Living In Joy Is Your Fastest Path To An Empowered Life And You Can Have It All Now!
- Feeling anxious about leaving the house and being around others?
- Uncertain about the future and your financial security?
- In constant fear of losing your loved ones suddenly?
- Facing difficulties with work as stress overwhelms you?
- Have trouble focusing on day-to-day tasks?
- Unable to relax without feeling guilty and unproductive?
- Feel out of control and even paralyzed when making decisions?
If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above
...and it’s not your fault.
Because fear and stress are so heightened in the world right now, you might be picking up stress, worry or anxiety that has NOTHING to do with you! And most likely you have no idea why these feelings of stress and anxiety are so strong right now.
The good news is ...
Because it is so strong, it can be released.
If you are aware of it, you can work on it!
No matter how strong or heightened the stress seems to be right now, the possibility to shifting into joy is literally only minutes away!
Just Look At How Susan’s Clients STOPPED Suffering Silently and Shifted into Absolute Joy Within Minutes!
“Cleared 18 years of trauma of mine within an hour!”
“The churning lists and worries in the middle of the night is over for me!”
“My daughter’s behavior changed in an instant … from severe social anxiety to shopping in a large mall!”
“My mind is actually calm, the incessant negative chatter is gone. I now have a clean slate!”
“Just a 5 minute listen and I feel better immediately, more relaxed and peaceful!”
“I Averted My Panic Attack!”
“My anxiety INSTANTLY dropped from a 7 to a 2!”
“After 1 session, I felt as if 30 years of emotional stress was lifted off of me”
Delete Anxiety Forever and Enter Into
Ultimate Joy and Peace of Mind
With the Emergency Relief From Stress & Anxiety Packages, you will:
- Create harmony by resetting your body back to its natural state of ease
- Be able to use the tools you need to break through anxiety, stress, trauma or fear at anytime … only minutes away
- Feel empowered that you can trust your own intuition without fear of judgement
- Embrace life’s journey calmer and happier
- Receive opportunities that are already knocking on your door
- Finally feel and know that you and your loved ones are safe in the world
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Package A
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
Package B
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $1297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
30 Minute One-on-One Private Healing Session With Susan

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
When you release these energies that are not even yours, how you experience life will seem like a night and day difference guaranteed!
Engineering Your Healing - Susan Flerchinger
After 21 years of software engineering experience, Master Energy Engineer Susan has developed her signature healing work of effectively bridging the analytical mind with the intuitive soul.
She is an expert at identifying the roots of disharmony to align energies, and welcome in healing. She has cleared traumas, fears, limiting beliefs, trapped emotions and multidimensional influences successfully over her 14-year holistic healing journey.
Susan’s extensive experience, divine support and success in helping others sparked the creation and continual expansion of Susan’s Energy Toolkit (SET) that literally cracks the code for unlocking amazing health, happiness and self-empowerment.
Read about some of the INCREDIBLE transformations from her clients below:
“Within a few nights I was sleeping better and feeling great… and by accident, my daughter was too!”
"I have insomnia and anxiety, and I was miserable. Then I discovered Susan’s sleep track. Within a few nights I was sleeping better and feeling great and less anxious. Then a really strange thing happened! My teenage daughter who struggles with anxiety and insomnia was suddenly sleeping better too! I realized that as I played the track every night during a bath, the energy must have traveled and affected my daughter - I’m thrilled with this accidental result!"
~ Kaitlyn.
“The churning lists and worries in the middle of the night is over for me!”
“I'm totally hooked! Just 10 minutes of listening before bed helps me through the night. About halfway into the recording I totally relax, get really drowsy and fall asleep quickly. If I do wake up in the night I go right back to sleep. The churning over lists and worries in the middle of the night is over for me."
~ M.T.
“My daughter’s behavior changed in an instant … from severe social anxiety to shopping in a large mall!”
"When I met Susan I was at my wit’s end in dealing with my daughter’s severe social anxiety, depression and school refusal. Susan was able to remotely tune into my daughter’s energy field and subconscious mind to release the emotional trauma associated with past bullying and clear energetic ties that were not in alignment with her highest good.
My daughter’s behavior changed in an instant. Within a couple of days, my daughter went from refusing to leave the house to shopping at a large mall with a friend.
I have enjoyed watching her transform from an anxious, depressed and angry child into someone who laughs frequently, happily attends school and is beginning to make new friends. I am excited to continue to see positive changes as my child continues to return to her natural state of wholeness.
Susan is an incredibly powerful, intuitive healer with deep compassion for her clients. She listens actively and clearly explains her process. I am profoundly grateful for Susan and her divine connection to Source as this change has had a huge impact on my entire family."
~ Denise
“I have my son back ...he’s happy again!”
"I am a mother of a young man who has been struggling with anxiety, depression and even talked about suicide several times in the last seven years. We have tried everything including hospitalization.
When he had another "episode" hitting walls and screaming for an hour and talking suicide again, I reached out to Susan and the change in my son was amazing!
He became the person he used to be - he was happy and cleaning the house - doing his laundry and going to the gym (something he has not done for many months).
I am so grateful- Susan could assist with the imbalances and I got my son back --- I am sooo grateful and highly recommend her to anyone struggling or have children struggling with problems like my son. It is all done with a quick conversation with her over the phone and then she knows what to do! Call her today- do not suffer or have your kids suffer a moment longer! With Deep Gratitude"
~ Sandra K.
“My mind is actually calm, the incessant negative chatter is gone. I now have a clean slate!”
"Susan’s program allowed me to address issues from my childhood. It feels like I have always carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. A very confusing childhood left me feeling unworthy, not good enough and unlovable.
After going through the program, I can honestly say that I feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually lighter. The past no longer has that emotional charge that triggered anger and resentment and often stopped me from moving forward.
I can now talk about my parents with more compassion and kindness. My shoulders feel like they can finally relax completely. My mind is actually calm, the incessant negative chatter is gone. This has created a clean slate for me to be able to move forward and create the happy and fulfilled life I have always dreamt about. Overjoyed has completely transformed my life. Thank you Susan!"
~ Tracy T.

Available for a Limited Time Only
Restorative Sleep - MP3
If you have trouble falling asleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, this POWERFUL MP3 will have you sleeping restfully within a day or two!
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Package A
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
Package B
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $1297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
30 Minute One-on-One Private Healing Session With Susan

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Emergency Relief From Stress & Anxiety Packages
Stop the debilitating effects of anxiety and start living a life full of joy! This program is your one stop prescription to release yourself from the inner prison of anxiety, worry and stress.
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
From August 10th to September 10th
Every day we pick up unhealthy energies that are not ours, or energies we do not choose to pick up.
Whether you realise it or not, this habit of picking up others’ beliefs, fears and worries drains the body. It can leave you feeling exhausted and unhappy, and you have no idea why!
Here’s the thing: these distracting and interfering energies are NOT yours to manage. It is critical to detach/disconnect yourself from these energies.
This POWERFUL daily remote healing allows you to easily and effortlessly let these energies go and radiantly recharge you for the day.
The healing begins from the moment you say YES to this package - you will be placed in a container which allows you to start receiving some of these energies right away.
From Day 1, you will experience a noticeable boost of energy.
After 30 days, as radiant pure divine life force energy will be activated each day along with the clearings, you will be fully recharged, and experience more lightness, ease and joy every day.
Get ready to have your life shift into radiance and joy!
You will:
- Clear distracting energies foreign to you
- Recharge with pure flowing life force energy
- Activate pure love & life, joy, grace and ease to your being
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions
(1 hour x 3 call sessions)
These POWERFUL group healing sessions will explore your deepest issues and train your mind in the art of letting go!
Often when we focus on a problem or issue, we don’t realise that what is blocking us from solving them is our unwillingness to let go. As soon as you DO learn to let go, your life will begin to transform.
However, letting go can often feel painful because we are instinctively afraid of the unknown - when we are faced with it, we get scared and keep holding onto our pain, simply because it’s familiar.
The healing energies in these sessions will help quickly release you from the prison of your mind and ego that’s holding you back, so you can start living a life full of joy and happiness!
There are many shared root issues and triggers associated with trauma, anxiety, stress and fear. When these are addressed in a group, the strength and connection via a collective healing process is intensely powerful, capable of creating an even bigger healthier change for all involved.
At the end of these calls, your everyday mantra will be:
- “I can do anything I set my mind to!”
- “All the stuff that used to hold me back is gone”
- “My heart is finally happy”
- “I am on my GREATEST life path”
Group Call #1
Date: August 25th (Tues) | 4:00pm PST
Clear Interference and Distraction Energies
Learn tools to detach from trauma, grief, depression etc. to clear interference energies and feel brighter.
Right now, empaths are experiencing energies much, much stronger than most people. As an empath, you are probably feeling completely out of whack as you unwillingly pick up energy that is not yours. These are interference and distraction energies, and it is critical that you let those go.
Are you feeling sick in this world and don’t know what’s affecting you?
During this energy packed group healing session, Susan will help you clear interference and distraction energies, entities, global empath energies, upleveling symptoms, and any energies that are not yours. You will feel amazing after this!
Now is the time to let go of all the connected energies: remnants of anxiety and stress, trauma, grief, depression, fear, etc. so you can feel brighter, lighter, calmer and much happier.
Group Call #2
Date: September 8th (Tues) | 4:00pm PST
Plug into Radiant Life Force Energy and Recharge
Resolve what is keeping you stuck from relationships to ancestry blocks. Recharge your radiant life force energy.
Get to the root of your disharmony! By clearing and balancing the energies you are much more open to receiving the healing you are request.
During this energy filled group healing session, Susan will help everyone resolve what is keeping you stuck, including clearing family, relationship, and ancestry difficulties, so you can easily and effortlessly plug into radiant life force energy and recharge.
Once you plug into the radiant life force energy, your mind will be clear, and your thoughts and actions will come from ease and joy. You won’t be held back by limitations – your own or others. At the end of this call, you will be saying, “wow, I am free be ME.”
Group Call #3
Date: September 22nd (Tues) | 4:00pm PST
Open to Your Divine Path
Rekindle your passion and be empowered to move forward on your true path
This jammed packed group healing session is designed to empower you so you are free to move powerfully forward. It’s time to raise your vibration and stay in a ‘feel good’ energy every day!
Susan understands deeply that you have so much awesomeness in you.
During this session, she will guide you onto the path where you are meant to be. It's time to get you unstuck, propel you radiantly forward and have you feeling better than you ever even imagined!
By the end of this session you will know with CLARITY what it is that lights you up and you will be on that path!
“After the group session I felt a profound sense of peace.”
“Susan’s anxiety elimination healing group session was a truly profound experience for me. I realized I had anxiety & trauma from my childhood that I had not processed yet. I received insights about where it came from, who was involved, and why it was coming back up for me now to learn and grow from.
I released through tears during the healing process with Susan and was filled up again with her calm, loving presence and her words, “I matter. I matter. I matter.”
After the session, I felt a sense of peace and knowingness with the part of my life and the lesson it brought to me for where I am currently at on my healing journey. I am grateful to Susan for her wisdom, guidance, and holding a space full of light.”
~ Julie Rothamer Cruz, Intuitive Health Coach & Essential Oils Educator
“My Anxiety Quickly Dropped from a 7 to a 4!”
“I am really stressed today, everything with school ending, starting my business, the stress of not seeing my family during the pandemic... When you said: find your anxiety number it was a 7, it hasn’t been a 7 in a long time, it came down not completely, but came down to a 4ish, which is really good considering the state I am in today. Having this come to me today is what I needed, thank you.”
~ B
“I finally felt like everything was going to be okay!”
“Wow, During the group process I was feeling so antsy and stressed. After just relaxing and letting Susan’s voice wash over me I came away feeling calm and knowing everything will be all right!”
~ Barb
“This was so amazing! I’ve got tears of joy!”
“I could disconnect some in love, some in forgiveness… and kept hearing all the contracts are complete, the pieces that don’t serve me anymore or might have been a little angst, that I wasn’t even aware of, they came all to the surface … I could bless them and send angels to everyone. It was amazing and I am so so grateful. I thought it was fantastic… I’m just overjoyed, with tears of joy! So extremely helpful, and I am always working on myself and it got those last little things that I didn’t even know were in there, cleared out for good.”
~ Beth
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
Susan has designed an exclusive community where you have additional access to her insights, healing and expertise. She wants to ensure your success and will be there to provide you guidance and support every step of the way!
When you join this exclusive community with other individuals on this program, you will instantly have a support system in place that you can connect with on a daily basis.
This group is designed as a safe and sacred place where you can share and discuss experiences as well as gain insight to assist you in moving forward on your journey.
Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
(MP3 Audio Package)
While going through the remote healing and group healing, it is understandable that you will still experience some stress and anxiety, especially before the healing takes on full effect.
This manifestation of distress in your mental state is a deadly recipe for chronic health problems.
It’s widely known that stress kills for two reasons, it:
- Increases your risk of heart disease
- Weakens your immune system
It’s time to FREE your mental health from the cage of anxiety, and STOP the triggers of inner turmoil and external crises of the world around you.
This Survival Kit is your emergency lifesaver for stress and anxiety. The MP3s are embedded with energy healing frequencies that activate the healing transformation at every level.
This complete audio package is designed to INSTANTLY make you feel:
- Relief from the physical symptoms of anxiety, worry & stress
- Calm, content & grounded ‘in your body’
- Clarity & focus
- Joy & happiness
- Empowered to become the most powerful version of yourself
AnxietyAway MP3:
Identifying roots & triggers to anxiety and resetting the body with flowing life force energy
Reduces anxiety by at least 50%!
DailyCalm MP3:
5-minute daily healing to create calm, clarity & focus in the body
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques:
Grounding your body for continuous calmness Included in PDF: Short energy exercises to quickly stop panic attacks and calm the mind
“Just a 5 minute listen and I feel better immediately, more relaxed and peaceful!”
"In late spring, I took a hard fall that resulted in a broken wrist. This brought on not only pain but unexpected anxiety. It was a stressful time waiting for answers, Dr. appointments, surgery and recovery.
Faced with restless sleep, a feeling of being out of balance and anxiety, I reached out to Susan to help bring peace and calm and to help me through these days of uncertainty.
I've worked with Susan in the past with great results. Susan worked one-on-one with me to help me along my healing path and also provided me with her recorded - Daily Calm to listen to as needed.
The 5 minute recording was incredibly helpful. I loved that I could carry it with me on my phone, and listen again whenever I would start feeling anxious.
Just a 5 minute listen and I feel better immediately. I can feel my shoulders relax and peaceful calm feeling begin to wash over me.
Susan and her Daily Calm recording have been an integral part of keeping me balanced during this stressful time. It is comforting to know Daily Calm really works for me and I have it with me at all times. I highly recommend it."
~ Marji T
“The Anxiety Away Audio Helped Me Sleep a FULL 8 HOURS!”
"I played the anxiety elimination audio today after my anxiety attack and it did made me so relaxed. I laid down and fell asleep for two hours. I wouldn’t change a thing. It was so relaxing. It really does the trick! Quick thoughts:
- The very first night after listening to the AnxietyAway audio, I slept a full 8 hours and it was a very sound, peaceful sleep.
- My mind didn’t ruminate on the situation that triggered the anxiety attack which is what normally happens for me when I am anxious—even if it was ages ago.
- After listening to Anxiety Away, the next day I felt calm and peaceful. Even some issues that came up did not trigger me like they would have in the past.
- I was able to move through the next day without that nagging feeling that something was wrong, or I made a mistake that was going to catch up with me."
~ TT
“I Averted My Panic Attack!”
"For 20 something years Anxiety has always there slightly. It would work its way up and then go back down, but always mildly there. Panic attacks were once every week on average. If I had to rate them, the panic attacks ranged from a 5 to sometimes a 9. Susan asked me to test out her Anxiety Elimination program and wow, what a difference.
First I had just started listening to the Daily Calm anxiety relief audio and one day I was feeling a panic attack coming on. I followed Susan’s anxiety relieving exercises and started to calm down and noticed that I couldn’t take my hands off my head for a while. I noticed that the circulation was coming back into my head and neck and I didn’t feel as stuck. I was much calmer and more grounded… panic attack averted! Whew!
A few days later I was at a friend's house sitting outside on her deck social distancing. I could feel the pollen reaction and my nose was running and then plugging up. Normally I would have had Claritin in my purse and be ready for it. Well, I just allowed it. I didn’t stress. I got home and washed my face and inhaled some eucalyptus. I was calm through the entire time. Normally, I would have reacted...I would have had the Claritin in my purse ready to take it … I would have asked if we could go sit inside… and would have not stopped thinking about it. I didn’t do any of that. I was calm. No panic at all. This anxiety healing is working, so so grateful."
~ Nancy
“My anxiety INSTANTLY dropped from a 7 to a 2!”
"Tonight I became anxious about a conversation with a friend about the current unrest, I watched a disturbing video, and then found out I have a water leak in my bathroom. Definitely feeling overwhelmed, anxious and upset. Not quite a panic attack, about a 7 out of 10.
When I did the ‘acute attack remedy hand positions’ the first thing I noticed was the energy was pulsating between my two hands and going across the top of my head. It felt very soothing. The concern about the unrest is calmed down. Still a bit anxious about the water issue. My anxiety dropped from a 7 to a 2. Now I don’t miss a day of my DailyCalm audio, and even dealing with the water leak is easily manageable."
~ Ann T
“I felt so much lighter listening to the Anxiety MP3. I can listen to the track on silent and it would keep me on an even keel.”
"The week following my group session the paper work and phone calls that I had to do became overwhelming, I listed to Susan’s anxiety track again and poof! I felt so much lighter and knew I would get it all done with ease! I also found I could listen to the track on silent and it would keep me on an even keel."
~ Barb B

Available for a Limited Time Only
Restorative Sleep - MP3
If you have trouble falling asleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, this POWERFUL MP3 will have you sleeping restfully within a day or two!
Get rid of insomnia and any sleep troubles within 48 hours!
If you have trouble falling asleep or suffer from interrupted sleep throughout the night, this audio track is embedded with energy healing that will:
- Reset your circadian rhythm to its natural harmony
- Balance energy meridians based on location and time zone
- Ignite restorative sleep for more calm and clarity throughout your day
“I am feeling rested and whole again! No more tossing and turning or restles nights!”
"For a while, I have been struggling with sleep. I fall asleep easily but wake up about 3 hours later with a list of things running through my mind. Things I need to do, didn't do, don't want to forget to do and on and on. It’s stressful and I find I lay awake tossing and turning until I finally find my way back to sleep hours later. I wake up tired and begin my next day. It’s exhausting over time and led me to feeling depleted and out of balance.
I've worked with Susan in the past and she has been so very helpful to me - working with me one-on-one for other healing. Susan sent me her recorded sleep aide – Restorative Sleep. I'm totally hooked! I listen to it every night - just 10 minutes of listening as I go to bed will help me through the night. About halfway into the recording I totally relax, get really drowsy and fall asleep quickly. I find if I do wake up in the night I go right back to sleep. The churning over lists and worries in the middle of the night is over for me. I am feeling rested and whole again. I highly recommend the Sleep recording."
~ MT
“I am definitely getting a better night’s rest!”
"For months I would go to sleep fast but wake up by 3 in the morning and just couldn’t get back to sleep.
The first night I listened to the RestorativeSleep audio I woke up at 3 but went back to sleep solidly till my alarm went off. Now I listen to it every night while I am getting ready for bed and am definitely getting a better night's rest."
~ Bill
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 85% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Include Everything in Package A plus
30 Minute One-on-One Private Healing Session With Susan
Sessions will begin 17th of August onwards
(after completion of previous items)
We all have unique journeys and circumstances that would benefit from specialized energy healing work. In this session, Susan will address your top issues in detail (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) to create a personalised healing blueprint optimized for your healthiest, happiest self.
This session can be gifted for your child, or on their behalf.
“Pain from cysts immediately started to release!”
"So hey there o'miraculous one, do you need a spokesman for your website? I would be happy to volunteer! All I can say is WOW! Knee is feeling better from the painful cysts I’ve had for 10 years and better every day. Thank you for being the "I don't understand it but you are incredible " person that you are!😊"
~ Mark
“Susan helped me release years of frustration and irritation and align with my true self!”
"Before the healing with Susan Flerchinger I had been feeling heavy, irritated and very frustrated for a long time. The session with her got me aligned with the true part of myself I hadn't been able to connect with on my own.
Being around my parents I have always had the tendency to "disappear" or become "one" with their energy field, like I didn't really have a "voice" in all of it. This has felt very uncomfortable.
Susan disentangled and cleared away all the energy that was not mine, and had been causing this from early childhood. The session helped me feel connected, confident and strong in myself.
Susan is an amazing and gifted healer that meets and sees the client exactly where he/she is, and gives the client exactly what he/she needs. She totally goes out of her own way to make sure you as a client feel safe and protected all through the session.
I am so grateful to have found her and have her in my life. I recommend her work to everyone.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Susan for all you have done for me, and the shining light you are for others ✨💙 With so much gratitude ❤️"
~ ML
“I went from complete exhaustion to feeling full of energy at 74 years old!”
"Susan, I would like to thank you from the depths of my heart for the most incredible healing sessions I have ever had in my life, and I have had a few, since I'm 74 years old. Before you shared your wonderful gift, I was feeling hopeless as far as my health was concerned.
I was too weak nearly all the time, to even walk my little dogs half a block before feeling exhausted. Even doing the dishes was a huge chore. Your healing gift has turned my life around! The years have landed on my face, but my mind and body are feeling full of energy, love and peace. Thank you thank you thank you."
~ Diane L
“After 1 session, I felt as if 30 years of emotional stress was lifted off of me”
"After the first session with Susan, I felt as if 30 years of emotional stress was lifted off of me. The process of working with Susan was very different from what I expected - it required me to turn inward and focus on my feelings and to identify the emotions that were affecting my thoughts and behaviors. Doing this was hard at first but it became easier and easier with practice.
I learned a lot about myself and learned how to process past experiences (and future events) in a new way - in a way that involved not only my thoughts and behavior, but my emotions too. If you want to learn more about yourself, if you want to improve your health, if you want to become more self-aware - I highly recommend working with Susan. Working with her changed my life for the better."
~ Isaiah
“I can’t remember the last time I felt this good or slept this well!”
“I feel better today than I have in..... I can't remember when. Slept all the way to my alarm this morning. That hasn't happened since... I can't remember when. Thank you. You are a true friend.”
~ Robert
“Cleared 18 years of trauma of mine within an hour!”
"Susan is A-MA-ZING... The healing work she does is so powerful I don't even think she has an idea how powerful it is! She practically cleared 18 years of trauma of mine within an hour - how crazy is that? I am so so so grateful for Susan and all that she does. I feel so so much lighter and at ease than ever before after our session. She is phenomenal!! Thank you so so much!"
~ RE Anbu
“My time with Susan was Life Changing. I now have more confidence and inner joy; and less pain physically, mentally and emotionally!”
“This session was a big release of trauma past and present. I had released so many things that had left me feeling guilty, sad and isolated from others that I loved and cared for.
I had a big shift in my heart. It was like walls had crumbled down around it and it blossomed into a giant, powerful flower. All I remember was wanting to hug my kids and smiling at the thought of them....
When I arrived home to my ten year old daughter she said she felt different, that she couldn't explain how but her feet were heavier and she was bigger not physically but all the same... bigger.
With tears in my eyes I hugged her tight and told her I understood completely and that she had every right to be bigger in spirit and in who she was. My time with Susan was anything but subtle. It was life changing. I now have more confidence and inner joy; and less pain physically, mentally and emotionally. I still don't understand how it works, but I do know it works and I look forward to several more visits for myself and loved ones.”
~ Anna B
Total Package Value $1297
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 85% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“You CHANGED my life!!! I'll never be able to Thank You enough!”
"You changed my life... I know you change/improve a lot of lives but I have to tell you, you CHANGED my life!!! I'll never be able to Thank You enough. There is still a lot of work to do, but for the 1st time, I have the 'clarity' to do the work ~ and with wide-eyed wonder and enthusiasm!!!"
~ Vicky
“I feel peaceful and have next to no pain in my shoulder!”
"As follow up to yesterday's appointment, I wanted to let you know how transformative an experience that was for me. I feel peaceful and released and continue to process the things that don't belong to me. Something has clicked inside me. Also, this morning, I had next to no pain in my left shoulder!!! Thank You!"
~ Kaarin
“Emotionally, physically, and spiritually - I am healthier than I have been in years”
"As for my work with Susan...what can I tell you? It was the most amazing experience I have EVER had. I don't need to look any further for counseling or the tools I need to help myself. She's like having a little angel in my pocket. My visits to her were hard work; I'm not going to minimize the importance of my need to surrender some of those deep-seated issues that were blocking my healing. But, I'm through the worst of it and emotionally, physically, and spiritually - I am healthier than I have been in years."
~ Becky
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Package A
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $997
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
Package B
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $1297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
Radiant Recharge - 30-Day Remote Healing
Be Empowered With Ease & Joy Group Sessions;
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
LIMITED TIME BONUS: Restorative Sleep -MP3
Bonus: Freedom From Stress & Anxiety Survival Kit
AnxietyAway MP3
DailyCalm MP3
Acute Anxiety Relief MP3 + PDF for exercises/techniques
30 Minute One-on-One Private Healing Session With Susan

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.