The shift of the ages is upon us…
Are you ready to find out what it means for you?
You’ve probably heard about the Aquarian Age of Light and how wonderful it will be…
And yet…
For most of us, nothing has changed. In fact, things seem to be harder than ever before!
However, beginning TODAY, you have the chance to INSTANTLY make this shift into this amazing state of being and actually FEEL the changes immediately.
People tapping into this powerful energy report PROFOUND results as it begins working on them RIGHT AWAY!
The time is NOW.
You can feel these shifts as you jump into this new reality.
Here is what you will experience when you make this timeline shift…
Radiant Health
Divine Wealth
Harmonious Relationships
In this program you are literally doing a timeline jump...
Leaving the old paradigm behind you…
As you step into the Aquarian Age of Light!
Are you ready to make this leap?
We have NEVER experienced a shift like we are experiencing now...
A shift this big hasn't happened in 2000 years!
As we move from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age, we are ascending from the human kingdom into the kingdom of souls which include our star families and our ancestors!
Why is this so important?
To answer this question, we need to first understand what these two ages are about.
The old Piscean Age is characterized by hierarchy and power.
The secrets of life were hidden in the halls of power – in the monasteries and ashrams.
But you didn’t need to know these secrets… All you needed to do is follow the leaders and guides who did.
This created vertical hierarchies, and essential to find your place in the pecking order.
This has been the bedrock for human consciousness for the past 2000 years.
Everything we have learned, everything we know as a human species – going back 2000 years – has been colored in one way or another by this Piscean frame of reference.
The Piscean Age of Darkness is the old paradigm, infamous for fear, pain & suffering, darkness, corruption, restriction, and oppression.
But now… ALL of that is changing!
We are now being ushered into The Aquarian Age, also known as the Age of Light.
The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks and information.
Nothing is a secret anymore, and all of the information is available at our fingertips.
Where the Piscean Age was organized into a vertical, up-and-down structure of hierarchies, the Aquarian Age is organized as a horizontal network, opening up the world to true equality!
During this age, the focus will no longer be on your identity and existence…
Rather, the focus will shift yourself as a whole person, one who does not need to believe in something outside of yourself.
In the Age of Aquarius, we become ready to accept that we have the knowledge and wisdom within ourselves – no longer do we have to attach ourselves to something external for validation.
Transformation, however, is never a painless process.
This shift into a new paradigm of peace, love, joy, gratitude, humility, service, and integrity can bring out the best and the worst in mankind – and you!
Some people are intimidated by changes they don’t understand and try to swim against the inevitable.
Some people prepare for this shift by opening their hearts and minds and embrace this new age.
So…. What kind of person are you? How would you like to prepare?
NOW is the time for you to receive the tools you need to INSTANTLY shift out of the Piscean Age of Darkness into the Aquarian Age of Light…
Your Text
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Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $4200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Introductory Offer: $177
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4500
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Introductory Offer: $227
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
45-Minute 1:1 Session with Katherine

Package A: No refund after Remote Healing Start.
Package B: No refund after Remote Healing Start or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Look at the INCREDIBLE Transformations From Katherine’s Clients!
Diane had been trying to sell her house for months without success. After having a session with Katherine she sold it the next day!
Julie had a breast lump that required surgery but opted for alternative options...after working with Katherine the breast lump decreased in size by 50%!
Dave had been out of work for over a year and after a session with Katherine he manifested a job in 1 day!
John signed up for a program with Katherine and won $1200!
Jennifer came to Katherine with a broken foot and didn’t want to undergo surgery...her foot healed completely!
Margaret had back aches, headaches, a bad sleeping pattern and concentration issues from a motorcycle accident. After her session with Katherine she was stronger than ever before!
Kim left her session with Katherine feeling that fear, anger and trauma no longer owned her and she finally understood what peace within felt like!
Dana had a session with Katherine after getting laid off from her job. Within 2 weeks after her session, one of her clients cancelled their service with her old employer and hired her, giving her more shifts and a higher salary!
How Will You Prepare for This Massive Paradigm Shift?
The Aquarian Age isn’t some random new-age concept or utopian ideal that we can try to “transcend” our way into…
It’s a genuine, tangible shift in the way we live on Earth that will touch almost everything we do, whether we “believe” in it or not.
In fact, not placing blind belief in anything outside ourselves IS a fundamental shift in the Aquarian Age.
This shift is going to impact everyone – that includes you! These changes are already happening, and you may recognize some of them within you or around you…
You’ll shift from ‘me’ to ‘we’…
You’ll shift from ego & body identification to ego to soul activation…
You’ll shift from feeling separated from others into finding unity in diversity…
You’ll shift from a mindset of lack and scarcity to an abundance mentality…
You’ll shift from religious beliefs to spiritual awakening to Self…
From God is outside of you to Source is within you…
From self-sacrifice to self-empowerment…
From traditional sexual roles to fluid intimate relationships…
For some of us this shift is smooth and natural, for others it can bring out the worst.
If you’re like most people, this much change happening all at once can cause anxiety, stress, and overwhelm – thankfully there’s a lot we can do to ease this evolution…
Ask yourself: what is my BIGGEST issue right now?
Ask yourself: what is my BIGGEST issue right now?
- Do you feel disconnected or stuck?
- Are you lacking the motivation or energy to make the most out of your life?
- Do you feel there’s more to achieve but your mind is scattered causing a lack of clarity and direction of where you want to go?
- Do you experience imbalances emotionally and mentally, but are unsure why?
- Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, or trauma?
Ask yourself: how is this issue affecting my life currently?
- Do you feel you can’t move forward or get ahead?
- Does it make you feel indecisive or causes you to procrastinate?
- Does it make you feel unfulfilled or discontent with yourself and your life?
- Do you feel conflicted either with yourself or with others?
- Do you end up in toxic relationships?
- Do you feel you’re in a loop, repeating karmic cycles?
If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, you might be unconsciously and energetically stuck in the vibrational frequencies of the old paradigm of the Piscean Age.
This usually happens as a result of unresolved trauma (including past lives!), karma or family issues, often not even on a conscious level!
This can be resolved by activating Divine DNA codes to help accelerate your soul’s growth and shift into the new paradigm of the Aquarian Age.
Are you ready to Activate Divine DNA Codes & Shift Timelines to prepare for the Aquarian Age of Light?
It’s time to ask yourself… What would my best life look like?
Imagine you would feel completely emotionally fulfilled…
Imagine being financially stable and free…
Imagine being in a harmonious relationship with your ideal partner…
Imagine being physically healthy, mentally clear, and spiritually connected…
Imagine making a positive difference in people’s lives and the world…
People who shift from darkness to light experience life-changing transformations!
People who have consciously worked to transition into the Aquarian Age experience:
- A deeper sense of inner peace, self-love, and self-empowerment
- Increased vitality and overall appetite for life
- Healing from physical and/or emotional pain
- Alignment with their true authentic Self
- Expansion of consciousness and connection with Spirit
- And much, MUCH more…!
These are people who didn’t even know they were stuck with one foot in the past (at least not consciously!) but could feel something was holding them back from moving forward.
This is not surprising as most astrologers can’t pinpoint the exact moment this ‘event’ will occur. This is because the Age of Aquarius doesn’t refer to a single moment in time for us collectively.
Each of us will step into our personal Age of Aquarius when we are ready!
Are you ready to step into a new vibrational frequency for a brand new you?!
“Working with Katherine has been an amazing experience. She has honestly changed my life!”
INSTANTLY Shift To The Aquarian Age Of Light
Join Katherine Eskesen in this Groundbreaking New Program!
Change is happening, and it’s happening FAST.
We are entering into a new era of life here on earth.
It’s absolutely crucial to understand what this transition means to YOU…
Katherine has worked with 100s of clients exactly like you!
She works with her clients to go within and connect to their own inner guidance and wisdom to heal themselves and accelerate their soul’s growth.
She does this by activating Divine DNA Codes and shifting timelines from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.
The energy she can access as a Divine Channel is powerful enough to transmute energies on a deep soul level as in the Celestial Clearings.
The Galactic Activations then upgrade the client’s vibrational frequency to embody their true, authentic Divine self. The activations are energy transmissions using crystal energy.
The energy exchange that takes place is the transformation, moving from a lower vibrational frequency to a higher vibrational frequency.
The 30 days of Remote Healing will support the integration of this transformation.
Look around you! Look at the world…
This transition is happening RIGHT NOW! We can see it all around us. The confusing state the world is in today is a mere manifestation of this shift.
It’s up to you use it to your advantage! And this is where Katherine can help you!
Here Are Some of Many Raving Reviews from Katherine’s Countless Satisfied Clients Who Now Live Their Fullest Potential
“Within 2 weeks one of my clients cancelled their service with my employer and is hiring me personally, giving me more shifts and a higher salary!”
"My session with Katherine was so needed!
I had just been notified that I was being laid off because of mandates at work. Right before our session my stomach and chest were clenched and I was stressed.
During the process my body began to relax, I began yawning a lot. I began to feel tingling in my hands and feet.
I began the session feeling tight and stressed and by the end I was relaxed, happy, smiling and laughing.
Even though I have lost my job ,and my family won't see me right now, I still feel I am being true to myself and know I am being supported by the Universe.
Within 2 weeks one of my clients cancelled their service with my employer and is hiring me personally, giving me more shifts and a higher salary!
After many months an agency has found an address for my ex so they can now take legal action to enforce child support payments.
I have faith and trust that no matter what challenges are appearing, everything is working for my highest good. Katherine allowed me to leave my doubt, anxiety and lack in the past.
I am calm and peaceful and looking forward to more love and prosperity showing up for me instead of being stuck in old negative patterns.
I am so grateful I was able to receive a session with Katherine!!"
“I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders...and even won the horse riding competition that day!”
“I recently had an amazing experience that I was so grateful to Katherine for. I was feeling deflated, sad, worried and somewhat hopeless to the current situation on what happened to be August 8th which was Lion’s Gate. I was aware of this date in terms of energy but had no idea of how to harness or access it.
Katherine texted me that she would do an activation and a short time later I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders, my mind was open to other thoughts that weren’t the negative worrisome thoughts, the anger melted and I literally felt the world was a brighter place. I even won the horse riding competition that day!"
~ Leslie
“Katherine has helped me remove blocks and even helped during a bout with cancer!”
“Katherine has moved me through many different phases of my life over the years. She has helped me remove blocks of past energies, a bout with cancer, and everyday life! I highly recommend Katherine and will continue to work with her. She truly is one of the best!!"
~ LF
“My backache and headaches were gone! I could sleep better!”
“The last few years have been rough. First, I lost my brother due to cancer. I felt depleted of energy and lost, disconnected from the world around me. I didn't know how to solve my problems and felt that a physician would probably only prescribe me meds. Katherine helped me by getting me in contact with a lot of blocked emotions and hidden feelings. After the session, which I felt only lasted 20 minutes but lasted really almost 2 hours, I was tired in a good way but also a lot 'lighter'. I could sleep better, eat better and my back aches and headaches were gone. After a few sessions I felt 'awake' and well connected to the world again."
~ M.R.
“After a motorcycle crash, Katherine helped me become stronger than ever before! I feel Great!”
“Last year I was in a motorcycle crash that left me with a broken foot, a concussion and a bad shoulder. Back aches, headaches, a bad sleeping pattern and concentration issues were the end result. I got in contact with Katherine and after my sessions my problems were solved. I'm stronger than ever before and feel great. The sessions give me the power to face the world, the strength to battle whatever problem I face and help my body and mind to stay connected to each other and feel like I am myself."
~ Margaret R.
“Fear, anger and trauma no longer own me!”
“Working with Katherine has been an amazing experience. She has honestly changed my life! Teaching me to believe in myself again and connect with my soul and the universe.
I am now able to ground myself and meditate which I could never do and that alone has been a lifesaver. She has helped to clear my anger and past traumas from my mind and body. Fear, anger and trauma no longer own me and I finally understand what peace within me truly means. Thank you for all that you do, have done and continue to do for me and the world."
~ Kim
“Katherine has helped me reconnect to myself, finding peace and self love!”
“Throughout my personal growth and healing Katherine has been there every step of the way. She continues to guide and help heal me with her unique gifts, talents and her pure humble connection to the light.
Katherine has walked through dark times with me and my daughter never once judging, only providing continuous, positive, healthy support while helping me to reconnect to myself, finding peace and self love. I feel truly blessed to have Katherine in not only my life but my daughter’s life as well. Katherine has had a major impact on our lives allowing us to heal and move forward."
~ Melissa
“Katherine helped me heal physical and emotional pain, anxiety and depression!”
“That first remote session profoundly changed me. Katherine has helped me heal physical and emotional pain, anxiety and relieve depression. Every session clears my body and soul. I always feel lighter, stronger, grounded, happier and able to view the world with more compassion."
~ Deb
Why Katherine Is Unique
As a Sirian Starseed, Galactic Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Visionary, Lightworker and Medicine Woman, Katherine has helped 1000s of people transform their lives by embodying their own Divinity. She’s personally been preparing for this all of her life and has acted as a way-shower and change agent consciously for years.
Katherine has had to transform the pain & suffering of her past (and past lives) into Divine love, light & power and assist others in doing the same to live their highest potential. We signed up for create heaven on earth at this time in our evolution!! Are you ready to remember what you came here to do?
This shift of the Ages (from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age) has not happened in 2000 years! We are now ascending from the human kingdom into the kingdom of souls which include our star families and our ancestors. Invest in this package today and join Katherine on this incredible journey of the soul!
“Katherine helped me let go of all the stress, anxiety and worry and move into a deep state of peace!”
“Before working with Katherine I was feeling scattered all over the place with the wonky energies that seem to be around. I was in a constant battle between my head and my inner knowing. I was exhausted!
As soon as Katherine started working on me I felt an immediate sense of relief. I was able to let go of all the stress, anxiety and worry and move into a deep state of peace.
That appointment was about 3 weeks ago. As of today, I am still feeling peaceful and calm. I have a much clearer mind that seems to now be more connected to my heart. It is much easier for me now to step out of the stress, worry and BS that surrounds us and move into my heartspace. I am very grateful for this experience."
~ Gretchen
“Felt instantaneous energy shifts...a release of all the old stuff that was weighing me down!”
“I wanted to shift all that was weighing me down emotionally and energetically. I wanted to release my past problems in my family lineage and move forward on a personal level.
This last year has been a year of transformation on all levels for me and this felt like working with Katherine was the right puzzle piece to move forward.
It was a wonderful and transforming session. The shifts were huge and the energy shifted so differently. It was a huge release of all the old stuff that were connected to me in all type of ways.
I noticed that I was happier after the session, smiling more even when I had lots to do at work and usually would be stressed and frustrated. Instead, I felt calmer and more focused.
The shifts I have had were instantaneous energy shifts. If you are ready to leave the past behind you and are ready to let go of that which weighs you down, I recommend working with Katherine. It was magical for me and truly the right time for me."
~ Susann
“Pain and discomfort gone”
“Overnight I had no pain or discomfort while sleeping for the first time since the injury occurred. I can now go for walks and use my treadmill and I haven’t been back to the Chiropractor or Acupuncturist since receiving healing from Katherine."
~ Mike
“Katherine is a true testament to what energy healing can do!”
“Visiting Katherine for healing has truly been life changing. From a devastating health diagnosis, Katherine has worked to help me reach recovery, conquer fear and instill the importance of a positive, healthy lifestyle. She is a true testament to what energy healing can do and always delivers in a calm, light, positive and professional manner!"
~ Susan
“I felt an immediate shift in my energies!”
“I was having mental blockage to move forward and frustrated with the lack of opportunities presented in life. Once I went into the session with Katherine, I felt an immediate shift in my energies. I felt calm and at peace. It was easy to follow and found it grounding and optimistic about the vision of a new era Aquarian Age. It was a dive into creating the life I envision."
~ D
“Katherine helped me move the restricted energy out of my throat!”
“My issue was lack of confidence and I have suffered from this since my school days
Katherine was amazing and made me feel at ease immediately.
She noticed the restriction in my throat and worked on this until it shifted. She sent healing energy through my whole body which felt like an internal massage.
I would definitely recommend Katherine"
~ Valerie
“Katherine has helped me heal and work through many challenges!”
“Over the past several years, I have had many health and life challenges. Katherine has been with me every step of the way. Her energy work, and her presence in my life, have both helped me heal and to sort through the challenges I have faced. If you and your life need healing, and if you want kind support and powerful expertise, I highly recommend that you call Katherine Eskesen."
~ AJH, Naturopathic Doctor

Available for a Limited Time Only
Up to an Extra Week of Remote Healing!
(The sooner you join the more remote healing you receive)
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Your Text
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $4200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Introductory Offer: $177
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4500
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Introductory Offer: $227
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
45-Minute 1:1 Session with Katherine

Package A: No refund after Remote Healing Start.
Package B: No refund after Remote Healing Start or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Package A
Are you ready to shift into your new reality of…
- Radiant Health
- Divine Wealth
- Harmonious Relationships
When you join this program you are literally doing a timeline jump...
Leaving the old paradigm behind you…
As you step into the Aquarian Age of Light!
Whether it’s spiritual, emotional or will feel it.
The effects will be noticed on all three of these levels.
People tapping into this powerful energy report PROFOUND results as it begins working on them RIGHT AWAY!
- 30 Days Remote Healing
- Celestial Clearings MP3
- Galactic Activations MP3
- Divine Energy Upgrade Recorded Group Healing Session
30 Days Remote Healing
30 Days Remote Healing starting Feb. 10th - March 11th
The 30 days of Remote Healing is designed to support the changes you’ll experience while staying in the high vibrational energy of transformation.
You will be shifted out of the old paradigm and into the new paradigm. The energies are so strong that you will FEEL them right away. Whether it’s spiritual, emotional or will feel it. The effects will be noticed on all three of these levels.
The most IMPORTANT results people report are…
- Emotional stress or pain
- Overthinking
- Distraction
- Procrastination
- Addictive habits
- Lack of direction in life
To a new reality of...
- Emotionally balanced and calm
- Mentally zen
- Focused and productive
- Healthy and energetic
- Unlimited potential
- Clear vision
- Joyfully abundant
Celestial Clearings MP3
Deepen your connection to your spiritual center as you unplug from etheric cords, hooks, implants, attachments, curses, vows, contracts, oaths, ancestral/generational, blood/bloodlines on all levels (including past lives) that no longer serve your higher good or higher purpose.
You are now free to elevate into higher consciousness and align your will with Divine will to express your true, authentic self.
Galactic Activations MP3
Connect to your Divine superpower as you expand your consciousness and elevate your awareness. As you activate your Divine DNA Codes, the Crystalline Light Codes of Blueflame Love, the Stargate to Sirius and embody the Aquarian Light, you will bathe in the flow of your true, Divine nature. Relax, regenerate, and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul in these heavenly energies!
Divine Energy Upgrade - Live Group Healing Session
Clear blocks, balance Divine masculine and Divine feminine energies within, and manifest growth, love, and abundance in your life...
ALL OF THIS happens doing your Divine Energy Upgrade Group Healing Session!
The Live Group healing session will focus on balancing the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine energies within. This Divine Energy Upgrade will clear blocked and stagnant energies with particular attention on the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.
When balanced, we become more creative and take inspired action to manifest more success in every area of our lives. There will be a meditative process, and Katherine will lead the group through with Q&A near the end of the call.
This call intentionally occurs during the New Moon to really help you anchor in you intentions for the remainder of the 21 days as you transition into The Aquarian Age Of Light!

Available for a Limited Time Only
Up to an Extra Week of Remote Healing!
(The sooner you join the more remote healing you receive)
The sooner you buy the sooner you begin to receive Katherine's transformational remote healings!
Yes that's right...
As a limited time bonus, Katherine will begin sending you the remote healings as soon as you join her program! That means you are able to receive up to 7 extra days of remote healing when you purchase the day this program opens.
That means you are able to receive clearings and healings the day the purchase of this program happens. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. You can begin shifting into the Aquarian Age of Light starting TODAY!
You will be able to feel the energy right away because it starts working IMMEDIATELY!
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Don’t wait any longer!
Order Katherine’s extraordinary package Instantly Shift To The Aquarian Age Of Light and receive a HUGE discount + an exclusive BONUS!
No more standing in the way of your own destiny! This can INSTANTLY end for you!
Once you say YES to Katherine’s package your life will start to change instantaneously! You will start noticing the shifts immediately. Step out of the shadow of the Age of Darkness into the Age of Light!
Package A
Total Package Value $4200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
Introductory Offer $177
Bliss Up Member Price: $159.30

Refund Policy: No refunds after remote healing begins
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
If you want to really SUPERCHARGE your experience, amplify your breakthroughs, and truly make the most out of your transition, then Package B is for you!
Just imagine what your new reality would look like…
You would be in a positive and emotionally balance and calm state…
You would be mentally ‘zen’ and feel focused and productive…
You would feel healthy and energetic…
You would have a clear direction and vision of where you want to go in life…
You would manifest growth and abundance into your life with ease and joy...
And much more…!
Invest in Package B and you’ll receive a 1-on-1 Session with Katherine on top of EVERYTHING in Package A!
- Include Everything In Package A Plus
- 45-Minute 1-on-1 Session
45-Minute 1:1 Session
Why is this session with Katherine so great?
Katherine's clients are amazed and report profound results!
These sessions WILL DEFINITELY change your state of being!
You are being changed at the level of your identity by your DNA. Cellular Transformation is taking place as you talk to Katherine about what is going on and what you want to shift.
If you are ready to free yourself from darkness, limitation, and oppression of the Old paradigm, then Package B is for you!!!
Discover how you can close the door to the past and open the door to abundance, peace, love, and joy of the New Paradigm!
And say YES to your future!
Say YES to embodying your true, authentic self!
Say YES to Divine Perfect Radiant Health, Divine Wealth and Harmonious Relationships!
Say YES to living your BEST life NOW!!!
Package B
Total Package Value $4500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
Introductory Offer $227
Bliss Up Member Price: $204.30

Refund Policy: No refunds after remote healing begins
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Here Are Some of Many Raving Reviews from Katherine’s Countless Satisfied Clients Who Now Live Their Fullest Potential
“I feel so fortunate to have finally found a true healer”
“The amazing being that Katherine is combined with her ability to become a channel for the divine improved myself on many levels. I received many insights through the sessions I have had, feeling clarity, grounded, and at peace with myself. I feel so fortunate to have finally found a true healer."
~ Matthew H.
“Katherine is truly a wonderful gift to the world from the Divine”
“Katherine has been a blessing in my life; a formidable ally along the way. She embodies all that is truth, compassion, loving kindness, love and light. She has been my champion, guiding me along the way in my process of healing.
Even in the darkest of moments, Katherine helped me to remain rooted, reminded me of my true nature and helped me remain in the light. She has not only aided me in my soul's journey, she has been instrumental in "saving" my 5 year old. Without her love, kindness and caring I don't know where he would be. Katherine is truly a wonderful gift to the world from the Divine."
~ Jen N.
“Katherine helped our dog heal!”
“Katherine has helped our 9 year old Scottish Terrier tremendously! Our little dog was in hospital vomiting, severe abdominal pain and just not feeling well at all. A lot of tests were done to find nothing medically that could be causing this. She has a history of pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel and allergies but all tests indicated that none of these conditions were causing her to be so ill. We reached out to Katherine and she did a healing session while our dog was in hospital. Very soon after we were advised by our veterinarian that her condition had improved significantly! She was not vomiting, wanted to eat and her abdomen was no longer tender to touch. When we brought her home she was much more relaxed"
~ Donna
“I am much calmer and have more clarity!”
“"I was feeling very anxious about work and health matters and friendship issues just prior to talking to Kathering.
Since my session over the past couple of weeks I have noticed that I am much calmer and have clarity to take action and also insights what works and what doesn't.
Every day I am seeing things in a new perspective."
~ Nina
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Your Text
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $4200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $247
Introductory Offer: $177
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4500
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer: $297
Introductory Offer: $227
Bliss Up Member Price:
30 Days Remote Healing
Celestial Clearings MP3
Galactic Activations MP3
Divine Energy Upgrade (Recorded Group Healing Session)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Up to 7 Extra Days of Remote Healing
45-Minute 1:1 Session with Katherine

Package A: No refund after Remote Healing Start.
Package B: No refund after Remote Healing Start or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.