shield

BONUS 2: Parasite Knockout

3 Group Call Recordings

90 Days Remote Healing

BONUS 3: Vision MP3

Parasite Cleanse Support Group

30 mins Private Session with Kari

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Package A, B & C: No refund after the Healing and Clearing sessions is taken or Group Call begins, whichever comes first

(*Refund subjected to FHTJ Policy. See bottom of the page)

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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