How to Shift EVERY Cell in Your Body from
Dis-ease to Ease Without Spending Hours and Hours in Healing Sessions.

If you want to eliminate ALL physical and emotional imbalances fast then watch this entire video below and keep reading because Dawn Kryztal will show you how to shift the electromagnetic energy in your biofield to address pain, anxiety, sleep, digestive issues and much more in less than 10 minutes a day.

Get Started Now And Save $100!

Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

What It Is:

  1. Whole-body tunings to slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.
  2. Each aspect of this energy healing focuses on a different area of your body- from your feet and knees to your brow and crown - to QUICKLY get rid of the imbalances that typically occur there.
  3. The healing dives far beneath the surface of emotional and physical issues to clear ALL the energetic "static" passed down to you through generations that permeates your DNA.
  4. Once inside this healing container, the energy will work to harmonize and balance your "CHi" or Life Force energy which allows your system to reach an optimal state of wellness and vitality.

Experience Powerful Vitality Tunings from Dawn by Watching this Replay Now!

I have had Insomnia most of my Life and after listening within a few days I sleep like a baby throughout the whole night. Thank-you so Much


My aches and pains have subsided and my energy feels lighter. I am more flexible. And an issue that I have had with my left knee for decades has improved so much that I now exercise with very little, if any, pain.


What It Will Do For You:

  1. Dramatic improvement in
    energy levels and overall health
  2. Clearer thinking and better sleep
  3. Drastically lower stress levels
  4. Eradicate all kinds of body pain,
    including chronic and persistent pain
  5. Feel happy, vibrant & alive
  6. Better blood circulation for
    optimal organ function
  7. Clear blocked systems for optimal function
  8. Improve health in vital organs
  9. Optimize metabolism to lose weight easier 

I feel more energized, vital and regular. Thanks again! You are a blessing to the world! Peace, serenity and blessings!


I purchased Dawn’s program which included a 30 day remote healing and I want to testify that I felt a tremendous amount of joy, energy, a strong sense of fearlessness.


How it Works:

  1. Immerse yourself in Dawn's therapeutic healing, a unique blend that not only elevates your spirits but also dissolves persistent energies in both your physical form and the enveloping biofield.
  2. Dive deep into a healing backed by profound results, addressing a vast spectrum of physical and emotional challenges - from fibromyalgia and autoimmune disorders to the emotional toll of PTSD, including its debilitating symptoms. Additionally, reap the benefits of an invigorated immune system.
  3. With the potent resonance of her "voice", Dawn fine-tunes your electromagnetic energy. By transmitting specific frequencies and vibrations, she targets and clears areas of resistance and unrest within your biofield.
  4. In the heart of her process, Dawn employs sound as her primary instrument, casting harmonious tones to dissolve bodily dissonance. This approach paves the way for a seamless electromagnetic flow, ushering you into a state of profound wellbeing.

Wow!!! This program healed my Redness and Bruising after my Surgery. I am so amazed that I don't even see any Scars!!!


I Love how powerful these modules are and short activations. I used to suffer from Fatigue, but my Energy has increased 100% in only one week listening to this program.


What's Inside the Vitality Tuning Program:

7 Powerful Vitality Tuning MP3's: 

Each MP3 is meticulously crafted to resonate with specific zones of your body, guiding you to holistic well-being. Dive in and let the tunings transform you.

  1. Vitality Tuning MP3 1: Foundational Zone Amplifier
    Embark on a journey to ground and balance your energy right from the foundation - your feet up.

    This MP3 allows you to release stagnations that have you feeling "frozen", enabling you to combat various challenges like pain, indecision, anxiety, and addiction. Experience a profound clearing of blocks, ensuring a deeper connection to Earth.

    Additionally, an upgrade awaits the soles of your feet, guiding you towards an alignment with your life's mission, coupled with enhanced foot circulation.
  2. Vitality Tuning MP3 2: Grounded Rejuvenation
    Dive deep into the world of your body’s electrical energies, aiming for harmony.

    This MP3 addresses the emotional ties binding you to early family memories, homes, and patterns of self-sabotage. Relieve physical symptoms such as Sciatica, hip pain, and sluggish digestion. Empower yourself with a recharged body's battery, grounding your “Life Force” energy.

    Throughout this MP3, a journey of healing old family wounds commences, setting you free from the chains of the past.
  3. Vitality Tuning MP3 3: Creative Flow & Abundance
    Navigate the realm of creativity, relationships, sexuality, and resource flow.

    This MP3 invites you to clear away old traumas, embodying your true essence. Eradicate detrimental patterns of guilt, shame, and victimhood, and pave the way to enhance your relationship with money, partners, and yourself.

    This is your chance to reprogram and realign your inner critic with your higher self, pushing forward into a world of endless possibilities.
  4. Vitality Tuning MP3 4: Electric Equilibrium
    Unlock the intricate energies from the deep-rooted connections of your parents, will, and innate drive.

    Confront and overcome challenges like digestive issues, fatigue, and allergies head-on. Witness a boost in your metabolism and a surge in your body's electrical system.

    This MP3 culminates in you achieving a state of personal empowerment, compassion, and an unwavering inner radiance, all while clearing any financial blockages hindering your progress.
  5. Vitality Tuning MP3 5: Heart’s Desire Harmonizer
    Master the intricate art of both giving and receiving love with grace and ease.

    Dive deep into your heart, releasing longstanding negative patterns of hate and despair. This MP3 promises an enhancement in your heart, lung, and diaphragm functions. Open the doors of your heart wider to receive boundless love, joy, and personal power.

    Experience a transformative journey as you remove ancestral and inherited heart walls, setting your spirit free.
  6. Vitality Tuning MP3 6: Divine Expression
    Create and shape your life through the power of your words and authentic expression.

    Unblock the channels of your voice, truth, and creative drive, tapping into a power until now unknown.

    Through Divine Sound Healing, experience an enhancement in your thyroid function, offering you the gift of guilt-free pleasure in eating.

    As a culmination, this module offers remedies and healing solutions to address teeth and neck challenges, ensuring you are in prime health and spirit.
  7. Vitality Tuning MP3 7: Crown Center Serenity
    Ground yourself in the present moment, letting go of the shackles of past regrets and future anxieties.

    Strengthen your bond with the Divine and the infinite Universe, pushing past challenges like head injuries, PTSD, and other stress-related issues. This MP3 ensures you navigate through life with unmatched ease, backed by improved sleep patterns and an unwavering presence.

    Daily, connect to the Universe’s reservoir of infinite possibilities, enhancing your intuition, guidance, and connection to God Consciousness, while clearing the clutter of the mind and amplifying focus.

30 Days Remote Healing:

Over the next 30 days, you receive powerful energy healing directly from the highest level of Divine energy from Source!

Dawn will specifically customize this quantum energy to help you clear your unhealthy physical and emotional imbalances for good!

This is tailored to your unique needs so that your healing will be maximized.

The healing quantum energy is sent 24/7...

That means the electromagnetic energy in your biofield is being worked on NON-STOP, even while you’re sleeping!

You’ll wake up feeling more energized, vibrant and alive.

Best of all, you don’t have to do a thing...

...just sit back and receive this potent energy healing.

Dawn uses remote healing techniques so you don’t have to lift a finger.

The more open you are, the greater the results – and you can start seeing it in MINUTES!


Stress Be Gone Activation MP3

Banish your stress in 15 minutes a day! This activation delivers magical results for people who are suffering from stress. You can play it and within minutes you will watch your stress levels go down.

You can use it as often as needed but no more than one time per day.

Bonus 2:

Prerecorded Group healing session with Dawn.

Listen to Dawn for a Deep Dive Group Healing to Clear all the residual stubborn imbalances affecting your health and life negatively.

All you need to do is SAY YES to receive this POWERFUL energy!

I am amazed by the "Source" energy in these mp3's. I can feel the old stagnated energies leave my body. I have never felt anything powerful.


When I first came across Dawn's work, she appeared too magical for me, like she was promising more than what was possible. But after working with her and her mp3's for about 6 months now- I can tell you I am off my antidepressants ( which has been a 20 year battle).


Get Started Today

Here is what is included in Vitality Tuning...

  • Vitality Tuning MP3 1: Foundational Zone Amplifier
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 2: Grounded Rejuvenation
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 3: Creative Flow & Abundance
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 4: Electric Equilibrium
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 5: Heart’s Desire Harmonizer
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 6: Divine Expression
  • Vitality Tuning MP3 7: Crown Center Serenity
  • 30 Days Remote Healing
  • BONUS: Stress Be Gone MP3
  • LIMITED TIME  BONUS: Additional 30 Days Remote Healing
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS 2: Prerecorded Group Healing Session with Dawn

Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

Start Date:

Vitality Tuning MP3's delivered INSTANTLY upon purchase.

30 days remote healing begins day after purchase.


You won't find this offer ANYWHERE else.

And it expires when the timer hits zero...

So don't delay!

The Investment:

Typically because Dawn's MP3's deliver such dramatic results, the usual cost is a minimum of $40 for any MP3. In this program, she is giving us 7 MP3's, which would cost you at the very least, $280. 

The bonus Stress Be Gone Attunement MP3 has a value of $200 because of its magical results...

Dawn's remote healing work is unique to her because it is COMPLETELY customize to YOUR NEEDS. Her regular price for this remote healing for 30 days is $147.

This makes the regular price of the program $674...

And Dawn's price for the FHTJ/Bliss Up community is $297...

But RIGHT NOW you can join for ONLY $197!

So you are saving $577 if you enroll NOW!


Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

From pain to extreme peace after listening to Dawn's healing MP3!


One of my friends is a yoga trainer and she told me before we went to.meditate with our group listening to your healing mp3's. She had a stressed neck and shoulders and had pain especially above the middle of her back.

After listening to your healing mp3, She told me that she was taken up with extreme peace.

The other members of our group felt totally happy! One of them was crying Joy! Some of them felt all their cells vibrating and I got a nice warm feeling as if I was wrapped in a warm blanket or Angel Wings.

They want to give you a Big Warm Heart-Hug! With all love, respect and gratitude and blessing dear sister!

In 2 days I lost 4 LBS!

Jana Boer

Do you know when in a good musical people sing whenever words cannot convey the beauty and complexity of emotions? it´s like only music reaches those heights that enter our hearts in a big way like Victor Hugo put it: Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent,and so when I heard Dawn for the first time I felt it.

Her sound healing may not be music but it still applies and with a spiritual touch. I had an issue with being overweight all my freaking life, no matter how hard I tried. No other specialised healer could facilitate healing for me(results) and I knew I had to keep looking.

I cannot say this enough but I am so thankful and blessed I came across her. She was who I needed. She is a powerful and ever so humble healer. I am in awe and I totally recommend her.

Needless to say the first two days after her monthly 30 minute clearing and a 2 minute mini healing I lost 4 pounds which I wasn´t able to shed even with two week´s worth of the strictest diets. I am not exaggerating, these were real results, in two days. If you haven´t booked a session with her yet. Go for it! You won´t regret it. Your time won´t be wasted.

Just listening to your MP3 only once, my sugar cravings have reduced considerably, my face glowing, my hair is considerably thicker and shinier.


I listened to one of your MP3's only once and my sister in law commented on how my face was glowing. She couldn't stop going on about it. I had not told her anything about your program so she had absolutely no idea that i was listening to your MP3. Also i have noticed that my sugar cravings have reduced considerably.

The other amazing thing that's happened was while listening to your hair, skin and nails MP3, i felt tingling on my scalp almost like little ants crawling on my head. Not a joke my hair is considerably thicker and shinier and this too after just listening to this your MP3 only once. Absolutely love your programs.

Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

Back pain immediately felt better. Sore throat went away.


I listened to the MP3 for back pain, and immediately my back felt better. I had a sore throat the other night, and listened to her throat to lungs MP3, and my the soreness went away.  I have to repeat these and, I think, do the rest of the program to get to a "final clear" - where pain does not return. One MP3 at a time though! Thanks Dawn!

I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees

Kathy Kirk

Dawn Crystal is a pure channel, meaning she is egoless in her work. She fully allows Source to move through her to client unobstructed and unaltered by any human ego mind distortions. I found myself fully able to trust and therefore open fully to Source Energies.

The next morning I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees.

Not only is my body healing, but the healing ripples from body up through my human mind, clearing out distorted thoughts, beliefs, mental constructs that caused the physical 'dis-ease' initially.

I loved working with Dawn. She is so True and Pure in her work, her intentions and heart. I am so grateful for her assisting me in finding the 'light' I could not identify alone.

I got my energy back!


Hello my name is Jeffrey, awhile ago I hurt my hip and after a long recovery time which included physical therapy and chiropractic work. I noticed I started to get low on energy.

By a chance meeting I met Dawn and with an open mind I scheduled an Energy rebalancing session with her. I believe that the combination of my receptiveness along with her energy soothing sounds made this a successful session.

Afterward I felt more at ease. I noticed I had more sustaining energy, and I didn't have the crash at the end of the day. If you are experiencing any type of sluggish syndrome and are looking for an alternative to medicine. I encourage you to give Dawn a try, I'm glad I did.

More money coming in and less stress!

Jay Wilder

I just got Dawn's MP3s on Abundance... and, I am seeing results... that is, more money coming in and less stress..... during her 10 minute recordings time seems to stop..and, when they are done.... I feel like it has been 1/2 hour and I feel so different about money.... better different...... Thanks Dawn... you be rocking and rolling.....


Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.