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Before You Go...Don't Miss This

Go Deeper with the Radiant Health Mastery Program by Learning to Master Your ENTIRE Energy System for Complete Ease and Abundance!

The Energetic Blueprint for Ease and Abundance

Each person in the Radiant Health Mastery program will receive a personal reading of which chakra needs balancing in order to become more alignment with your intention. If you want to go deeper, this in-depth course allows you to study at your own pace the entire chakra system.

The Energetic Blueprint for Ease and Abundance is a 9-module program to help you learn to master your own energy system. Blocked energy can lead to feeling stuck, or illness, or emotional distress. This simple method to Clear and Strengthen your Chakras can help you reach your goals.

  • Get a working knowledge of your powerful energy systems
  • How to test which chakras are ‘happy’ and ‘unhappy’
  • Foundational energy exercises for optimal health and happiness
  • Which chakras are holding you back from your goals
  • Strengthen all energy systems and your intentions come into being more naturally and with ease

Each module has a 20 - 50 minute video lesson, a Chakra clearing audio, an in-depth Chakra Handout, and a related Energy Exercise.

Module 1 - Basics of our Energy System and how
to Tell What’s Out of Balance

In this module, an overview of the energy system is presented. Also, you will learn about muscle testing - the precise energetic diagnostic tool for checking to see which energy system has less than ideal flow. Learn a centering, grounding exercise you can do anywhere to increase clarity and connection. You will get a clear “before” reading, which you will compar to the “after” reading in week 9, which will be different. This program is all about practical, tangible results!

Module 2 - Clearing the First Chakra - Moving from Fear to Freedom

  • Physical issues the root chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced root chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced root chakra
  • Root chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your root chakra
  • Short guided root chakra clearing

Also learn the #1 energy exercise to reduce anxiety and increase physical health.

Module 3 - Clearing the Second Chakra - From Shame and Constriction to Joy

  • Physical issues the sacral chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced sacral chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced sacral chakra
  • Sacral chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your sacral chakra
  • Short guided sacral chakra clearing

Also learn the #1 energy exercise to ease depressive feelings and a mental technique that invites celebration and fun.

This will be delivered by email, one module every 3 days. There are lessons and energy exercises are by video, most of the chakra clearings are audio, and the chakra handouts are pdfs.

Module 4 - Clearing the Third Chakra - Moving from Insecurity to Confidence

  • Physical issues the solar plexus chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced solar plexus chakra
  • Solar plexus chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your solar plexus chakra
  • Short guided solar plexus chakra clearing

Learn an energy exercise to activate and turn on the immune system, as well as a confidence-building technique.

Module 5 - Clearing the Fourth Chakra - From Isolated to Loving

  • Physical issues the heart chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced heart chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced heart chakra
  • Heart chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your heart chakra
  • Short guided heart chakra clearing

Open up your energetic ability to receive love and abundance and enhance your connection to others.

Module 6 - Clearing the Fifth Chakra - From Stifled to Empowered Creating

  • Physical issues the throat chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced throat chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced throat chakra
  • Throat chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your throat chakra
  • Short guided throat chakra clearing

Your creations are able to come from your true unique self and not from ego. Learn an energy exercise to hook up and harness all your own energetic power.

Module 7 - Clearing the Sixth Chakra - From Confusion to Clarity

  • Physical issues the brow chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced brow chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced brow chakra
  • Brow chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your brow chakra
  • Short guided brow chakra clearing

You will learn two energy techniques to help your brain think clearly and also how to test to see if they are needed.

Module 8 - Clearing the Seventh Chakra - From Disconnection to Connection and Flow

  • Physical issues the crown chakra influences
  • 3 limiting beliefs that are signs of an imbalanced crown chakra
  • 3 empowering beliefs that are signs of a balanced crown chakra
  • Crown chakra emotions
  • Things to do to strengthen your crown chakra
  • Short guided crown chakra clearing

Learn three techniques - one physical, one mental, and one emotional - for reconnecting with your joy, intuition and higher sense of self.

Module 9 - Bonus module!

Get your “after” ratings and see the practical effects of balanced energy in your life.

Putting it all together. How to use these for abundance, health and relationship questions.

How to quickly and easily incorporate energy techniques into your daily life. How to steadily improve in any area.

“Amazingly, the negative emotion stopped!”

“The chakra clearing is astonishing. (As usual), I woke up in pain this morning and with emotional stuff going on. I did my usual practices but I thought I'd also do some chakra clearing, starting with the Heart.

Amazingly, the negative emotion stopped.

I also had a sense of more energy. Usually, I take a while to get going, but after the clearing, I could get out of bed quickly and tend to the garden and the furry one!

Later, I had some abdominal pain. So I cleared the second chakra too. The pain eased to almost zero with just a sense of something (not pain) remaining.

I am SO grateful for this technique. I'm using it as an emergency type technique to get out of trouble fast. I also like it that no words are needed and it's so simple and convenient- for instance, I can do it sitting or in bed etc.”

~ J.F., from UK

“I love the 2 minutes excitement exercise!”

“I'm enjoying the emotional power the course offers and find myself looking forward to the next module. I love the 2 minutes excitement exercise. And thank you for that long list of affirmations for the root chakra. They've been a huge help.”

~ Shannon N, Oregon

“I notice that once I see the patterns for what they are they start to dissolve quite naturally and without effort!”

“I am SO very glad I signed up for it. It's a huge encyclopedic resource for me to refer to. This in itself has a reassurance about it.

I also love it that you use different teaching methods too and make it so varied and interesting.

I've had a number of AHA realisations so far. For instance, the Root Chakra affirmations are insightful and so helpful and healing.

It's amazing to finally see some of my deeply ingrained patterns and the assumptions underlying them. I notice that once I see them for what they are they start to dissolve quite naturally and without effort and that's a wonderful thing”

~ J.

“After I followed your 6-minute audio of the solar plexus clearing, I tested again and was so strong, the strongest I have ever muscle tested anything!”

“I tried clearing my solar plexus chakra with just your handout and then I realized that I hadn't listened to your audio clearing. After I followed your 6-minute audio of the solar plexus clearing, I tested again and was so strong, the strongest I have ever muscle tested anything. It was so rewarding and powerful.”

~ B.

“I loved how you transformed envy into a positive experience and a teaching moment!”

“For the heart chakra module, I enjoyed and felt a lot of peace circling and saying the words of the petals. I also loved how you transformed envy into a positive experience and a teaching moment. I took a screenshot of the petals with the words, so I could have them handy when I want to just add peace to my heart chakra. Looking forward to the next one. ”

~ S.

“Ah-ha moment with realizing that my TMJ and constant neck cracking being related to my throat chakra!”

“Had an ah-ha moment with realizing that my TMJ and constant neck cracking being related to my throat chakra. Interestingly, over the last month or so both have slowly gotten better! Also I love the alphabet game and have been trying to practice that more. And your Guess What letters are great, they made ME feel really good.”

~ F.

“All of my percentages went up!”

“It was fun going back and comparing percentages. All of my percentages went up! My solar plexus and throat are the two areas that need the most attention at the moment, so I will continue to work on that! ”

~ L.

Regular Price: $297


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Refund Policy: No refund after first Group Session or Private Session is taken, whichever comes first.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not (unless the speaker offers a different policy, which may include No Refunds as well. Please refer to the specific policy below the order box on this page). However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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