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Package A


7 live 90 minute webinar group sessions

Format: Live Webinar

Dates: Monday 27th September, Friday 1st October, Monday 4th October, Friday 8th October, Monday 11th October, Friday 15th October, Monday 18th October
Time: 5pm Spain time / 8am Pacific

Topic: Sandra St.Yves' Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 6774 2320
Passcode: 4v8rCG

7 live 90 minute webinar group sessions that will deliver releasing of toxic emotions, energetic blocks and activate the integration of higher frequencies and Accelerated Ascension. Quantum-Transformations to release limitations throughout session. Frequency lifts throughout sessions. Q&A Welcome!

Webinar workshops :

Embodying Ascension Frequencies
Releasing Menopause ‘symptoms’


This programme will nourish and Tone your entire hormonal system, clear physical, psychic and emotional toxins and activate Ageless Aging the Quantum way. These webinars are designed to be FUN whilst being extremely EFFECTIVE!

Throughout the sessions we will be releasing through Quantum-Transformations blocks, fears and limitations that are holding you back from being ALL THAT YOU ARE HERE TO BE!

We will be playing within the Quantum Field to Transform and Transmute old energies that have been stuck within your morphogenetic field and to activate the flow of higher frequencies that are waiting to be accepted into your Field to completely embody your Higher Self. Releasing genetic blocks, clearing and activation of dormant DNA.

Note to Participants :
Sandra loves to speak and interact with people in her groups and questions are invited during the class so that each person gains the clarity they are looking for and so that group clearings and activations can take place throughout the calls. This will be a powerful group experience. As we join in the collective field of Ageless Ageing and flowing through the menopause with ease whilst we activate the higher frequencies that become available and speed up your Ascension Process.

Session 1: Introduction to Menopause and the Ascension

week1In this session we will be discussing what are seen as Menopause ‘symptoms’ and Ascension ‘symptoms’. We will be looking at morphogenetic fields and the conditioning that has been programmed into women through childhood, parenting, social media, partners and what the Wise Woman Phase truly means in terms of The Divine Feminine, Personal Empowerment and Planetary Ascension and how you can use menopause as a springboard to embodying Higher frequencies

Energy clearings of doubt and self-sabotage will be continuous throughout the class.

Activations of self-affirmation and trust, and frequency activation of excitement and Joy.

Q & A throughout the session.

Session 2: Ageless Aging – Appreciating the Body as Messenger

week2In this session we will be discussing AGELESS AGING and connecting with the body. Fears around “What comes next?” and feelings of insecurity around aging and the changes that are being experienced, and seen in the body.

We will be releasing through Group Quantum-Transformation sessions limitations and beliefs that are associated with insecurity and aging.
Releasing toxins in the body.

Re-harmonizing hormones and releasing hormonal fat from body.

Time-travel for cellular restructuring of the entire hormonal and physical system leading to body firming.

Releasing insecurity and fear around finance and work.

Releasing Ancestral beliefs that limit financial abundance.

Activating DNA to higher frequency and to KNOWING ALL IS WELL!

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations

Q & A throughout session

Session 3: Welcoming Change, Awakening Creativity and Sexuality

week3In this session we will be learning about the integration of what are considered the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine. What these qualities are inside of ourselves and how we can embody these qualities through the Higher Self.

We will be releasing through Group Quantum-Transformation sessions limitations and beliefs that are associated with what it means to be a ‘woman’ and what it means to be a ‘man’ and how we are multidimensional beings who contain ALL THAT IS within ourselves using menopause to raise our frequency.

Releasing memetic beliefs that are passed down from mother to daughter and through ancestry.

Restructuring DNA.

Releasing ancestral beliefs about sexuality, creativity and the masculine and feminine ‘roles’.

Activating the frequencies of creativity, empowered sexuality, Joy in Being Yourself

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations
Q & A throughout session.

Session 4: The Empowered Feminine - Who I Am!

week4In this session things are really heating up! We are learning about the Empowered Feminine. Even the Dalai Lama has said that it is Women who will be taking this world forwards into the New Era. 

We will be releasing through Group Quantum-Transformation sessions blocks to self-confidence and self-worth. Fear of moving forwards, and lack of trust in the Self, in The Divine and in the Quantum Field to bring to you the BEST that you can experience.

Releasing stress and anxiety.

Embodying Personal Power.

Releasing hip and joint pain ready to activate movement and energy throughout the physical system.

Activating the frequencies of excitement, Joy and anticipation. 

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations

Q & A at the end of session

Session 5: The Art of the Heart

week5This session we will be connecting with the Heart and the torsion field that surrounds the heart. Those of you who have been feeling heart Palpitations will LOVE this! Learning to work with and play with the heart palpitations in the realization that this is a clearing of out of the old!

Releasing non-forgiveness, buried resentment, past betrayals and hurts.
Activating compassion, Self-Care, Self-Acceptance and Activating the Torsion field of the heart, which is the place where we manifest our Dreams and aspirations to bring into reality.

We are moving into the place where we are truly stepping into our 5th Dimensional Being! Living in acceptance whilst KNOWING we are manifesting for the Highest Good. Connecting with our Soul knowing. It is here that the ALL manifests.

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations

Q & A throughout the session

Session 6: Opening your Voice to Self Expression

week6This session will be giving voice to your Higher Self in making space for embodying the Greatest You that YOU can BE! Many women have been silenced over the ages. Fear of exposure, fear that we will be thought not good enough or stupid. Today we release the fears and open the throat to full embodiment and channeling of higher frequencies of YOU.

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations

Q & A throughout the session

Session 7: Metamorphosis : from Caterpillar to Butterfly
Embodying the Higher Self and Integrating High Frequency 5D

week7This session will be focused on opening to your intuition. Hearing the voice of your Heart and Higher Self.

Releasing limiting thoughts and opening to trusting the inner You. 

Integrating all sessions. Quantum-Transformations to release anything that is holding you back from BEING your Higher Self.

Embodiment means LIVING the 5D energies of the New Earth.

Energy work done throughout the class. Clearings and Activations

Q & A throughout the session


5 frequency enhanced hypnosis and energy frequency sessions

Format: Downloadable MP3

2 channeled bonus MP3 with information about the Shift and upcoming Awakening

SAFE AND SECURE - 25 minutes

Format: Downloadable MP3

safeUnplug from The Matrix that says you are not good enough. Release the Collective fears that are being experienced by many Light Bearers as the Awakening is now moving swiftly. Keep your Energetic Field clear and clean through releasing fear and embodying Trust and higher frequency intuition. Release limitations around Financial Abundance. Release past life abuse and trauma, Transmutation of past life fear of Female Empowerment. Releasing ancestral fear and limitations around the physical incarnation and money. Activation of the Empowered Feminine within through New Earth Frequencies.

THE CHALLENGE 30 minutes

Format: Downloadable MP3

challHarnessing the Fire of Menopause and Ascension and integrating the Kundalini energy of enlightenment through the Subtle Body and Chakra system, anchor in the 5th Dimensional Earth Star Chakra and embody the High Frequency Chakras of your Higher Self. Clearing through the Fire of the Awakening, releasing all limitations through the subtle body that come through ancestral lines. Increase self acceptance through the Heart. Activating the Truth of Your Soul Expression, your ability to receive love and to give love to others. Detoxing on a cellular level throughout the body. Listen and allow yourself to absorb the subliminal energy and higher frequency and allow this to integrate as you fall asleep.


Format: Downloadable MP3

sweepHypnosis MP3 for rejuvenation and renewal. Allowing you to come into the present moment. Relaxing and bringing you into a deep and restful sleep. Feel rejuvenated the next morning after the subliminal suggestions are received for you to release stress and to integrate your Higher Self.


Format: Downloadable MP3

timeHypnosis MP3 taking you into your Ideal Self as you sleep. Taking you on a journey along the Golden Energy Thread to your whole and integrated multidimensional Self. Balancing your hormones energetically as you fall asleep. Restructuring the physical body on an energetic and cellular level. Aligning you with balanced hormones, lean body, tight flesh, releasing belly fat, firming breasts and energetic restructuring. Increased flexibility. Fall asleep as you listen and allow the restructuring to happen for you.


Format: Downloadable MP3

morphicFrequency enhanced and recorded on the Solar Eclipse and during the Balinese sacred day of Nyepi which is a day of silence. Clear frequency transmission. Quantum-Transformations for releasing limiting beliefs around menopause and ascension. Releasing the self from the Matrix of limiting beliefs about Menopause and the Ascension. Releasing on all levels. Bringing in Light Frequencies that will speed your ascension process effortlessly. Quantum-Transformations are imbued throughout this recording that will enable you to release from the Matrix of Collective limitation and expand into your Limitless Being and True Authentic Self.

Two Extra Special Bonuses channeled through Directly from Spirit

Bonus 1:


Format: Downloadable MP3

Time : 26 minutes

newsAs higher frequencies are being showered upon us many are feeling the effects of this and are not sure what to do with the shifts that are occurring rapidly now. This recording is frequency enhanced and aligns you with the Fuchsia frequency of heart centered awareness and embodying the Higher Self for you to express your True Authentic Self and to BE YOU!

Bonus 2:


Format: Downloadable MP3

Time : 18 minutes

manoSpontaneously channeled information for participants in the Menopause and Ascension program. Isaac is Sandra’s personal channel who are a Collective Consciousness of High Frequency. Isaac came through spontaneously during a recording session to give information about being yourself, embodying your Light and how much your Personal Soul Signature is needed now at this time on our Earth to assist in the Shifts that are taking place. A message of hope and Light to All.

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus


A 25 minute private Session with Sandra
over Skype or Phone

Link to book session:

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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