Finally step into your pristine nature of inner peace and trust so you can exit the matrix once and for all!

  • Are you tied up in knots all the time and just wish you could freaking relax?
  • Are you feeling on edge, expecting the alarm to go off any second?
  • Are you waking up with heaviness and worrisome thoughts swirling immediately?
  • Does your creativity feel stifled, like something big really wants to come out but scared to reach into the unknown to grab it?
  • Has your present moment awareness seemed to have gone out the window, future-casting, worrying like a consent What-if factory is going on in your head 24/7?

If you have been feeling like you don’t know which way to go, like you’re walking blindfolded and have no clue where the path is, please know that you aren’t alone! I’ve felt this way quite often this past year and have created this package just for you that I believe will help you not only walk blindfolded but run with trust while taking as many rest breaks as you need to!

  • What if you could turn all these swirling thoughts into Why Not’s!
  • Why not share what your heart years to express?
  • Why not allow your soul to shine?
  • Why not let your shadow be seen, felt, witnessed, and heard?
  • Why not have a moving mantra repeating in your head saying remember who you are, you are loved, and you are safe?

There is no time like the present to transform your fears into passionate fuel! This package is here to help you achieve a powerful peace, a quiet strength, being able to give from a full cup, that knows how and when to refill itself!

This special package is designed to help you to put on a new pair of glasses - to be able to see the world through the miraculous YOU that you are!

Your light is so needed to shine brightly during these challenging times but when you're feeling like you’re a walking tornado or nuclear reactor it’s all too easy to dim your light and recoil from the world.

When you truly connect to the gift that is you and are able to look at the world from your Divine Self there’s nothing to recoil from!

When you are living from the unapologetic, authentic Spirit of You, freedom follows you wherever you go and whichever package you choose will support you in your pursuit of pure peace, pure love, and pure freedom!

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Your Text

Your Text

Package A

Discount: 87%

Total Package Value $1111

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Package B

Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $2222

From Heartache to Joy



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

Package C

Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $3722

From Heartache to Joy



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

Finding your own way to Freedom 60-minute deep dive 1:1 Private Session!

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after Remote Healingor first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Here are just a few of 100s of stories of people who have shifted their relationship from heartache to joy!

“The Results Were INSTANT… In Just One Session Tanja Cleared Me From Years OF Self Neglect & Procrastination!” ~ Radha R.

In Just ONE Session I Felt An Immediate Shift And A HUGE Lift From My Shoulders That Had Been There For 23 Years!!” ~ Moenieba

I Felt The Energy Right Away From The Cord Of Golden Light… Cleared ALL My Old Energy… It Was GREAT!” ~ Shelly R.

My Results Were INSTANT… I Could Feel The Shifts In My Energy Immediately And Now I Am Finally Sleeping Good Again!” ~ Terry

“My Session Was SPOT ON… Straight To The Core Of The Issue!” ~ Elisabeth

“In Just 1 Session I INSTANTLY Felt Better… I Started Receiving Things With ZERO Effort.... AMAZING!!” ~ Stevie

It Was A Healing Journey… I Experienced A Really DEEP Release And Relaxation!” ~ Becky G.

“My Heart Pain Vanished… Healing Was Instantaneous And It Just Keeps Unfolding In Miraculous Ways… I Started Getting New Clients Immediately After My Session!!” ~ Janice

“I Felt The Energy Exploding As It Entered My Body... Immediately Releasing Everything That No Longer Served Me!” ~ Barbra

“Tanja Opened Up My Third Eye & Removed My Abundance Blocks!” ~ Michele

“The Guided Visualization Was Priceless… I Could See What I Had Been Hiding From Myself!” ~ Joanne

“My Session With Tanja Instantly Cleared ALL My Unwanted Energy!” ~ Ana

“Tanja Instantly Identified The Root Of My Fear And Unease... Replacing Them With Trust, Peace, Confidence And Excitement For The Future!” ~ Sarah T.

“My Session With Tanja Was Amazing! The Money & Debt Clearing Was Incredible!” ~ Beronica

“My Experience Was Life Changing… The Transformation Was Truly MAGICAL!” ~ Cassandra L.

“That Low, Under-Current Vibration Of The ‘Unsolvable Situation’ Is Finally GONE! I Can’t Believe How Different I Feel NOW!” ~ Lisa W.

“In Just ONE SESSION… The Results Were Instantaneous And I Felt The Changes INSTANTLY!” ~ A

“We Dove Right Into The Heart Of My Problem… And I Felt A HUGE Release!” ~ Tonya R.

“This Session Gave Me My Self Worthiness And Power Back... I Feel Fully Alive And Abundant In So Many Ways!” ~ Amber

“I No Longer Feel Lost & Hopeless… This Changed EVERYTHING For Me!” ~ Jen S.

“Everything That Was Holding Me Back Is… GONE!” ~ Susan

“My Expansion And Healing Transformation Was Incredible… I’m Stronger Now Than Ever Before!” ~ Holly H.

“Connecting With My Guides Was Miraculous… This Has Truly Changed My Life!” ~ James M.

“I Could Feel The Intense Energy Shifts And Clearings Throughout My Entire Body!” ~ Chris

“After Only ONE Session... I Felt Completely Transformed And Lifted!” ~ A

“The Results Were INSTANT… I Now Feel Whole Again And Glorious!” ~ Mary M.

“This Led Me Down A Path Of Self-Discovery And Personal Growth… I’m Now Traveling And Working Abroad With THREE All Expenses Paid Trips!” ~ Amy R.

“My Sleep Improved Dramatically And Depressive Thoughts And Patterns DISSOLVED!” ~ L.K.

“Changed My Reality And My Concept Of Myself… Unbelievable Transformation Happened In Just ONE Session!” ~ Grace

Why Tanja Is Unique?

I’ve been a healing arts practitioner for nearly 2 decades, every modality I use in my everyday practice I have experienced first hand! I’ve studied with many masters of their trade from NLP Leaders, Quantum Healers, and Body/Mind Clinicians from both coasts, as well as Internationally. My clients love working with me and I literally get to watch miracles unfold each and every day, which fills me up in more ways than I can say!

Watch Lisa explain how INCREDIBLE her session with Tanja was... "What Happened In Just ONE Session Was Life Changing! I Felt Like A Completely Different Person... ALL the Negative Energy is GONE and NEVER Returned!

“The Results Were INSTANT… In Just One Session Tanja Cleared Me From Years OF Self Neglect & Procrastination!”

“For almost 10 years now I had been neglecting myself totally, always putting others first. I had also become prone to procrastination in the past few years. Tanja scanned my Aura and found an ancestral lineage for self-neglect (both parents) where it was coming from.

She did a clearing for nearly 30 generations before and after me and cleaned my thought blockage causing my present issues of self-neglect & procrastination. The results from her session were instant, I felt as if my insides were vacuumed out with a machine and the entire muck was thrown out into earth whilst making way for new & better things.

As a result my focus has gone up; I am no longer caught up in analysis – paralysis. Now I have a clear roadmap ahead of me and am planning a long sabbatical from my work with no guilt. I am happy to move into the future. I strongly recommend Tanja and her amazing work!"

~ Radha Raghavan

“The Results Were INSTANT… I Now Feel Whole Again And Glorious!”

“I highly highly recommend this work! It is life changing and I really mean that! The results were instant and incredible... and if you are ready to live an empowered, focused, knowing what you want and deserve kind of life, then do not hesitate to book a session! You deserve to be whole and glorious!"

~ Mary Kathryn Medlock, New York, NY

“We Dove Right Into The Heart Of My Problem… And I Felt A HUGE Release!”

“Tanja was able to go right into my past life and give me the answers I was seeking and also gave me insights I didn't know about myself! She is such an amazing, powerfully intuitive soul healing coach and she really knows how to dive right into the heart of the problem and can immediately help you release it! She's honest and doesn't hold back... but is gentle in her approach. I highly recommend working with her!"

~ Tonya Rutter

“I No Longer Feel Lost & Hopeless… This Changed EVERYTHING For Me!”

“I felt lost, and hopeless...Tanja is compassionate, real, and empathetic. I’d recommend anyone who needs help finding joy in life to reach out to her! Tanja is absolutely amazing!! She’s a very talented, intuitive healer!!"

~ Jen Salzer

“Everything That Was Holding Me Back Is… GONE!”

“Thank you Tanja for connecting with me today and for the beautiful healing you brought in for me. 🔮 I loved how you pinpointed what was holding me back😌(which is no longer there) from being my own movie star.🤣🎥

You are so amazing, vibrant and fun… I highly recommend your services to anyone looking to make an investment in their purpose! Lots of love 💕"

~ Susan🌷🌹🌷

“That Low, Under-Current Vibration Of The ‘Unsolvable Situation’ Is Finally GONE! I Can’t Believe How Different I Feel NOW!”

“Tanja is a powerful healer, intuitive and coach, I am grateful from the bottom of my soul for the life-changing session I recently had with her. She is deeply insightful and has the ability to cut right through to the heart of any issue. I can’t believe how different I feel since then!

That low, under-current vibration of the “unsolvable situation” is finally GONE! If you get the chance to work with Tanja, do it! Give yourself the gift of receiving her support! She can help you to move past wherever you've gotten yourself stuck. I recommend Tanja whole-heartedly!"

~ Lisa Warner

“I Could Feel The Intense Energy Shifts And Clearings Throughout My Entire Body!”

“The activation was so powerful that I could feel intense energy shifts and clearings of old ways and blocks that were resulted in a beautiful release to my scattered state. Tanja’s kind and knowledgeable guidance gave me a new direction and approach to life which I feel will only blossom with time as I continue to work on myself in ways she provided.

I am optimistic that following her advice I can grow in a more positive, uplifting and beneficial attitude while attaining my intentions, hopes and desires. Tanja is a cool lady with so much to offer and I am thankful for her crossing my path."

~ Chris, FHTJ Team Member

Your Text

Your Text

Your Text

Package A

Discount: 87%

Total Package Value $1111

From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Package B

Discount: 91%

Total Package Value $2222

From Heartache to Joy



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

Package C

Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $3722

From Heartache to Joy



21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

Finding your own way to Freedom 60-minute deep dive 1:1 Private Session!

money back logo


Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after Remote Healing or first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Package A


21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Remote healing begins November 29th

In this 21 day - 24/7 remote healing package you will be held in an overflowing and continuous container of love, peace, calm, strength, patience, and healing. Each and every day for three straight weeks you will be receiving freedom and releasing fear according to your ultimate highest and best good in the following areas:

  • In your DNA and Ancestral Lineage
  • In your 3 brains - your gut, head, and heart
  • In your overall mental state, stress and automatic responses toward life
  • In your organs, tissues, and your body as a whole
  • In your inner child
  • In your past lives

It’s time to surrender the pain, sorrow, grief, guilt, suffering, loss, brokenness, inner-cages and prisons, the unspoken screams, and the unprocessed trauma and give yourself the gift of a fresh perspective, a clean slate, and a new sense of renewed freedom!

As you heal the world heals, as within - so without!

“I Felt The Energy Right Away From The Cord Of Golden Light… Cleared ALL My Old Energy… It Was GREAT!”

“My session with Tanja was great! She brought in Metatron’s Cube and a Cord of Golden Light. I felt the energy right away; the session cleared a lot of old energy that wasn’t serving me and helped me feel connected & closer to spirit. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tanja!”"

~ Laurice

“In Just ONE Session I Felt An Immediate Shift And A HUGE Lift From My Shoulders That Had Been There For 23 Years!!”

“I had been facing relationship issues for more than 20 years. I could see a loop/pattern in my relationships and felt it was time to end this, I worked with many different processes yet it still kept showing up.

Tanja helped me identify it in just 1 session. While I had been feeling that I needed to work on more forgiveness around my situation, but Tanja assisted me in identifying the underlying block by helping me understand that 'it’s not my job to fix everyone else'. I realized I have been doing this for 23 years in my relationship. It was an IMMEDIATE SHIFT and felt like a huge lift from my shoulders.

Tanja is amazing…. her process was beautiful. She genuinely wants to help people and she spoke to me like a friend, giving me much love and support in our time together. Much love and gratitude!"

~ Moenieba

“The Results Were INSTANT… I Now Feel Whole Again And Glorious!”

“I highly highly recommend this work! It is life changing and I really mean that! The results were instant and incredible... and if you are ready to live an empowered, focused, knowing what you want and deserve kind of life, then do not hesitate to book a session! You deserve to be whole and glorious!"

~ Mary Kathryn Medlock, New York, NY

“This Led Me Down A Path Of Self-Discovery And Personal Growth… I’m Now Traveling And Working Abroad With THREE All Expenses Paid Trips!”

“I worked with Tanja several years ago. That work led me to a year of traveling and working abroad and led me down a path of self-discovery and personal growth! I recently worked with her again on unblocking my limiting beliefs around receiving support.

Literally within a couple of weeks I have 3 all-expense paid trips, with different people booked in the next few months, in locations all over the world! I highly recommend working with Tanja… I am living proof that this really works!"

~ Amy Rocker

“My Expansion And Healing Transformation Was Incredible… I’m Stronger Now Than Ever Before!”

I feel capable, safe, self-sufficient, loved, accepted, and strong as a result of the work that Tanja did. I would recommend Tanja to anyone, no matter how advanced you are and especially to those who are advanced! She has a way to “heal the healer,” which unlocks new and profound messages and support often just outside of our reach.

It’s like she was able to put me into contact with the aspects of myself I was not in resonance with alone. A powerhouse transformation facilitator, Tanja can open doors to your expansion and healing transformation."

~ Anahata Holly Hallowell

“Connecting With My Guides Was Miraculous… This Has Truly Changed My Life!”

“I’ve experienced greater clarity and more confidence with total ease and grace! Tanja got to the core of the issue during our first session. Within a week or two the momentum, ease, and confidence to flow increased so much! I could sit back and let things go and now I don’t spend my time over-thinking about things the way I used to, I just go and do it!

My relationship with my guides has grown expediently and hearing their guidance to this degree has been truly life-changing! It’s been so great living life without the pull of indecision and uncertainty! Thank you Tanja for illuminating the road ahead of me and I highly recommend her to anyone on the path!"

~ James M.

“My Results Were INSTANT… I Could Feel The Shifts In My Energy Immediately And Now I Am Finally Sleeping Good Again!”

“I had been going through a low phase for more than 10 years, nothing was working for me with work, money, & home and because of this for the last two years I was unable to sleep well.

Tanja went way back in my past to what seemed like the beginning of time or the beginning of my existence. [It was really, really cool]. I could feel the shifts in the energy. It felt like my guides and angels were there and willing to bring in the upgrades. Tanja also worked with Light Language.

The results were near instant, my sleep improved on the very first night. Since then I have no problem going to sleep and if I wake up I can go right back to sleep. I feel better every day and I wake up more energized! I would recommend Tanya to anyone wholeheartedly."

~ Terry

“My Session Was SPOT ON… Straight To The Core Of The Issue!”

“I had my session with Tanja on 11/11 and she was great. After I told her about the situation I wanted cleared, she gave me a couple of images that were spot on. She saw through the outward impressions and went right to the core of the issue and that made me see clearly what was going on.

The meditation journey was deep and I just enjoyed being in different places and spaces calling back myself. Her team worked on different levels and the combination felt very comfortable and at the same time powerful. I will treasure the knowledge and tools that Tanja gave me and I look forward to the results that are coming and will continue to come.

I remember different things each time I go back into the space she helped me create, and see new truths every time. Thank you Tanja."

~ Elisabeth

Package A

Total Package Value $1111

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

  • EVERYTHING in Package A
  • Breakthrough Into Your True You Group Series


Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

It’s time to breakthrough into the most free Being you can be!
After receiving 3 weeks of remote clearings it’s time to bust out the resistance and uncover the maskless you!

Are you more aware of the masks you wear now because of what has happened in the last year and are you ready to take those off to see the world as your TRUE YOU sees the world?

Who is your true you?

Who is the maskless you?

In this sacred, safe, and powerful group class it will be your invitation to uncover these questions - to break down the layers of muck and masks in order to Break Open into unconditional trust as you move with the unknown. Knowing it’s safe to walk or run blindfolded, Spirit, Your Higher Self, and your entire non-physical team have got your back!

3 x 2 hour group sessions held over 6 weeks (to allow for integration time in between)

  • 1

    Clearing the way to Owning your Sovereignty

  • 2

    Transforming your relationship with fear and freedom

  • 3

    Activating your New Earth Freedom Codes of Light

Come away from this group class embodying the pristine inner wisdom that has always been shining through you, reconnected the spark of your Spirit, and ready to leap with faith toward that which is calling you to meet it!

Bonus: Breakthrough into the True You
Format: Live Q & A Group Call

Date: Sunday, Dec 12, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

“In Just 1 Session I INSTANTLY Felt Better… I Started Receiving Things With ZERO Effort.... AMAZING!!”

“As long as I can remember I have been feeling stuck, blocked from receiving the things I wanted most no matter what I did. The more I wanted something and felt it was right for me, the more impossible it was to achieve it, and it just got worse over time.

With Tanja’s work I instantly felt more solid yet lighter. The higher self-integration and other processes helped me tap into my own power. I felt better instantly and noticed continuing improvement over the next couple of days.

I caught myself feeling happy for no reason, and then I realized that the crushing loneliness I’d gotten used to feeling all the time had eased. I also started receiving certain things that I’d been wanting with no effort on my part: a new comforter, Bluetooth ear buds, etc. which makes me very excited for the larger desires to come into my experience as well.

I could feel the power in Tanja’s processes and a noticeable shift from them, and her energy is very welcoming, kind, and nurturing. The affirmations and advice from her guides has also been spot on. I would absolutely recommend Tanja and her work!"

~ Stevie

“It Was A Healing Journey… I Experienced A Really DEEP Release And Relaxation!”

“My session with Tanja was so interesting. She's very knowledgeable, compassionate, and insightful and she zeroed in on a few areas to work on. She took me on a sort of Healing Journey where I experienced a deep release, visions, and a deep, DEEP relaxation.

Thank you so much for the gift of the session! It was wonderful in and of itself and I'm curious to see the effects of these healing shifts that took place in the coming days!"

~ Becky Gillespie

“My Sleep Improved Dramatically And Depressive Thoughts And Patterns DISSOLVED!”

“I’ve been in therapy for over two years now recovering from PTSD and was beginning to lose hope that I could be helped. Within the first month of weekly sessions with Tanja I started to regain the hope and confidence I needed to commit to the work of healing. My sleep improved dramatically, depressive thoughts and patterns started to dissolve.

I was able to forgive my past and alleviate emotional triggers. I became more intuned with the ability to alleviate my stress and anxiety levels and recommitted to therapy as a space for empowerment. I recommend Tanja’s magical, healing work wholeheartedly and can’t thank her enough for her guidance and compassion."

~ L.K. Seattle, WA

“My Heart Pain Vanished… Healing Was Instantaneous And It Just Keeps Unfolding In Miraculous Ways… I Started Getting New Clients Immediately After My Session!!”

“One year ago my relationship of 16 years had ended abruptly. I had been able to heal a great deal prior to the session but I consistently felt a heart pain and I knew my energy was still wrapped up with the ex. I felt lost and still broken a bit. I had stopped working in my passion because I just didn’t have the energy or the drive. I wanted to liberate myself from both of these symptoms and experience.

Tanja helped me clear the bindings that held me to having others dictate my worth, my love, my value, and my work. She assisted me in fixing hijacked DNA that kept me in patterns of codependency and sacrifice. Tanja also helped me to integrate my highest self, my Goddess self, and take 100% ownership of my gifts and power in this lifetime.

Since this session I have found more fire to return to my work and of course I began to receive clients almost immediately. The biggest thing is, the heart pain has vanished. I now know it was not mine to carry anymore. I also don’t feel the ex in my energetic field anymore. It’s like he has vanished. I still have my memories but I don't feel sad or haunted. Now, honestly, I feel like his leaving did me a favor 🙂

The other great thing that happened is I can now effortlessly create healthier boundaries with people who usually tilt me. I know my worth, I love myself, and I feel solid and whole again.

My abilities and gifts feel on fire and spot on right now! It feels so good to come back to myself. The Healing was near instantaneous and it just keeps unfolding in miraculous ways. I would absolutely recommend this healer to everyone!"

~ Janice

“I Felt The Energy Exploding As It Entered My Body... Immediately Releasing Everything That No Longer Served Me!”

“In my session with Tanja I asked for financial clearings. This is something I have had issues with my entire life. Tanja did a quantum session with me. In the session I saw some angels that she called in including Archangel Gabriel who just came to help me. Tanja was able to pick up I had been doing a lot of work on clearing. I felt the energy entering me immediately.

There was a hose bringing things into me. And I also felt that some things that were not serving me left. I felt that energy explode in me... It was a good clearing! That night I had a very vivid dream. That was helping me integrate the rest of the session. I believe there is still some integrating happening. I feel good about the session and about my future. Yes I would recommend Tanja!"

~ Barbra

“Tanja Opened Up My Third Eye & Removed Abundance Blocks!”

“Tanja opened up my Third Eye and removed some blocks on abundance! I usually don’t feel energy but I felt her working on my Third Eye Chakra and my Pineal Gland. I feel more intuitive. I am beginning to see results!"

~ Michele Ann Langdon

Package B

Total Package Value $2222

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package C

  • EVERYTHING in Package A & Package B
  • 60-minute deep dive 1:1 Private Session!


Finding your own way to Freedom 60-minute deep dive 1:1 Private Session!

Each of these sessions is uniquely tailored just for you. Tanja and her Team of Light will be guiding through a series of clearings, activations, and downloads that will address your top concerns or specific challenges that you are currently facing.


  • Step into complete alignment with your core self and regain control of your center
  • Unlock your transformative potential--identify and let go of your primary fears
  • Reprioritize your energetic boundaries and release what is no longer serving you.
  • Together we will create an on-going action plan to help you to overcome challenges when they arise and to assist you in calmly navigating through uncertainty, so you can feel unshakable in the face of adversity

“In Just 1 Session I INSTANTLY Felt Better… I Started Receiving Things With ZERO Effort.... AMAZING!!”

“As long as I can remember I have been feeling stuck, blocked from receiving the things I wanted most no matter what I did. The more I wanted something and felt it was right for me, the more impossible it was to achieve it, and it just got worse over time.

With Tanja’s work I instantly felt more solid yet lighter. The higher self-integration and other processes helped me tap into my own power. I felt better instantly and noticed continuing improvement over the next couple of days.

I caught myself feeling happy for no reason, and then I realized that the crushing loneliness I’d gotten used to feeling all the time had eased. I also started receiving certain things that I’d been wanting with no effort on my part: a new comforter, Bluetooth ear buds, etc. which makes me very excited for the larger desires to come into my experience as well.

I could feel the power in Tanja’s processes and a noticeable shift from them, and her energy is very welcoming, kind, and nurturing. The affirmations and advice from her guides has also been spot on. I would absolutely recommend Tanja and her work!"

~ Stevie

“The Guided Visualization Was Priceless… I Could See What I Had Been Hiding From Myself!”

“What I asked Tanja to work on for me was my ankles and feet. I had been experiencing periodic pain, swelling and at times difficulty walking. She was very easy to work with and I did enjoy our time together. She had insights as to what she felt the issues were and shared her guidance with me.

I would recommend Tanja for someone who likes to have the experience of guided visualizations to delve into what may be hidden beneath the layers of our own self-protection."

~ Joanne Bishop

“I Got The BEST Sleep After My Session… Super DEEP & Sound Sleep, Plus I Am So Much Calmer Now!”

“My session with Tanja was wonderful… she can just perk you up! I had a few moments of deja-vu during the healing followed by a super deep and sound sleep. We worked on 'Separation' as per our conversation. Tanja told me that the healing will show in physical form as well in 5 days. I am much calmer now than last week. I will definitely share more as it shows up!"

~ S.K.

“My Session With Tanja Instantly Cleared ALL My Unwanted Energy!”

“My session with Tanja was very good; it instantly cleared a whole lot of unwanted energy and kept on clearing. I felt the energy moving in my body & I thoroughly enjoyed the Metatron Cube she called in. I believe that I am still continuing to clear as situations are revealed and I’m changing my actions and attitudes daily. I think more will come!"

~ Ana Cristina

“Tanja Instantly Identified The Root Of My Fear And Unease Replacing Them With Trust, Peace, Confidence And Excitement For The Future!”

“Despite working with many different healers on various issues from health, abundance to financial, for the most part of my life I still continued feeling very unsure, uneasy and fearful of the unknowns ahead of me.

Tanja instantly helped to identify the root of my fear and unease. Immediately my fear of the unknown and unease were gone replaced by peace, trust and an ease of mind.

I also began to feel more confident and excited to face what is ahead of me instead of fear and despair. After the session I walked away feeling the expansiveness from my being and a deep sense of calmness.

Tanja’s healing method and energy is very gentle, easy yet powerful. She is one of the best healers I have worked with over the years. I can really feel her spirit of kindness, generosity, love, care and genuine support for my healing and growth."

~ Sarah Tan

“My Session With Tanja Was Amazing! The Money & Debt Clearing Was Incredible”

“My session with Tanja was amazing. I asked her to work on money and debt as this is what was bothering me so much at the time. She did a clearing that was incredible.

She also told me about my healing gifts and that I am capable of being a medium. I was so delighted to know that I can communicate with my father who has passed away.

Her healing team came the night before to heal me this enabled me to get the best out of my session with her. The process was so vivid and I was able to see my father and give him a hug and kiss. She helped me heal stuff that was in my mom’s line and dad too.

I started the clearing feeling so sad and depressed and when it ended I was buzzing with energy.

I reached out later to Tanja again because I was feeling sad and empty. She was so kind and sent me good energy light and love. She also sent some things for me to listen to. She told me that the energy would be integrating for the next 2 weeks. I was able to feel the love and light she sent and my energy shifted.

I have never experienced a process healing session like this. She is so sweet and her work is amazing. I would highly recommend her and I’m going to definitely work with her again!"

~ Beronica

“After Only ONE Session... I Felt Completely Transformed And Lifted!”

I was able to immediately see some patterns that were not serving me and finally break loose from them for good... Just after day one! I am a natural healer, empath and intuitive. I practice my own brand of energetic work, infusing fine art with high energy frequencies. I felt called to work with Tanja to help me see some of my “blindspots” to assist me further in my power. I had been experiencing some roadblocks to receiving in my romantic life and career, within a few weeks I manifested a wonderful opportunity in my art career!"

~ A. A.

Package C

Total Package Value $3722

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will this program work for me even if I’m triggered by the subject matter?

The topics we are going to discuss will most likely trigger you in some way, and that’s okay! Life isn’t going to be the same anymore and everything that is falling away can feel scary. Once you are on the other side of any fears running there will be a natural shift in your energy. Becoming friends with your triggers can be done and Tanja wants to help you shift your fear into love and trust through this special group experience!

Q. I’ve tried so many different avenues to help myself shift without getting the results I’d like to see, how do I know this will help?

Every dollar you have invested in your growth, expansion, and empowerment has been a dollar well spent! I like to think of this like interest accrued in your self-care “bank account”. Some dollars spent were gifts, others may have been lessons, but each and everyone of them has led to where you are today! Sometimes it’s challenging to see the improvements you’ve made and in this program we are going to look at all the wisdom you’ve gathered and take a moment to honor your journey exactly as it is. Tanja is going to do everything she can to ensure this program is a gift to you that you’ll be able to reap the benefits of long after its completion.

“This Session Gave Me My Self Worthiness And Power Back... I Feel Fully Alive And Abundant In So Many Ways!”

“I had been experiencing financial blocks and lack of worthiness issues that I knew also had roots in past lives but I had no idea how to resolve them. When Tanja tuned into my energy... she immediately plugged into the core of the disempowerment issues and helped me to see, feel, clear, and heal them through her Quantum Light Cord Process! I finally got my power back that I had given up for sooo long!

I've now had two of Tanja's Transformational Quantum Cord Sessions and am so thankful our paths crossed. The transition phase after our sessions was smooth and I am now feeling fully alive and abundant! I appreciate how in tune Tanja is with the energy of others, with herself and how she maintains a clear connection with spirit which is very direct and to the point. I highly recommend working with her if given the chance!"

~ Amber, Kirkland, WA

“What I Thought Were ‘Unsolvable Issues’ Were Solved In Just ONE Session! This Was Incredible... BEST Session I Ever Had!”

“Prior to working with Tanja, I felt completely stuck to move forward. I was dealing with an unsolvable family situation and was having a hard time leaving my condo, even though I knew it was time to go. She was able to pinpoint and clear the blocks right away and I sold my condo within a month of our session for way above the asking price!

My family life has improved dramatically and the unsolvable issues were solved right away, I almost couldn’t believe it! I’ve had many readings and healings over the years and Tanja’s session was one of the best I’ve ever had. Life is too short to be stuck in a problem, being able to move forward is priceless and I highly recommend booking this session with Tanja"

~ Suzi Lambert

“This Was So Transformative That I’m Not The Same Person I Was Before My Session!!!”

Working with Tanja has been very transformative for me. I am not the same person I was when we began our work together! Tanja has helped me identify and release some false core beliefs about money and finances. Today, I have a new relationship and understanding about the frequency of money. I also have a love and appreciation of being in my body, accepting that my body is a unique gift, and I feel that I am meant to be here on this beautiful planet.

I could write a novel about my process of releasing lifetimes of grief and sorrow, feelings of abandonment and betrayal, and healing layer upon layer of my inner child. To see all of this behind me is a blessing beyond words. Tanja is insightful, compassionate and generous with her time and her gifts. I am deeply and profoundly grateful to co-create with her and to being fully embodied in these upleveled aspects of myself"

~ Barbara Szmyt

“In Just ONE SESSION… The Results Were Instantaneous!”

“Tanja’s Quantum Cord Process was extraordinary and complete... astral travel occured. I was literally transported instantly to the Sacred Space of my Heart. I unlocked an inner-power within me to stand in my power and value as a Goddess! It helped me remember the fullness of who I AM and the aspects of myself living in different dimensions which I now experience in my daily Life NOW!"

~ A

“That Low, Under-Current Vibration Of The ‘Unsolvable Situation’ Is Finally GONE! I Can’t Believe How Different I Feel NOW!”

“Tanja is a powerful healer, intuitive and coach, I am grateful from the bottom of my soul for the life-changing session I recently had with her. She is deeply insightful and has the ability to cut right through to the heart of any issue. I can’t believe how different I feel since then!

That low, under-current vibration of the “unsolvable situation” is finally GONE! If you get the chance to work with Tanja, do it! Give yourself the gift of receiving her support! She can help you to move past wherever you've gotten yourself stuck. I recommend Tanja whole-heartedly!"

~ Lisa Warner

“Changed My Reality And My Concept Of Myself… Unbelievable Transformation Happened In Just ONE Session!”

“I had an awesome session with Tanja that created unbelievable transformations! She guided me through powerful processes that changed my reality and even my concept of myself. That is, after releasing limiting paradigms, I gained a whole new concept of myself as a powerful being! What I really appreciate about Tanja is that she is firm and thorough… there is no BS, NONE!

Her intuition is profound and so accurate. I highly recommend a session with Tanja if you want someone to see through your own blind spots… and find out what is stopping you that you didn't even know was there! That's the amazing gift of Tanja's work."

~ Grace G. Hom, Alchemist, Quantum Healer, Speaker

“My Extreme Pain In My Wrist Was GONE Within Minutes!”

“On the day of my session with Tanja… my wrist, hand, and arm pain I was experiencing was so extreme that I couldn't even write. I didn’t really know if there was anything that could be done to help it. As Tanja and I were talking, she started to do energy work on it right away, I felt it get warm and then I was able to use it!

We also did a process that balanced my giving and receiving sides. I went from having a “small bump” of receiving and a “huge hill” of giving to a “mountain of receiving” that now matches what I give! AND my ability to receive with ease and trust has greatly increased. So many wonderful opportunities have been coming into my life and more money too!!!

It only took the time of our conversation for me to feel results and it's been over a month and the wrist is still good! Only occasional twinges from overuse. And YES! I wholeheartedly recommend Tanja and her work to anyone that wants fast and lasting change!"

~ Gwen Lepard, Mentor, Speaker, Healer

About Tanja James:

Tanja is a multidimensional healer and breakthrough alchemist who works with fellow healers, creatives, and heart-centered individuals who wrestle with stepping fully and freely into their authentic voice and power. Tanja assists her clients to stop holding themselves back and start trusting life and their intuition. Instead of not feeling aligned to their gifts or their next steps, Tanja supports them to rise into their full potential, inner-freedom, and sovereignty!

Her clients are able to leave the past behind for good and walk confidently into their future with joy, ease, grace, peace, and excitement.

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Total Package Value $1111

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21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

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Total Package Value $2222

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21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

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Discount: 92%

Total Package Value $3722

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21 Days to Freedom Remote Healing Package

Breakthrough Into Your True You Recorded Group Series

Bonus: Live Q& A Group Call

Finding your own way to Freedom 60-minute deep dive 1:1 Private Session!

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Package A, Package B & Package C: No refund after Remote Healing or first Group Session or session is taken, whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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