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To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
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To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Karin interview
Package A
4 Divine Light Healing Powerful Master Group Clearing Sessions for Your Best Life
Dates: February 21st, 27th, March 7th & 14th
Time: 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Experience Divine Light Healing with Karin in a powerful collective environment.
In these Master Group Clearings, Karin will identify and target top blocks to success and anything related. Plus, you’ll also benefit from the amplified healing energy as each other person in the group is freed from their blocks.
Using Divine Light Healing and a direct connection to Source, Karin will target, clarify, and clear the top blocks of the group in a matter of minutes. You’ll leave each group call feeling more clear, more motivated, and more in tune with your Divine birth right of success.
Each of the calls will focus on a different topics which are designed to provide insight to support your experiences as you receive and integrate Divine Light Healing.
After introduction and insight, Karin will take live demonstrations for Divine Light Access and Divine Light Healing. An important part of the Divine Light Healing process is identifying the *real* issue at the heart of the block. This is called Divine Access and it's the part of the experience that every participant on the group calls will receive!
As a member of the group, you’ll be able to volunteer with your unique block or issue, and the demonstrations will be chosen for each call using Divine Muscle Testing to determine which demonstration will be most beneficial for the entire group – even while Karin works on someone else’ block, you will reap MASSIVE benefits!
At the end of each call, Karin will do a group Divine Light Healing, in which she will ask you to focus on you OWN block and use Divine Light Healing collectively. This healing will act as Adaptogenic Energy, powerfully pinpointing each of your unique block as she sends the amplified healing. Over four calls, these group Divine Light Healings will shift and heal blocks and deep underlying issues and clear the pathways your blocks have created..
Topic: Divine Light Healing: Master Group Clearing (2)
Time: Feb 21, 2021 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sun, until Mar 14, 2021, 4 occurrence(s)
Feb 21, 2021 02:30 PM
Feb 28, 2021 02:30 PM
Mar 7, 2021 02:30 PM
Mar 14, 2021 02:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
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Group Healing Session #1: Clearing common blocks to experience the full benefits of Divine Light Healing
Date: February 21, 2021
Group Healing Session #2: Discover what your problem truly is (it may not be what you think)
Date: February 27, 2021
Group Healing Session #3: Overcoming the Most Common Blocks
Date: March 7, 2021
Group Healing Session #4: Amplifying Your Results For Deep Healing
Date: March 14, 2021
Miracle Igniter - Belief Installation Code
Each week you will receive a unique daily Miracle Ignitor which Karen will email to all of you so you can use yourselves for your daily success growth.
This is a new Belief Installation Code that will support and amplify the healing you receive during each group clearing session.
It can be used as an affirmation, but is much more powerful than that, as it comes from Karin’s Divine Access and is tailored to apply to your specific group..

Available for a Limited Time Only
Miracle Block Remover MP3
The Miracle Block Remover is a powerhouse audio recording developed specifically by Karin to clear and release all of the residual and reinforcing energy related to your blocks. It’s perfect for clearing ancestral and epigenetic contributors, related issues, repetitive and resistant issues, and all of the proof your subconscious mind has ever gathered to support your block or limiting belief.
Karin developed this 20-minute exercise to change your perceptions from “this is how it’s supposed to be” based on your limiting past experiences to “this is how it CAN be” based on the new, healed, future potential that’s actually available to you.
The audio will help you find your personal phrase for your personal block. Then all you do is listen to this bonus audio to clear all layers of this block from your reality, right now.
Grab this EXCLUSIVE BONUS – only available for a limited time!!!
1. List your own issue. Example: Not enough money.
2. List everything negative you think or your family has said surrounding money. Examples:
Rich people are greedy
People like us don’t have money
I can’t keep money
There’s not enough to go around
I always only have just enough
Money falls through my fingers
I’m not good with money
Someone else should take care of me
It’s (name’s) fault that I don’t have money
I’d have to work too hard to get money
3. Listen at least 3 separate times and days to the below audio without interruption, in a quiet place, with relaxing lying down or in a comfortable chair.
4. Move onto your list. While listening to the audio, you will replace the subject Karin is saying with your “aspect.” All the examples above are the aspects of your limiting belief around money for YOU. WORK ON ONLY ONE ASPECT AT A TIME, preferable 3 times per aspect.
5. Daily is fine but don’t try to do more faster. Sleeping on it help solidify the changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will it work for me?
Divine Light Healing with Karin is channeled directly from source combined with her years of training and experience of working with an extremely wide variety of people and issues. She focuses on your specific blocks, and tailors the clearing to open your unique pathway to success. No matter what you believe is standing in your way, Karin’s divine access will identify and clarify the true root of your blocks, quickly and effectively and then dissolve them into divine particles usine divine light healing.
Q. What if I don’t know what all of my blocks are?
You don’t have to! One of the great things about this master clearing experience is that Karin will use divine insight to help you find, clarify, and even divinely order your personal blocks. You are not required to figure them all out beforehand. If you do believe you know, feel free to let her know.
Q. How does Karin know what my issue is?
Before the session, you will choose what your goal is for the session. You will be asked to come up with your top 5-10 blocks in your life that YOU believe are stopping you from that goal before your scheduled session. During, your session, Karin will ask you a few questions and then use divine access to clarify your blocks and use divine order to determine the best order for YOU in achieving your goal. Most people with blocks and failures have been searching for months or years trying to figure out WHY they can’t be successful (or make money, or etc). In that search, it is a human trait to become stuck on certain reason they believe they can’t have or achieve what they want. This is why divine access is so important BEFORE clearing the block.
Q. What will I feel like during and after the session?
While Karin is actually doing Divine Light Healing, you may feel a slight pressure in your head similar to a light headache. Others sometimes feel a tinge of nausea or tingling. As the block get closer to becoming completely clear, most people get confused or fuzzy and have trouble assessing their belief. This is extremely normal and is what happens as you build new neural pathways and become balanced to the new outlook.
Afterwards, experiencing such an in-depth energetic clearing in such a short period of time may leave you feeling dizzy or confused, a bit nauseous, fatigued, or a slight headache for a short time after the clearing. This is normal and will pass. You should plan to take a nap or sit in nature or be alone for at least a half hour after your session.
The best is always to “sleep on it.” It is also best not to ‘try to bring the block back’ immediately after the session. This could undo some of the healing. After a short period of time, unique to each individual, you will then realize there is more clarity and lightness around your unique issues and opportunities seem to open up ‘like magic’ for you.
Q. If it works so well, why is there homework?
The Miracle Block Remover is a limited time bonus offer from Karin that can be used on any block in the future; however, Karin recommends also using this bonus video as “homework” three times after your master clearing on other aspects of the block. This is because our blocks, limiting beliefs, and habitual behaviors create neural pathways in our brains. Think of them like rivers that direct the impulses in our brains as we move through our experiences. Using the Miracle Block Remover after or even before your master clearing experience helps ensure that the new neural pathways created by your healing are firmly in place, otherwise, your human brain can revert to the old neural pathways, bringing back old beliefs and behaviors.
Q. What if I don’t see my block on the list?
Before the call, you will have an opportunity to email your specific blocks to Karin. Then, on the call, she’ll help you clarify and prioritize your blocks for the most profound results possible.
Q. What do I have to do?
Just show up! Your open presence on the call is the only thing required for you to experience a massive release of blocked energy. If you have any reservations about the healing, it would be in your best interest to use the Miracle Block Remover on your limiting beliefs around healing. You will experience more dramatic results if you also use the Miracle Block Remover before or after your master clearing experience on related issues and blocks. And, as you will be moving a lot of old energies in a very short amount of time, it’s important that you eat well, stay hydrated, and rest when necessary, especially right after the session.
Q. When can I expect results?
You will feel your block move during the session. Most people experience clarity, motivation, and attunement within a half an hour after the clearing is over, and shifts will continue to occur as days go by!
Q. Will the healing work if I can only listen to the replay?
The healing is best live however, many have reported shifts while listening to the demonstrations and the group divine healing during replays.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.